Statuses about age. Funny sayings and short phrases about age

Women have no age. They are either young or old.

Sasha Guitry

You can't trust a woman who doesn't hide her age. Such a woman will not hesitate to say anything.

Oscar Wilde

The fate of a modern woman: before thirty you prove that you are already an adult, after thirty - that you are still young.

Felix Krivin

Getting used to your age would be very easy if it didn't change so often.

Zhanna Golonogova

- You will not give your 40 years ...
- I won't take it!

It’s not my age that terrifies me, but the age of my peers.

A woman is young as long as she is loved.

Gustave Flaubert

The world is ruled by the young - when they grow old.

Bernard Show

At 45 - Baba berry again.


Age is not a merit or a virtue.

Brun Silver String

I don't know how old she is, but she looks older.

Yanina Ipohorskaya

How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?

Wayne Dyer

Within ourselves, we are all the same age.

Gertrude Stein

The age of a person is divided into three stages: “Childhood. Youth and ... "You look great!". There is, however, another fourth stage - quite sad - "You are doing great!". So I want to stay longer in the third age.

Mikhail Zadornov

She is still thirty-five years old since she was forty.

Oscar Wilde

When a woman reaches thirty, the first thing she begins to forget is her age; and at forty he is already completely erased from her memory.

Ninon de Lanclos

Midlife crisis: living with one, sleeping with another, and want a third. A person has no age, there is a state of mind.

Valentina Bednova

Not only don't say how old you are, but don't even say how old you look!

Yanina Ipohorskaya

A woman ages a year every three years.

Maurice Donnet

All women are young, but some are younger than others.

Marcel Achard

Count your years in money and you will see how little it is.

Magdalena the Pretender

One of the few consolations of old age is that you don't get bored with life insurance agents anymore.

The secret to eternal youth is to live virtuously, eat slowly, and lie about your age.

Lucille Ball

Every woman has the age she deserves.

Coco Chanel

A man is not old until regret has taken the place of dreams.

John Barrymore

Youth is the time to learn wisdom, old age is the time to apply it.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

If you think from a young age about secure old age, then premature old age is guaranteed.

Konstantin Kushner

Getting old is boring, but it's the only known way to live long.

Charles de Sainte-Beuve

Only a fool can celebrate the years of approaching death.

Bernard Show

A woman does not stop talking about her age and never calls it.

Jules Renard

Age is the number of years not lived. Age is a state of mind that conflicts with the body...sometimes.

Alexander Rosenbaum

The years take their toll. I just don’t understand how they distinguish theirs from mine.

Evgeny Khankin

Whoever is not a revolutionary at 16, at 30 will not have the courage to be the head of the fire brigade.

André Maurois

It is impossible to imagine that I am ten years older than I was ten years ago.

Zhanna Golonogova

Do not follow the example of those who say different things every time. Always say that you are 25 years old.

Yanina Ipohorskaya

Your face at twenty is given to you by nature; what it will be like at fifty is up to you.

Coco Chanel

If a woman confesses to you at her age, then she has already left it.

Yanina Ipohorskaya

Women don't count their age. Their friends do it for them.

Yuzef Bulatovich

Nothing ages a woman like an overly rich suit.

Coco Chanel

The happiness of being young is the joy of loving and creating...

P. Vaillant-Couturier

A woman is always younger than a man of the same age.

Elizabeth Barret-Browning

Girls: Appeal to each other by women over forty.

Charlie Jones

I'm only 40, and my wife is already 40!

Sylvester Galambosh

Years fly faster, the less fuel remains.

Semyon Pivovarov

AGE is an invention of boring people.

Maria Romanushko

Adults are old children.

Theodor Suss Geisel

Men get older, but they don't get better.

Oscar Wilde

Elderly person: someone who remembers the days when the phone was still a convenience.

Francis Rodman

You can fall into childhood, but not into youth.

Unfortunately, a woman of indeterminate age can be up to a certain age.

Semyon Altov

There is nothing worse than growing old alone. My wife hasn't celebrated her birthday in seven years.

Robert Orben

Memories are what make us grow old. The secret of eternal youth is the ability to forget.

Erich Maria Remarque

If you are still capable of being disappointed, then you are still young.

Sarah Churchill

When I was fourteen my father was so stupid that I could hardly bear him; but when I was twenty-one years old, I was amazed at how much this old man had grown in the last seven years.

M. Twain

When we are young, we move mountains, and then we try to get out from under them.

Kazimierz Hyla

Nothing ages a man like living with the same woman.

Norman Douglas

The four ages of man: infancy, childhood, adolescence, aging.

Art Linkletter

We enter different ages of our lives like newborns, with no experience behind us, no matter how old we are.

François La Rochefoucauld

Forty - the old age of youth; fifty is the youth of old age.

Victor Hugo

Old people believe everything, people of mature age doubt everything, young people know everything.

Oscar Wilde

When a man reaches the age at which it is no longer possible to serve as an official, gardener or policeman, it is considered that he is just ripe to decide the fate of his country.

William Somerset Maugham

Getting younger with age is the true art of living.

Ernst Thalmann

Young people today have become so mature that they deliberately drag out the stage of infantilism.

Leszek Kumor

Mature man: a creature that hopes to find a beautiful girl under the tree, but finds a tie.

Yanina Ipohorskaya

The fate of extreme old age depends on what youth is spent on.


I have seen men who have hardly changed in thirty years, but their wives have become old women. All these were virtuous women - and virtue wears out a person very much.

Mark Twain

Youth is a constant intoxication, it is a fever of reason.

François de La Rochefoucauld

The only thing that a woman remembers firmly is the age of other women.

There is nothing more ugly than an old man who has no other evidence of the benefit of his long life, except for age.


Each age has its charms, but in youth it is also strangers.

How small is the gap between the time when a person is still too young and when he is already too old.

C. Montesquieu

You can't challenge age.

Francis Bacon

All people want to live long, but no one wants to be old.

Jonathan Swift

A woman is young as long as she can take a lover.

Alexander Minchenkov

ADULT - one who has stopped growing vertically, but not horizontally.

In youth, you want to live more fun, in maturity - better, and in old age - longer.

E. Sevrus

With age, the number of mistakes you make may not decrease, but at least their quality should increase.

Olga Muravieva

A midlife crisis occurs when your favorite songs start playing on Radio Retro.

Every age has its pleasures; the pleasure of the old lies in talking about the pleasures of the young.

G. Heine

It once seemed to me that the great battle for life we ​​wage in our youth; nothing like that: when we grow old and no one needs our work, then the battle for life boils with all its might.

Mason Cool

You will not have time to remove the mourning for the lost youth, as the middle age is already behind.

Doris Day

Middle age is when work gives less and less pleasure, and pleasures require more and more work.

E. Wilson

With age, it is necessary to take a cardiogram more often than women.


Middle age is when the suit does not fit you and it is not the suit that needs to be altered, but you.

Middle age - when you start to smile at what you used to laugh at.

E. Wilson

Middle age is later than you think and faster than you expect.

People are like wine: if they get better with age, they are of very high quality.

A. Davidovich

At sixty, you begin to understand that your grandfather, who lived to be 80, died not so old.

W. Allen

In a woman's life, sooner or later, there comes a moment when she must finally decide on her age and stick to it to the end.

H. Rowland

How will everything change if a comma is put in the description of “a man forty-odd…”?

Yana Dzhangirova

You can't challenge age.

Francis Bacon

It seems that the older the man, the younger his next wife.

Elizabeth Taylor

The number of lived years, in the end, always turns into a new quality.

Age always leaves traces by which it can be detected.

Tamara Kleiman

Thirty is a wonderful age for a woman. Especially if she's forty.

Mary Schmich

Youth is a gift of nature, and maturity is a work of art.

Gerson Kanin

A person is like a pool with two pipes: energy flows in through one, and pours out through the other, and this first becomes clogged with something with age.

Alexander Tsitkin

No matter how long you live, the first twenty years is the longest half of life.

A. Davidovich

The older you are, the less you dream about peers.

Igor Karpov

With age, they think less and less about what is in front and more and more about what is ahead ...

Don't judge age by years, lest you be judged.

Leonid S. Sukhorukov

Einstein was right: with age, a person's energy turns into his mass.

A. Tsitkin

At 50, you must have a hat and two ties, white and black: you often have to get married and bury.

At twenty, it seems that thirty is a lot, and forty is almost the end of life. At thirty you realize that twenty is childhood. At forty, everything is just beginning.

The age of a woman who criticizes everyone is called the critical age.

Don Aminado

The only thing a woman never forgets is the year of her birth, as soon as she finally chose it.

Dorothy Parker

Respect old age - this is your future. Mikhail Genin

Enough power for everything.
There is not enough strength for everything.
There is not enough strength for everything.

Alexander Tsitkin

In childhood, it is important how the day went, in youth - with whom the night passed, in maturity - with what the morning came.

Our inner man does not depend on the number of years.

Look at your current years with gratitude. You're younger now than you'll be ten years from now.

A woman would stop reducing her age if she realized that wisdom, elegance, grooming are much more attractive than inexperienced youth.

There comes an age when all young people seem beautiful.

Best Status:
In love there is no age, there is only taste, smell, sensations. All this is recorded in memory, as on a hard disk.

A wise, refined, tasteful woman, by definition, cannot be old. Youth on such a background is a loser.

There are words that you can understand only at a respectable age. These are the parting words of your parents given to you in childhood and adolescence.

Both women and men tend to hide their age. The former subtract years in order to prolong the charm of youth. The latter add years to themselves in order to bring the influence of maturity closer.

With age, everything that was in childhood acquires special value in your eyes.

Charming stupidity a woman must do at any age.

Learn to think positively. Your years are not a bygone youth, not acquired diseases and not misfires in sex. Your years are to love life even more, it is to rejoice with loved ones, it is an opportunity to share experience, this is your contribution to the life of all mankind.

Every age has its nasty things.

Nothing ages a woman like her age.

It seems to everyone that he reached the age of forty too soon.

We sit at the table and have dinner. Suddenly, dad starts a conversation: - Tanechka, your adolescence begins. You are offended by all sorts of little things ... - You know, dad, it’s tempting me to say that senile grumbling begins in you, but I won’t say anything, although I already said it anyway. “One-one,” my mother summed up.

Unfortunately, a woman of indeterminate age can be up to a certain age.

A man is as young as a woman feels.

It’s not my age that terrifies me, but the age of my peers.

Middle age is when you still believe that tomorrow you will feel better.

A woman does not stop talking about her age and never calls it.

The only thing that a woman remembers firmly is the age of other women.

Getting used to your age would be very easy if it didn't change so often.

Male age: 1. Grabbed his chest and… ate 2. Grabbed his chest and… finished 3. Grabbed his chest and… got excited 4. Grabbed his chest and… fell asleep.

Over thirty is a great age. Still young and beautiful, but no longer a fool!

Men do not hide their age, so there are many centenarians among them.

transitional age, this is when you stand at the stall and don’t know whether to buy you beer or ice cream

I like my age, when you can still and already ...

This is nonsense, as if a woman is as old as she looks. The woman is as old as she says.

Thirty is the best age for a forty year old woman.

How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?

minute weaknesses with age are reduced to seconds.

Transitional age is when in the heat you don’t understand what you want: ice cream or beer ..

Seeing miracles is an ability that dies with age...

say you can’t find virgins)) I’m 17 I’m a virgin .. let’s find a virgin now at this age !!!

Love has no age, no nation, no religion…! Too bad some people don't get it...

Mom says that love at the age of 14 is early .. But what's the difference? Love in every age is love. After all, everyone on the planet once loves .. Let your mother .. Let it be 5 years old .. This is love (s)

Forty - the old age of youth; fifty is the youth of old age.

You can't trust a woman who doesn't hide her age. Such a woman will not hesitate to say anything.

Whoever constantly hides his years, he, at last, himself begins to think that he is as young as he wants to seem.

The transitional age is when a holiday, a family at the table, and you sit sad and begin to understand that you don’t feel like Coca-Cola anymore, but they still don’t pour vodka.

Transitional age is when in the heat you do not understand what you want. Ice cream or beer

I go into the city toilet, a woman of Balzac age sits at the checkout, I give her money, and she, with such a serious face, is “the purpose of your visit.”

We enter different ages of our lives like newborns, with no experience behind us, no matter how old we are.

When your friends start to wonder how young you look, it's a sure sign that you're getting older.

I brought a man twice my size to tears. This hasn't happened to me since the age of four, when I washed my dad's car with a wire brush ...

I have outgrown the age when the word “love” is said to just anyone ... and now, when I say it to that one, you, you just think that I am mocking ...

You begin to understand old age after forty, and then you cease to understand youth.

The four ages of man: infancy, childhood, adolescence, aging.

Life is divided into three parts: when you believe in Santa Claus, when you don't believe in Santa Claus, and when you are Santa Claus himself.

Every woman has the age she deserves.

And all the boys aged 13 to 15, after listening to Guf, began to make a nickname in ace Guf? 🙂

A woman ages a year every three years.

Middle age is when you can still do everything that you used to, but you prefer not to do it.

If a woman confesses to you at her age, then she has already left it.

The secret to eternal youth is to live virtuously, eat slowly, and lie about your age.

Well, that very age has come when it’s too early to be with men, but it’s unrealistically boring with the same age.

Sadly, in ten or fifteen years, even the most beautiful women will be five years older.

If a man and a woman are the same age, the woman always looks a little older because she is ten years older.

The terrible thing “AGE” Sometimes because of it you can’t be with your loved one ... ((

Age is a nasty thing, and every year it gets worse.

Often wisdom comes at the same age as insanity.

“Childhood is not at all the period from birth to a certain age, Just one day, the Child grows up, and forgets children's fun. Childhood is a kingdom where no one dies. ”

Three ages of a person: youth, middle age and "You look wonderful today!".

The main thing is not height, not age and not weight, the main thing is not to piss! ©.

Grow up, please, from the age when you have to fuck in order to be friends with someone. (With)

Middle age is when breaking through open doors is already broken.

You should never trust a woman who tells you her age. A woman capable of this is capable of anything.

I don't know how old she is, but she looks older.

A transitional age is when a holiday, a family at the table, and you sit sad and begin to understand that you don’t want Coca-Cola anymore, but they still don’t pour vodka

Don't hide your age or they'll give you more.

with age, any excuses were replaced by a single one - I don't care.

To find out my age, you will have to saw me and count the layers.

If you love someone, then age, distance, weight and height are just numbers...

Childhood is not a period from birth to a certain age, Just one day, the Child grows up and forgets childhood forgetfulness. Childhood is a kingdom where no one dies. (Edna St. Vincent Millay) >”Twilight. Saga. Dawn"

A man is as old as he feels, a woman is as old as she looks.

Not only don't say how old you are, but don't even say how old you look!

The goal of the first half of life is love, and life is only a means. Then they change places.

A smart person uses old age to grow up and get rid of the shortcomings of youth: recklessness and hasty decisions.

With age, feelings do not die - they mature and become mature.

Childhood hurries life, adolescence tries it on, it intoxicates youth, maturity enjoys it, old age regrets it, decrepitude puts up with it.

The first thing a woman begins to forget after thirty is her own age. By forty, she no longer remembers him at all.

It's nice when, after the age of forty, you are still called young, but it's a shame if they treat you like a green youth.

Of all the wrinkles assigned by God to a woman, let some be located on the soles of her feet.

A woman hides her age behind constant talk about him.

A man is obsessed at any age. At ten years old - sweet, at twenty - love, at thirty - pleasures, at forty - a career, at fifty - stinginess.

A man is worried about how few years are left ahead, and a woman is worried about how many of them have already passed.

Read the continuation of the quotes on the pages:

Sadly, in ten or fifteen years, even the most beautiful women will be five years older.

A man is as old as he feels, a woman is as old as she looks. — Mortimer Collins

If a man and a woman are the same age, the woman always looks a little older because she is ten years older. — Sasha Guitry

Count your years in money and you will see how little it is. – Magdalena the Pretender

Middle age is when you still believe that tomorrow you will feel better. — Lawrence Peter

You begin to understand old age after forty, and then you cease to understand youth. – Kazimierz Brandys

Thirty is the best age for a forty year old woman. - "Pshekrui"

A woman ages a year every three years. — Maurice Donnet

A woman does not stop talking about her age and never calls it. — Jules Renard

Whoever constantly hides his years, he, at last, himself begins to think that he is as young as he wants to seem. — Jean La Bruyère

I don't know how old she is, but she looks older. – Yanina Ipohorskaya

Getting used to your age would be very easy if it didn't change so often. – Zhanna Golonogova

He has already lived to that dangerous age when all women seem attractive.

Middle age is when you start repeating what a fool you used to be.

This is nonsense, as if a woman is as old as she looks. The woman is as old as she says. – Yanina Ipohorskaya

Excessive care is the same curse of old people as carelessness is the grief of young people. – W. Shakespeare

If instead of the word “tasty” you began to say “nutritious”, then you are getting old. – V.M. Khochinsky

Age is the best cure for love. – M. Genin

Youth, a rising wave. Behind the wind, ahead of the rocks. – W. Wordsworth

What we sin in youth, we have to atone for in old age. - Erasmus of Rotterdam

Every age has its nasty things. — Henri Bataille

Age is a nasty thing, and every year it gets worse. — Diana Cooper

Life is divided into three parts: when you believe in Santa Claus, when you don't believe in Santa Claus, and when you are Santa Claus himself. — Bob Phillips

In youth, I want to live more cheerfully, in maturity - better, in old age - longer. – E. Sevrus

If a woman confesses to you at her age, then she has already left it. – Yanina Ipohorskaya

The four ages of man: infancy, childhood, adolescence, aging. – Art Linkletter

How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? — Wayne Dyer

The years that a woman subtracts from her age are not lost: she adds them to the age of other women. — Diane de Poitiers

Within ourselves, we are all the same age. — Gertrude Stein

I’m already past the age when you worry about what others will think of you ... Now let others worry about what I think of them ...

Silly when they say that a woman blossoms at a certain age. A woman blossoms with a DETERMINED man!!!

You can't trust a woman who doesn't hide her age. Such a woman will not hesitate to say anything. – Oscar Wilde

A person is young and old, depending on how he feels. – T. Mann

Another descends into the grave of a hundred years, died as soon as he was born. – J.-J. Rousseau

I am at a wonderful age: and ... I can, and ... I want, and ... I know how! ...))

To find out my age, you will have to saw me and count the layers. - "Pshekrui"

Middle age is when you are too young to retire and too old to get another job. – L. Peter

Forty - the old age of youth; fifty is the youth of old age. - Victor Hugo

A man is as young as he feels
If you look like your passport photo, you probably need a vacation abroad. — Earl Wilson

And all of a sudden you become a middle-aged woman. You are anonymous. Nobody notices you. You gain amazing freedom - the freedom of the invisible man. – D. Lessing

The only thing that a woman remembers firmly is the age of other women.

Middle age is when you can still do everything that you used to, but you prefer not to do it. - Author unknown

Youth is the time to learn wisdom, old age is the time to apply it.

Sixty is the age when you finally have enough experience to get fired.

Middle age is when all you want on your birthday is so you don't have to be reminded of it.

It seems to everyone that he reached the age of forty too soon.

Middle age is when you stop criticizing the elders and start criticizing the young. – L. Peter

The secret to eternal youth is to live virtuously, eat slowly, and lie about your age. — Lucille Ball

In essence, old age begins from the moment when a person has lost the ability to learn. – A. Graf

Middle age is when you can still do everything that you used to, but you prefer not to do it.

Look at the figures of most men after 30, and yet they have not even given birth! :-(((

All women are young, but some are younger than others. – Marcel Achard

In youth, you want to live more fun, in maturity - better, and in old age - longer. – E.A. Sevrus

Don't hide your age or they'll give you more. – Konstantin Melikhan

When your friends start to wonder how young you look, it's a sure sign that you're getting older. — Washington Irving

The hardest thing to get a job for women! Everyone needs 18-year-old girls with 30 years of work experience, with two degrees and adult children!

It’s not my age that terrifies me, but the age of my peers.

Unfortunately, a woman of indeterminate age can be up to a certain age. – Semyon Altov

I can not understand women who write in the age column 100 years. After all, as the heroine of the film “Love and Doves” said, “so it’s clear that it’s not sixteen ...)))))

We enter different ages of our lives like newborns, with no experience behind us, no matter how old we are. — Francois La Rochefoucauld

Every woman has the age she deserves. - Coco Chanel

Nothing ages a woman like her age. – Don Aminado

The old man believes everything, the middle-aged man suspects everything, the young man knows everything. – O. Wilde

Not only don't say how old you are, but don't even say how old you look! – Yanina Ipohorskaya

Three ages of a person: youth, middle age and "You look wonderful today!". — Cardinal Francis Spellman

Excessive care is the same curse of the old as carelessness is the grief of the youth. – W. Shakespeare

There is a good side to everything: no matter how old you are, you are younger than you will ever be. - "Reader's Digest"

At 15 I was good ... And at 30 I'm twice as good!)

Even now I no more envy the strength of the young than I used to envy the strength of an ox or an elephant. – M.T. Cicero

On the 26th of this month, I turn 56 and I'm still not an adult. – D.B. Show

The sad thing is not that old age is approaching, but that youth is leaving. - A. Dumas-Son

"A woman is young as long as she is loved." Gustave Flaubert

"Ask yourself: How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?" Wayne Dyer

“Thirty years ... There was a time when it seemed to me that I would never live to be twenty, so I wanted to become an adult as soon as possible. And then…” Erich Maria Remarque

“If you are still capable of being disappointed, then you are still young.” Sarah Churchill

"The one thing a woman never forgets is her year of birth, once she finally chooses it." Dorothy Parker

"Age is just numbers, not a state of mind or a reason for any particular behavior." Cecilia Ahern

“You can't trust a woman who doesn't hide her age. Such a woman will not hesitate to say anything. Oscar Wilde

“The older a person is, the more things in his life that can no longer be corrected.” Haruki Murakami

"A woman is seven years younger than her friends claim, and five years older than men give her." Gina Lollobrigida

“Kindness and intelligence are the properties of old age. At twenty, a woman is much more interested in being heartless and frivolous. Ray Bradbury

“At 20, nature gives you your face, at 30, life sculpts it, but at 50, you must earn it yourself ... Nothing ages like the desire to look younger. After 50, no one is young anymore. But I know 50-year-olds who are more attractive than three-quarters of ill-groomed young women.” Coco Chanel

“A person’s passport is his misfortune, because a person must always be eighteen, and a passport only reminds you that you can live like an eighteen year old.” Faina Ranevskaya

"It's not about age, but about the culture of communication and the level of intellectual development." Winston Churchill

“At twenty-five, anyone can be a genius. At fifty, something needs to be done for this. Charles Bukowski

"The beauty of a woman increases with her years." Audrey Hepburn

“At any age, it is much more interesting to spend time with someone who is older or younger than you - just not with peers.” Jodie Foster

"Age is not how old you are, but how you feel about them." Gabriel Garcia Marquez

There is something that changes in a person every day. What he rejoices in childhood and fears in old age. This age is not only a collection of days lived, but also acquired experience, wisdom and knowledge. We offer statuses about age for social networks for every taste.

Statuses with meaning about age

  • "Remember, no matter how old you are, you are always younger than you will ever be."
  • "You begin to see your own years in the maturing peers."
  • "In middle age, you understand older people more and younger people less."
  • "The age of a man is his well-being. The age of a woman is the assessment of others."
  • "The same actions at different ages are perceived differently. At 16 it may be a mistake, but at 30 it is a conscious decision."
  • "What difference does it make, how old are you? If you still want to love, have fun and find new things in life -
  • "We always remain children in our hearts. Only over the years we become covered with a layer of rules of conduct and principles."

Statuses about the age of a woman

The most sensitive to the number of years lived are, of course, women. They notice the smallest wrinkles near the eyes, they are saddened by the rapid maturation of children, and the question makes them blush: "How old are you?" Let any status about the age of a woman, funny, with humor or sadness - from whatever it may be - will make you look at it from the other side and smile at every day you live.

  • "For a woman, there can only be three ages: infancy, adolescence, and "how beautiful you look!"
  • "A sad statistic: every 15 years a woman gets 5 years older."
  • "Only women know how to constantly talk about their years and never give their number."
  • look much younger when they say they're thirty."
  • "There are no old women. There are some younger than others."
  • "Do not trust women who do not hide their age. Who knows what else they are capable of?"
  • "At 20, a woman thinks that 30 is old age. At 30, she realizes how stupid she was at 20 and how good it is that she is young now."
  • “If a woman is not yet married, this is not a reason to sympathize with her. This means that she understands very well that it’s stupid to wait for a prince, and it’s too early to leave because it’s “necessary.”
  • "Do you want to know how old the woman is? Ask what music she liked to dance to at the disco."
  • "A woman in a good mood always looks younger."

Man's age: statuses

There is an opinion that men are less sentimental in matters relating to age. Is it so? They will try to answer the question of statuses about age for men.

  • "The more a man matures, the more women seem attractive to him."
  • "There is a period when a man realizes that it is time for him to get married. At the same moment, a woman realizes that being alone is a privilege."
  • "At 40, a man feels younger than ever."
  • "The growing up of a man is indifference to where his wife went. If only she didn't drag her with her."
  • "Twenty-year-old men, when meeting a girl, add their age. What can not be said about thirty-year-olds."
  • "A man's sense of his youth depends on whether he has lived all this time with one woman or several."

about age

Statuses about age are usually chosen by those who are familiar with the experience of fading youth, who would give a lot for the opportunity to stop time and enjoy the current minute. That is why such statements are often full of nostalgia and sadness.

  • "The ability to wait for a miracle fades with age."
  • "The meaning of cartoons from childhood sometimes comes only in adulthood."
  • "The beginning of aging is when many things become indifferent."
  • "It's sad to see how young people have ceased to enjoy life. It's like they are over 70."
  • "The number in the passport that separates us from today is not an indicator of maturity. Intelligence does not come with age, but with the number of tragedies experienced."
  • "Wrinkles are the most accurate indicator of the quality of life lived. Someone has a smile on their face, someone has fatigue and pain."
  • "In order to start changing something in life, it is worth considering: would you like to return to this day in old age or not?"
  • "With age, the body becomes for the still living soul."

Cool statuses about age

  • "I have no idea how old you are, but you look much older."
  • "What's the point of hiding the number of your years? There is still a risk that they will give you more."
  • "Nothing makes you look older like your date of birth on your passport."
  • "When was I born? In July. But I look much younger."
  • "If you count my years in money, then I'm still quite a baby."
  • "30 is when you know how, where and what it will be."
  • "Everything imperfect in youth is carried out in adulthood."
  • "If a person is smart now, this does not mean that he was always like that. Perhaps he did all the stupid things earlier."
  • "If at 18 you look 13, then you start to be mistaken that at 30 you will look at 25."
  • "There is a popular belief - if you wait a long time for changes in life, you can wait for the postman with a pension."