A simple and effective recipe for wrinkles is a banana face mask. Banana eye mask. Anti wrinkle banana face mask

How you want to look amazing everywhere: both at work and at home. Sometimes the lack of time and energy does not allow you to take care of yourself. Excellent tool, which will quickly and effectively refresh the skin is a banana mask. It is done very quickly, and it helps no less than expensive salon procedures.

It is very convenient when a banana face mask at home can help your facial skin effectively and without problems. One of these universal means is the pulp of a banana. This mask will gently smooth the skin, cleanse the pores of excess oil and dirt. Perfectly nourishes with bioflavonoids and microelements. Vitamins A and C, which are contained in a banana, will help get rid of acne, remove wrinkles. Vitamin E, which is quite abundant in bananas, will soften and restore blood circulation in the skin of the face. Nourishing mask banana facial universal remedy . It is great for all skin types.

Banana and olive oil mask for sensitive skin

sensitive and thin skin gives its owners a lot of trouble. Such skin is very difficult to care for. She is easily irritated due to her high susceptibility to environment. A mask with a banana and can protect and strengthen this type of skin.

The mask is simple, it is simple and easy to prepare at home. Stir in a blender 1 ripe banana, a teaspoon of olive or other vegetable oil. Add to composition 1 egg yolk, if available, you can additionally include fresh herbs of any herbs. Mix thoroughly and beat the mixture until a homogeneous slurry is obtained. Apply a mask to clean face, stand 20-30 min. Then rinse with water or fresh decoction of herbs: calendula, sage or chamomile.

Another recipe for a good mask with butter and banana. Mix a few egg yolks, 2-3 teaspoons olive oil. Add applesauce and grated banana to the resulting mixture. Wait a bit, let the mass thicken. If the mask turned out to be watery, you can add a little flour or oatmeal. Apply the mixture on the face, in addition, you can "capture" the neck and décolleté. Wash off with water after 15-20 minutes.

Mask for mature skin

Many women are afraid of the approaching wilting. No need to despair, masks prepared at home will help maintain freshness and elasticity of the skin. One of the effective helpers for mature skin will be a mask with banana and sour cream.

Approximately equal proportions are mixed banana, sour cream egg. You can only take the yolk. Beat the mixture with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply to face for 20 minutes. It is advisable to conduct a course of such masks for 20-30 days. The interval between procedures is 2-3 days.

Anti wrinkle banana face mask

Wrinkles are an unpleasant surprise. One morning you look in the mirror, and they are right there. To stop the appearance of new wrinkles and remove existing wrinkles will help a simple, but very effective mask with banana and It will tighten the skin well better than any lifting. Vitamins wonderfully moisturize and nourish tired skin.

Grate a medium sized banana or mash with a fork. Add fresh cream to the puree, 2-3 tbsp. spoons and a few large spoons of natural honey. Be careful, if you are allergic to honey, then you can add it less. Blend the mixed ingredients in a mixer. Keep the mask for 20 minutes. Wash off with chamomile infusion or aloe vera lotion.

Banana mask for face and skin around the eyes

An excellent anti-aging effect has a moisturizing face mask made from banana and other useful components. Grind a small banana, add 2 tbsp. spoons of yogurt or cream. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oatmeal and honey. Mix the ingredients, if thick, dilute with a little mineral or, in last resort, ordinary water. The mass should have the density of high-quality sour cream. Apply the mask on a clean face, leave for 30 minutes. The versatility of this composition is that it can be used as a mask with a banana for the face and skin around the eyes. It contains elements that are unable to dry out or damage delicate skin around eyes. Wash off the mask warm water, along the way, you can do a light facial massage.

Banana starch nourishing mask

There is always starch in every home. Effective Skin can be improved with starch. The uniqueness of starch is that it is suitable for any type of skin. Face mask with starch and banana has no side effects and contraindications.

banana mask

Mix any starch and banana pulp in a ratio of 1: 1 and apply on clean skin faces. Let the mask stay on your face until it dries. This is approximately 15-20 min. Then rinse with water. The skin will become soft and velvety. Apply at least 2-3 times a week.

Banana wrinkle masks

Banana face mask for dry skin is suitable for eliminating wrinkles. They not only nourish and moisturize the skin well. Such masks will help, give the face silkiness. A playful pinkish blush will appear on the cheeks.

1st recipe

Mix in equal parts banana puree, cream, wheat flour. Add juice from 1 orange slice. To stir thoroughly. Apply to face thin layer let dry a little. Then apply the next layer. After that, cover your face with gauze and top with a thin napkin. Leave for 30-40 min. Remove the mask with a swab dipped in herbal infusion or mineral water. You can repeat this procedure every other day. It is absolutely harmless and will only bring good result, and the benefit will be on the face.

2nd recipe

For oily problematic skin suit next mask. Toss a heaping canteen of mashed banana with one raw egg white, add a teaspoon of lemon juice. Beat until a homogeneous mass is obtained. We apply the resulting puree on the face. After 25 min. rinse with cool water or herbal infusion. The mask whitens the face a little and refreshes the skin very well.

Korean cosmetics

There is more Korean cosmetics Tony Moly (Tony Moly) which presents a banana mask in the form of a cream. It perfectly moisturizes the skin, after application the skin becomes more dense. This mask should be used 2 times a week, especially if it is winter outside and your skin dries. The effect of saturation honestly disappears after the tube is over, so it's better to use homemade masks But still recommend you try it purely for the experience.

Banana Peeling Mask

To make a mask with a peeling effect, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 tablespoons oatmeal
  • 2 tablespoons natural honey
  • 2 peaches
  • 2 bananas
  • 1 hour a spoonful of almond and powdered sugar.

This is a fairly sitting mask with a peeling effect, so you can not be afraid and use it to the fullest.

Banana face mask for acne and pimples

Acne and acne cause a lot of trouble, and not only in adolescence. A mask with the addition of a banana will help you quickly get rid of this scourge.

1st recipe

For such an acne face mask, you need a ripe banana. It is desirable that he be without dark spots on the skin. Turn a banana into a puree, mix with 3 tablespoons of any nourishing cream. Add a teaspoon of vegetable oil and a few tablets of activated charcoal. The mixture is applied to clean skin for at least 15 minutes. Then it must be washed off, preferably with cool water. The mask will well cleanse the skin of dirt and acne, “pull out” blackheads. Cool water perfectly tones the skin. The effect is noticeable after the first application of the mask.

2nd recipe

A mask-film with banana and pimples is very effective in fighting acne and pimples. To prepare it, you need to take a banana, grind it with an activated charcoal tablet. To the resulting mixture, add ½ teaspoon of gelatin and a little mineral water.

We put the mixture in a water bath or microwave for 10 seconds, not the smallest temperature regime. Stir well so that the gelatin dissolves well. Let the mixture cool down a bit. First, the skin of the face can be steamed a little to open the pores.

Apply to problem areas of the face. If the skin is oily and porous, you can cover the entire face with it. Avoid areas around the eyes and eyelids. Here the skin is very thin and sensitive, this mask is not for her. Apply the 1st layer, lightly massaging the skin so that the composition penetrates into all pores. Let's dry a little. Then we apply the 2nd layer. Leave for 10-15 min. While the composition is on the face, it is advisable not to smile and not to make sudden facial movements. Thanks to gelatin, the dried mask is removed easily, in one motion, like a patch.

3rd recipe

For this mask, we take mashed potatoes of one ripe banana, egg yolk, a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Mix well, then add any to the resulting mass. The result should be a gruel in density like sour cream. If it turns out too viscous, you can add a little milk or mineral water.

Apply the resulting mixture on the face, keep for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse with water or tonic. This mask perfectly relieves acne, well “pulls out” blackheads and blackheads on the face.

Banana face mask - great way not only refresh and rejuvenate the skin. Such procedures have cosmetic and healing effect. They help to avoid many skin problems, relieve complexes about appearance. The effectiveness of banana masks is confirmed by numerous reviews ordinary women as well as movie and television stars. A large number of information of this kind is available on the Internet. Here are some of the reviews mentioned:

Katya-39. A real disaster happened 2 weeks before the wedding. The face was covered with black dots, blackheads appeared. I have and earlier skin face was problematic. But, probably, on a nervous basis, everything got much worse. I was shocked! The wedding is coming soon, what should I do? My friend saved me, she read on the Internet good recipe masks with banana, clay and activated carbon. All 2 weeks before the wedding, I did this mask, preheating my face with a warm towel to open the pores. The effect exceeded all expectations. The skin was cleared of black dots, acne ceased to inflame. At the wedding, I felt great. Now I recommend banana masks to everyone I know.

Sveta-46. I tested the mask of banana and starch on myself. The effect is amazing. My skin is thin, it often flakes and reacts sharply to temperature changes. After applying the mask, itching and redness disappear, the skin becomes soft and silky. Like velvet. I am very satisfied and now recommend it to my co-workers. They noticed that I looked refreshed and rejuvenated.

Yana-19.I have long suffered from small wrinkles around the eyes. A banana mask with honey and oatmeal saved me. She gently cleansed her face, moisturized well and slightly tightened the skin. Reduced wrinkles around the eyes, smoothed "crow's feet" in the corners. Great mask, efficient and inexpensive.

Masha-23.Recently I tried a gelatin and banana mask. Caution, be wary of traditional medicine, and was initially skeptical about this method. Finally, what can I say. Most importantly, very satisfied. I plan to use this routine all the time. The effect is amazing and unexpected. Would recommend to anyone with problematic oily skin. I look narrowly at other recipes and masks with a banana.

Sasha-27.Mask with sour cream and banana saves me in the cold season. The skin becomes thinner and becomes sensitive to winds and frosts. This recipe was recommended to me by my mom. So she saved her face when there were problems. I am very pleased with the effect, banana masks are a miracle.

Video how to make a banana face mask

Aging sneaks up unnoticed. Suddenly, a woman notices how her face becomes covered with wrinkles, the epidermis loses its vitality, becomes lifeless, flabby. In a panic, all kinds of cosmetics are bought up. Meanwhile, such a folk remedy as a banana face mask for wrinkles easily replaces even the most advertised cream. Help for aging skin is at a distance outstretched hand, on the fruit shelf.

Rejuvenating banana face masks

Regular use banana mask promotes a deep lifting effect, gives the skin a special softness, makes it velvety, toned. The type and condition of the epidermis determines what other ingredients to add to homemade anti-wrinkle masks. It may be different cosmetic oils, yogurt, egg yolk, protein, etc. The basic manufacturing principle is to grind all the ingredients and mix them. It is more convenient to knead with a spoon until a puree state.

After 50 years

For older women daily care has its own nuances. The first priority is to restore vitality. To do this, components are added to the banana mask that increase the effect of trace elements in the pulp of the fruit. The second task can be called the alignment of complexion, getting rid of age spots, its whitening.

With honey for mature skin:

  1. The pulp of half a banana, 1 tsp of honey and sour cream, yolk.
  2. Honey (liquid) is rubbed with yolk, sour cream and banana pulp, crushed with a spoon, are added.
  3. Gently spread the composition on your face, hold for 20 minutes.
  4. Wash your face and apply your usual cream.

With an apple for pigmentation:

  1. Grind banana and apple until puree. Mix these ingredients 1 to 1.
  2. Separately, combine 1 tsp of oils, sunflower and olive. Add mixture to fruit puree.
  3. Just before applying, pour the pounded yolk into the composition.

For dry skin

Any epidermis needs nutrition and hydration. For dry skin, this is the basis of care. The composition of the mask should gently exfoliate dead cells of the epidermis and help improve water balance. Thanks to perfectly matched components, the skin of the face becomes smooth, the color becomes even and delicate, local redness and irritation disappear.

With starch:

  1. Mix banana pulp Peach oil(1 tsp), starch (2 tbsp), egg yolk.
  2. Spread the composition on the face, wait 10 minutes.
  3. Wash and use nutritious cream.
  4. The course is at least 10 daily procedures.

Mask from " crow's feet" around eyes:

  1. Mix banana, yolk, rice flour(2 tbsp. l) and oil (1 tbsp. l).
  2. Gently, without stretching the eyelids, apply the mask.
  3. Wash off the composition after 25 minutes.
  4. The course is daily.


The task of such masks is to restore the natural elasticity of the skin. The components stimulate the production of collagen, as a result, skin turgor is restored, the oval of the face is tightened, creases are leveled, fine wrinkles disappear. For skin elasticity banana masks - perfect solution. The effect is noticeable after the first procedure, however, in order to fix the result, their regularity is necessary.


  1. Mash the fruit pulp with egg white.
  2. 1 st. l cottage cheese with a fat content of 9%, add to the mixture and grind everything to a homogeneous consistency.
  3. Spread the composition on the face, hold for 15 minutes.
  4. Wash your face and use a nourishing cream.


Dry skin is often known for sensitivity, but other types of epidermis can be prone to this problem. The face needs caring attitude. Task home mask soothe local foci of irritation, remove redness to the maximum short term. In this case, the banana composition is indispensable. For greater effect, starch-containing ingredients are added to it.

With Vitamin E:

  1. Combine the pulp of half a fruit and the contents of 1 vitamin E capsule in a glass bowl.
  2. Apply the mixture on your face for 10 minutes.
  3. Wash with water at room temperature.

With boiled potatoes:

  1. Mash banana and boiled potato.
  2. Add protein.
  3. Exposure time: 15 minutes.
  4. Wash off with warm milk diluted with water.


Bad ecology and constant stress first of all affect the condition of the face. The skin looks unhealthy, gray, tired. In this case, additional saturation of the epidermis with vitamins is simply necessary. Carefully selected composition of the mask stimulates the work blood vessels. As a result, the face looks refreshed.

With lemon:

  1. Take the pulp of a banana and mash with a spoon until smooth, add 50 g of yogurt and 0.5 tsp of lemon juice. Mix thoroughly.
  2. Spread the composition on the face, wait 25 minutes. Rinse with water, alternating its temperature.
  3. The course is 10 days with a frequency every other day.

With avocado:

  1. Mash the pulp of 1 banana and half an avocado with a spoon until smooth.
  2. Add cream (2 tablespoons), mix.
  3. The mask should be applied massage lines soft movements. Hold for 15 minutes.
  4. Wash yourself with mineral water without gas.
  5. Course - 10 days.

Video: how to remove facial wrinkles at home with a banana mask

Not everyone has the opportunity to use expensive salon services. How to get rid of wrinkles at home? Banana masks help smooth out creases, perfectly tighten, nourish, moisturize the skin. This fast remedy from wrinkles, in which you can add the ingredients necessary for a particular type of skin: combination, oily or dry. If the epidermis does not have pronounced problems, then a banana pulp face mask for wrinkles is suitable as a prophylaxis.

With protein

With butter

From banana, sour cream and honey

Using juicy, nutritious fruit as cosmetic product- rejuvenation without special costs. A banana face mask for wrinkles is also effective against dryness of the epidermis, bags and swelling under the eyes. Doctors will name at least two dozen diseases, for the treatment of which yellow fruits, flowers, leaves and roots of a tropical plant are suitable. Vitamins and trace elements in the banana pulp slow down age-related changes in organism.

Banana mask - handmade anti-aging cosmetics

The skin is constantly exposed to the action of the external and internal environment. Together with the natural aging process, these factors negatively affect all layers of the skin. Aging is almost impossible to control, but can be slowed down. If you use bananas and other natural products for a cosmetic mask, then mature skin get the moisture and nutrients it needs.

Sweet fruits are rich in amino acids and proteins, sugars, vitamins. The pulp contains magnesium, potassium, other macro- and microelements. Beneficial Ingredients of Wrinkle Banana Mask Minimize external signs aging, improve skin.

Fruit acids in the mask with a banana help cleanse the epidermis from dead cells, activate the process of regeneration of damaged tissues. Vegetable fibers help tighten the contour of the face, reduce wrinkles. Vitamins and organic acids in bananas eliminate dryness and flaking of the epidermis.

How banana works against skin aging

The skin changes with age, loses its elasticity, forms folds (wrinkles). The reason lies in negative impact ultraviolet radiation, reducing the activity of biochemical processes in the body. With age, there is a lack of moisture and lipids, softness and flexibility of the skin are lost.

Anti-wrinkle banana face mask contains valuable nutrients, phytochemical compounds. Phytonutrients create a natural barrier to damaging factors of the external and internal environment. The consumption of bananas for food and use for cosmetic masks helps to avoid early wrinkles and repair existing damage.

The addition of honey and other components contributes to more effective cleansing and skin hydration.

Vitamins in a banana:

  • PP (nicotinic acid) - required component for the flow of the most important redox reactions in cells.
  • WITH ( ascorbic acid) is an antioxidant that ensures the normal functioning of tissues.
  • B2 (riboflavin) - a component of biochemical reactions leading to cleansing and detoxification.
  • Provitamin A (beta-carotene) is an antioxidant that destroys free radicals.
  • B6 (pyridoxine) - helps to strengthen the skin, nails and hair.

Honey, like a banana, contains antioxidants that protect against premature aging, substances that increase the elasticity of the skin. face mask with these natural products- a real vitamin cocktail. Homemade cosmetic procedures with banana and honey have a moisturizing, nourishing, softening and regenerating effect. The declared results will be noticeable in a month.

How to make a banana face mask

The sweet tropical fruit is considered an ideal and versatile product for home beauty treatments. Anti-wrinkle banana mask is applied individually and with additions as a basis for dissolution various ingredients. After peeling, the pulp is used in different ways. The easiest version of the mask is to cut circles and apply on the face. Another way is to mash a banana with a fork or grind it in a blender. Then add a little water or milk to the mask to make a thick slurry.

  1. Pre-cleanse the skin of impurities and cosmetics, such as a scrub.
  2. Grind the fruit so that a homogeneous mass is obtained without lumps and pieces.
  3. Gently mix banana puree with 1 tsp. flower honey or egg yolk.
  4. Apply to face, neck and décolleté with fingers or spatula.
  5. After 15-30 minutes, remove the rest of the mask cotton pad.
  6. Rinse first with warm water, then cool.
  7. Pat your face dry with a clean, dry towel.
  8. Apply a moisturizer that suits your skin type.
  9. Follow the procedure 1-3 times a week.

Regular use of a mask with a banana helps to lighten age spots, smooth out mimic folds. The addition of honey and cream helps restore the tone of dull skin. The components of the mixture effectively act against wrinkles and dehydration of the epidermis. To enhance the whitening effect, yogurt is added to the banana in a 1: 1 ratio.

banana mask recipes

To prepare a mask with a banana for wrinkles, the fruit is crushed, water, cream and honey are added. Mix the components well. The mask is applied to the face, left for 20 minutes, then washed off.


One medium sized banana.

Mineral water - 50 ml.

Honey - ½ tbsp. l.

Cream - 3 tbsp. l.

For dry skin, take half a banana, one teaspoon of yogurt, honey and olive oil (or argan). Everything is well rubbed and mixed in a bowl. The composition is left on the face for 15-20 minutes, then washed.

Anti-aging scrub masks are made from banana, ground oatmeal, jojoba oil. You can add a solution of tocopherol, which is often called the "vitamin of youth." This component of the mask helps to clear the skin of rashes, softens scars and acne marks.

In contact with

Natural fruit-based products contain a huge amount of active substances that are beneficial for the skin. One of the most valuable ingredients in home cosmetology- banana. It is a source of a whole complex of vitamins, rich in magnesium, potassium and other elements. Homemade banana masks refresh the face, nourish the skin, increase tissue tone and smooth fine wrinkles. Start using them regularly and you will soon notice amazing changes in your appearance.

Effects of banana on the skin

Homemade banana masks provide an opportunity to solve a lot of cosmetic problems. They soften dry dermis, remove unpleasant shine With oily skin, nourish and moisturize, .

On the basis of this exotic fruit, various compositions can be made: smoothing and tightening, cleansing and complex. There are a huge number of recipes for banana masks, and you can easily choose what your skin needs.

Features of the use of banana masks

In order for banana home remedies to bring maximum benefit, we advise you to follow the recommendations of experienced cosmetologists. Always remember these rules:

Natural compositions with fruits are not stored for a long time. It is advisable to cook them in small portions - at one time. As a last resort, ready composition can be placed in the refrigerator, but not for long. Permissible storage period - no more than 3 days.

  • Before applying natural cosmetics, you need to wash and degrease the skin.
  • During the treatment of the face with a banana composition, the movements should be light, massaging.
  • Keep banana masks on your face for 15-30 minutes.
  • After the procedure, the face is wiped with lotion and a high-quality nourishing cream is applied.
  • For daily use natural cosmetic not suitable with banana. It is recommended to apply masks 3 times a week.

The choice of recipe must be approached carefully, taking into account the characteristics of the skin.

banana mask recipes

Banana is very popular in home cosmetology, so there are a lot of recipes based on it. We offer you to get acquainted with several of the most affordable and popular options.

  • Mask for dry skin

To moisturize the parched dermis, a banana is combined with honey and a small amount of olive oil. The composition is thoroughly beaten until smooth and evenly distributed over clean skin of the face. After about 20 minutes, wash your face with warm water and wipe your face with tonic. This mask saturates dry skin nutrients helps to retain moisture and visibly refreshes the face.

  • Banana and honey mask

And bananas have an anti-aging effect and are recommended for aging skin. Cooking cosmetic composition according to this instruction:

  1. Gelatin (1 part) diluted clean water(5 parts).
  2. Wait for the gelatin to swell.
  3. Heated it in a water bath so that it completely dissolves.
  4. Add crushed banana pulp.
  5. Mix well and let it cool completely.

The finished product is distributed over cleansed skin and wait for about 25 minutes. Then they wash with warm water.

  • Banana and sour cream face mask

This nutrient composition has an antibacterial effect, relieves inflammation and irritation, removes itching,. To prepare the remedy, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. banana (1pc);
  2. sour cream (spoon);
  3. oat flakes (spoon);
  4. natural honey (teaspoon).

All components are combined and thoroughly mixed in a blender. Finished mask applied to the face for about a quarter of an hour, and then washed with warm water. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 2 times a week. If there is severe inflammation, the mask can be applied every other day.

  • Starch and banana mask

This softening mask quickly improves the condition of the skin, making it velvety and smooth. In addition, she, gives him a well-groomed and healthy look. For this simple recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. half a ripe banana;
  2. starch (spoon);
  3. honey (spoon);
  4. cream (spoon).

All products are combined and thoroughly mixed. The result should be a thick homogeneous mass. It is applied to clean skin light massaging movements and leave for a quarter of an hour. After that, wipe the face with a damp cotton swab and wash thoroughly.

  • Banana Oat Mix

To prepare an effective nourishing and moisturizing oatmeal and banana mask, take the following products:

  1. half a banana.
  2. ground oatmeal (spoon).
  3. milk (spoon).

Prepare the mask as follows. First, grind the banana to make a smooth puree. Then pour the flakes, add milk, mix thoroughly. Then the skin of the face and neck is well cleaned and the composition is applied. Keep the mask for about a quarter of an hour and then wash your face. And first you need to rinse the skin with warm water, and then cold.

  • Banana egg mask

This nutrient consists of the following components:

  • banana (half);
  • chicken yolk (1 pc.);
  • olive oil.

A mixture of banana and egg is applied to the skin for 15 minutes and then washed off with warm water.

  • Banana curd mask

If you have problem skin, frequent rashes, acne, and pores are inflamed and clogged, try an antibacterial composition based on banana and cottage cheese. Such a mass soothes the skin, relieves inflammation, and helps to remove toxic compounds from tissues.

Take the following products for its preparation:

  1. banana;
  2. fat-free cottage cheese (spoon);
  3. lemon juice (1/2 teaspoon);
  4. honey (teaspoon)

These products are well mixed with a mixer and spread over the face with light movements. Problem areas at the same time, it is necessary to give Special attention. After a quarter, wash off with warm water (you can use mineral water for washing, this is very useful). Most right time for the procedure - late evening. Make a mask and lie down to rest. It is desirable to use a banana-curd mixture regularly, three times a week.

  • Refreshing mask with kiwi for dry skin

This fruit composition saturates the skin with vitamins and tones it. It includes the following components:

  1. kiwi and banana puree;
  2. fresh lemon juice;
  3. olive oil.

The mixture is whipped with a blender and applied to the face. After 20 minutes, wash with cool water, preferably mineral. In the autumn-winter period, the procedure is recommended to be repeated every other day. In the summer, twice a week will be enough.

  • Banana plus ginger

This natural composition incredibly useful for aging skin. According to the reviews of many women, it allows you to look younger for several years! To prepare it, take the following ingredients:

  1. One third of a banana.
  2. Fresh ginger juice or ginger powder (teaspoon).
  3. One of the oils: olive, almond, argan or avocado (a couple of teaspoons).
  4. Well beaten chicken egg.

Prepare the cosmetic mixture as follows:

  1. Banana pulp is mashed to a pulp.
  2. Add ginger oil.
  3. Protein is introduced and carefully stirred.

The resulting anti-aging composition is distributed over the face, neck and décolleté. When it dries, apply a second layer, and then a third. The mask applied in three layers is kept for about a quarter of an hour, slowly soaked with cool water, and then washed off. The procedure is completed by applying a light cosmetic product (it can be a gel, non-greasy cream or soft serum).

The effect of the mask becomes noticeable very quickly. It tones, refreshes, removes wrinkles and tightens contours. That is why it has earned the name "mask minus 10 years." For course use, this potent composition is not suitable. It is used as an express method.

  • Dried banana peel face mask

The banana skin contains many valuable substances, so it is great for making homemade cosmetics. Banana peel masks saturate the skin with vitamins, minerals and valuable amino acids. Such care helps to refresh the dermis, eliminate rashes, and smooth fine wrinkles.

To make a banana skin mask, take the following ingredients:

  1. peel of one small banana;
  2. fresh aloe juice (5 ml).
  3. avocado oil (5 ml).

The peel is carefully crushed with a blender, oils are added, mixed and the face is treated. After a quarter of an hour, they wash. This banana oil mask is great for problematic skin, cleans it, makes it well-groomed and attractive.

Useful cosmetic recipes with a banana there are so many that they cannot be described in one article. Only the simplest and most effective were presented here. Choose the most suitable option and may your skin always be beautiful, healthy and well-groomed!

To prepare masks at home, food products that every housewife has at hand are quite successfully used. Amazing properties has a banana. Banana face mask ideal remedy for lovely ladies of any age who dream of preserving youth and beauty of their facial skin.

The main advantage of a banana is its composition. This fruit contains a huge amount of useful components that have only a positive effect on the epidermis. What components in a banana are especially beneficial for facial skin?

  • Vitamin C is an antioxidant that actively prevents the activity of the aging processes of the epidermis and, accordingly, is the main “opponent” of wrinkles;
  • Vitamin E - a component that takes care of youthfulness and hydration of the skin;
  • B vitamins have anti-inflammatory properties, which is especially important for women with problem skin;
  • Organic acids normalize work sebaceous glands removed from the surface of the skin oily sheen;
  • Potassium is an indispensable component for dry and aging facial skin, it normalizes the water balance in the cells.

Banana Mask Basics

  1. To prepare the mask, you must use only fresh products.
  2. Bananas are ripe, but not overripe.
  3. The mask is used immediately after preparation.
  4. Before applying the product, all cosmetics are washed off the skin of the face.

Banana face mask recipes

banana mask for wrinkles


  • 1/2 banana;
  • 1 fresh egg white;
  • 1 st. l. fatty curd.


  • Mash the banana into a soft pulp with a fork (you can beat it with a blender);
  • Add the rest of the components;
  • Stir into a mass of a homogeneous, creamy consistency.


  • Apply the product on the skin of the face, avoiding contact with the area around the eyes;
  • Withstand 20 min.;
  • Wash off with moderately warm boiled water.

After the first application of the miracle remedy, the skin of the face will become smooth, toned, fresh, supple and velvety. This banana mask recipe is recommended for women over 35. You need to use it periodically (2 times a week) for 2-3 weeks.

Nourishing face mask


  • 1/2 banana;
  • 1 st. l. flower honey.


  • Banana is kneaded with a fork or blender into a soft gruel;
  • Add honey warmed in a water bath;
  • Bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency.


  • Apply the mask to the surface of the skin;
  • Wait 30 minutes;
  • Wash off with warm water;
  • Apply warm fat milk to the skin;
  • Leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water.

Despite the fact that the mask contains simple ingredients, the resulting mixture has amazing qualities. The mask perfectly nourishes the skin of the face, saturates it with vitamins, improves skin tone, and with a course application (2 times a week for 1 month) it copes with early signs of aging. The mask can be used once (1 time per week) as a prevention of premature wrinkles.

Banana mask for oily skin


  • 1/2 banana;
  • 1 egg white;
  • 1 tsp corn or potato starch;
  • 1/4 tsp lemon juice.


  • Banana with a fork or blender to turn into a soft pulp;
  • Add starch, mix thoroughly;
  • Mix in the rest of the ingredients;
  • Turn the mass into a homogeneous gruel;
  • If the mass is dry, then you can add 1 tsp. warm boiled water.


  • Apply the mask to the skin;
  • Withstand 20 min.;
  • Wash off with warm water;
  • Wipe the face with a decoction of sage.

The mask normalizes the functionality of the sebaceous glands, the skin of the face becomes soft, velvety, and the ugly oily sheen disappears. The tool has an anti-inflammatory effect. Cosmetologists recommend using the product no more than 2 times a week for 2-3 weeks. After the specified time, the skin needs rest (for about 2-3 weeks), after which the course of cosmetic procedures can be repeated.

Banana mask for dry skin


  • 1 st. l. banana pulp;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil;
  • 1 tsp fat sour cream.


  • Mix banana with yolk;
  • Add butter and sour cream;
  • Knead the product into a homogeneous mass.


  • Spread the mass evenly on the skin, bypassing the area around the eyes;
  • Keep the mask for half an hour;
  • Rinse with a cotton pad soaked in warm mineral water without gas.

Already after a single application, the skin becomes smooth, radiant and hydrated. If the product is used twice a week for at least 2 weeks, then mimic wrinkles significantly reduced, and the skin of the face will get rid of dryness.

Banana eye mask


  • 1 st. l. banana pulp;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 1 tsp coconut oil.


  • Heat coconut oil in a water bath;
  • Add remaining components;
  • Mix into a homogeneous mass.


  • Gently apply the prepared product to the area around the eyes;
  • Withstand 20 min.;
  • Wash off the mask with a cotton pad dipped in fat warm milk.

Cosmetologists recommend this mask use 2-3 times a week. The optimal course of cosmetic procedures is 2 weeks. The advantage of a banana mask is that after a course of application, decorative cosmetics(e.g. eye shadow) it will be better to "lay down" on the eyelids.

Banana mask for aging skin


  • 1 tsp gelatin;
  • 2 tbsp. l. banana pulp.


  • Pour gelatin with a small amount of cool water;
  • Wait for swelling and add banana gruel;
  • Gently mix the mass until smooth.


  • Apply a gelatin mass to the surface of the face;
  • The product should not be applied to the skin around the eyes;
  • Hold for 15 minutes;
  • Wash off with cool running water.

Gelatin perfectly fights the signs of early skin aging. The mask is recommended to be used 1-2 times a week for 1 month. Result cosmetic procedure- the skin becomes tightened, elastic. The product perfectly nourishes, tones and cleanses the epidermis.

Rejuvenating Banana Mask


  • 2 tbsp. l. banana pulp;
  • 1 tsp linden honey;
  • 1 tsp fatty milk;
  • 1 st. l. oatmeal or ground oatmeal.


  • Mix oatmeal flour with milk;
  • Add honey and banana to the mass;
  • Give the mass uniformity.


  • Apply the mask on the face with gentle massaging movements;
  • Leave for 15 minutes;
  • Massage the skin with soft finger movements;
  • Keep the mask for another 5-7 minutes;
  • Wash off with warm boiled water.

The mask is recommended for women over 35 years of age. Regular use of a rejuvenating agent will soon please you with the results - the skin of the face will become smooth, elastic, there will be much less pronounced early signs aging. It is recommended to use the product 2 times a week, the optimal course of application is 2 months.

Banana energy mask


  • 1/2 banana;
  • 1/2 orange.


  • Fruits turn into a homogeneous mass with a blender.


  • Apply a mask to the skin of the face, avoiding contact with the area around the eyes;
  • Wait 15 minutes;
  • Wash off with cool boiled water.

For tired skin, the mask will give an amazing boost of vivacity. The tool has a number positive qualities- refreshes the skin of the face, makes it softer, brighter, nourishes and tones. But it is important to remember that orange-based masks should not be used by women with an allergy to citrus fruits.

Who should not use a banana mask

Banana is an amazing fruit, it is hypoallergenic, so almost every woman can use it as a base for masks. But it is important to remember that the risk is always present, so in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, before using the product for skin youth, it must be tested (apply to the skin of the elbow and follow for possible changes).

It is impossible to carry out cosmetic manipulations on skin damaged by scratches, abrasions, ulcers or open wounds.