Who are oriental girls? Oriental men - oriental love

Have you noticed in your surroundings men who are madly in love with women and girls of the oriental type? It is the eastern, not the Far Eastern. Why such a distinction? Because these are completely different cultures, different manners, different lifestyles. And all this in women attracts different types of men.

What are oriental women

It should immediately be noted several features of an oriental woman, which one way or another can attract a man and leave him near her for life. The characteristics of an oriental beauty, methods of seducing and seducing men, which have been tested by more than one generation, can, of course, be practiced by a Russian woman. But only if genetically in Russian there is not a drop of blood from the east, then it will always look artificial and not natural. The Oriental Lady has the following features:

  1. A passionate nature is, first of all, a masterful and very emotional character, against which humility and humility to her husband looks like a titanic work, which is highly valued by men. This is a certain well-known paradox: it is the unbroken and kicking mare that attracts, and not the docile racer or horse, so to speak!
  2. Obedience upbringing - despite the tough temper, Eastern girls are taught from childhood to be obedient to their elders and future husband, as well as to respect the family hearth. It is noteworthy that in public a wife should not express something to her husband, but at home - at least as much as you like!
  3. Cultivating culture and traditions - customs such as washing the feet of a husband, feeding him delicious food, courting him after his hard day's work, which is very valuable for almost all men.
  4. Appearance - in many ways, women of the East pay tribute to their beauty, body aroma, dancing, do not skimp on an abundance of jewelry, and also do not bother about losing weight, because their men appreciate roundness of forms in them, and not bony.

An Eastern woman not only can lure her husband with dancing, but she also knows the secrets of the slightest movements of her arms, legs, eyes of a smile - everything in her has a special meaning. In addition, almost every oriental beauty knows the art of massage and aromatherapy, which already suggests that she can relieve stress and allow her husband to relax in her arms.

What kind of man looks at an oriental woman with admiration

Often men who lack female care and affection look with admiration at Eastern women or girls, subconsciously feeling their readiness to provide a man with complete comfort at home. In addition, the attractiveness of the appetizing lush or rounded forms of an oriental dancer, always like a magnet, attracts those men who do not like the bony girls of model appearance.

Those men who are deeply attached, in some way to oriental culture or whose roots are in contact with the East, will always want to see an oriental beauty next to them as a wife. And none of them will even be embarrassed, but on the contrary, they will even admire the contradictory mysterious nature of the eastern female heart and character.

©Kazanikova E.V., psychologist-consultant

The image of an oriental woman is associated with mystery and restraint, as well as with beautiful dark hair, velvety skin and strong nails.

Beauty secrets of oriental women

Oriental beauty is based on ancient recipes, the relevance of which does not weaken: wise oriental women learned all the most important things about self-care a thousand years ago!

Of course, various oils and natural products, spicy aromas and, of course, bath culture are used.

Argan oil

Valuable argan oil is the number one beauty product for Arab women. It has been used since ancient times, but to this day, argan oil does not give up its position.

Girls use it in its pure form without cosmetic additives and not only for hair (we have all heard about this method), but also as a face and body product. Argan oil is rubbed into the skin not only for smoothness and elasticity, but also for the sake of aroma: the product has a very pleasant spicy smell.

amla extract

Amla, or Indian gooseberry, is very popular in the Middle East and India as a miracle hair remedy. Amla extract can be in powder or in the form of oil (by the way, it can also be found in Russia): the product is simply applied as a mask.

Amla is especially good for the scalp, perhaps Oriental beauties have such thick hair not only due to genetics, but also due to proper care!

If we are talking about amla powder, then it can be added to shampoo and balm to enhance the effect.

Pink water

Rose water is a wonderful facial tonic with a mesmerizing aroma. Women used to use it as their main care, but today this remedy can replace micellar water for you.

In addition, rose water has a calming effect, reduces redness and inflammation. And another secret of oriental beauty - it is best to keep rose water in the refrigerator to refresh the skin even more.


Turmeric powder masks are ingrained in Indian and Pakistani traditions as part of the bride's wedding preparation ritual. Fortunately, you can buy turmeric in any market, which means that you can easily make an Indian bride's mask at home yourself!

To do this, you need 2 tablespoons of flour, a pinch of turmeric, 2 tablespoons of rose water and the same amount of milk. All ingredients must be mixed and applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Here is such a beauty secret of oriental women in facial care.


You have probably heard about the coloring properties of henna powder and, perhaps, even experienced it in your own experience. For example, mehendi, henna tattoos, have long gone beyond the Middle East, India and Africa.

Unlike artificial dyes, henna is completely harmless and even useful. We do not call for hair dye (however, colorless henna is suitable as a firming mask) or tattoos, but henna is just perfect for eyebrow dye!


Citric acid is a natural skin whitener, which is also very refreshing. We most often strive for a tan, but oriental girls, on the contrary, try to whiten their skin by rubbing their faces with lemon juice.

Yes, life is unfair! By the way, there is another common beauty trick of Oriental women: the soft side of the lemon peel can be an excellent scrub if you wipe your face with it.

Mustard seed oil

The history of mustard seed oil is quite controversial: until 2012 in India and the Middle East, food was cooked with this oil, but then it was banned in food products due to the high content of harmful erucic acid. But hair is a completely different matter!

For centuries, girls have rubbed in mustard seed oil for growth, conditioning and shine. And it really works! If you want to quickly grow a "braid to the waist", then this tool will definitely come in handy for you.

Natural Wax Halawa

Halawa wax is incredibly popular in Eastern countries. It consists of a mixture of natural oils, paraffin and beeswax, and smells like sandalwood.

This tool is universal: for example, wax can be rubbed into the nails to make them strong and shiny, and can even be used as a deodorant!

Yes, yes, the girls of the East guessed a very, very long time ago that it is possible to fight with sweat in this way. What is most interesting, natural wax is beginning to gain popularity in other countries, replacing the products we are used to.


It is difficult to imagine Eastern culture without a hammam or, as it is also called, a Turkish bath. In fact, hammams originated from Roman baths and are common to this day in the Middle East.

Doctors are sure that these wet baths are really very good for health, and beauties do not miss the opportunity to take a steam bath once again.

Thanks to this, all excess “dirt” leaves the body through the pores, sorry for the frankness, and the skin becomes perfectly smooth. In addition, they always take a natural body scrub with them to the bath, so there is no question of any cellulite!

natural perfumery

Of course, Arab women have access to all perfumes, even the most expensive ones, but natural perfumes based on essential oils, with pronounced oriental spicy aromas, do not give up their positions.

Jasmine, musk, vanilla, rose, sandalwood - well, how else can you charm an oriental prince, if not with such a flair? Arabic perfumery is oil-based without the use of alcohol, so it is very persistent.

Ever wondered why Eastern women look so good? After all, conditions in the East are often no better than those in Russia, and the climate is not conducive to eternal youth. The scorching sun is detrimental to beauty - the skin ages four times faster, hair dries out, all processes in the body proceed much faster. Yes, Eastern girls grow up faster than their northern sisters, but Eastern women do not age faster, but retain their natural beauty for a long time. Never thought? I personally thought about it. To do this, I conducted a whole investigation, the results of which I share with you.

The amazing vitality of the beauty and charm of Eastern women is based both on the peculiarities of the mentality and psychology of the East, and on quite practical recipes for self-care. Below I will give the most significant and adaptable reasons for Russian application.

Inner attitude
One of the most important factors is less exposure to stress in Eastern women. No, they actually have no less reason to worry than, for example, Russian women. Their standard of living is often not higher, but much lower than that of many Russian families. The difference is that Eastern women perceive everything more calmly. Emotionality and passion remain for stormy nights with her husband, but in everyday life, oriental beauties are not used to wrinkling their beautiful faces. The feeling of calm submission to fate, the husband "given by heaven", brought up over the centuries, allows you to take the world and events in the world for granted, without overestimating and without trying to change something with emotions.

In addition, in the East such a concept as "caste" is strong - a person from birth belongs to a certain stratum of society - he does not worry that he was not born what he could be born, did not become what he could become .. People on in the East they are clearly aware that they are the conductors of the divine spirit, their path is predetermined, their fate is written in advance, so there is simply no place for emotions of anxiety and dissatisfaction.

This can also be attributed regular meditation, when the body completely relaxes physically and the subtle bodies tune in to unity with the universe and the feeling of being part of the divine world.

This is an important factor. It is anxiety, dissatisfaction, bouts of despondency and negative emotions that provoke early wear and tear of the body. Moreover, the good news for those who have already been agitated enough in their lives and already have regalia in the form of wrinkles, gray hair, and sagging muscles - the process can be reversed if you give up the habit of being restless all the time. Try to be calm for at least a week - and you will immediately feel the difference. Subsequently, it is quite possible to replace the habit of worrying with the habit of being in harmony with yourself and the world, no matter what happens - you just need to want to.

Sun protection
Has anyone ever seen Oriental women sunbathing and almost smoking in the sun like smoked herrings? I did not see. Eastern women will not even go out into the street without a long robe covering not only a slender (well, whoever has it, again) body, but also a face. No, no one calls for wearing a veil and covering your face - the point is that sun protection is necessary to maintain beauty. Of course, small doses of sunbathing, slightly gilding the skin, can be useful, but excessive tanning is detrimental not only to beauty, but also to health.

We have enough cosmetic products with a sun protection factor - both for the skin of the face, body, and hair - so that, while remaining sexy and "undressed" according to Eastern concepts, we do not expose either the skin or hair to the drying effect of the sun.

For open areas of the body, for example, if the face is open, Eastern women use mechanical barriers such as Ayurvedic cream and rice flour.

healthy eating
This, of course, is the immortal Ayurveda. Try to eat healthy natural food and do without such insanely delicious semi-finished products - the achievements of civilization, stuffed with chemicals and flavor enhancers, and you will understand the importance of this item not only for beauty, but also for health.

Skin around the eyes
Remember the expressive, skillfully summed up eyes of oriental women? They are very careful about the skin around the eyes, which even in old age retains smoothness and tone. Firstly, all these oily arrows, which, it would seem, should contribute to earlier skin aging, are applied very carefully, without stretching or injuring the skin around the eyes, and only natural dyes are used that naturally do not harm the skin, but only protect it from external factors. . Secondly, makeup is also removed very carefully, without mechanical stretching and also by natural means - cream or full-fat milk, less often sour milk.

Another very important factor for the delicate skin around the eyes, which is the first to show signs of aging, is regular facial muscle training including around the eyes. Oriental dancers know and use about a hundred variations of movements with one eye. This is not only insanely erotic and looks beautiful while dancing, but is also very important for a youthful face. At least the simplest exercises for the face, such as the "eight" with the eyes, the letter "V", circular movements and left-right movements are recommended for everyone. I also recommend that you do not forget to do all this.

Physical activity and posture
Sensual oriental dances make all muscles work. Who has not tried - I recommend. It is very beautiful and very effective for harmony and good mood (for libido, by the way, it is also effective).

And the legendary exercise with carrying a load on the head will allow you to maintain a stately posture even at a very advanced age.


Cleopatra's beauty is now much debated. Someone claims that Cleopatra was ugly, had a very protruding chin and very narrow lips, the Egyptians, in response, continue to defend the beauty of their queen, others say that in the time of Cleopatra there were other canons of external beauty. Each version has a right to exist, and we are not historians to argue about it. Our conversation is not about the external beauty of Cleopatra, but about the beauty of her skin confirmed by all sources. For Egypt, where the skin is constantly affected by the scorching sun and sand, this was especially true, and Cleopatra, to her credit, left very good recipes for female beauty for us. Here are some of them...

Beauty of Cleopatra - milk bath

Cleopatra's most important beauty recipe is, of course, the famous milk bath. To make a Cleopatra milk bath, dissolve a small cup of honey in a liter of hot (but not boiled) milk and pour the mixture into the bath. The temperature of the bath should be like body temperature, that is, 36-37 degrees, take a bath for 10-15 minutes. Modern followers of Cleopatra's beauty sometimes suggest replacing fresh milk with powdered milk, at the rate of 1-2 kg. to the bath. I tried it, the effect is also good, the skin is very delicate.

But that's not all. Speaking about the beauty of Cleopatra, we note that the effect of Cleopatra's bath was enhanced by the scrub - pounded sea salt was mixed with thick cream and rubbed on the queen's body. (take 200 grams of salt for half a cup of heavy cream). They rubbed it before the bath or after - opinions differ, I tried both options and I’ll say that it’s good anyway, but I think it’s better to use a scrub before the bath, it will cleanse the skin, and milk with honey will bring the skin a greater effect for skin beauty. But after the bath, I advise a recipe that is not Cleopatra's beauty recipe, but I found it on one of the forums and I really liked it, great for skin and body care. So, taking a milk-honey bath, put an old nylon stocking or thick gauze with a few handfuls of oatmeal in it, and at the end rub yourself with this composition, wait five minutes and rinse off in the shower. Cleopatra, I think, would love this beauty recipe, it cleanses the skin, nourishes it, makes it smooth and silky.

On my own behalf, I want to note that if we, of course, cannot afford a whole bath of milk, then a bath for hands is always enough, one liter is enough, but the skin of our hands will be excellent. A teaspoon of honey is enough.

Beauty of Cleopatra - masks

Cleopatra is credited with several masks, for example, from the same honey and milk. Combine warm milk and honey in equal doses, apply the composition on your face for half an hour and then rinse with warm water. The mask is good because it suits almost any type of skin. In addition to this Cleopatra beauty recipe, there is often talk of a clay mask that cleanses and whitens the skin. Its composition is clay, honey, sour cream in equal parts and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply it for 20 minutes, rinse first with warm, then cold water. You can also see other face masks.

Beauty of Cleopatra - fragrances

Why do you think Cleopatra chose milk and honey as the basis of her beauty recipes? The smell is another component of her feminine attractiveness. The smell of honey in the deep esoteric beliefs that aromatherapy is full of is personified with the smell of nature, it is “sweet” from nature, and a child, youth, youth smells of milk. Therefore, milk and honey, if you look at the philosophy of faith, mean a combination of natural sweetness and youth, literally "a young tasty woman." It is no coincidence that both Caesar and Mark Antony could not resist the spell of such a deeply subconscious natural beauty of Cleopatra.

In addition to these smells, Cleopatra loved incense and myrrh - mysterious and attractive, they simultaneously calmed her strong, but often unrestrained and quick to punish men. Perhaps it was next to such beauty of Cleopatra that the powerful men of this world felt good and rested in comfort and bliss. I am sure this is worth learning for those who want to build harmonious relationships between a man and a woman.

Exactly for a month, our author Olga Zhilina tried on the role of a submissive oriental wife. All for the sake of her husband. And in order to see if he turns into a hero of a real oriental (or some other) fairy tale.

The life of the women of the East

Practice: If it was only about sex, I would be happy to try. But no, something else is required of me! In the morning, brew coffee and bring it with fresh buns to my “sultan” in bed. And it doesn’t matter that I want to sleep, rocked the child all night or wrote an article! Or here it was with us - today I massage your feet, tomorrow you knead my back. But the experiment does not imply equality, and for a month I have to work hard as a masseuse.


Practice: We divided the household chores among ourselves. And I had no idea how to live differently. But the insidious Ainash paid special attention to this point: “Don’t expect a man who washes floors and bakes pies to load Gazelle with cement and curse plumbers.” On the first evening, Valya wondered why, after the dinner I had prepared, I did not let him wash the plates. The husband very quickly acquired the habit of snoring in front of the TV after a hearty meal.


Practice: According to the tradition of some countries, mothers take care of sons until the age of three, and after this age, the boys go to be raised by their father. Our Tiger cub - that's what we call our son - is not yet 10 months old, and he is at my complete disposal. However, Valya loves to crawl with the baby, twist and throw him to the ceiling and loves to bathe together before going to bed. To deprive them of these joys would be cruel. Sorry Cosmo!


Practice: Looking good at any time of the day is normal for me. But maybe it's worth adding a drop of seductiveness to the image? From the mezzanine I took out silk trousers, a top embroidered with sequins and a belt with bells, which I bought in Egypt five years ago. “Here they come in handy!” my frugality rejoiced as I carried the breakfast tray to the bed of my beloved, jingling melodiously. "What are you dressed up like that for?" - the husband was surprised and clearly thought: "I started something bad." Beauty in Arabic: 10 secrets of Eastern women.


Practice: Raise a man on a pedestal and constantly praise, it seems to me that this mission of Eastern women is impossible. We perceive spouses as partners, friends, lovers, but a deity? Even I, now financially dependent on my husband, could not cultivate awe. And yet he is smart, handsome and kind - for this I fell in love with him. My experiment is an occasion to remind myself and him about this! All month my mouth poured honey. You should have seen his surprise when, having freed himself after a 6-hour fight with virtual monsters, he lay down, and I, usually not hiding my dislike for his computer games, whispered in his ear: “Darling, you are a hero!” Speaking of monsters...


Practice: How many times have I wanted to drag my beloved away from the monitor, close Internet access and erase all games from the hard drive, including Klondike! But at the same time, it was curious how long Valya himself, stunned by the freedom that had fallen on him, would last. After two weeks of active virtual life, a miracle happened. “To go see the apartment tomorrow, or what?” the husband suggested.


Practice: The next morning, at 14 o'clock, the husband was equipped and set sail. An hour later, a call: “There are no more workers in the house!” I'm not surprised. Six months ago, specialists who were doing repairs in neighboring apartments offered us their services, but Valentin said that for that kind of money he would learn the tricks of painting and plastering himself. He did not begin to study, and the workers drove off to new projects. A new plan appeared: “I will do everything myself! Sanya will help. Sanya is a classmate, an alcoholic and a parasite, stubbornly leading Valentine astray. The last time they bathed the birth of the Tiger cub so violently that they were swept up with a bottle of whiskey near the Vykhino metro station and placed in a monkey house. It's scary to leave them unattended! I say: “I understand, you need to meet. Come to us, I will cook lamb in pomegranate sauce and buy red wine!” As befits an oriental woman, I serve them at the table with a smile and do not interfere in men's conversations. In a conversation about repairs, not a word ...

Secrets of Oriental Women: Experiment Results

For 31 nights and days, I, like Scheherazade, pleased my husband, following the above rules. Once the project was on the verge of failure - the Tiger Cub fell ill, and after a sleepless night with a crying baby, I didn’t have the strength to wash, wash, cook and at the same time please my husband’s gaze with my blooming appearance. Fortunately, my husband is not a heartless padishah and did not cut off my head, but cooked a completely edible soup, and also cheered up a cold Tiger and hit the road for groceries. And in the children's polyclinic, he took us in line with the doctor in the morning. What a caring one. During the experiment, I thought a lot about our family and came to the conclusion that my husband is as gouging as I am a dictator, he has as much infantilism as I have leadership habits. What can you do, we are both a product of our civilization! And the life of the women of the East does not suit me.

I noticed…

GOOD: For a month, we never quarreled due to the fact that I controlled my emotions and words (I have to admit: all quarrels are initiated by me)! Valentine rested as he wished, and contented, pacified and rounded, he departed for his watch. The very next day I found a team of workers on the Internet, ordered building materials over the phone and began repairs.

I was, to put it mildly, surprised. But exactly until the moment he brought her to meet. After half an hour of conversation, I myself was ready to marry her, once again refreshing my memory of what they are - oriental women!

Neither my diploma in psychology, nor the experience of family life gave me this ability to “talk” with one smile, and when setting the topic with a couple of phrases, quietly transfer the initiative in a conversation to a man: “Anton will tell now, he tells interestingly! ..” Of course, anyone will become an excellent orator when he is listened to in the way that only the daughters of the East can!

Nothing to do with the stereotype: "Be quiet, woman!" this is not. Asian girls actively participate in conversations - with an interested look, not just one, as it might seem at first, but with some incredible amount of smiles, “correct” questions. They seem to be naturally given all these skills of active listening, which cannot but endear them.

What they're saying

It is interesting not only to take a closer look, but also to listen to how Asian women interact with their husbands in public. It is not clear with whom Eastern women talk about family troubles, but you will not hear complaints about men from their lips. If a partner is nearby, any conversation in general magically turns into praise of a wonderful owner, a caring spouse, a sensitive father (if the couple has children).

With oriental cunning, "in between times" Asian women create a positive image for their man. They are silent, perhaps, only that the best of them go to the best women, right?

The husband is pleased and filled with self-esteem. One gets the impression that in this pair everything is really fine, mostly thanks to him. And if, face to face, these proud, seemingly domineering guys didn’t give out “in secret”: “You won’t spoil with Gulya!” or “Our mother - wow, what a strict!” - we would not have guessed that one eastern humility and desire to please a man is not enough here.

They don't want to take over

The secret of the consent of couples where a woman has oriental roots is to put a thought into a man's head so that he takes it for his own. And then approve his (read, your own!) Intentions and statements. Maybe at one time this was due to the fact that a woman did not have the right to vote. But it is still working so well that it is foolish to abandon tactics just because we have equality here.

What difference does it make how the idea came to him? The main thing is the result that pleases both. And everything works out, because the man got caught - gold. So smart, just think a little out loud, and he has already gone further, he decided, he did everything ... in general, read point number two.

“We all do it! - the women of the Earth will exclaim. “Otherwise, you won’t expect anything from these men!” Shout louder so everyone can hear. And the Asians will keep silent, as if it has nothing to do with them.

They are understandably dressed for men

Asian fashionistas have to balance at the junction of rather strict and patriarchal oriental traditions and European trends.

Questions: "Is this a skirt or a belt?" or “Are you dressed, or have you already undressed?” - definitely excluded, minus one more reason for jealousy and suspicion - exhale, man. And be proud of your woman, who knows how to reveal her beauty, covering, it seems, everything that is possible!

Their hospitality knows no bounds

What? Do aunts with their husbands, children and grandchildren come to visit for a couple of weeks? "Hey, well done!" - the oriental beauty will exclaim. Whereas her European sister, having received such a message, is likely to grab her heart with conflicting emotions.

For Asian housewives, the appearance of a large number of guests in the house is a common thing. Relatives are sacred, friends of the husband are honored guests, a rich table is the honor of the family.

In order to perceive these postulates so naturally, it seems that one must be born and raised in the East, with which I personally, I think, was lucky. Or not to me, but to my husband? Yes, a true Asian would never say that, but I'm just learning.

After all, the listed oriental trends are worthy of being introduced into the rules of a happy family life. For example, I am already experimenting with it with might and main within my family, and a lot is working out, it works.

Of course, I was just lucky with the man. Clever got it, just think a little out loud ...