Games for aggressive kids. A collection of games aimed at correcting the aggressive behavior of preschoolers

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus


Games aimed at reducing

aggression in children

Prepared by a student of group 4

Baidavletova A.A.

Scientific director: Karimova E.I.

Belebey, 2015

How to play with aggressive children

At the first stages of work with aggressive children, we recommend choosing such games and exercises with the help of which the child could throw out his anger. There is an opinion that this way of working with children is ineffective and can cause even more aggression. As our many years of experience in conducting play therapy shows, at first the child can really become more aggressive (and we always warn parents about this), but after 4-8 sessions, having really reacted to his anger, the "little aggressor" begins to behave more calmly. If it is difficult for the teacher to cope with the anger of the child, it is worth contacting a specialist and working in parallel with a psychologist.

The games listed below help reduce verbal and non-verbal aggression and are one of the possible ways legal splashing out of anger: "Calling", "Two sheep", "Pushers", "Zhuzha", "Chopping wood", "Yes and no", "Tuh-tibi-spirit", "Burst into the circle".

Psychologist Ya.A. Pavlova recommends that teachers include aggressive children in joint games with non-aggressive ones. At the same time, the teacher should be nearby and, in case of a conflict, help the children resolve it right on the spot. To this end, it is useful to have a group discussion of the event that led to the aggravation of relations. The next step could be to jointly decide how the best way get out of the situation. By listening to peers, aggressive children will expand their behavioral repertoire, and when they see how other boys and girls avoid conflicts during the game, how they react to the fact that someone else, not they, wins the game, how they respond to hurtful words or jokes from peers, aggressive children understand that it is not at all necessary to resort to physical force if you want to achieve something. For this purpose, you can use games such as Headball, Pebble in a Shoe, Let's Say Hello, King, Tender Paws and others.

To relieve excessive muscle tension, you can use games that promote relaxation.


Goals: to form children's trust in others; help improve children's self-esteem.

Since aggressive children most often lack confidence in the world around them and have low self-esteem, the following exercise will be useful for them.

The child sits on his haunches, pressing his head to his knees. An adult “sculpts” a ball out of it, stroking it with different parties. If baby easy, the "ball" can be raised several times up. If two adults are present, the "ball" can be left to each other.


An adult portrays a trainer, and children - trained dogs, horses, then - tigers. Animals do not always obey the trainer, and tigers even growl at him. They do not want to obey the trainer, but he makes them do it.

Then the children and the adult change roles, they perform the role of a trainer in turn.

"Drive Baba Yaga"

Objectives: to promote the symbolic destruction of children's fears; help children show their aggression for constructive purposes.

The child is asked to imagine that Baba Yaga has climbed into the chair, it is necessary to drive her out of there. She is very afraid of loud screams and noises. The child is invited to drive away Baba Yaga, for this you need to shout and knock on the empty chair plastic bottles.

"Kick" (Teaching children to communicate)

Purpose: to promote emotional relaxation and relieve muscle tension.

The child lies on his back on the carpet. Legs are freely spread. Slowly, he begins to kick, touching the floor with his entire leg. The legs alternate and rise high. Gradually increases the strength and speed of kicking. For each kick, the child says "No", increasing the intensity of the kick.

Joint Board games (Teaching children to communicate)

Purpose: teaching the skills of joint conflict-free communication.

To work with aggressive children, various board games can be successfully used, which provide for the game, both alone and together. For example, the game "Designer". Children are invited to assemble some figure from the details of the "Constructor" together or three. In the course of the game, an adult helps children resolve conflicts that arise and avoid them. After the game, it is possible to play conflict situations finding ways out of them.

"Relationships" (Teaching children to communicate)

The game is based on the discussion of L. Kuzmin's poem "House with a bell".

Worth a small vintage

House above the green hill.

At the entrance hangs a bell

Decorated with silver.

And if you are gentle, quiet

Call him,

Then believe

That an old woman wakes up in the house,

gray-haired old woman,

And immediately open the door.

The old lady will say:

Come in, don't be shy, my friend. -

Put a samovar on the table,

Bake a pie in the oven

And will be with you

Drink tea until dark.

And old good fairy tale

She will tell you.

But if, but if

You are in this cozy house

You start knocking with your fist,

Raise the chime and thunder

Then it’s not an old woman who will come to you,

And Baba Yaga will come out.

And do not hear you fairy tales

And not to see the pie.

After the poem, there is a discussion with the children, it is concluded that the result depends on the nature, method of execution, intentions. the same thing can be achieved in different ways, but these ways can also lead to different results. Discuss with the child why in the second part of the poem the child came out not with a kind old woman, but with Baba Yaga.

"Cam" (Teaching children to communicate)

Purpose: to promote awareness of effective forms of behavior, displacement of aggregation and muscle relaxation.

Give your child a small toy or candy in their hand and ask them to make a tight fist. Let him hold the fist clenched, and when he opens it, the hand will relax, and there will be a beautiful toy on the palm.

"Caricature" (Teaching children to communicate)

One child is selected per group. Children discuss which personality traits they value in this child and which they do not like. Then the group is asked to draw this child in a playful way. After drawing, you can choose the best drawing. In the next lesson, the “subject” of discussion may be another child. the game helps to realize one's personal qualities, makes it possible to “look at oneself from the outside”.

"Let's make a fairy tale" (Teaching children to communicate)

Purpose: working with plasticine makes it possible to shift the “energy of the fist”, relaxes the hands, which allows you to indirectly realize aggressive feelings. In addition, the game develops and consolidates skills joint activities.

Children are invited to make a fairy tale together. When choosing a fairy tale, it is important to consider that there should be enough heroes in it so that each child can sculpt one of them. Before the game, the children discuss the fragment they are going to depict and relate their ideas to each other. The fairy tale "Three Bears" is well suited for the implementation of this exercise.

"Glue Rain" (Teaching children to communicate)

Purpose: to promote group cohesion.

Children stand one after another and hold on to the shoulders of the person in front of them. In this position, they overcome various obstacles.

    Get up and get off the chair.

    Crawl under tables.

    Round the wide lake.

    get through the dense forest.

    Hide from wild animals.

Throughout the exercise, you should not unhook from your partner.

"Builders" (Teaching children to communicate)

Purpose: The game brings children together in a group, promotes emotional and motor self-expression.

Each child is invited to build a house for himself and tell other children about it. To build a house, you can use all the items in the game room: a small table, chairs, balls, skittles, etc. Each builder is asked the following questions:

Is it comfortable for you to live in this house?

Where will you accommodate your guests?

Who will live in this house besides you?

You can ask the children of the group if the house is suitable for its builder. After the conversation, it is possible to rebuild the house with the help of other children.

"Bobo Doll" (Teaching children to communicate)

Purpose: to give the child the opportunity to vent aggression in a painless way.

You probably noticed that the aggression in the child gradually accumulates, and when he manages to throw it out, he again becomes calm and balanced. So, if you give the child the opportunity to vent aggression on any object, some of the problems associated with his behavior will be solved. For this purpose, a special Bobo doll is used. This doll is not for sale, but you can make it yourself, for example, from a pillow: sew arms and legs out of fabric to an old pillow, make a face. You can make it tighter. A child can beat and kick such a doll, taking out on it accumulated during the day negative feelings. Having painlessly vented his aggression, the child becomes more calm in Everyday life.

Sometimes an adult wants to kick such a doll, do not be shy, do it, and you yourself will see how quickly negative, aggressive feelings pass.

"Connecting Thread" (Teaching children to communicate)

Purpose: to promote the formation of a sense of closeness with other people, to promote acceptance by children of each other, to form a sense of the value of others and self-worth.

Children sit in a circle passing a ball of thread to each other so that everyone who already holds the ball takes up the thread. The transfer of the ball is accompanied by statements about what they feel now, what they want for themselves and what they can wish for others .. The adult begins. thus showing an example. he then turns to the children, asking if they have anything to say. When the ball returns to the leader, the children pull the thread and close their eyes, imagining, at the request of the leader, that they are one whole, that each of them is important and significant in this whole.

"Playing Situations" (Teaching children to communicate)


You went out into the yard and saw that two unfamiliar boys were fighting there, separate them.

You really want to play with the same interesting toy as one of the guys from your group. Ask her.

You hurt your friend very much. Try to make peace with him.

You found a weak, cold kitten on the street. Have pity on him.


Objectives: to provide children with the opportunity to respond to their aggressive feelings; Build children's trust in others.

The host tells the children a fairy tale and at the same time gives one of them a massage. The child lies down on a mattress (it is possible on the teacher's table), and an adult tells a fairy tale, depicting the actions of the characters on the child's back with his hands. “Once upon a time there was a little mouse, one day he decided to settle on the back of (Katya, Vanya ...) near the neck (the leader runs his fingers along the child’s back, then “goes to sleep” near his neck). But the cunning hare decided to eat the mouse, he jumped on his back to (Katya, Vanya ...) (the leader's fingers jump on the child's back). I found a mouse hare and let's grab it with my teeth (the host pinches the child's back). But the little mouse got angry and ate the hare (the presenter grabs the hare with his palm). Further, a deer, a wolf, a bear, an elephant come to the back of the child. The host plays on the back of the child the fights of these animals with a mouse. Every time the mouser wins. Then the facilitator says that his stomach hurts from so much eaten mouseball, he goes to the toilet (the facilitator clenches his hand into a fist for a while and presses it against the child’s back), and then again walks cheerfully along the child’s back (the facilitator runs his fingers along the back child).

"Turn into a toy"

Purpose: to give children the opportunity to express real feelings.

Each child chooses from a pile of small plastic toys depicting aggressive characters, the one that he wanted or could turn into. Then, on behalf of this toy, he makes up a story. It is clear that the story contains its own conflicts and desires.

"The book of my exploits"

Objective: To help improve children's self-esteem.

First, the leader, together with the children, comes up with a story about how a child accomplishes a feat - defeats some evil creature. Then the facilitator, together with one of the children, plays out this situation, the rest of the children watch how it happens. After that, each child invents and draws "his own feat." After the drawings are ready, the children show them to the group and talk about them.

Paper tearing technique

This technique allows you to get a good therapeutic effect, because it gives children a lot of positive emotions, gives an outlet for energy and aggressive impulses, liberates overly constrained children, teaches them to keep their promises, keep their word.

It is best to conduct it with children 5-7 years old, with the number of participants - 2-5. The more impulsive and active children are, the fewer of them should be in the group.

materials: You must have old newspapers and magazines or other unnecessary paper.

Description of technology: before starting the game, the children are asked which of them promises to clean the room at the end of the lesson, and it is explained that this exercise will allow them to free themselves from unpleasant feelings and require considerable energy. Then different feelings and the situations that cause them are discussed (3-4 min.).

After that, the children, together with the teacher, begin to tear the prepared paper into pieces and throw it into a pile in the center of the room. When the pile becomes large, the children vigorously toss the pieces of paper into the air. Those who are distinguished by stiffness and accuracy, at first behave very cautiously, but after a minute they become liberated. Children love to make pieces out of paper and jump on them, throw pieces of paper at each other, or toss them in the air.

"Snickers and Anger"

Game progress: the psychologist invites the children to consider two portraits: one shows a cheerful expression, the other is angry. Children are asked questions: “What is the mood of the children shown in the picture? How did you find out? Let's see how the eyebrows, mouth are located. The children are watching closely. "Now let's go to the mirror and try to portray first a cheerful, then an angry expression." Children depict different moods with the help of facial expressions and compare them with portraits.

"Rug of Anger"

Purpose: removal of negative emotional states.

Description of the exercise: in the presence of a psychologist or a group of kindergarten in a specially designated corner is a "rug of anger" (an ordinary small rug with a rough surface). If you see that a child has come to kindergarten aggressive towards others or has lost control of his actions, invite him to visit the magic rug. To do this, the child needs to take off their shoes, go on the mat and wipe their feet until the baby wants to smile.

Etude "King boletus is not in a good mood"

Purpose: development of the ability to recognize emotional states.

Description of the study: The host reads a poem, and the children act according to the text.

There was King Borovik

Straight through the forest.

He shook his fist

And he thumped with his heels.

King Borovik was out of sorts:

The king was bitten by flies.

(V. Prikhodko.)

"Magic bag"

Purpose: removal of negative emotional states, verbal aggression.

Game progress: if there is a child in your group who shows verbal aggression (often calls other children names), invite him to go to a corner before entering the group and leave all the “bad” words in a magic bag (a small bag with strings). You can even scream into the bag. After the child has spoken, tie the bag with him and hide.

"The story of Tanechka and Vanechka"

Purpose: to develop sensory perception, to teach ways to remove a negative state from a friend.

Game progress: The psychologist tells the children a story about Tanechka and Vanechka: “Once upon a time there were Tanechka and Vanechka. They were wonderful children: they always helped everyone, they were friends with everyone. As suddenly something happened. Somehow they went out for a walk on the street, and a cloud-Angry cloud ran into them. The Cloud-Slyuchka took Tanechka and Vanechka to the magical kingdom of Malice-Land. And in this kingdom it was impossible to recognize our heroes, they learned to get angry, fight and bite. Do you think life is easy for evil people in the world? (Children offer answers.) But Tanechka and Vanechka had Pasha's best friend. Pasha decided to help his friends and defeat the Angry Cloud. Guys, what do you think, how can you defeat the Angry Cloud? (Children offer answers.) So Pasha thought about what to do. At first I wanted to call a cloud to fight, but I met a wise old man who told him: “You won’t defeat evil with evil, you will only harm people!” Pasha was surprised and asked: “But how can I defeat him?” The old man smiled and answered: “Evil can only be defeated with good ...” And now, guys, let's choose Tanechka and Vanechka, who were bewitched by the Angry Cloud (two children portray the evil and angry heroes of the story). And all the other children will come up with one affectionate word each and will take turns approaching Tanechka and Vanechka, affectionately calling one and the other. After you name an affectionate word, take pity on Tanechka and Vanechka. And we'll see how the magical transformation happens."

"Three Characters"

Purpose: matching various characters; correction of the emotional sphere of the child.

Game progress: children listen to three musical plays by D. Kabalevsky "Angry", "Cry-Baby", "Revushka"; together with a teacher (psychologist) they give a moral assessment of anger and tearfulness, compare these states with good mood revushki. Three children agree on who will portray which girl, and the rest must guess by facial expressions and gestures which girl portrays whom. If there are few girls in the group, then the boys portray the “angry” and “crybaby”.

Outdoor games

"Call names" (Kryazheva N.L., 1997)

Purpose: to remove verbal aggression, to help children throw out anger in an acceptable form.

Tell the children the following: "Guys, passing the ball in a circle, let's call each other different harmless words (a condition is agreed in advance on what names you can use. These can be the names of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms or furniture). Each appeal should begin with the words:" And you, ..., carrot!" Remember that this is a game, so we will not be offended by each other. In the final round, you should definitely say something pleasant to your neighbor, for example: "And you, .... sun!"

The game is useful not only for aggressive, but also for touchy children. It should be carried out at a fast pace, warning the children that this is just a game and you should not be offended by each other.

"Two Sheep" (Kryazheva N.L., 1997)

Purpose: to remove non-verbal aggression, to provide the child with the opportunity to "legally" throw out anger, relieve excessive emotional and muscle tension, direct the children's energy in the right direction. The teacher divides the children into pairs and reads the text: "Early, early two sheep met on the bridge." The participants in the game, legs wide apart, their torsos bowed forward, rest their palms and foreheads against each other. The task is to confront each other without moving, as long as possible.You can make the sounds "Beeee."

It is necessary to observe "safety precautions", to carefully monitor so that the "rams" do not hurt their foreheads.

"Kind Animal" (Kryazhevo N.L., 1997)

Purpose: to promote cohesion children's team to teach children to understand the feelings of others, to provide support and empathy.

"Please stand in a circle and hold hands. We are one big, kind animal. Let's listen to how it breathes! Now let's breathe together! Inhale - take a step forward, exhale - step back. And now we take a breath 2 steps forward, exhale - 2 steps back Inhale - 2 steps forward Exhale - 2 steps back This is not only how the animal breathes, its big kind heart beats just as clearly and evenly Knock - step forward, knock - step back and etc. We all take the breath and heartbeat of this animal for ourselves."

"Tuh-tibi-spirit" (Fopel K., 1998)

Purpose: removal of negative moods and restoration of strength.

"I will tell you a special word in secret. This is a magic spell against a bad mood, against resentment and disappointment .. For it to really work, you need to do the following. Now you will start walking around the room without talking to anyone. As soon as you want to talk, stop in front of one of the participants, look into his eyes and say it angrily three times Magic word: "Tuh-tibi-spirit." Then keep walking around the room. From time to time stop in front of someone and again angrily pronounce this magic word

For the magic word to work, it is necessary to speak it not into the void, but looking into the eyes of the person standing in front of you.

This game contains a comical paradox. Although children should pronounce the word "Tuh-tibi-duh" angrily, after a while they cannot help laughing.

"Ask for a Toy" - verbal version (Karpova B.V., Lyutova E.K., 1999)

Purpose: to teach children effective ways communication. The group is divided into pairs, one of the participants in the pair (participant 1) picks up an object, for example, a toy, notebook, pencil, etc. The other participant (participant 2) must ask for this item. Instruction to participant 1: "You are holding a toy (notebook, pencil) that you really need, but your friend also needs it. He will ask you for it. Try to keep the toy with you and give it away only if you really want to do it." Instruction to participant 2: "Selecting the right words, try to ask for a toy in such a way that they give it to you. "Then participants 1 and 2 change roles.

"Ask for a Toy" - non-verbal version (Karpova E. V., Lyutovo 6. K., 1999)

"Walking with a compass" (Korotaeva E.V., 1997)

Purpose: to develop in children a sense of trust in others.

The group is divided into pairs, where there is a follower ("tourist") and a leader ("compass"). Each follower (he stands in front, and the leader behind, putting his hands on his partner's shoulders) is blindfolded. Task: go through the entire playing field back and forth. At the same time, the "tourist cannot communicate with the" compass "on a verbal level (cannot talk to him). The leader helps the follower to keep the direction by moving his hands, avoiding obstacles - other tourists with compasses. After the game is over, the children can describe what they felt when were blindfolded and relied on their partner.

"Bunnies" (Bordier G. L. et al., 1993)

Purpose: to give the child the opportunity to experience a variety of muscle sensations, to teach to hold attention to these sensations, to distinguish and compare them. An adult asks children to imagine themselves as funny bunnies in a circus playing imaginary drums. The facilitator describes the nature of physical actions - strength, pace, sharpness - and directs the children's attention to the awareness and comparison of emerging muscle and emotional sensations.

For example, the presenter says: “How hard the bunnies knock on the drums! Do you feel how tense their paws are? Feel how hard the paws are, they don’t bend!

Like sticks! Do you feel how the muscles in your fists, arms, even in your shoulders are tensed?! But there is no face! The face is smiling, free, relaxed. And the tummy is relaxed. Breathing... And the fists are tensely knocking!.. And what else is relaxed? Let's try to knock again, but more slowly to catch all the sensations. "In addition to the Bunnies exercise, it is recommended to do muscle relaxation exercises, which are described in detail in the How to play with anxious children section.

"I see..." (Karpova E.8., Lyutova E.K.. 1999)

Purpose: to establish a trusting relationship between an adult and a child, to develop the memory and attention of the baby. Participants, sitting in a circle, take turns calling the objects that are in the room, starting each statement with the words: "I see ..." It is impossible to repeat the same object twice.

"Tender paws" (Shevtsova I.V.)

Purpose: relieving tension, muscle clamps, reducing aggressiveness, developing sensory perception, harmonizing relations between a child and an adult. Adult pick up 6-7 small items different textures: a piece of fur, a brush, a glass bottle, beads, cotton wool, etc. All this is laid out on the table. The child is invited to bare his arm to the elbow; the teacher explains that the "animal" will walk on the hand and touch it with gentle paws. Need with eyes closed guess which "animal" touched the hand - guess the object. Touches should be stroking, pleasant.

Variant of the game: the "animal" will touch the cheek, knee, palm. You can switch places with your child.

"Pushers" (Fopel K., 1998)

Purpose: to teach children to control their movements. Say the following: "Pair up. Stand at arm's length from each other. Raise your arms to shoulder height and rest your palms on your partner's palm. At the signal of the facilitator, start pushing your partner, trying to move him. If he moves you , return to the starting position.Step one foot back and you will feel more stable.If you get tired, you can say: "Stop" From time to time, you can introduce new variations of the game: pushing with crossed arms; pushing a partner with only your left hand; pushing back to back.

"Zhuzha" (Kryazheva N.L., 1997)

Purpose: to teach aggressive children to be less touchy, to give them unique opportunity to look at themselves through the eyes of others, to be in the place of the one whom they themselves offend, without thinking about it. "Zhuzha" sits on a chair with a towel in his hands. Everyone else runs around her, making faces, teasing, touching her. Zhuzha suffers, but when she gets tired of all this, she jumps up and starts chasing the offenders, trying to catch the one who offended her the most, he will be Zhuzha.

An adult must ensure that "teasers" are not too offensive.

"Cutting wood" (Vopel K., 1998)

Purpose: To help children switch to active activities after a long sedentary work, feel your accumulated aggressive energy and "spend" it during the game.

Say the following: "How many of you have ever chopped wood or seen how adults do it? Show how to hold an ax. What position should your arms and legs be in? Stand so that there is little free space. Let's chop wood. Place a piece of log on a stump, raise the ax above your head and bring it down with force. You can even scream: "Ha!""

To conduct this game, you can break into pairs and, falling into a certain rhythm, hit one chock in turn.

"Headball" (Fopel K., 1998)

Purpose: to develop cooperation skills in pairs and triples, to teach children to trust each other. Say the following: "Pair up and lie on the floor opposite each other. Lie on your stomach so that your head is next to your partner's head. Place the ball exactly between your heads. Now you need to pick it up and stand up yourself. You can touch the ball only with your heads. Gradually rising, get on your knees, and then on your feet. Walk around the room. " For children 4-5 years old, the rules are simplified: for example, in the starting position, you can not lie down, but squat or kneel.

"Airbus" (Fopel K., 1998)

Purpose: to teach children to act in concert in a small group, to show that the mutually friendly attitude of teammates gives confidence and calmness.

"How many of you have ever flown an airplane? Can you explain what keeps an airplane in the air? Do you know what types of airplanes are? Do any of you want to become a Little Airbus? The rest of the guys will help the Airbus "fly" ". One of the children (optional) lays down on the carpet with his stomach and spreads his arms to the sides, like the wings of an airplane. Three people stand on each side of him. Have them crouch down and put their hands under his legs, belly and chest. On the count of three, they simultaneously get up and lift the Airbus off the field ... So, now you can quietly vilify the Airbus around the room. When he feels completely confident, let him close his eyes, relax, make a "flight" in a circle and again slowly "land" on the carpet.

When the Airbus "flies", the presenter can comment on his flight, paying special attention to the accuracy and respect for him. You can ask Airbus to choose who will carry it. When you see that the children are doing well, you can "launch" two Airbuses at the same time.

"Paper balls" (Fopel K., 1998)

Purpose: to give children the opportunity to regain vigor and activity after they have been doing something for a long time while sitting, to reduce anxiety and tension, to enter a new rhythm of life.

Before starting the game, each child must crumple up a large sheet of paper (newspaper) so that a tight ball is obtained.

“Please divide into two teams, and let each of them line up so that the distance between the teams is approximately 4 meters. At the command of the host, you start throwing balls at the opponent’s side. The team will be like this: “Ready! Attention! Started!"

The players of each team strive to throw the balls on their side into the opponent's side as quickly as possible. When you hear the command "Stop!", you will need to stop throwing balls. The team with the fewest balls on the floor wins. Please do not run across the dividing line." Paper balls can be used more than once.

"Dragon" (Kryazheva N.L., 1997)

Purpose: To help children with communication difficulties gain confidence and feel part of a team.

The players stand in a line, holding on to each other's shoulders. The first participant is the "head", the last one is the "tail". The "head" should reach out to the "tail" and touch it. The "body" of the dragon is inseparable. Once the "head" has grabbed the "tail", it becomes the "tail". The game continues until each participant has played two roles.


Purpose: to relax the muscles of the lower face, hands.

“You got into a fight with a friend. This is where the fight starts. Inhale deeply, tightly clench your jaws. Lock your fingers in fists, Press your fingers into your palms until it hurts. Hold your breath for a few seconds. Think about it: maybe you shouldn't fight? Exhale and relax. Hooray! Trouble behind!”

This exercise is useful not only with anxious, but also with aggressive children.


Target: The game promotes a sense of empathy, sympathy and a desire to help.

An adult invites children to play gnomes. Each gnome has a magic bell, and when it rings, the gnome acquires magical powers - he can make any wish that will ever come true. Children receive bells (one of them gets a spoiled one). "Let's hear your bells ring! Each of you in turn will ring and make a wish, and we will listen. Children ring their bells in a circle, but suddenly it turns out that one of them is silent. "What to do? Kolya's bell doesn't ring! This is such a misfortune for a gnome! He won't be able to make a wish now... Maybe we can cheer him up? Or give something instead of a bell? Or shall we try to fulfill his wish? (Children offer their solutions.) Or maybe someone will give up their bell for a while so that Kolya can ring them and make his wish?

Usually one of the children offers his bell, for which, naturally, he receives the gratitude of a friend and the approval of an adult.

"Yes and no" (K. Fopel)

Target : The game is aimed at removing the state of apathy and fatigue in children, at inducing their vitality. The great thing about this game is that it only uses voice.

Content: Break into pairs and stand in front of each other. Now you will have an imaginary battle with words. Decide which of you will say the word "yes" and which - "no". Your whole argument will consist of only these two words. Then you will change them. You can start very quietly, gradually increasing the volume until one of you decides that it can't get any louder. When you hear the leader's signal (for example, a bell), stop, take a few deep breaths. Pay attention to how pleasant it is to be in silence after such noise and din.

Note: The game can be especially useful for those children who have not yet discovered their own voice as an important way of asserting themselves in life.

"I can protect..."

Children and the leader are thrown with the ball. The one who has the ball in his hands finishes the phrase "I can protect ...". If the children are old enough, the phrase "I can protect...because..." can be used.

"I won't fall"

Purpose: to develop trust in others in children.

On the floor, the leader lays out a rope (thick rope) about two meters long, so that some intricate figure is obtained. One child takes off his shoes and stands on the edge of the rope with both feet (the heel of one foot touches the toes of the other). He is blindfolded. Then the adult, insuring the child, gives commands to facilitate his movement along the rope (“step forward”, “step to the left”, “step to the right”, etc.). The child needs, without getting off the rope, to go through it all - from beginning to end. All the children take turns doing this exercise.

The exercise can be repeated several times, gradually complicating the trajectory of the path - start with simple figures from a rope, then complicate them.


Purpose: to stimulate the manifestation of aggression in children with fears, affective stimulation of the child.

Children with fears often have difficulty in showing aggression, so the following exercise will be helpful for them.

Two children - cockerels - jumping on one leg, fight with pillows. At the same time, they try to make the opponent step on the floor with the second foot, which means he loses.


Purpose: to provide children with the opportunity to respond to aggressive feelings and to develop their self-control skills.

Children are invited to travel to various planets, which they must come up with on their own. An adult lays out circles cut out of paper on the table different size- planets - and asks the children to come up with names for them and imagine the people who will live on these planets. Further, children, together with adults, travel around the planets, interact with the creatures that inhabit them. Each of the children is the master of one planet. He determines the nature of its inhabitants, the main conflicts on the planet, etc. When all the children "arrive" on his planet, he plays the role of local residents who either come into contact with the guests or conflict with them, for example, forcing all the time study or work.

"Rage Scale"

The proposed technique is simple and safe; it allows children to distinguish between such states as irritation, discontent and anger. It is especially effective in working with aggressive, impulsive and excitable children, allowing them to control the manifestations of their own feelings. An adult participates in the game on an equal footing with children, demonstrating different forms of manifestation of anger.

Purpose: the child's assimilation of certain methods that allow him to recognize and extinguish unpleasant feelings in a timely manner, that is, to control the manifestation of his own feelings.

materials: a target is depicted on the board or hangs ready-made from a fabric or other material, and small bags of beans or peas are used.

Description of technology: Bags are thrown at a target from a certain distance. The bags bounce off the target with a force proportional to the force of the throw. The teacher, in order to demonstrate to the child the different strength of such feelings as irritation, anger, a feeling of dissatisfaction, throws bags at the target with different strengths.

At the beginning of the exercise, the teacher explains to the child that irritation is a weak degree of anger, and did not throw the bag very hard at the target, then invites the child to do the same and asks to continue the phrase: “I got a little angry when ...” With the words: “ I got angrier when...”, the teacher and the child alternately throw a bag of greater strength. And finally, with all your might. In order for the child to identify this feeling, the teacher discusses with the child what he feels at the moment of irritation.

"Bumps" (for children from 5 years old)

Pillows are laid out on the floor at a distance that can be overcome in a jump with some effort. Playing - frogs living in the swamp. Together on one hummock capricious "frogs" closely. They jump on the pillows of their neighbors and croak: “Kwa-kva, move over!” If two frogs are cramped on the same pillow, then one of them jumps further or pushes a neighbor into the "swamp", and she is looking for a new bump.

Comment-. An adult also jumps over bumps. If between the "frogs" it comes to a serious conflict, he jumps up and helps to find a way out.

"Go away, anger, go away" (for children from 4 years old)

The players lie down on the carpet in a circle. There are pillows between them. Closing their eyes, they begin to kick the floor with all their might, and with their hands on the pillows with a loud cry of "Go away, anger, go away!" The exercise lasts 3 minutes, then the participants, at the command of an adult, lie down in the “star” position, spreading their legs and arms wide, and lie quietly, listening to music, for another 3 minutes.

Warning. Make sure that when hitting the pillow with their hands, the children do not very often hit the neighbor's hands. Individual hits are useful.

shouts loudly: "No!" The exercise lasts 2-3 minutes, then the pairs switch roles. Caution: The attacker only presses with his hands, not with his body.

The defender kicks only with his feet, without the help of his hands.

"Hen and Rooster"

On the bench-"perch" "hens" are sitting closely, clinging tightly with their feet. "Rooster", with his hands behind his back, proudly walks around the "perch". Suddenly, he pushes one of the "hens". She must stay on the "roost" without pushing her neighbors. The one through whose fault the “hens” fell becomes a “rooster”.

"Kick" (for children from 6 years old)

Participants are divided into pairs. One lies on the floor, the other stands opposite. On command, the standing one leans with his hands on the legs of the lying one bent at the knees. The lying person resists the "attack".

"Storm of the Fortress" (for children from 5 years old)

A fortress is built from unbreakable objects that fall under the arm (slippers, chairs, cubes, clothes, books, blankets, etc. - everything is collected in one big pile).

The players have a ball - a "cannonball". In turn, everyone throws the ball with all their might at the “enemy fortress”. The game continues until the entire pile - the "fortress" - is blown to pieces. With each successful hit, the assaulters emit loud victory cries.

"Tiger on the Hunt" (for children from 5 years old)

Adult - tiger. Tiger cubs follow him. The tiger teaches children to hunt. The cubs must imitate the movements and not jump ahead of the tiger, otherwise they will get a slap. The tiger very slowly puts forward one foot from heel to toe, stretches out one clawed paw, then puts out the second leg, the second paw, bends its head, arches its back and slowly and carefully sneaks towards the prey. Having made 5-6 such jumps, he groups up, presses his paws and head to his chest, crouches, preparing for the decisive jump, and jumps sharply, uttering a loud cry: “Ha!” Tiger cubs do all this with him at the same time.

"Moving" (for children from 5 years old)

Look around the room where you work. Now imagine what can be changed here. Move chairs, tables - everything you can, swap books, toys, dishes, change everything that can be changed. Make the room unrecognisable. Sit and see what you like best. If it was better, work hard and return everything to its place.

Desk games

"Eyes to eyes" (Kryazheva N.L., 1997)

Purpose: to develop a sense of empathy in children, to set them up in a calm way.

“Guys, join hands with your desk mate. Look into each other's eyes only and, feeling your hands, try to silently convey different states: “I'm sad”, “I'm having fun, let's play”, “I'm angry”, “I don't want to talk to anyone”, etc. ”

After the game, discuss with the children which states were passed down, which ones were easy to guess and which ones were difficult.

"Little Ghost" (Lyutova E.K., Monina G.B.)

Purpose: to teach children to throw out accumulated anger in an acceptable form.

"Guys! Now we will play the role of little good ghosts. We wanted to have a little mischief and scare each other a little. According to my clap, you will make the following movement with your hands: (the teacher raises his arms bent at the elbows, fingers spread out) and pronounce the sound “U” in a terrible voice. If I clap softly, you will quietly pronounce the sound "U", if I clap loudly, you will scare loudly.

But remember that we are kind ghosts and only want to joke a little.

Then the teacher claps his hands: “Well done! We joked enough. Let's be kids again!"


Target: To teach in an acceptable form to throw out the accumulated aggressive child anger.

Content: You need paints and paper, sticky tape. Drawn on paper scary masks, then each participant tries on any one, remains in it for some time. You can dance "wild" dances, run, chase each other. Then the ritual of removing masks takes place, everyone joins hands, smiles at each other, you can dance smoothly.

Note: To fix the masks on the face, it is better to use sticky tape or a patch.

"Art Competition"

Purpose: to destroy the stereotypical perception of aggressive characters in fairy tales and films.

The facilitator prepares black and white drawings of some fabulous aggressive character in advance. Children are invited to play as artists who can make this drawing kind. All children are given pre-prepared drawings, to which they add “good details”: a fluffy tail, a bright hat, beautiful toys, etc.

At the same time, you can arrange a competition - whose character looks kindest of all?

"Why did the boys fight"

Purpose: to develop in children reflection (the ability to analyze the causes and consequences) of their aggressive behavior.

The host prepares a drawing in advance, which depicts fighting boys (Fig. 6 - see Appendix). Having shown this drawing, he suggests thinking about why the guys had a fight, how the fight would end, whether they would regret that they had a fight, and how they could have acted differently.

In subsequent lessons, you can consider other similar drawings, asking the same questions.

"Three feats of Andrew"

Purpose: to form in children the ability to use aggressive actions for socially desirable purposes.

The exercise can be performed individually or in a group, in which one child becomes the main character for a while, and the rest watch what is happening.

The host tells a story about a boy, Andrei, who often fought. Once he had a fight in the street with a strange boy and beat him. But it turned out that it was not a boy, but a wizard. He got angry with Andrey and threw him on a fantastic planet. Andrey will be able to get out of there home only when he accomplishes three feats, very difficult and dangerous. Then the children, together with the leader, come up with and act out these feats, for example, how Andrei saved the city from a huge evil dragon or saved a little girl from a merciless bandit. At the same time, the rest of the children play accompanying roles, for example, the role of a dragon, the castle in which he lived, trees in a dense forest on the way to the castle, etc. Each feat can be played out in a separate lesson.

"Little People"

Purpose: to help reduce children's overcontrol over the manifestation of anger.

To conduct the exercise, the leader prepares in advance little people cut out of thick paper: a man and a woman. Children are invited to color them, come up with a name for them, and then play out some kind of story in which evil people would be present.

"Drawing in Pieces"

Purpose: to give children the opportunity to express real feelings.

This exercise is useful for children with destructive, originating in early age(from one to three years) aggressiveness. Such children love any destruction processes - tear, break, cut, etc. At the same time, they may experience difficulty in drawing because of the fear of making a mistake. They will benefit from the following exercise.

Children are invited to first cut sheets of colored paper into small pieces, and then make any application out of them on clean slate. After that, you can compose a story based on the completed application.

"Meeting of Moods"

The teacher (psychologist) lays out two groups of cards with images of emotions (“pictograms”) and asks the children to imagine how different emotions meet: the one that is pleasant and the one that is unpleasant. The teacher portrays “good”, and the child “bad”, then they change in piles of cards. Then there is a discussion of how to reconcile emotions. Next, you can offer the children a set of photographs or illustrations with images of people with different moods. The child needs to choose an image that matches his current mood, a picture with the image of mom, dad, friend. In this game, it is important to discuss each choice.

"Training emotions"

The teacher asks the children to complete the following tasks:

Frowning like an autumn cloud;

Angry person;

Evil sorceress;

Smile like a cat in the sun; like the sun itself; like Pinocchio, like a cunning fox; like a joyful child, and as if you saw a miracle;

Get angry like a child who has had a toy taken away; like two rams on a bridge who get angry and do not give way to each other, like a man who is pushed in a transport or on the street;

To be frightened, like a child lost in the forest or on an unfamiliar street; like a hare that sees a wolf; like a kitten at which a dog barks;

Tired like dad after work; like a man who has lifted a heavy load; like an ant dragging a large twig;

Relax like a mother after work; like a child who worked hard but helped his mother; like a horse that brought a big load.

Studies on muscle relaxation


Option 1

Purpose: to relax the muscles of the back.

“Now we will be weightlifters. Imagine. that there is a heavy barbell on the floor. Inhale, lift the bar off the floor with outstretched arms, lift it up. Very hard. Exhale, drop the barbell to the floor, rest. Let's try again".

Option 2

Purpose: to relax the muscles of the arms and back. enable the child to feel successful.

“Now let’s take a lighter barbell and lift it over our heads. They took a breath, raised the bar, fixed this position so that the judges counted your victory. It's hard to stand like that, drop the barbell, exhale. Relax. Hooray! You are all champions. You can bow to the audience. Everyone applauds you, bow once more like champions.”

The exercise can be performed several times.


Purpose: to relax the muscles of the hands

“Guys, I want to ask you a riddle:

under our roof

Hanging white nail

The sun will rise,

The nail will fall (V. Seliverstov)

That's right, it's an icicle. Let's imagine that we are artists and we are putting on a play for kids. The announcer (this is me) reads this riddle to them, and you will portray icicles. When I read the first two lines, you will take a breath and raise your hands above your head, and on the third, fourth, drop your relaxed hands down. So, we are rehearsing ... And now we are performing. It turned out great!

"Humpty Dumpty"

Purpose: to relax the muscles of the arms, back and chest.

“Let's put on another little play. It's called "Humpty Dumpty"

Humpty Dumpty

Sat on the wall.

Humpty Dumpty

Fell off in a dream. (S. Marshak)

First, we will turn the torso to the right and left, the arms dangling freely, like a rag doll. To the words “fell down in a dream” - we sharply tilt the body down.

Then we circle the rest of the participants.

“These are your silhouettes. Would you like to decorate them? What mood would you like to draw on the face? What color are the legs and torso? Do you think your body helps you in certain situations, for example, when you are escaping from danger, etc.? What body parts help you the most? And there are situations when it fails, does not obey? What do you do in this case? How can we teach our body to be more obedient? Let's agree that you and your body will try to understand each other better.


Purpose: to remove muscle clamps in the shoulder girdle.

“Guys, let's try to turn into a screw. To do this, place your heels and toes together. On my command “Start”, we will turn the hull to the left, then to the right. At the same time, the arms will freely follow the body in the same direction. Let's start!... Stop!"

The etude may be accompanied by the music of N. Rimsky-Korsakov's Dance of the Buffoons from the opera The Snow Maiden.

Games and exercises to correct the aggressive behavior of children of preschool and primary school age. For you teachers.

Behind Lately In Russia, the number of people showing aggressive tendencies and aspirations in behavior has increased. This can be explained by the socio-psychological side of life, which determines the choice of the appropriate type of communicative interaction -aggressive, defensive .

Aggressive manifestations in the children's and teenage environment cause serious concern not only among parents, teachers, psychologists, but also in society as a whole.

The growth of emotional and mental stress among adults leads to the spread of neurotic phenomena among children. Very often, persistent forms of aggression are observed in preschoolers and younger schoolchildren:verbal, expressive, physical .

The manifestation of aggressiveness is often observed in the children's team among preschoolers and younger schoolchildren. This is due to the fact that children have not yet learned to control their behavior, actions.

As a natural form of behavior in a certain category of children, aggression not only persists, but also develops, forming into a stable personality trait. In this regard, the personal potential, the possibility of full communication is reduced, the development of children is being transformed.

Faced with cases of aggression, many teachers of preschool educational institutions and schools find it difficult to choose adequate means of response.

For this purpose, preventive work is needed, which should be aimed at eliminating the causes of aggressive behavior, and not be limited only to removing the external manifestations of disturbed development.

Prevention of aggressiveness - this is a set of pedagogical actions aimed at teaching the child ways of constructive interaction, and not at suppressing aggressive behavior in children as a destructive form.

In preschool and primary school age, children's aggressiveness is often temporary, situational in nature, and can be corrected with a properly organized life in kindergarten, in primary school, in family. Aggression, as a personality trait, is not fixed, but gradually smoothed out and disappears. Such a result occurs only with the patient and coordinated work of the teacher, psychologist, and parents.

In order to develop communication skills, reduce aggressiveness, cultivate moral feelings, increase the level of empathy, and teach methods of constructive interaction with children of preschool and primary school age, it is necessary to use games and exercises aimed at correcting behavior.

For you, teachers, a number of games, exercises to relieve aggression in children are offered.

The game "Colorful balls"


Technique: children sit in a circle, the leader (teacher, psychologist) asks them to make a “boat” out of their palms. The children close their eyes, and then the facilitator puts a glass ball into the palms of each child (the balls should be multi-colored) and says that the balls need to be warmed, rolled, breathe on them, giving the ball some of their warmth, tenderness, affection. After that, the children open their eyes, the facilitator offers to look at the ball and talk about what each of them experienced while holding it in their hands, about the feelings that arose during the exercise.

Game: No, no, no!

Target: relieving muscle tension.

Technique: the host (teacher, psychologist) invites the children to lie down on back on the carpet, spread your legs freely. Then slowly begin to kick, touching the floor with the whole leg. The legs alternate and rise high. For each kick, the child says: “No”, increasing the frequency of the blow, the child repeats: “No, no, no!”

Game: "Little Kitten"

Target: removal of emotional, muscle tension, establishment positive attitude in Group.

Technique: children are on the carpet, calm, quiet music sounds. The host (teacher, psychologist) turns to the children and offers to come up with a fairy tale about little kitten, which:

Basking in the sun;



Scratches with paws with claws rug.

Game "Prickly hedgehog"

Target: removal of aggression, muscle clamps.

Technique: the host (teacher, psychologist) invites the children to mentally imagine themselves as hedgehogs who are prepared to meet danger. To do this, they need to "defend themselves with needles" and strongly "shrink into a ball." And when the danger passes, the "enemies" will scatter, the hedgehogs will gather in a circle (the children gather in a circle, hold hands). Together with the leader at his command, they slowly reach for the imaginary sun, holding hands to "warm up". The game should be accompanied by good children's songs about friendship.

The game is repeated 3 times.

Game "Insidious Predators"

Target: removal of aggression, muscle tension.

Technique: the leader (teacher, psychologist) invites the children to choose to imagine themselves as a predator (tiger, lion, wolf, lynx, bear, leopard, etc.), settle down from each other at a safe distance. Then the "predators" begin to show each other their strength and courage. Having shown all their capabilities, predators calm down, respecting the strength and dignity of everyone.

Exercise "Curious Barbara"

Target: relieving muscle tension

Technique: children sit on the rug and cross their legs, the leader (teacher, psychologist) shows and explains: “Turn your head to the left, right to see as far as possible, while the neck muscles will be very tense, this is unpleasant. Look up, tilt your head back, even breathing is difficult. Now relax... listen, repeat and do as I do:

Curious Barbara looks to the left, looks to the right,
And then forward - here a little rest.

And Varvara looks up - above all, above all!
Comes back - relaxation is nice.
The neck is not tense and relaxed-len-on ...
And now let's look down - the muscles of the neck have tensed!
Coming back is relaxing.
The neck is not tense and relaxed-len-on ...

Exercise "Boat"

Target: removal of muscle clamps, tension.

Technique: the guys are invited to stand on the side of the rugs - "boats", hide their hands behind their backs.Then the host (teacher, psychologist) shows the movements and explains: “Relax. Listen and do as I do:

It began to rock the boat - press your foot to the boat!
We firmly press the leg, and relax the other.
They sat down, hands on their knees, and now a little laziness.
The tension has flown away and the whole body is relaxed.
Our muscles are not tired, and become even more obedient.
We breathe easily ... evenly ... deeply ... "

Exercise "Reach for the Star"

Target: removal of psycho-emotional stress.

Technique: the presenter (teacher, psychologist) turns on calm relaxing music and says:

“Imagine that you are in a summer meadow. Above you is a dark night sky strewn with stars. They shine so brightly that they seem very close. The glade is flooded with soft, pale blue light. People say that when a star falls, you need to make a wish, and it will surely come true. And they say you can't get a star. But maybe they just haven't tried? With your mind's eye, find in the sky the most bright star. What dream does it remind you of? Try to imagine what you would like...

Now open your eyes, take a deep breath, hold your breath and try to reach for the star. It's not easy: stretch with all your might, strain your arms, stand on your toes. So, a little more, you almost got it. Eat! Great! You have touched a star. Exhale and relax, your happiness is in your hands! Place your star in front of you in a pretty basket. Enjoy looking at her. You have done something very important. Now you can rest a little. Close your eyes. Again mentally look at the sky. Are there other stars out there that remind you of others cherished dreams? If there is, then carefully look at the selected asterisk. Open your eyes, breathe in the air and reach for your new goal!

(This exercise can be done individually or with a group.)

Exercise: "Pull yourself together"

Target: regulation of the internal state.

Technique: the host (teacher, psychologist) tells the children that when they experience unpleasant emotions (anger, irritation, the desire to hit, push someone), this can be avoided - “pull yourself together”, restrain yourself and stop.

To do this, take a few deep breaths and exhale. Stand up, close your eyes, count to 10, smile, open eyes.

Exercise "Such different cats»

Target: removal of aggression, development of empathy, group interaction.

Technique: the leader (teacher, psychologist) invites the children to form a large circle, in the center of which, on the floor, lies a sports hoop. The host says that this is a "magic circle" in which "magic transformations" will take place.

To do this, you need to go inside the hoop and, at the signal of the host (clapping your hands, the sound of a bell, nodding your head), turn into an evil, wicked cat that “hisses” and “scratches”, while leaving the “magic circle” is impossible.

The children standing around the hoop repeat after the leader in chorus: “Stronger, stronger, stronger ...”, the child depicting a cat makes more and more “evil” movements. At the second signal of the leader, the action ends, the children are divided into pairs and again, at the signal of the adult, they turn into evil cats. The leader himself can also participate in the game.

The main rule: do not touch each other! If it is violated, the game stops immediately, the host shows an example of possible actions, and then continues the game. On a repeated signal, the “cats” stop and can exchange pairs.

At the end of the game, the host invites the "evil cats" to become kind and affectionate. On a signal, the children “turn” into kind cats that caress each other (stroke each other on the back, head, hold hands).

Game "Little Ghosts"

Target: anger management training.

Technique: the host (teacher, psychologist) addresses the children with the words:« Guys! Now we will play the role of little good ghosts. We wanted to have a little mischief and scare each other a little. On my clap, you will make such a movement with your hands(the teacher raises his arms bent at the elbows, fingers spread out)and pronounce the sound "U-u-u-u" in a terrible voice. If I clap softly, you will softly say the sound “Oooo”, if I clap loudly, you will say the sound “Oooo” loudly. At the same time, we must not forget that we are good ghosts and we only want to joke a little.

Then the teacher claps his hands. “Well done! We joked enough. Let's be girls and boys again."

Game: "Velcro-attachment"

Target: removal of muscle tension, development of group cohesion, interaction.

Technique: children move, run around the room. Two children, holding hands, try to catch their peers, saying: "I'm a sticky sticky, I want to catch you." Each caught child, "Velcros" take by the hand and attach to their company.

When everyone becomes Velcro, calm music will sound, the children will stand in a circle and start dancing.

Game "Evil Zhuzha"

Target: withdrawal of aggression.

Technique: the host (teacher, psychologist) chooses “Zhuzha”, who sits on a chair (“in the house”), the rest of the children begin to tease Zhuzha, grimace in front of her:

Buzz, Buzz, look.

Zhuzha, Zhuzha, don't sit.

Zhuzha, Zhuzha, come out.

Zhuzha, Zhuzha, catch up!

"Zhuzha" looks out of the window of his house (from a chair), shows his fists, stamps his feet in anger, and when the children enter the "magic line", he runs out and catches them. Whoever "Zhuzha" caught, he is eliminated from the game (gets "captured" by "Zhuzha").

Balloon game

Target: relaxation of muscles, regulation of the emotional state.

Technique: the host (teacher, psychologist) invites the guys to sit on the rug and cross their legs, then shows and explains: “Imagine that each of you inflates a balloon. Place your hand on your stomach like it's a balloon. The abdominal muscles tighten. Shoulders do not rise. Exhaled air - as if the balloon burst. The stomach relaxed. Listen and do as I do:

We inflate the balloon together and check with our hands ...
The ball burst, we exhale, we relax our muscles ...
Breathe easily, freely, deeply.

Exercise "Chop wood"

Target: development of group interaction, removal of aggression.

Technique: the host (teacher, psychologist) addresses the children with the question: “Which of you has ever chopped wood or seen how adults do it? To cut wood, you need an ax, let's imagine that we have it in our hands and show how to hold an ax. What position should the arms and legs be in? Stand so that there is some free space around you. Let's chop wood. Place a piece of "log" on an imaginary stump, raise the ax above your head and lower it with force. You can even scream: "Ha!"

To conduct this game, you need to break into pairs and, falling into a certain rhythm, hit one “chock” in turn.

Exercise "Grey Cloud"

Target: development of empathy, interaction, removal of emotional stress.

Technique: the host (teacher, psychologist) addresses the children: “Imagine a warm, wonderful day (music sounds). Above you is a bright blue sky. Soft rays of the sun and a warm gentle breeze touch your eyes and cheeks. You see a gray cloud floating across the sky. Let's give her all our grievances, grief, worries, worries, troubles. Let them fly away from us far, far away and never, never come back. And we will become joyful, kind, strong, courageous, responsive to each other. We all need joy, kindness, courage, strength, support.

Guys, now open your eyes and smile at each other.”

Exercise "I get angry when..."

Target: educationchildrenways to deal with aggression.

Technique: childrenit is proposed to finish the phrase 3 times: "I get angry when ...". Then, standing in a circle, each child needs to pick up one sheet of colored paper to choose from (red, yellow, green, blue, orange, cyan, black) crumple it, pronouncing the phrase: “I get angry when ...” and throw it in the center circle.

Exercise "Drawing on the back"

Target: development of empathy, group interaction.

Technique: the host (teacher, psychologist) attaches a sheet of paper to the children's back and says that now they will draw on each other's backs, whatever they want. To do this, you need to pick up any felt-tip pen you like and start moving around (the group), approach each other and draw what they like on their backs. We need to be active and not pass by each other.

At the end, for active work, the children, together with the teacher, applaud each other.

Exercise "Dance with the ball"

Target: removal of muscle clamps, creation of a positive emotional mood in Group.

Technique: children stand in a circle, at this time fragments of various musical fragments sound, they are invited to imagine that they are holding a ball in their hands and try to portray it. The host (teacher, psychologist) offers to dance to the music, holding an imaginary ball in his hands.

Exercise "Know Me"

Target: development of empathy, removal of aggressiveness.

Technique: a group of children sits on chairs, the leader (teacher, psychologist) invites one child (then you can take turns, or at the request of the children) to turn their backs to those sitting. The task of the rest of the children is to come up in turn, stroke the child on the back and call him an affectionate name. The child, to whom the children approach, tries to guess who stroked him and called him an affectionate name.

Exercise "Tuh-tibi-spirit"

Target: removal of negative emotions, group cohesion.

Technique: the leader (teacher, psychologist), addressing the children, says: “I will now tell you a special word in secret. This is a magic spell against bad mood, against resentment and disappointment. To make it work, you need to do the following. Now you will walk, not talk to anyone. And if you want to talk, then stop in front of one of the participants, look into his eyes and say the magic word three times, angrily and angrily: "Tuh-tibi-dukh." And keep walking. Then again stop in front of someone and again angrily pronounce this magic word. In order for the magic word to work, it is necessary to speak it not into the void, but looking into the eyes of the person standing in front of you.

This game contains a comical paradox. Children should pronounce the word "Tuh-tibi-dukh" menacingly, angrily, after a while they cannot help laughing. Children's laughter is able to rally, unite children; this is very important for joint activities in kindergarten, at school.

Exercise "I'm not evil, I'm kind"

Target: development of interaction, cohesion, empathy

Technique: children sit at tables, in front of them are sheets of A-4 paper and colored pencils. The facilitator (teacher, psychologist) invites the children to draw an evil person on a piece of paper, as they imagine him, and maybe even it will be their own portrait. On another sheet of paper, draw a portrait of a kind person. First, invite the children to consider the drawings on which an evil person is drawn and find out:

Why is he angry?

Is it good when a person is evil?

Does he like it himself?

What needs to be done in order not to be evil?

Is this person handsome or not?

Then consider the drawings, where it is drawn a kind person and find out:

When we say: “Is this person kind, good?”

A kind person is beautiful, or not?

What needs to be done to become a good, well-mannered child?

Then put two drawings side by side and lift up the drawing depicting the person you like the most. (Presumably this will be an image of a kind person). Then applaud in unison and say out loud: “I am a kind person!”

Exercise "Although we are different, but everyone is friendly, affectionate!"

Target: removal of aggressiveness

Technique: Children stand in a circle, holding hands. The facilitator (teacher, psychologist) invites the children in turn to say good, kind words about their group, to praise each child. Then, on the count of "three", shake hands, standing on the right and left, raise your closed hands up and jump high together.

Exercise "Let's warm the chick"

Target : development of empathy, group interaction.

Technique: the host (teacher, psychologist) addresses the children with the words: “Imagine that you have a helpless, small chick in your hands, it accidentally fell out of the nest. Let's stretch out our hands, palms up. And how will we “warm the chick”, hiding it in the palms; gently, affectionately breathe on him, warming him with our even breath, put our palms on our chest, give the chick the kindness of our heart and breath.

Now open your palms and you will see that the chick joyfully took off. Smile at him, do not be sad - he will still fly to you! Look at each other, smile.

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State budgetary educational institution secondary vocational education

"Zhirnovsky Pedagogical College"


discipline: "Pedagogy"

on the topic of: "Games for I correction of aggressive behaviorchildren».


Zibarova A.E.


Lobacheva N.A.

Zhirnovsk 2016year

We note right away that aggressiveness as a property of the personality of a child or adult should be distinguished from "benign" aggression that arises in a situation of danger and disappears when nothing threatens a person. Such situational aggression has a completely normal defensive character, and it is hardly worth correcting it in the child's behavior. In this case, it makes sense to simply teach him adequate and socially accepted ways of expressing aggressive feelings. Speaking of true (“malignant”) aggressiveness, we have in mind stable personality traits that are expressed in increased readiness for aggression. External manifestations of aggressiveness may vary somewhat in different age periods.

So, in preschoolers and younger schoolchildren, the criteria for aggressiveness are the following characteristics:

Often lose control of themselves;

Often argue and quarrel with others;

Refuse to comply with the requests of adults;

May intentionally cause others to feel angry and annoyed;

They tend to blame others for their mistakes and failures (they can take out their anger on inanimate things);

Often experience feelings of anger, anger and envy;

Not able to forget about the offense without repaying;

Obnoxious and irritable.

In middle school children and adolescents, aggressiveness can be manifested in the following way:

Often threaten other people (words, gestures, look);

Periodically act as initiators of fights (they can use injuring objects);

They do not feel compassion, they show cruelty to people and animals, they can intentionally hurt them (verbally or physically);

Unscrupulous in the means of achieving their goals (for example, they can use theft, damage to the offender's personal belongings, etc. as revenge);

They do not take into account the opinion of parents, their prohibitions and restrictions (up to running away from home);

Have difficulties in relations with teachers, openly conflict or skip classes.

If you think that your child is characterized by at least half of the described manifestations of aggressiveness, corresponding to his age, and they appear for at least six months, then your child really already has aggressiveness as a personality trait. If you have come to such a not very pleasant conclusion, then you should not despair or try to put all your strength into protecting those around you from your son or daughter. It is better for a thinking and pedagogically competent parent to spend time and effort analyzing the current situation and finding ways to help the child himself.

Let's take a look at first causes of child aggression. At given property there can be three main sources.

Firstly, the family in which the child grows up can itself demonstrate aggressive behavior (if not physical, then in words) and reinforce such manifestations in the child. Some parents are prone to double standards, in words they definitely have a bad attitude towards manifestations of aggression in children, express a desire to raise a child kind and conflict-free, but at the same time they are unable to hide their admiration, watching how their child is able to solve problems with peers, fearlessly engaging in fights or using more subtle methods of coercion. Needless to say, when choosing a model of behavior, children are guided not at all by what their parents say, but by what they think, feel and how they behave.

Secondly, children can learn aggressive behavior in the process of communicating with their peers. At preschool age, the criterion of strength is very significant for most children; boys especially strive to possess this quality, since children's community cannot be called democratic. Therefore, whoever is the strongest, everything is possible for him - a principle that can often be seen in action, watching the communication of children in kindergarten. If you think your child is aggressive, think about how "fighting" class or group he attends! How are conflicts resolved there? If the "struggle for survival" is characteristic of the entire children's team, then you should take care to find another children's society for the child, where there would be a different atmosphere. It could be a hobby group Kid `s camp or the circle of children of your friends. The main thing is that your child gets a qualitatively different communication experience (without the need for aggression).

Thirdly, not only real people, but also characters that are products of creativity can be a model for teaching aggressiveness. There is no doubt that the scenes of aggression and violence on TV screens, monitors and pages of books increase the aggressiveness of young viewers, making them ready at any time to use destructive, tough, but very effective ways to resolve conflicts. So it will not be superfluous to pay attention to what your child is watching, reading and playing.

Now that we have considered the external reinforcements of aggressiveness, we can move on to its internal causes.

Here the main thing is a very simple idea: a person who is doing well does not behave aggressively. That is, aggression is outward manifestation especially internal discomfort. As a rule, aggressive children are characterized by high anxiety, a sense of rejection of themselves, the injustice of the world around them, and inadequate self-esteem (most often low). The stormy protest and angry reactions of the little "aggressor" are his way of drawing the attention of others to his problems, the inability to cope with them alone.

So the first thing that is required of you, as an adult trying to help an aggressive child, is sincere sympathy, acceptance of him as a person, interest in his inner world, understanding of feelings and motives of behavior. Try to focus on the merits of the child and his success in overcoming difficulties (both external and internal), teach him the same. In a word, try to do everything possible to return the boy or girl self-respect and positive self-esteem. If your usual interaction is not enough for this purpose, you can use the special games described in the article "What to play with anxious children."

Secondly, it is necessary to conduct special patient and systematic work in four directions:

To work with anger - to teach the child generally accepted and non-dangerous ways for others to express their anger;

To teach self-control - to develop the child's self-control skills in situations that provoke outbursts of anger or anxiety;

To work with feelings - to learn to be aware of one's own emotions and the emotions of other people, to form the ability for empathy, sympathy, trust in others;

To instill constructive communication skills - to teach adequate behavioral reactions in a problem situation, ways out of the conflict.

The games and game techniques described below will help you implement these corrective directions.

Dealing with anger.

In our society, it is assumed that well-mannered person should not show his anger. However, if we hold back this emotion every time and do not give it an outlet in any form, then we turn into a "piggy bank of anger", and this is already akin to a time bomb. When your piggy bank is full, then the "excess" of anger will pour out either on a person who accidentally turned up under the arm, or in hysterics and tears, or will begin to "be deposited" in the person himself, leading to various problems with health.

I hope that you are convinced that anger needs to be released. Of course, this does not mean that every time you need to "go hand-to-hand". This can be done in less destructive ways, as described below. By the way, they will be useful not only for children, but also for adults. So you can learn them together with your child and apply them as needed in your life, thereby setting an example for your son or daughter.

"Unfriendly cartoon"

This game technique will help your child to more adequately get out of a situation where he is very angry and "poured out" his feelings on the one who offended him, shouting, calling names, pushing, etc. Try to take the child to another place so that he does not see who made him so angry. Now you can invite him to draw a caricature of this person. It is best to start by showing an example of what a caricature can be, how it differs from a regular portrait. When the child understands that it is not necessary to try to depict the original exactly, but, on the contrary, you can distort the bright features or simply draw a person the way he sees in this moment give him paper and pencils.

In the process of drawing, try not to pull the child and not to soften what he draws and what he says at the same time. Just be there and don't judge. You can also show the child that you understand his feelings (despite the fact that you do not agree that the abuser really deserves all the swear words that are said in his address when drawing). To do this, you can reflect his feelings with words like: “I see that you are very angry with Kolya” or “It is really very disappointing when you are not understood and suspected,” etc.

When the drawing is completed, invite the child to sign it as he wants. Then ask him how he feels now and what he wants to do with this "unfriendly caricature" (let the child do it in reality).

Note. When you conduct this game technique, do not be embarrassed by the "inhumanity" and "uncivilization" of what is happening. Remember that this is just a game, and the more negative emotions a child manages to throw out in it, the less destructive actions he will want to perform in communication with a real person. On the contrary, rejoice yourself and express pride in the success of the child if he was able to avoid a fight or a major quarrel in this way.

"Bag of Screams"

As you know, it is very difficult for children to cope with their negative feelings, because they tend to break out in the form of screams and squeals. Of course, this is not approved by adults. However, if emotions are very strong, then it is wrong to immediately demand from children a calm analysis and search for constructive solutions. First you need to give them the opportunity to calm down a little, to throw out the negative in an acceptable way.

So, if the child is indignant, agitated, angry, in a word, simply unable to talk to you calmly, invite him to use the "scream bag". Agree with the child that while he has this bag in his hands, he can scream and squeal into it as much as he needs. But when he lowers the magic bag, he will talk to those around him in a calm voice, discussing what happened.

Note. You can make the so-called "bag of shouts" from any fabric bag, it is advisable to sew strings to it in order to be able to "close" all the "shouts" for the duration of a normal conversation. The resulting bag should be stored in a certain place and not used for other purposes. If there is no bag at hand, then you can convert it into a "jar of screams" or even a "pot of screams", preferably with a lid. However, using them later for peaceful purposes, such as cooking, would be highly undesirable.

"Leaf of Anger"

You have probably already seen printed versions of such a sheet, which depicts some kind of monster in a fit of anger or a generally good creature, such as a duck that tries to break a computer with a hammer in anger. The visual image of anger is accompanied by such instructions for use: "In the event of a fit of rage, crumple and throw into a corner!"

However, this is a way of behavior rather of adults, while for children it is usually not enough to simply throw crumpled paper into a corner once. Therefore, they should be offered different ways to express their negative emotions: you can crumple, tear, bite, trample, kick a piece of anger until the child feels that this feeling has decreased and now he can easily cope with it. After that, ask the boy or girl to finally deal with their anger by collecting all the pieces of the "angry leaf" and throwing them in the trash. As a rule, in the process of work, children stop being angry and this game begins to amuse them, so they usually finish it in a good mood.

Note. "Leaf of Anger" can be made by yourself. If the child himself does this, then even a double study of his emotional state will turn out. So, invite your child to imagine what his anger looks like: what shape it is, size, what or who it looks like. Now let the child draw the resulting image on paper (with young children, you need to immediately move on to drawing, as it is still difficult for them to depict the image in words, which can cause additional irritation). Further, for dealing with anger (as described above), all methods are good!

Pillow for kicking

This playful way to cope with anger is especially necessary for those children who, when angry, tend to react primarily physically (immediately fight, push, take away, and do not scream and call names, do not try to avenge their inaction later on now). Get such a child at home (or you can make the second option for a kindergarten or school) a kicking pillow. Let it be a small, dark-colored pillow that the child can kick, throw, and pound when he feels very angry. After he manages to let off steam in such a harmless way, you can move on to other means of solving the problem situation.

Note. Pillow analogs can be an inflatable rubber mallet that can be used to hit walls and floors, or a punching bag that will help get rid of accumulated anger not only for children, but also for adults.

"Chopping Wood"

This game is especially good to play after the child has been engaged in sedentary work for a long time. It will help get rid of physical and emotional stress, spend the accumulated negative feelings and get a charge of vivacity.

Ask your child if he knows how to cut wood. How should you hold an ax? What is the best position to stand in? Where is the log usually placed? In order for you both to have a complete picture of this physical work, ask the child to depict how the process itself takes place. Make sure there is enough free space around. Let your little lumberjack cut wood, sparing no effort. Recommend him to bring an imaginary ax above his head and sharply lower it onto an imaginary log. It is useful to make some sounds along with the exhalation, for example, say "Ha!".

Note. For those guys who need more believability in this activity, you can make a paper substitute for an ax, such as a tightly rolled roll of paper or newspaper.

If you are in nature, then you can help the child express his anger and come to a calm state, using the properties of water, clay and sand.

So, when a child sculpts a figurine of an offender out of clay, he experiences a feeling of control over the situation: he can create it, flatten it, trample it, and, if desired, restore it again. By the way, these techniques can be applied at home using plasticine.

Sand games are also attractive to children due to their "reversibility". You can bury a figurine symbolizing the offender or the anger of the child himself, jump on top, pour water, lay stones, and when the anger subsides, you can dig it up again, clean it and use it in other games.

In addition, working with loose sand and pliable clay in itself calms the child, he focuses more on his tactile sensations switches from one external stimulus to another.

It is also good to use water to relieve tension and aggressiveness of children. In addition to swimming, which is excellent in this case, you can use water games. For example, arrange ship races. Each participant must adjust his ship by blowing on it from a tube and not touching it with his hands. You can come up with something like water billiards, knocking down floating plastic or rubber balls with the help of other balls. Variants of "water warfare" are also good, for example, dousing with spray bottles, knocking down enemy floating ships with a jet of water, etc. In a word, any interesting water activities are suitable for reducing aggressiveness, it is not for nothing that "a tub of cold water" has long been considered an effective way to pacify raging adults. But when working with children, it is better to add an element of the game to all "water procedures".

Self-control training

In order to help a child master the skills of self-control, you must first of all teach him to be aware and understand his feelings, assess the situation of communication and predict options for its development. This not an easy task because aggressive children are used to acting impulsively. Therefore, any delayed and deliberate behavior can be considered a certain achievement. To develop this ability to restrain momentary impulses, you can use the following game techniques.

"Signals of Anger"

You will play this game (in full) with your child only once, later using its abbreviated version. It is aimed at the child's awareness of his anger through bodily sensations.

Let the child remember some situation in which he was very angry, was ready to kill the offender. Ask him how his anger showed up before the fight? Perhaps this question will confuse the child, then help him by explaining that all feelings somehow affect our body. When a person is offended and angry, he can feel how his fists are clenched, blood rushes to his face, a lump rises to his throat, it becomes difficult to breathe, the muscles of his face, abdomen, etc. tense. These are signals of anger. He warns us of his growth. If we ignore these warning signs, then at some unexpected moment for us, it splashes out sharply in the form of actions, for which we can later be ashamed. If we notice his signals in time, then we will be able to manage this strong feeling (and not vice versa, as happens with a child when anger controls him).

Once this outreach has been done and the anger signals specific to your child have been identified, try to make this game relevant. As soon as you notice that the child begins to get angry, ask him what signals the feeling gives him. Accordingly, what is this feeling? What can it make you do? What will be the consequences? Before all this has begun and you have caught the signal in time, what can be done to avoid trouble? Discuss with your child specific ways to get out of a particular situation. For example, it was possible to get up and leave or remain silent, and not succumb to a clear provocation, so as not to bring joy to those who were waiting for this, etc.

Note. For this game to bear fruit, it must be carried out systematically, and it requires adults themselves to be attentive and sensitive, as well as resourceful in considering possible ways to solve various problems.

"Anger on Stage"

This game corrective technique is based on the visual representation of the image of one's negative feelings.

When your child is angry (or has just experienced anger), invite him to imagine what his anger would look like on a theater stage. In the image of what would the actor playing anger act - a monster, a person, an animal, or maybe a shapeless spot? What color would his suit be? How would it feel to the touch - hot or cold, rough or smooth? What would he smell like? What voice would you use? What intonations? How would he move around the stage?

If desired, the child can draw an image of his anger, or even better, enter the role of this actor and portray anger "in the first person", expressively moving for him and saying the lines that he wants to say at the moment, and with such loudness and intonations, as he sees fit.

Ask the child what would be the beginning of the performance of anger? How would it develop? How should it end? Let him show you the whole performance.

A positive moment in this game is the possibility for the child to combine the roles of the director and the actor playing anger, that is, having the opportunity to throw out anger, he at the same time has the opportunity to lead it and eventually "remove" it from the stage.

Note. For older children, the task can be made more difficult by asking them to think of how anger on stage would behave if it were the anger of a person from primitive society, from a knightly order, from the modern civilized world. Thus, you will prompt the child to the idea that the feeling of anger has always existed, but the norms for its expression in different historical times and in different societies differ significantly.

I counted to ten and decided...

In fact, this is the rule that the child must adhere to when he feels ready to act aggressively. On no account should he make any decision right away, but instead try to calmly count to ten, calming his breathing and trying to relax. Only then can he decide how to act in this situation. Discuss with your son or daughter how his (her) thoughts and desires have changed since the "calming" count. Which solution will be more effective, and which one will cause even more difficulties? Help your child develop an "adult" way of thinking that they can later use on their own.

In addition to all the above games for teaching self-control, it is useful to teach the child to relax, as aggressive children have a high level of muscle tension. For this purpose, you can use breathing exercises, as well as relaxation games, described in the following articles: "What to play with anxious children?" and "Correctional games for hyperactive children".

Working with feelings

"Connoisseurs of the Senses"

Ask the child if he knows many feelings. If it seems to him that a lot, invite him to play such a game. It will be a contest of connoisseurs of feelings. Take the ball and start passing it in a circle (you can play together with your child or invite other family members to participate, which will not only be interesting, but also indicative of their knowledge and interest in the inner world).

The one who has the ball in his hands must name one emotion (positive or negative) and pass the ball to the next. You cannot repeat what has been said before. Anyone who cannot give an answer leaves the game. The rest is the biggest connoisseur of feelings in your family! You can set some prize for him, for example, the most delicious piece of cake at dinner (or some other family treat).

To benefit from the game more, and the loss of the child was not offensive, warn that this is the first round, and after some time the game can be repeated, and the prize will be even better. By doing this, you will create a mindset for the child to memorize the called words, which will help him win in the future.

Note. With this game, it is good to start the cycle of your family activities aimed at enriching the emotional sphere of the child, developing interest and ability to understand their inner world and the emotions of other people. Since, in order to talk about a new sphere for him, new words will be needed, which he may have heard, but has not used so far. In this game, he will have the experience of using them.

"Guess what I felt?"

If you have already played (and more than once) the previous game, then surely your child already knows the names of at least the main emotions. But this does not mean that he correctly understands their essence. This game will help you check this (and, if necessary, correct it). It has two main roles: the driver and the player (there may be several players).

The driver must think of some kind of feeling, remember the story when he had this feeling, or come up with a story about someone else experiencing a similar state. At the same time, he must tell his story in such a way that he does not accidentally name the feeling itself. You need to end the story with a sentence: "Then I felt ..." - and pause. Then the player tries to guess what the person who got into such a situation could feel.

It is better to make short stories, for example: “I once came from the store, laid out the products and realized that there was no oil among them. I probably forgot it on the counter when I put everything in the bag. I looked at the clock - the store was already closing. And so I wanted to fry potatoes! Then I felt ... "(The most accurate answer in this example is "annoyance", but other emotions can take place - sadness or anger at yourself).

Note. It is better for an adult to start driving, showing the children by example what stories can be (not too long and not very complicated). If the child guessed the feeling of the character, about which in question, then you can invite him to become a driver and come up with his own story. Listen carefully to these stories - perhaps in a normal conversation a child would not talk about his hidden experiences!

"Land of Feelings"

Now that the child knows both the names of emotions and what sensations are behind them, you can move on to visual images of feelings and the use of creativity in working with them.

Recall with your child again what feelings you know. Write down the names of the emotions you remember on separate sheets of paper. Now invite the child to imagine what these "inhabitants of the inner world" look like? Have him draw a portrait of each on a piece of paper with the appropriate name. The process of creating such images is very interesting and revealing. Pay attention to how the child imagines certain feelings, how he explains his choice. The following addition to the painted portrait may be especially informative. Invite the young artist to draw what the house of each feeling looks like and what things are stored in it. Perhaps in the new images you will see something similar to the life of the child himself.

Note. The resulting portraits are best done somehow. You can create a "gallery of feelings" by hanging them on the wall, you can make an art album by joining sheets together and making a cover. Most importantly, do not throw them away and do not let them lie around anywhere. After all, these are the "inhabitants of the inner world" of your son or daughter, and only for this reason they deserve respect and worthy treatment, and children are very sensitive to such manifestations of parental attention! The work of creating such an album or gallery is best done in several steps (especially with young children), making such studies systematic and starting new portraits on sheets with an inscription made on the first day of this long game. aggressiveness children's anger self-control

"Feelings on Stage"

This game is similar to the game "Anger on stage", only there can be as many roles as there are feelings. So there is where to roam the director's imagination!

It is better to make this game, like the previous one, systematically repeated. Offer to play it when you see that the child is really experiencing some kind of emotion. For example, when he is happy, invite him to tell and portray what his joy would look like on stage.

Note. Fantasize with your child by asking additional questions, such as "What would a dance of joy be like?" If a boy or girl wants to sing it, they will probably need your help in choosing the musical accompaniment for this creative process! Therefore, in the collection of your audio cassettes or discs, there should be melodies with a wide variety of emotional content (from despair and anxiety to joy and pride).

Photo stories

This game is the next step in emotional development a child, a bridge from his interest and attention to his own inner world to understanding other people's emotions and empathy.

In order to start playing, you will need any photographs of people that reflect their mood. They are easy to pick up by flipping through some magazines or looking at reproductions of paintings. Show your child one of these photos and ask them to identify how the person in the photo is feeling. Then ask why he thinks so - let the child try to express in words what external signs of emotions he paid attention to. You can also invite him to dream up, coming up with what events in the life of the photographed man or woman preceded this moment.

Note. In this game, it would be good to use photos from your family album, because after the fictional story of the child, you could tell him what exactly happened before the moment of filming, and thereby introduce him to the elements of family history, giving him the opportunity to feel "involved" in family events and experiences of relatives. However, using your personal photos for this game will be interesting and useful only if they really reflect a different mood, and not standard camera smiles.

Constructive Communication Skills

The complexity of this part of the "home" correctional program for working with an aggressive child is that in order to develop communication skills, other people are needed who will participate in the same activity as the child. It’s good if there are other children in the family besides the child we are talking about, but if this is not the case, then it will be quite difficult to implement communicative games (after all, an adult relative cannot replace a “foreign peer”, and the largest number problems arise with them).

Therefore, in this article, games are selected that can be organized, even if the family consists of two people. But if you have a large family, then it is better to invite several household members to participate at once, so that the child sees the diversity of opinions and characters and can learn more flexibility. In addition, the more people involved in the game, the more interesting it is and you can organize more options by listening to suggestions on this matter from different players.

"Dictionary of kind words"

Aggressive children often suffer from a poor vocabulary, as a result of which, even when communicating with people they like, they often use familiar rude expressions. Language not only reflects our inner world, but can also influence it: along with the advent of good words our attention is focused on those pleasant qualities and the phenomena that they denote.

Get a special vocabulary with your child. In it, alphabetically, you will write down various adjectives, participles and nouns that can describe the character or appearance of a person, that is, answer the question of what a person can be. At the same time, an important restriction must be observed - all words must be kind, polite, suitable for describing pleasant (or neutral) qualities in people. So, on the letter "B" you can write down both words that describe appearance: "blonde", "brunette", "white-skinned", "blond", etc., and words related to the description of character: "disinterested", “thrifty”, “noble”, “defenseless”, “failsafe”, etc. or describing a person’s activity in some area: “impeccable”, “impeccable”, “brilliant”, etc. If words like "stupid" or "talker", then discuss with him that such words also exist in Russian and we use them, but whether they are pleasant, he would like to hear them addressed to him! If not, then they have no place in the dictionary of kind words.

Note. As you probably understand, it is not enough to compile such a dictionary with the child and, putting it on the shelf, wait for him to speak using such a rich vocabulary. In order for all these words to really begin to be used by children in ordinary speech, it is necessary to carry out systematic work. To this end, firstly, it is good to "refresh" words in memory. To do this, you can either use the variant of the game "Word - step" (when the player can take a step forward by naming the quality of a person with a certain letter), or from time to time ask the child questions containing definitions of some property, but not naming it (for example: "How can you call a person who cannot stand up for himself and does not feel safe?" Answer: "Defenseless."). Secondly, you need to take care of the practice of using new words in the everyday speech of your son or daughter. To do this, try to discuss with him the heroes of films and books more often, analyze their actions, motives, deciding what character traits they indicate. Of course, here you will have to use not only positive characteristics, but try to show the child that even in the most negative hero (as well as a real person) you can find some good features that deserve respect.

"Blind and Guide"

This game will give the child the experience of trusting others, and this is what aggressive children usually lack. Two people are needed to start the game. One of them will be blind - he is blindfolded. The second is his guide, trying to carefully and carefully guide a blind person across a busy road.

You will create this "movement" in advance by placing chairs and some other things in the room in such a way that they prevent you from freely moving from one side of the room to the other. If there are others who wish to take part in the game, then they can create "barricades" from their bodies, spreading their arms and legs and freezing anywhere in the room.

The guide's task is to carefully transfer the blind man to the other "side of the highway" (where this place is, agree in advance), protecting him from collisions with various obstacles. After the task is completed, discuss with the child whether it was easy for him in the role of a blind man, whether he trusted the guide, his care and skill, what feelings he experienced. Next time, let him try himself as a conductor - this will teach him care and attention to another person.

It can be difficult for children to explain with a "blind" person, since phrases like: "Now put your foot here" do not tell him anything. Usually the child realizes this after some time and his communication with the "blind" next time will already be more effective, so it is useful to play such games more than once.

Note. In this game, the "guide" can contact the "blind" in different ways: to talk about what needs to be done, or simply to lead him along, raising the "blind" leg to the desired height in order to step over the barrier. You can alternate these options by introducing a ban on one of them, thus training the possession of either verbal (speech) or non-verbal means of communication. If your "blind" tries to go all the way on his own, ignoring the help of the guide, then on the next round try to worsen his orientation in space by placing obstacles in a different way and spinning the child in place after he was blindfolded.

"Pilot and Controller"

Ask the child how he imagines the actions of the pilot in the plane: with what help does he orient himself in space? How do you avoid collisions with other aircraft? What does it rely on if visibility is poor? Thus, you will inevitably come to a discussion of the work of the dispatcher. It is not difficult to give sad examples from life, when the wrong actions of the pilot, the inattention of the dispatcher, or simply their inconsistency in work led to a disaster. Therefore, it can be very important to trust another person and follow his recommendations if that person has more information than you currently have.

At first, the role of the pilot will be played by a child. Blindfold him, this means that the plane has fallen into a zone of poor visibility. Now the young pilot will have to completely entrust his well-being to the dispatcher, that is, you (or another family member who plays this role). As in the previous game, place various obstacles in the room. Place the pilot in the center. The controller must be at a sufficient distance from him and control the actions of the aircraft "from the ground", that is, exclusively with words. So he can give step by step instructions like: "Turn a little to the right, take three small steps forward. Okay, move forward a little more. Stop." etc. The pilot, following the instructions of the dispatcher, must fly unimpeded across the room to the specified destination.

Note. This game is similar to the game "The Blind Man and the Guide", but it is somewhat more difficult to perform, because in addition to the child's trust in the second player, it involves the ability to wait, to be in the unknown for some time. That is, your child in the process of playing will have to overcome his impulsiveness and learn to trust a person "at a distance", without feeling a "friendly shoulder" nearby and guided only by verbal instructions. So if you expect your son or daughter to have difficulties developing these qualities, then you should not move on to this game without mastering the previous one well.

"Portrait of an aggressive man"

Ability to adequate self-assessment and self-criticism, unfortunately, is not a well-developed quality in most children, especially in children prone to aggression. This game exercise will help them see themselves from the outside and realize their individual actions in a situation of conflict and the style of behavior in general.

Ask the child to mentally imagine an aggressive person: how he looks, how he behaves, how he talks, how he walks. Now you can try to reflect these ideas on paper - let the child draw a portrait of an aggressive person. When the drawing is finished, talk about what is shown there. Why did the child draw an aggressive person in this way, what qualities did he want to emphasize in this portrait? Ask also what your son or daughter likes about the drawn person, for which he can be respected. And what, on the contrary, do you not like, what would you like to change? Why is this man aggressive? Ask how, in the child's opinion, others treat aggressive people? How does he feel about them?

Now we need to move on to talking about the personality of the child himself. First of all, tell him that aggression is a normal human manifestation in certain situations when other methods of solving the problem are ineffective (it is better to immediately give examples of such situations or ask the child to do this). You can also discuss the fact that aggression has some manifestations that are not only not condemned by society, but are even encouraged. Such manifestations include, for example, perseverance in achieving a goal and the ability to protect oneself and other people.

Once a child has learned that aggression is not always a bad thing, you can expect him to recognize this quality in himself. Ask your son or daughter when he (she) behaves aggressively towards others? Are there any circumstances in which he almost always behaves this way? Are there people who constantly cause aggressive desires in a child? Pay close attention to these answers, they will sound "chronic problems" that need to be analyzed and over which you will have to work systematically. Try to discuss in detail the typical situations of anger and aggressive behavior in a child. How did your child feel at that moment? What did you think? What did he want to do? How did he really do it? What followed? Could it have been done differently to avoid negative consequences?

Note. If you are in this conversation not a judge, but a sympathetic friend, then you will be able to expand the boundaries of the child's thinking and enrich his behavioral repertoire through the knowledge gleaned from his life experience. In order to make children want to behave differently, it is better to rely on such arguments as “did you achieve your goal?”, “did others understand what you felt and what you wanted?”, “was your behavior effective? "," have your relationships with others improved?, than to justifications like "it's ugly!" or "Good kids don't behave like that!"

"Understand without words"

Every adult knows for himself how annoying it is for others to misunderstand our thoughts and desires. Also, every adult guesses that there is in this sad circumstance the fault of the person himself - which means that he could not clearly explain this, was not persistent or resourceful enough to achieve this goal. But children are often unaware of this. Due to children's egocentrism (when they consider themselves the center of the universe and measure the whole world by themselves), it is difficult for them to imagine that those around them really did not understand or misunderstood them. Children rarely make an effort to be understood, but often get offended and angry, evaluating misunderstanding as "malice".

Therefore, this game will be useful to everyone, since in it the child will need to be as intelligible as possible and constantly look for explanations of what the rest of the players have planned. In addition, he will also stay "in someone else's shoes", trying to understand the driver when they switch places.

So, in this game, the driver thinks of a word (answering the question "who?" or "what?"). After that, he should try to portray what this word means without uttering a sound. You can move, reproducing the situation in which this thing is used, or freeze, trying to sculpt the intended word. The only thing that is forbidden in this game is pointing at the object itself, even if it is nearby, and pronouncing words and sounds. The rest of the players try to guess the displayed word. When they have a version of what it would mean, they immediately pronounce their answer. If he is wrong, then the driver shakes his head negatively. If the answer is correct, then the driver can speak again and happily demonstrates this by naming the hidden word aloud and inviting the one who called it to become the driver. If the player's answer is close in meaning, but not entirely accurate, then the leader shows this with the help of a sign that is agreed upon in advance, for example, waving both hands in front of him.

Note. When your child gets comfortable with these rules, you can complicate the game by guessing not one word, but a phrase containing the name of the object and its characteristics (for example, " fat cat"). Accordingly, guessing the answer will consist of two parts. First, the leader raises one finger, which means the task is to guess the noun. When it is already pronounced, the leader shows two fingers, which shows the participants that they are moving on to guessing the adjective.

"Ask for an overnight stay"

This is an option role play. It will be more lively and interesting if you involve several family members in it.

Help your child imagine that everything is happening in the last century, when there were no cars and telephones, and hotels were far from everywhere. Sometimes people faced such a problem that they had nowhere to spend the night on the road. Then they had to ask for an overnight stay in private homes. The owner of the house could give the wanderer shelter or drive him out of his yard, if he had reasons for that.

Give your child some wanderer paraphernalia—a stick, a cape, or a shoulder bag—to make it easier for him to get into character. Then you will pronounce something like this: “You are a traveler. You are very tired after a whole day of travel, and it’s still far from your destination. It’s getting dark. drink hot tea and sleep sweetly.But times are dangerous.The inhabitants have become very cautious, they are afraid to let strangers in.Well, you have no choice.Either you sleep outside in the rain, or you ask for a bed - maybe someone you will be able to beg, convince, persuade, or in some other way make it so that he will let you spend the night. During this speech, the young traveler tries to imitate what you are saying: he walks slowly, leaning on a stick, shudders from the rain and cold, puts his hand to his eyes to view the village, and so on. When the introductory part of the game is over and the child has entered his role, you can proceed to active actions.

Have the rest of the family pretend to be villagers living in separate houses. They are afraid of rogues and criminals, or simply do not want to disturb their peace, in a word, initially they are not at all eager to shelter a wanderer. Then the child will take turns knocking on the door to each of them and trying to say something that will force the owner to let him into the house. The traveler can taste the most different variants: from attempts to arouse pity to flattery or blackmail. But the person who plays the role of the master of the house should only give in to his requests when he really has such a desire. If the words and actions of the wanderer caused discontent in him, then he can close the door. Then the traveler goes to the next houses.

After the traveler has gone around all the houses (successfully or unsuccessfully), you can continue the game. The next morning, the villagers all gathered together and began to discuss the event that happened yesterday - the arrival of a stranger in the village. They talked about how he tried to persuade them to take him in for the night and how they felt and thought as they watched his words and actions. That is, all family members sit side by side and discuss their reaction to the words of the traveler. They honestly tell when they were almost ready to meet him, and when they wanted to teach the "stranger" a lesson. After that, together with the child, a conclusion is made which strategy of action turned out to be the most effective. Note. Hearing about the feelings that his behavior caused in the souls of other people, the child receives "direct feedback", the opportunity to "see" what is usually inaccessible to observation. He also learns to understand the motives of other people's behavior and the laws interpersonal communication. It will be interesting to discuss with older children individual characteristics villagers who influenced what kind of request worked for them. For example, the grandmother "surrendered" when she was moved to pity, and the older brother only when the child turned to his desire to patronize, to be great, kind and strong for someone.

"Critic without offending"

This game is a very important part of the program for working with an aggressive child, as it trains the ability to direct your displeasure not on paper, sand or water, but directly on the one who caused the child to negative emotions. Of course, the form of manifestation of such discontent should be polite and not offend a person. The child should strive not to "hurt in retaliation", but to achieve a change in the behavior of another person so that he again becomes comfortable communicating with him. In other words, you need to teach children constructive criticism, and this is a whole art. Therefore, do not expect everything at once, but begin gradual work in this direction.

Prepare in advance a set of phrases that your child (or his classmates) tend to use to evaluate the manifestations of another person. In this piggy bank you will have sentences like: "You are a fool", "Watch where you go, cow!", "You will die of boredom with you!" and other phrases that cut the ear of a well-mannered adult. You can write down these rudeness and name-calling on separate sheets of paper. Now introduce the laws of correct criticism. These include:

Criticize not the person as a whole, but his specific actions;

Talk about your feelings about what you don't like;

Offer ways to solve the problem, if possible, then your help;

Show respect for the person, your belief that he can change;

Avoid words and intonations that can offend a person;

Do not order, but offer the person a choice.

If the theory is mastered by the child, start practicing. Take any piece of paper with an offensive phrase. Let the child suggest how to change it in such a way that it speaks about their feelings and thoughts, but does not offend the person. So, the phrase "You will die of boredom with you!" can turn into a sentence like: "You know, I'm already tired of putting together a mosaic. Let's go for a walk or build a castle from a constructor" or "Personally, I'm not very interested in hearing about the same thing all day long. I'm sure you know a lot more interesting things So maybe we can talk about something else or get busy? What exactly your child's response will be depends on his age and on what situation he imagined.

Note. Adults will have to help the child at the first stage, since speech development and the thinking of children is still insufficient to give thoughts and feelings a different verbal form. Therefore, prepare in advance. At the same time, when offering your son or daughter some kind of polite option, consider whether such a wording corresponds to the child’s age and speech characteristics. modern children. Otherwise, a situation may arise when your child becomes a laughingstock, using too bookish or too adult sentences. The replacement for rude phrases that you offer him should harmoniously merge into his speech so that others do not have the feeling that your child is playing some kind of role (for example, pupils of the Institute of Noble Maidens).

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Games aimed at correcting aggressiveness in preschoolers.

The most effective for a preschooler is the game correction of aggressive behavior, since the leading type of activity in preschool age is the game. The game is universal remedy correction and prevention of deviations and difficulties in the development of a preschool child. It is through the game that one can try to solve some problems of aggressive behavior.
In order to correct aggressiveness, both individual and group forms of game correction should be used. Despite the obvious differences, group and individual play therapy are unanimous in that the focus of psychological impact in both cases is each child, and not the group as a whole. According to most experts in the field of play therapy, group play therapy is certainly more effective, but the very existence of a wide practice of individual play therapy indicates that in a number of cases it is individual work with a child that is preferred.
The game contributes to the development of both intellectual and emotional-personal decentration, which, in turn, develops the child's ability to more effectively resolve problem situations. In the course of performing a particular role, the child models interpersonal relationships that are significant for him, which reflect emotional experiences associated with this role; these actions give the child the opportunity to feel the consequences of their actions, to identify the meanings and meanings of their activities, and also form new social motives for activity.
Exercise "Battles on the balls"
Target: response to aggression.
Materials needed: balloons different shapes by the number of participants and stock, chalk.


1. Children choose balloons for themselves and inflate them. When inflating, you can invite them to breathe their anger, resentment, anger, etc. into the balloon along with the air.
2. The facilitator divides the group into pairs. Having taken the balls, the couples line up opposite each other. At the command of the leader, first one participant from the pair becomes the attacker, the other only repels the attack, not having the right to attack himself. On a signal, the participants change roles. It is interesting to combine in pairs the battle on balls of different shapes and sizes. If a teenager is small in stature, and his partner is larger than him, you can offer the first long ball, and the second is a small round one.
3. Then the group is divided into two subgroups-teams. A distance of about two meters is left between the teams. Participants line up opposite each other. On the floor in front of the team, a boundary is drawn with chalk, which cannot be crossed. In the hands of each participant is an inflated balloon. At the leader's signal, it is necessary to "bomb" the enemy group with balls. In fact, teenagers throw balls into the territory of the enemy. The team with the fewest balls (bombs) on its territory wins.
4. Discussion.

Exercise "Goldfish"
Purpose: Removal of aggressiveness, development of communication skills.
Conduct: Everyone stands in a circle, tightly pressed against each other with shoulders, hips, legs, holding hands. This is a network. Leading - a goldfish stands in a circle. His task is to get out of the circle, and the task of the others is not to release the fish. If the driver cannot get out of the net for a long time, an adult can ask the children to help the fish.

Exercise "Chopping wood"
Purpose: To help children switch to active activities, feel their accumulated aggressive energy and “spend” it during the game.
Conduct: Say the following: How many of you have ever chopped wood or seen how adults do it? Show how to hold an axe. What position should the arms and legs be in? Stand up so that there is some free space around. Let's chop wood. Place a piece of log on a stump, raise the ax above your head and bring it down with force. You can even scream: "Ha!" To conduct this game, you can break into pairs and, falling into a certain rhythm, hit one chock in turn.

Exercise "Slivers float on the river"
Goal: Development of empathy, removal of aggressiveness, development of non-verbal communication skills.
Material: Audio recording with calm music.
Conduct: Children stand in two lines at arm's length from each other - they are the banks. One child is a splinter. He slowly "swims" between the "shores". The "shores" with soft touches help the "sliver". They say kind words to her, call her by name. "Sliver" itself chooses how fast it moves. The exercise can be done with open or closed eyes.

Exercise "Little Ghost"
Purpose: To teach children to throw out accumulated anger in an acceptable form.
Conduct: Guys! Now we will play the role of little good ghosts. We wanted to have a little mischief and scare each other a little. According to my clap, you will make the following movement with your hands: (the teacher raises his arms bent at the elbows, fingers spread out) and pronounce the sound “U” in a terrible voice. If I clap softly, you will say “U” softly, if I clap loudly, you will scare loudly. But remember that we are kind ghosts and only want to joke a little. Then the teacher claps his hands: Well done! We joked enough. Let's be kids again!

Exercise "Tuh-tibi-spirit"
Purpose: Removal of negative moods and restoration of strength.
Conduct: I will tell you a special word in secret. This is a magic spell against bad mood, against resentment and disappointment. For it to really work, you need to do the following. Now you will start walking around the room without talking to anyone. As soon as you want to talk, stop in front of one of the participants, look into his eyes and say the magic word three times, angrily, angrily: "Tuh-tibi-dukh." Then keep walking around the room. From time to time, stop in front of someone and again angrily pronounce this magic word. For the magic word to work, it is necessary to speak it not into the void, but looking into the eyes of the person standing in front of you. This game contains a comical paradox. Although children should pronounce the word “Tuh-tibi-dukh” angrily, after a while they cannot help but laugh.

Exercise "It's me, get to know me"
Purpose: Development of empathy, removal of aggressiveness.
Conduct: One child turns his back to the rest of the seated. Children take turns approaching him, stroking his back and calling him an affectionate name. The driver tries to guess who stroked him and called him.

Exercise "Fight"
Purpose: relaxation of the muscles of the lower face and hands, as well as the removal of emotional tension and the expression of aggression, which anxious children never try to splash out.
Conduct: Help the child imagine such a situation. They quarreled with a friend. He got terribly angry. Now he really wants to give his friend a good beating. Therefore, his fists are tightly clenched, even the bones have turned white (let the child depict this by clenching his fists with force). The jaws are closed, tension is felt in them. (Your child should feel this tension by clenching his teeth tightly)
From excitement before the fight, the child even held his breath (ask him to hold his breath in this state for a few seconds). And then the boy (girl) looked at his friend and remembered how he once helped him out. Maybe you shouldn't fight? The child exhaled and relaxed (have your child do the same). Now all issues can be resolved calmly.

"Call names"

"Two Sheep"


"Walking with a Compass"



"Chopping Wood"



"Paper Balls"

"Eyes to eyes"

"Little Ghost"


"Call names"

Purpose: to remove verbal aggression, to help children throw out anger in an acceptable form.

Tell the children the following: "Guys, passing the ball in a circle, let's call each other different harmless words (a condition is agreed in advance on what names you can use. These can be the names of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms or furniture). Each appeal should begin with the words:" And you, ..., carrot!" Remember that this is a game, so we will not be offended by each other. In the final round, you should definitely say something pleasant to your neighbor, for example: "And you, .... sun!" The game is useful not only for aggressive, but also for touchy children.It should be carried out at a fast pace, warning the children that this is only a game and you should not be offended by each other.

"Two Sheep"

Purpose: to remove non-verbal aggression, to provide the child with the opportunity to "legally" throw out anger, relieve excessive emotional and muscle tension, direct the children's energy in the right direction.

The teacher divides the children into pairs and reads the text: "Early, early, two sheep met on the bridge." The participants of the game, legs wide apart, their torsos bowed forward, rest their palms and foreheads against each other. The task is to confront each other without moving, as long as possible. You can make the sounds "Be-e-e." It is necessary to observe "safety precautions", to carefully monitor so that the "rams" do not hurt their foreheads.


Purpose: removal of negative moods and restoration of strength.

"I will tell you a special word in secret. This is a magic spell against a bad mood, against resentment and disappointment .. For it to really work, you need to do the following. Now you will start walking around the room without talking to anyone. As soon as you want to talk, stop in front of one of the participants, look into his eyes and say the magic word: "Tuh-tibi-duh" three times, angrily, angrily. Then continue to walk around the room. From time to time, stop in front of someone and say angrily, angrily again is the magic word

For the magic word to work, it is necessary to speak it not into the void, but looking into the eyes of the person standing in front of you. This game contains a comical paradox. Although children should pronounce the word "Tuh-tibi-duh" angrily, after a while they cannot help laughing.

"Ask for a toy" - verbal variant

Purpose: to teach children effective ways of communication.

The group is divided into pairs, one of the participants in the pair (participant 1) picks up an object, for example, a toy, notebook, pencil, etc. The other participant (participant 2) must ask for this item. Instruction to participant 1: "You are holding a toy (notebook, pencil) that you really need, but your friend also needs it. He will ask you for it. Try to keep the toy with you and give it away only if you really want to do it." Instruction to participant 2: "Choosing the right words, try to ask for a toy so that they give it to you." Then participants 1 and 2 switch roles.

"Ask for a toy" - non-verbal option

Purpose: to teach children effective ways of communication.

"Walking with a Compass"

Purpose: to develop in children a sense of trust in others.

The group is divided into pairs, where there is a follower ("tourist") and a leader ("compass"). Each follower (he stands in front, and the leader behind, putting his hands on his partner's shoulders) is blindfolded. Task: go through the entire playing field back and forth. At the same time, the "tourist cannot communicate with the" compass "on a verbal level (cannot talk to him). The leader helps the follower to keep the direction by moving his hands, avoiding obstacles - other tourists with compasses. After the game is over, the children can describe what they felt when were blindfolded and relied on their partner.


Purpose: to give the child the opportunity to experience a variety of muscle sensations, to teach to hold attention to these sensations, to distinguish and compare them.

An adult asks children to imagine themselves as funny bunnies in a circus playing imaginary drums. The facilitator describes the nature of physical actions - strength, pace, sharpness - and directs the children's attention to the awareness and comparison of emerging muscle and emotional sensations.

For example, the presenter says: “How hard the bunnies knock on the drums! Do you feel how tense their paws are? Feel what paws are hard, they don’t bend! Like sticks! But the face is not there! The face is smiling, free, relaxed. And the tummy is relaxed. Breathing... And the fists are tensely knocking!.. And what else is relaxed? Let's try to knock again, but more slowly to catch all the sensations


Purpose: to teach children to control their movements.

Say the following: "Pair up. Stand at arm's length from each other. Raise your arms to shoulder height and rest your palms on your partner's palm. At the signal of the facilitator, start pushing your partner, trying to move him. If he moves you , return to the starting position.Step one foot back and you will feel more stable.If you get tired, you can say: "Stop" From time to time, you can introduce new variations of the game: pushing with crossed arms; pushing a partner with only your left hand; pushing back to back.

Purpose: to teach aggressive children to be less touchy, to give them a unique opportunity to look at themselves through the eyes of others, to be in the place of the one whom they themselves offend without thinking about it.

"Zhuzha" sits on a chair with a towel in his hands. Everyone else runs around her, making faces, teasing, touching her. Zhuzha suffers, but when she gets tired of all this, she jumps up and starts chasing the offenders, trying to catch the one who offended her the most, he will be Zhuzha. An adult must ensure that "teasers" are not too offensive.

"Chopping Wood"

Purpose: to help children switch to active activities after a long sedentary work, to feel their accumulated aggressive energy and "spend" it during the game.

Say the following: “Which of you has ever chopped wood or seen how adults do it? Show how to hold an ax. What position should your arms and legs be in? Stand so that there is some free space around. We will cut wood. Put a piece of log on a stump, raise the ax above your head and lower it with force. You can even shout: "Ha!" "To play this game, you can break into pairs and, falling into a certain rhythm, hit one chock in turn.


Purpose: to develop cooperation skills in pairs and triples, to teach children to trust each other. Say the following: "Pair up and lie on the floor opposite each other. Lie on your stomach so that your head is next to your partner's head. Place the ball exactly between your heads. Now you need to pick it up and stand up yourself. You can touch the ball only with your heads. Gradually rising, get on your knees, and then on your feet. Walk around the room. " For children 4-5 years old, the rules are simplified: for example, in the starting position, you can not lie down, but squat or kneel.


Purpose: to teach children to act in concert in a small group, to show that the mutually friendly attitude of teammates gives confidence and calmness.

"How many of you have ever flown an airplane? Can you explain what keeps an airplane in the air? Do you know what types of airplanes are? Do any of you want to become a Little Airbus? The rest of the guys will help the Airbus "fly" ". One of the children (optional) lays down on the carpet with his stomach and spreads his arms to the sides, like the wings of an airplane. Three people stand on each side of him. Have them crouch down and put their hands under his legs, belly and chest. On the count of three, they simultaneously get up and lift the Airbus off the field ... So, now you can quietly vilify the Airbus around the room. When he feels completely confident, let him close his eyes, relax, make a "flight" in a circle and again slowly "land" on the carpet.

When the Airbus "flies", the presenter can comment on his flight, paying special attention to the accuracy and respect for him. You can ask Airbus to choose who will carry it. When you see that the children are doing well, you can "launch" two Airbuses at the same time.

"Paper Balls"

Purpose: to give children the opportunity to regain vigor and activity after they have been doing something for a long time while sitting, to reduce anxiety and tension, to enter a new rhythm of life.

Before starting the game, each child must crumple up a large sheet of paper (newspaper) so that a tight ball is obtained. “Please divide into two teams, and let each of them line up so that the distance between the teams is approximately 4 meters. At the command of the host, you start throwing balls at the opponent’s side. The team will be like this: “Ready! Attention! Let's start!" The players of each team strive to throw the balls on their side to the opponent's side as quickly as possible. Hearing the command "Stop!", You will need to stop throwing balls. The team with the fewest balls on the floor wins. Please run across the dividing line." Paper balls can be used more than once.

Purpose: To help children with communication difficulties gain confidence and feel part of a team.

The players stand in a line, holding on to each other's shoulders. The first participant is the "head", the last one is the "tail". The "head" should reach out to the "tail" and touch it. The "body" of the dragon is inseparable. Once the "head" has grabbed the "tail", it becomes the "tail". The game continues until each participant has played two roles.

"Eyes to eyes"

Purpose: to develop a sense of empathy in children, to set them up in a calm way.

"Guys, hold hands with your desk mate. Look into each other's eyes only and, feeling your hands, try to silently convey different states:" I'm sad, "" I'm having fun, let's play," "I'm angry," "I don't want talk to no one, etc. After the game, discuss with the children which states were transmitted, which of them were easy to guess and which were difficult.

"Little Ghost"

Purpose: to teach children to throw out accumulated anger in an acceptable form. "Guys! Now we will play the role of little good ghosts. We wanted to play a little trick and scare each other a little. With my clap, you will make the following movement with your hands: (the teacher raises his arms bent at the elbows, fingers spread out) and say in a terrible voice sound "U". If I clap softly, you will quietly say "U", if I clap loudly, you will scare loudly. But remember that we are good ghosts and we only want to joke a little." Then the teacher claps his hands: "Well done! We joked and that's enough. Let's become children again!"



"Call names"

Purpose: to remove verbal aggression, to help children throw out anger in an acceptable form.

Tell the children the following: "Guys, passing the ball in a circle, let's call each other different harmless words (a condition is agreed in advance on what names you can use. These can be the names of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms or furniture). Each appeal should begin with the words:" And you, ..., carrot!" Remember that this is a game, so we will not be offended by each other. In the final round, you should definitely say something pleasant to your neighbor, for example: "And you, .... sun!" The game is useful not only for aggressive, but also for touchy children.It should be carried out at a fast pace, warning the children that this is only a game and you should not be offended by each other.

"Two Sheep"

Purpose: to remove non-verbal aggression, to provide the child with the opportunity to "legally" throw out anger, relieve excessive emotional and muscle tension, direct the children's energy in the right direction.

The teacher divides the children into pairs and reads the text: "Early, early, two sheep met on the bridge." The participants of the game, legs wide apart, their torsos bowed forward, rest their palms and foreheads against each other. The task is to confront each other without moving, as long as possible. You can make the sounds "Be-e-e." It is necessary to observe "safety precautions", to carefully monitor so that the "rams" do not hurt their foreheads.


Purpose: removal of negative moods and restoration of strength.

"I will tell you a special word in secret. This is a magic spell against a bad mood, against resentment and disappointment .. For it to really work, you need to do the following. Now you will start walking around the room without talking to anyone. As soon as you want to talk, stop in front of one of the participants, look into his eyes and say the magic word: "Tuh-tibi-duh" three times, angrily, angrily. Then continue to walk around the room. From time to time, stop in front of someone and say angrily, angrily again is the magic word

For the magic word to work, it is necessary to speak it not into the void, but looking into the eyes of the person standing in front of you. This game contains a comical paradox. Although children should pronounce the word "Tuh-tibi-duh" angrily, after a while they cannot help laughing.

"Ask for a toy" - verbal variant

Purpose: to teach children effective ways of communication.

The group is divided into pairs, one of the participants in the pair (participant 1) picks up an object, for example, a toy, notebook, pencil, etc. The other participant (participant 2) must ask for this item. Instruction to participant 1: "You are holding a toy (notebook, pencil) that you really need, but your friend also needs it. He will ask you for it. Try to keep the toy with you and give it away only if you really want to do it." Instruction to participant 2: "Choosing the right words, try to ask for a toy so that they give it to you." Then participants 1 and 2 switch roles.

"Ask for a toy" - non-verbal option

Purpose: to teach children effective ways of communication.

"Walking with a Compass"

Purpose: to develop in children a sense of trust in others.

The group is divided into pairs, where there is a follower ("tourist") and a leader ("compass"). Each follower (he stands in front, and the leader behind, putting his hands on his partner's shoulders) is blindfolded. Task: go through the entire playing field back and forth. At the same time, the "tourist cannot communicate with the" compass "on a verbal level (cannot talk to him). The leader helps the follower to keep the direction by moving his hands, avoiding obstacles - other tourists with compasses. After the game is over, the children can describe what they felt when were blindfolded and relied on their partner.


Purpose: to give the child the opportunity to experience a variety of muscle sensations, to teach to hold attention to these sensations, to distinguish and compare them.

An adult asks children to imagine themselves as funny bunnies in a circus playing imaginary drums. The facilitator describes the nature of physical actions - strength, pace, sharpness - and directs the children's attention to the awareness and comparison of emerging muscle and emotional sensations.

For example, the presenter says: “How hard the bunnies knock on the drums! Do you feel how tense their paws are? Feel what paws are hard, they don’t bend! Like sticks! But the face is not there! The face is smiling, free, relaxed. And the tummy is relaxed. Breathing... And the fists are tensely knocking!.. And what else is relaxed? Let's try to knock again, but more slowly to catch all the sensations


Purpose: to teach children to control their movements.

Say the following: "Pair up. Stand at arm's length from each other. Raise your arms to shoulder height and rest your palms on your partner's palm. At the signal of the facilitator, start pushing your partner, trying to move him. If he moves you , return to the starting position.Step one foot back and you will feel more stable.If you get tired, you can say: "Stop" From time to time, you can introduce new variations of the game: pushing with crossed arms; pushing a partner with only your left hand; pushing back to back.

Purpose: to teach aggressive children to be less touchy, to give them a unique opportunity to look at themselves through the eyes of others, to be in the place of the one whom they themselves offend without thinking about it.

"Zhuzha" sits on a chair with a towel in his hands. Everyone else runs around her, making faces, teasing, touching her. Zhuzha suffers, but when she gets tired of all this, she jumps up and starts chasing the offenders, trying to catch the one who offended her the most, he will be Zhuzha. An adult must ensure that "teasers" are not too offensive.

"Chopping Wood"

Purpose: to help children switch to active activities after a long sedentary work, to feel their accumulated aggressive energy and "spend" it during the game.

Say the following: “Which of you has ever chopped wood or seen how adults do it? Show how to hold an ax. What position should your arms and legs be in? Stand so that there is some free space around. We will cut wood. Put a piece of log on a stump, raise the ax above your head and lower it with force. You can even shout: "Ha!" "To play this game, you can break into pairs and, falling into a certain rhythm, hit one chock in turn.


Purpose: to develop cooperation skills in pairs and triples, to teach children to trust each other. Say the following: "Pair up and lie on the floor opposite each other. Lie on your stomach so that your head is next to your partner's head. Place the ball exactly between your heads. Now you need to pick it up and stand up yourself. You can touch the ball only with your heads. Gradually rising, get on your knees, and then on your feet. Walk around the room. " For children 4-5 years old, the rules are simplified: for example, in the starting position, you can not lie down, but squat or kneel.


Purpose: to teach children to act in concert in a small group, to show that the mutually friendly attitude of teammates gives confidence and calmness.

"How many of you have ever flown an airplane? Can you explain what keeps an airplane in the air? Do you know what types of airplanes are? Do any of you want to become a Little Airbus? The rest of the guys will help the Airbus "fly" ". One of the children (optional) lays down on the carpet with his stomach and spreads his arms to the sides, like the wings of an airplane. Three people stand on each side of him. Have them crouch down and put their hands under his legs, belly and chest. On the count of three, they simultaneously get up and lift the Airbus off the field ... So, now you can quietly vilify the Airbus around the room. When he feels completely confident, let him close his eyes, relax, make a "flight" in a circle and again slowly "land" on the carpet.

When the Airbus "flies", the presenter can comment on his flight, paying special attention to the accuracy and respect for him. You can ask Airbus to choose who will carry it. When you see that the children are doing well, you can "launch" two Airbuses at the same time.

"Paper Balls"

Purpose: to give children the opportunity to regain vigor and activity after they have been doing something for a long time while sitting, to reduce anxiety and tension, to enter a new rhythm of life.

Before starting the game, each child must crumple up a large sheet of paper (newspaper) so that a tight ball is obtained. “Please divide into two teams, and let each of them line up so that the distance between the teams is approximately 4 meters. At the command of the host, you start throwing balls at the opponent’s side. The team will be like this: “Ready! Attention! Let's start!" The players of each team strive to throw the balls on their side to the opponent's side as quickly as possible. Hearing the command "Stop!", You will need to stop throwing balls. The team with the fewest balls on the floor wins. Please run across the dividing line." Paper balls can be used more than once.

Purpose: To help children with communication difficulties gain confidence and feel part of a team.

The players stand in a line, holding on to each other's shoulders. The first participant is the "head", the last one is the "tail". The "head" should reach out to the "tail" and touch it. The "body" of the dragon is inseparable. Once the "head" has grabbed the "tail", it becomes the "tail". The game continues until each participant has played two roles.

"Eyes to eyes"

Purpose: to develop a sense of empathy in children, to set them up in a calm way.

"Guys, hold hands with your desk mate. Look into each other's eyes only and, feeling your hands, try to silently convey different states:" I'm sad, "" I'm having fun, let's play," "I'm angry," "I don't want talk to no one, etc. After the game, discuss with the children which states were transmitted, which of them were easy to guess and which were difficult.

"Little Ghost"

Purpose: to teach children to throw out accumulated anger in an acceptable form. "Guys! Now we will play the role of little good ghosts. We wanted to play a little trick and scare each other a little. With my clap, you will make the following movement with your hands: (the teacher raises his arms bent at the elbows, fingers spread out) and say in a terrible voice sound "U". If I clap softly, you will quietly say "U", if I clap loudly, you will scare loudly. But remember that we are good ghosts and we only want to joke a little." Then the teacher claps his hands: "Well done! We joked and that's enough. Let's become children again!"