How to whiten white things at home - advice from experienced housewives. Natural bleach for washing whites

Constant washing of linen leads to the fact that things lose their original color, acquiring yellowness and grayness. This problem is relevant for both clothing and home textiles. How to whiten white things at home, while maintaining the quality of the fabric, we will consider in this article. There are many ways to maintain the whiteness of things. It remains to choose the right one.

The best folk remedies for whitening white things

Folk remedies are one of the most popular methods. Many improvised substances cope with the problem. Preference should be given to those that are suitable in a particular situation and suit the cost.


Soda is an affordable option, which has an impressive area of ​​\u200b\u200boperation. For 5 liters of water, 5 or 6 tablespoons of soda are taken, which are well mixed. Additionally, it is recommended to add two tablespoons of ammonia to enhance the whitening effect. Things are soaked in the resulting composition for two to three hours, after which they are rinsed well from the remnants of soda and sent to a traditional wash.

If the interior items are not just gray, but with traces of yellowness, boil them in a soda solution. It is important to understand that only cotton or linen products, which are not clothing, are allowed for digestion. These can be kitchen or bath towels, bedding, tights, stockings or socks.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a composition that is inexpensive and is in every home. For 2 liters of water, it is enough to take a teaspoon of a 3% product. Products having a gray or yellow color are placed in the resulting solution. The soaking time is 15 minutes. Turn things over every 5 minutes to achieve a better result.

Attention! If desired, soda is added to hydrogen peroxide. This solution is considered one of the best helpers in the fight against things that have a gray tint from frequent washing. The general action of soda and hydrogen peroxide allows you to restore the whiteness of clothes and textiles, even if it has been lost for a long time.

Lemon acid

You can safely use citric acid. It is taken in a small amount and dissolved in water. Things are immersed in this mixture and soaked for several hours. After that, it remains to rinse and enjoy cleanliness.

If desired, laundry detergent is added to the composition in the amount of a few tablespoons or a little grated laundry soap. This will enhance the whitening effect.


Whiteness is a product that is immediately remembered when it is necessary to bleach clothes or other textiles. The substance can only be used with natural fabrics, such as linen or cotton. It must be understood that whiteness contains chlorine, which has a negative effect on synthetic and semi-synthetic fabrics. At the same time, whiteness tends to thin the fabric, so it is suitable for one-time use, regular use is not recommended.

The principle of bleaching in whiteness is quite simple. Add the substance to water at room temperature and place things there for several hours. After that, rinse off the remnants of the product and make sure the fabric is clean.


Aspirin is an interesting drug that experienced housewives have long used as a bleach. For 7 liters of water, take 5 aspirin tablets, for 5 liters of water, you can get by with 4 tablets. Tablets are dissolved in water and things are placed for 8 hours or all night. After that, they are washed in a washing machine, in which you can also add a couple of aspirin tablets to enhance the effect.

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Mustard powder will help restore textiles to their former whiteness. The use of the composition is extremely simple. The powder is dissolved in water, soaking dirty things in it. It is enough to withstand two hours and the products can be rinsed, they will be snow-white and clean.

Potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate is a unique tool that allows you to save white things and interior items if they are accidentally washed along with colored ones. The composition of the solution includes 100 grams of washing powder, 3-5 crystals of potassium permanganate and half a bucket of hot water. If desired, the powder can be replaced with a small amount of grated laundry soap.

It is better to dissolve potassium permanganate in advance in water, achieving an unsaturated pink color. The remaining components are mixed until a thick foam is formed. Things are lowered into the composition and left overnight. In the morning, it remains to rinse the products well from the remnants of the solution. The method is considered one of the most optimal and sparing, since tissue thinning does not occur.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap is a tool that often saves housewives in various situations. When you need to whiten things at home, it also helps. Soap is pre-rubbed. Two tablespoons is enough for half a bucket of water. It is preferable to add to the composition and other substances, increasing the effectiveness of bleaching. These include 3-4 potassium permanganate crystals, two tablespoons of salt, a few tablespoons of soda, or two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide.

Further, the principle is similar - things are soaked in the mixture, leaving for 2-3 hours. After that, rinse thoroughly and wash in the usual way. The result is a snow-white purity, which cannot but rejoice.

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You can also use ordinary salt if you mix it with three tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and a spoonful of ammonia. Washing powder will help to further enhance the whitening effect. In the resulting mixture, things are soaked for several hours. After the time has passed, they are washed in the washing machine.

The recipe can be called universal. It is suitable for various types of fabric, including cotton and wool.

Boric acid

An interesting tool for whitening golfs, tights and socks is boric acid, which is also used to make slime at home.

For the solution, take two tablespoons of acid and mix with warm water. Then soak the products for two to three hours, then rinse well and wash in the usual way. Boric acid is a versatile substance that can be added directly to the washing machine for better washing. It is also allowed to boil things in the solution if they have old traces of grayness or yellowness.

starch or baking powder

Baking powder or starch effectively fights grayness and yellowness. For five liters of water, two tablespoons of the selected product is enough. At the same time, there is no need for additional rinsing of textiles. You can add starch or baking powder directly to the washing machine while washing whites. Numerous positive reviews speak of the effectiveness of this method.

What purchased chemicals will help whiten white things at home?

Modern household chemicals offer substances that allow you to whiten white things at home on your own.

  1. Most preparations contain chlorine, for example, whiteness. It is important to understand that such products are only suitable for white things, as they corrode color in colored ones. Spots are removed well and quickly, but the fabric is destroyed over time, and the drugs themselves negatively affect human health.
  2. The second type of bleach is oxygen-containing products. Their advantage is the ability to use with any materials. They will easily remove stains of any nature. In general, such bleaches are called the best option for chemical-type substances.
  3. The third type is optical brighteners. Means do not fight stains directly, they mask pollution. The disadvantage is the difficulty of removing them from the fabric.

How to bleach faded whites

Sometimes white clothes shed due to accidental washing with colored products. It's not worth getting upset. You can use improvised means and return the former appearance.

Attention! Bleach as soon as possible. In this case, the probability of a positive result is high. The more time passes, the more the paint eats into the white fabric and it will not be possible to get rid of it with simple methods.

Among the folk remedies to bleach faded white things will help:

  • Laundry soap . Suitable only for natural fabrics, but for synthetic results, you should not wait.
  • mustard powder . Perfect for silk and wool products.
  • Whiteness and other substances containing chlorine . Suitable only for white natural fabrics.
  • Optical and oxygen brighteners . The latter will cope with pollution of any type, while the former can only mask the dirt.
  • Potassium permanganate . A unique remedy is better than others with faded things.
  • Ammonia . The product will easily restore the natural color of clothes that have been stained during washing.
  • Hydrogen peroxide and soda . The two components together will help to achieve incredible results.
  • Citric acid and salt . In addition to the composition, it is recommended to add grated soap and starch so that the result is better.
  • Boric acid . Take two tablespoons of the drug per 10 liters for a positive result.
  • Boiling. The method is great for interior items, for example, sheets, tablecloths, towels.

How to safely bleach gray baby clothes

Children's underwear is a special category of things that pay close attention when washing. In the first three years of a child's life, it is impossible to wash things with ordinary powder and use chemical bleaches. This may lead to allergic reactions. It is better to choose affordable and safe folk remedies:

  • Soda.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Ammonia.
  • Baby soap.
  • Potassium permanganate.
  • Lemon acid.
  • Laundry soap.
  • Salt.

These substances help to cope with pollution, get rid of dullness or yellowness. When used correctly, they will not harm the health of the child, which means that parents do not have to worry. The principle of use is extremely simple. Soak baby clothes in the selected product for two to three hours, then rinse well and wash as needed with baby powder.

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Features of bleaching things from different materials

Things from different fabrics bleach differently. Some substances can destroy the fabric, especially if it is synthetics. Therefore, it is worth reading the recommendations and only then proceed to whitening.


To bleach synthetics, it is important not to use certain methods. They will lead to loss of quality and appearance. Among the methods that are banned are the following:

  • Soaking or washing with bleaches containing chlorine.
  • Washing and digestion at high temperatures.
  • Spin after bleaching.
  • Drying in direct sunlight.

You can use salt, soda and ammonia, laundry soap - they are considered safe for synthetic fabric, so they will not cause harm.

When guests come to the house for a holiday or a family celebration, the main and longest place of their stay in it is a place at the table. Loaded with all sorts of dishes and drinks, this piece of furniture voluntarily and involuntarily attracts the eyes of all those gathered. To make the table look more festive and elegant, the hostess covers it with a beautiful snow-white tablecloth. But after the end of the feast and the departure of the guests, putting the leftover food in the refrigerator, every woman notices that on her linen tablecloth there are traces of glasses, stains from spilled wine or berry juice, and oily drops that have spread. How to save a festive tablecloth from dirt and give it its original fresh and snow-white look?

When choosing a tablecloth, you need to pay attention to the fact that its design matches the interior.

About ways to save tablecloths

There are several ways to clean tablecloths and linen napkins. All of them can be divided into 2 groups:

  1. Methods using modern detergents.
  2. Folk, time-tested methods of cleaning and bleaching natural fabrics.

The first group of methods for saving linen and cotton materials has recently become very common, since the synthetic substances that make up washing powders and various bleaches make it possible to remove various contaminants from tablecloths in a short period of time and even remove not quite fresh stains. However, chemical aggressive substances not only clean the countertops (the so-called tablecloths) from traces of dirt, but also destroy the material from which the products are made. After repeated bleaching and washing, the structure of natural things becomes thinner, and they tear faster and become unusable.

Some women combine washing powders with modern bleaches to achieve a more effective result.

For this reason, many housewives prefer to use "grandmother's" methods of cleaning and bleaching tablecloths, since the methods tested by housewives of more than one generation are more gentle on linen, and some of them are not inferior in cleaning quality to modern "chemistry". Sometimes, for greater effect, women combine modern stain removers and powders with ancient methods of removing dirt in the process of washing and bleaching. What is the best way to save your favorite tablecloth or napkins from stains and yellowness? Since the labels for modern detergents give detailed instructions for their use, there is no need to talk about them. But every housewife would do well to know some old tips for bleaching and cleaning natural materials, which are still successfully used all over the world.

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Removing stains from various drinks from countertops

Most often, at the festive table, guests spill drinks on the tablecloth: juices, wines or coffee. How to remove traces of them with methods that are gentle on linen fabrics?

  1. One of the most popular but time consuming methods used by French restaurateurs is cleaning with the familiar laundry soap. The method consists in the fact that the dirty tablecloth is first hung on a rope or dryer, and then the soap moistened with water is taken and all stains on the hung fabric are rubbed with it. When the tablecloth dries, the stains should be washed in warm water, then hang the material again and rub the stains again with laundry soap, leave to dry. This procedure should be repeated 3-4 times until the dirt is completely removed. It is best to clean countertops and towels in this way on a sunny summer day in the fresh air, otherwise the cleaning process can take several days.
  2. Burgundy or red wine that has recently been spilled on a tablecloth can be easily and without a trace removed from it if you take a cloth, stretch the area with a stain over a saucepan or bowl and carefully pour boiling water on top of the contamination, watching how the trace of wine disappears from the surface of the countertop.
  3. Fresh stains from red wines are perfectly removed from fabrics with the help of hydrogen peroxide. It is necessary to dilute 1 tablespoon of the liquid in 250 ml of warm water (50-60 degrees) and pour the resulting mixture into a basin with a dirty tablecloth filled with water at a temperature of 40 degrees. Stir all the water in a basin and give the peroxide time (8-10 minutes) to act on the stain. Then wash the dirty area of ​​the fabric in the usual way and rinse the entire tablecloth thoroughly.
  4. A more effective way to save countertops from wine stains is to use citric acid. 1 teaspoon of the powder is poured into a glass with a capacity of 200 ml, poured with warm water and bleached in the same way as in the above case with hydrogen peroxide.
  5. Often on the countertop there are stains from the beer beloved by men. Soda will help to get rid of traces of spilled beer. Take it at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of liquid (water) and wash the tablecloth in this solution. Then rinse with clean water.
  6. If a guest spilled tea or coffee on the tablecloth, glycerin will save it. Tea stains are removed when they are exposed to a composition of 1 part ammonia and 4 parts glycerin. Coffee stains disappear when rubbed with glycerin mixed with salt. After treating the stains with these compositions, the tablecloths must be thoroughly washed, and they will again become clean and uniform in color.
  7. Berry and fruit juices are frequent guests on the festive table. You can remove stains from them from tablecloths with glycerin and hydrogen peroxide. These substances, each in an amount of 20-25 drops, are mixed with hot water and the contaminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe material is soaked in the solution. Then the fabric is washed in the usual way with the addition of washing powder and rinsed thoroughly after washing.

Linen- a fairly dense material that can be bleached by various means, so if your things turn yellow or gray - there is no reason to be upset. In any case, care must be taken when carrying out such procedures, otherwise the fabric will deteriorate.

You will need

  • - oxygen bleach;
  • - Persol;
  • - acetic acid;
  • - hydrogen peroxide;
  • - powder with optical brightener.


Purchase oxygen bleach. If you have bad water, pre-filter it or boil it and let it settle. Dissolve the required amount of the product in water (check the dosage in the instructions). Soak the product for several hours or overnight, and then simply wash it in a washing machine or by hand.

Add persalt with every wash. It is sold in hardware stores in bags and is somewhat reminiscent of ordinary powder. But the product is used as a bleach and stain remover. If the fabric is very gray, soak it in a solution of persalt and washing powder for 12 hours. Do not worry, the product will not deteriorate from this.

Make a weak solution of acetic acid - 5-7%. Pour the liquid into an enamel bowl, soak a cloth in it, cover the container with a lid and leave for several hours. Then you just have to wash the product in the usual way.

Hydrogen peroxide also has whitening properties. Add 3 tablespoons of liquid per liter of water. Soak the product for a day or at least overnight. In the morning, the effect will be obvious - the fabric will become lighter.

Buy a good powder that contains optical brightener. This is perhaps the safest way to get rid of the yellowness and dullness of the fabric. Wash clothes only with this powder and in clean water. After a short period of time, the linen fabric will turn white.

Contact a dry cleaner if you still can't bleach your linen fabric. You will be helped to do this for a fee.


Do not use bleaches that contain chlorine, and even more so do not boil products in this solution. Firstly, the fibers of the fabric will become thinner and the thing will look bad. And secondly, breathing fumes is very dangerous, since there is a high probability of poisoning.

White clothes always look stylish and elegant. But it just gets dirty very quickly. Therefore, the issue of bleaching white things will always be relevant. Many bleaching options have been invented, but it is worth knowing which method can be applied to a particular fabric with varying degrees of contamination.

The main thing in the article

How and how to quickly whiten white things at home?

In addition to the methods described below, there are also those used by our grandmothers.

  1. Boiling . Pour the powder into an enameled container, after boiling, “boil” the laundry for about half an hour. Turn it over from time to time to whiten evenly.
  2. When washed together, synthetics and wool can give cotton a gray tint. Therefore, you should not combine them.
  3. To keep the fabric of white things strong and not torn, carry out bleaching procedures every 3-4 washes.
  4. Soften running water with baking soda , so the laundry will not be subject to a gray coating, and the washing machine will not break down and scale.
  5. Pre-soaking will make washing much easier.
  6. Try placing some tennis balls in the washing machine drum. . This will provide additional impact on the fabric. Moreover, the powder must be poured much less.
  7. Soak the item in water acidified with 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice . Hold for two hours, then wash. Citric acid is also an alternative.
  8. If the canvas is covered with single spots, then dotted moisten them with fresh lemon juice, Apply the powder on top and rub well. Send to the machine to wash with other bright things, citrus juice will enhance the effect of the powder.
  9. If a white item is stained with grease, wash it, mixing powder and dishwashing detergent in equal amount. This mixture should not be left on things for more than 10 minutes. It is potent and can damage tissue.

How to bleach washed things at home?

Before using home whitening methods on an expensive item - test on a small area .

You should not expect that a very old and shabby little thing will acquire its former novelty and snow-white appearance. But periodically maintain the normal state of white tissues bleaching method quite possible .

How to bleach a yellowed thing at home?

There are some interesting anti-yellowing remedies, which, speaking of which, it would be difficult to imagine that they can be used for this purpose.

How to bleach gray things at home?

The first step is to consider what fabric the thing is made of.

  • For example, tulle, curtains, guipure napkins can be bleached pharmacy peroxide and ammonia . These substances are present in the medicine cabinet of every family.
  • To do this, dilute 1 tbsp in 5 liters of hot water. l. each solution. Leave the laundry to sour in the resulting water for 30 minutes.
  • For grayed cotton, you can apply whiteness or chlorine products. To do this, pour bleach into a separate compartment of the washing machine at the dosage indicated on the pack.
  • Set the machine to the intensive rinse and prewash mode.
  • For synthetics, table salt will be an alternative. . For half a liter of water - a spoonful of salt with a mountain.
  • Leave grayed socks in a lock with 1 tbsp. l. boric acid. The result will surprise you.

How to bleach a dyed thing at home?

  • If white thing "borrowed" someone else's shade - things are not going well. This happens when white and colorful items are washed together. Also, if you accidentally forgot to get the contents of the pockets, which also "gave" the color.
  • There are plenty of products in stores that will help remove the dye from white clothes, but strictly follow the instructions and wash with gloves.
  • If the fabric is cotton, any type of bleach will do.
  • For home use good for white - dilute the amount of the product in water, according to the recommendations on the package. First wash the thing, and then soak in white for half an hour or an hour. Pay special attention to rinsing, rinse the fabric thoroughly.
  • Use shavings of laundry soap . It can be easily crushed on a grater. Boil cotton in soapy water for about an hour.
  • If a white thing is stained with paint, then try to remove it solvent or nail polish remover . Then wash the fabric as usual.

How to whiten things with whiteness at home?

Whiteness is a very powerful chlorine-based bleach. It can be used for fabrics of dense texture, it can damage fragile and delicate materials.

Be sure to use gloves to work with whiteness, and if possible, use a mask.

  • For washing colored things, this product is not suitable, it will simply “eat out” the color.
  • Basically, whitening is subject to things made of cotton and linen, less often - synthetics . In any case, you need to carefully study the terms of use on the label, if there are any restrictions.
  • When hand washing cotton or linen, dilute the powder or liquid bleach in water. See instructions for proportions.
  • Soak the fabric in the solution for an hour if the water is cold, 20 minutes if it is warm. Hot water cannot be used. Rinse thoroughly after washing.
  • The use of whiteness in the washing machine is highly undesirable . You can damage the internal parts of the machine. The operating instructions should indicate whether the use of chlorine is possible for a particular model.

Laundry soap for bleaching things at home

  • Soak laundry under cold running water overnight . No additional products need to be diluted in water.
  • Take laundry soap with the highest percentage of concentration (72%), lather things, pour boiling water over them , stir the foam and leave to sour for another hour.
  • After the time has elapsed, wash the laundry by hand.

To remove sweat stains and eliminate its odor, do the following:

  • Mix a third cup of ammonia with 3 tbsp. l. crushed alkaline soap and two liters of slightly warmed water.
  • Soak the laundry in the prepared emulsion for as long as possible, and then rinse it well.

How to whiten things with potassium permanganate?

How to bleach things with ammonia?

Boric acid for bleaching things

Whitening things with sunflower oil

  • Pour into an enameled bucket water and boil .
  • Pour in there two or three tablespoons of vegetable oil, about a glass of washing powder, a quarter cup of bleach.
  • Mix everything well and send the laundry there for a long time, cover with a lid. It is better to start this business at night.
  • The washing process is already underway. Vegetable oil helps detergent chemicals to better penetrate fabric fibers.
  • After ten hours (or longer), wash and rinse the linen.

How to bleach things with vinegar at home?

Vinegar in the washing process has the following useful properties:

How to bleach things at home with peroxide?

Hydrogen peroxide - a very affordable medical product and a good bleach.

So, removing an unnecessary shade from a white thing acts sparingly, without an aggressive effect on fabric fibers.

First, wash the thing with just a powder. So it will be clearly visible what stains need to be removed. Tough contaminants must be removed. Next, start the cleansing process:

  • Pour hot water into a large basin, the temperature should be 70-80 degrees. This temperature is suitable for coarse cotton items.
  • For 10 liters of water - 3 tbsp. l peroxide and ammonia solution.
  • Soak things for half an hour.
  • Wash and rinse them thoroughly. Finish rinsing with cold water.

For more fragile natural fibers, the water should be barely warm. Then it is better to extend the soaking process to several hours, and enrich the solution with salt and detergent.

How to whiten things at home with soda?

Sodium bicarbonate in tandem with ammonia solution able to rid white things of stubborn stains, or completely return them to a snow-white appearance.

  • Per liter of water - a spoonful of soda, a little ammonia and dissolve everything well.
  • Leave the laundry to soak for as long as it takes.
  • Rinse off the remnants of the composition and rinse the laundry under running water.

How to bleach a synthetic item at home?

To remove stains from white synthetics, prepare the following paste:

  • mix alcohol and tartaric acid in equal amounts.
  • Add to them citric acid in the ratio 1:1:0.4.
  • Apply the mixture to the soil and leave for ten minutes, then wash.
  1. Fresh grease stains are easy to remove not only salt, but also chalk . Rub the chalk into the stain, and after an hour or two, clean the thing with a brush.
  2. Soaking the fabric in dairy or sour-milk product, can get rid of ink spots.
  3. rust mark try to remove wrapping the lemon in gauze or a bandage, pressing the resulting “compress” to the fabric with an iron.

How to bleach a cotton item?

  • For bleaching cotton items, all the methods given in this article are suitable. But, in addition to them, you can apply the following:
  • Soak laundry in milk and leave for a couple of hours, then wash. This procedure will also make the thing soft without any conditioners.
  • Soften running water with borax solution, which will significantly prevent yellowing of the fabric.
  • If possible hang laundry outdoors, under the influence of the sun, it will become simply dazzling.

How to bleach a woolen thing at home?

Things made of wool become yellowish under the influence of time. That's why bleaching solution next one is being prepared:

The wool is very delicate in its texture, so it will help to gently bleach it. mustard powder.

  1. Take 2 tbsp. l mustard powder and pour two liters of boiling water.
  2. Wait a few hours for the mustard to infuse and settle.
  3. Drain the water into a separate container.
  4. Repeat the procedure with the same mustard a second time.
  5. Wash clothes in settled mustard water, as always.
  6. All these techniques are suitable for silk products.

How to bleach colored things at home?

Often white things with a color pattern need bleaching, what should I do then?

  1. One of the options: you can resort to the same whiteness, citric acid, peroxide etc., but you have to be very careful.
  2. Prepare a bleach solution using one of the methods above.
  3. Then with a cotton swab or just apply it with cotton on the white part of the thing . Everything will depend on the scale of the color drawing. You can use a spray bottle.
  4. If, for example, you bleach a dress, then put cellophane inside so that the bleach does not catch the colored part of the pattern on the second side of the item.
  5. After a while, wash the product.

How to whiten newborn things at home?

For washing children's clothes, the same well-known peroxide . For young mothers, this is a real salvation. Since the product does not contain chemical detergents, this eliminates the appearance of allergic reactions in the child.

  • For this, it is not necessary to pre-soak the thing.
  • Prepare a solution of peroxide, ammonia and water in the proportions indicated earlier.
  • Apply with a sponge on the stain and leave for 40 minutes. Then rinse.

How to wash white clothes?

It is better to prevent a problem than to fix it later. Here are a few simple tips that will explain how to wash whites to keep them white from the start:

  • Before washing need to sort laundry , separating the white thing from the color. Moreover, you still need to consider the type of fabric.
  • Keep your washing machine in good working order . When the drain is clogged, things are poorly rinsed out, and stains form on them.
  • Do not neglect the means that help soften the water.
  • By following these simple guidelines, you will be able to keep your clothes and home decor looking white.

A white thing is always fashionable and relevant. And if for some reason she has lost her radiant appearance, do not rush to get rid of her or hide her in a distant drawer. Take advantage of our whitening tips and enjoy the whiteness of your favorite product.

Boiling white things delight and fascinate the eye, evoke enchanting emotions and respect for the person who wears them. By snow-white linen, you can recognize a neat and diligent hostess, because it is not an easy science, in general, to know how and how to whiten white things at home and keep clothes new and presentable.

There is a well known rule: laundry must be sorted before washing so that white things do not stain in different colors from other clothes. From frequent washing, the white fabric darkens. But, even knowing these wisdoms, it is not so easy to protect white clothes from dullness and yellowing. Water, time and aggressive detergents do their dirty work. Things that are stored for a long time are covered with yellow spots. Powders and other detergents contain elements that react with hard water salts, and the result of the reaction is the appearance of a yellow or gray color on things.

How to return the white color to things so that they please with their crystal purity for a long time? Let's look at the tools that the chemical industry offers us and home whitening methods.

Now you can find a lot of whitening products. There are dozens of names, but all of them can be divided into 3 groups:

Optical brighteners

Such products visually create the appearance of the whiteness of things, as they contain reflective components. These microparticles get on the fabric and the thing seems much whiter. In fact, whitening does not occur. Very often, optical brighteners can be found in premium laundry detergents. It is advisable not to wash colored items with them, as a whitish coating may appear on the fabric and the colors will greatly lose their brightness.

These funds have been known to housewives for a very long time. They are very inexpensive, they work very effectively, and they also disinfect things. For a long time, our great-grandmothers and mothers had no alternative to such bleaches, so they have long been used on an industrial scale and at home. But chlorine has one extremely bad quality - it destructive effect on tissue. After several times of such bleaching, the threads in the fabrics become thinner and then break.

It is strongly not recommended to pour or pour these bleaches directly onto the fabric, they must be dissolved in water. Chlorine-containing products should not be used to bleach items made of wool and silk. Many chlorine-based products are not suitable for washing in a washer, so all manipulations for bleaching things at home have to be done manually. Corrosive chlorine fumes can irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and throat, provoke allergies, therefore, precautions must be taken when bleaching.

Oxygen bleaches

One of the effective ready-made products that can whiten things

This is the most modern type of bleach. It has a number of undeniable advantages. The most important - he is very careful with fabrics, so there are no restrictions on the type of tissue. Oxygen bleaches do their job well on both natural and synthetic fibers. Recently, oxygen products for colored laundry have appeared on sale, which not only remove dirt and stains, but also refresh colors very well. In contrast to chlorine, oxygen products do not harm health and do not cause allergic reactions. They also do not harm the washing machine. For those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to whiten linen at home, we note that the cost of such preparations, of course, is somewhat higher than chlorine-containing bleaches, but the time savings and brilliant results are worth it.

Home whitening methods


This is one of the cheapest ways to whiten clothes at home. This method is ideal for cleaning and whitening cotton and linen garments. Also, many use boiling, because it is also a harmless disinfection.

In enameled containers or stainless steel basins. The bottom must be lined with an unnecessary clean rag. Washing powder or soap shavings are added to the water. Experienced housewives recommend adding one tablespoon of ammonia to a 10-liter boiling solution. This component will make things noticeably whiter. Boiling takes about half an hour to two hours, it all depends on the degree of contamination. During the process, the laundry must be stirred and turned over in a saucepan.

In particularly difficult cases, for example, for yellowed things, bleach is added during boiling. Initially, in a separate container, a spoonful of lime is completely dissolved in a liter of water, after which all the liquid is poured into a boiling container and then linen is put there. It is not recommended to use this method often, as this will negatively affect the condition of the fabric and lead to its rapid wear.

And how and how to whiten children's things at home? The most environmentally friendly way is to boil in water with baby soap.


When deciding how to bleach gray bedding, many housewives simply add baking soda during the wash. If you have a washing machine, then soda can be added directly to the drum. This tool will help whiten gray things.

Soda in combination with ammonia is also used for gray and faded clothes. For 5 liters of water you need 5 tbsp. l. soda and 2 liters of ammonia. All things that need bleaching are soaked in this solution for a couple of hours. A sudden stain on a white tablecloth can be removed with a pinch of soda quenched with vinegar. Only on the hands at this time should be rubber gloves. But this method is undesirable to use for products made of thin fabrics.

Soda is also good for bleaching children's things. To do this, a third of a glass of soda must be dissolved in a bucket of water and soak things there for 2-3 hours. And how to whiten such white things of a child using soda, laundry soap and boiling is shown in the video.

Hydrogen peroxide

Every hostess will surely have a bottle of peroxide. It can effectively bleach linen and cotton items. In 5 liters of water you need to dilute 2 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide and a spoonful of ammonia. The resulting mixture must be heated, but not brought to a boil (the optimum temperature is about 70 ° C). Immerse things in a hot solution for half an hour. Yellowed curtains, bleached in this way, will acquire novelty and crystal whiteness.

The method described above is also suitable for bleaching wool and silk fabrics, but in this case, the water temperature should not exceed 30 ° C.


Ammonia helps with stains, but is not recommended for use on synthetic fabrics. Dissolve a spoonful of ammonia in 5 liters of water. With a cotton swab dipped in ammonia, the stains are thoroughly rubbed, and then the clothes are completely placed in the solution. After half an hour, things can be rinsed.

Tip: When trying to bleach things in solutions based on hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, be sure that the edges do not peek out of the water, as yellow stains may appear in these places.

The use of potassium permanganate

Pretty weird for most people. There are two options for how to whiten yellowed white things at home in this way. First, a soap solution is made from grated laundry soap. Potassium permanganate is diluted separately so that a light red liquid is obtained. We combine these two solutions, immerse the products there and let them stand for 6 hours. After that, things can be rinsed. The second option is very similar: instead of soap, add washing powder to the water.


This is very aggressive chlorine bleach, therefore, it is advisable to use it only in extreme cases for strong and dense fabrics. Most often white linen and cotton are bleached. Washed and faded bed linen, towels and white tablecloths acquire an unusually pure white color.

It is necessary to add one salt spoon of whiteness to the washing water with the powder already poured in, hold things in this solution for 15-20 minutes and then rinse. If there are complex old stains, then the concentration can be increased, the main thing is not to exceed the dosage indicated on the package. In no case should undiluted whiteness fall on things, since a burnt hole forms in this place.

Important: You need to rinse things bleached with whiteness several times and in plenty of water.

Few people know, but with the help of whiteness, you can remove color spots from. How to bleach washed laundry in this case? Pour water into a 10-liter container for boiling, add 2 caps of whiteness and 200 g of powder there. We load the laundry and boil it for 1-1.5 hours.

General features of whitening

How to whiten things at home is now clear. It remains only to familiarize yourself with the recommendations for the general care of white things:

  • White items are always washed separately from the rest, so that they do not stain from unstable colored fabrics. Also, after a mixed wash, a dirty gray tint may appear on white items.
  • Cottons and linens should be washed separately from synthetics and wool to avoid a yellowish or gray tint.
  • Contaminated items should not be stored, as yellow spots and stains are bound to form on them. Even new whites can turn yellow from storage, so it's worth doing an "audit" in strategic stocks of bed linen and towels from time to time.
  • Sometimes clothes with drawings and patterns on a white background may shed after washing. To prevent this from happening during the first wash and several subsequent ones, add a little salt to the water.
  • Grayed clothes are perfectly bleached in the washing machine using store-bought bleach and washing powder or gel.
  • Too frequent bleaching leads to the destruction of fabrics, so between bleaching it is recommended to take breaks for 3-4 washes with a regular detergent. And after bleaching, it is necessary to rinse the laundry very carefully.

All these tips are used by experienced housewives who do not like to use chemicals too actively and know how to whiten white things at home without them.
