The scenario of the New Year's party is a journey through fairy tales. The scenario of the New Year's party based on the fairy tale "twelve months" for children of the senior group in kindergarten. Scenario New Year's party let's save Russian fairy tales

Snezhana Yakubovskaya


The hall is beautifully decorated. In the center of the hall is an elegant Christmas tree. The fires don't burn.

Children enter the hall to the music, stop around the Christmas tree ___

Leading. There are many wonderful holidays…

Everyone comes in their turn

But the best holiday in the world

The best holiday is the New Year.

Children. hello holiday New Year

Hello beautiful Christmas tree!

round dance « New Year's kindergarten» (phonogram) ___

Kirill P. How nice that today the guests came to us here.

And without looking at the worries, everyone found a free hour!

Happy New Year and welcome to the holiday...

IN fairy tale, the best in the world,

The roles are played by children!

Mysterious music sounds and the presenter ___ speaks in the background

Leading. Do you hear? On our Christmas tree suddenly jangled needles?

Maybe they ring for us to light the fires?

our Christmas tree New Year's without lights it is impossible today!

“Christmas tree, Christmas tree, wake up! Light up the lights!"

The lights on the Christmas tree ___

Ulyana P. How beautiful it is in our hall.

As if in fairy tale we got.

Everywhere stars shine and lanterns burn.

Egor M. Look, look, what kind of tree is it?

There are beads and crackers on it and a star is burning at the top!

round dance "Shine Christmas tree" (phonogram) ___

Katya B. On a wonderful holiday, on a day New Year

Came to visit us today.

Children and adults, mothers and fathers,

Gently shake her green paws!

Misha S. Our Christmas tree will have fun,

They made her a necklace out of garlands,

They hung here both balls and crackers,

After all, Christmas trees, like children, love toys.

Lera R. Dear, kind, like a princess,

Suddenly a guest from the forest will smile at us!

And will pump with its branches,

And spin with us in a round dance!

round dance "Ice Palms", music A. Evtodieva ___

Leading. Here comes the holiday, wait! Here we are in the hall!

The tree is all shiny and sparkling! But is someone missing?

Who have we been looking forward to meeting? Who brought us a Christmas tree?

Answer quickly, children, it's grandpa. FREEZING!

Quiet. Seems, fairy tale she comes to visit us.

Under the song comes Little Red Riding Hood ___

Cr. cap. I'm all alone in the forest ... I'm carrying in a basket

Pies, pancakes - for your beloved grandmother.

The music of the wolf is playing. The wolf runs out

Wolf. Stop, girl! Do not rush!

What are you carrying? Show me!

I am a hungry gray wolf

I know a lot about girls!

Cr. cap. Listen. Eat me, you wolf, but what's the point?

Only two hours will pass, hunger will come to you again!

Better we'll dance and sing together!

Dance of Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf

Leading. Hello Little Red Riding Hood and Wolf. Please tell me, are you in your fairy tale Have you seen Santa Claus? We are looking for him with the guys. Cr. cap. In our fairy tale no winter. You should all know this.

It's time for me to go - I was delayed on the way!

Wolf. There, behind the forest at the edge of the forest, is a lonely hut.

You go to the window, but shout louder.

Call Santa Claus. Well, I'm in a hurry! Sorry!

The wolf and Little Red Riding Hood sit down.

Leading (points to the hut) Here's the fuzz! Here is the hut! Help me guys, call Santa Claus! Come on unanimously: one two Three! Santa Claus, you come to us!

Baba Yaga comes out of the hut

Baba Yaga. Who is making noise here? Who is calling? Can't let grandma sleep?

How did you all get here?

Children. We were looking for Santa Claus.

Baba Yaga. He is not here! He left on foot.

V-o-o-o-o with such a big bag!

Everyone in the forest dressed up, but ran around the guests.

I am alone, unhappy, abandoned by everyone. It's good that my nieces, the witches of the forest came to visit me (points to children).

Leading. What other witches? These are our girls!

Baba Yaga. And now we will check it!

Game "Around the Christmas tree on a whisk"

Leading. Grandmother Yaga, where can we look for Santa Claus? Where to go next? Baba Yaga. You look at the sky, and ask the moon, well, I have to go, sorry!

Baba Yaga leaves.

1 The Moon comes out to the music of the Christmas tree (boy)

Leading. Month, month, our friend! Gilded horn!

You walk under heaven, over fields and forests!

Have you seen Grandfather Frost from above? Month. I have been walking in the sky for a long time, I see a lot, I know a lot.

I see. Hurries to you old man, across the field, straight ahead.

He is overgrown with a beard - you can see this is FATHER FROST!

Under Antonov's song "Sea, Sea" comes out Old man, carries a net.

Leading. Grandpa, are you Santa Claus?

Grandfather. I am not Santa Claus, although I have grown a beard.

I'm going to look for the sea, I have to catch a fish -

Make three wishes!

Hear the sound of the sea

I hear the sound of the surf ... Here it is, the sea!

I throw a net into the sea, maybe I’ll catch a fish there!

Need one, two, three say. and wait a bit.

Here they are, the beauties are frolicking, the golden fish are having fun.

16 Old man throws a net to the audience, where the first row is decorated "under the sea",

on blue fabric - gold paper fish

I'll push myself - one, two, three. So look at the fish!

He pulls out Emelya, he has a bucket in his hands, in the bucket is a cardboard Pike.

Grandfather. I have not seen such miracles. How did you get in there? Emelya. Oh! FAQ is this with me? Am I dead or alive? Grandfather. Say alive. Fu, scared! How did you get into my network? Emelya. I remember - I went to the stove, but everything cracked rolls.

Suddenly in the eyes as charged. And I'm all twisted!

What are you doing here in winter? Do you catch fish?

Grandfather. I want to catch a goldfish - make 3 wishes.

I have the right, or not, to be weird on old age?

Emelya. OK, older, don't be sad. Look at me.

I can help you - I know how to conjure.

My pike will help us. A pike can do everything!

Whatever you want, speak. Grandfather. I would like to start with a large hall.

For the light to shine bright. Children's choir to stand.

Completing the whole picture, in the middle is a large spruce.

Emelya. It's simpler than simple. This time - and everything is ready.

Pike, pike, help me out. Fulfill your grandfather's wish.

Around yourself, grandfather, turn around. Yes, better, take a closer look.

The hall is lit up with lights. There is a Christmas tree in the center!

Artists run in a circle, you will amuse your grandfather.

Children go to the Christmas tree ___

round dance "We came to the tree today" ___

At the end of the round dance, the children take their places ___

Grandfather. Thank you very much Emelya!

Emelya. Well, come on, grandpa, the second! I am able to execute it.

Grandfather. I don't know, I don't dare. Well, okay, Emel, son.

Don't be too hard on me.

I want ALL CHILDREN to dance in this hall, (Grandma - Hedgehogs danced).

Emelya. Pike, pike help me out! Fulfill your grandfather's wish.

look, old man what a marvel! The children dance so playfully. (Hedgehogs go) They run out to our Christmas tree, they famously perform a dance.

Emelya. Well, I will fulfill the third wish at parting. Grandfather. Create, I ask, a miracle. Let me be Santa Claus!

Important, strong and powerful! To drive clouds across the sky.

For everyone to respect me. And they were invited to the party! Emelya. Well, grandfather, good afternoon! I'll start tinkering now!

Come on, straighten your back! Stop, don't move, freeze!

One two Three! Pike, do a miracle!

Run around the tree.

Turn into Santa Claus!

The lights go out, Ivan leaves, grandfather runs behind the Christmas tree -

Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out from the other side

Father Frost. Hello adults! Hello children!

I am Santa Claus the best in the world.

I remember exactly a year ago I saw these guys!

The year has gone by like an hour. Here I am again among you!

Snow Maiden. Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

With a joke, a song, a round dance!

Leading. We were waiting for you, Santa Claus, we are waiting for you for the evening!

We will start a round dance, we will sing a song about you!

Children go to the Christmas tree ___

round dance "Santa Claus, what did you bring us?"

Children take their places

Father Frost. A multi-colored carousel spun carnival.

All my friends from fairy tales I called you for a holiday.

Heroes - children go out one at a time and stand near the Christmas tree

Cinderella. Hello! I came here for a holiday, my friends,

I ran away from home - my stepmother scolded me for not working enough.

And I cleaned the whole house and sorted out the peas.

Pr-sa on a pea. Oh! Oh! Oh! OH! Who keeps talking about peas here?

I didn't sleep last night, I didn't close my eyes.

And where bruises, I did not understand!

Oh oh! Oh oh! Peas are to blame for everything!

Sp. gorgeous. Who hasn't slept here, huh, friends? I slept for a long time!

The evil witch brought me a lot of evil since birth.

Only the prince, who is so dear to me, woke me up with a kiss!

And for the holiday New Year invited me today!

Thumbelina. Oh, lucky you girls! Have you met princes?

And my fate was to marry a mole!

Live underground forever and be friends with snails!

But the good Elf did not destroy me, he loved me with all his heart.

Leading. And here are some more guests.

The boys come in one at a time and, after reading their words, take their heroine girl from fairy tales by the hand and stand in pairs around the Christmas tree

Ivan Tsarevich. Today we all came here together,

To dance, to sing songs in a round dance.

Ivan - I am Tsarevich, and next to me is Vasilisa!

Let it fairy tale our dance repeat!

1 prince. Friends! I am the future king! I want to marry a girl alone. Which did not sleep all night, but the pea was to blame!

2 prince. And I promised to marry that one,

Which fit the crystal slipper has become!

Well, today, putting on a shoe,

I will dance with her the best!

3 prince. I destroyed the evil spell - my girl woke up!

It is impossible, princess, to sleep for a long time. Come dance with me!

Elf. And I am a winged kind ELF. Arrived at his fiancee!

Her name is Thumbelina, I will give her my wing.

Wolf. And I'm not a prince, I'm a gray wolf, but I also know a lot about dancing.

I ran for Little Red Riding Hood and I got to you for the holiday!

Leading. Let the music sound with us - we invite you all to dance!

Children form a circle

dance composition "Tell me fairy tale»

All the heroes take their places

Leading. Well we danced. But a little tired.

Sit down, children, rest. Let's read poems to Grandfather.

Children read poetry.

Game with Santa Claus mobile

Father Frost. How many years have I lived in the world and seen a lot,

I have never seen such a wonderful Christmas tree!

But it's time to leave, kids!

Guys, I just have to do this little thing -

Give gifts to all children, award for songs, dances!

Leading. Grandpa, where is your big bag of gifts? Father Frost. What am I old, did it! I forgot my bag somewhere!

Leading. Emelya will have to call with a pike. Help Santa Claus.

Emelya - friend, come here. Santa Claus is in trouble here!

Emelya. What's happened? Who is calling? Emelya won't let you sleep?

Father Frost. Emelya, do not blame me. Well, come up with something!

He promised gifts to children, but he lost his bag!

Emelya. Okay, nothing to cry about. Expand the network.

You throw it into the sea, get gifts for children!

Throw a net to their parents, "in the sea",

one of the parents catches a bag with gifts - they pull it out ...

Distribution of gifts

Final round dance "New Years is soon"

Father Frost. I distributed gifts to everyone - and the carnival is over!

I will go to the dense forest again - wait next year!

Congratulatory words of the presenter

Characters: Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Baba Yaga, Fox, Bear, Barmaley, Khattab, Hare, leader.

With the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, the children go out, walk in a circle and form a circle.

Happy New Year!

Both hosts and guests

Good luck to all, I wish you well

And fine, clear days.

And there is also congratulations -

In my kindergarten

Healthier and rosier

Become every day!

Hello guys! Hello dear guests!

Loud music sounds.

Do you guys hear this magical music? Maybe the tree is singing? But soon we will know about it. Friends, are you waiting for an unusual New Year's fairy tale? Watch and listen children carefully.

Leading: Hey, my forest friends! Come here quickly! Let's decorate the Christmas tree!

A Bear, a Fox, a Wolf, a Hare come out, Each of them carries a Christmas tree toy and hangs a Christmas tree with toys.

Our Christmas tree is beautiful

To everyone's delight, to everyone's wonder.

We have not worked in vain

Let's have a great New Year's Eve.

Host: Is everything ready for the holiday?

Animals: Yes.

A breathless hare appears with a large envelope.

I welcome you, friends,

I flew to you on a sled.

So I was in a hurry

That almost broke.

Leading: Bunny, we are very glad to see you at our holiday. And where is Santa Claus? Didn't he come with you?

Santa Claus couldn't come.

I brought a letter from him.

Do not be afraid, grief did not happen.

He told you to give the letter

And come back to me again.

Host: Well, let's read what Santa Claus writes to us. (Pulls out a letter and reads it)

"Dear Guys!

I was in such a hurry that it got hot

Let the gifts fall apart

Caught on a knot

And my bag broke.

I'm still collecting them

I am sending the Snow Maiden to you.

Just look, darlings

take care of my granddaughter.

Leading: We will welcome the Snow Maiden, we will meet her with a dance. Song-game "Zimushka - winter".

Baba Yaga enters, dressed as a Snow Maiden. Music for Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: Here I am, here I am.

Host: Who are you?

Baba Yaga: Like who? Granddaughter.

Presenter: Oh, so you are the granddaughter of Santa Claus?

Baba Yaga: Well, yes. Meet your granddaughter and be healthy.

Leading: So you became a Snow Maiden. Why didn't Santa Claus come?

Baba Yaga: He was in such a hurry that it became hot and the roasts crumbled.

Leading. What other roasts?

Baba Yaga: Yes, of course: the roasts crumbled and my knot broke.

Leading. Well, here's what. You are not the granddaughter of Santa Claus. So get out of here in a good, healthy way, and we will continue the holiday.

Baba Yaga: But Santa Claus said: “Only, dear, look, take care of my granddaughter.”

Leading: Guys, maybe she really is a Snow Maiden?

Children in chorus: No!

Host: Who is she?

Children in chorus: Baba Yaga!

Host: I also think that Baba Yaga. Let's kick her out, the liar.

Baba Yaga: But, but, think about it, drive it away. And I have your Snow Maiden, but I won’t let her go.

Leading: Wait, where are you, let our Snow Maiden go!

Baba Yaga: No, I'd better make her heat a bathhouse for me.

Host: What to do? After all, our Snow Maiden will melt in the bathhouse. Baba Yaga, ask what you want, just let the Snow Maiden go.

Baba Yaga. I want to stay at your party.

Leading: Well guys, let him stay? Stay and bring the Snow Maiden.

Baba Yaga leaves, and the children sing the song "And all around the snows are burning like pearls." Baba Yaga returns and brings Barmaley wrapped in white clothes.

Sounds of music enters Barmaley.

Baba Yaga: Here, your Snow Maiden!

Leading: Snow Maiden, why are you so wrapped up, and your voice is something hoarse?

Barmaley: I caught a cold during the storm. Oh! Do you want a riddle, kids?

Host: Something strange. Do you have. Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga's girlfriend?

Barmaley: (closing his mouth) Oh! No, of course not. And let's all sing together.

Children with Barmaley and Baba Yaga sing the song "It snowed in November." The pirate is so excited that he throws off his white clothes and thereby betrays himself. The music stops.

Leading. Yes, this is Barmaley! That's the way things are! What are we to do now?

Barmaley: What to do, what to do. Get ready, I'll eat you now. He takes out a bib and puts it on.

Leading: Well, no, dear Barmaley, this will not work. We have a holiday, the New Year, and you are going to eat us.

Barmaley: What else is the New Year? Something I'm hearing about for the first time. And anyway, let's not get distracted. I went to build a fire, and for now you will agree on which of you I will roast first at the stake.

Leading: Let's sing a song about the Christmas tree, let our guest freeze and go to his Africa.

The song "Little Christmas tree is cold in winter."

Barmaley: Brrr, what a song, I'm already frozen, forgive me, I won't do it again. May I stay with you?

Host: Excuse me guys?

Host: And now say, where is the Snow Maiden?

Baba Yaga. Now, now let's bring it.

Host: Guys, let's call the Snow Maiden so that she knows that we are waiting for her here.

Children in chorus: Snow-gu-roch-ka! Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!

The Snow Maiden enters, sad.

Snow Maiden: (sadly) Happy New Year.

Host: What's wrong with you, Snow Maiden? Why are you so sad? You don't smile. Oh-oh-oh. She must have been bewitched. What to do? Guys, maybe we will disenchant her with cheerful poems and dances, and she will have fun. You sit down, Snow Maiden, and look at our songs and dances.

Dance "Mass dance".

Snow Maiden: (fun)

Thank you, friends.

I became the same again.

The Snow Maiden will guide you

In the New Year's round dance!

Round dance around the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden: It seems that all the guests have gathered, but Santa Claus is still not there.

I need to call my grandfather

Celebrate the New Year with us.

The name is Santa Claus.

Host: Where is Santa Claus? It's high time he was here. Did something happen? Santa Claus has a long way to go.

Magpie: Str-ke-ke!

I brought good news!

Now, or maybe exactly at six,

You will have a big guest.

The guest is gray-haired, with a beard.

Guess who.

All: Santa Claus.

Leading: Guys, while Santa Claus is coming, let's play a game.

"Game with a tambourine".

The light comes on, the old man Khattabych is standing by the Christmas tree in an oriental outfit, and on top of his coat.

Khattab: May there be peace to this house! Hello, the most educated of the educated and the prettiest of the prettiest! Children and distinguished guests!

Snow Maiden: Only you can’t come here in a coat, grandfather!

Khattab: Oh! How, tibidah! Do you know who you don't let? Yes, I will turn you into desert sand! I will command the wind, and it will scatter you all over the world!

Snow Maiden: Oh, guys! Did you find out who it is?

Khattabych takes off his coat.

Why, this is old Khattabych! Ghassan Abdurahman Khadtab!

Khattab: Right! Oh, the wisest of the wisest Snow Maidens! You recognized my name. Where did I get to? Whose house is this beautiful, where there are so many children?

Children: Kindergarten!

Khattab: How beautiful and bright it is here. What a beautiful palm!

Snow Maiden: This is not a palm tree.

Khattab: How not a palm tree?

Snow Maiden:

And now the children will say!

Hot summer, cold winter,

And suddenly smart for the New Year

Comes to visit our round dance.

Children: Christmas tree!

Khattab: Christmas tree, what a beautiful, wah, wah, wah! Beautiful tree! What a strange tree! (touches). And what strange fruits on it! And here's an apple, I'll pick it now!

Snow Maiden: You can't, Gasan Khattabych. This is not a real apple. It is made of glass.

Khattab: What miracles! What country am I in? Do they eat glass apples here?

Snow Maiden: Khattabych, we know you as a kind wizard. Tell me, can you help us?

Khattab: With great pleasure, dear!

I'm old for years, I won't lie.

But I am not weak-willed.

I'll help you in three counts,

If I weren't Hasan Abdurrahman Khattab!

Command, incomparable!

Snow Maiden: We want to invite Santa Claus to the holiday.

Khattab: Why Frost? For what? I'm afraid. Where I live, it is always warm, the sun is shining, trees are growing, palm trees. There is no snow, why do you need Santa Claus?

Snow Maiden: Without him, we can’t light the Christmas tree. We want it to light up now!

Khattab: Oh, cruel of the cruel! Oh, evil children! Do you want this wonderful tree to burn?

Snow Maiden: No, grandfather. We want multi-colored lights to light up on the Christmas tree - light bulbs.

Khattab: So I'll do it right now! (Conjuring). Oh, la-lam, oh, la-lam!

The fires don't light up.

Snow Maiden: Calm down, Khattabych. Can you help us invite Santa Claus? He will light the lights on the tree. (Khattabych puts on his coat). It's time for me to say goodbye. It's cold, and I'm afraid of frost. It's time to return to warmer climes. Goodbye, wisest of the wisest! Goodbye, most beautiful of the most beautiful!

Kisses the hand of the Snow Maiden, leaves.

Host: Guys, Santa Claus is close! Let's call him so that he does not go astray. Let's say it all together. "Santa Claus, come quickly! It will be more fun together!

The children are called Santa Claus. Santa Claus enters with a song, says congratulations.

Presenter: Santa Claus, the lights don’t burn on it, you light the Christmas tree for us.

Santa Claus: One, two, three, help the staff, light the Christmas tree for us. (knocks three times with staff).

The Christmas tree lights up, the children sing the song "The New Year is coming to us."

Father Frost:

Happy New Year!

With new happiness!

Santa Claus did not forget you,

And for the New Year's holiday

I brought a new song.

Get up in the round dance

Sing along!

Children lead a round dance and sing the song "There was a cheerful Santa Claus."

After the song, Santa Claus dances.

Santa Claus: Well, thank you guys, you sang a song with me. And tell me, guys, do you have fun in winter?

Snow Maiden and children: Frost does not matter to us! Not afraid of the cold.

Father Frost:

Are you afraid of frost?

Beware, beware

Come on, show me your hands

Yes, put it behind your back

Who will I touch

I'll freeze those jokes.

Host: Good Santa Claus! And also play the game "Freeze" with us!

Freeze game.

Father Frost:

Celebrate the New Year with a song

Celebrate the New Year with a dance

And who knows the poems about the holiday?

Let him read them now.

Children go out and read poems under the Christmas tree. Santa Claus sits down and listens.

Snow Maiden: And now it's time for all of us to play together again.

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, have you forgotten about the gifts?

Santa Claus: Now I'll take my magic staff. Where is he? Children, have you seen?

Baba Yaga walks behind Santa Claus.

Santa Claus: Santa Claus turns around, takes away the staff and says. Again for the old took. You only do bad things. Now I'll freeze you!

Knocks three times with a staff.

Baba Yaga: Baba Yaga screams. Oh, don't, oh, don't want to, oh. (and freezes in a funny pose).

Barmaley: Barmaley comes running and takes pity on her. Oh, you are my Yagusenka, how can I be without you? Father Frost! Father Frost! Come on, I'll show you a trick, if you like it, then you'll unfreeze Baba Yaga.

Santa Claus: Okay, I'll unfreeze Baba Yaga and believe her for the last time. One, two, three, die!

Baba Yaga: Oh, what happened to me? I seem to have become better and want to do a good deed.

Santa Claus: What is it?

Baba Yaga: Giving gifts to children.

Santa Claus: Well, guys, the evil is over. And you get what you deserve.

Handing out gifts.

Father Frost:

We'll say goodbye to each other

And again we will part for a year,

And in a year the blizzard will howl again,

And Santa Claus will come with winter.

Snow Maiden: Just don't forget at all

You wait for us, my grandfather and I will come.

And meet again with songs and dances,

And we will bring you the best gifts.

Everyone dances a waltz to the music "Ah, carnival." Children join hands and sing the song "Goodbye, Santa Claus."

"Magical journey through fairy tales"


Adults: Host, Santa Claus

Children: Snow Maiden, Old Man, Fish, Snow White, Gnomes, Snow Fairies, Snow Queen, Robbers

To the New Year's music, the presenter leads the children into the hall. Semicircle.

Vedas : The old year is over, hello New Year!

Many happy days are waiting for you guys.

Happy New Year and I wish you with all my heart

Happiness and health to you, both big and small!

Children: 1. He came to us again today

Christmas tree and winter holiday.

This New Year's holiday

We waited impatiently.

2. The past year goes into the past,

And hurried time does not wait,

The last calendar leaf was torn off,

The New Year is upon us!

3. Frequent forest, blizzard field

The winter holiday is upon us.

So let's say together:

All: Hello, hello New Year!

4. A magical holiday brings us


And dances with us leads


5. You carry a Christmas tree from the forest

Guys in the New Year,

You turn everything into a fairy tale

When your snow is falling!

Vedas : Look at the beautiful Christmas tree! How beautiful she is today.

Children: 1. How good is the Christmas tree.

Look how she dressed up.

Christmas tree dress in green silk.

Bright beads burn on the chest.

2. You grow to the ceiling,

Get fluffy, tall

Everyone is more beautiful and slimmer,

To delight guests!

3. Herringbone, herringbone,

Golden Star!

Christmas tree-wonderful

Let's sing a song!

The song "Song of the Christmas Tree", after they sit down.

The Snow Maiden enters the hall to the music

Snow Maiden: Hello my friends!

I'm glad to see you all!

With new happiness, happy new year,

New snowy weather!

And what a beautiful Christmas tree you have! Until the lights are on.

Snow Maiden: It's not a problem!

And now everything is together, together

Loudly say: one-two-three,

Come on, Christmas tree, burn!(children say the words together)

The tree lights up.

Vedas : How beautiful! Thank you, Snow Maiden! Let's all start a round dance!

Round dance with the Snow Maiden

Children sit down

Presenter: Snow Maiden! Where is Santa Claus? We have been waiting for him for a holiday with the guys for so long!

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather Frost and I walked around the world for a long time and congratulated the guys on the New Year! We even visited fairy tale characters! And I lost it in fairy tales .. Help me find it?

Presenter: Guys, let's help the Snow Maiden find Santa Claus?

Snow Maiden: I have there is a magic bell! With the help of it, we will go through fairy tales!

Snow Maiden: (Rings the bell)

Magic bell, ring!

Bring us to the first fairy tale!

Magical music sounds.

Coming out Month

Father Frost:

Month, Month, our friend, a gilded horn,

You walk under the skies, over fields and forests,

Have you seen Grandfather Frost from above?


I have been walking in the sky for a long time, I see a lot, I know a lot,

In the circle of stars I sit, from a height I look into the distance,

I see an old man hurrying towards you, across the field, straight ahead.

The month is leaving (sits on a chair)

An old man enters

Old man: Hello guys! I'm looking for the sea here, I need to talk to the Goldfish. Have you seen the sea here?

Snow Maiden: Did not see…

Old man: Hush hush! I hear the sound of the surf

Here it is, the sea. (sits on a chair with the guys)

Pisces come out to the music

Dance of the Fish

1 FishWe are golden fish

We are so naughty!

Deftly splashing in the water

On the salty seabed!

2 Rybka IN oceans and seas,

In mountain rivers and ponds,

Deep in shallow water

Fish live there, no doubt.

3 Rybka Happy New Year
And with all our hearts we wish
Laughter, joke, no worries
Celebrate this New Year.


What do you want, old man?

Old man:

Don't be angry, goldfish.

The old woman scolds even more,

Does not give me, the old man, peace.

She doesn't need your kingdom

She wants a color Panasonic TV for the new year


Do not be sad, old man, go with God. There will be a TV for your old woman.

fish float to the music


Wait, old man, have you met Santa Claus?

Old man:

No, I haven't met... (leaves)


That's the trouble, in this fairy tale we did not find Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, don't despair!

We will find Santa Claus!

In the meantime, let's sing a song!

Song "Christmas song"

Children sit down

Presenter: Snow Maiden, take out your bell, let it take us to another fairy tale!

Snow Maiden:

Magic bell, ring!

Take us to another fairy tale!

Music sounds, the Nutcracker comes in, approaches the Christmas tree and dresses it up.


I made toys, decorated a Christmas tree for the holiday.

There are beads, and balls, and colored lanterns.

May the New Year with new happiness

Under the fairy tale of sleep, he will enter your house

And along with the smell of spruce

Joy, happiness will bring!

Leading: Hello Nutcracker! We travel with the Snow Maiden and children through fairy tales and Santa Claus. Have you seen Santa Claus in your fairy tale?

Nutcracker: No, I have not seen Santa Claus

But do not be sad, you are friends!

I hear the soldiers are coming

They dance and sing!

Tin soldiers enter to the music

Dance of the Tin Soldiers and the Nutcracker

Soldier 1 The star is on the tree

In anticipation of good luck

Thank you for everything fate

Soldier 2 Sweeps, blizzard sings

Let me believe in the New Year

That all dreams come true

And the stories never end!

Soldier 3 Don't miss New Years

Sing and smile

Believe that success will come to fate

With a new, wondrous happiness!

Presenter: And what a holiday without games! Let's play with you!

Nutcracker: Let's!

Game with soldiers and the Nutcracker

Presenter: Have you seen Santa Claus in your fairy tale?


No, we haven't seen...

Goodbye, we have to go! (the soldiers and the Nutcracker leave)

Presenter: Oh ... and in this fairy tale there is no Santa Claus ...

Presenter: Snow Maiden, take out your bell again, let it take us to another fairy tale!

Snow Maiden:

Our magic bell

Take us to another fairy tale!

Magical music sounds. The snow fairies come out

Dance of the snow fairies

Fairy 1 No you didn't know

No you haven't heard

Snow is not water that has frozen over the roofs

Not bad weather, not a winter trophy

Snow is a thousand little fairies!

Fairy 2 The snow fairy flew

The sun touched the train,

The snow flew up to the sky

Silver showering the forest.

Fairy 3 A blizzard paves the way for us

Hooves beat the snow elastically

Mane snow wave

The icy wind blows.

Fairy 4 We sing funny songs

And we live so happily!

Let's play together

To make it more interesting!

Snow Maiden:

Have you met Santa Claus? He got lost in one of the fairy tales...

Fairy: In the realm of our Queen

Didn't meet Santa Claus

The fairies leave, the children sit down

The blizzard is noisy. The Snow Queen enters.

The Snow Queen: Hello my friends!

I'm glad to see you all!

In my winter kingdom

There is a place for you!

We sing funny songs

And we live so happily!

Let's play together

To make it more interesting!

Father Frost: Well, guys, let's play with the Snow Queen, maybe she knows where my bag is.

Music game

Children sit down

Snow Maiden: How beautiful is your kingdom

And what decorations are here!

Blizzard snow chalk

It brought us to you

Presenter: Snow Queen, have you met Santa Claus?

The Snow Queen: In his kingdom of snow, ice

I didn't see Santa Claus! (leaves)

Music sounds. Santa Claus enters

Father Frost : Hello guys!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Congratulations to all children!

Congratulations to all guests!

Leading: Santa Claus, and we have been looking for you for so long with the Snow Maiden and the guys, and you found us yourself!

Father Frost: I got lost in fairy tales! But it's good that I met you!

Presenter: Our guys have prepared poems for you, listen here.

Santa Claus sits on a chair

Reading poems

Father Frost: Oh what good fellows, receive gifts! (Looks around, but there is no bag) Oh, oh .. my head is full of holes .... I forgot my bag somewhere ...

Music sounds. The robbers are running.

Dance of the Robbers

Father Frost: Oh .. what robbers ... brave ... and how they dance ...

Rogue 1 We are dashing robbers!

We are cool guys!

Near or far

Give me your wallet!

Rogue 2 We don't need science

And it's clear why:

We have legs and arms

And the head is useless to us!

Rogue 3 Oh-dy-dy, oh-dy-dy,

We are guys anywhere!

We took all the gifts

Santa Claus got robbed!

Rogue 4 Greetings from Santa Claus

Without all the threats

You were visiting

And you, grandfather, forgot about us!

Father Frost: I haven't forgotten about you! I give gifts only to good, well-mannered and polite children! And you rob everyone, offend, interfere with the game and don’t know how ...

Rogue Not true! We know how to play!

Sing songs and dance!

Let's show now

Let's play a game and prove it!

And then we'll give gifts

We won't hurt you anymore!

Snow Maiden: Let's play together

And we'll find out in the game!

How can you play

Not to scare everyone!

The game of children with robbers (relay race)

Rogue: Oh, and nice you played!

With you, we did not lose heart!

You are fun to play with

Jump, run and jump!

We give away your gifts (gives bag to Santa Claus)

And we look forward to seeing you all again!

Father Frost: It turns out, guys, our robbers are not so evil after all! They proved to us that they can be good and reliable friends!

Snow Maiden: We will start a round dance

Let's sing a song together!

Round dance "Happy New Year!"

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Congratulations friends!

Let bad weather pass you by

I wish you all the best!

Father Frost : Hey, kids! Well done!

And do not say that youngsters!

You made me happy today, amused me to glory! It's time for me to youhave fun and give gifts.

I congratulate you, children,

I wish you happiness, joy

So that you grow and get smarter

They had fun, they sang songs,

So that your laughter will always ring,

Happy New Year everyone, everyone, everyone!!!

Santa Claus and snow rochka distribute gifts.

Sounds like a Christmas song.

The holiday is over.

Adults: Host, Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga, Kikimora, Santa Claus.

Children: Snow Maiden, Wolf, Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Wizard, Snow White, Gnomes, Malvina, birds of paradise.

Presenter: New Year is coming,

There is a knock on our door.

We have fun, joy awaits!

A fairy tale will happen here!

To not get bored at all

We will welcome guests!

Music sounds, children run out from behind the Christmas tree, stand around it.

They dance the dance "New Year's counting rhyme" (music and lyrics by A. Yermolov).

Presenter: Simple toys through a crack

Once we saw a tree

Child: “Let's decorate the Christmas tree!

Let’s climb the branches and sit down!”

Leading: “Hey, Christmas decorations,

Snow Maiden, stars, firecrackers,

Glasses twisted, cast,

Silver, gold!

While you were gathering dust on the shelf

We all found ourselves on the tree!

Now let's surprise the kids!

Let's dance and amaze the guests!

"Dance of toys" (music. Khoralov A. lyrics Dementiev A.).

After the dance, the children sit in their seats.

Presenter: Days, like the hands of a clock, rush, rush forward.

And now, once again, the turn of winter has come.

And with her a cheerful mischievous New Year hurries to us.

And near the Christmas tree, children are waiting for miracles and fairy tales.

1 child: In a winter hat, snow coat and a huge beard

At night, a good gray-haired grandfather will knock on the door.

He will bring us gifts, on a calendar sheet

Silver will write brightly - the first of January.

2 child: We love spring and summer, autumn with golden rain,

But with great impatience we are waiting for the snowy winter.

Suddenly, with fluffy white snow, all roads will be covered.

This means: the long-awaited New Year is coming.

The song "New Year" (orig. Spanish. gr. Velikan and Ivanushki international).

3 child: We came to the Christmas tree today

We can't take our eyes off

Why is it still

Is our Christmas tree lit up?

4 child: We need to hold hands,

Shout: "Christmas tree, burn!"

And the tree will light up

Golden lights.

Children repeat the words, lights are lit on the Christmas tree.

5 child: Again you lit up, Christmas tree,

You brought us back together at the party.

And the stars shine in fragrant needles,

And our song is cheerful again.

6 child: We will sing you a lot of songs,

We will celebrate the holiday cheerfully

Let it remain in our memory

Green tree beauty.

Round dance “This is what a Christmas tree” (music by Popatenko, lyrics by M. Lapisova, composition of movements by T. Antonova).

Sounds like a blizzard.

Host: Guys, do you hear? Someone is in a hurry to visit us.

The Snow Maiden enters the hall to the music.

Snow Maiden:

Hello my friends,

I'm so glad to see you.

Santa Claus said today:

"On this New Year's holiday

Need to bring gifts

Kind and obedient children."

And he didn't forget about me.

I gave you a magic ball.

Heroes of fairy tales come to life

And magic, miracles conceals.

Now I will play with him

And I will invite all my friends.

But he gave such an order.

Do not lose the ball, do not break it.

And don't give it to anyone else, otherwise my fabulous guests will never be able to return to the book.

Host: Guys, do you want to meet fairy-tale heroes today? (Children's answers.)

Snow Maiden: I also really want to. Grandfather Frost gave me riddles, if we guess them and say the magic words, then the Hero from the fairy tale will come to life.

Guys, listen carefully to the riddles:

The grandmother loved the girl very much.

She gave her a red hat.

The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me her name.

Children answer - Little Red Riding Hood.

Snow Maiden: And now the magic words,

Bring the hero from the fairy tale to me"

The song of Little Red Riding Hood sounds.

Little Red Riding Hood comes out of the book, sings a song (2 verses) and dances. Then the Wolf appears from the book, approaches Little Red Riding Hood.

Wolf: Little Red Riding Hood, where are you going?

Little Red Riding Hood: I hurry to my beloved grandmother, I bring her pies and gifts for the holiday, because the New Year is coming very soon.

Wolf: Eh, but everyone is afraid of me, and no one wants to be friends with me. But I'm not at all evil, and I also want to rejoice, have fun, celebrate the New Year with everyone.

Little Red Riding Hood: Dear Wolf, I'm not afraid of you at all. And I really want to play with you. Do you agree?

Wolf: Of course, yes!

Little Red Riding Hood: Do you guys agree? (children answer in chorus: yes!) Well, then let's all play together with you. My grandmother just told me about an interesting game!

The game "We'll go right now."

Presenter: Guys, miracles happen every year on New Year's Eve, and even the Wolf became not evil, but kind. What a fun and interesting game we got with him and Little Red Riding Hood!

Wolf: Thank you guys, thank you, Little Red Riding Hood. You taught me to be friends and cheered me up before the holiday!

Cr. Riding Hood: Dear Wolf, would you like to come with me to my grandmother, we will have a lot of fun with her!

The wolf and Little Red Riding Hood go to their places among the children to the music.

Snow Maiden: And here is the next riddle.

It was invented by Charles Perrault.

There is a sword, a hat and a mustache.

He has a feather on his hat

Mustache of unprecedented beauty.

Dressed in the most luxurious caftan,

He traveled thousands of roads.

Yes, he is famous "cunning",

And he was able to devour the giant.

He turned out to be very cool.

Tell me: what's his name?

Children answer - Puss in Boots.

Sounds of music comes Puss in Boots.

Puss in Boots: I am Puss in Boots

MUR - MUR - voila!

That's what they call me in fairy tales.

And happy new year to you friends

I heartily congratulate you.

Presenter: Dear cat, you play with us

And don't let our kids get bored!

The game "Running in the boot" is held.

Snow Maiden: Here's another interesting riddle.

Wooden mischief

From a fairy tale into our lives penetrated.

Favorite of adults and children,

Daredevil and inventor of inventions,

A prankster, a merry fellow and a rogue. Tell me, what's his name?

Children answer - Pinocchio.

Snow Maiden: “Magic ball, one, two, three.

Bring the hero from the fairy tale to me.

Music sounds, Pinocchio enters.


I have a golden key.

He is magical, not simple.

He opened the secret door

He invited all the children to the fairy tale.

Wait, the tree will now sparkle,

Balls in bright rays will play.

I'll put a key under the tree

I will invite the Snow Maiden to dance.

Leading: And the fabulous people began to dance.

The game "We will hang the balls."

She is Pinocchio's girlfriend

And her name is?

Children answer: Malvina.

Malvina runs out to the music.


Hello, my name is Malvina!

I am Pinocchio's girlfriend.

Artemon is obedient to me,

And Pierrot is in love with me.

I have a wonderful house

On the edge of the forest.

Where the birds of paradise live

And they don't let me get bored. See for yourself!!!

Dance "Firebirds" (song "Firebird", Children's Song Theater "Traffic Light").

Presenter: Malvina, what beautiful birds live next to you. Let me know how much fun you have with them.

Snow Maiden: And I’m more and more interested, who else will come to visit us today?

She lost her shoe

And at exactly 12 from the ball she ran away.

At the ball, the prince was in love with her

Her beauty is simply dazzled.

Children answer Cinderella.

"Magic ball, one, two, three,

Music sounds. Cinderella appears from the book. She wears a torn cape over her elegant dress. Cinderella is dancing.

Cinderella sits down and sighs sadly. The Wizard comes out of the book.

Magician: Dear Cinderella, why are you crying?

Cinderella: Well, how can I not cry? After all, the New Year is coming very soon, and I don’t have an elegant dress and therefore I can’t go to the holiday, but I really want to ... That's why I'm crying!

Magician: Don't cry, dear, because I am a magician and I am your friend. And friendship works real miracles! Look!

The Wizard touches Cinderella with his wand. Cinderella spins to the music, takes off her cape, and then finds herself in a beautiful dress.

Cinderella: What a joy! Now I can wear this dress to a party where I can have fun, sing songs and dance!

Wizard: That's right, Cinderella, you and I will find ourselves now at a real holiday, well, a children's matinee. Look how many smart guys are around.

Presenter: Guys, come out to dance with Cinderella and the Magician, they are waiting for you!

Game with Cinderella (to the motive of the song "Kind Beetle").

We stood in a circle under the tree,

Stand in a circle, stand in a circle. - They go in circles

They suddenly turned around, Turn around themselves

We turned around.

(Cinderella closes her eyes at this time.)

Someone will say (one child): Cinderella, Cinderella, Cinderella!

All children: (spread their arms to the sides, bending a little, ask).

Who said it?

Who spoke?

Cinderella guesses.

Snow Maiden: Guys, what a wonderful ball Santa Claus gave me. How fun with him on our holiday. And again, one of the heroes will now come to life.

Not knowing the troubles and troubles

Lives in a forest house with gnomes.

Children's answers Snow White.

"Magic ball, one, two, three,

Bring the hero from the fairy tale to us.

Music sounds, Snow White appears.

Snow White: What a wonderful morning! Where are my dwarf friends? We must call them. Gnomes!

Snow Maiden: Guys, did you recognize the guest from the fairy tale? Of course it's Snow White. Let's see what will happen next.

Snow White: Dwarfs, put on your caps and perform your merry dance for the guests.

Dance of the Dwarfs and Snow White (song "Gnomes", music and lyrics by Kostin K.).

Presenter: Thank you gnomes, thank you Snow White for the dance and good mood.

The Snow Maiden looks at the sheet of riddles and sees that they are over.

Snow Maiden: Oh, the riddles from Santa Claus are over. How so? I'm having so much fun, so much fun! Let's say magic words without riddles, and someone will definitely come to us!

Presenter: Snow Maiden, you have probably already played completely. Grandfather Frost prepared riddles for us only with good fairy-tale characters. But heroes in fairy tales are also evil. Aren't you afraid that some villains will come to us and ruin our holiday?

The Snow Maiden begins to act up, stamps her foot.

Snow Maiden: No, no! I'm not afraid - I'm not afraid! Without fairy-tale heroes, we will be bored and not interested

Presenter: In my opinion, you are mistaken, because we still have a meeting with Grandfather Frost ahead of us!

The Snow Maiden is capricious again and does not listen to the presenter, says magic words:

“Magic ball, one, two, three.

Bring the hero from the fairy tale to me.

Music sounds and Baba Yaga and a kikimora appear from the book, Baba Yaga flies out on a broom, circles around the hall. Kikimora at this time shows his fists to children, parents, grimaces.

Baba Yaga: Oh, where are we?

Presenter: Snow Maiden, do you see what you have done? Grandma, who are you?

Baba Yaga:

I'm called Baba Yaga,

And I hold the power firmly

And everyone will be my servant

Forever and forever.

I live, I do what I want,

There are no barriers anywhere.

I will erase, I will smear, I will trample,

After all, I'm an evil woman.

All devils are true friends

They are remembered with a shiver in the heart,

That only I will order them,

They will do everything, they will!


I am forest kikimora,

I don't know the word honesty.

I have no other joy

How do people do nasty things!

I am a forest girl

I'm stupid and good

With the devil, Baba Yaga

We are in the same company.

I am forest kikimora,

Day and night I suffer alone.

It's hard to choose and decide

At the expense of Che, I live sweetly!

Presenter: Leave, we did not expect you from our holiday!

Baba Yaga: Now we will not give you rest.

Kikimora: Soooo, what can you profit from here?

They look around the room, look around. They approach the Snow Maiden, look at the ball.

Kikimora: What is this in your hands?

Snow Maiden: This is a magic ball, my grandfather gave it to me and said that it should not be given to anyone.

Baba Yaga: And we will take him and not listen.

Pick up the ball. They begin to conjure over him.

Presenter: You're trying in vain, only one spell acts on this ball, but we won't tell you.

Kikimora: Ha, they scared you, but then we won’t give it to you! (run away).

Presenter: Snow Maiden, why are you crying, you need to call Santa Claus, let him deal with these ladies.

They call Santa Claus, several times. He appears.

Santa Claus: Hello, kids, girls and boys!

I flew on the wings of the wind, many thousands of kilometers,

Over frozen seas, over forests and fields.

I was in a hurry, guys, to you, my little friends!

Presenter: Dear Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden did not listen to us and called the heroes from the fairy tale without your knowledge. And Baba Yaga came to us with a kikimora and took away the magic ball that you gave her from the Snow Maiden.

Kikimora and Baba Yaga run in.

Kikimora: Yes, yes, everything was like that, and now grandpa, pay us for this ball with gifts.

Santa Claus: Oh, you robbers, you have completely lost your fear! You must have forgotten how powerful my staff is! Now I will freeze you with it, so that you know how to offend my granddaughter and spoil the holiday for the guys (begins to tap the staff). Kikimora and Baba Yaga get scared and hide under the Christmas tree.

Baba Yaga: Forgive us, grandfather, forgive us guys. Take your magic snow maiden ball. We won't do it again. We will now go back to the fairy tale, just don't freeze us. The Snow Maiden takes the ball.

Santa Claus: Okay, okay, I won’t freeze you. But I forgive you for the last time. And now go back to the fairy tale! (Baba Yaga and kikimora go into the book.)

Santa Claus: Well, don't be bored guys, get up in a round dance!

Round dance with Santa Claus (at the choice of the music director)

Santa Claus: And now, in a bright light, I will distribute my gifts.

Oh, where's my gift bag? That's bad luck, I don't remember where he went!

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, what is the New Year without your gifts?

Santa Claus: Wait, let me think, maybe I’ll remember now ...

Surprise moment.

Cheerful music sounds, a “bag of gifts” runs out (a large bag is sewn, which the teacher puts on), runs around the Christmas tree, around the hall. Santa Claus is trying to catch up with him. Together they run out of the hall, and Santa Claus returns with real gifts in his hands.

Distribution of gifts.

Santa Claus: Here's a clever bag that almost ran away from me. So, no one has ever run away from Santa Claus! Just look how small the bag has become! Well, nothing, there will still be enough gifts for everyone!

Host: Dear children, dear guests, we congratulate you on the upcoming holiday. On the eve of the New Year, I would like to wish the fulfillment of all the most cherished desires, even if it is practically impossible, let there be only joy in life and there will be no place for sadness! And our holiday is over! Once again, good luck to all! See you soon!

Developed by the musical director Popova Galina Leonidovna, MBDOU of Kurgan "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 45", DELFIN. The middle and senior groups participate in the celebration.

Scenario New Year's party SAVE RUSSIAN FAIRY TALES


  • baba yaga,
  • Rooster,
  • spiderman,
  • Father Frost,
  • Snow Maiden.

Children stand in pairs at the door.


“Now we will open a fabulous door for you.
There are good heroes - you just believe in it.
There are many miracles in the world, and in our fairy tale there are.
Well, friends, on the road, let's enter the magical forest!

Children "slide" into the hall on invisible sleds.

  • Middle group: “The sledges themselves are running”, music by Filippenko.
  • Senior group: “Our sleds are coming, going” music by M. Eremeeva (magazine “Music Director”, No. 6, 2006, p. 34).

Children sit on chairs.

Extravagantly dressed Baba Yaga is vacuuming the path.

Baba Yaga:

- In our forest on New Year's Eve
The blizzard covered the path.
Well why, who's to say why
They don't like me, Babka-Ezhka?

- I had one fiance - drove off to the sea. I called on my cell phone that I should meet some foreigner. And what will I do with it?

- I'm good, I'm good
Yes, I'm badly dressed.
Nobody gets married
Girl (me means) for it!

Baba Yaga: - How everything is running here with me ... Soon the guest should appear, but I can’t tidy up in any way. (Looks in the mirror.) Yes... People say that beauty is a terrible force. Well, the guests have arrived!

The music from the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians" sounds, the Cat and the Rooster appear, they sing:

They came to you for an hour.
Hello! Hello! Firework!
Meet Yaga, rather us,
Your friends are coming!

Baba Yaga: - Fu-you, well-you, the bast shoes are bent! Kotofei Ivanovich and Pyotr Petrovich came. Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh! It became interesting to live in the forest: solid jokes. Yesterday, for example, Koschei called. The villain drove off to the Canaries. It's cold, you see, he's in the woods! And the water there too: he went on a circumnavigation. He's probably floating on his belly. Me too, floating teletubby! What is happening! Ugh!

Cat: - Why did you stay here? We wanted to come to you for the holiday, congratulate you, but you haven't started it yet.

Baba Yaga: - Yes, I was told to meet a foreign guest! And I wanted to fly to Paris, to a fashion show, on my motor. It's called a stupa.


- What are you, Grandma Yaga,
Have you never seen Paris?
In Russia, fun awaits us,
After all, today is the New Year!
Get it guys now
Cheerful dance!

Children lead a round dance:

  • Middle group: "New Year's Song", music by Savelyeva (magazine "Musical Palette", p. 28).
  • Senior group: "Zimushka-winter" (magazine "Merry note").

Baba Yaga: - Well, everyone, have fun and will be. Be gone, evil spirit! (She drives the children and the cat with a rooster away.) I went to get ready for the meeting.

The children sit on the chairs, the Cat and the Rooster leave. Foreign music sounds, Spider-Man appears.

Spiderman (kisses Yaga's hands): — Hello, gerl! Here from e name?

Baba Yaga: "Get out, evil spirit!" What passions! I saw all sorts of evil spirits, but this was the first time. What are you talking about, scarecrow?

Spiderman: — I am a foreign guest. My name is from Spiderman.

Baba Yaga: - Wake up, unfortunate! Come on guys, get out! Overseas wonder Yudo has come!

The Cat and the Rooster come out, laugh, fall on the floor with laughter.


- I'm a very sly Mr.
I am superman.
When the time comes
I seize the moment.
I'm crying very hard
Hearing the beat of the heart.
My time has come.
I am Spiderman.

Rooster (peeping out from behind the Cat): - You don't scare me! And anyway, what kind of disgrace is going on? Some foreigner came to us and wants to establish his rights here!

Cat: “Come on, get out of our forest and into your skyscrapers!” We are the masters here!

Together: - Go away!

Spiderman: - Don't shout too much. Mine is not afraid of you. I will entangle the taiga with my cobwebs, and you, a relic of the past, will not dare to utter a word. We will be the new owner here!

Cat: Let's start scaring him.

Rooster: - I'm afraid!

Cat: - Well, let's at least from afar!

Rooster: - Isn't that scary?

Cat: - No! You won't catch up with us, you won't kill us and you won't dance!

The cat and the rooster are dancing a Russian dance.

Baba Yaga: - Zyts! Why are they dancing here? I'll deal with him myself. Go for a treat, and we will chat with this guest, so to speak in Russian, in our own way.

Yaga rolls up his sleeves, clenching his fists. The cat and the rooster leave.

Spiderman: “You are such a wonderful girl. I will sing you a Russian romance. I studied the Russian language for a very long time and this romance.

Spiderman sings to the tune "Random Waltz" from the repertoire of L. Utesov.

The night is short. All gone for now.
We'll dance together tonight.
Come on, where's your hand?
Even though I don't know you at all
And in America, my dear home,
I want to hug you
I want to enjoy
At Yaga, under the window, dance the night together.
So say a word
I don't know what.

Baba Yaga (fanning, flirting): “He completely bewitched me, little rascal. Oh… (covers his mouth with his hands) Oh, what am I saying! Oh… (begins to hiccup).

Spiderman: - Well, everything, got hooked! (Turns to Baba Yaga.) My darling, my baby! Do you want me to take you far, far away? You will live in a high house, swim in the pool, go to the best resorts. Agree?

Baba Yaga: - I agree, my ugly! You bewitched me with Russian romance. Take me sir, I'm yours forever.

Spiderman: - I'll take you away, but there is one condition: we must take hostage the Snow Maiden - in English "snow girl". Let her be an American girl.

Baba Yaga: - I agree to everything.

Spiderman: “You are such a wonderful girl…”

To the music of Baba Yaga and Spider-Man leave. The melody of the Russian folk song "Oh, my box is full-full ..." sounds. Cat and Rooster come out. They carry a pot, sing.

Cat and Rooster:

- Full-full saucepan -
Enough to fill everyone's stomach!
Take food, Yagushechka!
Everyone is carrying a Rooster and a Cat.

Cat: - Yaga, take a treat! (They are looking for Yaga.)

Rooster: “Where is Yaga and the foreigner?” Nowhere. Where did they go?

Cat: Well, I think there's something wrong here.

Rooster: - Whatever happened. You are our smartest, and you decide how we will continue to be.

Cat: - Well, uh-uh, I'm so-a-a-ak I think ...

Rooster: — Are you kidding me? What can you think about for so long?

Cat: - I know everything. This foreigner wants to take the heroes of our fairy tales to America.

Rooster: — That's right… They'll take everything away from us soon. So they have our cartoons, and instead of their native, Russian, our children are palmed off with their low-quality products.

Cat: - We must save us, the characters of Russian fairy tales, otherwise all these foreigners will indeed take our places.

Rooster: And our children will play their games!

Cat: — Watch their horror stories!

Rooster (crying): And they will become evil and bad.

Cat: No, it's scary to even think about it. We must act!

Rooster: - Get to work! We meet at 12-00. Let's take the treat with us!

The cat and the rooster leave. The Snow Maiden enters to the music.

Snow Maiden:

- The stars shine brightly in the sky,
And the forest is so dark.
I didn't go down that path
And she is guilty of that.
And here is the Christmas tree
So it came right.
I'll light the fires on her
And I'll look around.
Herringbone, beauty, one, two, three,
Shine bright lights!

The tree lights up.

How many bright lights the Christmas tree has!
How many smart children today
How many parents, our guests!
I came to congratulate you all on the holiday,
Let's sing together at the Christmas tree, kids.

Children sing:

  • Middle group: “Christmas tree, hello!”, music by Y. Mikhailenko (magazine “Music Director”, No. 6, 2007, p. 11).
  • Senior group: "New Year's Song", music by G. Gladkov (magazine "Music Director", No. 6, 2007, p. 5).

Spider-Man and Baba Yaga appear.

Baba Yaga (in a whisper): - Here she is, the Snow Maiden. Now we will grab her!

Spiderman: - ABOUT! Yes! Beautiful ... No, strength is not needed here, cunning and ingenuity are needed here.

Hiding behind a tree.

Baba Yaga: - Hello, Snow Maiden! Hello beauty! Are you cold?

Snow Maiden: No, Babushka Yaga.

Baba Yaga: — What are you doing here?

Snow Maiden: - I was walking along the wrong path, my grandfather and I missed each other. Oh, who is this? Looking over the tree.

Baba Yaga: - Where where? I do not see. It seemed to you.

Snow Maiden, bypassing the Christmas tree: — Here he is! Who are you?

Spiderman: - I'm a boyfriend. I came to Russia for the Christmas holiday, Russian means calling you to America. Hello girl! Do you agree or not?

Baba Yaga: She agrees, she agrees! And do not argue! It's time to visit their Santa Claus to go and get acquainted. Take her under the white hands and let's go, let's fly on my motor.

Snow Maiden: - No no. What are you doing? I have to wait for my grandfather. Let me go!

Baba Yaga: "Don't resist, dear. You will bathe in money - dollars!

The Snow Maiden is taken away. Santa Claus comes to the music.

Father Frost:

“Ah, that white blizzard!”
Why covered the roads?
Where are you, Snow Maiden, now?
At least give me a vote.

- Oh ... Yes, I see everyone has already gathered for the holiday. Hello guys. Hello parents. I look, and the Christmas tree is already sparkling with lights, granddaughter, you can see it was here, but where, guys, is she now?

The children answer.

Father Frost: “Don’t be Santa Claus if I don’t find my granddaughter, the Snow Maiden.” Forward! Santa Claus is in a hurry to help you, Snow Maiden.

Leaves. The Cat and the Rooster appear from different sides of the Christmas tree, bumping into each other.

Cat: Are you friend or foe?

Rooster: - Friend.

Together (in a whisper): - We are starting the operation "Let's save Russian fairy tales."

Dance "forward, Russia!".

Cat: - Right there, freeze! Someone is coming! Enemy from the flank!

They hide.

Baba Yaga and Spider-Man appear, dragging the Snow Maiden.

Spiderman: - I'm freezing. Get your stupa engine ready to fly!

Baba Yaga picks in a mortar, tears something off and quietly throws it away.

Baba Yaga: — Oh, someone ruined the car! One spare part is missing.

Snow Maiden: - Let me go! I need to go to the children for the holiday! Let go!

The cat and the rooster come out of hiding.

Rooster: - Yeah, got it! We did not expect Baba Yaga from you such dirty tricks.

Cat: Yes, we didn't expect it! And aren't you ashamed? And also our dear, Russian woman.

Baba Yaga: - What are you, guys, it was I who decided to check why an overseas guest was sent to our forest, and I personally conducted a special investigation. You see, he decided to drag us to his place so that neither Baba Yaga nor the Snow Maiden could come to the children on New Year's Eve.

Cat (advancing on Spider-Man): - Well, guess three times what we will do with you now?

Spiderman: “Well, well, why such rudeness? Let's sit down at the negotiating table and discuss everything at the highest level.

Baba Yaga: - Now we will sit down for you and play with you in the “Weak Link”. Well, answer the question.

Cat: - Who came to us uninvited?

Rooster: - Who wanted to take away the Snow Maiden?

Cat: - Whose stupidity, like impenetrable taiga?

Rooster: - Do not you know?

Cat: - You are not answering?

Cat and Rooster: You are our weakest link! Leave our fairy tale and do not spoil the holiday!

Spiderman: - I am kind. I just really wanted our Santa Claus to have such a beautiful granddaughter. He is very lonely.

Cat: “That doesn't excuse you. After all, every fairy tale of any country has its own heroes.

Rooster: “So get back to yourself. After all, you also have a New Year in America and American guys are waiting for you.

Spiderman: “Well then, goodbye my Russian friends, I’m leaving. Goodbye!

Music sounds, Santa Claus comes in.

Snow Maiden: - This is my grandfather.

Father Frost: - My sweet granddaughter! I already thought I wouldn't find you. Well, it's time to start the New Year! I see everyone is here. Good old familiar heroes of fairy tales and children are here. We will sing, dance and play, and receive gifts.

Snow Maiden:

- This hour has come,
The New Year has come.
The holiday is coming to us with great strides.
Get up all to the Christmas tree to dance.
The holiday has come to us
The New Year has arrived!

Children lead a round dance.

Children: - Good Santa Claus, we will make you laugh to tears.

The teaser game "Santa Claus" is being held. Children and Santa Claus sing to the melody of the Russian folk song "Ah, you canopy, my canopy."

Children: - Santa Claus, Santa Claus, you have a snub nose.

Father Frost: “I have, I have, I have a beautiful nose.

Children: - Santa Claus, you have an icy beard.

Father Frost: “I have, I have, an icy beard.

Children: - You have something, old, all in patches felt boots.

Father Frost: - I have, I have, these are boots.

Children: - Santa Claus, Santa Claus, we will bring you to tears.

Father Frost: - Enough teasing the old one, I'll catch everyone now!

Santa Claus catches up with the children, they sit on the chairs.

Father Frost: - You said something about my felt boots here. But did you know that felt boots are primordially Russian footwear? It is not afraid of any frosts and snowstorms. But you can still take it off and play, measure strength.

The game "Strongmen" is being held. A line is drawn with chalk. Two children put felt boots on one hand and try to fight with these boots, pushing the opponent away from the line as far as possible.

Father Frost:

- Nice, you have fun,
The legs themselves are torn to dance.
I ask you to help
Together we will dance.
Well, my granddaughter
There will be dances announced.

Snow Maiden: - We play, we don’t get bored, we start the Russian dance! (Children dance.)

Oh, fun, and only, the polka sounded loudly. (Children dance.)

Come out waddling, we'll dance a gypsy. (Children dance.)

The back has not yet hurt, let the lezginka sound now. (Children dance.)

And now it sounds for you, New Year's winter waltz. (For older groups.)

Gently music flight, start a round dance. (For medium groups.)

Father Frost:

Did I dance well?
Very, children, I'm tired!
I'll go to the winter forest
I'll have some rest there!

Snow Maiden: “Grandfather, we won’t let you out of the circle.

Father Frost: - Like this?

Snow Maiden:

- And like this. The music will play
Let's all dance in a circle
How will the silence
Don't let grandpa out then.

The game "We will not release" is being held.

Father Frost: - Since you won’t let me out, then you will play snowballs with me.

There is a snowball fight. After the game, the children sit on the chairs.

Father Frost: - Do you remember, granddaughter, last year, you told an interesting game, either with a boy, or with a high chair. Here I am old, I don’t remember the head with a hole. And I want to play. (The Snow Maiden tells the game, Santa Claus and children play).

Rooster: - Played, Santa Claus, but did you bring gifts?

Cat: - What are you, Santa Claus, with a white beard. Where are the gifts, come on, woe to you and me.

Father Frost: — I brought a big bag. There are toys, books in it ... But I don’t remember where he is, dear kids.

Rooster: - And we will go around the Christmas tree and find your bag ourselves!


- Come out, kids, we will look for a bag,
So that Santa Claus can give you gifts.

Children find a bag under the tree.

Father Frost:

- I am very grateful, I found the loss,
You go to the chairs and receive gifts.

Children sit on chairs. Santa Claus and the heroes of fairy tales give them gifts.

Father Frost:

— Love each other, learn, grow
And all this year, I ask you not to be sad.
We will return to this hall again!
Believe, because it was Frost who told you!

All heroes:

- We leave you to return to you again.
And you are ready for this meeting!
Goodbye our little friends!