Competitions for teachers on teacher's day. Funny Contests for Teacher's Day

Tasks for an inquisitive mind

At the beginning of the competition, each participant is given a pen and a sheet of paper in a box. Then they are given a task to " test". There are 3 tasks on each sheet. For all correctly solved tasks, the participant is given a five, for 2 correctly solved tasks - a four, and for 1 correctly solved task - a triple. The winners of the competition are announced excellent students.

Task examples:

1) Hard puzzle
If the puzzle you solved before this one was solved was more difficult than the puzzle you solved after you solved the puzzle you solved before this one was solved, then was that puzzle solved before this puzzle was harder than this puzzle? .

Correct answer: yes, it was.

2) 5 pieces of chain
There are 5 pieces of chain, each with 3 rings. Determine the smallest number of rings that will have to be unforged, and then forged, to connect these pieces into one chain.

Correct answer: 3 rings. It is necessary to completely unforge one of the chain pieces and use 3 rings to connect the remaining four pieces of chain.

3) Potters and merchants
All the inhabitants of one city were potters or merchants. The potters have always told the truth, and the merchants have always told lies. One day, all the inhabitants gathered in the square and each of them said to the others: "You are all potters!" How many merchants were in this city?

Correct answer: There was 1 trader in total, because:
a) if there were no merchants, the potters would have to tell the truth that the rest of the inhabitants are potters, which contradicts the conditions of the task.
b) if there were more than one merchant in the city, then each merchant would have to lie about the fact that the rest were potters.

funniest phrase

The competition is suitable for both teachers and students themselves. The facilitator invites the participants to remember the most funny quotes from student writings funny sayings teachers. You can even divide all participants into 2 teams: a team of teachers and a team of students. The winning team is determined by the applause of the audience.

You can add to the list of quotes with the following:
Belinsky was right in his letter to Gogol, but Gogol was to the right in his letter to Belinsky.
"Rodion Raskolnikov killed the old concubine"
"Andrey Bolkonsky took part in the Battle of Borodino, as he wanted to glorify the Soviet Army"
"I am not a man (woman), I am a teacher"
"Just give you a reason to get into something, and you immediately begin to enjoy it"
"Abraham Lincoln belonged to the years 1809-1865"
"We look at a notebook with one eye, we write with the other hand"
"You don't have a tongue to knock on?"
"Brains move silently"
"Don't Turn Your Head"
"Just don't make surprised hand movements"

Mentor's view

During the teacher's party, you can host a talk show. It will pass with a bang even during the feast. The most popular teachers in the school are invited to the microphone. It would be nice if they were teachers different generations. Colleagues are offered one of the burning school topics(make-up of high school girls, etc.) With a high degree of probability, we can assume that young teachers will be condescending to this phenomenon, while older teachers may have their own views on this issue. At the end of the show, a vote can be held to determine which side the viewers like.

Anatomy in song

All contestants are divided into 2 teams. Each of the teams within a certain time is invited to remember as many songs as possible in which any parts of the body or organs are mentioned. For example, you want to find songs that have words about the heart. Such songs can be both songs of Russian performers ("Silk Heart"), and songs of foreign performers ("Unbreak my heart"). An important condition In order for this or that song to be counted, the whole team must perform it together. The team that remembers wins the largest number songs.

The smartest teacher

This competition is suitable for young teachers or students of pedagogical universities. All contestants are divided into 2 teams. For example, it can be a team of "lyricists" (sociologists, historians, writers) and "physicists" (physicists, chemists, mathematicians). The game is very similar to the famous game " Fun starts", but the tasks here are thematic. For example, participants need to write down a given text while holding a bully in their hands or holding textbooks, or overcome any obstacles while holding chemical flasks or a globe.

Bad translators

The game is suitable for English teachers who like to test students' knowledge on holidays. All contestants sit in a circle. Then one of the players comes up with a small phrase and whispers it to one of the two participants sitting on different sides From him. He says the same phrase to the participant sitting on the other side, only this time the phrase should sound on English language. This neighbor (for example, the neighbor on the right) translates this phrase into Russian and tells it in a whisper to his neighbor on the right, already in Russian. All this continues until the phrase reaches the last participant, who loudly calls the phrase in the language in which he heard it from the first player (if necessary, he will need to translate the phrase).

Stages of preparation.

First: the longest stage is the development and implementation of a table layout with two buttons and light shades to determine the responding team.

To solve this problem, I studied the profile of schools and colleges in our city, then, having decided on the educational institution, I agreed with the master of the installers course, Melentyeva N.N., on the manufacture of the necessary device. She and her guys designed an electrical circuit, and they assembled a table with two buttons and light shades.

Second: preparation interesting questions. To implement this stage, I visited the site of the game "One Hundred to One", where I chose questions that were interesting, in my opinion.

Third: a survey of university students and processing of the results.

For this, I agreed with the teacher of the university Egorova G.S. and she conducted a survey among students on these questions, and then I began to process the results. Moreover, more questions were taken for the survey, so that it was possible to choose the most interesting and unusual answers, as well as in the case of a prompt from the audience, so that it was possible to replace the question.

Fourth: team gathering, jury selection.

The holding of this game was a surprise for the teachers, they were invited to it directly from the hall. The team of students, these were young people of the senior classes, and the jury members were agreed in advance.

Between the game, numbers prepared by classes were inserted

The entire event took place within 40 minutes.

Conducting the game.

The goal of the participants in the game "One hundred to one" is to guess the most common answers of people from the street to the proposed questions, which cannot be answered unambiguously objectively, "One hundred to one" - team game. Each player must express his opinion, offer his own version, but victory (or defeat) goes to the whole team as a whole.

Rules of the game

The game is played by two teams, each consisting of five people. The entire gameplay consists of five "games" - a simple game, a double game, a triple game, a reverse game, and a big game.

An important role in the game is played by the scoreboard, which displays the six most popular answers to questions (initially hidden) and three miss indicators. IN big game the scoreboard contains five lines, each containing two versions named by the players and the number of people who answered the same way.

The game begins with the introduction of the team. The captain introduces the participants, and the participant introduces the captain.

Questions were collected on various topics, the survey was conducted at Vladimir University among students of 1-3 courses, so that the participants did not know the questions and answers in advance. Two teams are playing - the teachers of our school and the boys of the senior classes.

simple game

A simple game begins with a "draw". Team captains approach a special table with two buttons. Then the host announces the question, after which each participant tries to press his button faster than his opponent.

The one who managed to do this calls his version of the answer to the question. If the version is on the scoreboard, the corresponding line opens (when the line is opened, the number of points written on it goes into the “game fund”; the number of points is equal to the number of respondents who named this version). If this version turned out to be the most popular among the respondents and was on the first line of the scoreboard, the presenter continues to play with the team whose player gave the correct answer. Otherwise, the second participant in the draw tries to answer. If his version turned out to be more popular than the previously named version (located on a higher line of the scoreboard), the move goes to his team, otherwise the game continues with the opposing team. In the event that none of the two versions is on the scoreboard, the draw is repeated, but the next team members compete.

Having determined the team, the leader proceeds to the main part of the game. He in a circle interrogates the players who name the answers to the question. If the version is present on the scoreboard, it opens and the points corresponding to the version go to the “fund”, if it is not there, the team is credited with one miss. The game goes on until all six lines of the scoreboard are open (in this case, all points from the "fund" go to the team's account), or until three misses are scored.

In the latter case, the host conducts a so-called blitz survey with another team. Starting from the end, he learns four versions of the answer to the question from the four team members. Then the captain must choose one of the versions of the members of his team or offer his own. This version is searched for on the scoreboard. If it is, points from it are added to the "fund", which then goes to the team's account, if it is not there, the "fund" goes to the opponents.

At the end of the game, the host opens the remaining lines.

Double play and triple play

Double and triple games are played in exactly the same way as simple game, with the only difference that the points for each guessed line are doubled or tripled, respectively. Another difference is that the draw is not held between the captains, but between the second and third team members, respectively (if the player has already participated in the previous draw, the next participant in order goes).

Game in reverse

The game, on the contrary, differs from others in that it is most profitable for the team to guess not the first line of the scoreboard, but the fifth or sixth.

The question is called, and the teams are given 20 seconds for a meeting, after which the captains name the answers. Command versions do not have to match. The first team to answer is the one with the lowest number of points at the start of the rally.

Then the host opens the scoreboard. If during the opening process there are versions of teams, the points are immediately transferred to their account.

Questions in the game, on the contrary, begin with the word "Most ...", "Most ..." or "Most ...".

Big game

The big game is played by two players from the team with the most points throughout the program. Before the start of the game, they agree among themselves who plays first and who temporarily goes backstage.

After that, the first participant in the big game is given 15 seconds, during which he must answer five questions. For each match of the player's answer with the answer on the street, the "fund" of the big game receives a number of points equal to the number of votes for the matched answer.

Then the second player returns from backstage. He does not know the questions and answers of his colleague, as well as the points received for them (however, the state of the “fund” is not hidden). In 20 seconds, he answers the same questions, and if his answer coincided with the first, the player must name another version. The points for his answers are then calculated and added to the "fund" in the same way.

As soon as the “fund” reaches 200 or more points during the big game, the game stops and the team is declared the winner of the game.

TOTAL. The team of teachers won, but they failed to score 200 points in the big game.


Simple game.

1. What animal is born from an egg?

Chicken - 20

Lizard - 5

Dinosaur - 3

Double game (points are doubled).

2. What kind of mail is there?

Electronic - 14

Russia - 9

Fast - 8

Pigeon - 4

Field - 1

Triple game (points are tripled).

3. Who maintains order in the country?

President - 18

Police - 9

Janitor - 8

Government - 3

Man - 2

The game is reversed (you must guess the most unpopular answer).

4. Who wears a helmet?

Builder - 30

Miner - 60

Soldier - 120

Fireman - 180

Motorcyclist - 240

Big game (five questions, 15 sec, 20 sec for the answer).

5. What fruits have seeds?

Apple - 27

Peach - 21

Orange - 8

Apricot - 6

6. Who disturbs sleep at night?

Neighbors - 23

7. What insects are most often killed?

Mosquitoes - 28

Cockroaches - 15

Butterflies - 3

Sticky - 1

8. What did the cat steal from the table?

Sausage - 19

Sausages - 12

9. What is the school like?

Average - 20

Russia - 16

Primary - 12

General education - 6

Teacher: Schoolchildren are cheerful, sociable people and will not miss the opportunity to joke, play each other and their teachers, have fun from the heart, especially in Holy holiday Teacher's Day. And let this fun be facilitated by fun lessons that will take place in a few minutes. The grading system also "asks" to be unusual. Let knowledge and skills be assessed on a five-point scale of jokes (i.e. sweets, chocolates, stationery - paper clips, buttons, pencils, etc.) For each completed task, participants receive their corresponding number. The most successful "students" will receive the title of "Prankster 20 ..". The schedule of cool lessons is as follows: 1. Russian language. 2. Mathematics 3. Foreign language 4. 5. History


Assignment for teachers

(Russian language teachers are called in. They have to write a dictation on the blackboard, but each word of the text must be written, placing all the letters in the reverse order, although they will be pronounced as usual)

No, I won't die
Soul in the cherished lyre
My ashes will survive
And decay will flee
And I will be glorious
How long in the sublunar world
At least one piit will live.

(A.S. Pushkin. “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands”)

(The written dictation is slowly read aloud)


(Mathematics teachers are called - they are given cards and they are preparing)

- Out of every 2575 losers, one becomes a school principal. How many losers will make 14 school directors? (36050)
- Lift capacity 450 kg. 2 first-graders of 20 kg entered the elevator. each, 2 third-graders of 25 kg. each, 3 fifth-graders of 40 kg. each and a math teacher who weighs as much as 1 first grader, 2 third graders and 3 fifth graders combined. Will the elevator go up? (400)
- Archaeologists of the distant future will unearth two petrified diaries with a large number of petrified twos. In Kolya's diary they will find 224 petrified twos, and in Tolin's - ? the number of these twos. How many petrified twos will archaeologists find in two diaries? (280)
Assignment for teachers

- Derive the formula for student happiness
- Prove the theorem on the interdependence of the life lines of classmates and their intersection on a time interval of length school life and beyond.
- Justify the postulate about the impossibility of equality of the sides of the school love triangle
- Answer the question: does the dividend recognize itself after division if, before dividing, the dividend is multiplied by the divisor?


Assignment for teachers

(Teachers are called foreign language. They are invited to translate an excerpt from the second chapter of A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky", previously translated into the language of youth slang by V. Trukhin. One paragraph is read out - the teacher tells close to the text)

“Having gone to the town, Andrey Gavrilovich hung out with his balabuza friend, stumbled upon him and in the morning threw the bones into the mentor. Everything was pure purple. Then Kirill Petrovich taxied. All the sixes immediately jumped up and put their handles under the locators. The hillocks hung out with him according to the laurel, as the coolest authority, pissed off the chair, in short a paragraph. And Andrey Gavrilovich perched swiftly against the wall. Then an awesome kochum came, and the secretary uncovered his noodle gun and drove the pontyar that both the bungalow and the whole estate should be unfastened to the bull Troyekurov.
The secretary shut up and, on the tsirsli, came to Troekurov, gave him a wave, and Troekurov waved with a delay. It's time to catch up and Dubrovsky wave, and he roams.
Suddenly he lifted the dyundel, slitted it, stomped on the blank, and so marred the secretary that he naturally made a layer, scooped up the inkwell and threw it at the assessor. All natural, overstretched. And he overlaid everyone with a multi-party, ran over Troekurov, in short, screwed everyone up. Throwers ran in, put out Dubrovsky, packed him up and threw him into a sleigh. Troekurov with his sixes also taxied out of the office. The fact that Dubrovsky’s mind went crazy at once strained him to the fullest and broke off all the buzz. ”


Balabuz - entrepreneur
Pulling is pleasure
Bugor - an influential person
Awesome - Significant
Bungalow - house
To tremble - to be horrified
Dundel - head
Plast make - fall
Extinguish - soothe
Chase pontyara - give deliberately false information
Workpiece - leg
Basement - come, come
Marmarzefanit - hit
Wave - sign
Kidala - security guard
According to the laurel - good, excellent
Kochum - inaction
Uncover the noodle gun - start talking nonsense
Xiva - document
Dirty - uncomfortable
Stay overnight - spend the night
Hang out - meet
To strain - to make an unpleasant impression
Roof moved out - go crazy
Overlay multi-party, run over, screw up - scold
Town - city

Break off the buzz - spoil the celebration
pack - tie
Give away - give
Violet - don't care
Unfasten - give away
Six - a person who is subordinate to someone


Assignment for teachers
Six squares are drawn on the board.
(A teacher and three children come out. Each square is a word from the line of the song. Teachers and students take turns calling the number of the square - a word fits into the square. Participants sing a fragment of the song with this word; then the next rectangle, the song is played; until all the squares are solved)





(A teacher and three children come out. Children take turns asking the teacher questions.


1. Do you believe that school means "leisure" in Greek?
Yes. But the Greeks understood by leisure not idleness, but free conversations with sages-philosophers about various sciences during leisure hours.
2. Do you believe there are higher educational establishments, whose names in Latin mean "universe", "world", "whole world"?
Yes, these are universities, derived from the Latin word "universum".
3. Do you believe in Ancient Greece Those who taught were called teachers?
No, a teacher was a slave who took the child to school and monitored his behavior.
4. Do you believe that in the old days a student was called a dunce who read a given lesson with hesitation?
Yes. In the old gymnasiums, a student who did not prepare a lesson and read a book haltingly was derisively called a stutterer. In Latin, a stutterer is a balbus, hence the Russified version of the word “stupid” came from.
5. Do you believe that the teacher's requirement to "know by heart" goes back to the days when they demanded that the text be so perfectly hardened that it would fly off the teeth?
No, this saying arose from the custom of checking the authenticity of gold coins and other products from precious metal. Knowing by heart literally meant getting the necessary knowledge with the help of one's own tooth.
6. Do you believe that when in ancient times people used the expression: “hack on the nose” in addressing each other, they had in mind a cruel ancient custom in especially important cases, make a mark on a person’s nose?
No. The nose here does not mean the organ of smell, but a commemorative plaque, a tag for notes. In ancient times, illiterate people always carried with them such tablets with notches made for memorization. They are called the nose.
1st: Dear teachers! We truly appreciate, love and respect you. And in the lessons we listen to you very carefully. And some of your phrases even learned by heart. In alphabet order

A- And now there will be a cut of knowledge!
B - Don't come tomorrow without your parents!
B - Everything I say goes past your ears
D - Let's go without "let's"!
Z - Shut up muttering!
And - And where is your second shoe?
N - Need my help, please, but - on your own!
O - Again "deuce"?
R - Since I'm talking, everyone is silent!
C - How much can you say not to sit on the windowsill!
T - So what interests you more? What I'm saying, or the dead dove flying over the school?
E - This test will be in January of this month.
I - I also know how to read a textbook with one eye and look at the teacher with the other.
: And once again, Happy Holidays to you.
1st: Happiness!
2nd: Health!
3rd: Energy!
4th: Enthusiasm!
5th: Have a good mood!
6th: Capable students!
7th: Responsible parents!
8th: Loyal administration!
9th: Optimism!
10th: And a big salary!
Diploma to our beloved teacher
Diploma the best teacher for what you
- the most excellent teacher!
although it happens that you put other ratings
- you are behaving provocatively!
every lesson call us to the blackboard
- the most wonderful!
always notice our successes and shortcomings
- the most daring!
that is, with chalk
- the most responsible!
know the answer to any question
- the most decent!
call us to order in the lessons and breaks
- the most sensitive!
always feel who is not ready for the lesson
- the most unforgettable!
never forget what homework
- the most inquisitive!
love when we all know
- the coolest!
in every sense of the word
And now also the most literate - now you have a diploma!

Festive KVN for Teacher's Day

Vedas. Dear our teachers! Today our country celebrates a wonderful holiday - Teacher's Day! This holiday is yours, and therefore your students. Teacher's Day is a national holiday, because all people were students, and each person had a teacher, without whom his whole future life could not have been the same, to whom he is indebted. Only over the years do we understand how much patience, energy and effort our teachers spent to raise us as worthy people!

Say thanks to the teacher

Openly, from the heart!

Its off the school doorstep

Meet the kids.

And year after year, friendly class,

The teacher is leading us.

He believes in what is not in vain

Give your love

Ignite hearts, spread wings

native students,

That knowledge is not covered with dust,

And gold at your feet

Fall humbly with a full bowl

May it be destined!

Say thank you. In our life

This teacher is everything!

Provision of the jury - students of the 9th grade: Karazhegitova Anita, Karazhigitova Anelya, Sitekov Arman, Dosumbaev Azamat.

Vedas. So, command representation. 3 teams of teachers are called to the stage! Introducing our teams: name, motto and emblem of the team. This contest is not rated.

1 competition "Comic questions"

  1. Why the student is kicked out of the class (Out the door)
  2. What brainless heads are always needed? (Pin)
  3. In what month do women gossip the least? (In February)
  4. When are fools smart? (when silent)
  5. What can a person not live without? (No name)
  6. Which branch does not grow on a tree? (Railway)
  7. How many nails does a well-shod horse need? (Not at all)
  8. What happens to a red silk scarf if you let it go to the bottom of the sea for 5 minutes? (Will be wet)
  9. What will a crow do after living 3 years? (The fourth will live)
  10. Why does a hunter carry a gun? (Over the shoulder)
  11. Where can you find dry stone? (In a river)
  12. When do people have as many eyes as there are days in a year? (January 2)
  13. What do you never get tired of doing all your life? (Breathe)
  14. A hunter walked past the tower, and there was a clock on the tower. He fired. Where did he get to? (To the police)
  15. In what popular work is the hero assassinated three times and only the fourth time he dies? ("Kolobok")
  16. Which of the actors was the first to play the role of the auditor in the comedy "The Government Inspector" (No such role)
  17. Why buy new boots? (Because they are not given for free)
  18. Why does a fox look back when a dog or a wolf runs after it? (Because she has no eyes on her back)
  19. Continue the song with the first word: when, where, why, why, who, what.

2 competition "Depict"
Teams take turns drawing cards with the names of animals, birds, fish or insects, and the whole team must depict this living creature. It is difficult to determine the winners here, but on the other hand, a lot of laughter and fun awaits you, imagine, for example, what a team depicting cockroaches or woodpeckers will look like.

3 competition "Geographic"
The competition requires a globe. Team captains take turns spinning the globe, and without looking at it, poke their finger anywhere. Now the task of the team is to draw on paper as much information as possible about the country that the captain hit with his finger (if the captain gets into the ocean, he chooses the country closest to this point). It can be locals, nature, sights. The team that draws the most detailed picture of the selected country wins.

4 competition "Musical"
Homework. Each team takes turns showing musical number. Artistry, originality, clarity, quality are evaluated.

5th competition "Depict a fairy tale"
Each team is given a story. You have 5 minutes to get ready. Then show a dramatization of a fairy tale.
1 team - Kolobok
2 team - Turnip
3 team - Teremok

6 competition "New Russian school"
The student in the role of the teacher, the teacher in the role of the student act out the scene in the lesson. The task of the "teacher" is to get the diary, the task of the "student" is not to give the diary.

7 competition "Exam"
Mathematics Calculate the money offered to you, at the same time clearly and quickly answering my questions


  • Your full name?
  • When were you born?
  • How many years have you been working at the school?
  • What is today's date?
  • How many years until 2009?
  • What are your children's names?
  • What color is the sun?
  • Capital of the Czech Republic?
  • What color do you like?


  • Who is your friend?
  • What class are you in?
  • What is twice two?
  • How old are you?
  • What holiday is today?
  • How is your mother's name?
  • What is the name of the math teacher?
  • How many years will you finish school
  • What is your name?

Russian language
Say it right: call, miserable, rust, quarter

(we call the names of poets, writers)
Alexander Sergeevich (Pushkin, Griboyedov)
Mikhail Mikhailovich (Zoshchenko, Prishvin)

(I call the event - you are the date, I am the date - you are the event)
1380 (Battle of Kulikovo)
June 13 (Independence Day)
First World War (1914)
Decembrist uprising (1825)
- We call "Yes", "No"

Do you believe that watermelon is a berry (Yes)
Do you believe that the infusoria is a slipper italian shoes? (No)

- Do you believe that Newton is a great French scientist? (no) English
- Do you believe that diffusion is the penetration of one substance into another upon contact? (Yes)

8 competition "Pantomime"

Teams learn things from each other.

9 competition "Who is who"
I give photos of students to teachers, photos of teachers to students. Find out who is who.
Warm-up for teachers
Modernized Proverbs
Musical competition "School songs"
dance competition
(perform after the leader, correct movements and activity are evaluated)
Black box ( school affiliation) (pens, notebooks for gifts)