Quotes about smart men. Quotes about strong men. Quotes about men

The stronger sex sometimes thinks very badly about women, who, by the way, think much worse about men.

Every man's dream is to be a woman's first child. The keeper of the hearth dreams of being the last in her lover's list of conquests.

A smart man with solid dignity is always attractive and handsome.

The book can be compared with the wise advice of an old man to youth, or with a testament of older comrades to the younger generation, or with an order that a veteran gives to recruits. – Herzen A.I.

For some reason, no one believes that a man has changed only once, having crossed the line. It would be more correct to say that a womanizer man was caught on a hot one once. That's right.

Greatness comes only to those who, with persevering constancy, do good deeds and engage in patronage. The absence of good deeds invariably leads to the path of evil and misfortune. — Reskin D.

A man in two cases, as noted, accurately opens the door of a car to his wife. Either the car was recently bought, or the wife is newly minted.

Read the continuation of quotes and sayings about men on the pages:

If not for women, men would wear socks for more than a week.” (Cynthia Nelmes)

During marriage, a man dreams that his wife remains the same, a woman, in turn, hopes that her husband will change.

On one issue, men and women certainly agree among themselves: both of them do not trust women.

Modesty decorates a guy, but a real guy does not wear jewelry.

All men have made me happy to varying degrees, some by finally leaving me alone!

The visiting card of a real man is a happy girl next to him!

I guessed what a man pays a woman for: he wants to be happy.

If a husband is proud of his mind, then his wife is proud of her husband's stupidity.

A man is looking for someone to whom he could be proud; the woman is looking for a shoulder to lean against.

A woman loves a man because he loves her. A man loves a woman because he loves them in general.

There are men who can only reach the stars with their horns.

The work being read has the present; a work that is reread has a future. Dumas son of A.

A real man is a man who remembers a woman's birthday exactly and never knows how old she is. A man who never remembers a woman's birthday but knows exactly how old she is is her husband.

Men usually do not listen to what you say to them - they listen to what they are going to say themselves.

A man becomes greedy only because of the whims of women. If there were no women, there would be no money, and men would be a tribe of heroes.

Giving a gift to a woman, you should be aware that in the future she will expect no less valuable gifts from you and no less regularly.

A woman hides her past from a man, and a man hides her future from a woman.

The translator must be a spiritually gifted person, for he must see the most significant and best in the book and reproduce it. — Heine G.

All men with great theories about women are just men who are afraid of women.

If men were able to penetrate the thoughts of women, they would act much more decisively ...

The dominance of a woman scares a man more than impotence.

Before the wedding, a man and a woman say to each other: “I only like you,” and after the wedding: “Only I like you.”

The book is a monument to minds gone to eternity. — Davenant W.

The naive believes in male oaths, the experienced one believes in compliments.

The most arrogant creatures on earth are men, they always climb back where they crawled out from!

Even if men want to fuck all the women, this does not mean that they cannot fall in love, and thank God, because this is the most beautiful thing that exists in our broken-down society ...

The level of culture of a man is determined by his attitude towards a woman.

If you don't want to submit to a woman, don't conquer her. /A.Ratner

Hear baby, one more signal from your platform and your dental composition will start!

Men look like April when they are courting, and December when they are already married.

From birth to death, a man remains a child of a woman who constantly needs something from her and who never gives her anything, except to hold and keep something that can be useful to him.

Little Boy goes and sings: -Alien lips caress you ... An older guy approaches: -Did the girl leave? -No, Chupa-Chups lost!

A man is one who can make others happy regardless of whether he himself is happy ...

A man is like a ball: when a woman releases him from her hands, he unravels, and when she takes him in her hands, he winds up.

Guys often miss out on what's worth while picking up what's available!

A man forgives and forgets. A woman forgives - and only

Men are more attracted to accessible women than to physically attractive ones.

A man falls in love with his eyes, but is disappointed with his ears.

Men are like lawyers: no matter what they are accused of, they will always find an excuse for themselves.

Darling! There was no one like you, no, and no need!

It is not safe to praise the object of your love to a friend - as soon as he believes your praise, he will follow in your footsteps.

It's not so bad when a husband needs only one thing from his wife, it's bad when he doesn't need anything.

He who shouts in anger is ridiculous, but he who is silent in anger is terrible. – Abai

The age of a woman when she begins to criticize everyone is called critical.

Women perfectly understand people, unless these people are not men.

A man is jealous because he loves himself too much; a woman is jealous because she doesn't love herself enough.

Cute!!! They said on the radio that they found the corpse of a man without brains ... Call me back, I'm worried!

Guys are like a strong drug, you get depressed from some, wings grow from others.

If a guy does not call, he does not want to call; if a man likes a woman, he will do everything to be with her; And if he doesn't try, he just doesn't need you.

The true character of a person is reflected precisely in the little things when he ceases to take care of himself.

A coward is much more likely to be drawn into a quarrel than a courageous person. — Jefferson T.

If a woman has wings and a halo, then this is just an example of a good disguise of horns and hooves.

male logic iron! and female - MORE INTERESTING ...

The book is the most important and powerful tool of socialist culture. - Gorky M.

A bachelor is a man who managed not to find a wife

Especially acutely you feel like a man, having received a blow between the legs.

If the guy said he loves, buy a frying pan ...)

A real man can never marry a real woman: a real woman does not immediately agree, and a real man does not propose twice.

A strong, silent man is too often only silent because he has nothing to say.

Men are like children: they like to be led by the hand, but considered big

A book is never a masterpiece - it becomes one. - Goncourt J.

In love, a man strives not for war, but for peace. Blessed are the tender and meek women, they will be loved more.

It is excruciatingly painful for a woman to realize that a man can be happy away from her.

Men have more problems than women. First of all, they have to endure the existence of women.

The hot temper of a man is not always bad. The main thing is that the hotter and faster he was, the more self-control he was endowed with.

The only way a woman can fix a man is to bore him to the point where he loses all interest in life.

A man is a man who finds it easier to die for the woman he loves than to live with her.

Men cheat more often, but girls are better!

Do not get distracted, loving ...

Women's logic is a firm belief that any objective reality can be overcome by desire.

A man or woman gives a representative of the opposite sex the kind of love that they themselves need, and by no means the one that their partner needs.

If men were to give birth, they would not want more than one baby.

Men are in danger everywhere, and women, mainly in love.

There is only one woman in a man's life, all the rest are her shadows.

Men live much better than women: firstly, they marry later, and secondly, they die earlier.

If in the process of reading your spirit has become strong, elevated and feelings of courage and nobility have appeared in you, then the book is excellent, and only the hand of a master is capable of creating such a book.

The naivety of women is a myth carefully kept for the benefit of men.

It is high time for men to understand that only snowmen are contraindicated for a lot of heat.

Men hang noodles on our ears, and we take them off and carefully hang them on their horns...

Nothing in the appearance of a man irritates a woman like the lack of money.

If a man is ready to give everything in the world for the girl to be his. It means she means something to him.

A properly abandoned man returns like a boomerang ...)

If you feel any obligation to a woman, then you can be proud of your responsibility, because in fact you have already paid her back a hundredfold.

A man marries because he has fallen in love. A woman falls in love because she wants to get married.

Every man wants a woman to become an adornment of his life, but it depends entirely on the woman.

Love helps to kill time, time helps to kill love.

Only one thing men and women do not argue, both are sure that women cannot be trusted.

All guys are animals. Only someone is a cat, and someone is a goat.

Men are like soap bubbles: the first is always unsuccessful, the second is already better, but only the third is truly beautiful and rosy.

Married life is every day a war and every night a truce ...

On the books I have bought, I write my name only after I have read them, for only then can I call them mine. — Dossy K.

The most dangerous man is 50 years old. After all, behind his shoulders is precious experience, and a considerable fortune.

You should argue with your wife only in her absence.

Okay, I'm wrong, but can you at least apologize to me?

Many things can be done without the help of a man, although some of these things are more pleasant to do with a man.

A man loves not the woman herself, but his state next to her.

The book is the purest essence of the human soul. — Carlyle T.

By the bride chosen by a man, it is easy to judge what he is like and whether he knows his own worth.

Men who do not forgive women for their little flaws will never enjoy their great virtues.

If a woman appreciates your time and nerves - does not complain about everything and everything, does not whine and does not scandal, then this means that you are simply indifferent to her.

Who knows women, pities men; but he who knows men is ready to excuse women.

Give a woman a million scarlet roses, and she will say that one is enough for her, but white.

If a woman suddenly sincerely apologizes to you for a trifle, then this means that a great sacrifice will be required of you in the near future.

Every wife should understand: dinners will be tastier if they are cooked less often.

A man who spends time with cheap women does not respect himself!

Of all the inventions and discoveries in science and the arts, of all the great consequences of the marvelous development of technology, the printing press ranks first. — Dickens C.

The image that a man creates when he thinks of an ideal woman is similar to the image that a woman creates when she thinks of an ideal man.

The woman takes everything from the man. Even a last name.

A man is interested in women with a past: he hopes that history will repeat itself

A man, if he could understand what a woman thinks, he still would not believe.

In order to spur a man to any business, you just need to hint that his years are not the same.

Men who speak badly of women usually have only one in mind.

A woman knows the meaning of love, and a man knows its price.

A woman needs a reason to have sex. A man only needs a place.

All men are monsters. The only thing left for women is to feed them better. (Oscar Wilde)

Real men don’t say choose: “Either he or I!” They take the hand and lead away ...

Modesty adorns a man, but real men do not wear jewelry.

A man from whom no danger emanates is, in fact, no longer a man at all.

Dear women! Speaking about the fact that you need a smart, handsome and rich man, you have not thought about it, but why do you need YOU?!

Any good book should be more or less political. - Zeime I.

50 best phrases said by famous men:

1. I love work, it fascinates me. I can sit and look at her for hours.
© Jerome K. Jerome.

2. What if the world is an illusion and there is nothing? Then I definitely overpaid for the carpet.
© Woody Allen.

4. Many men, falling in love with a dimple on their cheek, mistakenly marry the whole girl.
© Stephen Leacock.

5. Boxing is a friendly hemorrhage.
© Emil meek.

6. The first person to throw a curse instead of a stone was the creator of civilization.
© Sigmund Freud.

7. Freedom of speech is never so precious as when you accidentally hit your finger with a hammer.
© Marshall Lamsden.

8. We perform difficult tasks immediately, impossible tasks - a little later.
© US Air Force motto.

9. Happiness is pleasure without remorse.
© L.N. Tolstoy.

10. I am grateful that I have two middle fingers, although it would be nice to have a couple more.
© Marilyn Manson.

11. Life is what happens to us while we make plans.
© John Lennon.

12. I don't always know what I'm talking about, but I know that I'm right.
© Muhammad Ali.

13. Thoughts and women do not come together.
© M. Zhvanetsky.

14. I love Mickey Mouse more than all the women I have known.
© Walt Disney.

15. When sober, make all your drunken promises come true - this will teach you to keep your mouth shut.
© Ernest Hemingway.

16. I was sick for three days, and it had a great effect on my health.
© Sergey Dovlatov.

17. You yourself, like no one else in the entire universe, deserve your love and devotion.
© Buddha.

18. In order to have sex, a woman needs a reason, a man needs a place.
© Billy Crystal.

19. I could not wait for success and set off on a journey without it.
© Jonathan Winters.

20. Marriage is an interesting form of duel, according to the rules of which you must sleep with the enemy.
© Lee Daniel.

21. I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals, I just hate plants.
© A. Whitney Brown.

22. If your wife wants to learn how to drive, don't stand in her way.
© Stan Levinson.

23. To get a woman, tell her that you are impotent. She will definitely check it out.
© Cary Grant.

24. After twenty years of marriage, I seem to have begun to understand what a woman wants. The answer to this question lies somewhere between dialogue and chocolate.
© Mel Gibson.

25. There is only one way to a happy marriage; as soon as I find him, I will marry again.
© Clint Eastwood.

26. The electronic brain will think for us in the same way that the electric chair dies for us.
© Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

27. Set a goal every day to do something that you do not like. This golden rule will help you do your duty without disgust.
© Mark Twain.

28. Sex is a sitcom.
© Dmitry Khrapovitsky.

29. Most people are only as happy as they choose to be.
© Abraham Lincoln.

30. Mind speaks - wisdom listens.
© Jimi Hendrix.

31. Beer is another proof that the Lord loves us and wants us to be happy.
© Benjamin Franklin.

32. If you go out to people - come in. © Vasily Turenko.

33. Nothing ruins a target like a hit.
© Attributed N. Fomenko.

34. A pessimist sees difficulties at every opportunity; An optimist sees an opportunity in every difficulty.
© Winston Churchill.

35. There are only two infinite things: the Universe and stupidity. Although I'm not sure about the universe.
© Albert Einstein.

36. The surest way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it at least once.
© Joseph Cossman.

37. The director is the same person as everyone else, only he does not know about it.
© Raymond Churchill.

38. If your wife cheated on you, then rejoice that she cheated on you, and not on the fatherland.
© Anton Chekhov.

39. Be the lesser of two evils.
© Ambrose Bierce.

40. God gave a man a brain and a penis, but, alas, when one of them works, the second does not have enough blood supply.
© Robin Williams about Clinton and Lewinsky.

41. They learn from their mistakes - they make a career on strangers.
© Alexander Furstenberg.

42. I remain under the impression that I made on a woman for a long time.
© Karl Kraus.

43. I've always said that a woman should be like a good horror movie: the more room left to the imagination, the better.
© Alfred Hitchcock.

44. Love your neighbor as yourself, but do not be close to just anyone.
© Louis Beal.

45. The world is ruled by the young when they grow old.
© George Bernard Shaw.

46. ​​I can live my life without the necessary, but I cannot live without the superfluous.
© Mikhail Svetlov.

47. I am never as busy as during my leisure hours.
© Cicero.

48. A bachelor is a person who has a table and a sofa, and the history of the sofa is much richer.
© Henryk Jagodzinsky.

49. I'll be back.
© Arnold Schwarzenegger.

50. Love for a woman is something between dialogue and chocolate. And for a man - something between sex and beer.
© Mel Gibson.

The Defender of the Fatherland Day is approaching, which has traditionally become a men's day, regardless of military service. All the time, girls and women are waiting for warm and affectionate words from their halves, and now it's time to pay attention to men. To do this, we offer a selection of quotes, aphorisms and sayings. Add them to your statuses, let everyone know that your man is the best.

Of course, not all men deserve attention. There are those shots that can hardly be called men. A person who is able to offend a woman, abandon a child, change or commit some other stupid act does not deserve the right to be called a Man.

To become a real man, it is not enough just to be born one. To do this, you need to be purposeful and educated. A real man is one who can become a rear and protection for his family.

For a man, words are not as important as actions. You can talk long and beautifully about something and promise something, but do nothing. But perfect deeds reveal the male essence in the best possible way. A real man will never commit a heinous act.

Men are by nature freedom-loving, they know how to cherish friendship. The mission of a woman is precisely to give a man this freedom and be sure that he will return. A real man will never allow himself anything more than to meet friends, he will always return to his beautiful and loving woman.

The ideal man is the one who creates events, and is not their consumer.

Bold deeds are events, they just lead to the right to be called the Ideal Man.

A man with dignity and intelligence is never ugly.

A man who does not know his own worth has no right to be called real.

The sign of a real man is not the suffering he endured, but the lessons he learned from suffering.

A man is first and foremost a person, he can also suffer, but his mission is not to wait until they regret it, but to draw the right conclusions and live on.

A real man is the one who can do everything, not the drum.

The real ones and the mountains will turn, the rest - and they won’t give a hand ...)

Real men have the right to tears, but not in front of a girl.

The difference between a man is not not to cry at all, but to do it when no one is watching.

A real man will always get what a woman wants.

If he doesn't care what a woman wants, then be careful - a fake!

About strong and weak men

Rule of the Real Man: my problems are my problems, your problems are our problems.

A real man will always think and decide for two.

Weak men have mistresses, and strong men have strong families.

The weak family is too tough.

A strong man will do everything to make his woman want to become weak.

A woman is not weak, they become weak only when a strong man appears nearby ...

A man must fight, because a woman chooses the strong, courageous and persistent, and not those who, at the slightest quarrel, give up and leave.

The peculiarity of men is to hear "no", do everything possible to get "yes" next time.

Weak men act to satisfy their needs, strong men act to satisfy a sense of duty.

Men live their whole lives satisfying their duty: first to their mother, then to the state, then to their wife...

They say: "Men love strong women." It is weak men who love strong women. And strong men love weak women. And only a real man loves a woman for who she is!!!

Even the weakest woman can become the strongest if there is an idiot around.

Wise and meaningful

There are three things that need to be affirmed in boys and young men - the duty of a man, the responsibility of a man, the dignity of a man.

Whether a man becomes real depends largely on the woman - his mother.

A man looks for a reflection of himself in a woman.

The task of the woman is to support him.

Men have the same exaggerated ideas about their merits as women have about their shortcomings.

The main thing is not to have flaws, but to be sure that there are none ...)))

A man who was able to put his pride at the feet of his beloved deserves the most devoted love.

When a man constantly gives in and compromises, he is in love.

A man doesn't have to be handsome. A man has to be a man.

A man should not watch his manicure, but his actions.

A man should be stubborn and firm in life matters. But soft and sensitive with his woman.

The ability to combine hardness and softness is a feature of real men.

Funny and cool aphorisms

A man has no right to combine the words "I" and "tired." He can say once in his life: “There are no more forces!” - and die.

To say that you are tired is the same as to say - look for another ...)

A man is a creature that can wait three hours in a row for a bite and is unable to wait 15 minutes while his wife gets dressed.

I need to buy an aquarium at home, while he will catch fish, I’ll just get ready normally ...)))

Only men can wear two socks at once, because one has a hole in the heel, and the second is torn on the finger.

They are not smart enough to take new ones from the closet, probably, they are waiting out of habit, as in childhood, until their mother brings ...

A man needs a wife because not everything in life can be blamed on the government.

Payroll deductions are all the same to hand over there and there, that wife can be blamed for something else ...

Cats and men are similar. If they suddenly become affectionate, it means that they either need something from you, or have already spoiled somewhere.

Soon everyone will start getting cats instead of men, there are more chances to teach them ...

A man is like a ball: when a woman releases him from her hands, he unravels, and when she takes him in her hands, he unwinds ...

When the threads completely unravel, they are thrown away ....

Sayings about beloved men

For men, driving a car is like having sex. Almost everyone thinks that he can do it better than others ...

And so they think until they are fined ...)

The guy is like a parquet - if it doesn’t stick, just hammer it!

In everything you need to follow the technology, even in relationships ...)

A real man was invented by women to scare their husbands with him.

There are exactly as many real virtual men as there are married ones.

This article contains the best aphorisms, quotes, statuses and sayings about men.

Men! How much has been said about you, good and bad, good and evil. Yes, and evil. Well, yes, this is nothing ... However, it’s enough that the beautiful half of humanity dreams of its very, very man.

The world, no doubt, is ruled not only by love, but also by the most primitive stereotypes. Where do stereotypes come from? People think they know and talk, talk, talk.
This is how folk wisdom appears, which is also called aphorisms, quotes, statuses and sayings.

About men: aphorisms, quotes, statuses and sayings

Every man, in the end, chooses the girl who believes in him more than he does.

The visiting card of a real Man is a happy Woman next to him.

From time immemorial, men let women go ahead to appreciate their priests, and kiss their hands to calmly look at their breasts.

A man next to him should be such that he wants to listen and obey.

On the personal front, it’s like at a banquet… I don’t take what they offer, I’m embarrassed to ask what I want… I have to pretend that I’m not hungry…

Men are afraid of girls they need to grow up to ... It's easier to use those that you can sink to.

You can’t understand a man with your mind, you just need to believe in a man! He must prove by deed that he can be trusted with his life!

Men are like taxis. When they are free, they light a green light. One fine day, a man decides that it's time to start a family, children and all that, and lights a fire. And the first woman he meets, he immediately proposes. It's not destiny. This is an accident.

Most women give up not because their passion is strong, but because their weakness is great. That is why enterprising men usually have such success, although they are by no means the most attractive.

A woman should be like ice cream - white, sweet and melt in your hands, and a man should be like coffee: strong, hot and not letting you fall asleep.

A woman, in order to calm down, needs to take herself into strong male hands.

A woman loves a man because he loves her.
A man loves women in general...

Since it was mainly men who knew how to write, all the misfortunes in the world were attributed to women.

Friendship between a man and a woman is very weak at nightfall.

Men are convinced of the weakness of women, and they themselves are their slaves.

The deepest delusion of a woman:
“He will change!”
The deepest delusion of a man:
"She's not going anywhere!"

Sometimes you look at men whom you used to feel sympathy for, and you involuntarily begin to doubt your adequacy ...

While men, being boys, play war games and cars, women, being girls, immediately prepare to manipulate people and play with dolls.

A man will never look stupid if he makes the first move.
It is a pity, but many do not know that taking the first step is a man's duty.

To be happy with a man, you need to understand him well and love him a little.
To be happy with a woman, one must love her very much and not even try to understand her.

One day a man asked God: “Why are all girls cute, affectionate, gentle, and women are all bitches and bitches?”
And he received in response: “I create girls, and you make women out of them!”

The ideal man can only give birth to herself.

Only a man is to blame for how a woman behaves, he either allows her to do this, or sets an example with his behavior.

At least they talk about female logic!
About the male - nothing is known at all!

A real man has the right to hurt his beloved only twice: depriving her of her virginity, and when she will give birth to their child.

The most precious thing that a loving man can give to his beloved woman is his Time. Collected carefully, bit by bit, throughout the day. No other gifts, cars, furs and diamonds will ever replace the one who loves him - his time dedicated to her alone.
If your man, despite his hard and stressful day, still always finds his time for you, it means that he wants it that way. It means he loves.

If men knew what women think, they would be twenty times more impudent!

If a man looks into your eyes for a long, long time, you can be sure that he has already considered everything else.

A real man is recognized by a woman.

Men are illogical: they say that all women are the same, but constantly change one for another.

Weak men make mistresses, and strong men make strong families.

A man who claims that a woman's place is in the kitchen just doesn't know what to do with her in the bedroom!

Friendship between a man and a woman does not honor a man and deprives a woman of honor.

A real man opens the door with his foot ... because his hands are full of flowers and sweets!

Men often miss the decent, picking up the available.

Never show a man how much you need him. You won't see anything good in return.

It's great when your man combines such qualities as: husband, lover, breadwinner, best friend and your personal Guardian Angel!

The kiss was invented by a man to silence a woman even for a minute...

A man should be like an expensive car - so that everyone wants it, but few can afford it.

The best smell in the world is the smell of the man you love.

Long live the man! If desired, he can achieve everything in the world.
Long live the woman! If desired, she can achieve any man.

I will be a man while real women still walk the earth, those women who do not smell of cigarettes and beer, who have natural charm and kindness, in whom the instinct of motherhood has not yet died.

For girls, childhood ends with pregnancy.
Men never grow up.

They say that men only want sex. Don't believe! They also ask to eat!

A veil is the white flag of a man!

Cats and men are alike... If they suddenly become affectionate, it means that they either need something from you, or have already spoiled somewhere...

The last word should always be for a man, and it should be like this: “Of course, my love !!!”

The best man is not a set of qualities and material baggage. This is the person next to whom you feel desired, the most beautiful, loved and just happy ...

It shouldn't be fun or boring with a Man... With a MAN it should be HEAT, RELIABLE, and CALM!

A man is the same child ... only you can’t leave him with a nanny ...

All men are hunters, no matter what kind of game is in front of them - an animal or a woman.

It is a woman who helps a man to understand himself, she makes him better.

To keep a man in your hands, you must first of all keep yourself in your hands.

To accept a man as he is, only the draft board can!

A single man definitely knows more about women than a married man. Otherwise, he would have already been married.

The weakness of men is the strength of women.

“Men marry out of fatigue, women marry out of curiosity. Both marriage brings disappointment.

"A man can be happy with any woman except the one he is in love with."

A real man will always get what a woman wants.

There are men I could spend eternity with. But not life.

A man does not think about himself only in those moments when he is sure that someone else thinks only of him.

A man's house is his fortress, but only from the outside. Inside it is most often a children's room.

For a long time I remain under the impression that I made on a woman.

Men usually do not listen to what you say to them - they listen to what they are going to say themselves.

There is no doubt: the more powerful a man, the more sexy he is.

Women without a male society fade, and men without a female society become stupid.

A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife does not say.

Most men love flattery because of their humble opinion of themselves, most women love flattery for the opposite reason.

A charming woman and a magnificent man are often separated by a mere trifle: the fact that they are married to each other.

A man deals with a woman, like a chemist with his laboratory: he observes in her processes that he does not understand, which he himself produces.

At eighteen a man adores, at twenty he loves, at thirty he wants to possess, at forty he thinks.
Author: Vasily Klyuchevsky

  • A man in love is a pitiful sight. Christy A.
  • The weakness of men is the strength of women. Voltaire
  • Most men demand virtues from their wives, which they themselves are not worth. Lev Tolstoy
  • When a man marries, he hopes that his wife will remain the same, and a woman expects her chosen one to be different.
  • That's what men are! They are more ashamed of their tears than of their sins! Why not show a clenched fist? But crying eyes - no! F. Goebbel
  • There comes a time in every man's life when clean socks are easier to buy. Maureen Murphy -
  • A man capable of action is doomed to be loved. Coco Chanel
  • A single man definitely knows more about women than a married man. Otherwise, he would have already been married. Henry Louis Mencken
  • Nothing ages a man like living with the same woman. Norman Douglas
  • All women are like that - it is unbearable for them to think that a man can be happy away from them.
  • It is not customary for gentlemen to ask many questions in a conversation. S. Johnson
  • A man in the house is needed not for furniture, but for its repair. Stas Yankovsky
  • A real man hides a child who wants to play. Friedrich Nietzsche
  • For a long time I remain under the impression that I made on a woman. Karl Kraus
  • Men love to put a woman on a pedestal so they can give her a kick later. Without a pedestal, the pleasure would not be the same. Claire Luce
  • Yes, it does not happen that a man cheats once. Here's what happened once, that's what happens.
  • You always lose by being too intimate with women and friends; and sometimes in doing so you lose the pearl of your life. - F. Nietzsche
  • You can’t trust men, but how can you not trust compliments. Boris Krutier
  • A man can be happy with any woman except the one he is in love with. O. Wilde
  • A man does not think about himself only in those moments when he is sure that someone else thinks only of him. Louise Leblanc
  • Women without a male society fade, and men without a female society become stupid. Anton Chekhov
  • Even if men want to fuck all the women, this does not mean that they cannot fall in love, and thank God, because this is the most beautiful thing in our broken society ...
  • A real man is a man who remembers a woman's birthday exactly and never knows how old she is. A man who never remembers a woman's birthday but knows exactly how old she is is her husband. F. Ranevskaya
  • A man who embodies all the best qualities is a real punishment. Sophia Loren
  • Men marry out of fatigue, women marry out of curiosity. Both marriages are disappointing. O. Wilde
  • There are men I could spend eternity with. But not life. Kathleen Norris
  • A man listens with his ears, a woman with her eyes; the first - to understand what they say to him, the second - to please the one who speaks to her. Vasily Klyuchevsky
  • A woman knows the meaning of love, and a man knows its price.
  • Not one of them will fall in love with a man whom all women love. V. Klyuchevsky
  • A noble man always thinks of virtue; the commoner thinks of convenience. Confucius -