How to choose a dress for a thin girl (woman)? For every day and evening! Dresses for short women: how to choose and where to buy

Not much is said about how to gain weight. Because most of us still tend to be overweight. However, the problem of excessive thinness still exists, and we are not going to turn a blind eye to it. First, let's talk about how to hide excessive thinness with clothes. The basic rules for choosing clothes for thin people are:

No overly wide things

One of the main mistakes that thin people make is that they start wearing unnecessarily wide things. It seems to them that thinness can be hidden behind overhanging shapeless robes.

In fact, such clothes only further emphasize the flaws of the figure, smoothing out the already small forms. And the angular knees, elbows and hands look even thinner from this. Just imagine the contrast between thin, slender legs and a wide skirt and no less wide.

No tight clothes
Like overweight people, very thin people should not wear tight clothes. She emphasizes the shortcomings of both figures: on the figure of a fat man, she focuses on excess weight, and on the “skeleton”, on the contrary, she will take away the already missing kilograms. That is why leggings, tight-fitting trousers, tight-fitting pipe jeans are not for thin people! It is best to look at clothes that do not fit too tightly to the body.

The gym is necessary for many people, including those who are thin. Load up on weightlifting, weight training, and jogging.

Don't be afraid of black
Despite the fact that black really slims, it emphasizes each figure in different ways. So, let's say, a short black dress will suit a thin and tall girl - it will perfectly emphasize the fragility of the figure and make visually a little less growth. True, its length should be above the knee. But it is better for a short woman not to wear such an outfit, there is an opportunity to simply get lost in it. Long black clothes are contraindicated for everyone without exception. Men should wear classic black trousers and forget about tight options, otherwise the legs will look too thin.

Such details emphasize your style, not your figure. From above, put on or tie a plain bright one on your shoulders, matching the color of the shirt. If you prefer a shirt without a pattern, then the sweater may have a horizontal strip - it will visually expand the body.

For slender people, it is especially important to keep your posture right, because stoop spoils a person with a model figure beyond recognition. Stand on tiptoe, stretch up, stand on your heels, straighten your shoulders and lower your arms. That's it. Chest forward, chin up.

No dark and tight trousers
Your wardrobe should be dominated by light-colored jeans with slight fading or light-colored classic trousers.

Clothes must be warm
Usually the thinness of people is associated with a special metabolism. You ate not so little, and half of the energy from food has already gone to the nerves and to heating the body, which is not protected by a fat layer. So that calories are not consumed in such a large amount, try to dress warmer, especially since multi-layered clothing is a salvation for thin people.

Consider the details
Features of the right clothes: horizontal stripes in jumpers, blouses, pockets and ruffles, embroidery on the chest of shirts, bell skirts and emphasis on belts, draped light blouses. Trousers are classic straight, not narrowed or too flared down.

Features of the wrong clothes: wide hoodies of the style of Alla Pugacheva, long tight shirts, dresses and skirts, vertical stripes, drawings and other elements in clothing, stretch items, clumsy large shoes.

In general, it must be said that modern stores are focused on slender people, if not on the owners of a model appearance. So there should not be any complexes regarding the figure, the main thing here is the presence of taste and style with which you can skillfully and harmoniously pick up things for the wardrobe.

Stylist tips

Tips from the stylist image agency "Style Guide" Ellira Nuriyeva:

“Of course, for both men and women, I would recommend choosing things according to size: it is necessary that the clothes are not large. In contrast to large, loose clothing, a frail person appears even thinner. The silhouettes are semi-fitted, there must be air, space between clothes and the body. You can use a technique such as layering. This is especially relevant and fashionable now, for example, when there is a knitted sleeveless jacket on top of a blouse. And then just put it on.

Pay attention to the fabric, it should not be smooth, but textured, more voluminous. If we talk about women's clothing, then frills, flounces, ruffles will do. The pattern on the fabric should be larger. True, there is one “but” here: if a person is thin and short, then a large drawing will unnecessarily emphasize these features of him. But at the same time, you should not choose a very small drawing. Take a closer look at the wavy lines on the fabrics.

As for accessories, they should be thin. True, here, to a greater extent, their size depends on the height of the person. Accessories should not be voluminous and round, they should be elongated. Men should pay special attention to the tie, as this part of the wardrobe is always and without fail striking. The tie should not be too wide, the knot should be medium in size, such as a Windsor or Half Windsor knot.

And lastly, shoes. Agree that in most cases, if a person is thin, then his facial features are thin. Stylists advise choosing shoes to match your face. This means that an elongated cape, perforation for shoes is suitable for a thin person, while a thin heel will be ideal for women. Try to choose elegant things.

Excessive thinness becomes the cause of the experiences of many women. On the one hand, skinny women often look

younger than their years, but on the other hand, the “boyish” physique gives them a lot of inconvenience. Many people want to look more serious and solid, and some angularity of the figure, which does not change with age, becomes a cause of discomfort, causing embarrassment and even shame.

What not to wear

A thin girl, in ultra-short shorts or a skirt, does not look attractive. Such things only emphasize thinness. A thin, overly tight blouse will demonstrate to others the relief of the spine, collarbones and ribs. Dresses, blouses with any neckline do not adorn thin people at all.

Girls with thin legs often wear things that hide not only the legs, but the whole figure as a whole. A vertical stripe will not only increase height, but also make the figure even thinner. To look attractive, you need to know the rules for combining clothes by color, texture, length, and so on. Puffy skirts, black jeans, tights and leggings are not recommended for girls with very thin legs. Midi length dresses and skirts are also prohibited for them. Low-waisted dark stretch trousers and ultra-short shorts are not suitable.

You can not wear clothes and shoes with a massive decor and large prints. Shoes, sandals, boots on a heavy platform or very high, as well as wide heels, will also not decorate thin legs.

Suitable styles, colors and fabrics

Slim women look good in slightly loose-fitting clothes. Tight-fitting things, especially if they are dark in color, stylists do not recommend wearing. Draperies will add volume where necessary, so thin people will do.

If you are the owner of a fragile figure, stylists advise you not to worry about this. After all, the lack of feminine forms can be corrected with the help of clothes. And for this, dresses are the best fit. There is an opinion among beauties that oversize models are able to hide their excessive harmony. Actually it is not. Shapeless dresses will not emphasize the existing advantages and will look as if they were unsuccessfully bought for a size, or even two, more.

However, too tight-fitting options in this case are inappropriate, as they emphasize and enhance the excessive angularity of the figure. So, let's try to answer the question of how to choose a dress for a thin girl. Consider options for every day and models for evening outings.

Casual dresses for thin girls

Dresses in a classic style, perhaps, will never go out of fashion. They are very versatile, and therefore so loved by women all over the world. This statement also applies to, which a fragile fashionista can afford. The main condition: it should fit perfectly on the figure. To visually add to the proportions of the missing feminine volumes, wear dresses in bright colors, with horizontal prints, frills and ruffles. As an office option, you can choose a sheath dress in turquoise, coral or bright blue with elegant draperies in the neckline.

Thin young ladies should pay attention to baby dollar dresses. They look girlishly mischievous and coquettish. A-line cut with a fluffy skirt and a high waist will make a beautiful accent even on very small breasts, visually giving it volume. White, beige, pale blue, light pink and yellow models will look best.

If you want to emphasize a thin waist, but at the same time your hips are not particularly pronounced, give preference to dresses with a knee-length tulip skirt, bell and sun. As a rule, such models have a semicircular neckline or "boat". Both of them will hide too protruding collarbones. Any color options are possible. We advise you to pay special attention to black dresses with bright floral motifs, as well as lilac and red dresses with geometric or horizontal prints.

Evening dresses for thin women

Tall thin women can choose long A-line evening dresses. Off-the-shoulder taffeta will look great, provided that you have narrow shoulders and collarbones do not protrude too much. Elegant and romantic look on thin girls with drapery on the skirt, V-neck and bodice with ties at the neck. In terms of colors, give preference to deep saturated colors: royal blue, noble coral, etc.

Long lace mermaid silhouette dresses with an open back and ¾ sleeves also look very impressive. Monochromatic models hide the size. Therefore, pay attention to dresses with contrasting lace in relation to the base.

If a thin woman is the owner of a beautiful, albeit small, chest and long, neat legs, she can afford to wear an elegant knee-length bustier dress or just above it for an event. The ideal option would be a high-waisted one, in which the bodice, say, of guipure, is a few tones different from the layered chiffon skirt. Another similar option is the image in, similar to what is shown in the photo.

Many girls strive to bring their body to the ideal. Often they believe that nature has literally awarded people with ideal figures, while everyone else has to work hard in order to be at least a little like their idols.

In fact, despite the fact that these girls do look pretty good, they themselves are not always happy with what they have, and they have to try very hard to correctly accentuate their image. Also, do not forget that in fact, nature has provided each of us with an absolutely unique body in order to achieve our ideal, model girls also need to work a lot on themselves - nothing is given just like that.

Thin, tall girls very often suffer from such parameters, because sometimes it seems to them that they look too thin or too tall. They have to carefully select their outfits, since not every thing fits such a figure well.

However, there are several rules, adhering to which, girls with similar figures look just five plus. If you are facing similar problems, the following tips are for you.

Do not be afraid to wear voluminous layered styles, they will give the figure a pleasant shape, beautifully emphasize miniature places, but at the same time they will not make them even thinner visually.

2. Softness

Especially in summer, when your thinness is most visible, try to wear softer, airy fabrics. They will allow you to feel free and light and at the same time will shape your figure very beautifully.

Avoid clothes that are too short and tight. They can emphasize your height, make it even more noticeable.

4. "Undercover"

In some places, thinness is especially noticeable on the body, here accessories come to the rescue. Try to cover a little those places where the bones especially stick out, for example, tie a scarf around your neck or put on a massive necklace. Just don’t “lock” yourself in stiffness, keep femininity and elegance in your image, we don’t need a complete “cover”.

This type of neckline is catastrophically unsuitable. Unfortunately, for thin girls, this neckline creates only unnecessary angularity and sloppiness in the image. On the contrary, try to choose softer transitions that create a kind of smoothing effect.

6. Kit

If I were you, I would still prefer the complexity of the image, that is, instead of a dress, I would once again put on a suit or just a beautiful blouse or sweater along with a skirt. If you still decide to wear a dress, try to choose those that have as many horizontal elements as possible. Such styles will look more feminine and profitable on your figure.

Avoid things with vertical stripes. Usually such a drawing is very thin, but you don’t need such a visual effect at all, do you?

Horizontal stripes are best for you. Usually fat people refuse them, but such a reception is only at hand for you. Feel free to wear such things.

8. Folds and gathers

Don't go overboard with old-fashioned styles that are full of various pleats and gathers. Still, try to keep up with the times, besides, too wide skirts suit few people. You may look too sloppy. However, simply flared or pleated skirts will still suit you.

It is best, of course, to take a closer look at the various colors in clothes. When there is no diversity on your clothes and only one color dominates, your figure does not appear in the best light. Try to still make your choice in the direction of multi-colored styles. Experiment, choose the pattern that most favorably emphasizes your forms.

10. Bulky shoulders

Excessively voluminous shoulders do not emphasize your figure very favorably. Still try to maintain harmony in the image, do not be afraid to sometimes show your diminutiveness and harmony.

Unfortunately, heels are not often suitable for tall skinny girls. Don't worry, low-heeled shoes also look great, and you won't be insecure about your height.

12. Shoes

Don't overdo it with the volume of the boots, otherwise they will make thin legs even thinner.
And, if the weather permits, wear tall boots. They will look very nice on your slender legs, while allowing you to hide their excessive thinness under the skirt.

I really hope that with such a beautiful figure you will by no means give in to the pressure of any fictitious complexes, however, if you still have a fad about your thinness or height, these tips will help!

What do you think about this? Maybe you have something to add too?

A popular problem of our time is excess weight. Many beauties try numerous diets, starve themselves and sweat in the gym to get closer to the catwalk ideals.

However, very slender beauties also have problems. Most often, the thinness given by nature deprives the girl of pleasant rounded shapes and femininity, making the figure angular and somewhat boyish. Spectacular dresses will help to change the state of affairs by adjusting the silhouette.

Skinny girls are often indignant about problems with clothes: it is simply impossible to find your size in adult stores. Because of this, the beauties have to shop in the children's departments, things in which can hardly be called sexy.

When choosing the right dress, avoid two popular extremes. The first is the acquisition of wide-style outfits. In such a thing, you will look awkward, and it will only emphasize the lack of weight. The second mistake is the choice of a slip-on dress. This style will highlight all the problem areas, detect the absence of a breast and strongly protruding bones.

Feel free to play with accessories. Do not use too large products to decorate the neck - this will further emphasize thinness. But massive bracelets and rings will help create visually lush hips. If possible, give up trunk bags in favor of elegant clutches.

The perfect dress for a slim figure

How to visually make the chest bigger

Slim girls usually can not boast of magnificent forms in the chest area. Do not rush to buy a push-up bra (it is harmful to health and beauty). The dress will solve the problem. Choose a model with a frill, with ruffles at chest level. A beautiful bust effect will be created by the cut of the dress with a vertical gathering at chest level. Also a proven way is a bright print.

How to emphasize the waist of a thin girl

Slender ladies have a thin waist. This dignity is worth emphasizing in every possible way. Get fitted dresses, models with narrow or wide belts. Bright belts and massive decorative buckles are welcome to emphasize the wasp waist.

Secrets of choosing a dress for a thin girl

The skirt model of the dress should be chosen depending on the features of the figure. A win-win option is a long puffy skirt, a flared, long straight (loose) skirt. A mermaid skirt will look great.

If a slender lady is the owner of beautiful legs, you should not hide them. Feel free to wear mini and ultramini skirts. Both tight and fluffy. If the hips are too thin, X-shaped, you should wear a knee-length skirt, again, at the discretion of the lady - straight or fluffy.

What to do about ugly knees

Knees are a problem for many skinny people. If you don't like them, cover them up with a pretty skirt. The same story with caviar. But slender legs are always in fashion. You can leave them open and emphasize with a decorative strap.

The dress is a wonderful thing. Playing with colors and models, you can make absolutely any figure feminine and beautiful. Remember these simple tips so that you no longer rack your brains on how to choose a dress for a thin girl.


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