How is a wise woman different from a smart one?

Many women consider the number of brains to be their main trump card, but being smart and trying to always be right is the biggest stupidity in a woman's life.

I remember how I used to prove to everyone that I was right. Husband, mother, friends. It is a special pleasure to show and point out to the husband that he is wrong. My ego grew at a tremendous pace - because I'm the smartest. And I'm always right.

It didn't lead to anything good. We were on the verge of a divorce, but even then I did not understand that this was the price for my cleverness. That it is my cavils and corrections, it is my desire to argue, prove and treat my husband that are destroying our relationship.

But now I understand that trying to be smart and trying to always be right is the biggest stupidity in my life. Being right alone has ruined many relationships in my life.

My husband periodically emphasizes that my desire to be right deprives him of any desire to take care of me.

And what to do? Lobotomy? Keep being smart? Or learn to be wise? I chose the last option.

Being a smart woman is good. But it's better to be wise!

Here are 8 life situations that will show you how a smart woman differs from a wise one:

1. If the husband made a mistake

  • Clever woman, discovering her husband's mistake, poke him with his nose. And remember that she warned him about this.
  • Wise woman- will support, cheer up, sometimes pretend that she did not notice anything.

2. In a crisis situation

  • Clever woman in a crisis situation, she will take the reins of government and teach her husband to live correctly.
  • Wise woman very subtly show him the direction and support in the intention to get there.

3. When to train a child

  • Clever woman will teach kids math no matter what.
  • Wise woman He sees a personality in each of them.

4. In the work team

  • Clever woman at work will try to be better than others and not make mistakes. At the same time, most colleagues will be very wary of her.
  • Wise woman create an atmosphere of love and warmth in the team.
  • Clever woman will interfere in the lives of their adult children, give them unsolicited advice and recommendations, tell them how to properly raise children.
  • Wise woman will allow children to gain their life experience and support in any situation.

6. In a relationship with the mother-in-law

  • Clever woman will fight the influence of her mother-in-law, defend her independence from her parents, quarrel with them because of their advice.
  • Wise woman learn to smile, listen silently, agree. And do it your way. With love.

7. If you want to change the world

  • Clever woman wants to change the whole world, to remake all the people around.
  • Wise woman will begin to change itself. And accept others for who they are.

8. Opinion about happiness

  • Clever woman thinks that happy is the one who is right.
  • Wise woman knows that the one who is happy is right.

According to the article
Olga Valyaeva "All the troubles of women from the mind"

Many women consider their main trump card in life to be the presence of mind and intellect. But very often it is because of this that it is not easy in a career and personal life. There is a way out - you need to be not smart, but a wise woman.

The desire to prove one's case, to show one's superiority and the desire to be the first in everything, alas, does not paint a woman and does not make her attractive in the eyes of others. We offer you several life situations that will clearly show how a smart woman differs from a wise one.

If a man made a mistake

  • Clever woman will definitely point out to him his mistake and say: “I warned you that this would happen!”
  • Wise woman will support her man, cheer up and will not focus on the mistake made.

In a crisis situation

  • Clever woman take full responsibility and show her husband how to solve problems.
  • Wise woman gently show him the right direction and give support.

In raising children

  • Clever woman no matter what, he will teach his children mathematics, because all children should know mathematics, where would they be without it!
  • Wise woman will see in each child a personality, individuality, and will proceed from this in upbringing and education.

At work

  • Clever woman at work will strive to be better than other colleagues and try not to make mistakes.
  • Wise woman will create a friendly and warm atmosphere in the working team.
  • Clever woman will intervene in the lives of their adult children, give advice and recommendations based on past experience.
  • Wise woman will allow his children to gain life experience, and if necessary, will always come to the rescue and support.

In relationship with mother-in-law

  • Clever woman will strive for independence in every possible way. She will not tolerate the influence of her mother-in-law and will defend her rights.
  • Wise woman she will gladly listen to the advice of her mother-in-law, thank her for her care and do as she sees fit.

How women are changing the world

  • Clever woman begins to change the world with the people around him.
  • Wise woman starts with himself, and accepts others as they are.

Happiness in a woman's life

  • Clever woman believes that happy is the one who is right.
  • Wise woman knows that the one who is happy is right.

What do you choose - to be happy or right? A wise woman acts in such a way that her husband does not leave her, but leaves a smart one.

Difference #1

So, a smart woman begins to nag him for every mistake of her husband.

A wise woman will pretend not to notice his oversight and support the man.

Difference #2

A smart woman will begin to "plow" for her husband, "save" the situation.

The wise will give a hint, but the husband himself makes the decision.

Difference #3

A smart woman will teach boring mathematics to her children, and a wise woman will look for personality in her children.

Difference #4

A smart one will try to do everything in life “perfectly”, and a wise one will create an atmosphere of love, warmth, and care inside any team.

Difference #5

Smart will control the lives of adult children, give numerous advice in all areas of life.

The wise will support in any situation and give the children the opportunity to gain their experience.

Difference #5

A smart woman will fight the influence of her mother-in-law, and a wise woman will learn to agree and smile.

Difference #6

A smart woman wants to change the whole world, and a wise woman starts with herself and accepts people as they are.

Family life does not always consist of some holidays. There are also problems. Moreover, some of them turn out to be unsolvable for the couple, as a result of which they get divorced. Psychologists say that in a family a very important role is assigned to a woman who should become a real keeper of the family hearth. Women are divided into two types: smart and wise. Which one to choose as a life partner is for men to decide. And we will tell readers what are the differences between a smart and wise woman.

If the husband made some mistake, then a smart woman will poke him into this very mistake with her nose. And he will certainly remind you that she warned him a hundred times about the possible consequences. A wise woman will behave completely differently in this situation. She will support morally, and sometimes she will simply pretend that nothing serious has happened and life goes on.

If some kind of crisis situation happens in the life of a spouse, then a smart woman in this case will boldly take the reins and teach her husband to live correctly. In a similar situation, a wise woman will act differently, who will delicately hint to her faithful in the direction in which to move. And of course, it will help to get there.

At work, a smart woman will try to meet all the requirements and be better than the rest in everything, trying not to make significant mistakes that can affect her image. And the wise in the team will create an atmosphere that will be filled with warmth and love.

These two types of women will raise their own children differently. The smart one will constantly interfere in their lives, guiding them along the “right path”, while she will do this even when the children grow up. Advice and guidance will become an integral part of her upbringing. The wise, on the contrary, will try to ensure that the children themselves receive their own life experience, but is always ready to help them in difficult life situations.

Changes in the world and the remaking of all people according to their own criteria are characteristic of an intelligent woman. And for the wise, the main thing in life will be changes in oneself. She will accept other people as they are.

A smart woman can do a lot, but a wise woman can do everything. Men like her, they are delighted with her. She goes through life not with her head held high, but with warmth, simply and easily. Confidently. With your philosophy. So how is a wise woman different from a smart one?

How a wise woman differs from a smart one: with men

He made a mistake and she knows it. A smart woman will try to protect her beloved from a mistake, warn, suggest, and if he still doesn’t listen and does it her own way, she will definitely mention that “she said it.” What will the wise one do? She will say that everything is in order, well, who does not happen to? Support, take by the hand and pretend that nothing happened.

There is a crisis in the family, a man has problems at work, in a career or business. A smart woman, of course, will take responsibility for this period, and at the same time give him an example that is so necessary at this moment. What will the wise man do? With her inherent ease, imperceptibly for the man himself, she will give him a couple of ideas on where to move on, and provide moral support along the way.

How a wise woman differs from a smart one: in the family

How a wise woman differs from a smart one: with others

At work or while studying, a smart woman will show everything that her intellect is capable of. She will do her job quickly, efficiently and without errors. Unless relations with colleagues are not her forte, because there are only envious people around. It is not important for a wise woman to be the first, the best and stand out. She will do the job just as well, but without competition, turning the process into a comfortable pastime next to her colleagues. And after work, he will certainly call them for a cup of coffee.

If a smart woman is not satisfied with her surroundings, she will do everything to change it: she will begin to influence others, remake the world, social foundations, and promote her way of life. A wise woman is used to accepting people as they really are, so she will begin to change herself.

And the main difference between a smart woman and a wise woman is their outlook on life. The first believes that the one who won, the one who is right, is happy. She turns life into a competition, being at the top of the podium. A wise woman is sure that it is sad and lonely at the top, and it doesn’t matter who is right, the main thing is to be happy.