We collect the best dowry for a newborn. Dowry for the baby: my list. Basic Preparing the dowry for the newborn

Dowry for a newborn can be rich and varied. But first of all, it should provide comfort, well-being and mood to the baby. And only then the aesthetic pleasure of others.

For a newborn, it is better to buy one-piece models of children's clothing (slips, bodysuits, overalls). In the first months of life, the baby spends more time in a horizontal position, sleeps a lot. One-piece clothing gives comfort, freedom of movement, does not ride up, does not expose the back, etc. Also note that the seams on underwear are external, as they can press and irritate the skin.

Dowry and seasons

It is necessary to focus on what time of the year the baby will be born. It is logical that in summer a newborn will need fewer things than in winter. Not only because he is less dressed. In summer, things dry much faster, so you need fewer change of clothes. Expectant mothers admit that they often make spontaneous purchases - they take what they like very much. But then it turns out that the thing was not useful: the time of birth was not taken into account. And, of course, you need to take into account the climatic zone of residence, because summer is different in summer.


  • Clothes made of light, natural and thin fabric. In hot weather, the baby is strong. This is due to the peculiarities of thermoregulation of the newborn. He does not need layers of clothing in the hot summer.
  • Bodies, or bodysuits. Ideal for summer. Open legs and handles help keep your little one from overheating. You can buy summer bodysuits in the form of a T-shirt.
  • Sandboxes, or rompers. One of the options for one-piece clothing for babies, in which a T-shirt or T-shirt goes into shorts or long pants with or without cuffs. Sometimes it happens that the bodysuit rubs the delicate skin between the legs. Then a romper comes to the rescue. There is a huge selection of sandboxes: from the simplest, everyday to the exclusive, “grand weekend”. Rompers are sewn from linen, cotton, knitwear, velveteen, jeans. Let's say a small percentage of elastane or polyester. These fibers give great strength and practicality.
  • Warm set of clothes. In case of cool weather in summer, one warm suit, a slip, a knitted cap, and a pair of socks are enough.


  • Winter coveralls. His choice must be approached carefully. First of all, pay attention to the quality of the filler. For a harsh climate, a jumpsuit with down or sheep's wool is suitable. Although the latter is heavy, bulky, it is problematic to wash it at home. A synthetic winterizer is the most common type of filler, but at temperatures below 10 ° C it can be cold for the crumbs. The new generation of heaters include microfiber synthetic materials holofiber and tinsulate. Overalls with these fillers are light, comfortable, waterproof, wash well in a washing machine, and are not inferior in warmth to down ones. The only downside is their high cost. Most often, newborns are bought envelope overalls (there are sleeves, and the legs are in a bag) or transformer overalls (when the envelope turns into panties with a zipper). The set of overalls most often includes mittens and booties.
  • Winter envelope. It can be used when winter overalls are not warm enough. It is better to purchase a spacious winter envelope on a sheepskin.
  • Warm hat. Can be knitted, fleece, fur. There is no need to worry about her lack of warmth. All children's overalls have a hood, which is worn over a hat in frosty weather. In addition, winter hats are single-layer or double. The variety of models and colors of children's hats is amazing. The main thing is that the hat does not “bite”, covers the forehead to the eyebrows and matches the size.

Spring and autumn

  • A dowry for a newborn in the spring is no different from the wardrobe of an autumn baby. If a child was born in the off-season, two important things are taken into account when choosing a wardrobe: windy, rainy, changeable weather outside and. Spring-autumn is the time when the heating season has either already ended or has not yet begun. Considering the likelihood of cool air at this time in the house, it is worth buying more warm clothes.
  • The first and second layers of baby clothes can be the same as in winter. The third, top layer of clothing is changing. The choice of demi-season clothes depends on the region, as well as the mother's attitudes.
  • Demi-season overalls. If the baby was born in early spring, you can no longer buy winter overalls, but get by with demi-season ones. And in case of a cold snap, the child can additionally be wrapped in a blanket or put in an insulated envelope. Demi-season overalls are light and comfortable. Most of them have fleece linings or a thin layer of filler. There are models with detachable linings. Such a jumpsuit is good because it can be worn in winter and in the off-season, adjusting its thickness.
  • Demi-season hats. You can buy one fleece, one thin knitted. This will be enough if you consider that the jumpsuit has a hood.

The question arises: when to buy clothes? Most mothers are waiting for the exact sex of the child to be known. In our tradition, the cult of "pink" and "blue" is gradually being shaken, but still has an impact.

List of universal things

The dowry list for a newborn may vary. It depends on the season, the financial capabilities of the parents and, of course, on the aesthetic tastes of mothers and numerous relatives. But there is a set of things that will be useful to the baby at any time of the year and under any conditions.

Moms share their experience: 10 cotton and 10 flannel diapers are enough. And even if you don’t plan to swaddle your baby in the first month, diapers will always come in handy: you can use them as a towel after washing your baby, lay them in a stroller, in a crib instead of a sheet, on a changing table. It is recommended to buy calico, not knitted diapers. After washing, the chintz becomes soft, pleasant for the body, and the knitwear is highly stretched. If the parents decide to go completely or partially without diapers, then more diapers will be needed.

Undershirts. There are different types: wrap-around without fasteners, with open or closed handles, with buttons on the side along the seam or on the shoulder. They differ in material: batiste, cotton, coarse calico, baize, cotton jersey, flannel. Enough 5 warm and 5 thin undershirts. Most mothers are unanimous in their opinion: vests without fasteners with closed handles are not particularly needed. It is better to immediately buy blouses with buttons.

Sliders. An important item in your little one's wardrobe. There are two sliders
types: with an elastic band at the waist and on the straps. Most mothers prefer rompers with straps: they do not slip, do not press in the belt, blouses do not pull out from under them. Experience shows that for the first time, 5 sliders of the smallest size 56 are enough and the same number of sliders of the next size 62. As the baby grows, you can always buy them. If the baby is not in the diaper all the time, then the sliders
more will be needed. Moms praise the sliders, which fasten with buttons on the inside of the legs. They are easy to change diapers in.

Blouses. They look like undershirts, but fasten in front. They are preferred. There should not be too many blouses: 2-3 knitted ones are enough and the same amount is warmer.

Warm suits. One or two is enough. As a rule, they are terry, knitted, fleece. In winter or during the demi-season, they can be safely worn under winter overalls. And in the summer they can come in handy
in cool weather as outerwear.

Slips. They are also called "little men". Moms with experience assure: slips are the most comfortable clothes for babies. They are a jumpsuit with different types of fasteners: in the middle of the tummy, obliquely from the neck to the leg, on the sides. Buttons on the legs are located on the inside. It happens that the buttons are fastened on the back. This is not the most successful model, because it is inconvenient for the baby to change clothes. This type of clothing has not only closed feet (footprints), but also closed palms (anti-scratches). Comfortable, but kids grow out of them the fastest. But models with elastic bands on the ankles can be worn longer. There are slips with turn-down pockets for the feet. If it gets hot or, conversely, cold, they can always be adjusted. Most often, slips are sewn from cotton jersey or baize. There are warm models for walking. For a newborn, a model is best suited, on which the buttons are located on the stomach and diverge along the inside of the legs. Enough 4-5 slips in the wardrobe of the crumbs.

Body. Modern mothers can no longer imagine the first wardrobe of the crumbs without this wonderful item. Bodysuits well cover the back and stomach of the baby. There are short and long sleeves. There are also swing models with buttons on the front, closed models with buttons on one shoulder or
with a wrap on both shoulders. Bodysuits with buttons on the back are more suitable for babies who are already sitting. There are bodysuits with a collar, like a turtleneck. It protects baby's neck well when it's cool. Experience shows that swing bodysuits are more suitable for a newborn - they are easier to put on, you do not need to pass them over your head. The main feature of all models is fixation with buttons in the groin. The bodysuit is worn over the diaper. Therefore, they have an elongated shape. There should be at least 5 bodysuits: two washed, one on the child and two spare. Usually bodysuits are sewn from cotton jersey.

Bonnets. Simple and comfortable headwear for the crumbs. We add that in the first weeks of life it is also a mandatory wardrobe item. The fontanelles of the newborn are not closed, and the head loses a lot of heat, so they put on a cap. Enough 2-3 caps made of cotton or knitted fabric. You can buy 1-2 bonnets with a footer (with fleece inside) in case of cool weather. In winter, bonnets are worn under warm hats. A variant of the cap can be a knitted hat. She has no strings, so she can move out of the head. In the maternity hospital, most often, newborns wear bonnets with strings. They fit snugly to the head, well cover the ears. Do not tie caps tightly so as not to rub delicate skin baby.

socks. Most of the clothes for babies are sewn with closed feet. Therefore, it is enough to purchase one pair of thin and warm socks. They are most often needed when the baby is dressed in a bodysuit in the summer. Or in winter, when you need to additionally warm the legs.

Anti-scratches. A newborn often pokes his fingers in his face,
throws up his hands randomly. These "mittens" are needed so that the baby does not scratch himself with his nails. One pair is enough. Needed in the first months of birth. Many mothers do not buy anti-scratches, believing that they prevent the baby from exploring the world with the help of tactile sensations.

Clothing for the baby should be made from natural materials, without toxic dyes, coarse seams and tight elastic bands. Avoid extra fasteners, buttons, beads, snakes, ties and other accessories. Practice shows that the best option for fastening clothes for a newborn is buttons. Also, all new things must be washed to wash off pathogenic bacteria, dye, synthetic particles from the surface of the fabric.

Mom-needlewoman: dowry with your own hands

Pregnancy, if it proceeds without complications, is the time when a woman can devote herself to her favorite activities, hobbies. One of them is preparing a dowry for a newborn with your own hands. This tradition has existed in Rus' since ancient times. Modern women continue it: they sew and knit for their crumbs. It turns out the most real masterpieces of needlework.


The range of knitted clothes is huge: hats, bonnets, suits, blouses, rompers, socks, booties, blankets, envelopes. You can knit or crochet. On the Internet you can find patterns and knitting tips for kids. The choice of color and model is the aesthetic side of the matter. The baby needs comfort and safety. There is a special yarn for newborns: natural, delicate, soft, hypoallergenic. The choice of the quality of threads for knitting must be approached responsibly. Summer things for kids are usually knitted from cotton, bamboo and linen. Winter - from children's acrylic, cashmere, angora, wool mixture with the addition of cotton, bamboo, acrylic, etc. Mother needlewomen do not advise knitting fluffy, 100% woolen things: this yarn can “bite”, get into the baby’s mouth, it may be allergic.


It is better to sew summer things for crumbs from linen, cotton fabrics, different types of knitwear. For tailoring summer clothes in case of coolness, interlock is well suited - durable, dense, smooth on both sides, heat-insulating knitwear, with 100% cotton content. After washing, it does not shrink or stretch. From it are obtained toe sliders, bodysuits, slips, caps. For light summer things, a cooler is suitable - the thinnest, breathable knitwear.

For sewing a warm dowry, a footer is well suited - a dense knitted fabric, fleeced on the wrong side. Things of the first layer are sewn from the footer: sliders, slips, pajamas, caps, vests. Fleece has proven itself well - a cotton fabric with the addition of synthetic fibers. Outerwear or things of the second layer are sewn from it: jackets, pants, envelopes, overalls, hats. For tailoring demi-season items, they use a well-known fabric - velor. It is cotton with the addition of synthetic fibers. Velor is soft, practical to wear, looks elegant.

In addition to sewing and knitting, future mothers willingly embroider, make appliqués on children's clothes, and prepare a children's room. This has not only practical benefits, but also aesthetic pleasure.

Dowry for a newborn in winter, summer, in the off-season differs in the range and number of things. Experienced mothers are advised not to buy too much dowry, no matter what time of the year the baby is born. The child grows by leaps and bounds. It often happens, and many mothers will confirm this, that there are new things that they never had time to wear.


The birth of a child is a very important event in the life of parents. Most expectant mothers and fathers prepare for the birth of a baby with all responsibility and strive to prepare everything that is necessary for the newborn. However, those who are expecting a baby for the first time, with the approach of the cherished date, more and more questions arise: what are the first necessary things for a newborn to buy? Where to buy all the necessary things for a newborn? In what quantity?

Some future parents are superstitious about this issue and do not buy anything before the birth of the baby. But think for yourself whether you will have time after giving birth to run around the shops and vainly buy everything that comes to hand. Modern young people now do not pay attention to the remnants of the past and, saving their time and money, do everything in advance. Indeed, in the last months of pregnancy, you have a lot of free time to carefully sit down and think about what you need to purchase for a newborn. Yes, and after the birth of a child, you can spend time with him yourself, and not running around the shops, because then you may not find exactly those things that you need. Especially if you are expecting your first child, psychologically it prepares you for motherhood.

In order not to buy too much or, on the contrary, not to forget to buy something necessary for the baby, expectant mothers will need a list of what is necessary for the newborn - things that the baby will need from the first days of life. In the above list, we have tried to divide all purchases into mandatory and optional, with the help of which, if desired and possible, you could simply facilitate the care of your baby.

Video: List of necessary things for a newborn

Major purchases

  1. Cot
  2. Stroller
  3. baby bath
  1. Changing board, table or changing chest
  2. Car seat / infant carrier
  3. Kangaroo backpack

Bed dress

  1. Mattress in the crib
  2. Oilcloth and mattress cover
  3. Stroller set (mattress and pillow)
  4. Blanket warm synthetic winterizer or wadded
  5. wool blanket
  6. Blanket flannelette
  7. Cotton blanket
  8. Duvet covers - 2 pcs
  9. Sheets (size 150x90 cm) - 2 pcs
  1. Canopy and sides in the crib

care items

  1. First aid kit for a newborn
  2. Aspirator
  3. Scissors with rounded edges
  4. rubber douche
  5. water thermometer
  6. Room thermometer
  7. Body temperature thermometer
  8. Brush and comb
  9. Dummy - 2 pcs
  10. Disposable diapers
  1. baby monitor
  2. Musical toy in the crib

For swimming

  1. Baby soap
  2. Foam (gel) for bathing a baby
  3. Sponge (mitten)
  4. Bathroom slide
  5. Baby rinse bucket
  6. Large terry towel
  1. Bathing circle
  2. swimming cap


  1. Thin cotton diapers - 5-6 pcs
  2. Warm flannel diapers - 5-6 pcs
  3. Thin undershirts - 4-5 pcs
  4. Warm undershirts - 4-5 pcs
  5. Thin caps - 2 pcs
  6. Warm caps - 2 pcs
  7. Gauze diapers (50x50 cm) - 10-15 pcs
  8. Woolen hat
  9. Thin blouses - 2 pcs
  10. Flannel blouses - 2 pcs
  11. Romper - 2-4 pcs
  12. scratches
  13. socks
  1. Outdoor jumpsuit
  2. Sleeping bag (envelope) in a stroller (synthetic winterizer or fur)

For feeding

  1. Bottles with nipples - 3 pcs
  2. Bottle brush
  3. bib
  1. Bottle sterilizer
  2. Baby food warmer
  3. Thermos bag for bottles
  4. breast pump

Almost everything you need for a newborn baby can be bought in our store. And get a good discount as well. For example, we will take goods of an average price category, and the cost will be indicated taking into account the discount that you will receive when purchasing in the amount of 12,000 rubles. This table is a list of necessary things for a newborn with an indication of approximate prices.

Table 1. What you need for a newborn (examples and prices).

Product Model Main List Extended list
1 PC
3390 3390
1 PC
7790 7790
1 PC
410 410
Changing board or chest of drawers
1 PC
- 3490
Car seat / infant carrier
1 PC
- 2250
Kangaroo backpack
1 PC
- 890
Mattress in the crib
1 PC
1290 1290
1 PC
149 149
Mattress cover
1 PC
290 290
Stroller set
1 PC
290 290
Blanket warm
1 PC
490 490
wool blanket
1 PC
670 670
Blanket flannelette
1 PC
650 650
1 PC
- 650
1 PC
- 850
Duvet cover
2 pcs
720 720
2 pcs
320 320
first aid kit
1 PC
265 265
1 PC
159 159
1 PC
195 195
1 PC
35 35
water thermometer
1 PC
125 125
Body thermometer
1 PC
375 375
Room thermometer
1 PC
35 35
Brush and comb
1 PC
180 180
2 pcs
190 190
Disposable diapers
1 PC
1400 1400
Musical toy in the crib
1 PC
- 990
Swim slide
1 PC
190 190
1 PC
49 49
1 PC
720 720
Bathing circle
1 PC
- 310
Swimming vest
1 PC
- 275
Warm diapers
5 pieces
925 925
Diaper thin
5 pieces
345 345
Warm undershirts
4 things
260 260
Undershirts are thin
4 things
260 260
Gauze diaper
3 packs
465 465
2 pcs
70 70
1 PC
150 150
The blouse is thin
2 pcs
350 350
Warm blouse
2 pcs
420 420
2 pcs
360 360
Walking overalls
1 PC
- 2550
Discharge kit
1 PC
- 2290
2 pcs
100 100
2 pcs
130 130
small bottle
2 pcs
  • Envelope/overalls with fur
  • Blanket on synthetic winterizer / wool
  • Flannel diapers
  • Thermal packaging for bottles
  • Clutch for stroller
  • Sled-carriage
  • List of things for a newborn in autumn - spring:

    • Set for discharge (autumn-spring)
    • Envelope / overalls on synthetic winterizer
    • Warm hat, socks and gloves
    • Knitted / flannel diapers
    • Fleece/velor throw
    • Bed set with blanket
    • Raincoat
    • mosquito net
    • Cane stroller
    • Stroller

    What to buy a newborn baby in summer:

    • Summer set for discharge
    • Cotton/knit diapers
    • Knitted plaid
    • Raincoat
    • mosquito net
    • Cane stroller
    • Stroller

    And a few more tips for choosing the necessary things for a newborn:

    • A crib with a pendulum will greatly facilitate the process of rocking a child, and when the baby grows up, the pendulum can be fixed.
    • When choosing a stroller, focus primarily on convenience, and not on price. It often turns out that young parents, having initially saved money, after a while come for a new stroller, because a walk with a baby turns into hard labor due to an improperly selected stroller.
    • The mattress for a newborn should be hard. This contributes to the correct formation of the posture of the baby. Now there is an opportunity to buy mattresses with different rigidity of the sides, which will serve you up to 3 years.
    • When buying a car seat / infant carrier, pay attention to the presence of the ECE R44/03 or ECE R44/04 mark, which indicates that the seat has passed all the necessary tests and complies with the European Safety Standard.
    • Before use, all underwear (clothing) of the baby must be boiled, washed, ironed with a hot iron. Iron the inside seams. Children's underwear should be stored separately from adult underwear.

    But we would not recommend you to buy the following things for a newborn:

    • Blouses that need to be worn over the head, since the reaction of the child will be unambiguously negative
    • A lot of clothes of the same size, since you will not notice how the baby will grow out of it
    • Clothes in bright colors, as they can irritate the baby's eyes. Choose from soft pink, sky blue, pistachio, and all shades of beige and light ocher
    • Do not buy synthetic clothes for your child. Give preference to things made from natural materials. They are much nicer to the touch and do not cause allergies.
    • Do not buy clothes for a newborn baby with fasteners at the back, because your baby will spend most of the time on his back.
    • There are a lot of disposable diapers at once, as they may simply not fit your baby
    • Milk formula without the advice of a pediatrician
    • A simple solution to a difficult problem: buying things before the baby is born

      Very soon you will be replenished in the family, but you do not know what to buy for a newborn. In this article, we will give you the answer to this question. Let's immediately discard all the "dense" stereotypes that buying things for a child in advance is a bad omen. We live in the 21st century, and therefore we will be guided by common sense, and not by some outdated delusions. More

    Hello future mom and dad! The closer the time of birth, the more future parents are wondering how much and what to buy for a newborn. Let's try to figure out together what you need and make a rough list for shopping. Prepare the most necessary of the dowry - the rest can be purchased after the birth of the crumbs.

    Basic shopping for a newborn


    1. Crib. Take the purchase of a crib seriously, because it will serve a child up to 2-3 years. The most suitable for a baby is a wooden bed (birch, pine, oak), made without the use of harmful dyes and varnishes, with slatted side walls. The intervals between the slats should be no more than 6 cm and not less than 2.5 cm. It is usually made on wheels. A big advantage of wooden cribs is that they are easy to move and can be washed.

    2. Stroller (do not forget to immediately buy a raincoat for it). It is advisable to choose a stroller with easily washable oilcloth walls and a top. Pay attention to the weight of the stroller, maneuverability, the size of the wheels for good cross-country ability; whether the handle of the stroller is thrown or not; is the handle height adjustable for a tall dad; whether the cradle is removed, whether it is roomy; be sure to measure the chassis size and width of your lift.

    A grass mattress is laid on the bottom of the stroller, covering it with oilcloth, flannel or thin diaper and a sheet, a blanket and a bedspread.

    3. Baby bath. Today, there are many models of baby baths on the market for bathing a baby: classic, anatomical, with a drain, on a stand, inflatable and built into a chest of drawers. All of the listed baths for newborns can be equipped with additional accessories: headrests, armrests, various backrests, holders for soap, shampoo, washcloths, etc.

    It is desirable that the model was wide enough and deep. Also pay attention to the stability of the bath and the non-slip bottom, this is very important for the safety of the child.


    Changing board, table or changing chest. In any case, the main thing is to organize a comfortable place for caring for the baby, so that after a year of crooked dressing and changing clothes on an adult bed, you won’t say goodbye to your back;
    - Car seat;
    - Sling. Sling is a very comfortable and popular thing among young mothers. It will be especially useful for you if you have back problems during pregnancy. In addition, you can wear a baby in it from birth;
    - Kangaroo backpack. But with the purchase of "kangaroo" no need to rush. You can use it only after the child begins to hold his head, and this is not earlier than 2-3 months;

    Bedding for a newborn


    Mattress in the bed. It should be rigid, even and match the size of the crib.
    - Oilcloths (in a crib, stroller) - 3-4 pieces and a mattress pad
    - Stroller kit (mattress and pillow)
    - Blankets are thin and warm
    - Bed linen - 2 sets.


    Canopy and bumpers in the crib so that the baby does not hit the wooden or metal slats of the crib, as well as to protect against drafts.

    Newborn care items


    First aid kit for a newborn.It should include:

    Thermometer for a child
    - cotton balls
    - spir
    - Zelenka
    - potassium permanganate solution
    - hydrogen peroxide
    - mint, chamomile, string (collection)
    - Baby cream;
    - Baby oil;
    - Baby powder;
    - Cotton swabs with a limiter;
    - Cotton pads;
    - Gas outlet tube;

    you can not buy in advance:

    - pipettes with rounded tips 3 pcs.
    - enema N1
    - Vaseline oil
    - aspirator (to suck out discharge from a runny nose)
    - gauze, face masks (in case of a cold)

    - washing powder or soap;
    - scissors with rounded ends;
    - room thermometer;
    - children's hairbrush.


    Baby Monitor (You'll need a baby monitor if you live in a big house and can't hear a baby crying from another room.)
    - Musical toy in the crib

    For swimming


    Baby soap
    - Foam (gel) for baby bathing
    - Small soft sponge/mitten for washing the body
    - Ladle for rinsing the child
    - Bath towels - 2 pcs.
    - Water thermometer


    Bathroom slide
    - Swim cap

    Clothes for a newborn


    Thin cotton diapers - 5-6 pcs
    - Warm flannel diapers - 5-6 pcs
    - Thin undershirts - 4-5 pcs
    - Warm undershirts - 4-5 pcs
    - Thin caps - 2-3 pcs
    - Warm caps - 2-3 pieces
    - Gauze diapers (50x50 cm) - 10-15 pcs
    - wool cap
    - Thin blouses - 2 pcs
    - Flannel blouses - 2 pcs
    - Romper - 4-5 pcs


    Outdoor jumpsuit
    - Mittens-“scratches” (at least in the maternity hospital they will be very useful; and then it all depends on how soon you decide to cut your baby’s nails
    - Socks -2-3 pairs

    For feeding


    Bottles with nipples - 3-5 pcs
    - Bottle brush
    - Bibs - 2-3 pcs


    Bottle sterilizer
    - Baby food warmer
    - Thermos bag for bottles
    - Breast pump (A breast pump, despite its simplicity, is one of the most difficult acquisitions. The shape of the breast is individual for each woman, so it is difficult to choose a breast pump on the recommendation of a doctor or a friend. In any case, you should not buy a breast pump in advance, in case of urgent need, you can send husband to the pharmacy.
    - A humidifier is an almost indispensable device. The delicate mucous membranes of the mouth and nose of a newborn baby need a moisture level of at least 50%.
    - Night light (so that you can see the baby when getting up at night)
    - Steamer, Juicer (In case dad can't wait to buy something else useful.)

    How to equip a room for a newborn

    You need to choose the brightest place in the room for the crib and prepare a place to store children's things.

    No matter what your shopping list is, think about making sure they have the right place in the house. If the first aid kit is in the kitchen, diapers in the bathroom, and diapers in the dresser next door, you will be exhausted running back and forth. So organize your space conveniently and save your time!

    Before use, all underwear (clothing) of the baby must be boiled, washed, ironed with a hot iron. Iron the inside seams. Children's underwear should be stored separately from adult underwear. Purchase glass jars with lids to store nipples, cotton wool, gauze pads, and cotton swabs for clearing your nose.

    What not to buy

    Blouses that need to be worn over the head, since the reaction of the child will be unambiguously negative.
    - A lot of clothes of the same size, as you will not notice how the baby will grow out of it.
    - Things made of synthetics. Give preference to things made from natural materials. They are much nicer to the touch and do not cause allergies.
    - There are a lot of disposable diapers at once, as they may simply not fit your baby.
    - Milk formula without the advice of a pediatrician.
    - Forget about the smart "envelope" for discharge from the hospital: it will come in handy only once. Instead, buy a nice suit, in which you can then go to the clinic or visit.
    - The pillow is not needed, and in general, for its intended purpose, the child begins to use it closer to two years.

    Of course, this is only an approximate list of what is needed for a newborn. You can do without something, you will need something extra. We wanted to help you a little in a pleasant choice of a dowry for your little one.

    Below is a rough list of newborn items that you may need for the first time after giving birth until you can go shopping - this should be enough. Why exemplary? Yes, just because it suits one mommy, it turns out that you don’t need another at all, and even the minimum list will turn out to be different for many.

    Therefore, we recommend that you read this article, edit the list for yourself, go shopping, ask the price and buy only what you think is necessary, and save money for the rest. And after the birth of the child, having decided what you really need - buy more.

    Sleep list

    Crib. Preferably wooden made from natural wood species, with the possibility of adjusting the sides, i.e. when the front wall lowers, it is easier to take and put the newborn in the crib; with several levels of the bottom (minimum 2) - as the baby grows older, the bottom of the crib drops. It is good if there are protective silicone pads on the top of the side rails of the crib. The bed can be on wheels, a rocking chair, with a transverse or longitudinal pendulum; with boxes for toys and clothes.

    Mattress. It must fully correspond to the size of the selected crib - fit snugly against all the walls of the crib. Mattresses can be spring (in which there are spring blocks - they are more rigid and suitable for babies) and springless, in which latex and / or coir (coconut or fiber) are used instead of springs. If possible, you can purchase a double-sided mattress, when one side is orthopedically hard based on coconut coir, and the other is softer (for example, made of polyurethane foam or latex). The hard side is intended for the newborn and baby, and after a year the child can be shifted to the softer side. It is desirable that the mattress cover can be removed.

    Bumper around the crib. This is a soft side that surrounds the walls of the crib from the inside and protects the newborn from possible drafts, blows against part of the crib, and also so that the arms or legs of the crumbs do not accidentally get stuck between the twigs of the crib.

    Sheet- 2 pcs. It is necessary to choose the correct size of the sheet so that it is possible to stretch it well and tuck the ends under the mattress. The best fit is a sheet with an elastic band.

    Oilcloth. It can be an ordinary oilcloth or terry (cotton on a polyurethane basis). If you are not going to swaddle a newborn and will use disposable diapers from the first days of life, then you can not use oilcloth on the bed.

    Blanket flannelette, a warm blanket - woolen, a light blanket, as well as duvet covers in the size of a blanket. Instead of a blanket, you can buy a sleeping bag or blanket (used up to about 6-9 months).

    Mobile on the bed. This musical carousel will be one of the first children's toys. It is attached above the bed (at a distance of 40-50 cm from the eyes of a newborn child) and on which colorful toys are usually hung. The mobile can be mechanical, electronic, backlit and other additional features. Usually used up to 5-6 months.

    List of optional purchases

    Cradle or cradle. Suitable for baby up to 3-4 months of age.

    Canopy creates an atmosphere of comfort (more for mom) in a small crib, whether to use it or not is a matter of your taste and your desires.


    Pillow- up to a year is NOT used; after a year, you can offer the child a small, low pillow. For medical reasons, for example, if a newborn's head is slightly deformed due to the fact that he constantly turns his head on one side (torticollis), it is recommended to lay the child on orthopedic pillow. It differs from a regular pillow by having a small recess for the head.

    Pillow (roller) under the back of the baby. In order for the child to sleep on his side and not be able to roll over, it is enough to roll up a towel or blanket and place it under the back of the child.

    night light. The lamp gives a soft diffused light, which will help the mother change the baby's clothes at night without turning on the main light. You can use a regular bedside lamp.

    List of things to care for a newborn baby

    A changing board is necessary for changing a newborn, for daily toileting; can be attached to a baby cot. You can also change clothes for a newborn baby on a regular table, covered with a blanket, oilcloth, diaper or on an adult bed; you can buy a chest of drawers with a folding changing board (if there are few drawers for things).

    diapers. The most versatile thing on the list of necessary and useful: you can put it in the crib under the head of the baby in case the newborn spit up. Cover the child, if the room is warm, at the doctor's office during the medical examination. The diaper can be used to pat the baby dry after bathing before wrapping it in a towel. The amount depends on the season, whether you will swaddle your baby, use disposable diapers or not.

    If you are swaddling a newborn, and the child was born in the cold season, then you need to purchase at least 10 flannelette and 15 thin cotton (calico) diapers of a large size, since the child grows very quickly, if in summer, then the number of flannelette diapers can be reduced. If you do not swaddle, then the diapers are quite thin and thick, 5 pcs each. And for taking "air baths" and massage, you can use absorbent disposable diapers with a waterproof bottom layer.

    Diapers. Approximately 5 to 10 disposable diapers, or 20-24 gauze reusable diapers, are used per day.

    Wet cleansing wipes. It is enough to have one large package.

    List of necessary things for bathing a newborn described in the article bathing a newborn.

    List of things for a walk

    Stroller. Huge choice: there are universal strollers - transformers that can be used immediately after birth and up to three years as walking - but they are very heavy, three-wheeled strollers, two-in-one strollers, forward-facing baby strollers, etc. However, no matter which stroller you choose, several factors must be taken into account: its weight, the size of the wheels, the material from which the springs are made, there must be soft shock absorbers that ensure a smooth ride. And don't forget to buy it additional accessories: a mattress, a raincoat, a warm bag for walking in cool weather, a foot cover for older children, a mosquito net for a stroller, a bag.

    A transformer for the street (insulated or winter) or an envelope-blanket made of synthetic winterizer or sheepskin in the cold season, and light overalls or an envelope (possible with sleeves) for the warm season.

    List of optional purchases

    Kangaroo or sling(scarf or with rings). To some extent replaces the stroller. Designed for long walks, public transport trips and shopping.

    car seat. Only necessary if you have a car.

    Thermal bag. Good for long walks. The thermal bag allows you to keep boiled water, milk formula or breast milk warm for 3-4 hours.

    List of things to feed

    If a newborn baby is breastfed, this will greatly simplify the life of the mother - it will save time and effort, since you do not need to wash and sterilize bottles and nipples, you do not need to cool or heat milk. In this case, it is enough to have 1-2 bottles (one, for example, with expressed milk to take to the clinic, and the other for boiled water).

    Mom will need: mood for breastfeeding, nursing bra - 2 pcs. (it is better to choose the size after the establishment of lactation), pads that absorb milk for the breast, bepanten ointment from cracks in the nipples.

    If the baby is on artificial feeding, then you need to purchase 4 - 5 bottles with nipples that repeat the mother's nipple to form the correct bite, spare nipples for feeding, a plastic funnel, a measuring cup (spoon), a bottle brush, a sterilizer (can be sterilized by boiling, steaming, in the microwave ), heater, thermos, detergents for the above listed accessories.

    Bib - bib to protect clothing - 2-3 pcs.

    plastic spoon or a syringe without a needle to give the child medicines or vitamins (such as vitamin D to prevent rickets).

    List of optional purchases

    breast pump. It is necessary if the mother has stagnation of milk (lactostasis) and the woman herself cannot express herself with her hands, or to stimulate lactation when there is not enough milk. In this case, the breast pump simplifies and speeds up the process of expressing milk. However, the best breast pump is still your baby.

    Milk storage containers are designed to collect, store and freeze milk, which allows you to save and extend the period of breastfeeding, for example, when a mother needs to leave her baby for a long time - when going to work.

    Tea to increase lactation with a lactation crisis, but the best way to improve lactation is to put a newborn baby to the breast not by the hour, but on demand, especially at night.

    Pillow for feeding makes the process of breastfeeding comfortable for the mother in a comfortable position, she does not have to hold the baby with both hands.

    List of other useful things

    baby monitor. Parents need more to avoid looking into the child's room every minute. A useful thing if you have a large apartment (house) or good sound insulation between rooms.

    Children's scales. Can be rented; needed mainly for the first 2-3 months.

    Humidifier, ionizer-air purifier. It is necessary when the child is sick, especially during the heating season, when the air in the apartments is dry, and the dried mucous membranes cease to perform a protective function.

    Air temperature thermometer. It is advisable to keep him near the child's bed, where he spends most of his time.

    Baby washing powder. For hand and automatic washing.

    pacifier- orthodontic form, which contributes to the formation of the correct bite - 2 pcs. just in case. As well as a chain for a pacifier and a container (box) - indispensable for walking or when visiting a clinic: the pacifier does not fall, does not get dirty and is not lost.

    Chaise lounge or swing. The chaise longue will allow you to carry your baby with you: to the kitchen, to another room, in the summer - to fresh air.

    Diary for records or album "Our Baby", in which you will enter all the achievements of your baby.

    List of necessary clothes for a child

    The range and quantity of clothes for newborns very much depends on when the child was born - in summer or winter, and what budget the parents have. We tried to cover only the first 3 months, because every month a mother becomes more experienced in terms of choosing clothes for her baby.

    0-3 months

    Blouses, vests, bodysuits are bought depending on the season (with long and short sleeves). If the newborn baby is “winter”, then long-sleeve outerwear is preferable, there will be no need to wear something else over it. It is also advisable to decide how much you plan to use disposable diapers, since some types of clothing for babies are very comfortable in diapers such as pampers and extremely uncomfortable without them.


    Sizes 56 (height 50-58 cm) and 62 (height 59-64), if the baby is supposed to be born large, then it is better to buy undershirts-blouses of size 62. If you decide to use disposable diapers, then the number of undershirts can be bought in 2-3 (thin and warm).

    Comfortable: Undershirts with double-sided buttons (buttons) on the shoulders and anti-scratch mittens with lapels (you can air the handles more often).

    uncomfortable: The vests are simple, without ties, buttons and buttons - they constantly ride up and have to be straightened on the back, besides, you will have to put on another vest, but with a smell in front; One-button vests can lose their shape after several washes.


    Available in short sleeve, long sleeve or tank top. The bodysuit is good because it does not ride up, the back and tummy of the newborn are closed - 1-2 pcs.

    Comfortable: Bodysuit with center fasteners or buttons on the shoulders.

    uncomfortable: Bodysuits that need to be put on over the head - babies usually do not like this kind of dressing. Bodysuit with overlapped shoulders - after washing, the bodysuit loses its shape, and often you have to sew up the forming “neckline”.


    If you are going to swaddle a newborn or the child will be large, then it is better to buy sliders in sizes 20-22 or 40-44 (for height 62/68 - 68/74) - thin and warm, 4 pcs each. If you do not regularly use disposable diapers, then you will need more sliders. Rompers are like regular panties, and diaper sliders (wider)

    Comfortable: sliders on the straps with buttons on the inside between the legs for changing the diaper - do not put pressure on the tummy.

    uncomfortable: classic sliders with an elastic band under the diaper - if the child is active, they can slide, and the baby's back will be naked.

    Slip is a one-piece jumpsuit 2 in 1 (sliders + blouse), fastened along the entire length. It completely covers the legs and arms - with long sleeves it is convenient because the tummy and back are always closed, it does not ride up, it is very easy to put on. In the sleepsuit it is convenient to put the child at night without fear that he will open up. Sleepsuits can replace a vest (blouse), sliders and socks. Under a warm slip, you can wear a bodysuit (blouse) and sliders. You will need 3 light and 2 warm slips.

    Minus- if the child burps or the diaper leaks, then the entire sleepsuit will have to be changed, and not just the blouse or sliders. The slip is not designed for crawling.


    2-3 pairs of thin socks; 1-2 pairs of warm socks. Bootees - light decorative shoes - 1 pair.


    Cap (scarf)- 1 PC. You should not accustom the child to a headdress, it is better if he sleeps with his head uncovered. You can wear it after bathing, for a while until your hair is dry or for a walk in the summer.


    Cap for the street- 1 PC. In winter, they put on a cap or a thin hat and a woolen hat over it.

    The shopping list for a newborn can be supplemented endlessly, depending on the desire and financial capabilities of the parents.

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    In anticipation of the baby, the expectant mother has many worries, one of them is preparation of a dowry for a child.

    Someone is superstitious and puts off all purchases until the birth of a child, and someone buys and buys all 9 months, necessary and not very ... To make it easier for the expectant mother in the store, we have prepared a cheat sheet that lists everything you need to buy for a child: from cribs and strollers to toys. I hope you, future moms and dads, find it useful.

    Dowry for a newborn: what you need to organize a bed for a newborn

    • Bed with good mattress.
    • Mattress cover.
    • 2 blankets (flannelette and warm).
    • 2 sets of bed linen.
    • Sides and canopy (optional).
    • Development mobile.
    • Nightlight.

    If you plan to use reusable diapers, then you will need an even larger oilcloth in the crib.

    This is the minimum that should be immediately, the rest can be purchased after the birth of the child. For example, a baby monitor if the child sleeps restlessly.

    Dowry for a newborn: what you need to organize the feeding of a newborn

    Here, much depends on the availability of milk from the mother and the desire / unwillingness to breastfeed. If there is a desire, then the mother may need breast pads and a breast pump, although not necessarily. It’s also a good idea to think in advance about a comfortable chair with armrests and a special pillow for feeding.

    For supplementary feeding or artificial feeding you will need:

    • a set of feeding bottles (it is convenient to have 6 pieces) and a sterilizer for them, for example Avent;
    • bottle for drinking;
    • silicone nipples 0+ (by the number of bottles);
    • orthodontic pacifiers (2 pieces);
    • bottle cleaner.

    If desired, you can purchase a bottle warmer, it's convenient. And, of course, think about the choice of infant formula.

    Dowry for a newborn: oclothes and diapers

    Here it is important to decide whether you will use disposable diapers (pampers) or reusable ones. The number of diapers and things depends on this. In any case, do not buy a lot at once. The child will grow very quickly.

    • diaper: thin (chintz or knitwear, it is more convenient to wrap in them) - from 10 to 20 piecesand warm - from 10 to 20 pieces. 20 diapers can be dispensed with, subject to regular use of diapers and almost daily washing. 40-50 - at least, if without diapers. Average diaper size: 120x100 cm. Disposable diapers may be needed (for the night, to the clinic, etc.)
    • Undershirts(preferably knitted): 3 thin and 3 warm. WITH sliders similarly. Approximate guidelines: height 62 cm - 3 months, 68 cm - 6 months, 74 cm - 9 months, 80 cm - 12 months (more details in the table below).
    • Bonnets: 3 thin, 3 warm. The size is determined by the volume of the head.
    • Beautiful overalls or a suit.
    • For a walk you need jumpsuit and hat according to the season, a blanket in the stroller.

    Read about how to dress a newborn for a walk.

    For an extract you need to buy an envelope and a ribbon.

    For washing diapers and newborn clothes you need to use a special children's powder ("Eared nanny", "Stork", etc.) and liquid or powder stain remover.

    Dowry for a newborn: hnecessary for the care of a newborn. Newborn first aid kit

    Well, if it will baby changing table. Then you don't have to bend down low while caring for your baby. A small oilcloth (and a diaper) or a special rug is laid on it.

    Pharmacies sell special first-aid kits for newborns, but their composition leaves much to be desired. It will be much more efficient if you buy the necessary minimum in advance yourself, and the rest later, as needed.

    • Bath for bathing, thermometer for measuring water temperature, slide, ladle, soft sponge. You also need a large bath towel (you can use a special one with a hood).
    • Potassium permanganate, medicinal herbs: string, chamomile (for bath preparation).
    • Zelenka (for processing the navel).
    • Baby oil (for lubrication of wrinkles).
    • Powder (if you intend to use reusable diapers).
    • Cotton pads and sticks.
    • Hair brush and comb.
    • Scissors with rounded edges.
    • Liquid baby soap.
    • Baby cream.
    • Baby wipes (useful for trips to the children's clinic, walks, etc.).

    I don't know where to take diapers. But you definitely need to buy them, good, breathable, focusing on the weight of the child. Start with 1 pack. If you are afraid to use diapers, then take a look.

    But nasal aspirators, gas tubes, enemas, etc. do not rush to buy. As well as medicines for colic, diarrhea, drops from the common cold. This can be bought if necessary, after consulting with a pediatrician.

    Dowry for a newborn: andpears for a newborn

    The mobile is already present in the section on organizing a bed.

    Even in advance, you can buy a few rattles, a toy for the stroller, choose a developmental rug, but teethers and so on are not needed yet. Much more important is good music that you can listen to before going to bed, and a book that you will read to your child (for example, we read fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin and K. Chukovsky).

    And the last thing is absolutely necessary. Nice, comfortable and good quality stroller. It is better not to save on it. And if you are going to carry a child in a car, you definitely need to buy a car seat.

    I would be glad if experienced mothers share their tips on what to give for a newborn in the comments. And if the article seemed useful to you, click on the buttons of social networks.