Safe baby cosmetics for newborns. What cosmetics to choose for a newborn: the necessary hygiene products

A child is a long-awaited event in the life of every family. But as soon as the baby is born, he needs careful care. After all, he is born very small and defenseless. So the baby's skin will react to external influences The baby's hair is still very thin and weak. Therefore, a mother must provide proper care to her child. And children's cosmetics will help with this.

If a woman is faced with the choice of cosmetics for a child for the first time, then she may have a lot of questions. What cosmetics to buy and in general what you need little creature? On the shelves of stores there is a huge variety of cosmetics for baby care. Each manufacturer produces cosmetics that are completely different in composition, price and external design. So, what do you need in the first place for the baby?

List of cosmetics

When choosing any cosmetics, it is worth close attention pay attention to the composition, and the main purpose of cosmetics is cleansing. At the same time, the funds should not give allergic reaction and contain harmful substances in its composition.

The baby needs:

  • baby soap;
  • bath foam;
  • shampoo;
  • baby cream and oil;
  • powder;
  • wet wipes;
  • protective equipment.

Baby soap- This the right remedy for a child. They can wash the baby, as well as wash clothes. It does not matter for what purposes it should be used, the main thing is that the composition does not contain hard substances. Pediatricians recommend using baby soap not before age at 3 months. At your discretion, you can choose solid soap, liquid, cream soap.

It is cream soap that will be rich in nutrients and emollients. If the composition contains various softening components, then this is good. These substances can be glycerin, lanolin, boric acid. As nutritional components may be wax or honey. The extract of calendula, eucalyptus, oak bark has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Bath foam used for as a means of softening water and having a calming effect on the baby. The composition must contain active substances. They will help not to dry out the skin of a newborn. Bath foam should be used no more than 2 times a week. Often manufacturers offer to purchase combined products.

They cleanse both the skin of the child and wash the hair. Moms prefer to choose products based on lavender or chamomile, which perfectly soothe the baby before bedtime.

Which one is used most often and what its name is, you can understand if you read the contents of this article by clicking on the link.

How it looks and how much it can stand is detailed here in the article.

The task of parents is to provide care and protection to their child. This also applies sensitive skin baby, because a newborn is born with very thin and delicate skin. Cosmetics for adults are not suitable for children that is why it is worth paying attention to a special children's series of hygiene products. The choice of children's cosmetics should be taken very carefully, as it is directly related to the health of the baby.

Before buying something from baby cosmetics, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Obligatory presence of the certificate of quality.
  2. The composition must be fully spelled out on the packaging, which should not contain:
    • silicone (silicone);
    • formaldehydes (formaldehyde);
    • sulfates (sulfate);
    • dyes;
    • parabens;
    • vaseline and paraffin (refined products).
  3. Natural (oils and extracts must be produced on the basis natural ingredients).
  4. No dyes.
  5. No alcoholic liquids.
  6. Non-toxic.

Baby cosmetics list

What products are included in children's cosmetics and what should be bought first from the list?

Baby soap

The first few weeks after the birth of a child, it is quite enough to wash with plain water and bathe without using any means. Then you will need baby soap. Soap should be safe, hypoallergenic, fragrance-free and fragrance-free.

There are several types of soap for babies:

  • Liquid. It is he who is most often recommended for use by pediatricians, since it does not dry the skin. This soap is suitable for daily use because it works softly and delicately.
  • Cream soap. This type soap is best for bathing a baby, it moisturizes the skin well, relieves inflammation and creates protective layer from bacteria. Contains lanolin and glycerin. They are completely safe for the baby.
  • Solid soap. It dries the skin, so it is advisable to use it no more than once a week. It is possible to use for washing children's things, since the risk of an allergic reaction is much lower than when using washing powder.

Bath foam

It is allowed to use from the first days of a baby's life if there is an appropriate marking. If the allowable age is not indicated on the package in any way, then it is better not to use this remedy earlier. three years of age. Pediatricians recommend bathing your baby with bubble bath no more than once a week.

If we compare baby soap and foam, then the latter is considered safer for the baby's skin, since the concentration of substances in the bath with a cap of the product diluted in it is minimal.

plus this tool for bathing is the addition of various plant extracts (chamomile, calendula, string), which relieve irritation and have a calming effect. Bathing in foam with herbal extracts is safer in terms of the risk of developing an allergic reaction than using a decoction of these herbs for similar purposes.

Important! After using the foam, you need to wash the child clean water to completely remove detergent particles.


For the safety of the child, the shampoo must be age appropriate. baby. About the recommended age category there is always a mark on the bottle.

Shampoo for children has a neutral ph level, which contributes to the formation and preservation of the protective layer of hair and scalp. Manufacturers often add glyceryl oleate, obtained from natural oils and fats. This component moisturizes and softens the scalp, strengthens its barrier function.


Necessary creams for a baby include baby and diaper creams.

  1. A baby moisturizer is a must-have for pediatrics. Baby's skin is thin and delicate, work sebaceous glands not adjusted yet. During water procedures the lipid film, which performs a protective function, is easily washed off the skin. Therefore, after bathing, the skin is overdried and peeling may begin. The application of baby cream helps to restore the protective barrier.
  2. The diaper cream has a protective effect, relieves irritation and eliminates redness. The soothing and healing effect occurs due to the addition of chamomile, string, calendula extracts to the composition. Frequent components are also panthenol and zinc oxide. Panthenol helps to restore the skin, and zinc oxide has an antimicrobial effect.


Application spectrum baby oil wide enough: it is used on problem areas the baby, with its help they clean the nasal passages and ears, use it during the massage.

For this cotton pad hygienically treat all skin folds, neck, armpits, elbow and popliteal folds, behind the ears, groin, ass.

Baby powder

Traditionally used under a diaper to prevent diaper rash.

The advantages of this tool include:

  • good absorption of secretions;
  • reduction of friction;
  • calming effect;
  • preservation of skin respiration;
  • cooling properties.

The main disadvantage is insecurity. In case of inaccurate actions, the powder may enter the eyes and respiratory tract.

Wet wipes

The basis of the napkin is a piece nonwoven fabric impregnated with a special antibacterial composition. Impregnation also includes lotions, cream components, ions of purified water.

Wet wipes - irreplaceable assistants mothers. You can always use them if the baby burped, got dirty, went to the toilet. You can always take them with you to the clinic, for a walk, to the country, which greatly facilitates the care of the baby. You can use wipes from the first days of life, making sure that there is no alcohol in the composition. Otherwise, you can cause overdrying and irritation of the skin.

Attention! If possible, it is better to wash the baby with water, and use napkins as a last resort.

Body milk

In addition to baby cream pediatricians recommend using milk to moisturize the skin. Due to the liquid texture, the milk is easily and quickly absorbed, instantly gives softness, does not make the skin greasy.

When buying, be sure to look at the marking of the age for which the product is intended.

Protective products

From the sun

IN summer time year, it is recommended to use a sunscreen with UV filters. The skin of babies is too thin and its protective functions are still poorly developed. Therefore, children are very sensitive to ultraviolet light. A short stay under the sun is enough for a child to get burned. Therefore, it is necessary to apply sunscreen on exposed skin.

What to look for when choosing:

  • compliance with the age of the child and the labeling on the tube;
  • SPF (sun protection factor) - the higher the value, the longer the effect of the cream;
  • labeled contraindications.


Such creams protect from cold and wind, creating a greasy film on children's skin, which can be severely affected by adverse weather conditions.

Due to strong winds, dehydration of the skin is possible and, as a result, its drying out. Also, frost and wind can provoke a cold allergy.

The composition of the cream must be present: beeswax, paraffin, pink water. It is necessary to apply such a cream in advance so that it has time to be absorbed.

Special healing creams for healing inflammation

Any child may need treatment. If it is not possible to eliminate diaper rash on initial stage, then they can go to the next stage - inflammation.

Special creams well eliminate irritation, promote the healing of cracks, and restore damaged areas of the skin. Therapeutic creams are used as prescribed by the doctor.

It is better to buy baby care products even before his birth, as some of them will need to be taken with you to the hospital (wet wipes, baby cream, diaper cream or powder). Also, the mother most likely will not be up to shopping after the birth of the child. Therefore, it is better to take care of everything in advance. The exception is medicinal ointments. If necessary, they will be prescribed by a doctor, based on the characteristics of the child.

It is better to buy children's cosmetics in specialized stores of goods for children. In this case, you can be sure that the goods were stored in appropriate conditions. At home, you should also follow the storage recommendations indicated on the package. As a rule, this is a dark place, protected from light, and the temperature is not higher than +25 degrees. Special attention it is worth paying attention to the conditions and terms of storage of already opened tubes.

From the correct choice of products to care for the delicate skin of an infant depends on his health, well-being and good mood. Therefore, parents should carefully approach this issue, carefully studying the information, reading reviews, and making a choice on this basis.

In addition to cosmetics for every day, there is a category of products whose task is to protect against exposure. The baby's skin is quite thin, so those factors that adults do not pay attention to can have a detrimental effect on children's skin.

These funds include:

  1. Sun protection.
  2. Winter.
  3. Anti-inflammatory and healing.


In summer, baby's skin needs special care. Impact sunlight may cause a burn.

To prevent this, they use means with a level SPF protection from 15 to 50.

The components of these products should contain only natural moisturizing ingredients, preferably fragrance-free. Apply 20 minutes before going outside.


In winter, as well as in autumn, strong wind possible irritation and redness of the skin.

Special attention should be given to cheeks, lips and hands.

For care in winter time used fat cream . It creates a protective film on the skin. It is a barrier that prevents chapping and frostbite of the skin.

When buying, carefully study the composition. Buy creams without dyes and parabens.

Anti-inflammatory and healing

When a child becomes mobile, then abrasions and bruises are indispensable. Inexhaustible energy and the absence of "brakes" does its job.

For a speedy recovery you can use anti-inflammatory and healing cream. The components included in its composition kill bacteria on the surface and accelerate cell regeneration.

Such creams cope with rashes and diaper rash on the skin which are especially common in newborns.

What requirements should children's cosmetics meet?

The requirements for all children's products, including cosmetics, are similar. These include:

When choosing cosmetics look not only at brand awareness, but also carefully study the composition.

A product that is ideal for one child may be the cause of severe allergies for another.

What to look for when choosing

Now there is no shortage of goods, therefore, in order to successfully sell, manufacturers go to many tricks and tricks.

This list, first of all, includes bright packaging and a promise to fully natural product written in capital letters.

Where to buy?

Often, parents total absence free time, do shopping raids, and completely ignoring the store. It is not right.

Select verified points. A it is better to buy in specialized stores and pharmacies. This will protect you from negligent sellers who sometimes overwrite the expiration date just to sell the product.


Study the composition carefully. It is desirable that there are no fragrances, dyes, mineral oils, as well as products of oil refining, which are hidden under simple name paraffin oils (vaseline, ceresin, paraffin).

Best before date

When choosing a product, you need to not only look to see if it is suitable best before date towards its end, but also for its duration. The larger it is, the wider the list of preservatives in the composition.

Smell and color

These factors should not hint at their chemical origin. Let it be better white or transparent color and slight unobtrusive odor.

Child's age

When choosing a cosmetic product pay attention to age indicated on the package. If you see the symbols "0+", then feel free to take it for any age.

This means that the product can be used on newborns. Its composition is the softest and safest.

Popular manufacturers

Among domestic manufacturers, the most popular are:

It is impossible to build a certain hierarchy, since popularity among different means The manufacturer's line is not the same.

Perhaps, at the brand eared babysitter" most big choice goods: from cleaners and detergents to personal care products.

The price of goods of domestic manufacturers is mostly affordable and targeted at a wide range of consumers. In terms of quality, many products are not inferior to Western products.

Most of the funds of Western manufacturers cannot be classified as budget.

If you do not have the opportunity to buy an expensive product, study the composition. Perhaps a worthy remedy can be found from a domestic manufacturer and at an affordable price.

But there are times when it is better to overpay and buy good remedy with a safe composition.

Popular Western manufacturers:

Every mother wants to give her baby the very best. Nobody doubts it. Pay more attention to the choice of children's cosmetics.

Pay attention to composition. If in doubt, then it is better to refuse this product. Test makeup on a small patch of skin.

If there is the slightest suspicion of a negative reaction, feel free to throw the product in the trash. The health of the baby is the key to his bright future!

In the first weeks of life, a newborn should be washed without the use of various cosmetics. The baby is simply bathed in clean boiled water. After the second or third week, a special baby soap can be used for the child. Pediatricians recommend choosing a liquid one, as it does not dry the skin. In any case, the product must be safe and hypoallergenic without fragrances, fragrances and other harmful substances. chemical substances. Let's figure out which baby soap to choose for newborns.

What soap to use for a newborn

The main criterion when choosing any cosmetic product for a newborn is the safety of the product. Start with a neutral antibacterial liquid soap or cream soap made in natural basis without allergenic additives. Glycerin is safe for babies, as glycerin gently moisturizes the skin, protects against the negative effects of heat and cold, from the appearance of dryness and flaking. As a result, baby's skin becomes soft and protected.

To determine what kind of soap to wash a newborn, you need to consider the types of products. Manufacturers today offer the following types soaps:

  • Liquid soap has a balanced composition and is perfect for babies in the first months of life. This tool does not dry the skin, does not cause irritation, acts very gently and delicately, so it will not harm the baby's skin. Liquid soap can be used every day without harm to the child;
  • Cream soap contains glycerin and lanolin. These are safe components that soften the skin, relieve inflammation and effectively resist bacteria. Cream soap is perfect for. But sometimes it may contain flavors and fragrances, so check the composition carefully before buying;
  • Hard soap dries the skin, but it creates a dense protective layer. Such a tool is chosen for a child older than a month and use no more than once a week. In addition, baby bar soap is great for washing hands throughout the day, as well as washing clothes and bed linen baby. This tool creates a strong strong foam. It has a more gentle composition and is more adapted to children's skin, less likely to cause an allergic reaction in infants than;
  • Soap with various additives, such as chamomile, sage, fir, plantain and other natural extracts, should be used with caution. Some components, especially aloe, citrus and pine needles, can cause allergies in a child. However, if the baby does not have a negative reaction, such remedies will be very useful. They soothe, heal wounds and relieve itching, reduce swelling, sweating and diaper rash.

Before buying, carefully study the composition of the product. Soap with additives is best used after two to three months, when the baby's skin is more adaptable to new conditions. The safest are chamomile and string, calendula, celandine, eucalyptus and sage. Means with the addition of needles or honey are used for children older than 5-6 months. And it is better to refuse a citrus soap in general.

You can not wash a child and wash children's things with laundry soap! The high content of alkali in the composition of this product is very irritating to the skin. As a result, the child becomes allergic to laundry soap. But it is perfect for washing and disinfecting a baby bath. How to properly wash a bath for a newborn, read.

Rules for the selection and use of soap for babies

  • Choose a product intended only for children or newborns. Even hypoallergenic and safe formulations that are not adapted for children's skin can cause a negative reaction in the baby;
  • Before buying, carefully study the composition and expiration date, check the integrity of the package. Often on products indicate the age for which the product is intended. The product must be appropriate for the age of the child!;
  • Choose clear products for babies that are labeled “hypoallergenic” (HA), pH neutral, and have a low botanical scent;
  • It is great if the product has an eco-label. It testifies to the highest quality of the product. The safest and most environmentally friendly products are labeled "Ecocert", "ICEA", "NATRUE" and "Cosmos Organic". The “BDIH” label indicates that the composition does not contain parabens, dyes and silicones;
  • Don't buy too much soap bright color or with strong smell even if the compound appears to be safe. This indicates the presence of flavors, fragrances and dyes in the product;
  • For daily use choose liquid soap, cream soap is suitable for bathing in the bath, and solid soap is suitable for washing hands and bath procedures, which spend no more than once 7-10 minutes;

  • The safe composition of the product includes glycine and lanolin, sometimes it includes vegetable oil and natural ingredients;
  • Choose a soap containing celandine, string and chamomile for sensitive skin prone to irritation and severe diaper rash. They deeply nourish and soften skin, create and maintain a protective layer of the epidermis;
  • Eucalyptus, calendula, oak bark and sage perfectly relieve irritation and inflammation;
  • Plantain effectively heals scratches and wounds, avocado helps with peeling, relieves inflammation and eliminates microbes;
  • Honey and beeswax tone the skin and maintain the tone of the epidermis;
  • Lavender, fir and pine soothe and improve sleep, restore skin;
  • When choosing a soap for washing children's clothes, give preference to products that do not contain bleach. They must act on high temperature and contain no more than 15% surfactants.

The best soap for a newborn

Today, manufacturers offer a lot of cosmetics for newborns and young children. It is important to find a suitable and safe among the variety of brands. Before choosing a product, read reviews about each company, consult a pediatrician. Remember that every baby is different. The same remedy may work for one child, but cause an allergy in another. If you found good soap don't change the brand! We offer a rating and review of the most well-known firms that produce children's cosmetics.

Brand Description average price
Weleda German children's cosmetics with a natural safe composition and the content of herbal ingredients, a wide range, suitable for children from the first days of life, has a high price 400 rubles (100 gr)
Little Siberica Russian cosmetics of high quality with a natural and safe composition, has a European quality certificate, affordable price, however, parents note that the products sometimes cause irritation and allergies on the baby's skin 300 rubles (500 ml)
Sanosan Popular children's cosmetics based on vegetable and natural ingredients, however, some products may contain harmful parabens, so carefully check the composition and labeling, it has a low price 100 rubles (liquid 300 ml / lumpy 100 gr)
Bubchen Another German cosmetics that is different high quality and safe composition, a wide range of products, optimally suited for newborns and has an affordable price 120 rubles (125 gr)
Eared Nian A wide range of hypoallergenic baby cosmetics, washing powders and detergents for children's things and utensils, some products contain phosphates, which is prohibited by the European composition, the products are distinguished by economical consumption and availability 30 rubles (lump 90 gr) / 80 rubles (liquid 300 ml)
johnsons baby Suitable for children from the first days of life, they have a soft creamy thick structure and a pleasant mild aroma, a safe natural composition and an affordable price, however, parents often note an allergic reaction in children, not suitable for babies with atopic dermatitis 40 rubles (100 gr)
our mother Safe means with natural composition Russian production, suitable for problematic and sensitive skin, eliminates microbes and protects against harmful bacteria, relieves inflammation and irritation, reasonable price 50 rubles (lumpy 90 gr) / 80 rubles (liquid 250 ml)
Baby (Belita-Vitex) Belarusian cosmetics containing mild detergent components, some compositions of the “Mom and Baby” line include, which quickly and effectively heals the skin, eliminates dryness and flaking, safe hypoallergenic and affordable products 150 rubles (300 ml)
babyline Mild soap with a safe composition is suitable for children over 2-3 months old, provides careful care, softens and protects the skin of the baby, hypoallergenic products at an affordable price 100 rubles (100 gr)
AQA baby Hypoallergenic composition, good foam and easy to wash off, rarely cause an allergic reaction, economical consumption and affordable price 100 rubles (300 ml)