How to manipulate a man: female tricks. To your tune. Seven female ways to manipulate men

As it turned out during an exclusive interview with the psychologist Nifont Dolgopolov, a man will be ready to fulfill any whim of a woman if he admires her. And in order to please a man, there are a number of simple rules that can be applied by every representative of the weaker sex.

Rule #1: Know his needs

- The most important thing is to find out the basic needs of a man and try to satisfy them. At the same time, it is important to unobtrusively help him understand the value of a woman. If you just satisfy his needs, he may not understand that there is a woman's contribution in this.

By the way, any person is always pleased with some signs of attention, care. Remember: parents gave each man so-called "useful" gifts, because from the point of view of parents, a gift SHOULD be useful and SHOULD be pleasant to the child, although in reality it may not be so. It is important to give exactly those things that a man likes. memory of some parental relationship can "load" a man when he is given something that he, in general, does not really want.

Rule #2: Respect his values

Respect its principles, values, rules. If your principles differ, then talk about your values, while trying not to criticize the man’s thoughts and values. This is a rare quality among women, but nevertheless very valuable. A man rarely likes women who "lower" him.

In addition, find out what infuriates him in other women (starting with his mother), and try to carry out these actions as little as possible.

Rule #3: Compliment

- For every man, an important component of life is the achievement of success. And this success can be in a variety of areas. It is important to show signs of recognition of his merits in every possible way, no matter what. For example: “you are great at telling jokes” or “you are great at cooking barbecue” and so on. Do not forget to speak positively about the physical virtues of a man, moreover, naming specific parts of the body, including sexual ones.

Rule #4: Dress according to his tastes

Find out his preferences regarding appearance. Try to be attractive in accordance with the criteria for the attractiveness of a man. Here - find out his sexual preferences, including what he likes in clothes, what excites him, and so on. Try to satisfy it as much as possible.

There is some alienation in our culture from specific person, there are, as it were, universal erotic clothes, but in fact it all depends on individual preferences. If individual preferences are recognized and “hit” into them, then this acts much more effectively, stronger on a man.

It is important not to forget that taking care of your appearance, grooming is general rule the attractiveness of a woman to men.

Rule #5: Be supportive

- It is important to try to be friendly, welcoming. Here we are not talking about physical attractiveness, but about goodwill, attunement to a partner. Give the man support difficult situations in words - "I believe in you" or "you can handle it" - and in deeds.

In a situation of failure, it is naturally important to avoid such negative messages as "I told you", "you always do this" or "you will not succeed" and so on.

Rule number 6: Do not load men with emotions

- Do not load men with those emotions and the amount of emotions that he cannot stand. Remember: a man is able to withstand less emotions than a woman, he is less adapted to them. If you express excessive joy or sadness, emotions overload a man, and he does not know how to deal with it, how to react to it.

It is believed that, for example, tears are one of the most effective tools of a woman, but in fact, if you intensively resort to these tools, a man, on the contrary, is very far away and finds himself a calmer woman.

Rule #7: Choose the Right Words

- If there are contradictions between a man and a woman, it is important to designate them gently and calmly. The main thing is to try to reconcile these contradictions on your own, because men are usually more straightforward, they are less capable of any compromises.

If it came to a showdown, arrange them in some way that is clear and understandable for a man - and only as needed. Often, a woman’s catchphrase “we need to talk to you” puts a man in a completely sour state, he feels helpless, raped, and so on.

And at the same time attractive woman, when the relationship is really tense for some reason, or when the partners are simply moving away, he can notice this in time and help the man carefully clarify what is happening. After all, a man may simply not know what is happening, and a woman is better able to correct these tense situations, and in such a way that it is safer for a man, and men are not particularly able to do this.

Rule #8: Be sincere

- In our culture, a lot of manipulative means are described to attract a man, but in fact, most of all, he is attracted not by pretense, not artificiality, but sincerity.

One of the basic needs of a man is security. If he can really trust a woman, including in non-artificiality, unpretentiousness, this is a very valuable attractive quality.

Rule #9: Be Self-Sufficient

- It is important that a woman remains bright, independent, and not just a tool to "please a man." For her self to manifest and live. It's always attractive.

Rule #10: Do everything in moderation

Let me remind you the aphorism of a famous thinker: “A man grows cold towards a woman who loves him too much, and vice versa.” In the manifestation of your feelings, do not forget to observe the measure.

The word "manipulation" in most people causes unpleasant associations. Other words are immediately drawn in my head: “deceive”, “impose”, “force against my will”. However harmonious relationship are impossible without manipulation, and if it happens with skillful, filigree words and actions, then this is called a subtle psychological approach. Women are rightfully considered great specialists in manipulation. Nature has endowed us with a special ability to balance on the verge of manipulation and wisdom. And although the art of manipulating men is a gift, they need to learn how to own it consciously.

The art of female manipulation

If real woman take away the ability to manipulate, there will be no woman left. And men will be upset first of all. They are ready and happy to be deceived if it pleases their pride, and they feel they have won. It is possible to achieve such mastery through practice and experience. A competent influence on the mind of a man will allow you to get what you want not through pressure and demands, but through his sincere desire to perform an act of his own free will. Girls demonstrate the talent to manipulate from the first years of life. Already in tender age they clearly understand how their coquettish smiles, preening or new dresses affect others. Yes, yes, a demonstration of femininity, tempting clothes, gait - this is the simplest form of female manipulation, the basics of which girls learn in early childhood.

With age, the methods of manipulation become more complicated and are brought to perfection, or not brought to perfection, and then mediocre attempts to control a man look ridiculous and even pathetic. And the reaction of men is exactly the opposite. To be among those women who are able to deftly manage an army of men only in time and to the point with a raised eyebrow, you need to understand the subtleties male psychology and learn how to influence their decision so that it doesn't even occur to them that it was a choice without a choice. Wise female manipulation differs from brainwashing in that the man remains fully confident that he, and only he, makes all decisions! And it is absolutely not necessary for him to know that he is performing his actions according to a plan clearly outlined by a woman.

"Golden" ways to manipulate a man

Talented manipulation of a man is a whole science with its own laws and rules. And this system of knowledge needs to be comprehended not only by the mind, but also by the soul, since not just a logical miscalculation is important here, but also intuition. You should start studying the theory from a set of basic methods of manipulation, and then your own methods, verified by persistent practice, will appear. It is practice that can bring a woman to the level of a master. And yet, the first and main rule of any manipulation of a man is respect. If you want goodwill from a man, make sure that your manipulations do not humiliate him. Dishonest, “dirty” manipulations may have an immediate effect, but they will have to pay too dearly for them later.

Method number 1. Praise. Praise your man! Anytime and anywhere! In this case, it is better to overpraise than underpraise. But there is one obligatory condition: never prevaricate! A compliment and a statement of its merits must be sincere. Take a closer look and start praising him for things that you used to take for granted. If you find in him and praise those qualities that he is proud of, he will move any mountains for you.

Method number 2. Need. Need the help of a man, but not with resentment at his indifference to your requests, but with cunning and intelligence. Don't say, "How many times do I have to ask you to download an app on my phone?!" Approach the problem from the other side: “Show me how to install an application on the phone. I can't figure it out without you." Let a man help you even where it is not required, and he will begin to do things.

Method number 3. Beauty. She is truly a terrible force and one of the most powerful weapons in manipulating a man. Hair, curvaceous, perfumery, cosmetics, seductive clothes, grooming and everything that falls under the concept female beauty your man - win-win tools of manipulation. Make good use of them. Nature has made sure that men become trouble-free before beauty.

Method number 4. Tenderness. Handle with tenderness. Men are like cats, even the most brutal of them lose their vigilance when a gentle, affectionate cat is nearby. Before asking a man to satisfy his desires, touch him with a look, kiss or hands. And in a conversation, use the “psychological stroking” technique: before making a request, praise him or say an appropriate compliment.

Method number 5. Sex. The most ancient, but the most effective manipulation remains sexual manipulation. "Basic Instinct" can and should be used to control a man. Geishas, ​​courtesans, and even ordinary "moths" through sex have always been able to manipulate powerful men, and through them, and their dependence on skillful caresses, ruled entire nations. You can learn this truly golden technique at special master classes organized for women who want to understand the secrets of manipulating men through sex.

Method number 6. Tears. Not the most pleasant, but often very effective way manipulate the male mind. Men are afraid of women's tears. This " wet business» they can be empathized, cause compassion and a desire to help. Tears will definitely not leave a man indifferent. The main thing is not to go too far so that crying does not turn into hysteria. And do not use this “forbidden method” too often, a man will easily see through your manipulation and stop responding to tears properly.

Method number 7. Food. A hungry man is an angry man. Never try to manipulate a hungry man, especially if your request is not in his interest. Feed a man tasty and satisfying, as he likes, and only then offer to sacrifice his favorite hockey for the sake of your concert. Of course, this one way may not be enough to instill a love for cultural events in a man, but you have a whole arsenal of other arguments-methods, the skillful combination of which will make a man persuade you to take him to a concert with you.

There is always playfulness, a pinch of cunning and mastery of manipulation in a gourmet dish of quality family relationships. It helps to smooth out irregularities, joints between partners in time, preventing conflict from arising. Every woman sooner or later thinks about how to manipulate a man with the help of words. Young ladies with such useful skills are more likely to build happy family relationships, in which peace and love reign, than those who are trying to achieve their goal at any cost, even if the male “no” is an obstacle to their goal.

Everyone knows the words of the classic, one of the best playwrights in the world, William Shakespeare:

“The whole world is theater. There are women, men - all actors. They have their own exits, exits, And each plays a role more than one. — William Shakespeare, As You Like It

If it seems to you that manipulation in a relationship between a man and a woman is unacceptable, real love does not tolerate deceit and pretense, then you yourself fell for this bait. Let's check?

All girls dream of a handsome prince and a fabulous wedding ceremony. About a room strewn with rose petals, morning kisses and sweet compliments. And now, it happened, the finger decorates the cherished wedding ring, but what do we get as a result? bunch family responsibilities, and in addition to them - a sea of ​​​​claims and reproaches, as well as a bitter feeling of resentment and guilt for one's own imperfection, inability to satisfy the needs of a loved one.

And the “handsome prince” spends all his time watching TV and considers “household chores” unacceptable for himself. IN best case, I agree to come to the wall picture, and even then, if the wife herself brings nails and a hammer. Familiar? Of course, we exaggerate a little, but the essence of this does not change. You are being manipulated.

“No one will do it better than you”, “if I’m important to you, then ...” or “if you love me ...”, “and I did it for you, you’re ungrateful” and crown “is it possible to communicate with you as with a normal person?" How often do you hear such phrases? This is not the whole list of trap phrases for the psychological impact on a person's feelings. The task of such a manipulator is to cause a feeling of shame, guilt and, most importantly, a willingness to sacrifice one's own interests, if only the partner was satisfied. Are you ready to accept being the victim?

Guide to the manipulation of men

Female manipulations are not loud tantrums or sweet, even sugary "musi-pusi", although some representatives of the stronger sex even like this behavior. The real manipulation of a man is subtle and almost imperceptible. At the same time, the partner is convinced that he makes a decision on his own and the last word always stays with him. It was he who wanted to buy you a new fur coat, because you don’t want your beloved to freeze, and there are frosty winters ahead. Feel the difference?

We bring to your attention effective methods And concrete examples, which will be useful in amorous affairs as well as interacting with other people. And so, dear girls, let's figure out how to learn to manipulate. If the term “female manipulation” confuses you or evokes negative associations, take these tips as well-chosen ways to influence your soulmate, which help to keep the fire of the family hearth going.

For a guy to fall in love and be ready to throw the world at your beautiful legs, you should remember the golden rule:

if the natural instincts of a hunter and conqueror wake up in a man at the sight of you, he is already in your hands.

Excitation affects him intoxicatingly, like an exquisite alcoholic drink. As soon as the chosen one falls under hypnosis female charm and attractiveness, loses all strength to resist. In this state, it is much easier to persuade him to his side, to force him to change his mind, to give in, therefore the main rule of how to manage a guy in love with you is to skillfully maintain the fire of passion and desire.

The main thing here is not to overdo it so that the partner does not see through the trick. Excessive demonstration of one's own sexuality, excessive frankness borders on vulgarity, and this is definitely not our option. It is necessary to be alluring and mysterious, leaving room for male imagination. Remember that the hint of nakedness affects guys much more than the naked body itself. In other words, a seductive pencil skirt below the knee with a flirty neckline will make the chosen one think only about the slenderness of your legs and this tool will be much more effective than defiant mini ones.

Use your beauty and do not forget to take care of your appearance, because it is our weapon in the fight for a happy life. family life. The strength of a woman is in weakness and it's not easy beautiful game words. Try to replace the commanding tone with an unobtrusive request that the chosen one simply cannot ignore. Instead of the usual phrase: “Wash the dishes!” calmly ask: “I’m so tired today, I just don’t have the strength. Will you help me wash the dishes, dear?”

Don't forget to say thank you. Praise stimulates guys, inspires and gives a sense of need and importance for your beloved. Perhaps after a correctly uttered request and a grateful radiance beautiful eyes partner, your lover will want to do something nice for you. For example, brew a cup of fragrant tea or offer a massage to relax, relieve tension after a hard day's work.

You can also gently “push” your loved one to make the decision you need. To do this, you need to seize the moment and ask his opinion or, with a confused sigh, ask for advice on how best to proceed. By doing this, you will increase your husband's self-esteem, demonstrate the importance of his opinion and ... achieve your goals.

“Tomorrow I will be forced to work late and will not be able to take our son to the pool. Tell me, dear, what to do? So I don’t want to upset the child, because he loves swimming so much. Thus, the wife does not just manipulate her husband, but allows her to show her best qualities, to be a knight, to save the lady of the heart from the fiery dragon of everyday difficulties.

Use the entire arsenal of female charm. Gentle, as if casual, touches, a languid intriguing look, a pleasant aroma, seductive clothes. Look for ways that will most quickly lead to the heart of your beloved, lull male rationalism, excessive categoricalness and leave the guy unarmed.

Instead of ineffective abuse, reproaches after meeting with friends and a collection of empty bottles of alcohol drunk for three, offer to replace the dubious way of entertainment next weekend with going to the cinema for the premiere of an interesting film, attending a concert of his beloved musical group, joint game in the long forgotten “Counter strike”, like in the good old days, or even rope jumping (bridge jumping), if the chosen one has always dreamed of feeling the euphoria of free flight. Is it possible to exchange an unforgettable adventure for a boring evening spent in a smoky pub?

Your task is to intrigue your partner, to offer something really worthwhile so that he simply cannot refuse. How to catch the right moment for a conversation? Remember that a well-fed, rested and contented gentleman is always more accommodating than a hungry and tired one. Let your guard down, help you relax and act. As additional intake for especially intractable persons, you can use a bottle good wine. Quality alcohol may well be your ally, but don't overdo it.

Manipulation as retaliation

Note this manual on manipulating men and do not try to overprotect your lover, carry home life on your fragile shoulders. Even if you are well versed in technology and are able to fix the tap without anyone's help, give this work to the representatives of the stronger sex. Women's helplessness is captivating, and the phrase "don't interfere, I myself" makes the guys think about their own uselessness. It is not surprising that over time, men lose interest in especially strong and independent young ladies.

If the husband responds to a request for help with accusations in the style: “And when I asked you, you didn’t,” know that he is just deftly playing with your feelings. He tries to hide his own laziness, causing you to feel guilty and ready to give in, to do everything just to not hear these reproaches and transfer the responsibility for the unfinished work to you.

It is believed that "pouting lips" is a favorite technique of beautiful ladies. But guys also like to be offended for no reason, or just pretend that they are the poor victims of a cruel tyrant - own wife. The silent resentment of a loved one or an unexpectedly erupted scandal often infuriates us. How to respond to such behavior? The best remedy- a great joke that will remove the mask from the face of the "offended" and make visible signs bad acting.

Walk two steps forward. Noticing the first signs of manipulation on the part of your lover, make a counter blow: “Darling, you are not yourself today. Can I make Turkish coffee for you?” After this phrase, it will be much more difficult to roll up a scandal.

Summing up

Family life forms the co-dependence of partners, and this always creates fertile ground for manipulation. It is important to learn to maintain balance and not go to extremes. Avoid commanding tone and excessive frankness with your soulmate. Remember the wise Arabian tale "A Thousand and One Nights". Cunning, knowledge of male psychology and subtle play on the feelings of the Persian king not only saved the life of Scheherazade, but also made the girl always desired, beloved wife of the ruler.

Stay mysterious, attractive and don't be afraid to use your femininity. Graceful play will only emphasize your charm and be more effective than rough straightforwardness.

Which of the manipulations are the most effective and what the habit of skimping on a man can lead to, says Elena Kuznetsova, director of the Vladimir dating agency "I and You", psychologist, consultant on interpersonal relationships.

Playing on the brink

According to Kuznetsova, all representatives of the stronger sex can be manipulated, the main thing is to correctly determine the method. For example, it is foolish to try to influence a man who has not been sexually interested in his wife for a long time by refusing to have sex, or “score” on cooking at the moment when the partner. It makes no sense to influence a strong and self-sufficient man with scandals. In a word, a woman must first choose the right “pain point” in order to successfully influence her partner.

The psychologist emphasizes that it is worth resorting to any manipulation only if it is not possible to agree in a good way, it is also not worth abusing it.

You can force a partner to act according to your scenario with the help of manipulation only if he: a man will not only fulfill your conditions, but also make correct conclusions about how to behave in the future. If there is no interest in each other, then none.

“Any manipulation is always a game on the verge of a foul. It must be dosed. And if manipulation has already become a system, then it turns out that you are spreading rot on your partner. On the other hand, why are you bullying him? Does he constantly bother you? Then it makes no sense to put spokes in his wheels, ”says Kuznetsova.

When, after the first and even after the second manipulation used by the lady, nothing has changed in the relationship with the man, one should explain. If a partner, in response to a woman’s claims, said: “Fuck you,” you can manifest at least every day, this will not give any result -. If the man is walking to contact, then you need to discuss the problem with him and try to negotiate.

There are seven most common methods of female manipulation

1. Complete ignore

Not noticing a partner is one of the most beloved female methods manipulation. It works on absolutely all men. However, the danger of this method lies in the possibility of "playing too much" - the lady begins to ignore the man and pout her lips with or without reason.

The psychologist advises to always explain to the partner the reason why they do not want to communicate with him. Otherwise, the situation often looks like this. A man insulted or offended a woman, she closes and. At the same time, the lady usually argues like this: “Well, he must understand that he offended me.” A man is not a telepath, and sometimes he sincerely does not understand what happened. Noticing that the young lady is behaving strangely, the guy clarifies: “Are you pouting?”. And more often than not, she answers, “No.”

“Well, who is a stupid woman after that?” - asks Kuznetsova.

She is sure that before analyzing any situation, you need to look at the relationship in a couple. If, then how long a woman will not “turn on the ignore”, she will not achieve anything from her partner. He simply will not care: "Be silent, and thank God." But if people are interested in each other, and the guy asks: “Are you offended?”, You should give an affirmative answer and explain the reason for your behavior. Just make your explanation compact and understandable.

“When you try to explain your emotions to a man, and you get butter, bloody blood and love love, the man does not understand the concept. He understands that you are dissatisfied with something, but he does not guess what exactly. Therefore, the situation must be explained practically in three words: “You sent me,” or:, or: “You insulted my mother.” And only then it is already possible to use bloody blood and love love. Supplement by coloring,” says Elena Kuznetsova.

If a partner is interested in you, he will correct himself. And if not, then your manipulations will also be useless. Ignoring without explanation is stupid. In the end, your partner will get tired of it, and he will stop paying attention to your pout.

2. Food manipulation

Many women, having quarreled with a partner, refuse to take care of him in everyday life: men do not wash things, do not iron shirts, but most often they do not cook. And this is another most common way of manipulation.

As in any other case, it is worth resorting to this method only if the man has seriously “screwed up”. For starters, a man can not even explain anything. You can simply, and in the evening not wait for his return with a cooked dinner, as he used to. If suddenly he asks: “Where is the food?”, Then you can proudly say: “Learn how to behave first.”

3. Tears

Incredible effective method manipulation that no man can resist.

The main thing here is not to overdo it, everything should be dosed, Kuznetsova warns. You should not roar because of any nonsense and for any reason, so that the man is not used to your tears. . Preferably quiet and very sad. Do not make your partner hysterical and in no case put any ultimatums. No need to cry and say: "I want shuuub", do not be like capricious child. Better say: “Toma walks so beautiful, she has such a fur coat. And I'm so ugly. But I understand that you still don’t have money for a fur coat, so I’m crying.” Your task, and tears here are a great tool. After such a performance, a man should get out of his skin, but come up with something and buy you at least a qigei.

4. Sex

This manipulation is permissible only in the pair that leads, and the man constantly wants a woman. If sex is on the decline, it will not work to manipulate a partner with a refusal in intimacy.

Of course, you should not use this manipulation if you asked your partner to wash the dishes, but he did not. To refuse sex is too petty. Weaning from the body is permissible if the man really seriously offended you. Refusing intimacy with a partner, explain the reason for your act.

5. Scandal

It's incredible too dangerous method impact on a man. Perhaps even more dangerous than sex manipulation, says Kuznetsova. She explains that the denial of intimacy has, and in case of emergency, a man is able to solve the problem on his own. The scandal has a psychological background, and the partner cannot fix the problem alone.

“When a man hears her cries, he just closes. None normal person doesn't like being yelled at. So hysterical women just need to think about how much time they can endure,” says an interpersonal relationship consultant.

According to Kuznetsova, no one will live long with a woman who loves to quarrel in order to “bend” a man for herself. The maximum that a partner can endure is a year.

6. Money

IN this case manipulation works if the woman is high-status and makes good money. Most often, such a method, which is "punished" for the fact that, for example, he stared at another woman. The situation is primitive, but obvious. You also need to know the measure in the “punishment”, otherwise the man, who, in fact, lives with the lady only because of the money, will leave her because he has ceased to receive the desired.

7. Children

This is perhaps the most cynical form of female manipulation. There are two points here. The first - a lady gives birth to a child from a man, not because she loves him, but because she wants to keep him. The second point - does not give ex-husband see the child.

“Manipulation with children is now very common, because women are by hook or by crook, of which there is a catastrophic shortage. Very often a woman, realizing that a man will not marry her, because, for example, he is already married, becomes pregnant from him. This is the easiest way to either get money, ”says Kuznetsova.

The psychologist notes that the child is not able to stick together a falling apart relationship. And if a woman, from whom her husband is about to leave, decides to give birth from him only in order to keep her near her, this is a mistake. Children have never held anyone back.

“A woman commits a great sin by manipulating a child, because he is not to blame for what his mother has. Such manipulations are beyond good and evil, it is not human. In any case, the child suffers, ”the psychologist is sure.

Helpful information

Elena Kuznetsova, director of the Vladimir dating agency "Me and You", family psychologist. Phone 8-920-909-62-35. Call on weekdays from 11:00 to 19:00.

Women who try to influence a man with a child after a divorce, thus taking out their resentment, or because of financial reasons, also behave unwisely. Relationships can no longer be saved, but it’s very possible to ruin a baby’s life, depriving him of the opportunity.

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  • Rule number 1: do not forget that you have chosen yourself best man of all. Remind him often of this. Men are very vain. By nature, they have a desire to be the first, the best. From your sincere admiration, his wings will grow again. Praise him for whatever he does. Say how lucky you are with him, that he can do everything. Not like Svetkin or Galkin's husband, who grows up in the wrong place. He can't even fix a faucet. Do you want to control your husband? Know how to flatter ... After all, your own, beloved!
  • Rule #2: Forget command tone. What kind of macho will allow diktat over himself. Yes, he will not repair this crane out of principle. Remember old proverb about the fact that the wife's neck. Give the man the right to choose, formulate your request, giving him the opportunity to accept correct solution. For example: “Honey, do you think it’s better to call a plumber or can you fix our faucet yourself?” Yes, managing a husband requires strategic thinking. And no one promised that it would be easy ...
  • Rule number 3: let's feel to the husband his superiority as a male provider. Don't try to do it for him men's work, even if you change a burned-out light bulb yourself it costs nothing. Better show that for you this is a secret with seven seals. And only he can save you. If you have already made it clear to him that you can handle it yourself, then casually ask him where your adjustable wrench or pliers are. Like, the faucet is leaking. I'll try to fix it. If he didn't get off the couch after that. After a couple of minutes, come and boldly announce that you tried, but without him you can’t do anything. It's probably the only move in the game." Managing my husband without problems", which implies a certain amount of directness.
  • Rule number 4: choose the right moment. The truth is as old as the world: a well-fed husband - good husband. Hungry and angry thinks not about the faucet, but about the fact that you are only using it. Don't even feed in return. If he has serious problems at work, it is better to pay attention to his worries at this moment. Talk to him, Show that you are interested in him first of all. Offer your help. And tell them that you, in turn, need help from him. Nevertheless, we are learning to manage a robot, and a husband.
  • Rule number 5, but not the last. Awaken in a man sexual desire. Nature itself has given you a powerful weapon in your hands. Use it. for the sake of desired woman he will not only fix the crane. Don't be afraid to show your passion. Thus, you will let him feel everything at once: both male superiority, and his significance, and your attitude towards him.

Kozak Ludmila