Cool statuses for boys. Statuses are cool for a guy, a man

Only a car and a dog do not betray.

There is no law for us - we are boys from the district.

If you love - love without deceit. If you believe, then believe until the end. Hate - say it straight. And if you laugh, then laugh in your eyes.

Better to be last among wolves than first among jackals!

Turn off your phone, don't make contact, and you'll find out how many real friends you have.

There will be luck, there will be luck and it is impossible otherwise - you just need patience!

There are people who really want to say thank you, at least for the fact that they exist.

If a girl takes the first step herself, believe me, you are really dear to her!

We have with friends different parents but that doesn't stop us from being brothers.

Think with your own head, do as you know, always. Don't succumb to public opinion.

The dream of any kid is to hold in his hands the son from his girlfriend.

Own company is a company in which you can not think when you speak.

Think back to a year ago. A lot has changed. Some got closer, others left.

And while my heart will beat, I will be proud of the place where I was destined to be born!

Don't forgive betrayal. Nobody. Never. Fooled once, so cheated a second time.

I don't try to please people. Everyone who needs it - I already like it! You won't be good for everyone!

Take care of the one you love so that later you don’t have to live with the one you got.

It doesn't matter how many friends you have, It matters if they help you in a difficult situation!

Brother remember: We will never leave you in trouble!

It happens that for the sake of a person you leave everyone, and he leaves you for the sake of everyone.

Mom teaches to be kind, dad teaches to be proud. And the brother does not teach anything, he simply said: "They will offend, I will tear it!".

Don't waste time with people who don't have time for you.

Don't avoid a fight, wounds will heal faster than self-esteem.

I don't need perfect, I need you, harmful, jealous, but so beloved.

Cherish only those who value you.

I don't care about those who hate me. I live for the people who love me.


Those who grew up in the yards and know what the word “kid” is will surely find something interesting for themselves here, in our selection of “boy statuses”. When we were young and raced with friends through overgrown parks and gardens, we rode motorcycles for hours and tried to achieve our youthful goals. Although, boy is not only a word from childhood. You must have met real boys in your life who keep their word and keep all their promises. There are, of course, exceptions to these individuals. In general, read the boy's statuses, draw conclusions and we wish you a pleasant viewing. Good luck.

I have no property to be offended by people. I'm just drawing some conclusions.

Yes, whoever you are there, whatever the situation may be - always answer for your words.

Everyone says: Change, and everyone will reach out for you. And I'd rather be myself, and see who stays with me!

Forget who you are now and become who you want to be.

Whatever happens, know your friends will help!

The best part is reaching your goals. Then, grinning, look down at those who did not believe in you.

The most offensive thing is to see how sad a friend is and understand that you can’t help him in any way.

If you have complexes - work on yourself, and do not try to assert yourself, looking for flaws in other people.

Sometimes you have to take risks. The main thing is to overcome your fear. Because no matter how you risk, you'll be glad you took the risk.

Time passes, but friendship remains.

Do not live sadly, do not guess what will happen, take care of what you have.

God bless every mother whose children I call friends.

The boy must be responsible for his words, or he is not a boy.

Surround yourself only with people who will pull you higher. Life is already full of those who want to drag you down.

I will change, it would be only for someone.

For me, it is a value to have a friend or friends who are not affected by time, weather or distance.

Dates are flashing - I feel fine, my brothers are with me, the truth is behind us.

Anger is a state in which the tongue works faster than the brain. Be wiser, think with your head!

Everything is not the same as before. Time runs further. Some are closer, some are farther. It's a pity we got older...

You will not understand anything in friendship until you are dumped by a friend who was the best.

If you don’t write to people first and don’t impose yourself, then you can find that, in principle, nobody fucking needs you.

The attitude towards a girl changes if she does not appreciate what you are doing for her.

Nowadays it is very difficult to prove to a person that he is really, very dear to you. Few believe.

Don't ask me how I'm doing. If you are a person close to me, then you already know it. And if you are nobody to me, I will never tell you the truth...

Find a job you fall in love with and never have to work another day in your life.

If you want - you will find the time, if you do not want - you will find the reason.

I respect those who do not depend on the opinion of society ...


Real boys exist in our time in almost every corner of the entire planet. If you belong to them, and consider yourself a kid, then we advise you to read this selection. There is a type of people who like to behave differently from everyone else. They have their own speech, their own manners, their own conversations, friends, hobbies. Types of men are divided into many links, and each of them represents a certain focus and manners. The kid knows the value of his word, usually these are people with a pronounced charisma, original of course, but still. In general, we have prepared statuses for boys especially for those who consider themselves to be such. We hope you enjoy the collection and the expressions contained in it. We wish you success.

A real kid must be kind, but they never ask him to be weak. What is the philosophy of man? Learn about it from daring statuses for VK for boys.

To answer not the most conscientious people

Daring statuses about the main thing

A kid's life can be smooth or rough, but there's always room for real friends. These statuses are dedicated to them:

Statuses about feelings

We are rarely loved for who we are, but maybe this is for the best:

Daring statuses from the life of a boy

The boys are not philosophers, but they know a lot more about life. In order to get out of a variety of problems, you need the right attitude:

  1. Don't talk to me about life clean slate. You don't know what it's like to get out of the minus.
  2. I am a man, and by definition fearless, a boy can only be like that.
  3. Let my mother be ashamed of me, but I am indestructible.
  4. For the sake of success, I will put everything except the health of loved ones and lads!
  5. Guys, respect women! And I'm not talking about skins...
  6. Don't say the word "impossible" to me. I don't know what it means.
  7. Judge me for my difficult character? How else? A boy without character is a rag.
  8. Always keep given word: This is your price.
  9. I am caring and kind at home, and this is also my strength.
  10. Not sure, don't promise. There is nothing worse than being a jerk.
  11. Yes, I don't have much money, I just don't need to impress people who remind me of it.
  12. Between figure and kindness, always choose the latter. Beauty will fade, kindness forever.
  13. A good person will not necessarily be intelligent, an intelligent person will not necessarily be good.

Cool guys - cool statuses!

A man should be like expensive cognac - inaccessible and unsuitable for everyone. Only a few should know its strength and taste, if many people know its taste, then this is no longer cognac - this is draft beer ...

Everything will be fine, but we will find the guilty ...

It's easier for a guy to say ***whore*** than ***I envy someone who can afford it***

A man loves to hate, that's what distinguishes us from women...

- Do you want coffee in bed? - No, in my cup.

It is high time for men to understand that only snowmen a lot of heat is contraindicated.

Only then will a guy understand how dear a girl is to him when he sees her with another ...

Men are like clockwork - you need to start every day

When leaving for the other world, do not forget to turn off this one.

When we die on the same day, I will take you to heaven in my arms!

And a man should leave beautifully, as well as come ... That is, forever ...

Well, the guys have gone now ... call first, write first ... can they come home and bring flowers ???

Men are divided into two types: Bastard ordinary and Bastard extraordinary!

Let everything pass by, except for love, money and intimacy!

Let the men think that they are smarter than us. Let them think that they are more talented, more capable, more successful, earn more. Let be. But boobs, boobs are with us!

How to make a girl go crazy? give her a lot of money and close all the shops!

He's just a jerk! When I told him that I didn't want to see him, he turned off the light...

Listen here, victim of a drunken midwife!

Dear, where do you put a snickers so that you really stop slowing down ?!

Socks have the hardest job... they are really on their feet all day!)

I'll explain everything on my fingers... you see, the middle one...

Almost every guy, introducing his girlfriend to friends, under the phrase "Get acquainted, this is my girlfriend" means a different meaning of the words. "It's all mine, boys. Come on, rate it" ------ statuses

If a man called a woman a bitch, then he lost all hope of calling her a fool.

I do not promise vodka, but we will take a walk for glory. Ivan Susanin.

Your Blue eyes remind me of the endless ocean, which is so nice to dive into and forget about all the problems.

In the end, among the ends, you will finally find the end.

Remember what cuter guy the less he can be trusted. This is the law!

The first rule of a real man: don't be lazy to wash your socks and sms...

He tore off all the cockroach's legs, said "run!" - does not run. Conclusion: without paws, a cockroach does not hear.

The correct MAN is the one who can dress and wants to undress.

The best man is not a set of qualities and material baggage. This is the person next to whom you feel desired, the most beautiful, loved and just happy...

If a man does not keep his word, he will not keep any girl in life ...

The man said - the man acted ... pretended not to say anything ...

Only then will the guy understand how dear the girl is to him when he sees her with another ...

Girls are not interested in rags only if those rags are guys. - statuses about guys

Men belong to the order of arthropods, first they please the penis, and then they make their legs.

Cool statuses for a guy, men

  • Boy statuses - We are so brave because we do not expect indulgence.
  • God created a thief, but the devil is a prosecutor, boys swim to where there is no labor, where there are no laws and courts ...
  • Don't talk to me about life from scratch. You don't know what it's like to get out of the minus.
  • It happens in life - the boys lose their ...
  • I am a man, and by definition fearless, a boy can only be like that.
  • Only suckers are not afraid of anything, real boys are always cheating...
  • Let my mother be ashamed of me, but I am indestructible.
  • Lord, save me from friends, I can handle my enemies myself.
  • For the sake of success, I will put everything except the health of loved ones and lads!
  • I survived there, where the mammoths froze.
  • Guys, respect women! And I'm not talking about skins...
  • A guy should be decorated with only one princess, and not a flock of sheep.
  • Don't say the word "impossible" to me. I don't know what it means.
  • We are not cool, but cool people are drawn to us. We are not thieves in law, but people with concepts appreciate us. We have no weapons, but we are always dangerous. We are few, but when we are united, we cannot be defeated!
  • Are you judging me for my difficult character? How else? A boy without character is a rag.
  • The most pleasant thing is when the guys from your yard want to be like you.
  • Always keep your word: this is your price.
  • Honesty and loyalty is an expensive gift that should not be expected from cheap people.
  • I am caring and kind at home, and this is also my strength.
  • Women are of two types: good and ideal. The good ones have a large F, as well as a small P, they are good at holding X in their hands. Zh is a living space, P is a need, and X is a household. What do you think - this is the perfect woman.
  • Boy statuses - Not sure - don't promise. There is nothing worse than being a jerk.
  • Life is given to a person only once. It is necessary to live it in such a way that they go nuts up there, saying: “Cool! Worth repeating!”
  • Everyone is able to upset a really acting kid. It is important to apologize in time in order to wait longer for your sudden funeral.
  • If it becomes tight in life, then a friend’s shoulder will help!
  • I hate boys who offend cute girls in vain with their fists, obscene words or behavior. Such unique women are rude to ladies from male impotence and fear.
  • Those who are ready for everything are not prepared for anything.
  • Men are subject to emotions. Boys sometimes acutely feel the feeling of hunger.
  • Never, under any circumstances, give up. Any difficulties are not a punishment for the past, but a test for the sake of the future.
  • The secret of successful family relations elementary. When a kid is wrong, they don't admit it. If he knows the right remedy- will remain silent.
  • If you have nothing to hold on to, hold on tight.