Peach oil for nails and cuticles: methods of application and reviews. Peach cuticle oil

Which of the women does not dream of a universal cosmetic product that would simultaneously nourish, moisturize, smooth and tighten the skin of the hands, face and body? At the same time, it is wonderful if it is affordable and natural in composition. A similar magical product has existed for a long time - it is peach seed oil. It is one of the most beloved and popular among other cosmetic oils, since it has practically no contraindications, does not cause an allergic reaction, has a light texture and is well absorbed.

Chemical composition and properties of peach oil

Peach oil is obtained by cold pressing from the kernels of peach pits, after which the product must be filtered. Thanks to such careful processing, the best properties donated by nature itself are preserved as much as possible.

Peach kernel oil is an analogue of almond oil, it has a mild taste and mild aroma, while it has a delicate light yellow hue. The therapeutic and cosmetic effect is due to the content of a number of useful substances necessary for the normal functioning of epidermal cells:

  • B vitamins, vitamin A, C, D, E and P;
  • minerals: potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron;
  • carotenoids, tocopherols and phospholipids;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids: oleic, linoleic and linolenic, palmitic, palmitoleic, arachidic, stearic and others.

The tool is suitable for healing the most sensitive skin, promotes its renewal in the complex: cleanses, nourishes, moisturizes, restores turgor and smoothes wrinkles. That is why peach oil is used to care for particularly delicate areas, such as the thin skin of the lips, the area around the eyes, décolleté and chest. It is successfully used to prevent peeling even in newborns. In addition, it is a good oily base for creating various anti-aging homemade masks and creams, massage mixtures, lotions and balms for. This component goes well with any cosmetic ingredients.

Regular use of peach oil significantly affects the general condition of the skin:

  • tones and gives it a beautiful color;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • eliminates dryness;
  • strengthens blood vessels.

And you can buy it at any pharmacy at an average cost of 70 rubles per bottle.

The use of peach oil in cosmetology

It is allowed to use the product both in pure form and in a diluted form mixed with other ingredients, but only on a previously cleaned surface. Basically, it all depends on the type of skin and the purpose of application. If she is overdried, fading, needs intensive hydration, then peach oil in its pure form is just what the doctor ordered. It is applied as a night cream on the most delicate sensitive areas of the skin and then carefully driven in with fingertips along the massage lines. Excess fat can be removed by blotting the skin with a paper towel 15 minutes after application.

Peach oil effectively eliminates "crow's feet", increases the volume of eyelashes

Benefits for the skin around the eyes

For treatment of the eyelid area, it is good to combine the product with jojoba or avocado oil. This procedure helps to eliminate and prevent "crow's feet" - mimic wrinkles located in the outer corners of the eyes.

Lip care

Peach oil is also an excellent lip balm that helps moisturize lips and prevent chapping and chapping. Try periodically massaging your lips with a clean toothbrush, and then lubricate with peach oil or make applications. It does not spread, it is easily absorbed, healing all kinds of wounds. Some women immediately mix it with sugar, thus getting a mild exfoliating scrub.

Massage with a toothbrush acts not only as a scrub, but also enlarges the lips for several hours, and peach oil after such a procedure will make the lips even more beautiful

Strengthening eyelashes

Girls who dream of strong voluminous eyelashes can take note of the following beauty recipe: every day before going to bed, lubricate their tips with peach oil slightly warmed in a water bath. This should be done with a special brush or cotton swab.

Nail and cuticle care

Peach oil has a bactericidal and softening effect, wonderfully cares for nails and cuticles. To avoid the appearance of painful burrs, try lubricating them shortly before the manicure, as well as once again during the day. The oil will soften the periungual zone, relieve inflammation and strengthen the nail plates. This procedure can be combined with a hand massage.

Anti-cellulite body scrub

Peach oil can prevent the appearance of cellulite, as well as fight existing signs.

To prepare an anti-cellulite scrub, you need to mix:

  • 1 glass of sea salt;
  • half a glass of heavy cream;

Use the composition regularly before taking a hot shower.

Moisturizing face mask

To prepare an excellent moisturizing face mask, mix:

  • 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese;
  • 1 tablespoon peach oil.

Apply the product on the skin of the face and rinse with warm water after 20 minutes.

Newborn skin care

Peach oil is an ideal hygiene product for sensitive areas on the baby's body. Usually they lubricate the armpits, folds on the neck, arms and legs of the child. It is necessary to pre-boil a bottle of oil in a water bath and be sure to cool.

Useful properties and methods of application for the face

Peach oil helps gently cleanse baby's nose

They do the same in the case of otitis media - instill a few warm drops in the ear.

With stomatitis, the anti-inflammatory and enveloping effect of peach oil will come in handy. It is necessary to regularly lubricate their oral cavity.


Perhaps, peach seed oil is shown to everyone, except for those who suffer from individual intolerance to its ingredients. To make sure there is none, it is recommended to test it on a small area of ​​​​skin before use.

Constant work, family and household chores exhaust a woman. It is not easy to take care of your hands and nails when you have to clean, wash and wash dishes every day. In the cold season, problems such as chapping and cracks on the hands are added. But not only does the skin suffer from changes in weather and lifestyle, nails are also at risk. Most girls notice that the nails are brittle, delaminate and it is impossible to grow them. In this case, peach oil will help, as it is considered one of the most beneficial oils that has a positive effect on the condition and health of nails. Peach oil is used not only for nails, but also in other cosmetic procedures.

Useful properties of peach oil for nails

Peach oil is made from the seeds. Cold-pressed technology is used to preserve its beneficial properties. Peach oil is rich in phosphorus, potassium and calcium. It also contains all the healthy fats that are so necessary for the health of hair, nails and skin. Thanks to the use of peach oil, the skin is moisturized and softened, and the nails are strengthened. Peach oil is also used for massage, to relax and nourish the skin.

Peach oil contains vitamin B15, which speeds up the metabolic processes of the body and skin. Due to its biological activity, the oil is quickly absorbed into the skin and nails and begins the recovery process. Peach oil is very useful for dry and mature skin, and with constant use, it can restore skin elasticity and even remove age-related signs on the face, such as wrinkles, wrinkles and enlarged pores.

Peach cuticle oil

In addition to the fact that peach oil has a positive effect on the condition of the nails, it can improve the condition of the cuticle and lateral nail ridges. Therefore, when applying oil to the nails, do not forget about the cuticle, the main thing is to make the mixture with peach oil correctly, which will meet the needs of the skin and nails. The use of peach oil on its own may not be effective, but if you mix it with lavender essential oil or jojoba oil and rub this mixture into your nails every day, they will become strong, and the skin around the nail will be soft and tender.

Peach oil for children

Very often, peach oil is used for young children, because burrs and wounds appear on their hands, as children lead an active lifestyle. By applying peach oil, the mother can be sure that the child's skin will be healthy, and no infection will enter through microcracks. The advantage of peach oil is the presence of vitamin A in it and, of course, a pleasant smell. Not all oils that are designed to improve the condition of the skin and nails have a pleasant smell.

Reviews of peach oil for nails

“I bought so many skin care products that contained peach oil, and I never thought about the fact that the oil is good for nails as well. I did a manicure in the salon, and the girl advised me to use peach oil with any other additives, the recipes of which could be found in the Internet.

My first salvation was a mixture of oil and cream, the usual hand cream is well applied to the nails and absorbed, like oil. In addition to applying oil to the nails, I also generously lubricate the cuticles, and the condition of the fingernails improves dramatically. Two months have already passed, the nails have become strong, and the cuticle has begun to grow more slowly. In addition, the nails are also brightened and now do not exfoliate.


“I often heard that essential oils help strengthen nails, I bought orange, lemon and lavender. Indeed, the result is amazing, as the nails stop peeling, brighten and become even. Thanks to this, the application of any coating becomes easy and even. I very often do manicure I use gel polish so my nails need some extra care.

Once a friend advised me to buy peach oil for nails in a pharmacy and mix it with essential oils of any origin. I really liked the mixture of oil with lavender oil and jojoba. After them, the nails are very beautiful, shiny and become strong. The cuticle changes completely, as it has become thinner, and the lateral ridges are completely soft. I really like peach oil, I have been using it for more than six months, the effect is always wonderful."

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Those women who work, take care of the family, housework, know how difficult it is sometimes to keep hands and nails in excellent condition. The choice of products for the care of the skin of hands and nails is diverse. However, after reading the annotation of many creams, you understand that they are all made with a large admixture of chemical components. Will there be much benefit from their use for exhausted and tired skin of hands and nails? Peach oil for nails is a wonderful way out of this situation. What are its beneficial properties and methods of application for healing nails?

Peach oil is a natural product that is made from the pits of the southern peach fruit. It is produced by cold pressing so that the product does not lose all its valuable qualities, and then carefully filtered. The oil consists of a wide range of macro and microelements: iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus. Like many other vegetable oils, peach oil is rich in fatty acids, which are essential for the vital activity of aging skin. This product is used for skin care of the face, hands, nails, body in order to cleanse the skin, nourish it, soften and moisturize it. It is used as a massage oil.

Peach kernel oil has a very mild effect on the skin, due to the presence of vitamin B15 in it, which has an extremely high biological activity, accelerates metabolic processes in the body. Therefore, it is especially useful for the care of dry and mature skin. It will help smooth out wrinkles, restore elasticity, restore lost qualities to sensitive and problematic skin, as well as damaged mucous membranes. With regular use, peach oil cleanses the pores on the face, strengthens blood vessels.

Peach kernel oil contains female vitamin E, which slows down the aging process, and vitamin A, which strengthens and maintains the integrity of skin cells.

This natural remedy is widely used in modern cosmetology as part of hair balms, children's ointments, skin care creams, and high-quality shampoos. And not only. It is also successfully used in folk medicine for dermatitis, skin inflammation, diaper rash, eczema. It relieves pain, helps wounds heal faster and prevent scarring. This unique cosmetic effectively treats conjunctivitis, acute and chronic diseases of the middle ear.

Seed oil is used as a fortified remedy that enhances the secretory activity of the glands of the digestive tract, which improves digestion. The product is recommended for anemia, colds, urolithiasis.

With all this, peach oil does not cause allergic reactions and irritation. Given these properties, it can be safely used by children. A unique product is made in the Crimea, Tashkent, Uzbekistan and many other warm southern countries.

Peach oil for damaged cuticles

This wonderful tool can not only moisturize, but also perfectly heal the damaged nail cuticle. If you have hangnails on your fingers, apply one or two drops of the product to painful places, cover with a gauze pad and leave to act for twenty minutes.

Very often, the cuticles are affected in young children due to too active movement, participation in various games in the sand, grass, and so on.

The safest in the treatment of cuticles in children will be the use of peach oil: a product without contraindications, contains a huge amount of useful substances and vegetable proteins. It will moisturize the child's cracked cuticle and prevent the appearance of new painful grooves.

Peach oil in nail care

Peach vegetable oil is indispensable in the care of brittle, unhealthy and damaged nails. But when making such care, remember that you can not ignore the base of the nail, the periungual plate and cuticles. Lack of hydration and nutrition of the nail can cause cracks and dryness, which will negatively affect its aesthetic appearance.

Even if you use special gloves when doing laundry, cleaning the house, washing dishes; apply all kinds of hand and nail care products, their appearance will not be 100% positive. Your nails definitely need extra care.

Peach oil in cosmetology is called transport oil. It is known that it not only strengthens the nail plates, but also has a strong bactericidal effect, preventing fungal infections and eliminating all kinds of inflammation.

Created a special series of cosmetics for weakened nails prone to delamination, contains peach seed oil.

To strengthen damaged nails, massage procedures using oil should be done. The mixture is easy to prepare on your own, without fail adhering to its proportional components:

  1. Add four drops of lavender essential oil to two tablespoons of peach oil. Massage the nail plates with the resulting mixture three times a day. You set the course of procedures for yourself. After all, much in the treatment of nails depends on the threshold of their damage and neglect. That is, use massage procedures until complete rehabilitation. During massages, refrain from using varnishes.
  2. Mix two teaspoons of peach oil with the same amount of jojoba, add two drops of lemon ether. Use the mixture to massage your nails two or three times a day until they are back to normal. If you still decide to apply varnish, then do it at least an hour after the massage.
  3. Mix two teaspoons of peach oil with two teaspoons of wheat germ oil, add three drops of eucalyptus ether. Apply the mixture on fingers, nails and massage. Apply the procedure no more than three times a day.
  4. Add one tablespoon of avocado vegetable oil to one tablespoon of peach kernel oil, drip three drops of rosemary ether into the mixture. Massage with the resulting mixture three times a day until the nails are completely restored.
  5. If you have a fungus on your nails, use the following recipe: add five drops of tea tree ether to one teaspoon of peach oil. Make a mixture of applications on the nails daily until complete recovery. Applications are made by impregnating dense cotton napkins with a mixture.
  6. We offer a recipe for a mask for hands and nails. Mix two tablespoons of peach oil, jojoba and wheat germ, add four drops of essential patchouli or ylang-ylang. Apply the entire mixture to your hands and nails. Massage your hands, fingers and nails. Put on cotton gloves. Take them off after twenty minutes. Blot the rest of the mixture with a tissue. Once again, do a light massage of the hands and fingers. With regular use of this mask, your hands and nails will gain a second youth.
  7. Mask for weakened nails. Melt five grams of beeswax in a steam bath. Hard boil an egg, separate the yolk. Mix the melted wax with the pounded yolk until smooth, add two tablespoons of peach oil. The mixture should be thick, so you adjust the amount of the product yourself. Apply the mixture daily to damaged nail plates until they are completely strengthened and healed.
  8. So, in the care of nails and hands, peach oil will become your excellent assistant. However, do not wait until your nails lose their healthy appearance. Use this tool for prevention, and if necessary - to restore damaged unhealthy nails. Applying healing peach oil for nail care systematically, you will achieve a wonderful result. Your nails will get a great, healthy, well-groomed look. And it will please not only you!

Women who work a lot around the house and in the garden know firsthand how hard it is to keep beautiful hands and nails. There are a wide variety of hand care products to choose from today. But if you look very closely at the composition of these creams, it becomes clear that most of them do not have anything natural. Therefore, it is worth considering carefully how useful these funds will be and whether it is worth exposing your hands to such a chemical attack. In this case, peach oil will become your savior, because it is not only natural, but also very useful.

Peach oil: how to use it correctly?

Peach oil is made exclusively from natural ingredients, namely peach pits. In order for the oil to retain all its beneficial substances, it undergoes exclusively cold processing, cold pressing and filtration. The oil has just a huge supply of various trace elements that our hands need so much: calcium, phosphorus, potassium and iron. There are also a lot of fatty acids, thanks to which our skin remains moist for a very long time. Very often, peach oil is used for good skin care of the face, hands and other delicate parts of the body. It not only makes the skin soft and tender, but also saturates it with nutrients. Most massage parlors also use peach oil for massage. Such a thorough effect on the skin is due to vitamin B15 in the peach kernel oil. This vitamin most directly affects the metabolic processes in the body.

Peach oil gives a very good result when caring for dry or mature skin. It significantly improves the condition of the skin, removes and smoothes wrinkles, restores elasticity and tenderness of the skin. Also, a distinctive feature of the oil will be that it is very gentle on sensitive skin. If you regularly use peach oil for face care, then your vessels will become much stronger. Vitamin E - a female vitamin will slow down the aging process, vitamin A will strengthen cells and prevent them from losing their elasticity over time. Today, peach oil has become very popular and can be found in many creams, balms and shampoos. But this is not a complete list of areas in which peach oil is actively used. Also, it is not forgotten in folk medicine. Thanks to him, pain relief and rapid healing of wounds occur, scarring can be avoided. Peach kernel oil can be used as a fortified remedy that will put your stomach and intestinal tract in order. Also, if you have a cold or you have anemia, then this oil will be the best treatment. Its uniqueness is that it does not cause allergies or irritation and does not have an age category, so it can be given even to children. Oil is produced, as a rule, in southern countries.

Since peach oil disinfects and heals wounds, it is a good cuticle remedy when wounds can form there during a manicure. It can also be used to get rid of burrs. To do this, it is enough to apply pure oil on damaged areas of the skin or nails and leave for a while. Many women use peach oil to restore the structure of the nail plate. There are already ready-made products and creams with the addition of this oil, or you can make such a cream or balm yourself. Just buy the oil from a pharmacy and add a few drops to your remedy. You can apply the oil on the nails themselves and leave it overnight so that it has time to absorb normally.

So, peach oil is a unique care product not only for nails, but also for all organs and parts of our body.

Fingertips experience many impacts daily: water, household chemicals, temperature fluctuations, computer work… It is not surprising that the skin on the pads and the cuticle of the nails are constantly dry. To make your hands always look well-groomed, you need to use nail oil - not only in the salon, but also for daily care.

Features and Benefits

What kind of products have not been invented for skin care around the nails! Creams, gels, balms, serums - and all of them necessarily contain active vegetable fats.. As a dosage form, the oil easily penetrates the skin and the nail plate - this explains its effectiveness.

The care product can be single-component or multi-component. They are equally effective - depending on what problem needs to be solved.

There are base oils and essential oils. Basic - those that are taken as the basis for creating some kind of cosmetic product:

  • coconut;
  • almond;
  • jojoba;
  • olive;
  • grape seeds;
  • avocado;
  • wheat germ;
  • burdock;
  • corn;
  • argan etc.

These drugs are relatively inexpensive and can be purchased at any pharmacy. They are also effective in solo use: they perfectly moisturize the skin, nourish and protect it.

Essential oils are used to enrich drugs and enhance their effect. You should not use them separately - they can be very allergenic or cause a burn. But in proper proportion with the base component, you get an effective and 100% natural skin care product for your fingertips.

Oils can be mixed independently, and you can buy ready-made preparations. Components for self-mixing are available from pharmacies, aromatherapy or sauna/bath departments. Ready-made ones are best purchased in professional cosmetics stores - there is a large selection and there is always the opportunity to get advice from the seller.

Types and properties

Each vegetable fat has its own properties and effect. Depending on what problem you need to solve, you can choose both basic and related components.

Suitable for the base:


Natural source of lauric and hyaluronic acids. It perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin, forms a protective film on the nail. Keeps the hardness of nails, protects from ultraviolet radiation. Coconut fat can be safely used in its pure form - applied to the hair, face, body skin.


Since ancient times, it has been used for skin care. In addition to a huge amount of fatty acids, it contains vitamin E (protects against free radicals, smoothes wrinkles), vitamin D and squalene, which deeply moisturizes the skin. It gives the best effect when applied both from the inside and outside - you can not only add it to salads or other dishes, but also take a tablespoon in the morning.

It is best to choose fresh cold-pressed oil.


Virtually no side effects, which is remarkable for a large number of trace elements. It contains calcium, iron, fluorine and more B vitamins. This base will be good for brittle nails that crack and exfoliate.

Nutritious apricot oil is very similar in composition - in addition to vitamins, it still has a lot of softening elements that are suitable for dry skin, when burrs are constantly formed.


Beauticians sometimes refer to it as vegetable wax., because It is similar in composition to spermaceti. If you disassemble the internal "chemistry" of this substance, it becomes clear that it is very similar to human sebum - which is why jojoba has no equal in moisturizing and nourishing the cuticle. Suitable for all skin and hair types.


Known for its high content of omega acids that stimulate cell renewal and rejuvenation. This cosmetic antioxidant oil is perfect for fading hand skin, age-related or severe dryness from household chemicals. Accelerates nail growth.


Hazelnut oil is considered a good remedy for problem skin. For use on the hands, it is suitable for almost everyone, but best of all for aging, fading skin. Contains many trace elements that accelerate the growth of the nail and increase its hardness.


Basic vitamin remedy for any skin. Nourishes the nail, well improves blood circulation during massage. Removes general irritation. Castor oil also has a similar effect, which also has an antibacterial effect.


Source of fatty acids and beauty vitamins - A, E and F. Phytosterols, which are part of it, improve collagen synthesis, and vitamins retain moisture in the skin, smooth it, protect it from ultraviolet radiation and oxidants. This natural remedy will revive even the most dry and tired skin.

wheat germ

In cosmetology, it is valued not only for moisturizing and nourishing properties., but also as an excellent assistant in the regeneration of nail tissue. The drug on this basis will heal cracks, scratches, burrs and other skin damage.


Fat extract of almonds is a natural nail strengthener. It will keep the plate firm, and the cuticle will soften and relieve inflammation.


Valuable vegetable fat, which can be used both externally and internally. It contains a large amount of Omega acids and vitamin E. It will help both in daily care and in case of nail infection. Using argan oil, you can forget about cracked fingertips and burrs.


The easiest and most affordable option, containing vitamin A and healthy fatty acids. Unrefined is better in this case. It can be added to water for steam baths and simply rubbed into nails.

As a base, sesame oil and cocoa butter with a delicious aroma are perfect. If there is absolutely nothing at hand, you can use butter for hand care. It does not contain magical beauty components, but it can soften and moisturize the skin perfectly. Before use, it must be melted. It is advisable to use a quality product with a milk fat content of at least 80%.

Essential oils to enrich the composition:

  • To accelerate the growth of nails, use rosemary oil, ylang-ylang. For brittle, exfoliating nails, other esters with a tart aroma are also suitable - sandalwood, patchouli. Camphor oil has a good strengthening property, but it can be used strictly with a "base" - it is highly toxic and very active!

  • Before use, you can apply a drop of lavender, ylang-lang, or citrus fruits - lemon, grapefruit, orange to polish the nails and add shine to the buff file. Orange oil also softens cuticles so they can be pushed back more easily (for those who don't get trimmed nails). No wonder even the stick that pushes back the cuticle is made from an orange tree!
  • For the treatment of nails from infections, fatty extracts of tea tree, juniper are suitable; eucalyptus, fir oil, as well as mint and geranium. Phytoncides contained in these vegetable fats easily cope with bacteria. The best anti-fungal remedy is wormwood oil. It is rubbed into the nails in its pure form at night.

  • As healing for severe burrs, cracks, cuts, mango, rosehip, calendula, lavender, black cumin oils are well suited. Sea buckthorn oil has excellent regenerating properties. It is widely used not so much in cosmetology as in medicine. Sea buckthorn remedy can be applied to the cuticles and skin of the fingertips, but remember: it has a bright and corrosive yellow color!

How to choose

To choose the right nail care product, it is important to identify the problem.

If you just want care - the most optimal and inexpensive option is to buy one of the base oils in a pharmacy. Without difficulty on sale you can find almond, peach, burdock. It will most likely be packed in a simple jar - you can apply it with a cotton swab or disc.

A manicure master can also offer you a care product.- as a rule, a variety of products of more or less professional brands are sold directly in beauty salons. Most often, these are also basic substances that have a moisturizing and protective effect. If desired, they can be enriched with essential oils on their own. What is good about this option is that a specialist, seeing the condition of your hands, can more competently choose exactly the drug that suits you. In addition, these products are most often produced in jars with a brush (like nail polish) - they are very convenient to apply, and they are economically consumed.

Recently, oil in a pencil has been very popular.- such "things" are ordered in Chinese online stores. According to customer reviews, it is very convenient and pleasant to use it. However, the composition of such drugs is always in doubt. You can find many examples where girls received simple sunflower oil or an incomprehensible water substance in a pencil.

Application at home

Cosmetic oils are perfect. You can do many different procedures with them: they “work” in any form. Most Popular:

  • Massage.
  • Mask.
  • Bath.

Allergy testing should be done before using any oil. It can be used only if the body does not give any reactions.

General rules for working with oils read: if you want to enrich the finished cream with base oil, you can mix the products in a 1: 4 ratio, where 1 is oil and 4 is cream. If you want to add ether to the cream, 1 drop is enough for a single application.

When mixing oils together, stick to the formula of 2-3 drops of essential oil per tablespoon of base oil.

For massage, you can use both mixed preparations and solo oils. After washing your hands, apply a few drops of oil or a cuticle cream enriched with it to your nails and the skin around them. Massage your fingertips until the drug is absorbed. For care, you need to do this at least before going to bed every day. Ideally, after every hand wash.

By the way, it's good for pedicure too.- Rubbing oil into the fingers is good for the health and beauty of the legs. For these purposes, it is best to use oils with an antibacterial effect: tea tree, fir, juniper, wormwood. This will give additional protection against fungal diseases.

Baths can be done before starting a manicure or to restore nails after aggressive exposure (for example, household chemicals). This is a good way to clean the area under the nails from accumulated dirt and dust.

You can make a bath in an ordinary deep plate: you need to pour some warm water into which, right before immersing your hands, drip 3-4 drops of the desired oil. Even essential oil can be added to water in its pure form. Hands should be held for 2-3 minutes until the skin on the fingertips becomes soft and the cuticle is pliable.

After the bath, you can clean the space under the nails, give them a shape and push / cut off the excess skin.

Polishing not only gives the nails a well-groomed appearance, but is also useful in itself: increases the flow of blood (and hence oxygen) to the nail plate. It strengthens and heals literally from the inside. And if you do this procedure with the addition of an effective drug, the result will be even better.

No need to smear oil on the nails - there will be too much fat. 1 drop is enough, which is applied to the polisher. The tool is slightly absorbed into it, and "give" exactly as much shine as it will be needed.

The mask on the nails is used for the treatment and restoration of plates. This procedure can be done for owners of brittle and exfoliating nails, as well as after building. To balance the composition of the mask, familiarize yourself with the actions of various oils. The recipe is something like this:Masks are also used for diseases - for example, psoriasis, to remove spots and peeling. As a base, you can take flaxseed oil, and lavender, rosemary are suitable for essential oils. In addition, you need to be treated by a doctor and follow a diet that limits sugar and other carbohydrates.

Simply applying oil to the nails is also not without meaning - it helps a lot against flaking. Apply the product to the very tips of the nail, as manicurists do sealing. Over time, the plates will harden.

If you lubricate extended nails, you can extend the life of the varnish, because. a protective film is formed on top.

Rating of the best

Ready-made products for fingertip care, which are traditionally popular with customers.


Means of a well-known German manufacturer - the company specializes in the production of cosmetics for the feet. Has half the healing effect. It contains wheat germ oil, bisabolol, panthenol and an antifungal component - clotrimazole. The price category is high.


Bio oil for nails is based on beeswax. The composition also includes wheat germ and castor oils, as well as vitamin E. Convenient packaging - a bottle with a dispenser that allows you to literally squeeze out a drop. Another plus for economical consumption is a very low price.

solar oil

Remedy from the American brand CND known for its product Shellac. Suitable for both natural and artificial nails. Can be applied to nails covered with gel polishes. Available in jars with a brush of different sizes - from 3.7 to 118 ml. Based on sweet almond, jojoba and rice oils. The price category is high.

Sally Hansen

The manufacturer called the product "fortified oil", which is quite honest: The composition contains alcohols, parabens, and mineral oil. Of the useful - vitamin E, apricot kernel oil, coconut, aloe extract. Has no smell. Applied with a brush. The price is average.


Lavender-based cuticle cleanser. There is not much natural in the composition, it is based on synthetics, however, the keratin included in the recipe does its job - it accelerates the growth of nails and strengthens them. Can be used for care and during manicure to soften the cuticles.

Siberian rose

Product from Siberian Health Corporation. Produced in a bottle with a dropper - a pipette, which you can drop the right amount of the drug on your hands.

Natural composition: rosehip oil (Siberian rose), orange, mint, arborvitae, mandarin and calendula. Based on soy fat. The price category is low.