Tantrums and whims in children under two years of age. Capricious children. How to deal with hysteria

IN 2 year old child already knows a lot: obeys adults, pleases parents. He no longer requires so much attention and can play on his own, but for now you can do a lot around the house. Some even manage to devote a couple of hours to work in order to slowly get up to speed in order to go to the office after the decree. And as soon as you build your wonderful schedule with activities with the little one, work and household chores, six months will pass, and after that it starts to change dramatically. A very moody child becomes after 2nd year development. This is how another crisis of the third year begins. Let's understand what it is and what to do with a naughty child of 2 years.

What is the crisis of the third year

Experts believe that at this time the baby is aware of his personality, studying it. From his point of view, he is already big, he can handle a lot on his own. To show his individuality, he contradicts everyone. During such a period, the baby begins to argue, stubborn, refuse all offers. These are attempts to show that he also has his own opinion, position. The opportunity to defend one's own pleases, if it fails, they begin. Crybaby V their 2 years can bring the whole house to white heat in just five minutes.

All children sometimes act up, do not obey adults and this is completely normal. But how to understand the difference, and where is this invisible border between the crisis and naughty child at 2 years old?!

How to understand whether it is a whim or a crisis?

Caprice- this is an unpredictable, sudden desire to get something. For example, a baby wants a car, does not get it, cries and therefore gets very upset. Then he switches to a chocolate bar, gets it - and everything is fine. With a crisis, everything is not so simple. With him, everything is much more complicated, just switching attention will not give much result.

In a crisis the child wants to do things his own way. He believes that his opinion is not perceived, do not agree with him. For such child“in your own way” means the opposite of the will of others. That is, it does not matter at all what he really wants, the main thing is to contradict everything that you are told. Don't do what you even want to do. Check it out for yourself by asking your little one if he wants candy. In a crisis, he will first blurt out the on-duty answer "no", but as if he wants to say "yes". And if you offer him candy again after that, you can be sure that you will see in front of you a child at 2 years old is nervous and capricious.

Or here's another living example, the kid wanted to turn on the washing machine, but his mother turned it on a little earlier. Seeing that the child was crying, she immediately turned it off and gave the opportunity to turn it on herself. But he refuses to do so and continues get nervous and fussy. Child still wants to do it, but doesn't push because he's already been allowed to. Thus, the difference is visible in both cases, but not so obvious and, most importantly, the mother sometimes does not know what to do.

What to do with a capricious child at 2 years old?

During crisis with a child difficult to agree. The child becomes whiny and capricious at 2 years. He cannot allow everything, as well as prohibit a lot. We must clearly decide for ourselves which things are completely impossible:

  • Independent road crossing;
  • Playing with a knife and other sharp objects;
  • Attempt to harm another person, strike or start a fight;
  • Insulting parents and adults.

But there is also something that can be allowed (get dirty with paint, splash in puddles, wallow in the snow). Don't say the word "no" often. And you need to explain to kid his actions, words - then the baby will begin to draw conclusions on his own. With the help of a dispute, the baby does not check the limits of what is permitted. He is aware of himself, studies his "I", tries to understand what kind of person he is in his 2 years. The role of parents is to help to kid in this to avoid unnecessary whims. And one more important point - avoid screaming at this moment, because having insisted on your own, in the end you can get a completely "spineless child". It will please you with its obedience, but only from the point of view of your convenience. And as a person, he will not develop much. That is, you simply, from the height of your age, morally crush him.

You can not do the work for the child, even if he does it slowly and not quite right. It is better to wait, if he does not succeed at all, then he himself can ask for help. This is also a great skill to understand when you need to stop and do something differently, perhaps even with someone else's help.

Can you promise something to kid, if he complies with the request. But promises must be kept. This method, of course, may not work immediately, but as you know, "water wears away a stone." Fantasy can be a great help. Come up with unusual games that will help the child do what the adult wants from him. The analog method can also help. Adult and dangerous toys can be found similar in children. For example, to convince that a children's light colorful hammer is better than dad's. Finding a way out of various pre-conflict situations in helping to avoid the state when your baby becomes nervous and disobedient.

We must try to prevent protests. For example, if adults often use gadgets, then child wants it. It will be difficult to dissuade him. Therefore, we must try to do less of what is forbidden to children. You are a shining example for your children! And the alignment will be on you!

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About naughty and capricious guys 2 years Dr. Komarovsky says:

And in this program you will be told about 8 ways to prevent tantrums:

Polina, daughter Victoria (3 years old)

Rugrats! Just saying about us. I have one daughter, my dad is often at work and we are together most of the time. So, as soon as dad comes home, we begin whims We already thought she was jealous or something. But then our pediatrician told us, just about the crisis of 2 years. We had it for a long time, for six months Vika could not normally say what exactly she wanted and what not. She said "no" to everything, then. We didn't know what to do with a 2 year old when he gets like this capricious and disobedient. Our friendship won, of course, but at the cost of incredible hassle. I understood what to scold and, but sometimes it just washed me away. Now we have peace and harmony at home, but ahead, as I understand it, we will have another school crisis.

Irina, son Anatoly (7 years old) and Margarita (2 years old)

As my grandmother says, what they say is your children in crisis this year absolutely unmanaged. It is difficult to do something with them, and even more so to agree. They react to everything, like a swing, then one mood, and almost everything went there - immediately emotions over the edge and tears flowing. Everything is especially acute for the youngest child, Very she already capricious in their full 2.5 years. Sometimes I don't even know what to do with it. It seems to me that my son didn’t have this at all, although then we had one, maybe that’s why everything was easier to bear.


Gradually and imperceptibly third year crisis will pass. Naughty child at two years old will grow up and become a thoughtful and caring baby. You need to stock up on patience, imagination, so that at the end of it the child realizes himself and can develop harmoniously.

Photo and video: free Internet sources

Probably, everyone had to watch an unpleasant scene in a supermarket or in the market, when a young mother tries to drag a screaming 4-5-year-old child from the counter by the hand, demanding to buy him a car, gun, doll, candy, ice cream - the list is endless. All her attempts are in vain - from her cry, the child seems to be recharged with energy, and his crying and screaming turn into a real tantrum.

Many sympathetic women try to calm him down. No one pays attention to the fact that the little "blackmailer" is carefully watching what is happening around him. If you imagine that at some point everyone will turn away and start doing their own thing, then the baby will calm down very quickly and turn his attention to something else.

Usually - this is the one who could not be taught and in his arsenal of means to achieve the desired only experience gained up to a year. Namely - I lie and scream.

The psychology of a child up to a year is entirely aimed at communicating with the adults around him, primarily with his mother. At first, he gets attention to himself using crying. Unfortunately, in the absence of proper attention, these weapons remain in small hands for years.

I don’t want to upset many parents, but if you have a capricious child, then

The child wanders around the apartment, not knowing He asks his mother to give him an apple. The mother brushes him off and drives him to her room. But he does not leave, he stands nearby, begins to sob, falls to the floor, whines, wails. As you understand, the conversation with a friend is spoiled, the mother goes to the refrigerator with irritation and brings two apples to the child.

The child very quickly realizes that his mother's "no" is not at all final, therefore, it is not at all necessary to listen to his mother, and he is the head of the house - after all, he received an apple, and even two.

A capricious child begins to understand that his mother is absolutely indifferent, that in fact he needed not an apple, but attention. There is a classic picture of ransom. The older the child becomes, the more expensive this substitution of attention will cost parents.

Very often, communication with a child for many mothers comes down to several trainer commands - “sit, I said,” “remove my hands,” etc. When such a mother says: “I have a capricious child, what should I do with him?”, The answer , as it seems to us, lies on the surface. We must stop talking to him like a trained animal.

The child grows, changes, and parents often do not keep up with him. If the relationship of parents to their beloved child does not change, then his whims will not disappear even over the years. Before you lament the fact that you have a capricious child, start with yourself. Learn to communicate with him as with an adult, do not "lisp", do not try to fulfill any of his whims, explain to the baby every decision you make.

Why is the child constantly naughty and crying? This question is relevant for parents of infants and preschool children. Therefore, we want to consider this problem in more detail.

Why is the child naughty

Most mothers and fathers every day face the reluctance of the child to eat, sleep, dress, go to kindergarten or for a walk. The baby cries, refuses to comply with the proposed requirements, and sometimes just screams or whines. There are several main reasons for this behavior:

  • Physical - this group includes various diseases, fatigue, hunger, desire to drink or sleep. The child feels bad, but cannot understand why this happened. Therefore, it is so important for parents to follow the daily routine, feed, water and put the baby to bed on time.
  • The child requires attention - most children's tantrums can be prevented by increasing the time of communication. Mom's love is important for a little person, like air. If he does not get the right amount of attention, he will "pull" him in all available ways. Therefore, you do not need to wait for the baby to start hysterical. Just leave your affairs, turn off the phone, the Internet and hug the child. Play with him, take an interest in the news and spend time together.
  • The child wants to get what he wants - the little man perfectly understands where the pain points of the parents are, and knows how to put pressure on them. Therefore, if mom or dad pays off the whims financially, then the child will quickly learn to use the new scheme. It is very important to teach the child to negotiate, to look for new solutions to his problems.

Nature has arranged so that children's crying causes a strong emotional reaction in adults. This is very good, because sometimes reflection saves the life and health of a small person. If the child cries all the time, then you need to understand why he does it.


Many parents recall the age from birth to three or four months with horror. Why during this period the child is constantly naughty and crying? The following reasons can be distinguished:

  • The baby is hungry - sometimes the mother does not have enough milk or artificial formula is not suitable for him. If the child is not gaining weight well, then doctors recommend starting complementary foods.
  • Colic - It is believed that they are caused by gases in the intestines. Therefore, a nursing mother should monitor her diet and exclude a number of foods containing fiber. In addition, the pediatrician usually prescribes drops that help to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • A cold or inflammation of the ear - a doctor will help eliminate this problem. And the mother should report in time about the problems that have arisen and the change in the behavior of the baby.
  • Wet diapers - many children react sharply to untimely change of linen. Therefore, you should use diapers or change your baby's clothes on time.
  • Feeling of loneliness - children miss adults and calm down immediately after being picked up.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult for inexperienced parents to determine why the child is constantly naughty and crying. Therefore, they should listen carefully to the baby and immediately respond to his needs.

Whims in one year

When the baby grows up, he is faced with the first prohibitions. Often children react very violently: they scream, throw things, stomp their feet. If parents are aware of age-related characteristics, then, as far as possible, they will be able to prevent What to do when a child screams and cries (1 year old)? The baby is naughty for various reasons. So first you need to define them:

  • The child is naughty from an illness or internal conflict - he does not understand why he feels bad, and protests in a way that is accessible to him.
  • Protests against excessive guardianship - wants more freedom, refuses offered clothes or returning home from a walk.
  • Seeks to copy parents - let him participate in his affairs. Thanks to this, you can constantly be nearby, and at the same time teach your baby how to use new objects.
  • Reacts to emotional stress - excessive severity and control cause the child to cry. Therefore, try to treat him as a person, and not an object that must unquestioningly fulfill your will.

Do not forget that there are also invisible reasons for children's tears. Sometimes a child is constantly naughty and cries only because his temperament is of a weak type. This means that the baby is quickly overexcited, reacts sharply to stimuli and instantly gets tired. With age, he will learn to control his behavior, but for now it is important to monitor the daily routine and timely rest.

Two years

At this difficult age, even the most complaisant children turn into little tyrants. Parents complain that they cannot cope with the whims and demands of the baby. Many children have problems with sleep, there is increased excitability, and sometimes the first tantrums. So, what causes of whims can be identified when the child is 2 years old:

  • Socialization - at this age, the child must learn new rules for him to communicate and interact with other people. Therefore, he reacts sharply to restrictions that relate to his independence and freedom of action.
  • Speech development - until the child can formulate in words what he feels or wants to do. Therefore, he relieves nervous tension by screaming and crying.
  • Unspent energy - it is very important that during the day the baby can actively move and play. Stiffness leads to the fact that in the evening he cannot calm down and fall asleep.
  • Emotional stress - the baby feels the emotions of adults, it is hard for family conflicts and quarrels of adults.

When a child is 2 years old, he enters a phase of crisis. Therefore, it is so important to treat his personal problems with understanding and respond correctly to them.

Crisis of three years

A new stage in the development of the baby is accompanied by a violent reaction on his part. At this age, he realizes himself as a person, the pronoun "I" appears in his speech. The child tries to do everything himself, but does not always succeed in this. Therefore, he "revenges" his parents with tears and cries. What should be done? Psychologists advise to come to terms with the situation and just survive it.

What to do if the child is constantly naughty and crying

Each parent finds their own solution to the problem. Not always the chosen path will lead to a positive result, and sometimes even more aggravates the situation. What to do if the baby is crying:

When to See a Doctor

Experts consider it normal if the baby shows his displeasure two or three times a week. If the child is constantly capricious and crying, and even more so arranges real tantrums, then this is a reason to seek help from a qualified specialist. Perhaps just a few visits to a child psychologist will help restore peace and tranquility in the family.


Every parent should understand that whims at an early age are absolutely normal. Therefore, it is so important to learn to recognize the causes and eliminate them in time.

In the first years of a baby's life, the development of the psyche occurs at a very fast pace. If, for example, for an adult, two years is just a temporary period, then in two years a child learns to see, hear, talk, walk.

In the first years of a baby's life, the development of the psyche occurs at a very fast pace. If, for example, for an adult, two years is just a temporary period, then in two years a child learns to see, hear, talk, walk. By the age of two, the baby begins to independently perceive the world around him, to draw the first conclusions. His system of values ​​is being formed, and the desires dictated by his character are added to the natural needs, the first whims arise.

What causes tantrums in children

The age of two is a transitional stage at which the baby begins to consciously manipulate adults, wanting to get what he wants, or, on the contrary, to avoid what he does not like. The child freaks out and begins to manipulate adults from a very young age, but if the main goal of manipulation in infants is the presence of a mother nearby, then cunning develops in the future, children begin to predict their actions and the reaction of others.

The psyche in children develops rapidly, and therefore often, without getting what we want, we are faced with the so-called "children's hysteria." Such whims and bouts of uncontrollable crying and screaming begin, as a rule, precisely at the age of two, and they can be explained from the point of view of psychology: the active development of the psyche makes the child very dependent on mood, and his emotions and perception of the world become aggravated. In addition, at the age of two, the child begins to objectively perceive the world with all its shortcomings and flaws, which is a huge stress for the child's body.

In addition, it is now customary from childhood to actively engage children in various circles and sections: the child is engaged in drawing, swimming, learning foreign languages, all this can lead to chronic fatigue of the little man and often cause new tantrums and whims.
Parents are not always able to adequately and competently respond to whims and attacks of aggression and uncontrolled behavior in children. A two-year-old child is naughty not only at home, quite the opposite, children prefer to throw tantrums in public places, transport, on walks, in the hospital - each time they encounter a new, unusual situation in which they feel uncomfortable. Children do not know how to tolerate - they actively and overly emotionally demonstrate their emotions in public, and not many parents can respond to this correctly. Tired of endless and causeless tears and disapproving glances of passers-by, moms and dads react with aggression to aggression, which only aggravates the situation.

External manifestations of hysteria in children

Psychologists who specialize in working with the youngest children consider the two-year-old crisis to be one of the key and most difficult stages of development. Frequent tantrums have a negative impact on its normal development and maturation. Hysteria is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • uncontrollable outburst of anger and hatred;
  • loud hysterical cries;
  • tears;
  • irritation;
  • despair.

At the moment when the child is at the peak of hysteria, parents often experience no less irritation: many of them believe that the baby has no reason to cry. Passers-by are constantly indignant and make remarks to parents, reproaching them for their inability to raise their child, which makes parents even more angry and feel helpless in the face of the situation.

At this time, the child is experiencing real despair. He uncontrollably desires or, on the contrary, does not want something, but he does not feel either support or understanding from adults, he feels lonely. All this provokes a new round of hysteria and a new outbreak of aggression on the part of the parents. Parents rush to do everything to make the child calm down, giving grounds for manipulation. Children at the age of two, like sponges, absorb each new situation in which they find themselves in order to use it as a model of behavior in the future, this is how their psyche works. Parents find themselves in the trap of children's whims, considering their manifestation as ordinary disobedience and bad manners, but meanwhile, everything is much more serious for children.

At the moment of hysteria, the child often ceases to control the motor skills of his body, in a fit of desperation, he is ready to bang his head against the wall, and can seriously harm himself. Therefore, when persuasion and conversations with the baby do not help, and the manifestations of causeless hysteria become more serious, it is best to contact a pediatric neurologist.

Parental behavior and their main mistakes

Mothers, accustomed to the fact that the child is their continuation, do not always have time to notice the moment when, at the age of two, he begins to separate and show independent desires, different from those that his parents impose on him. Constantly faced with an unusual and uncontrollable reaction in children to habitual actions, when the baby is crazy about food, sleep, a walk, mothers experience shock and cease to keep the situation under control.

With the help of hysteria, a child at the age of two can try to determine the boundaries of what is permitted. For example, he does not want to eat soup because he prefers sweets. There is no socially formed way and system of eating food in the mind of the child, and he constantly sincerely does not understand why it is impossible to dine with chocolate. He demands that his wish be granted, and the only weapons in his arsenal are crying, screaming and tantrums. He seems to be testing his own parents for strength, and if they give up, the boundaries of what is permitted expand. In other words, the wrong behavior of the parents gives rise to the child and even provokes him to subsequent tantrums.

Despite the fact that the behavior of the baby and his whims are associated with the physiological processes of his development at two years old, in no case should you succumb to whims and do everything that the baby wants. The tantrum will really subside, but the next time the child wants to get something more and new, whims will appear more often, and tantrums will become more and more uncontrollable. The kid must clearly know what “no” and “no” are.

When babies start crying, mothers try to distract them: they start feeding them, entertaining them with toys, showing them some fundamentally new look, etc. This method works because, at their most tender age, children are not able to think about two radically different things at the same time.

At the age of two, the child sincerely does not understand why the parents, in response to his demand to buy him a new toy, show a beautiful Christmas tree in the center of the trading floor. He accepts the existence of this beautiful Christmas tree, but this does not prevent him from wanting a toy. The method of distraction is useless and can even aggravate the situation.

How to deal with tantrums in children

To understand the cause of the tears and cries of the child, it is necessary to make sure that the problem is hidden precisely in the psychological aspect of development. At this age, the sleep pattern changes, and therefore, if the child does not get enough sleep, he will definitely begin to act up. Chronic lack of sleep or disturbing, superficial sleep will lead to regular tantrums. To get rid of them, it is enough to create the correct mode of sleep and wakefulness for the child.

Equally important is the emotional background in the house. If parents constantly swear, yell at each other, or, on the contrary, avoid communication, the child will definitely feel it. He will succumb to the general mood, and his whims and tantrums will be regular guests in a troubled house. If you want to help your child cope with this difficult period, start with yourself and analyze your behavior, eliminating all manifestations of aggression or anger from it. It is important that parents have the same position in relation to the process of raising a child.

The main tool in the fight against children's hysteria is not to go on about. Under no circumstances should a child's request be unconditionally fulfilled. Parents should, first of all, calm down, soberly and calmly assess the situation. The manifestation of aggression or illogical, inconsistent and unreasoned statements can lead the child into a dead end, cause a new portion of despair and aggravate the situation.

To calm the child, you do not need to say a lot of unnecessary words, explaining your refusal - this is a child, and he is not able to perceive complex sentences in such a situation. Try to speak with him briefly, firmly and confidently, do not allow softness in intonations - the baby will instantly catch it.

If words do not help, leave the child alone. Many parents are unable to do this because they are haunted by a feeling of pity for their own child. But to cope with the hysteria on your own, to understand the wrongness of your actions, to come to a conclusion and, having calmed down, to admit the reason for your tears is unreasonable - is this not the best thing you can wish for a child in such a situation. Control the situation, but do not interfere: seeing the interest in their tears, the child will continue to cry with renewed vigor.

Please note that children only have tantrums in front of adults. For example, if in a children's group one child took a toy from another without the presence of an adult, the child will independently defend his interests and fight for his thing. If there is an adult nearby, he will most likely put on a real show. Therefore, do not be afraid to leave the child alone, give him the opportunity to grow up and become independent.

Tantrums in children are, unfortunately, an obligatory stage in the development of the child's psyche. All parents have to go through it, the main thing is to find the key to the emerging consciousness of their baby, explain to him the reasons for the refusal and not respond to manipulation attempts. The psychology of a child is such that in order to form an idea about the world around him, he must outline for himself the boundaries of what is permitted with the help of his parents.

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The appearance of the first child in the family is a great joy that brings new troubles. Sometimes the behavior of the baby causes bewilderment in parents.

They cannot understand why a newborn baby cries during the day, does not sleep at night, and what to do in such cases. There are several versions in my head about the cause of the scream. In fact, finding out what the baby is unhappy with is not difficult.

Over time, you will learn to distinguish the characteristic signs by which you can determine what caused the child's discontent. But, the most interesting thing is that by the age of three months, many babies cry for no particular reason.

This phenomenon can be explained by the imperfection of the digestive and nervous systems at this age. By three months, the problem of constant unmotivated screaming most often disappears. Some children whims all day long can last up to six months.

From this article you will learn

Fatigue causes crying

It's already 10 pm and the baby can't sleep. During the day he calmly fell asleep, and in the evening he began to act up. The reason for crying cannot be hunger, because the child has recently eaten. His tummy is soft, he does not push, therefore, excess gas in the abdomen and colic cannot cause a cry.

A newborn baby may show unmotivated anxiety when overexcited. Too much information constantly enters his mind during the day. Sometimes this behavior can be observed after a walk or visiting guests. People say in such cases that the child is naughty because he was jinxed.

An infant up to three months old may show fatigue by prolonged crying. Nothing wrong with that. He is so calm. Screaming, the newborn sleeps safely, and mom and dad go to drink valerian.

If, after feeding in the evening or in the afternoon, the baby begins to yell, he does not push, he has a soft stomach, normal appetite and a completely healthy appearance, fatigue may well be the cause of the cry.

Conversations, persuasion, games, as a rule, only aggravate the situation. How to help the child in this case? Some babies cry out for 10-20 minutes and fall asleep on their own if left alone. For some, rhythmic motion sickness in their arms or in a wheelchair helps them fall asleep.

If hunger caused whims

Some parents worry that the child began to cry from hunger. In the first two weeks after the hospital, the newborn sleeps more. Mom feeds him every day according to the schedule or on demand.

The baby gets used to a certain rhythm. Mom also begins to understand when the baby's appetite is increased, and when he can easily oversleep, having eaten only half of his portion.

When breastfeeding, the more milk the baby needs per day, the more it is produced by the mother. Do not rush to accustom your baby to artificial nutrition, thinking of combining breastfeeding and artificial feeding.

With insufficient emptying of the breast, milk production may decrease, and soon stop altogether. Although the cause of a decrease in lactation can also be a woman's overwork or a strong experience.

How to determine why the child is really crying - from hunger or for another reason? You can easily understand this by his behavior. At first, he sleeps less than the prescribed time during the day, and greedily takes up the food offered to him. Then, in case of malnutrition, he will begin to raise a cry immediately after feeding, signaling his mother about his discontent.

If the baby ate only half of the portion offered to him, then his crying two hours after feeding may mean that he is hungry. But if the child does not sleep, is naughty and pushes an hour after a hearty meal, most likely he has colic. Crying three hours after eating may well mean hunger and a call to feed.

If the baby cries incessantly for 10 minutes after a two-hour sleep, try to attach it to the chest, there will be no harm in eating ahead of time. If less than two hours have passed since the last feeding, let the baby cry for 10-15 minutes, you can give him a pacifier to calm him down. Watch to see if he pushes when he screams.

Other reasons

There are 10 reasons why a baby may cry all day long. Your task is to establish the truth and help. Among other things, crying can be caused by the fact that the child is sick. Then other signs of the disease should appear.

Rash on the skin, fever, discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes, cough, unusual color and smell of stools. A sick baby is a reason to immediately call a local doctor. In no case should you self-medicate.

Can Wet Films Cause Weeping? In rare cases. Only if there are signs of irritation on the skin, which is aggravated by contact with moisture. But there will be no harm if you change the diaper once again.

Can being spoiled cause crying before 10 weeks of age? No, the baby still does not know how to manipulate others and quite sincerely expresses his feelings.

If he cries, then he really feels discomfort. Why reassurance and help is necessary. But don't panic. Most often, a child who is constantly naughty becomes calmer after three months.

excitable kid

Distinguishing hyperexcitability is quite easy. Another thing is that you can not neglect it, and rebuild the child for yourself. An excitable baby shudders from a sharp sound for the first 10 weeks of life, he is tense, it is difficult for him to relax. In the first few months, it will be difficult to get him to take a bath. Such children often suffer from colic.

Perhaps the doctor will prescribe a sedative and advise a sparing regimen. Fewer visitors and new impressions per day, quiet sounds and conversations, tight swaddling.

Colic in a newborn

With colic, the newborn screams from the pain that occurs in the intestines due to the accumulation of gases there. The kid pushes, twitches his legs, blushes. He cries because the pain is very unpleasant and sharp. This phenomenon occurs at the end of the first month of life.

During the day, the child sleeps peacefully and suddenly an attack of screaming begins. The child cries, pushes, blushes. Very often, the mother who breastfeeds the baby is blamed for the occurrence of colic. Indeed, some foods can cause increased gas formation and the mother should familiarize herself with the diet even during pregnancy.

For example, eating some raw vegetables is not recommended for women in the first months of breastfeeding. It will be necessary to abandon sauerkraut and various preservation.

Peas and other legumes are banned. The diet of a nursing woman is somewhat reminiscent of Pevzner's table number 5, which is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. You can not drink coffee, alcohol, chocolate.

Drinking tea during the day is preferably green or, if you are lucky enough to get it, white. At night, tea should be discarded. There is nothing particularly difficult in such a diet.

How to help during colic

Parents do not need to panic when a baby has colic. It must be remembered that this is a fairly common problem associated with the formation of the digestive tract. If the baby cries, does not sleep during the day and pushes, you need to try his tummy. With colic, it will be hard and tense.

You can give the baby Espumizan or dill water. Pour a heating pad with warm water and wrap it in a diaper, put the baby on it with his stomach. The water should not be very hot.

When touched on the wrist, the heating pad should not burn. If the baby does not sleep during the day due to colic, calm him down, pick him up. Don't be afraid to spoil. After three months, the problem of colic will go away by itself.

If the baby is excitable, he may suffer more from colic during the first ten weeks of life. Consult with your doctor to find the right medicine for him.

Refrain from walking in crowded places and home visitors. When the baby does not sleep during the day, you can give a pacifier to make him feel calmer.

Let your baby grow faster and be less naughty!