An interesting scenario for a preschool worker's day. Scenario for a festive concert dedicated to Preschool Worker's Day. Teachers who have been working with the group for more than one year come out

Anna Penkova

Colleagues, maybe you will find our ideas useful, which can be used for performing at an adult party for Preschool Worker’s Day or a kindergarten anniversary.

Pedagogical fashion.

The costumes for the demonstration were made in one day from scrap materials. Unfortunately, there are no photographs preserved, and the video recording is of poor quality, so I will comment on our version of costume design as the action progresses.

In our difficult times, despite the lack of funds, every woman wants to look good, be dressed fashionably and originally. We present to your attention a collection of clothing models for every day and for festive events, developed by the creative team of our kindergarten.

The first model is "Nursery". (A white robe, hung with all kinds of handkerchiefs, rattles in the pockets of the robe) For those who work with the youngest pupils. Many handkerchiefs create a flying silhouette when moving. In addition, handkerchiefs are always at hand if you need to tidy up your child’s nose. The model is complemented by pockets in which many sounding toys are hidden that attract the attention of kids.

Model "Gifts of Autumn" (The skirt is made of large cabbage leaves, there is a necklace of ranetka apples on the neck, the bodice of the dress and the hairstyle are decoratedleaves and twigs of rowan) It reflects all the beauty of this wonderful time of year. The production uses mainly natural materials collected at the dacha, in the park, in the forest. The model is partially edible, which helps protect against vitamin deficiency.

Model "Sports" Sportswear is always in fashion, it does not restrict movement, is comfortable, free, elegant. We present winter and summer versions of this model. The shoes are also comfortable, the step becomes wider, the gait is “flying”. In these shoes, you can easily catch up with departing vehicles, go shopping, get to work much faster in the morning, and in the evening you can be home in the blink of an eye to prepare dinner on time for the whole family.

Model "Caprice". (scraps of various shapes from multi-colored knitwear) Made from scraps. Combinations of different tones give the model lightness and grace. Pay attention to the shape of the patches. With their help, you can reinforce in children such mathematical concepts as “circle”, “square”, “oval”, “triangle”. The model becomes more elegant if it is complemented with decorative exotic hair accessories, for example, multi-colored shoe laces. These decorations can also be used in a practical way: if a child’s shoe lace breaks, you can always find a suitable replacement.

Model "Educational" (numbers and letters fromcolored self-adhesive) Designed specifically for teachers of senior and preparatory groups. Bright letters and numbers on this model attract the attention of kids and contribute to the involuntary acquisition of the basics of literacy and counting. The model is complemented by an elegant pointer in the hair, with the help of which the teacher checks the children's assimilation of educational material.

If during the five-minute lunchtime it was announced that you urgently need to go to a cleanup day, but you don’t have work clothes at hand, a model can help you out "Subbotnik" (in a black 100 kg garbage bag, slits are made for the head and arms - it turns out something like a dress, colored bags are put on the head, arms and legs, tiedcolored satin ribbon with a bow). The costume is complemented with bright multi-colored bags for shoes, gloves, and scarves. In such clothes it is convenient to pick grass, paint a fence, cut down trees. Shoes, clothes and hands will remain clean, and the skin will be soft and tender.

How can you decorate a boring dress or update an old suit? Of course, with what kindergarten employees always have on hand: napkins and toilet paper. If you choose the right combinations of colors and shades and spend a minimum of time, you will get a new dress or suit. The model is especially convenient during corporate parties: everything you need is always at hand. (This costume was the most beautiful due to the selection of napkins in white and blue tones)

Thus, with imagination and minimal costs, you can always look original, elegant and fashionable.

Song of Salaries

(“Hands up”, “Take me quickly”)

The soloist was given a crown with the inscription “Salary”, the inscriptions were attached to the dress: “Salary”, “Incentive payments”, “For experience”, “For category”, “Bonus”, “20%”, “15%”, etc. .

Take me quickly

Take it home quickly

Don't go to the store

Distribute according to your mind:

Pay for the apartment

And blow away all the debts,

Pay off all loans

Put it on your mobile

Give it to your husband for gasoline

And don't get discouraged yet,

Don't forget about the children,

Pay for them quickly.

Look at me

Wipe away bitter tears,

Go get groceries

And get into debt again.

They say I'll get bigger

And they will pay you without cheating,

And all your merits will be taken into account,

They say I'll be better

I will never stop surprising you

I will grow and get stronger,

Here I am, today is your holiday!


Today we have a very important and pleasant reason to gather in this bright and cozy room to forget our home problems for a while. Today is our holiday - Preschool Worker's Day. Well, the “heroes of the occasion” are all assembled, the presenters are in place, we have music, we also have plenty of talent... Then... let's begin!

to the song by E. Vaenga “I wish”? Subtext by E. V. Kislitsina:

1. Today is a beautiful day -

We have a holiday today.

And the entire kindergarten team gathered in the hall.

And there's no need to talk

Everything is clear

That both flowers and songs -

Everything is for you!


We wish you to be healthy

And so that over you

The sun was shining brighter

Than in Madagascar,

So that they live to be a hundred years old,

So that they don’t know grief,

And so that your children

You were made happy.

2. We wish everyone peace,

We wish everyone prosperity.

Good health

We wish you with all our hearts!

Preschoolers salary

Let them add more often,

And they reward us with bonuses!


1st presenter:

Educating is a good calling!

Love, understand and, of course, forgive,

Be an example in everything, show compassion...

To educate means to give something to others.

2nd presenter:
We are educators
We are obligated
Love for your profession.
We have a task -
All our knowledge is
For raising children.
And our head will tell us about our successes in raising children.

Rearrangement to the melody of `Blue Car`

1. There is a legend that in distant years

God once took pity on people.

To brighten up their difficult everyday life,

He decided to give them children.


And the girls went, and the boys went,

This white light was filled with laughter.

There are dimples on the cheeks, chubby fingers...

It's a pity there are no wings behind my back!

2. The devil forgot about sinners out of anger

And I didn’t sleep for five thousand years in a row,

Moved his brains furiously

And yet he came up with a kindergarten.


Evil spirits were unleashed

And according to statistics, seventy out of a hundred -

Not angels at all - real devils,

All they need is horns and a tail!

3. Hardly stuntmen, testers

Or animal trainers

They will say that the work of educators

At least a little calmer than my own.


But we don’t gasp, and we all love children,

Although they are not angels, although they have no wings...

Spinning and spinning in the Ferris wheel

From evening to morning we live without troubles!

2nd presenter. There are many different professions. But someone has dreamed of becoming a teacher since childhood.

Sketch for teacher's day.

(boy, two girls - disguised teachers)

I want to be a businessman.
I'll be very cool.
I will travel by car
I'm on black and big!
I will be terribly busy, business meetings...
In general, I'm very tired
I'll come home in the evening!

1 girl
Then I'll become a model!
I'll be wearing makeup all day.
For us models, early in the morning
I'm very, very lazy to get up!
I'll be wearing dresses all day
Try on and try on!
And when I get tired, I lie down,
I'll just rest.
Well, what about you, Polina?
Do you want to become one in the future?

2 girl
I listened to you, now
I'm embarrassed to say out loud
I want to be a teacher.
Work in a kindergarten.

Cool too! I am my son
I'll bring you to your group!
Cause I trust you
You will love him!
If you can help the garden,
You can call me.
When I grow up, I’ll give you my number.
I'm a cool businessman!

1 girl
Well, then your daughter
I'll give it to your group.
You know there are so many of us
Such tired mothers!
There is no time to study
Stick something and read.
But I just know that I will definitely trust you!

Boy and 1 girl
Yes! We may be cool
Meetings, people, cities.
But without Polinka's work
We can't go anywhere!
There are many professions needed,
But one is more valuable than the others!
We love you very, very much,
Family educators!

Teacher's poem

(Kanyukova S.V.))

Early in the morning I go to kindergarten,

Yellow leaves fall under your feet.

The ones that make me happy every day.

Those who cry, laugh, play pranks,

Those who look into my eyes trustingly!

I love my preschool children so much,

I look forward to meeting them every day!

Yes, sometimes I grumble about my work,

I am dissatisfied with my salary.

And of course I'm tired,

But the guys don’t know about it!

I am an ideal example for them.

I am a fairy tale, a song, and a joke.

So that none of them find out,

I want to be silent for a minute.

I'm waiting for my saving vacation,

And when I meet the baby,

He runs to me like his own!

I understand that I miss you very much!

This is my job

I wouldn't trade it for anything!

And of course I love her

For the eyes that they trust me so much!

1st presenter: Yes, children are one story, but parents are a completely different story. And this is our next story in the song.


I went out to the locker room, saw my mother,
suddenly I got a nervous shiver...

You go ask for what you want, what you want, 2 times
maybe he will, maybe he will give you whatever you want.

We are raising children, they need a lot -
The kids need this and that.

You tell me, you tell me, what do you need, what do you need, 2 times
Maybe I’ll give you, maybe I’ll give you whatever you want.

We need napkins and we need paper,
to wipe children's butts.

Well, I’ll give you paper, but you don’t need napkins - 2 times
You can wipe your mouth with your sleeve.

We should raise money, because they need toys,
Look, there's nothing to play with.

Well, if there is nothing to play with, then there is no need to play, 2 times
sit them down to draw.

We would be happy to draw, but where can we get albums?
and we've run out of paint again.

The year before last I brought you everything, 2 times
and you have nothing to draw with again.

Where can I get a sponsor, tell us, people?
Yes, such that he could tell us:
You tell me, you tell me what you need, what you need, 2 times
I can, I can give you everything.

1st presenter: And such stories, of course, are not uncommon in our lives. Therefore, there is an individual approach not only to children, but also to their parents, who are not at all interested in whether you have time for rest, for your family, for your loved ones. But close people are very interested in this question.

Othello and Desdemona

(Attributes: for Othello, costume elements, a large spoon. For Desdemona - a bag, a laptop).

Othello: I hear steps! Finally my wife is home and will cook me dinner!
I'm fucking hungry, Desdemona!

(Opening laptop) Othello! I don't have lunch! I've been in kindergarten for two days without a break! Programs! Plans! Contest! Lists!

Othello: I really have no time for jokes, dear, our refrigerator has been empty for a long time!
I'm just dying of hunger!

Desdemona: I was in kindergarten, but not at the cinema!

Othello: What's in your bag? What, plans again? You brought it home, woe is me!

Desdemona: I see that your nerves are not all right! You even screamed in your sleep yesterday!

Othello: Listen, Desdemona, it would really be nice to have a snack now!

Desdemona: Othello, I ate in the garden! It's bad for you to eat at such a late hour!
But if you really want, you can, honey, fry some eggs, just yourself! You see, I’m working, my love, take three eggs there, they’ll be enough for us!

Othello: What three? I ate two yesterday!

Desdemona: Well, okay, fry yourself one!

Othello: But the refrigerator is empty!

Desdemona: Well, I do not know! Where could it suddenly disappear to?

Othello: Listen! I also have a job, but I can’t think of anything because I’m hungry!

Desdemona: Oh, darling, come up with something, really! Start cleaning and your hunger will disappear!

Othello: My hunger is tireless! Is it really so difficult for you to go to the store?

Desdemona: There was a check in the garden, dear, and in fact, you could buy your own food!

Othello: You're looking at the computer! Only you see him! Work is more important to you, not family! Have you prayed at night, Desdemona? (Strangles)
Die, unfortunate one, die, my love!

1st presenter: Of course, this is a joke, but every joke has some truth. Now bathe our artists in applause.
Today we congratulate not only ourselves, but also our beloved veterans.

2nd presenter:
Veterans of the preschool world,
Having given themselves to children,
You are heroes and idols for us!
We praise you today, lovingly!

You, remembering kindergarten with a sigh,
Even though you hide the tears in your eyes,
But wrinkles appear on the forehead,
Gray cobwebs at the temples...

We sincerely remember and love you:
You glorified yourself in deeds,
We also love children
And we work in kindergartens.

Our boys will also grow up,
And they will go along adult roads...
...There is no need to forget veterans,
Let the years fly and run.

(Kirillova Lyudmila Vasilievna.)

1st presenter:
The first of October, a holiday not old age
And the heart does not feel tired.
This is maturity in everything and always,
This is an experience of great work.

For us, your age is a mystery.
You are always wonderfully good.
We wish you all the hardships in life
Sweep away with the effort of the soul.
Your slogan is to live, despising fatigue,
It probably gives you strength.
And so that the mystery remains, -
You get younger every year.

Let's applaud our guests and give them a little more good mood.
Today is your holiday, and we are glad that you came to us.

2nd presenter:
Wind of new changes
I also touched my grandmothers.
And over the years they need to become younger and younger.
Go to football with my grandson
And you'll have to go to a rock concert.
To teach computer science,
Everything is not easy for them.

1st presenter:
What does a modern grandmother look like?

Most often, this is a young woman who has a job she loves and sees her grandchildren only on weekends. There are grandmothers who leave work to help raise their grandchildren and take care of the house. They pamper their grandchildren and protect them from all difficulties.

Sketch “Meeting of two grandmothers”

(The roles are played by two teachers dressed as old women)

1 grandmother:
Hello, my dear! Won't you go out for a walk?

Grandmother 2:
What are you talking about, I haven’t done my homework yet...

1 grandmother:
Which lessons? It’s been a hundred years since you finished school, right?

Grandmother 2:
Yes? What about the grandchildren? Nowadays it is very fashionable to do homework for your grandchildren. I want to try it, although it’s probably terribly uneducational.

1 grandmother:
What is this? Yes, I’ve been doing homework for my grandchildren all my life.

Grandmother 2:
Is it true? Are you spoiling them like that?

1 grandmother:
I'm not spoiling! You know how strictly I am with them. I’ll do my homework, but they always copy it out themselves.

Grandmother 2:
Yes... you are really strict.

1 grandmother:
That's who I am!

Grandmother 2:
Well, if it’s not difficult for you, check how I learned the verse...

There is a green oak near the Lukomorye,
Golden chain on oak volume.
And day and night the dog is a scientist...

1 grandmother:
Wait, what dog?

Grandmother 2:
Well, I don't know what breed he is, maybe a bulldog, maybe...

1 grandmother:
Yes, not a dog, but a scientist cat! Understood? Cat!

Grandmother 2:
Ahh, I understand. Well, I'll start first then.

There is a green oak near the Lukomorye,
Golden chain on oak volume.
And day and night the cat is a scientist,
He goes to the grocery store with a string bag.

1 grandmother:
What string bag, what grocery store, where did you see this?

Grandmother 2:
At the circus. The clown's cats don't do that yet.

1 grandmother:
Oh, that’s it, I don’t have the strength with you, I’m chatting, but I still have so many lessons, and I have to not be late for the choreography club.

Grandmother 2:
Are you still dancing at that age?

1 grandmother:
It’s not me, but my granddaughter who attends art school, and I also have to master it.

Grandmother 2:
Well, show me at least one movement, maybe it will be useful to me.

The dance “Old Grandmothers” by Muses is performed. V. Dobrynina

1 grandmother, 2 grandmother:
For grandma's grandchildren -
Very important!
Grandmother's grandchildren -

2nd presenter:

We hope that you will always have such a good mood as you had today at our holiday! Let your hearts not be touched by sadness and sadness. Nothing will darken your smile. Be happy and give joy to children. May your Guardian Angel always be with you!

Song Guardian Angel

Evgenia Konopelko
Scenario for the holiday “Preschool Worker’s Day”

« Preschool Worker's Day»

Fanfare sounds. The presenter comes out to the middle of the hall holiday.

Ved:Dear friends, every year in September it is celebrated Day of Preschool Education Workers. And today we sincerely want to congratulate all the employees of our kindergarten on this holiday.

Through bad weather and through the years,

Despite the backbreaking work,

Without demanding the reciprocity of nature,

Preschool workers are walking.

They bring warmth and joy to children,

Both knowledge and beauty of life.

All children's questions will be answered

From morning to evening, constantly on duty.

They work for a modest salary

Often forgetting about family.

And in children memory will be the best payment,

Which they will leave about themselves.

1. Song:“And I’m a teacher”- the teachers sing.

1st Educator: There are many different professions in the world,

And each has its own charm,

But there is nothing more noble, more necessary and more wonderful,

Than the one by whom I'm working.

2nd Teacher:We - preschool workers, it is obligatory for us,

Love for your profession.

We have a task - all our knowledge,

For raising children.

1st Educator: We are glad to meet you today and we will sing more cheerfully,

We wish happiness and joy for all our guests.

Let our parents smile kindly at us more often,

After all, we are all second mothers to their little children.

1st reb: Need to holidays give due attention

We are Let's celebrate Education Day again!

2nd reb: Celebration of all preschool children, holiday of education,

Who made efforts for the joy of children!

3rd reb: It’s time for us to congratulate everyone holiday of enlightenment,

Health and goodness, joy and fun to everyone!

2. Song: "Kindergarten"– preparatory group.

Presenter: Educator - sounds proud! They are the ones who devote themselves entirely to raising children, sparing no effort and time, who do not know the words "Don't want", "I can not", "I do not know how" who knows how to love children no matter what, who loves his work and everyone rushes here day, to continue to live for them, the kids, and to be needed by them...

Because the It's a holiday for us, special, then, of course, I also want to do something special for you, dear teachers... Attention to the screen!

Slide show: "Educator"- against the background of the song.

Presenter: Now accept congratulations from your students.

1st reb: Teacher! Beautiful word!

It sounds very loud and proud.

With day preschool worker today,

The kids are in a hurry to congratulate you!

2nd reb: Dreams are not easy for you - that's for sure!

We get naughty sometimes

But today we promise you,

Never upset you!

3rd reb: Smile, you are our dear ones,

Let the fatigue leave your eyes.

May luck guide you through life,

We wish you good health now!

4th reb: Don’t be sick at heart, don’t grow old,

After all, you can’t take away your enthusiasm!

Educators! We are your children

We are ready to give you our hearts!

In chorus: Congratulations! Congratulations!

We dedicate the song to you!

3. Song: "Educator"– preparatory group No. 4.

Presenter: From morning to evening in kindergarten,

They are like bees, accustomed to work!

In their groups, cleanliness comply:

That's why everything glitters and sparkles there.

Food will be brought to the group on time,

They will feed the children and give them supplements.

Without them, the teacher is simply in trouble!

You always need a helper nearby!

Please accept congratulations from the middle group guys.

1st Reb: For the first time I came to kindergarten, like in a fairy tale -

And the fairy tale remains like this for a long time turned out to be:

I found friends, beauty and goodness there,

And the nanny turned out to be a fairy for us!

2nd reb: In her golden and beautiful hands,

Any the work will seem like a miracle.

She’ll also serve semolina porridge,

So it's impossible to answer "I won't"!

In a beautiful and affectionate fairy tale.

Thank you from mothers and children,

For your care, patience and affection!

Presenter: Please accept congratulations from the senior group guys.

4. Song: "Baby tooth"- senior group.

Presenter: All our employees take care of the health of children in kindergarten, and each, for his part... Medical examination, menu planning, nutrition are directly related to their health. And the issues of healthy and tasty nutrition are related to the timely preparation and storage of products. And these wonderful people are behind it. Attention to the screen.

Dear women, the little babies of our kindergarten congratulate you.

5. Dance: "Dolls"- junior group.

Presenter: I would like to say a huge thank you for the conscientious work, from the children, from the parents, to such kindergarten employees How:our laundry workers: To the always responsive housekeeper, the Carpenter, our master, has golden hands; janitors, constant security guards of the kindergarten.

For you a musical gift from the guys from the group "Watercolors".

6. Song: "Walk with Strollers".

Educator: These teachers are called kindergarten specialists.

This is an integral part of the teaching staff of the kindergarten.

They are masters of phonograms,

Concert holiday programs.

All children have talents:

Singers, dancers, musicians!

In the performances the roles are played by

And they perform a lot.

These are not big words:

Music directors: lady: “La-la-fa!”

Educator: The girl I want to talk about is

Modest, hardworking and responsible.

Teaches lessons of tact for everyone,

And he never seems to get tired.

She has advice for everyone,

And radiates light with a kind smile...

Kindergarten psychologist

Educator:There is only one woman in the team,

She is beautiful and full of energy!

Teaches physical education to children

Our glorious preschoolers.

He cares about their health,

And he will achieve success in doing so.

Leads vocational work,

Physical education instructor.

Litvinova Lyudmila Konstantinovna.

The guys from the group "Smeshariki" congratulate our specialists on holiday and prepared a humorous skit:

7. Scene: "My family"- preparatory group "Smeshariki".

Presenter: Clerk –

This is not a paper grinder for you,

And not some paper scribbler,

He is as important as a teacher!

Will issue all certificates and various benefits -

There is a lot of paper in the kindergarten work!

Presenter: Who is in charge seriously

The whole household? Our caretaker!

In whose hands always skillfully

Is any matter controversial?

She's always fine

Paint, brooms, notebooks,

And on the New Year's tree

He dances and sings with us!

Presenter:Teaches teachers

Like with children work better,

In what direction

Advance in learning

How to develop children's speech

Protect from mistakes

Convincing, eloquent -

Our permanent methodologist!

Presenter: To be the manager,

There's a lot to love:

Mountains of different documents,

Numerous disputes

Heating, walking,

Accounting back streets.

Know what's in the kitchen, in the yard,

What kind of stains are there on the carpet?

But there is only one duty,

And she is the most important thing.

And this is what it sounds like -

You just need to love children.

Word from the Manager.

Presenter: Dear friends! I would like to congratulate you once again on holiday all the employees of our kindergarten, who give the warmth of their hearts to children every day. May your kindness and professional skill transform everyone day for children in kindergarten in day of joy and happiness.

Dance: "Flash Mob"- the teachers dance.

Presenter: Dear friends! Congratulations again on holiday all the employees of our kindergarten, who give the warmth of their hearts to children every day! I am confident that your kindness and professional skill will transform everyone day for children in kindergarten in day of joy and happiness.

Goal: To create a joyful mood in children.


  1. Educational – introduce a variety of professions in kindergarten;
  2. Developmental – consolidate and expand existing knowledge about professions through game moments;
  3. Educational – to instill in children respect for the work activities of adults.

Participants: children of senior and preparatory groups, teachers and kindergarten staff.

Form of conduct: formal and gaming.

Preparatory work: Conversations about the diversity of professions in kindergarten.

Teaching children to solve riddles about kindergarten professions.

Looking at paintings from the series "Professions" .

Reading poems about professions.

Making gifts "Owl" for kindergarten employees.

The progress of the holiday

To the soundtrack "Give a smile to the world" children enter the hall.

Presenter 1. Hello, colleagues, happy holiday, friends!

Today is a special day, you can’t forget about it!

Today in this hall have gathered everyone who makes the life of a child in kindergarten interesting and rich, comfortable and safe. On September 27 we all celebrate the holiday "Preschool Worker's Day" . And the guys and I want to solemnly congratulate you.

I wish you all well,
Lots of light and warmth.
Wonderful children
There are many bright days in life.

Always be healthy
Always be happy.
Respect from colleagues,
Many creative victories.

Child: Our favorite kindergarten is a cheerful planet,
It has become a common home for us, there is always a lot of light here!
Child: Where kind smiles greet us in the morning,
Where we know no sadness, no boredom, no sadness!

Child: Today, kindergarten, we say thank you,
And we thank all your employees a hundred times!
Child: Check out the kindergarten!
Yes, everyone is happy to see -

The toys are neat here,
They stand like a string.
We sing and we dance
In general, we live happily.

We go for a walk together.
And we are growing little by little!
Song “It’s good in our garden”
Child: Why are there so many guests?

Are the chandeliers lit festively?
Congratulates teachers
Our favorite kindergarten.
Child: I'll tell you a secret,

I am always sure of that...
Teachers and children are true friends!
Child: Teachers and nannies,
And of course the cooks

Please accept congratulations
Right from early morning!
Good holiday is on the doorstep,
The best day of the year

And a sea of ​​good smiles to you as a reward for your work!
Child: Congratulations to everyone today,
Who dedicated his life to children.
Health and wellness to you!

Lots of joy and strength!

Educator: And now, I want to invite our distinguished guests and our children to join us. I suggest you play. A kindergarten team competes against a team of children.

Playing with the ball: We line up in a column one after another, feet shoulder-width apart, first pass the ball below between our legs, trying not to lose the ball, and return the ball back at the top, raising our arms up. Whoever returns the ball to the team's start the fastest wins.


We are happy to congratulate you today
All kindergarten employees:
Teachers, doctors,
Nannies and cooks!

Child: And the caretaker quickly,
Our laundress, watchmen -
Everyone who lives here with us,
He gives his heart to children!

Child: 1. There are various holidays throughout the year
And today is your holiday!
Employees gathered in this hall,
Everyone who greets us in the morning!

Child: 2. Who teaches order in the morning,
Who is the science that opens the world to us?
Who will teach us how to do exercises,
Heals bullies and bullies.

Educator: Truly creative people work in our kindergarten - our teachers. We have kind assistant teachers and a cook who cook deliciously, a nurse works next to them who monitors the health of the children, a janitor and a laundry worker keep the preschool clean, and we also have a wonderful head. Thanks to her leadership, it is warm, cozy, and comfortable for children and parents. The manager's word.


Every day needs care
At the head of our
Very difficult job
We say thank you to her

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Child: We have gathered in this hall,
Joy, giving each other meetings,
Today we will give you a song

On this bright day of September!

Dance "Rosy cheeks"

Educator: And without children there would be no us - teachers and all the kindergarten employees.

Child: There is no more beautiful profession, even go around the whole world!

Cheers to all teachers!
Success, peace and goodness!

Child: You are always friendly, attentive,
So sweet and caring always!
Happy holiday, dear teachers!
I wish you happiness for many years to come!

Child: 1.From morning to evening in kindergarten.
They, like bees, are accustomed to work.
They keep their groups clean,
That's why everything glitters and sparkles.

Child: 2. Bring food to the group on time,
They will feed the children and give them supplements.
Without them, the teacher is simply in trouble!
You always need a helper nearby!

Educator: Once again I want to invite you to play, but first, I want to ask a small question, is it addressed to teachers. How many heroes are there in a fairy tale? "Turnip" ?

Educator: That's right - six. I invite six employees and the same number of children to join us.

There were two teams. I explain the rules of the game. Imagine that you are the heroes of a fairy tale, but we will not be dragging a turnip, but a carrot. There is a hoop in front of you, with a carrot in the hoop. The first player runs, runs around the hoop, comes running, takes the second player by the hand, runs with him around the hoop, returns for the next player, and so on until the last player. And when there are six of them running, the first player pulls the carrot out of the hoop on the way back and together everyone and the carrot return to their place. They align their column beautifully and raise their carrots up.

A game "Pull out the carrot" .

Child: We are a little fidgety
We're causing you trouble.
That's a torn knee,
The forehead is a little broken.

You don't sit idle:
Place some drops in your nose and rinse your eyes.
You know how to be kind
Treat our abrasions.

Child: All her children are talented:
Singers, dancers, musicians.
In the play the roles are played by
And they perform on stage.

Child: The caretaker has a lot to do,
Everything needs to be provided for.
All work, all repairs
Be on time on time.

Child: They always have "boils" Job!
They are full - full of care.
Calculate everything according to the recipe,
Know what to connect with what.

Come up with "new" salad,
So that it is rich in vitamins.
To be on time, to cook everything on time -
It's better to feed the children.

No culinary talent here
There will be no use.
Child: On an ironed sheet
In quiet times we rest our backs.

On a snow-white pillow
Sleep comes peacefully.
She washes all day long
And the laundry doesn't go away.

Either doctors or cooks.
This is a fresh mountain.
Child: Who shovels snow in winter?
In autumn - foliage?

Someone walks around with a big broom
Early in the morning?
Our kindergarten is clean
In summer and in frost,

Because it's top class
The janitor is a virtuoso!

Dance "I'm going on stage"

Educator: There is no country of childhood on the globe - no matter how hard you look, you won’t find it. There is no country of smiles and flowers, no country of holidays, music and sports. But... if you close your eyes and dream a little, you can see...

Child: Our favorite kindergarten,
It's full - full of guys.
And today they are themselves
They perform in front of you!

Child: Hello, our dear ones!
You are not strangers to us at all!
Congratulations on your holiday
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you:

Don't grow old, don't get sick,
Sing songs with us.

Song “Oh, how good life is in kindergarten”

Educator: Our holiday has come to an end, we once again congratulate all the preschool workers who give the warmth of their hearts to children, we wish you patience and prosperity, as a sign of respect and in honor of the holiday, we want to give you small gifts made by the hands of children - these are owls. The owl is a symbol of wisdom, you are very wise, please accept it as a sign of gratitude.

Holiday "Preschool Worker's Day". Scenario for congratulating children.

Target: Creating a positive mood, expanding children's ideas about professions in kindergarten.

To the music “Our Favorite Kindergarten” Children from the preparatory group enter the hall.

Kindergarten employees are invited to the hall. To the applause of the children and guests, the kindergarten staff take a lap of honor around the hall and take their seats.
Presenter: Hello colleagues, happy holiday friends!
Today is a special day, you can’t forget about it!
Today in this hall have gathered everyone who makes the life of a child in kindergarten interesting and rich, comfortable and safe. About 141 years ago, the first kindergarten in Russia was opened. On September 27, we all celebrate the holiday “Preschool Worker's Day. Congratulations, dear employees!
Child: Why are there so many guests?
Are the chandeliers lit festively?
Our beloved kindergarten congratulates the teachers.
Child: I'll tell you a secret,
I am always sure of that...
Teachers and children are true friends!

Child: Congratulate the teachers
On this holiday we want
On this day, with all our hearts we
We say thank you!
Child: For care, education,
And for this kind look,
For love and understanding,
Our little guys!
Child: Who leads at the beginning of life,
Our very first lesson?
Well, of course, teacher,
He is our first teacher!
Child: We want to congratulate you all,
On this holiday from the heart,
Thank you very much,
We will announce it on this day!

Children sing the song “Our Teachers”

Presenter: Our kindergarten “Yelochka” has existed for... years and now its first graduates are bringing their children to our kindergarten.
We have kind teacher assistants and cooks who cook delicious food, a nurse works next to them who monitors the health of the children, a wardrobe maid and a laundry worker keep the preschool clean, and we also have someone who doesn’t sleep at night, talks to parents, and worries about everyone. Head Raushaniya Fairuzovna. Thanks to her leadership, it is warm, cozy, and comfortable for children and parents. And now we give her the floor.
Congratulations from the manager.

The readers come on stage, sit on chairs and talk.
1 girl: My years are passing by,
I'll be 17.
Where should I work then?
What should I do?
Boy 2: Maybe you’ll run for mayor?
Boy 3: Better become a carpenter.
Boy 4: No, go to kindergarten quickly.
You adore children, don't you?
1 girl: I love it!
Boy 4: Do you respect mom and dad?
1 girl: I respect you!
4 boy: Well, go to GORONO. It's been waiting for someone like this for a long time!
1 girl: Why?
Child 5: Apply for a job,
Go back to our kindergarten.
Will you play with the kids?
And receive a salary
1 girl: What’s the salary?
6th child: Honestly, it’s not big,
But honor and glory!
Child 7: Respect - teacher,
Doctor, cook or nanny -
Respect everyone, my friend,
But the responsibility is great
1 girl: Which one?
All: Wow!
1 girl No! I won't go to kindergarten
I'll find a quieter job.
Children's noise all day long,
Screams and quarrels here and there.
Don't sit down, don't move away,
You can go so crazy!
Child 3: Cook porridge and compotes for them.
Every day there are only worries.
Who should be punished?
Plans to write day and night.
4 child: Okay! What do you! Stop it!
After all, we have a holiday here!
And today, in this room
We will reveal the secret for you.
All: To work in the garden, to live,
We must love all children!
We promise – when we grow up, we’ll come to work in kindergarten!
1 girl: I will be the manager,
I won't forget about you, kids.
Girl 2: I’ll go be a nanny,
I'll put things in order here.
Boy 3: And I will be an uncle......
I will plan and saw here.
Old toys, chairs,
I will glue and fix!
Child 4: I love delicious things.
I dream of becoming a chef.
Girl: I haven't decided yet
But I'll be back for sure...
A medic or a speech therapist.
I'll think about it some more...
Child: I'll tell you for sure, friends,
I will become a teacher!
I'll go to college to study,
This will be useful in life.
Child: Well, we decided, friends!
Let's all go to preschool,
We'll come to work at the kindergarten.

Music is playing. The children take their seats.
Presenter: These are the kind of students growing up in our kindergarten.

Congratulations from methodologist L.V.

Child : Where it is always warm and clear,
Where is it cozy for kids?
Our beautiful island of childhood!
Kindergarten will give us!
Preparatory girls performing "Dance with Flowers"

Presenter: Guys, you all love fairy tales. Let's see if adults know fairy tales. And you help, suggest.
A game is being played with the employees “Favorite Tales”

(Choose several people. According to the principle of edible - inedible: everyone lines up, for each correct answer - a step forward)
Elevator for evil spirits (pipe).
Character bursting with laughter (bubble).
The personification of the family that Pinocchio poked his nose at (hearth).
Winnie's friend is Pooh, who was left with a tail (Eeyore).
Commander of 33 heroes (Chernomor).
Cave master key - spell (Sim - sim, open)
Detail of a woman's dress in which lakes and swans are placed (sleeve).
The Tsar's radar is a couch potato who is tired of military affairs

Artiodactyl labyrinth for Tiny - Khavroshechka (Cow).
A reward for a feat, which is given in addition by the kings (half the kingdom).
A reliable means of orientation in fairy-tale situations (tangle).
The most friendly communal apartment (teremok).
Seven wishes on one leg (seven flowers).
Ungrateful listener of songs (fox).
The name of the great English glutton (Robin - Bobbin Barabek).
The highest achievement of fabulous catering (tablecloth - self-assembled).
The traditional dish of Enikov is Benikov (dumplings).
The roundest fairy tale hero (Kolobok).
Fluffy boot owner (cat).
Baba Yaga's residence (hut on chicken legs).
The presenter sums up the results and names the winner.

Child: Congratulations on Teacher's Day
We have come to you today.
Wish you great success,
So that they teach better than us.

Child: Our teachers are
This is simply top class!
Put on the heels
Like fashion models!

Child: Our teachers are
These are just awesome!
We like them very much
And besides, they are beauties!

Child: The sun hid behind the houses
Leaving kindergarten.
I tell my mom
About myself and about the guys.
Child: As we sang songs in unison,
How they played leapfrog
What we drank, what we ate,
What did you read in kindergarten?

Child: I'm telling you honestly
And everything in detail.
I know mom is interested
Know about how we live.

Children of the preparatory group perform the song “Our Garden”

Presenter: This is how interesting we live in our kindergarten.

Child: We are happy to congratulate you today
Milestones of kindergarten employees:
Teachers, doctors,
Nannies and cooks!
Child: And the caretaker quickly,
Our laundress, watchmen -
Everyone who lives here with us,
He gives his heart to children!
Child: There are various holidays throughout the year,
And today is your holiday!
Employees gathered in this hall,
Everyone who greets us in the morning!
Child: Who teaches order in the morning,
Who is the science that opens the world to us?
Who will teach us how to do exercises,
Heals both bullies and bullies.

Presenter: And here our mothers are quickly hurrying here,
They also really want to congratulate us all!
Moms: 1.Dear kindergarten employees!
Every day early in the morning
We're hurrying here
Because our children
You will always be welcome here!
2. We, mothers, will calmly go to work,
We know that the kids are in good hands,
For our children and for your care
We are grateful to you from the bottom of our hearts.
3. We are on a professional holiday,
We congratulate everyone from the bottom of our hearts.
Everyone who “burns out” at work,
Who do kids love so much!
4. Everyone who cares and feeds,
Who dances and sings with them.
Laundry washes, protects
And he answers with his head.
And it develops their intellect,
He gives his whole soul and heart!
Musical number from parents.

Presenter: M sCongratulations on the holiday to all the employees of the preschool institution, who give the warmth of their hearts to children every day! We would like to thank you for your hard work.

We wish everyone health and happiness,
Life is bright, beautiful, brilliant,
In personal life, love, understanding,
Good luck at work!
And now our holiday has come to an end.

Everyone leaves the hall to the music.