How to get your eyebrows in order: features of salon services and correction at home? How to pluck eyebrows correctly: tips and instructions

Eyebrows complete the look, and their shape determines your general form. And the fashion for eyebrows is very changeable: not so long ago, threaded eyebrows were in trend, and women diligently plucked extra hairs. And now, on the contrary, shaggy and thick eyebrows, which stand out brightly on the face. However, not everyone is suitable for this or that trend, so you need to not only follow trends in the art of makeup, but also treat your eyebrows correctly. Whatever they are, the main thing is their well-groomed appearance.

Think about the form in advance

The shape of your eyebrows can completely change your facial expression. Brightly outlined with a sharp curve, they give the face a surprised and slightly edgy look. This combination can make your facial expression more predatory and sexy. But rounded eyebrows, on the contrary, soften angular features, making them softer and smoother. Before you decide to new image, it is best to consult a specialist. But you should not contact an untested hairdresser in a regular hairdresser. Not so long ago, the art of plucking was based only on creating a single feature. And now eyebrows have become an important part of the image, and only a makeup artist can tell correct form for your face.

Eyebrow marking

If you have already decided on the shape, it's time to grab the tweezers. However, before you begin the procedure, it is worth marking the field of activity. Gently comb your eyebrows. You can use an old mascara brush for this. Then draw an outline that will make up the main feature. Now using tweezers we get rid of excess hairs. In some cases, it may be more convenient to mark the hairs that need to be plucked instead of the main outline.

Key points

If you decide to mark your eyebrow line in advance, then the following tricks will come in handy. The tip of the bridge of the nose should be below the extreme tail. If you do the opposite, your face will appear sad. Now let's take a break. The location of the peak may vary, but remember that the higher you raise your eyebrow, the more “aggression” will be added to your look. If you haven’t yet been able to decide on the breaking point, then there is a universal marking method. Visually divide the entire line into three parts, the point between the second and third from the sharp one will become the place of bend.

Marking extreme points

It is very important to correctly mark the extreme points. To determine the inner point of the beginning of the eyebrow, draw a mental line from the dimple of the nose to the main part of the bridge of the nose. This will become the starting point. By the way, if you move apart interior points away from each other, you can make the nose visually smaller.

External points can be marked in different ways. There are several universal methods that will help you do this. You can draw a diagonal line from the wing of the nose and through the outer corner of the eye - this will mark the outer edge. If such an eyebrow seems too long to you, then draw the same line from the nose and through the iris of the eye. Depending on the shape, they are used different methods, since not only the angle of the break shapes the eyebrow itself, but also the length.

Approach from all sides

Once eyebrows became an important part of the image, many tips appeared on how to properly care for them. Some stylists insist that you should not pluck them along the top edge. Adjusting top part with tweezers, we make the look heavier. However, in some cases, extra hairs on top can completely ruin appearance the entire edge. So individual and very conspicuous hairs can be plucked even from above. But from below you can safely get rid of all the hairs that do not fall into the main contour. Sometimes, you can even take such a step as cutting your eyebrows. This is usually done when the eyebrows are very thick and long. At the same time, it is important to comply correct scheme actions so as not to spoil the image. You need to mark the main outline and comb it upward, now the extra length of hairs will immediately become visible to the naked eye. We carefully trim them and comb them again in the right direction.

Beautiful and well-groomed eyebrows require the same close attention, as well as other elements of appearance. So pay more attention to this detail of the image and you will be able to fully enjoy the looks full of genuine admiration.

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It's no secret that eyebrows make the face more expressive and bright. Impossible to talk about flawless makeup if the eyebrows grow randomly and look untidy. Many women know that it is enough to just slightly correct the shape of the eyebrows, and the face immediately becomes fresher and more well-groomed.

Eyebrow correction at home – necessary procedure, which women should definitely master, especially since it can be done quickly and without much effort.

Rules for plucking eyebrows

1. The procedure is best carried out in daylight, and not under the light of a table lamp.

2. B daylight hours day (closer to noon) our pain sensitivity threshold is at its lowest level. Try to carry out the correction procedure at the specified time to minimize the feeling of discomfort.

3. When performing correction, it is impossible to pluck both eyebrows at the same time. If you start correcting your second eyebrow, constantly compare it with the first and achieve symmetry.

What tools are needed to correct eyebrows at home?

The list is small, but it’s better to prepare everything at once so that necessary funds were at hand. This will allow you to complete the procedure as quickly and comfortably as possible. You will need:

Tweezers for plucking eyebrows;
- a table mirror that slightly magnifies the image so that you can see fine extra hairs;
- cotton pads;
- alcohol-containing lotion or other disinfectant (for example chlorhexedine);
- toothpicks;
- moisturizing cream.

Preparation for the procedure

This step is one of the most important because you need to determine the location of the highest point and also set the starting and ending points. It’s not difficult to find out if you arm yourself with a pencil or a thin stick, but you shouldn’t do it by eye - you can make a mistake. Thanks to this simple way You can learn how to pluck eyebrows with a house.

Starting point. To determine where your eyebrow will begin, place the pencil vertically on the nostril of your nose. At the point of contact with the eyebrow there will be its beginning.

The end point. Without lifting the pencil from your nostril, tilt it so that the top edge touches the outer corner of your eye. The end point will be where the pencil or stick touches the eyebrow.

Bend point or highest point. The pencil is directed so that the expected line crosses the middle of the pupil. At the point of contact with the eyebrow there will be a bend point.

How to pluck eyebrows with a house at home: step-by-step instructions

1. Wash your hands and disinfect instruments using a cotton pad moistened with medical alcohol.

2. Gently comb your eyebrows up and to the side to reveal any imperfections.

3. Soak a cotton swab in hot water and apply to your eyebrows for a few minutes: the skin will steam and the hairs will be pulled out much easier.

4. Before removing hairs, treat your eyebrows with alcohol-containing lotion.

5. Determine the starting and ending points of the eyebrow, the bend point, and excess hairs. For convenience, use a toothpick.

6. With one hand, gently pull the skin to the side or up, grab excess hairs and quickly pull them out along the hair growth.

7. Hairs to form eyebrows need to be removed from the inner (subeyebrow) part and the outer part. All vellus hairs and separately growing hairs behind the line are removed the desired shape brows. If the eyebrows are not symmetrical, then it is better to entrust the first correction to a specialist in a beauty salon, and then maintain the desired shape at home.

8. After finishing work, wipe your eyebrows again with alcohol-containing lotion.

9. Apply an emollient or moisturizer to the skin around the eyebrows to relieve irritation and soothe the skin.

To help, we post a video on how to properly pluck eyebrows at home. This will allow you to make the correction quickly and effectively.

How to pluck eyebrows correctly: video

Eyebrow correction at home: video

Stencil – useful device, which facilitates the process of eyebrow care. It is a small sheet of plastic with eyebrow-shaped slots in the center. It is better to choose stencils made of soft plastic, which easily changes shape and bends.

Place the stencil on your eyebrow and use a soft dark pencil to fill in the hairs that fall into the inner area. After the stencil is removed, unpainted hairs become visible, which need to be removed. The procedure is carried out in a similar way on the second eyebrow.

Since the shape and width of the eyebrows are different for everyone, and the shape of the face is also different, the kit offers several options for stencils, from which you can choose the one that suits optimally. For women who cannot devote too much time to correction, this correction method is the most optimal.

How to make an eyebrow stencil at home?

You can make stencils yourself from thick paper, a textbook cover or transparent plastic packaging, but this will take some time, but in the future the eyebrow correction procedure will proceed quite quickly.

DIY eyebrow stencil

In addition, there are other eyebrow removal methods that can be used at home, these include: threading, waxing and sugaring.

On April 17, Moscow will host the Mesopharm conference "Scientific approach to aesthetic medicine. Current issues and industry trends."

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To have attractive and well-groomed eyebrows, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on going to beauty salons. It is quite possible to put them in order at home. It doesn't require expensive tools or years of experience. Study the recommendations and basic rules for eyebrow correction presented in the article and feel free to start practicing.

Basic Rules

Have you decided to trim your eyebrows yourself? Don't make the correction in a hurry. Prepare everything you need in advance:
  • tweezers, wax or threads;
  • large mirror (preferably magnifying);
  • disinfectant;
  • cotton pads.
Before starting the procedure you should:
  • Wash your hands with soap and treat all instruments with a disinfectant. This way you will protect yourself from skin infections, redness and pimples, and inflammation.
  • Exfoliate the skin around the eyebrows. Rub the skin lightly with a not too hard cosmetic sponge or brush. Peeling will help remove dead scales and also increase blood flow to the treated area. Consequently, the correction will be less painful.

    Ideally, eyebrows should be tidied up after a shower, when the skin is as steamed and soft as possible.

  • Wipe your eyebrows with an antiseptic.
Subtleties of the procedure:
  • Perform corrections in bright daylight or at a dressing table in bright lighting. During correction, no shadow should fall on the face.
  • During the plucking process, constantly monitor the process, looking at the second eyebrow, so as not to pluck out excess hairs.
  • A little overdone? Use a pencil or shadow to “mask” the resulting gaps.
  • Don't let your eyebrows go. Regular correction is much easier than one-time correction.
  • Don't chase trends. Pay attention to your own oval and facial features, choosing the most attractive eyebrow shape.
  • Make adjustments as needed. Plucking with tweezers or thread does not give long-term results. The procedure will have to be repeated every 2-3 weeks (sometimes more often). When using wax, hairs grow back more slowly, and correction will be necessary once every 3-4 weeks.
  • Are your eyebrows too sparse or narrow? Have you gone overboard with plucking before? It makes sense to grow them out a little and only then make corrections.
  • To make your hair grow faster, lubricate it in the evening castor oil and comb thoroughly special brush. In just 3-4 weeks, eyebrows will become thicker and more luxurious.


There are several ways to give your eyebrows the correct shape and neat appearance.

A haircut

Only a few girls and women need it - those with very thick, long eyebrows that stick out at the sides. You can deal with these only with the help of scissors. Most girls and women can do without cutting their eyebrows and use tweezers or other, more gentle methods to correct them.

Eyebrows should be trimmed in the following cases:

  • the hairs are very long;
  • unruly hairs;
  • hairs curl and cannot be styled even with the help of special products.
A haircut should be done approximately once a month, depending on the rate of hair growth. During the first procedure, it is important not to overdo it. Too much short hairs eyebrows will look unnatural and resemble male stubble.

Experts advise entrusting your first haircut to an eyebrow specialist. It will initially set the correct shape. You just have to support it.

Getting your eyebrows in order by trimming them at home is not difficult. To do this, you should prepare scissors that will be convenient to use. Many women choose manicures. The main condition is that they must be straight.

If finances allow, you can buy special professional scissors made of medical steel with rounded ends. They provide high-quality haircuts and also protect eyebrows from cuts.

Proceed as follows:

  • Draw the upper and lower borders of both eyebrows with an eye pencil, having previously defined perfect shape in accordance with the oval of the face.
  • Comb your eyebrows thoroughly with a brush, pointing the hairs downwards. Did the hairs go beyond the drawn lower boundaries? They should not be trimmed.
  • The hairs have gone beyond the outlined line - take the scissors and start cutting off the excess in the direction opposite the hair growth. Try to keep the scissors parallel to the drawn contour line.
  • After this, comb your hair in an upward direction and also cut off any hair that has already come out. top line hairs are also against growth.
  • Gently comb your eyebrows with a brush and give them the desired shape.

It is not always necessary to trim the entire length of the eyebrows. Sometimes it is enough to shorten a couple of hairs by a few millimeters for the eyebrows to regain their neat, well-groomed appearance.

To make your eyebrows as symmetrical as possible when cutting, you should perform each stage on one eye at once, then on the other.

If necessary, you can combine correction methods: initially trim the protruding hairs a little with scissors and then proceed to plucking with tweezers.

An alternative to scissors when trimming eyebrows is a tool called a trimmer, which men use to groom their mustaches and beards. This will require some skill. Holding the device in your hands for the first time? Be as careful and attentive as possible. One wrong move can create a bald spot on your eyebrows, which will be difficult to get rid of.

Using tweezers

The tweezers method of eyebrow correction is the most popular and widespread among girls and women. of different ages. This is what young ladies most often use at home. The procedure must be performed as follows:
  • Apply a special emollient to the eyebrows and surrounding skin to reduce pain.
  • Apply powder to the eyebrows with a brush, using light smoothing movements in the direction of hair growth.
  • Use shadows to draw the desired shape.
  • Using tweezers, carefully remove excess hairs that do not fall into the area to be painted.
  • Rub your eyebrows and skin with an ice cube or apply an emollient cream to reduce painful sensations and irritation.
To use the tweezer method, you do not have to complete eyebrow courses. It is enough to “fill” your hand and initially give the eyebrows the correct shape, after which it will not be difficult to maintain them in a neat form.

The main disadvantage of the tweezers correction method is that it is quite high degree painful procedure. However, most women tolerate tingling without problems.

Using thread

Another name is the Asian method. Suitable for patient and attentive girls who can long time concentrate attention. Eyebrow correction with thread is performed as follows:
  • Apply to eyebrows nutritious cream for softening.
  • Make a ring out of cotton or cosmetic thread, 50 cm long, tying its edges.
  • Twist the thread several times to make 2 loops.
  • During the procedure, the loops are held with the index finger and thumb.
  • We tightly apply the middle of the thread to the place with unwanted hairs and work like scissors - expanding the fingers on one side, and at the same time narrowing them on the other.

You can grab not just one, but 2-3 hairs at once to speed up the correction process.

It is quite difficult to perform correction using the Asian method at home, but it is possible.

This correction method has its advantages:

  • minimal irritation after the procedure;
  • almost complete painlessness;
  • longer lasting effect (for example, compared to the tweezers method);
  • can be used on sensitive skin.
The main disadvantage is the high painstakingness of the procedure and longer time for correction.

How to correctly carry out the procedure for eyebrow correction with thread followed by a haircut can be seen in the video clip from “Fashion and Style with Vera Bytko.”

Using wax

Quite a popular method of eyebrow correction, which is actively used not only in beauty salons, but also at home.

This is done as follows:

  • Clean the hairs and skin around the eyebrows using a special disinfectant solution.
  • Lightly powder eyebrows and the skin around them.
  • Draw the ideal desired shape with an eyebrow pencil.
  • Apply warm melted wax to hairs that are outside the outlined lines. thin layer by hair growth.
  • Apply special fabric or paper strips, included in the kit and lightly press down with your hand.
  • Tear off the strips with a sharp movement against hair growth.

    To reduce pain, the skin can be slightly pulled towards the temples while removing the strips.

  • Delete using rich cream wax residue on the skin.
The main advantages of eyebrow correction with wax:
  • long lasting effect;
  • speed of the procedure;
  • the ability to remove the most inconspicuous hairs.
The main disadvantages of wax correction:
  • causes slight irritation on the skin, which goes away within 30-40 minutes after the procedure;
  • quite high degree of pain;
  • not suitable for very sensitive skin.
Is this your first time getting waxed? Take advantage of special ones. In this case, the risk of removing the desired hairs will be minimal.


Many girls, even after correcting the shape of their eyebrows and getting rid of excess hair, don’t really like their eyebrows. The methods described above allow you to remove excess, but not get the desired thickness and color. And this is where coloring comes to the rescue. His main goal is to bring the final result of the correction to the ideal.

Pencil and shadows

The simplest and affordable way give eyebrows desired shade, thickness, add missing hairs. Eyebrow pencils are great for drawing out contours, but they do not allow you to cope with such a problem as gray hairs. Shadows - have a softer texture, fit perfectly and paint over the eyebrow. Their main drawback is that they are not very durable and crumble within a few hours.

The advantage of using shadows and a pencil is that in case of failure, you can wash them off your eyebrows in just a couple of seconds.

Modeling gel

Newfangled cosmetic product, designed for modeling eyebrows. Intensively colors hairs the right tone, and also fixes the desired eyebrow shape for several hours.

Ideally, you should have shadows, eyebrow pencils, gel, and a set of special brushes in your cosmetic bag. In this case, your eyebrows will always look perfect.

Eyebrow dye

Allows you to shape your eyebrows desired color and slightly tint the skin, hide bald spots. As a result, eyebrows will appear thicker and denser.

For coloring should be used special paints or in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. It is strictly forbidden to dye eyebrows with hair dye. The skin around the eyebrows is very sensitive. More caustic and aggressive formulations for curls can cause a severe allergic reaction.

In progress Special attention pay attention to the shade. An ideally chosen color will make your look more expressive, and the eyebrows themselves will look as natural as possible.

Step-by-step instructions for painting:

  • Wash your face or thoroughly wipe your eyebrows and skin with a cleansing toner.
  • Wear gloves and dilute the paint in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Make sure all excess hairs have been removed.
  • Apply a thick layer of paint over the entire surface of the eyebrows to obtain the most durable and rich shade. Move from the inside top edge to the lower outer.

    Avoid getting paint in your eyes. Did trouble happen yet? Rinse your eyes with clean water as soon as possible.

  • Leave the mixture on your eyebrows for 10-20 minutes (the recommended time is always indicated in the instructions).
  • Remove paint cotton pads, generously dipped in rich cream.
Eyebrow experts do not recommend tinting more than once a month. Otherwise, the hairs will become too thin and lifeless. In addition, frequent eyebrow tinting increases the risk of developing various diseases eye.

Master class on tinting eyebrows with henna, followed by correction of the shape with wax, drawing a stencil and many others useful tips can be seen in the video.

Care after correction

To eyebrows for a long time saved after correction attractive appearance, you should follow simple recommendations:

Beautiful, expressive eyebrows that harmonize with the face - isn’t this what every woman dreams of? But, alas, nature does not reward everyone with such beauty. Often you have to resort to the services of cosmetologists for correction and coloring. My first such experience was unsuccessful. The “specialist” turned her eyebrows into strings. I grew them out for a long time, not daring to go to the salon. After talking with a makeup artist friend, I quickly realized that it’s not so difficult to put them in order on your own. How to do it? I share simple but useful tips!

What eyebrow shapes are there?

The distinction can be made according to four criteria: shape, thickness, length, color. Let's talk about the first one, of which there are several types.

  1. Rounded.
  2. A little house.
  3. Taking off.
  4. Curved.
  5. Direct.

I'll also add a few words about color. I have never painted, but my friends actively practice changing shades. If you want something new, you can experiment, change natural color. Used professional paint. I prefer to tint with cosmetics.

Among them I have some favorites that have been living on the dressing table for a long time.

  1. . Keeps its shape well, does not stick hairs together, giving it a well-groomed and sleek look.
  2. ArtDeco Eye Brow Powder . Excellent pigmentation, lasts all day, very economical consumption.
  3. Anastasia Beverly Hills Eyebrow Pomade . Super drawing tool! Gently fills all the gaps, making the shape perfect.

Which eyebrow shape should you choose depending on your face type?

I remember in the early 2000s, many girls I knew became victims of fashion - they plucked their eyebrows to thin, thin threads. One of them completely shaved off and drew new ones every morning. I can imagine that if you get caught in the rain, your eyebrows will “float away.” Then they suffered for a long time, growing it back. Now wide, thick options are coming back into fashion.

Well-groomed eyebrows make your look brighter, more expressive, and can even correct some facial imbalances. beauty female face largely depends on their color and shape. The latter should be chosen based on your face type.

In the process of shaping, it is worth remembering a few rules:

  • exclude blind adherence to fashion;
  • priority is naturalness;
  • recipe for success - correct definition type of face.

Cosmetologists and makeup artists distinguish 4 face shapes based on geometric shapes:

  • circle . A broken one with a high rise and a short tip is suitable;
  • oval . Makeup artists consider this face ideal. Straight and horizontal will look good;
  • triangle . Raised, curved ones will fit;
  • for a square ideally long, arched, raised upward.

This classification is not a rule. There are always exceptions.

It is worth choosing, taking into account your own preferences and facial features.

Determining the correct beginning and end of eyebrows

Important points in eyebrow architecture are quite easy to determine. To do this you will need a simple pencil. I do several operations with it.

I apply it so that it touches one wing of the nose and the beginning of the eyebrow. Where does the pencil meet the eyebrow? - the place to start. Everything unnecessary after the dot is deleted.

Next, I determine the cape, that is, its highest point. The pencil is applied to the wing of the nose. This time it is directed through the iris of the eye. Crossing point - highest point. Before it, the eyebrow remains wide along its entire length, and behind it it narrows. Everything unnecessary is removed without a drop of regret.

And finally, it remains to determine the third point. I direct the pencil from the wing of the nose through the outer corner of the eye to the eyebrow. All hairs beyond the last point are plucked out .

Eyebrows, like everything else, require careful care.

A few tips that help me maintain a sleek, well-groomed appearance

  • Almond oil for strengthening . Every day at night I rub in the oil. This helps prevent their loss and fragility.
  • Special brush for combing provides stimulation of their growth.
  • Plucking out regrown hairs I do it every week.

Thick or thin eyebrows - make a choice!

Yes, the choice is not easy to make. On the one hand, you don’t want to have a thin line, but vegetation a la Brezhnev is also not good. What to do in this case? Experiment! At least that's what I did until I found my best form.

When making the first correction, the main thing is not to overdo it; it’s better to pluck a little at first.

With this result, walk around for a week or two, look at your face, get used to it. If you are not satisfied with the result, you can pluck further until the width becomes optimal.

How to pluck eyebrows at home painlessly?

Someone said that beauty requires sacrifice. Famous photographer and fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld says: beauty requires money. I believe that for beauty and grooming you need very little: free time and desire. What I mean is that the procedure, which is unpleasant for many, can be made almost painless.

So here are my tips

  • No. 1. Cosmetic ice

I add it to the water before freezing. various herbs, I like chamomile, it is hypoallergenic and does not irritate the skin. I wrap the ice in a small piece of gauze and apply it to the treated area. I keep the compress for 5 minutes. As they cool, the pores narrow, which dulls sensitivity.

  • No. 2. Steaming

The easiest way to reduce pain. I brew chamomile or birch leaves. I soak a towel in the hot infusion, apply it, and hold it until it cools completely. The effect of steaming is exactly the opposite of cooling - the pores, expanding, reduce pain.

The second method is to steam your face over steam with a towel covered on top. I don’t pour out the infusion right away. I wipe the area with it after correction. Chamomile and birch leaves are natural antiseptics and perfectly relieve inflammation.

  • No. 3. Antiseptics

It doesn't hurt at all. Similar products are sold in pharmacies and are used for local anesthesia. This method is good when there is absolutely no time. I only resorted to him once. I prefer folk remedies.

We pluck eyebrows beautifully and correctly

How many songs are dedicated women's eyes: these eyes, on the contrary, are magnet eyes, and your eyes are green... It’s not surprising, because they are one of the most expressive parts faces. Eyebrows play one of the main roles in this expressiveness. If things are quite normal with the eyelashes (sometimes curl them, apply mascara, line them with a pencil), then in most cases you have to tinker with the eyebrows.

Creation beautiful eyebrows- almost always art. But it's easy to learn! The makeup artist convinced me of this by revealing several secrets.

The entire correction process is divided into three stages.

Stage 1. Preparatory

You will need:

- tweezers . I chose it by trial and error. Many did not fit, I settled on the option with flat ends;

- disinfectant . I always have chlorhexidine in my medicine cabinet. I use it on tweezers before work and on the skin after the procedure;

- large mirror . I don’t recommend the small one, since a full view of the face is required;

— lighting . It must be bright to see even the smallest hairs.

Stage 2. The procedure itself

Here I take into account several nuances. The hairs must be caught right at the base, the skin must be pulled back with your hand, and pulled out with a sharp movement.

Also, you should never forget about three important points. They are written about a little higher.

Eyebrows are not such an insignificant detail of our face, because it is eyebrows that can give our face different expressions. You need to start creating your image with correct design eyebrows For example, if they do not have a clear line, then even perfect makeup will look sloppy. Despite the fact that eyebrow fashion changes quite often, the principle remains the same - well-groomed.

Let's determine which eyebrow shape is ideal for your face shape.

You can do this in the following way: take two pencils. Let's put one end of the first pencil to the outer corner of the nostril, and put the pencil itself to our face so that its second end passes through the outer corner of the eye. We apply the other pencil so that one of its ends is at the same point, near the nostril, and the second passes in close proximity to inner corner your eye. Where both of your pencils touch your eyebrow is where your ideal brow points will be.

In the classic brow shape, the upward part is longer than the downward part, and the highest point of the arch is usually located above the outer corner of the eye. The length by which the eyebrow rises up to the highest point of the arch is equal to two-thirds of the entire length of the eyebrow. The length of the descent of the eyebrow from the highest point is correspondingly equal to one third of the entire length of the eyebrow. This eyebrow has the perfect shape.

Plucking eyebrows

Hairs found outside the eyebrow line must be plucked. To prevent this procedure from being painful, it is necessary to “numb” the location of the eyebrows with ice before the plucking procedure; to do this, you need to hold it on the eyebrows for about a minute. When plucking your eyebrows, you need to slightly stretch the eyebrow skin between your fingers, and you need to pull the hairs in the direction of their natural growth. Pluck the eyebrows with tweezers, which should close tightly and accurately.

Sticking out unruly hairs need to be combed and smoothed with a special gel, and to give the eyebrows the desired color, use a pencil. When doing eyebrow correction, you need to take into account the shape of your face. For example, if your face is round, then your eyebrow should go towards the top edge of your ear. If you have Oval face, then it is best to shape the eyebrow towards the earlobe. But if your face has square shape, the eyebrow should go towards the middle of the ear. With narrow and long face, the end of your eyebrow should be above the highest point of your ear. The most important thing to remember is that eyebrows must be symmetrical.

If your eyebrows are sparse, you can make them thick using powder specifically designed for eyebrows. This powder happens different shades, which can also be mixed with each other to get suitable color. If you don’t have such powder, then you can use dark eye shadow. Visually thick eyebrows can be made using a not too dark and sharpened pencil for drawing eyelids or eyebrows. Use a pencil to make short and thin strokes, and do not draw a continuous thin line. Having shaded the eyebrows, you need to comb them with a special brush.

If your eyebrows are too thick, then they need to be thinned. This must be done, because very thick eyebrows look unsightly and overwhelm the face and eyes.

If your eyebrows have grown together in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, or there are simply individual hairs there, you definitely need to remove them, as they look unkempt and sloppy. After removing excess hair, the look will immediately become more open and expressive.