Statuses for girls. Beautiful statuses for girls - cool and funny quotes

Our people are unique since childhood. A little girl, offended by her friend, cries sobbingly: “Masha! Give me the lollipop. This is my candy, I ate your cockerel five minutes ago!”

The dream of a man about the championship in intimate sphere women dream about faithful man, whose current lady is the last.

You love to charm girls. Learn to give them slippers.

A sensible girl carefully watches over herself, a silly girl, jealous of society, hunts down a guy.

Best Status:
A girl in her early youth hates boyfriends, trying to destroy and trample them. A field of several years of vain warrior, the silly looks around, dreaming of finding the surviving guy.

When a girl does not drink and does not tolerate smoke, then her father is a narcologist.

A beautiful girl for the eyes is absurdity, for the soul - hell, for the wallet - the tax office.

Decent girls in a cozy bed need to be no later than seven-thirty in order to be in time to return to their worried parents by eleven.

Women and girls are fully armed when they take weakness, beauty and charms for equipment.

A woman wants a lot, but from one man, and a man wants one thing, but from many women.

All men are bought because all women are sold (Oscar Wilde).

You will never know the truth from a woman. From the beginning they have a girl's memory, then women's secrets, then senile insanity

Girl, were you cute as a child or how are you now?

Finding a husband is an art, keeping a profession!

She does not forgive treason She hates betrayal, lies... And if she leaves once... then you will not return her again...

I would be a good girl if it wasn't for those bad boys...

Girls are amazing creatures, they want to please even those they don't like.

It's a pity for the girls who won't sit on the vanilla sky and cry into the pillow, since the 14th is a school day.

A woman is ready to do anything for love, even make love.

Calm down, finally, think, the mascara flowed out superman, in general, he wore panties on leggings ... and nothing ... everyone loved him

If you cut yourself and don't bleed, you are a heartless bitch!!!

A man is ready to do anything for making love, even to love.

The higher the slit on a woman's dress, the easier it is for her to run away from a man, but the more he wants to run after her.

Women's logic: I'm waiting for you online, so as not to write to you.

Hm. As a child, I was SO VERY modest, but now you can’t say the same about me, where did it go??? Probably in the boobs

In order not to annoy a man, a woman changes dresses, and in order not to annoy a woman, a man changes women.

I went to the store for a handbag, but I liked the boots and I bought a blouse)))

Girls don’t think at first, and then they think, why didn’t they think when they should have thought…)

A woman knows the meaning of love, and a man knows its price

Hysteria is female way have fun…

You know what really hurts? This is when you lie on the couch, chatting on the phone, you want to lean your legs against the wall and then a slipper flies right into your eyes

The girl wants to first go to restaurants in order to understand whether it is worth going to bed with the guy. And the guy wants to put the girl to bed as soon as possible in order to understand whether it is worth taking her to restaurants?

To check the feelings of a man, you need to find out not what he is ready to do for you, but what he is ready to give up for you.

The two most useful books for a girl - mother's kitchen book and checkbook father.

here the guys say that we are brakes, but nifiga! we understand everything, it's just that they always put questions wrong))

The girl is the only divine intellect that does not know what she wants))

Lips with a bow, eyebrows with a house ... again mixed rum with gin tonic ...

There is only one woman in the world, destined for you by fate, and if you do not meet her, you are saved.

The trouble is when you shaved in the evening, and got up in the morning and you have stubble again ... and you are 12 years old and you are a girl

When a woman says that she has nothing to wear, it means that everything new has ended. When a man says that he has nothing to wear, it means that everything clean has ended.

The man leaves quickly, but often returns. A woman thinks for a long time before leaving, but leaves forever.

In order to sit on a man's neck, a woman needs to be able to spread her legs well!

A woman is such a CAT who, at will, can arrange a DOG'S LIFE for any man!

When a man feels bad, he is looking for a woman. When a man feels good, he is looking for another one.

You sit in the evening, your nails are beautiful, you paint, repaint, as a result, it turns out beautifully, you like it. The next morning you come to school and a friend says: “erase this varnish, it turned out dumb!” ... so insulting (((

A woman in her life must have time to do three things: cut down a tree, blow up a house and raise a daughter ...

The only one that I will run after will shout to me “catch up mom”)))

Women are very clean, before sitting on a man's neck, carefully wipe their feet on him.

I never understood those girls who, after 2 days of relationship with a guy, change their last name to his in contact.

Well, it was necessary to answer the mother's playful question. Daughter, do you smoke? reply What exactly?

There is no greater grief for a woman than the inattention of a man for whom she wants to be inaccessible.

wonderful girls on the road do not roll. they must be beaten off from idiots who do not appreciate them ...

I'm just one of those girls who invites me to tea and really goes to put the kettle on.

IN female soul there are such corners where not a single man will look, and if he looks, he will not see anything, and if he sees, he will not understand anything ...

What difference does it make what goes on in my soul? What matters is how I look. Admire.

An insane woman is a woman who, at the end of sexual intercourse, screams “Not at me!!

A girl is like a calculator: adds problems, takes time, multiplies expenses, divides property

Women's logic: I'm waiting for you online, so as not to write to you

Women are the best psychoanalysts, as long as they are not in love.

In the lower grades the boys beat beautiful girls briefcases on the head, and then wonder why all the beautiful girls are fools

Girls are different, the consequences are the same =)

Probably every girl has experienced what makeup at -30 degrees means and what it turns into

A woman is almost helpless until her nails are dry...

I'm a poor girl who's bad at arithmetic! Above two, higher mathematics immediately begins for me!

if a woman's wings are cut off, she will sit on a broom

Some girls can get any man they like; others like any man they can get their hands on.

I'm not jealous of my ex. From childhood, my mother taught me to give away old toys to those who were less fortunate.

There are three periods in the life of every woman: in the first she gets on the nerves of her father, in the second - to her husband, and in the third - to her son-in-law.

I am free and at the same time not alone, in search, but not active! I think I found it, but not mine yet...

She does not consider herself beautiful, but she knows that she can easily fall in love with anyone ...

Girls are divided into 3 categories: - Ladies! - No ladies! - Ladies, but not for you! (Girls no offense) x))

scarier female logic maybe current collective female logic

How deeper cutout on a woman's dress, the easier she breathes, but the harder - a man ...

The weak sex is stronger than the strong due to the weakness of the stronger sex to the weak

TO beautiful girls not only guys stick, but also gossip ...

A man commits violence against a woman, taking her by storm, and a woman against a man - remaining impregnable.

Women smarter than men… Have you ever heard of a woman who would lose her head just because a man has beautiful legs?

If a man gives a woman everything she asks, then she asks for too little.

It's better to be alone and not love anyone! Than to love and be alone!

You must be able to often obey a woman in order to sometimes have the right to command her V. Hugo

Every time I leave the barbershop, I am tormented by the same question - why did they ask me how I want to cut my hair?

The first sign that a girl does not have a boyfriend is painted lips.

If men knew what women think, they would be twenty times more impudent, just as if women knew closer men, then they would become even more flirtatious.

If a woman quickly surrendered to a man, this is not his merit, but all those that she had before.

A real woman should be able to roll up three things: cans, eyes and a tantrum.

A man's problems begin not when a woman starts to undress for his money, but when she starts to dress for them.

Forget you? What you. I would like to remember you first.

Mmmmm when I saw you - the heart in my chest ... By the way, about the chest. I bought myself a new bra.

Kind, sweet, childishly jealous, unrestrainedly cheerful, in love with a secret, proudly free, soaring in the sky, forever happy, giving joy

You deleted me from VKontakte friends... from friends in my world... deleted my phone number.. deleted from ICQ... from agent... WHAT FROM MEMORY, WEAK?!

We think one thing, we say another, we mean a third, we do a fourth and we are surprised when we get the fifth...

The best statuses for girls on! The most beautiful creatures on planet Earth are, of course, women! After all, for the sake of beautiful ladies, men perform feats, dedicate poems and songs to them. All of you from the school bench know the great heroines Tatyana Larina, Natasha Rostova and young Juliet. Thanks to them, the classics sang purity, beauty, wisdom, playfulness, kindness, love of life, sacrifice of women. And it is about all this that our statuses, carefully selected for this section. And how many magnificent female portraits can be seen in the most famous museums in the world. Today, the girl chooses her own path. Who should she become, what profession to choose, whether she should be a housewife or a business woman. Do you want to be talked about? Then you need to look at our website and find the most interesting statuses for girls.

Original and cool statuses for girls!

The phrase in the status very often judges the character of a person. Therefore, incorrectly chosen words can be the reason that not the most, to put it mildly, will turn out about you. pleasant impression. It is necessary to choose your status very carefully and thoughtfully, especially for girls! After all, the most important thing is to cool statuses for girls responded to your personality. A wide selection of beautiful and original phrases from our site will help any girl choose the status she needs for social network.

The coolest quotes for girls!

As you know, beauty is a very terrible force, and beautiful statuses for girls will allow any of you to find the perfect frame for your beauty. And let your friends envy your excellent taste and your excellent status. Girls are different, someone likes to read the classics, and someone cannot imagine themselves without a guy on a Harley. For you, brave ladies, our cool statuses for girls. And let everyone know that you are the coolest in the area! Your girlfriends always know that you are just a real lighter. Not a single party can do without you, you are the soul of the company and just a real treasure. Your sense of humor amazes everyone, you are not afraid to laugh at yourself. Then our funny statuses about girls for you! Visit our site and you can change your status in the social network at any time.

Quotes for VKontakte for girls!

Girls are so different, your mood changes like the wind. Today you are funny, and by the evening you want to cry into your pillow. Or along with best friend watch a romantic comedy for the soul. Or maybe you decided to take up painting or learn how to cook better than your mother-in-law. On our site you will find deep and wise statuses for girls with meaning. And let your envious people break their heads over the decoding of your status. Every self-respecting girl has a page on a social network, and perhaps more than one. With our help, you can convey your mood. Tell about yourself briefly, but succinctly, both in the happy moments of your life, and in difficult moments. Your friends and just visitors to your page will have only a pleasant and positive opinion about you from the first seconds. And our statuses for VKontakte for girls will try to help you with this. You will always find selected statuses for girls on our website! Every girl should know that they think only positively about her and treat her with respect.

It seems that a law has been passed: if a girl does not give birth before the age of 23, she will go to serve in the army. I imagine: seeing off, my mother is crying, the guy promises to wait, and she goes to serve in the Far East with a shaved head.

If a blonde's hair roots darken, then the brain is still resisting!

Honors a woman only noble, and humiliates her - only a scoundrel!

If a woman is so smart that she asks a man for advice, then it is unlikely that she is so stupid as to act according to this advice.

After some deeds, you are so happy that girls are not beaten.

Hurrying a woman is the same as trying to speed up the loading of a computer. The program still has to carry out many actions hidden from your understanding.

My husband gave me a book How to save money as a result, he quit smoking. And I lost 10 kg.

I imagine how I will swear during childbirth

The strongest evidence for global warming is woman pants: compare the 16th century and the 21st century.

A woman gets older if her first aid kit becomes larger than her cosmetic bag.

In every dispute the last word behind a woman. Everything that the man says after that will be the beginning of a new dispute.

A woman has two goals in life: to get married and to look unmarried.

Next to the refrigerator I always behave like the latest whore - I take it in my mouth and enjoy it.

How nice it is to wake up in the morning next to the cat

We are women! We are fairies! We are goddesses! We are angels, some with wings, some without. When we love, we flutter like butterflies; when we are loved, we take off to the skies!

It is strange that menstruation makes girls nervous, because their absence is much more serious occasion get nervous.

I wonder what my last name will be in a few years?

and your mother’s friend asks you too: oh, herds of boys are probably running after you?

Women, you are responsible for those who are excited!

We firebirds do not fly in flocks!

The sign "shoe" on the car means that the wheel is an infusoria.

Girls, if you had a choice: world peace or non-peeling manicure, what color of varnish would you choose?

The girl - to her boyfriend: - Iron your T-shirt, otherwise they will say that I can't do anything with you!

I am a shopaholic, alcoholic, sexaholic, Internet addict, sweet tooth, sleepyhead, hysterical. Why do I need drugs?

Women complain that men only have one thing in mind. But when men stop thinking about it, women feel offended.

Sometimes my husband shakes from me. And yet I am an amazing woman!

He so boldly confessed his love that it is immediately clear that he has experience.

If wearing heels makes a woman taller than her man, to hell with the man!

If you come to work in new boots and everyone is silent. So the boots are really cool!

There can be no greater torment for a woman than a man who is so kind, so faithful, so loving, so unique and who does not expect any oaths.

No, she agreed.

Girls used to learn to cook like mom, but now they drink like dad.

Found a good place in life - PARK.

Woman is the most powerful drug known. Some specimens are addictive even before the first use.

If a girl walks without makeup, then she has a boyfriend and he really loves her. This means that in the morning she lays on everyone and sleeps longer, and does not put on makeup, ok?

Wet from head to toe, happy from head to toe.

Give a girl a million scarlet roses, and she will say that she needs one, but white.

We girls are strong. And we'll take out the trash. and brain, if needed!

If your boyfriend does not carry you in his arms, sit comfortably on his neck.

Money doesn't smell, but how do wives find a stash?

Give a woman a pair of good shoes and she will conquer the whole world!

My whims are your problems. My loyalty is your pride. My decency is your authority!

The last word should always remain with the man. and it should be: "Of course, Beloved!

Girls do not need to write that you are easy to lose and hard to find. Are you wearing socks?

What to say to a woman? - If she's pretty, tell her she's smart. If she's smart, tell her she's beautiful. When in doubt, tell her that she has lost weight. It always works!

If a girl has mischievous lights in her eyes, it means that the cockroaches in her head are celebrating something.

Women have always had an easier life: retirement age earlier, live longer, boobs are always at hand, and you don’t have to marry some fool.

Hello! -Mmm. What a sweet, gentle, charming. -I????? -The scent of your perfume! Too bad you're not.

Misunderstanding the reasons female resentment does not release a man from responsibility.