Interesting questions to ask a girl. Cool questions for girls: ideas and tips on what to write in an original way to a girl to make her laugh

The article offers guys and men options for interesting questions that can be used to get to know the girl you like.

100 questions that you can ask a girl in correspondence, in VK, when meeting, on the phone, talking, on a first date: a list

Good relations between a man and a woman are built at the stage of acquaintance. It doesn’t matter in what circumstances you met (real communication, communication on the phone or in social networks), you need to establish yourself “in the first couple” as an interesting conversationalist and a positive person.

There are such situations that it is quite difficult for a guy to find a common language with a girl he likes. The reason for this is excessive excitement, modesty or lack of experience. In such cases, a pre-prepared list of interesting questions will help. You can ask them at any time of your acquaintance, the main thing is to listen carefully to the answers.

IMPORTANT: By asking a girl questions, you not only show yourself as an interesting interlocutor, but also learn more about her interests, life, and affairs.

Question options:

  1. Do you have such a favorite movie that you are ready to watch it again and again over and over again?
  2. Do you have a good relationship with your siblings?
  3. Do you like spending time in nature?
  4. How do you feel about the sea and what do you love more? What rest? Active or romantic?
  5. Do you always wake up in a good mood in the morning?
  6. How do you usually fall asleep: with a book, looking at the ceiling, with headphones?
  7. How does your summer usually go?
  8. What do you think is missing in life?
  9. Do you believe in loyalty?
  10. How often do your friends call for help?
  11. Do you have many bright moments in your life? Which one do you remember the most?
  12. Does your family have any special traditions?
  13. How often do you listen to music?
  14. What are your musical preferences?
  15. Can you send me a song that would best describe you?
  16. Do you have "crazy" dreams?
  17. Do you love flowers?
  18. What flowers are your favorite?
  19. Do you like surprises and surprises?
  20. How often do you receive surprise gifts from loved ones?
  21. Are you a leader?
  22. Do you like cooking? If yes, what is your favorite dish?
  23. Your favorite color?
  24. Are you interested in psychology? Would you be a good psychologist?
  25. Are you always confident in your abilities?
  26. Do you have moments of weakness?
  27. If you feel bad, who will you turn to first for help?
  28. Do you like children?
  29. Would you like a daughter or a son?
  30. Do you have a strong family?
  31. How soon would you like to start a family?
  32. What is more important to you: family or personal career growth?
  33. What time of the year do you like the most?
  34. Why do you love this time of year?
  35. Do you live by associations? For example, do you have memories in your soul that you live over and over again?
  36. Do you often mourn the past?
  37. Have you ever been disappointed in life?
  38. Have you ever dreamed of writing a book?
  39. What did you dream of becoming as a child?
  40. What do you think, what is missing for a person to be completely happy?
  41. Do you believe in fairy tales?
  42. What is your favorite fairy tale?
  43. What fairy tale character do you associate yourself with?
  44. Have you ever experienced painful love?
  45. What do you think is the most romantic time of day?
  46. Have you ever wanted to walk all night until morning?
  47. Are you one of those who think that the glass is half empty or half full?
  48. Do you like your name?
  49. What is your favorite male or female name?
  50. Do you happen to be able to draw?
  51. What do you feel when you draw?
  52. Do you have a big fantasy?
  53. Do you like walking?
  54. Do you like rain?
  55. What do you like to do when it's raining and thundering outside?
  56. Do you have a lot of friends?
  57. Are you the soul of the company?
  58. Do you have a hobby, favorite pastime, hobbies?
  59. Do you like to read books?
  60. What kind of books do you like: real with paper pages or in electronic form?
  61. How do you feel about very expensive and completely cheap gifts?
100 interesting questions for a girl to make an acquaintance

What can you ask a girl to interest her?

Flirting is a complex science, which should be based not only on sexual interest, but also on intellectual one. Prepare in advance a list of questions that could cheer up the girl and introduce you to her sincere companion.

Question options:

  1. How do you feel about me wanting to ask you out on a date?
  2. How long have you been on a date? Do you want to refresh your memories?
  3. I had a dream that I invited you for a walk. Do you think he is prophetic?
  4. Do you believe in destiny? I started believing after I met you.
  5. I read in my horoscope that romantic adventures await me today. Do you believe in horoscopes?
  6. I would like to invite you for coffee, but I don't know how. Will you help?
  7. Tell me, how many digits are in your phone number? What are they?
  8. Do you have hobbies or are you just looking for something interesting?
  9. Skin become your passion
  10. You know, I have always considered myself a worthy photographer, do you want to be my photo model?
  11. Is your computer working well? I'm a master at reinstalling systems, didn't you know?
  12. What would you like to receive as a gift? What can make you happy?
  13. How do you feel about active rest? Let's take a break together?
  14. Have you already thought about how to spend this evening? I can give you a couple of ideas.
  15. What are your plans for the next evening, week, life?
  16. Girl, don't you need a very interesting and gentle interlocutor?
  17. How long have I been waiting for you just to ask how you're doing? Forever!
  18. Have you got a dream? Do you want me to give it to you?
  19. Do you often do crazy things? Maybe we can fool around?
  20. You are happy? Otherwise, I can give you happiness.

How to interest a girl in a conversation? What to ask her?

How to ask a girl you like for age?

The question of age for a woman can be very delicate and therefore such questions should be asked very carefully, not wanting to offend her.

Question options:

  1. Are you old enough to return my kisses?
  2. You look so confident and beautiful that it seems to me that you are older than me, isn't that true?
  3. Can you tell me how old you are in my ear?
  4. If you were brave, would you admit how old you are?
  5. You look so good, so fresh and young, I can't even tell how old you are. Do you confess?
  6. I know it's tactless, but you definitely don't have to worry about it. How old are you?
  7. How old are you? Don't be shy, I just want to know how many more years we can spend with you together.
  8. I'm embarrassed to ask how old you are, but I want to know: are you perfect for me or should I deviate from the ideal?
  9. If you don't tell me how old you are, I'll have to pet you for a very long time. Do you want this?
  10. How old are you? If you don't want to talk, at least hint. I believe your every word.

How to communicate with a girl in order to interest her?

How to ask a girl you like if she has a boyfriend?

When starting a relationship, it is important to make sure that a woman is free and open to new relationships. Such questions should be asked very delicately so as not to offend your interlocutor, and most importantly, not to “scare her away”.

Question options:

  1. I'm wondering if such a woman is single or if I have a chance to win your attention?
  2. You most likely have a boyfriend, but maybe I'm wrong?
  3. Let me ask if the heart of such a beautiful girl is occupied?
  4. Tell me, is your heart busy? By chance, not by me?
  5. Oh, how I would like to settle in your heart and thoughts. This is wrong?
  6. You have a boyfriend? And then, I have a feeling that there already is, and it's definitely me.
  7. Can I ask you one important and exciting thing: are you free? I am ready to fight for every second of my freedom.
  8. You have a boyfriend? Stop! Do not answer! I don't want to know, I just want to fight.
  9. You have a boyfriend? It's just important for me to know if I will have a chance to fight for you?
  10. Tell me, do I have a chance to beat you off the guy?
  11. Girl, do you need a boyfriend? Very loyal and gentle, by the way.
  12. Girl, I like you so much that I'm ready to forget that you're married.
  13. I really want to become your soulmate so much that it’s not even interesting whether your heart is busy or not. I hope you're free?
  14. Girl, can you leave your boyfriend for me?
  15. Can I give you everything in this world and what the "ex" guy could not give you?

How to start a conversation with a girl? flirting rules

How do I ask a girl I like if she likes me?

If you decide to win a girl's heart, you need to make sure that the girl is not indifferent to you. It can be quite difficult to ask this directly, so it is important not to frighten a woman with your “direct pressure” and at the same time attract her to you.

Question options:

  1. Do you like me? After all, I really like you.
  2. I feel like falling in love with you, do you like it?
  3. I can't stop thinking about you, I hope you like me too?
  4. Hope you feel the same as me
  5. How I like you! Goosebumps! Does this happen to you?
  6. I can't stop thinking about you, what do you think?
  7. You are not only in my heart, but also in my head. Don't you feel the same?
  8. What do you think I want to hear the most right now? The answer is simple, I want to know that you like me.
  9. I tried so hard to please you, I hope I succeeded?
  10. What else do I need to do to please you?
  11. I'm willing to do anything to earn your sympathy, have I done it yet?
  12. I want to please you and be the subject of your sympathy. Is it possible?
  13. How much you attract me, I guess I don't attract you that much?
  14. Who do you think you like more: me or you?
  15. Do you know what I dream about? - You like it!
  16. I want all your thoughts and desires to come down to me and I will achieve this, do you doubt it?
  17. I didn't want anyone as much as you. Have you ever felt like this?
  18. Baby, I like you and it excites me. Do you think it's long term?
  19. I can not help myself, you settled in my head. Do you want me to kick you out? But, I wouldn't want to.
  20. I like you, but can I count on such reciprocity?

How to attract the attention of a girl? flirting rules

How to ask a girl who likes her phone number?

Some guys are embarrassed to ask for a girl's phone number, and thereby miss the opportunity to make a romantic acquaintance. Help in this can questions, unobtrusive and positive, based on all the rules of "successful flirting".

Question options:

  1. Girl, I lost your phone number and this is the worst thing that ever happened to me. Can you help me remember it?
  2. Girl, if I had your phone number, I would probably be the happiest! Won't you make me happy?
  3. You know, today is my birthday and you can give me the best gift in my life - your phone number.
  4. I know it's not original, but I'm so impressed with you that I don't want to miss the opportunity to get to know you. Will you leave me your phone number?
  5. Girl, I'm ready to agree that you give me the full phone number, forgetting to name one number. And then I'll prove that I can get through to you. Will you make me happy?
  6. To be happy, I only need two things: your name and phone number. Will you help me be happy?
  7. It's a pity we don't have mutual friends. I would definitely get your phone number, and now I just have to beg you to give it to me.
  8. If I had one wish that could come true, it would be your phone number. Do you know where to find the nearest Magic Genie?

How to ask a girl for a phone number beautifully?

How do you ask a girl you like how many boyfriends she's had?

Such questions are very intimate and not every girl wants to talk about it with a man, and if you have the opportunity not to ask about the number of guys, you better not do it. However, if you want to test the sincerity of feelings or find out more about the person you are in a relationship with, ask a question in a playful or delicate way.

Question options:

  • I understand that I am not your first man, but, to be honest, I would like to know how many guys you had before me. Won't you share with me?
  • Let's talk to you on intimate topics? I confess to you how many girls I had, and you tell me how many guys you have.
  • I love you very much, but one obsessive question does not leave my head: how many guys did you have before me? Believe me, I will not be angry and jealous. I just want to know more about you.
  • I think you're still that heartbreaker! Admit it, how many men's hearts have you already broken before me?
  • You are so charming that I have no doubt that men adore you. This is true? Did you enjoy popularity and male attention? Got something to brag about?

How to ask a girl a question on an intimate topic?

How to originally ask a girl “how are you”, “how are you”?

It can be quite difficult to interest a girl you like. To do this, you should use the entire arsenal of jokes, beautiful words and compliments.

Options for unusual questions to start a conversation:

  • How is my queen?
  • Beauty, how are you doing sweet things?
  • Hello! What does the queen of my heart do?
  • I missed you so much, it's important for me to know how you are doing. Tell me soon!
  • What's new in your life, baby?
  • As soon as I saw you, my head immediately boiled with a bunch of questions: how are you? Where are you? What's new? Tell everything!
  • How are you Tell me immediately!
  • How are you, what's new? I'm listening to you carefully!

What's cool to ask a girl?

If you want to cheer up a girl you care about, try using your sense of humor and ask her a couple of "interesting" questions.

Question options:

  • Did you miss me? Answer the truth, I know that I missed you!
  • I've been told that you missed me. This is true?
  • You know, I didn’t understand this, but now I thought: damn, I missed you! And you?
  • Hello! Tell me, how many times did you think of me until we saw each other?
  • Be honest, do I come to you every night in my dreams?
  • I have been given great happiness here. That's not you?
  • Did you know that your eyes can speak? I can clearly hear the words: "I'm glad to see you."
  • Girl, don't you miss me?
  • Girl, I'm sure that in my horoscope today was a meeting with you. Do you believe in horoscopes?
  • I'm going to buy flowers, but I don't know to whom. It's not you, by any chance?
  • Girl, what kind of flowers do you like? I want to meet you, but I'm afraid not to guess with a bouquet.
  • Girl, do you like delicious chocolates? I now want to buy a huge box in honor of our acquaintance and I'm worried, all of a sudden, you like marmalade.
  • Do you have a love song in your headphones? The thing is, I want to hear it too. Will you give me one earpiece?

How to get acquainted with a girl with an unusual question?

What to ask a girl to get to know her better?

Some of the questions that a guy can ask a girl will let you know better and more about the person you love.

Question options:

  • Can you tell me something interesting about yourself?
  • Tell me, what kind of girl were you as a child: obedient or mischievous?
  • Try to surprise me with some fact from your personal life. Got something to brag about?
  • Admit it, you are still that girl, are there any interesting stories from life?
  • I am sure that you have had a lot of adventures in your life that you are not ready to tell everyone about. But, do you dare me?
  • You are so interesting! What do other people say about you?
  • Do you think you have a funny story from your personal life?

Video: "Rules of flirting"

We welcome our readers! Today we will discuss what questions to ask a girl in order to get to know her better when meeting? Questions that girls can be asked should be original, funny, about life, love and relationships are also interesting. Moreover, the girl likes not only cool, funny, but also smart questions, then the guy will be able to interest her.

Therefore, we thought a lot, researched and compiled a list of such questions that help a guy not only get to know the girl he likes, but also understand what she is like. Therefore, he can only get acquainted with this list of questions, ask them and listen carefully to the answers of the girls, drawing certain conclusions for himself.

  1. What is your opinion, how do men relate to women's whims and discontent? Should a girl be naughty to make a guy give in?
  2. Do you like smoking men? How do you feel about women who smoke?
  3. In your opinion, does a smoking woman look attractive to a man or not? Why do girls try to dress beautifully, elegantly and smoke at the same time?
  4. What, first of all, should a woman rely on: heart, mind or feelings?
  5. What is your attitude towards a man who does not tolerate objections or disagreement of a woman with his opinion?
  6. Are you worried about what guys or girls think about your hair, figure, clothes, style or mannerisms?
  7. Do you consider a question to a girl about her age to be indecent, in bad taste or a normal question?
  8. In your opinion, what makes you different from other women, what is your best feature?
  9. How does a girl understand what a guy / man needs, and how to show it to him correctly?
  10. What are the most important qualities for a woman? Should she also earn?
  11. Would you agree with such an opinion (mainly male) that the majority of women who smoke are prostitutes? Suppose your boyfriend offers you a cigarette, will you smoke to please him?
  12. Why does a girl often prefer a bad guy to a good one?
  13. Can you name the best age for marriage?
  14. What kind of guys are most often avoided by girls?
  15. Does a big age difference with a man matter to a woman? What is the best age ratio?
  16. What clothes, hairstyles that men wear, do you like the most, what do you hate?
  17. Do you consider yourself a jealous woman? What step are you ready to take out of jealousy?
  18. What are girls afraid of when meeting a guy or on a first date? (We recommend reading)
  19. What is the best thing for a guy to talk about with an unfamiliar girl in order to get to know and like her?
  20. What at first you can not ask the girls, wanting to develop relationships with them?
  21. What's the creepiest, creepiest movie you've ever seen? It was creepy and scary, then why did you watch it?
  22. Will you agree not to sleep for several days, just to look after a sick, stranger?
  23. Why would you break up with your boyfriend?
  24. What character traits do you dislike in men? Would you be able to put up with them if your boyfriend had them?
  25. if he wants to leave?
  26. Have you ever tried base jumping, bungee jumping (bungee jumping) or other extreme sports?

Funny questions for girls

  • Can you believe a chronic liar who admits that he is lying?
  • I think I lost my number, can I get yours?
  • What is your opinion: are tea company employees allowed to take coffee breaks?
  • Chameleon in the fun room, what color will it be?
  • Why is it said that a person with sound, deep sleep "sleep like a baby" when children wake up every two hours?
  • What is the difference between normal and fantastic ketchup?
  • If laughter is the best medicine, then why do people say "died of laughter" while watching this comedy?
  • Does a bald man working as a restaurant chef need to wear a chef's hat?
  • If there is a speed of sound and light, then why is there no speed of smell?
  • Is it appropriate to say "good funeral" at a funeral?
  • Why do people press harder on the remote control when they know the batteries are dead?
  • If the whole world is a theater, then where do the audience sit?
  • Can you wipe your "goats" at a party under the sofa until the owner sees?
  • One wish of yours has come true, I'm already here, what are your remaining two wishes?
  • Fish suffer from thirst in the pan?

Romantic questions for girls

  1. What is your most cherished romantic dream?
  2. What's your idea for the perfect date?
  3. Where would you like to spend your honeymoon? How do you imagine him?
  4. How romantic would you like to spend your next family weekend?
  5. What romantic place do you like best, where do you want to live?

Original questions for a girl

  • Can you fake someone's accent, voice? Suppose you had such an opportunity for one day, whose voice would you fake and for what?
  • A guy dating a girl has the right to demand that she report what she carries in her purse, what contacts are on the phone, sms? Does he have the right to check them without her knowledge? Would you show the contents of your purse to your boyfriend?
  • What type of rest suits you best: 1) lie on the couch and watch TV; 2) chat in social networks; 3) sleep all day; 4) engage in your favorite hobby or cooking; 5) spend time in nature or ?
  • Suppose you were asked to write a book about your life, what would you call it and what genre would it be?
  • If you are offered a job with a big salary, but on one condition: you work locked up for a whole year, far from home, without talking to anyone at all - will you agree to such a job?

  • Imagine, you have the only opportunity to influence any man so that he offers you marriage, who would you like to influence?
  • Is gifts more important for a woman, or is it more important to know what people who give gifts think of her?
  • Could you make a “trick” to your rival in the fight for the attention of a man?
  • Would you turn to the "grandmothers" to make a love spell, damage to a rival or a man?
  • How would you describe me to your family?
  • What is your attitude to the opinion “if it beats, then it loves”? Forgive a guy if he hits you?

Questions for girls about life

  1. What is the most important thing in life you want to do?
  2. Do you think school, university, college will be useful to you in life? What subjects are needed for real life?
  3. What is your idea of ​​your future home?
  4. What are your hobbies? Should a girl or a guy be addicted to something in his life?
  5. Can you name the most embarrassing moment of your life?
  6. Where would you like to see yourself in 10/20/30 years?
  7. Can you give up your career to become a mother and a housewife?
  8. How can a girl achieve success in life?

Questions for girls about love

  1. Tell me, is love at first sight an invention of directors or does it exist? Who do you think has this kind of love most often: guys or girls? (Find out which one you missed?)
  2. What usually reminds a girl of a guy's love for her?
  3. Have you ever had strong feelings for a guy, been in love with someone?
  4. When did you first realize that you were in love?
  5. What will you answer to curious girlfriends who ask at what stage is your relationship with a young man?
  6. What do you think from the opposite sex and how often?
  7. What compromises are you willing to make to save the relationship?
  8. What do you think about early relationships, kisses? At what age should girls date?
  9. What are you most afraid of in love and relationships?
  10. What is required of a man to make his woman feel special, loved?

Smart questions for girls

  • Agree with the opinion that alcohol or drugs soothe depression or grief, especially after
  • Can you pray, who do you pray for? Can prayer help you?
  • Over the past year, what are the most important three events that have taken place in the world, the country, your life?
  • Is the erudition of a man important for a woman? Does she herself need to be erudite in order to attract a good life partner?
  • What is your attitude towards alcohol? What is your favorite alcoholic drink? How much can a girl drink? Is there any danger for a girl drinking at a party?
  • What does it look like in your mind? What is required for this from a man or a woman?
  • Do you consider yourself a believer? Faith can influence your choice of life partner? Could you connect your life with a man of a different faith?
  • What inspires you to do the things you hate: work, study?

Cool questions for girls

  • Have you ever fallen in love with your best friend for the same guy? If because of the guy you find yourself with your girlfriend rivals, what will you do?
  • Would you go to a nude beach for sunbathing?
  • What is your opinion, who “washes the bones” of others more - guys or girls?
  • What is your attitude towards gossip? Would you be able to spread gossip to get revenge on your friend, boyfriend?
  • Do you know how to restrain yourself when you are “gotten” or you wrap up a “strong word”?
  • What funny things to other people won't make you laugh?
  • Is it for a relationship or is it optional?
  • Do you have a normal boss at work? Would you like to take revenge on him and how?
  • Ever "went crazy" from a kiss, felt that he turned your head?
  • How would you like to spend the last week of your life?
  • Waking up one day and realizing that you can read the minds of people whose thoughts you would like to read?
  • Suppose a year of your life is worth a million, how many years would you be willing to sell?
  • They say flattery opens any door: do you understand when you are being flattered? Do you like it?
  • Do you prefer exotic dishes in five-star hotels or an amazingly delicious fruit pie from a nearby diner?
  • What is your attitude towards a guy suffering from excessive hairiness: can this affect the relationship?
  • What kind of wedding do you dream of: expensive, unusual, romantic?
  • What gifts do you like the most: practical, expensive, romantic or unexpected? (By the way, we recommend that you find out by clicking on the link of the article).
  • Suppose the guy you like rejected your love, what would you do if you wanted to keep him?
  • Would you agree to marry a beggar, but a man who truly loves you?
  • How will you react if your husband on weekends will leave several times a month with friends for a bath, go fishing or go to play football?


Exploring the expanses of Runet on this topic, we came to the conclusion that men are most often interested in what questions to ask a girl? After all, different situations require different types of questions. This is exactly what we have provided in the sections of this article.

Thoughtful questions are key not only to get to know a girl, but also to get to know her better, for example, what kind of wife she will be. If they are interesting, funny, sometimes even funny and smart, they help not only to eliminate pauses in communication, but also give the guys the initiative and an advantage over others in order to please the girl.

Sincerely, Andronic Oleg, Elena!

What questions can you ask a girl when you first meet or during correspondence? This problem plagues many guys. For most young people, the first date is an exciting and important event, when hundreds of scenarios scroll through their heads, how everything will go, what to ask, what the girl will answer. Fear of failure, fear of being rejected or looking stupid are all part and parcel of the excitement. I would like to know what questions you can ask a girl on a date so that there is no awkward silence.

Each of us calmly communicates with relatives and friends, and when you need to talk to a girl, especially on a date, excitement takes over. Let's list the questions that you can ask any girl on a first date or by correspondence, simply rewriting them for each interlocutor if you run out of conversation topics. This list of questions is just an index. Some of them are not suitable for a first date, but they will be useful later.

Surely among your acquaintances there are people who, having nothing special but charisma, always have success with women. Everyone wants to fall into this category, but where to start?


At what age did you first fall in love? Was the feeling mutual?

What annoys you the most in the world? Why?

What character traits turn you off the most?

How often do you tell lies?

Do you love cats? Why?

Do you like horror movies? Do they scare and impress you a lot?

How many foreign languages ​​do you know?

Do you like to paint?

Do you have a pet? What pet do you like the most?

Do you believe in the transmigration of souls?

Can you imagine life in the mountains / in a remote village / in the north?
What would you do if you lived there?

Does it happen that you cannot be forced to do something?

What do you not know how to do, and what do you dream of learning to do?

What traits of your character do you like the most?

Do you like buying new shoes? How many pairs per season do you buy?

What do you usually go out without?

Will it be possible to live a month at the North Pole, taking your handbag with you?

Do you enjoy doing housework? What do you like least?

Do you have a mole on your body that I haven't seen yet?

Have you ever been bitten by a dog?

Do you visit abroad? How often?

What do you do in your free time, do you have a hobby?

Do you love children? How many children would you like to have?


Everyone wants a beautiful and vibrant relationship. The couple begins to meet, each adapts to his soul mate, gets to know her better. And, in the end, it's time to confess your love. But a young man often simply does not know what to say, how to choose words, how to say a beautiful declaration of love to his girlfriend.

These words are of great importance, and you should not say them on the third day of a relationship, because the girl may simply not believe, and this is at best. And at worst, she will consider your confession as a blatant lie, which is aimed at some personal goals.

But just like that, between times, it is better not to confess love. Think carefully about where and how best to confess your love, so that the girl will remember this moment for a very long time. If you do it in an original way, she will definitely believe your words and, of course, will reciprocate.

Having prepared a beautiful declaration of love, invite the girl to arrange a romantic dinner. It will be great if you cook everything yourself (you should, of course, practice in advance), set the table and invite your beloved. You can just say that you want to surprise her, and she will definitely be touched. It is worth taking care of purchasing her favorite flowers. And hide a note with a declaration of love in the bouquet. It will be very romantic, touching and childish, it will make the moment more relaxed. When she reads the note and looks up at you, confirm what she saw on the paper by talking about your feelings.

Beloved, I have long wanted to tell you that you are the dearest person to me. I want to connect my life with you, share everything that I have with you, raise our children together. I ask you to always be with me, and I will try to prove to you that my love is stronger than any stone, and that I am worthy of your love.

When I met you, the world around shone, filled with bright colors, became like a rainbow. I have learned to see the beautiful and see how beautiful your eyes are, illuminated by the sun. I love you very much, and I know how big your heart is when you are happy.

My baby, you filled my heart, and now there is no place for others in it. And it makes me happy, because for me you are the girl of my dreams. I have never been so frank with anyone, I could entrust all my feelings, desires and thoughts to you. I want you to be the happiest with me, so that your eyes always shine with joy, and your tears are only tears of happiness. This wonderful feeling when you fall asleep and wake up thinking about your loved one, you gave me, and I am very grateful to you for this. I want you to never forget how much I love you.

My beloved, your image is forever in my memory, and every word you say sounds like a wonderful song to me. Sometimes, I confess, I find myself thinking that I do not hear your words, but simply enjoy the magic of your voice. Your gaze is like a bottomless ocean in which you want to dissolve to the end, forgetting about everything in the world. The touch of your hands makes me forget, thinking only of you, and my love for you will be eternal. Thank you for having me!

Beloved, you were able to change my life in an instant, becoming her only treasure. For me, you are a gentle angel sent by heaven, because your love and tenderness make me happier every day. With just your smile, you can dispel all my doubts and fears, making life such that I could not even dream of. When I met you, I realized that I could finally find what I had been looking for for so long. I don’t have enough words to convey all the feelings, I love you madly and want you to always be there and give me your love! Thank you for just being by my side!

Everyone likes laughter and a good conversation, so here are some funny questions for a girl that will make your communication funny and fun. Of course, all people have a different sense of humor, but we are sure that you will be able to pick up funny questions for the girl you like, thanks to which you will have a good time.

These questions cover different topics, so there are sure to be ones that are perfect for you and the girl you're talking to. Many of the questions will lead to really funny and funny answers, while others are just good for having fun.

Therefore, we recommend that you look through this list, what unpredictable, funny questions you can ask girls, no matter in correspondence, VK or in a personal conversation? That being said, remember that the most important thing is not just to ask all the fun questions, but to have a great conversation with your chosen one.

Funny questions for a girl

  1. Is it better for a girl to be bald or bald?
  2. What mode of transport is best to get to work: a donkey or a donkey?
  3. Which porridge will you choose: semolina with milk or milk with semolina?
  4. What is the difference between the princess frog and the princess toad?
  5. Which ear would be better to listen to: triangular or square?
  6. If you were born three meters tall, what would you do?
  7. How to kiss a two-meter woman with a midget man?
  8. What kind of children will a two-meter basketball player and a dwarf circus performer get?
  9. Is it best for your director to issue a three-wheeled convertible or a scooter?
  10. Which method of revenge is preferable to the offender: pour pepper into tea; feed herring with milk or give lard with honey?
  11. What test is the most difficult to endure: feeding cakes, black caviar or oranges?
  12. Why are girls so afraid of mice if they are in a hurry to hide in a mink from a frightened female appearance?
  13. Could you make a cartoon "Dunno in the Office"? Who would you shoot it about, and how would it turn out?
  14. Why do people, when angry, call a chicken a stupid bird, and a pugnacious rooster an animal?
  15. Would you rather live in a fantasy or superhero world?
  16. Why a platypus and not a platypus?
  17. How would you tease people if you were invisible?
  18. What would you do if you wake up as a monkey?

funny questions for girls

  1. What sport would be the most fun with mandatory drinking?
  2. What's the funniest ad you've seen?
  3. Why do they say "man's wife" to a married girl, but not a woman's husband to a married guy?
  4. How will the phrase: “Blue shorts” sound if the stress is placed on the first syllable in the last word?
  5. Why are people asked to smile when being photographed for a driver's license? Does this somehow help to get rid of the traffic police?
  6. If the screen star is gay, can he become the man of the year?
  7. What men's shorts do you like more: camomile or tulip?
  8. Can you drown a fish in water?
  9. What is the opposite of opposite?
  10. If animals can speak, what kind of speech can be called rude?
  11. Why is a round pizza packed in a square box and cut into triangles? Does it help you understand geometry better?
  12. Can a kangaroo jump above the roof?
  13. Why is Greenland not green if it means "Green Land" in translation?
  14. What's the funniest face you can make?

Questions for a girl for fun communication

  1. If a girl injects herself with a butterfly tattoo, then what will this insect become on a plump female body in ten years?
  2. Can a bald man get lice?
  3. Why is triangular bread tastier than square bread?
  4. Can you name the funniest thing that happened to you?
  5. Is it true that lions don't eat clowns just because they're afraid of choking on laughter?
  6. If videos of compilations of human failures bring success and millions of views, then what is failure?
  7. Why blueberries are not blue, but blue?
  8. Why do girls in pants look okay, but guys in skirts don't?
  9. Why does Spiderman always have pants under his suit?
  10. If you married a superhero, what would you be called then: Batman, Spider Woman, Marvel?
  11. Why is chocolate not a vegetable if it is made from cocoa beans?
  12. Can an army of chickens kill an elephant?
  13. What would you do with your offender, becoming invisible for one day?
  14. If I suddenly become an animal, will you make me your pet?
  15. Do you consider yourself more mischievous or funny?

Funny questions for a girl with a trick

  1. When was the last time you peed in a pool?
  2. If you suddenly became a man for a day, how would you spend that day?
  3. If you have to work as a waitress, will you spit in the food of an impudent and rude customer when he is not looking?
  4. What do you prefer: to wear clown costumes for the rest of your life or to have the appearance of a clown, but dress normally?
  5. Who would you watch with x-ray glasses?
  6. What's the funniest nickname you've ever had?
  7. What funny name would you like to call me? Why? (We recommend reading what you can call it.)
  8. What flavor of ice cream would you like to be?
  9. Would you drive a sparrow on your knees for a ruble? And for $1000?
  10. For a girl, is there a difference between a red or black Zhiguli cabriolet? Which one would you like more?
  11. If you look into the refrigerator dozens of times a day, will there be more food there? How many times do you look into it?
  12. What's the strangest smell you've ever smelled?
  13. What is the difference between a snowman and a snowman?
  14. Which one would you prefer to be born with: a vegetable or a fruit? Why?
  15. Is it better for a girl to marry a dwarf or a midget?
  16. What looks cooler: sneakers for a three-piece suit or men's sandals for a tracksuit? Would you go on a date with a guy if he came to you like this?
  17. Do you prefer to drink a liter of ketchup or mustard?

Carbon monoxide questions for a girl

  1. What is the meaning of the phrase "drink beer with crayfish" if you say it quickly?
  2. Just be honest: have you ever been stalked by an ice cream truck?
  3. What's the funniest pick-up trick you've ever had against yourself?
  4. Which is better: 100 duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck?
  5. What fun options can you answer the question “what do you do or what do you do”?
  6. Will pizza taste better if you add honey or condensed milk to it?
  7. If all the states of the world were represented by food, what kind of food would each individual state represent?
  8. What is the name of the man's dance in front of the toilet?
  9. Can a grandmother become a grandfather?
  10. What is sweeter horseradish or radish?
  11. What funny nicknames would you call your colleagues and boss?
  12. People always say that the future is uncertain, why then do we take out insurance policies?
  13. What disease will cure ham?
  14. If someone owns a piece of land, does he own it to the very center of the earth?
  15. Why is it never talked about mentally winning the lottery?

Funny questions for a girl to communicate on the Internet

  1. What color will the chameleon be in the mirrored room?
  2. Why is it that when a deaf person goes to court they talk about the beginning of a hearing?
  3. Does a bald man have dandruff?
  4. Can a girl who loves spicy food be called a masochist?
  5. Why do obituaries write about a person as if he is alive?
  6. If one of the synchronized swimmers drowns, should everyone else drown too?
  7. How did women shave their legs in ancient times?
  8. Is it fair that a carrot is more orange than an orange?
  9. Why are bagels made with holes?
  10. What's the funniest thing a teacher at your school has done?
  11. How much shallower will the ocean become if more sponges (algae) grow in it?
  12. Why is the internal affairs department called when it is responsible for everything that is done on the surface?
  13. If dogs have wet noses all the time, why don't they get condensation when the weather changes?
  14. Do woodpeckers get concussions from constantly chiseling trees?
  15. Can a broken escalator be called a staircase?
  16. Why is sour cream made with an expiration date?
  17. Why are simple packages never opened easily?
  18. Is it better for Lipton Tea Company employees to have tea parties or coffee time?
  19. Milk, which cow is better: red, black or motley?
  20. Is rollerblading or banana peel more fun?
  21. What is your funniest goal in life?


Every guy must have funny questions for a girl in his arsenal, because:

  1. According to numerous studies, girls are more likely to like a guy who is able to be funny, able to speak with humor.
  2. Optimistic, fun conversation flows more freely and provides more opportunities for fun communication.

At the same time, almost any guy can learn carefree, funny banter in the form of questions. All it takes is a bit of preparation focused on fun questions to ask a girl.

Remember that these questions are just the beginning. It is up to you how the conversation will continue.

By the way, what is the funniest question to a girl you found on this list? Share your opinion in the comments below.

(100 common, difficult, interesting questions about Love and relationships, bold, funny and cool ... questions). List for girls...

(And even intimate… questions to a guy)

General questions to ask:

  1. How is your mood?
  2. How did you spend your day?
  3. Do you have plans for tomorrow?
  4. Do you want to take a walk?
  5. How are your things?
  6. Do you like the weather outside?
  7. Can you give me some of your free time?
  8. What were you doing early in the morning?
  9. When did you wake up?
  10. Where will you spend this evening?

Difficult questions for a guy:

  1. What do you value most in life?
  2. What are your dreams?
  3. Would you like to live forever?
  4. Would you give your life to save another person?
  5. How would you spend a million dollars if you had them?
  6. What are you afraid to tell me?
  7. Are you somehow connected with the criminal world?
  8. Do you believe in God?
  9. Have you ever cried?
  10. Why do people love you?
  1. What music can't you live without?
  2. Who's your sign?
  3. Do you believe in all sorts of horoscopes?
  4. Have you ever had a real fortune?
  5. What is your most favorite movie or series?
  6. Do you like traveling?
  7. How do you feel about discos and parties?
  8. Who or what do you associate yourself with, compare yourself to?
  9. What are you most afraid of in your life?
  10. In what field are you a true professional?

Questions for a guy about love and relationships:

  1. Do you remember when and with whom you first fell in love?
  2. Has there been an unrequited love in your life that you experienced very painfully?
  3. What are you willing to do for your loved one?
  4. How often did you fall in love?
  5. What is your attitude towards same-sex love?
  6. What does the word "love" mean to you?
  7. Is it possible to love two people at once?
  8. Have you ever loved with all the best and sincerity?
  9. Love for you.... What is this?
  10. How do you feel about "free" love?

Intimate (very personal) questions to ask:

  1. When did you first have a serious relationship (at what age)?
  2. Where do you want to make love?
  3. Have you experienced a "state" of fiasco in bed?
  4. Who would you like to sleep with?
  5. Where did you make love?
  6. Have you ever dreamed of doing group intimacy?
  7. What is your favorite intimate position?
  8. Did you do it at the hotel?
  9. How long can you live without sex?
  10. Have you made love in extreme conditions?

Bold questions for a guy:

  1. Have you slept with a prostitute?
  2. Woke up with the desire to rape someone?
  3. Have you ever wanted to sleep with a man?
  4. Do you masturbate?
  5. Do you shave your private hair?
  6. Have you tried drugs?
  7. Have you slept with a man?
  8. Do you watch erotic videos?
  9. Do you watch the "whacked" video?
  10. Did you steal or kill?

Questions with a twist:

  1. What is your favorite color, shade?
  2. What character trait do you value in people?
  3. What do you like to do online?
  4. What is your favorite male name?
  5. What is your favorite female name?
  6. What gift will you be happy as a child?
  7. How do you think…. Who were you in your past life?
  8. Are you an altruist or an egoist?
  9. Are you a pessimist or an optimist?
  10. What countries and cities have you visited?

Cool and funny questions:

  1. What do you call your hairstyle that "meets" your head in the morning?
  2. What tree are you?
  3. What flower are you?
  4. How do you deal with an annoying alarm clock?
  5. Why can't you fly?
  6. Where do you put (find) your socks and handkerchiefs?
  7. What is the name of your car?
  8. Do you often lose your apartment keys?
  9. What is your favorite letter?
  10. How much is your worth?

Little questions:

  1. Where do you like to walk?
  2. Do you smoke or have you already quit?
  3. Do you swear often?
  4. What is your favorite car brand?
  5. Where to invite you?
  6. Which girls do you like the most?
  7. What languages ​​do you speak?
  8. What is your favorite social network?
  9. Do you believe in omens and prophetic dreams?
  10. How do you feel about alcohol?

Questions that many remember:

Don't turn the conversation into an interrogation! Give the "right to speak" and the guy! If you do not heed this advice, the guy will avoid you!

  1. Be sure to answer your interlocutor's questions! Your answers will become a real "decoration" of the conversation for all 100.
  2. Joke, make fun, tell jokes! The conversation should not be built on seriousness alone.
  3. Build into a guy's constant trust before you start "attacking" him with your curiosity. The guy will answer all the questions when he feels that he has found reliability and tremendous support in you.
  4. Don't wait for a guy to talk to you! Gain courage and start the conversation first. Initiative on the female side has long been in vogue.
  5. Do not impose if the boy is not disposed to communicate. Wait a bit. Perhaps the young man is “suffering” with unsociableness at this point in time.
  6. Tune in to listening first and then speaking. Men need to talk too! They rely on women in this regard, but do not admit it, so as not to appear weak.
  7. Ask a lot of additional (clarifying) questions to show interest in your conversation. Thinking through them in advance is a waste of time! Any conversation can be compared to a game of checkers or chess: it is impossible to predict one hundred percent what kind of figure a partner in the game is like.
  8. Don't interrupt the guy. He will go astray, his desire to continue to tell you something will “extinguish”. You probably know that interrupting a person is extremely impolite! And many do it, because impatience often gets the better of them.
  9. Ask all 100 questions in a topic. Then you will get the appropriate answers. Do not be offended and do not get angry if you do not like the wording of the “counter” question that you will receive from a man.

Continuation. . .