Earthy face. Complexion as a sign of illness: photos of women. Blue skin color - cyanosis disease

Often a sign of a particular disorder in the body is not healthy color faces. Sometimes, in the combination of this symptom with others, a professional doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, even without tests.

Viruses and bacteria in the human body release various substances into the blood in connection with which the skin color changes. Also, the shade is affected by a change in the amount of some components of the blood. The skin can turn pale, yellow, red, blue and even green. Why does the complexion, and sometimes the body, change? What is it connected with?

Skin structure

The protective cover of a person contains two layers:

  1. Epidermis - the top layer consists of many cells. Some of them contain pigments (carotene, melanin, oxyhemoglobin, reducing hemoglobin). The color of the skin depends on the amount of these or other substances.
  2. The dermis is the bottom layer. Consists of blood and lymph vessels. The presence of hemoglobin in the blood gives the skin a pink tint.

More about pigments:

Carotene is a pigment that gives the skin a yellowish tint. Representatives of the Mongoloid race have more of it than other people. If this component is not enough, it can be obtained from drugs and food.

Melanin is a brown pigment. There is a lot of it on the skin of representatives of the Negroid race. Sometimes it can appear as freckles in white people. It is also responsible for the appearance of age spots.

Hemoglobin is a pink pigment responsible for oxygen in tissues. The coloring of the skin with this component depends on the number of vessels in it, their saturation with oxygen, and not with carbon dioxide (otherwise the skin will be red), the thickness of the epidermis.

Other substances also affect skin coloring:

Silver - gives the skin a bluish tint. Penetrates there after taking certain drugs or when processing this metal.

Iodine - gives the face and body a yellow color when there is too much of it in the body.

Bilirubin is formed during the breakdown of red blood cells. Gives the skin a yellow color. Appears in the blood in some diseases.

Methemoglobin is a pigment formed when the structure of hemoglobin changes. The presence of this component is a sign of many violations. When a person does not know why his lips turn blue, you should pay attention to the amount of this pigment.

hit sun rays on hemoglobin, which is in the stage of transformation, is the cause of darkening of the skin.

Diseases that provoke changes in the color of the face and body

Before you start making diagnoses, considering the faces of individual people, it should be remembered that not all are purebred representatives of the Caucasian race. A healthy complexion in Europeans has a white-pink hue, sometimes with a slight admixture of yellowness. Any changes in the original color of the skin are nothing more than health problems.

List of causes and diseases:

An earthy complexion has several causes:

  1. Lack of fluid in the body;
  2. Alcohol abuse (about some people they say: "blackened (a)"):
  3. Improper nutrition, namely: passion for fatty meat products;
  4. intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  5. Thyroid disease;
  6. Oncological diseases;
  7. AIDS;
  8. Blood poisoning.

Another reason for an earthy complexion is usually called lack of sleep, but this statement is easy to refute, as some skin turns pale or does not change color at all. In addition, an earthy or, as the people say, earthy complexion occurs in people who smoke, as well as in those who do not like walking in the fresh air. It should be noted that the earthy complexion in the latter version is an easily eliminated problem.

Blue color

First of all, the cyanosis of the skin indicates insufficient blood circulation. A person's face can acquire such a shade:

  • By cold;
  • With cardiovascular diseases;
  • With diseases of the respiratory organs;
  • After taking certain medications;
  • In the presence of silver salts in the skin and internal organs;
  • With a large amount of nitrates in the body.

Sometimes blue lips and skin are signs of diseases and incidents such as:

  1. Iron-deficiency anemia;
  2. gas poisoning;
  3. lack of oxygen in the blood;
  4. Asthma attack;
  5. Quincke's edema (in the throat area);
  6. Lung injury.


The color of the skin of the hands can also tell a lot: if the hands have changed color, this indicates changes in the body. Purple swollen hands sign:

  1. frostbite;
  2. Venous insufficiency;
  3. Hand injury:
  4. Prolonged use of alcohol;
  5. Renal failure.

Red spots on the hands may be a sign of:

  1. allergies;
  2. frostbite;
  3. Contact with chemicals.

The yellow color of the skin indicates such diseases in humans as:

  1. Hepatitis (A, B, C);
  2. Liver failure;
  3. Cirrhosis of the liver;
  4. Alagille syndrome ( congenital pathology liver).

A yellow complexion can also appear if a person consumes too many foods rich in carotene.

Yellow spots on the face

As a rule, they indicate:

  • about diseases of the gallbladder;
  • failure of lipid metabolism;
  • about smoking;
  • about high blood cholesterol levels.

Rarely enough, some facial products become the cause of stains.

Gray complexion and enlarged pores

Sometimes bad is a sign:

  • intoxication of the body;
  • alcohol poisoning;
  • prolonged drug use;
  • smallpox suffered in childhood;
  • improper care for oily skin.

White skin was once considered fashionable, but at the moment it is a sign of diseases such as:

  1. Anemia;
  2. Lack of certain vitamins;
  3. exhaustion;
  4. Poisoning;
  5. Toxicosis during pregnancy (sometimes the face acquires a greenish tint);
  6. Ectopic pregnancy;
  7. internal bleeding;
  8. Fat embolism (blockage of veins by subcutaneous fat).

Another problem: dull complexion. It happens in people with unkempt skin or beriberi. Here are some more reasons why the skin fades:

  1. Poor quality cosmetics;
  2. Alcohol;
  3. Smoking;
  4. Wrong nutrition.

The skin can also fade with chronic lack of sleep (not for everyone), poisoning and lack of care.

If you observe your face, then any changes in its color should alert you, since they definitely have reasons that need to be eliminated. If the skin has become dull and has acquired an earthy hue, you can try to change the diet, finally get enough sleep, walk more often in the fresh air.

Olive, yellow, blue, white skin colors should be the reason for a mandatory visit to the doctor, especially if there are symptoms such as fever, vomiting, nausea, swelling, breathing complications. Otherwise: everything can end in death or disability.

The skin of people is different, its condition, including color, depends on many factors. Occupation, nutrition, bad habits, lack of sleep, stress, sports, environment and even heredity leave their mark.

Unfortunately, quite often the cause of an unhealthy complexion: red, yellow or gray, are acute and chronic diseases.

Problems in the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and endocrine systems inevitably affect our appearance. Distress signals from internal organs appear on the skin in some cases simultaneously with the disease, in others - long before its appearance, which allows you to take the necessary measures in time.

We can recognize some of these signals on our own, without special knowledge. It may be enough just to look closely at a person to determine the cause of his suffering.

The mother understands that the child has a fever, even before he had time to complain of malaise or began to act up. An attack of “airsickness” in an airplane sitting next to you in the cabin can also be easily “diagnosed” before a neighbor really gets sick - after all, everyone knows that a person, unlike plants, when he feels good, does not happen green. But there are cases and more difficult, when you can not do without the help of a doctor.

I must say that people learned to recognize the disease by complexion a long time ago, back in the days of Aristotle and Hippocrates. The achievements of Eastern healers are especially impressive.

For example, in China, already at the beginning of the first millennium, a diagnosis was made by complexion. And the predictions of the ancient Aesculapius came true with a high degree of probability. The art of reading in the face was called "Xian-Ming" and was practiced by the great masters of their craft, who kept it a deep secret and only verbally transmitted their experience to the most gifted students. Now forgotten traditions are being revived.

What is meant by "unhealthy complexion"?

Let's start with general patterns. You can often hear that a person has an unhealthy complexion. This is a rather vague concept, since there are many “flowers of unhealthy”.

For example, in Chinese medicine there are five of them: green, white and black are indicators of pain, yellow and red symbolize fullness, white - absence.

Not without reason, at the sight of a very pale person, we exclaim: “Yes, there is no face on you!”.

Each of the five colors corresponds to an organ and season of the year.

Red - the heart and the beginning of summer, white - lungs and autumn, black - winter and kidneys, yellow - the end of summer and the spleen, green - spring and liver.

Reading the diagnosis

For modern doctors, only four colors are diagnostically significant - RED, YELLOW, BLUE and WHITE. Here's what they can tell us.


Possible reasons


  • overheating of the body
  • infectious diseases accompanied by fever,
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels,
  • carbon monoxide poisoning.



  • liver,
  • spleen,
  • stomach,
  • gallbladder,
  • pancreas.


  • lung disease,
  • oxygen starvation.

Pale or white

  • anemia,
  • lung pathology,
  • stroke or heart attack.

However, other colors are also important. For example, dark color faces- a sign of kidney disease, bladder infection.

earthy gray points to frequent constipation and some other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The reason for the appearance of an earthy complexion can also be a lack of fluid in the body.

The appearance of a gray color can be due not only to diseases, but also to the impact of addictions on the skin of the face. Excessive addiction to alcohol, cigarettes and junk food, a sedentary lifestyle, tension and stress can also cause your skin to gradually lose its healthy color and turn gray.

Green color- the most dangerous, often in such cases, doctors diagnose complications of cholelithiasis in a patient, and sometimes cirrhosis of the liver and even cancer. This symptom clearly indicates the need to visit a specialist gastroenterologist.

Not only skin color matters

You can learn a lot of important things by carefully examining individual fragments of your face. Their coloring allows you to recognize the disease more accurately.


  • Blue-red coloration of the cheeks - heart failure.
  • White spots on the cheeks - persistent depression blood pressure.
  • Unhealthy blush on the cheeks - asthma, bronchitis, lack of vitamin C in the body.
  • Symmetrical redness or whitening of the cheeks near the nose - lack of iron, digestive disorders.


  • Bright red lips - respiratory diseases, increased blood pressure.
  • "Bluish" lips - disturbances in the work of the heart, lack of oxygen.
  • Dark purple lips - an excess of cholesterol in the body.


  • Dark circles under the eyes - nervous disorders.
  • Blue circles under the eyes - a violation of cardiac activity and blood circulation. Malfunctions in the work of the genital organs.
  • Red color of the nose - disturbances in the work of the heart, high blood pressure.
  • Blue-red nose - low blood pressure.
  • Red streaks on the nose - gastritis.
  • White spots on the nose - lung disease.
  • Severe pallor of the lower and upper turbinates - pneumonia.


  • Pale auricles with a characteristic waxy tint - circulatory disorders.


  • Pale color of the tongue - anemia.
  • The blue color of the tongue is a malfunction in the work of the heart.
  • Yellow color of the tongue - violations in the liver.

Of course, everything that has been said here should not be taken as a diagnosis and an immediate guide to action. These are only indirect indications of possible problems in your body, and an unhealthy complexion should be taken only as an excuse to visit a doctor.

The final diagnosis can only be made by a doctor after a thorough examination.

Update: October 2018

The beauty of a person is judged by his face: the cut and symmetry of the eyes, the shape of the nose and eyebrows, the fullness of the lips - all this should add up to a holistic and harmonious picture, then the person will be considered pretty or beautiful. The color of the skin of the face is something on the basis of which we judge the health: our own or another person.

A change in skin color in medicine is called dyschromia. It occurs most often due to some kind of internal disease (we will look at them below), and a cosmetologist or dermatologist is the last specialist to visit about this.

A change in complexion towards a paler or redder should serve as a basis for grabbing a tonometer and then counting your own pulse instead of grasping cosmetic corrective agents. If you describe the color as yellow, green or bluish, you should not hesitate to consult a doctor: conditions that change the complexion to such shades are life-threatening.

About skin

The human skin is an organ with the most large area. On average, in an adult, it occupies 2 square meters, and its total weight is more than 10 kilograms. The main task of the skin, available from birth: to protect the underlying tissues from the penetration of microbes into them and chemical substances. In addition, it protects them from high and low temperatures, ultraviolet and other rays, for which the subcutaneous tissue and muscles are clearly not designed. The skin also performs other very important functions: it participates in respiration, thermoregulation, synthesizes some vitamins, enzymes and bioactive substances, conveys information about pain, tactile sensations and temperature in the spinal cord. It can absorb substances applied to it, delivering them to the systemic circulation.

From 3-4 months of life, another important function of the integumentary tissue, which is related to our topic, develops - excretory. The skin removes part of the products, both formed during the normal functioning of organs, and arising from the neutralization of toxins by our main "filters".

The color of a person's face depends on:

  • combinations of pigments in it;
  • thickness of the stratum corneum;
  • the depth of the vessels in it and their filling;
  • on the rate of metabolism in the body.

Changing each of the parameters leads to a change in complexion. Let's consider all this in more detail.

Skin structure

Our covering tissue, the skin, consists of two layers. The top layer is called the epidermis. This is the same epithelium as the one that forms all the mucous membranes of the internal organs. Its difference is in the number of cell layers. The latter, gradually turning into dead plates from the lower layer to the upper one, still remain on the surface of the skin and protect it from adverse external influences. Between the usual cells of the epidermis are those that, being the owners of the coloring pigment, provide the skin with brownish and yellowish shades.

The deep layer of the integument is represented by the dermis. There are fibers from proteins that are responsible for the elasticity of the skin and the possibility of straightening it when forming a fold from it. The intercellular substance located between them is responsible for moisturizing the skin and the ability to properly “cooperate” with the mimic muscles - to straighten without the formation of wrinkles after demonstrating another emotion.

The dermis is that layer of the skin that contains blood vessels: many blood vessels and some lymphatic ones. The hemoglobin they contain gives the skin pink color.


Healthy color is provided by a combination of four pigments:

  1. melanin;
  2. carotene;
  3. oxyhemoglobin;
  4. reduced hemoglobin.


This is a brown pigment. Its task is to protect the skin from dangerous oncogenicity, the ability to cause burns and oxidative stress (and with it early aging) ultraviolet rays. Therefore, when exposed to the sun, our cover becomes brown, and people living in conditions of increased solar activity are the owners of swarthy or even black skin.

Melanin is produced in special cells of the epidermis - melanocytes. Through special processes, vesicles with pigment are delivered to other cells - keratinocytes, where they accumulate. Some of it is dissolved in the dermis.

The accumulation of vesicles with melanin in the main cells of the skin is dictated not only by genetic, but also by constitutional factors. So, some localizations darken strongly under the influence of ultraviolet rays, while others remain practically unchanged, while others are brown, regardless of radiation. Genetics, on the other hand, “dictates” to some people in spring and summer to become very swarthy. Others - this disorder is called albinism - do not sunbathe under any circumstances, maintaining a milky-white skin color.

The process of formation and accumulation of melanin is regulated by two main enzymes - copper-containing and zinc-dependent. With a deficiency in the body of each of them, there is nothing to absorb ultraviolet rays.


This is the name of the yellow pigment dissolved in the dermis of the skin. It is a natural antioxidant that protects the skin from the harmful effects of oxygen radicals. The same is found in carrots and some algae, from where, when they are eaten, it penetrates into the skin.

In the Caucasian race, carotene is almost invisible - it is hidden by melanin. But in the Mongoloids, it is visible and stains their skin yellowish.

Hemoglobin and its types

This pigment is not located in the skin itself, but in the vessels lying in the dermis. Its main task is to carry oxygen to the tissues, and take carbon dioxide from them. When it transports oxygen (it's called oxyhemoglobin), it's pink. When hemoglobin is saturated with carbon dioxide, it stains blood vessels dark red or bluish. How much hemoglobin present in the vessels will stain the skin will depend on:

  • the number of blood vessels in the skin;
  • proximity of dermal capillaries to the surface layer of the skin;
  • filling of these capillaries, which depends on the pressure in the larger arteries. This is regulated by the autonomic nervous system and the hormone system. The filling of small vessels of the skin is also affected by the amount of fluid in the vascular bed;
  • thickness of the stratum corneum.

pathological pigments

The skin can be dyed not only by those available in physiological conditions pigments, but also those substances that penetrate here in pathology. Sometimes these are pathological substances - such as iodine or silver. But more often these are products formed from hemoglobin:

  1. Bilirubin, which is formed during the breakdown of red blood cells. There is a lot of it in the body either when large quantities of red blood cells are destroyed at once, or when hemoglobin metabolism in the liver is disturbed. It turns the skin yellow and the resulting condition is called jaundice. We'll talk more below.
  2. Saturated dark, almost blue skin color occurs when human hemoglobin changes its structure, becoming methemoglobin. Such a substance, having iron of a different valency in its composition, does not tolerate oxygen, and if there is a lot of it in the vessels, it is deadly.
  3. Brown color can be caused not only by the accumulation of melanin. This shade of the skin acquires as a result of a genetic disease called "porphyria", when the hemoglobin contained in the vessels of the skin, which is in the process of transformation, is exposed to sunlight.

Thus, skin color depends on the combination of coloring pigments in different layers of the skin, as well as its thickness. An even complexion is obtained when all parameters - the saturation of pigments, the thickness of the stratum corneum, and the distribution of blood vessels - are the same in any areas.

This is affected by:

  • the work of the autonomic nervous system (it is she who regulates the lumen of the vessels);
  • quality of facial skin care;
  • human lifestyle: nutrition, bad habits;
  • ecological situation of the place of residence;
  • chronic diseases.

Color darkening

This word can describe the complexion in various diseases.

Adrenal insufficiency

A uniformly dark complexion, when the skin can be described as bronze or too dark, is characteristic of adrenal insufficiency - usually primary, when the paired endocrine organ itself suffers. In this case, it will not be the face that will darken at first, but the parts of the body that are not protected by clothing, those that rub against the details of clothing and those that are already pigmented (the areola, genitals, armpits). In addition, there will be weight loss, indigestion, and sometimes changes in the sexual sphere.


When dark coloration covers the face not evenly, but with blurry brown spots, this indicates an increased work of the thyroid gland. Additional features, speaking in her favor, will be hot to the touch skin, irritability, increased appetite and, at the same time, weight loss.

Hepatic pathologies

Bacterial endocarditis

The word "dark color" can also be used to describe light brown, which is also called "coffee with milk". This complexion is characteristic of prolonged septic endocarditis, a disease in which bacteria settle on the valves of the heart, leading to the development of polypous overlays and ulcers here.

This pathology is characterized by a slow deterioration in the condition of a person who has long been diagnosed with valvular heart disease. He starts to get tired faster, more often he wants to lie down. Discomfort or slight pain appears in the heart. The same vague and unexpressed pains are noted in the joints.

Body temperature rises: usually to low numbers, with chilling and palpitations. Later, it rises to 39 degrees, chills appear, the person sweats a lot. Sometimes the temperature immediately rises to high numbers, an attack of the heartbeat develops, then one or the other composition hurts. In some cases, the temperature remains elevated to 37.8 for a long time, and against this background, its “jumps” up to 39 and above are periodically noted.

Septic endocarditis is a life-threatening disease: masses of the endocardium “processed” by bacteria “fly off” from the valves, which were located here in the form of polyps. Such emboli are able to clog the vessels of organs: the brain, kidneys, spleen, limbs, skin. Kidney damage is manifested by darkening of urine, the appearance of blood in it, a decrease in its amount. With an embolism of the cerebral vessels, clouding of consciousness, dizziness, double vision, muscle twitching or convulsions occur. There may be a sudden loss of consciousness with respiratory failure, which leads to death if help is not provided urgently.

Bleeding occurs in the skin, which looks like blood soaks in larger or smaller areas (bruises irregular shape), the center of which is whitish. They do not rise above the skin, and often affect only the skin of the legs and the conjunctiva of the lower eyelid. Also, the disease is characterized by such a symptom - the appearance on the palms or soles of red dense and painful nodules, which resolve after 2-3 days.


Here, grayish-brown or dark brown spots merging with each other appear on the skin, which can serve as a reason for making a preliminary diagnosis of chronic adrenal insufficiency. An accurate diagnosis is made with a skin biopsy in stained areas, when deposits of hemosiderin and melanin are detected here.

Early systemic scleroderma

Here, at first, numbness, coldness of the hands appear, accompanied by a feeling of crawling "goosebumps". These symptoms have been disturbing the patient for several years, without being supplemented by anything else. Then dark spots appear on the hands, face and feet, or only in a separate localization. They are dense, seem to consist of thick skin, spread to free areas, hinder movements by the mimic muscles of the face. The diagnosis is made by the determination in the blood of antibodies to RNA polymerase, topoisomerase I or histone (one of the types of antibodies is detected in each patient), as well as antinuclear factor (it is determined in 90-95%).

tardive cutaneous porphyria

With the development of this disease after exposure to the sun, as well as when drinking alcohol, blisters appear on open areas of the body, the skin becomes brittle and fragile, darkens, but may also lighten. After the slightest injury to the skin, the same thing happens. The conjunctiva of the eyes swells and turns red, while the throat does not turn red, there are no other symptoms of a cold. Ultrasound shows damage to the liver.

This is how variegated porphyria manifests itself. Only doctors distinguish them.

Neurofibromatosis Recklinghausen

In this case, different diameters appear on the body brown spot(colours "coffee with milk") - one or many. The disease debuts in childhood. It is also characterized by premature puberty, high blood pressure.

Similar symptoms are also characteristic of two other diseases that manifest themselves with childhood- Watson's syndrome and Albright's syndrome. Only doctors can tell them apart.

Dysplastic nevus syndrome

appear on the skin dark brown spots with a clear border. Papules that have an elevation above the skin, whose color is variegated, can also develop. There are usually no other complaints.

Syndrome "leopard"

Spots are found everywhere on the skin, having dark brown color. And although other symptoms are not subjectively disturbing, various types of changes are noted during the ECG. Ultrasound of the heart reveals a decrease in the lumen (stenosis) of the pulmonary artery.

Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome

Multiple dark brown spots appear on the lips and fingers. Besides, periodic pains in a stomach (closer to a navel) disturb. When examined by a gastroenterologist or during an X-ray examination of the intestine with a preliminary intake of contrast (barium), polyposis of the small intestine is detected.

blackening of the face

If the skin has turned black, this is a sign that you need to urgently see a doctor, as this is dangerous. Such staining may appear with the following diseases.

Meningococcal infection

This life-threatening disease most often affects children: in adults, the meningococcus bacterium most often does not cause illness, but forms a carrier state by settling in the nose (such people are contagious to their loved ones without knowing it).

The disease occurs acutely: the body temperature rises, spots appear on the skin. At first they may be red, then they turn purple, brown or black, merge. No emergency medical care the rash merges, forming large areas of black color, while the person becomes lethargic, drowsy, there may be vomiting, after which it does not become easier. An ambulance should be called as soon as possible.

kidney disease

If a person develops an infectious disease of the kidneys or bladder, they may develop a black coloration of the skin of the face - mainly in the area of ​​​​the cheekbones and the root of the nose. Additional symptoms there is a change in the color of urine, back pain, nausea, fever, painful urination.


This is a disease when there is not enough B vitamins in the body, especially vitamin PP (nicotinic acid). It usually occurs after an intestinal infection, against the background of chronic alcohol consumption, with frequent exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun or solarium, and also when a person develops increased losses of this vitamin during pregnancy, lactation, or heavy work due to chronic malnutrition.

The main symptoms of the disease will be: general weakness, burning sensation in the mouth, persistent diarrhea and pain in the abdomen. On the skin of the face and exposed parts of the body, red spots or blisters with a cloudy liquid first appear, then a dark color appears here. The skin in these places is shelled.

In addition to skin manifestations, a person notes mental status disorders: fatigue, depression, sometimes - psychosis with hallucinations.

Pigmented xeroderma

This is a hereditary disease in which the integumentary tissue is hypersensitive to ultraviolet rays. When exposed to this radiation, areas of redness appear on the skin of open areas, including the face, spider veins and large, merging dark spots dark, almost black.

Excessive melanoblastosis

It appears in newborns. At the same time, lesions of the nervous system come to the fore: drowsiness, vomiting not associated with food, strabismus, low tone of the hands, and some others. This is due to the deposition of melanin in the nuclei of the cranial nerves. The same pigment is deposited in the skin, which turns it black.

Occupational melasma

If a person works with oil distillation products (tar, pitch) for a long time, substances are absorbed into the skin that enhance the effect of ultraviolet radiation on it.

Blue face

Blue color accompanies or life-threatening heart or lung disease, or covers the face when taking certain drugs.

Blue face as a result of treatment

A drug such as Kordaron can stain the face blue. In this case, you need to consult a cardiologist about reducing the dosage of the medication.

The second reason for ceruloderm (as doctors call blue skin) is the use of silver preparations, mainly for antiseptic purposes, for example, with a runny nose. Also sick people involved in the processing of silver. This condition is called argyria and usually leads to damage to the bone marrow, eyes, kidney failure and damage to the nervous system - silver salts accumulate not only in the skin, but also in all internal organs, vessel walls, mucous membranes, sclera of the eyes, and remain there for the entire life.

If a person stops taking medicines containing silver salts, the symptoms of damage to the internal organs will go away, but the blue color of the skin will remain.


This is the name of the state when normal hemoglobin is replaced by an altered one - methemoglobin, in which iron is not two-, but trivalent, and cannot carry oxygen. This disease most often appears when poisoning with hemolytic poisons. For example, it occurs with an overdose of Paracetamol, the use of long-stored Phenacetin and sulfonamides, as well as in cases where a large amount of nitrates and nitrites are ingested (they are found in well and tap water, in canned meat, in fruits fertilized with nitrate-nitrite fertilizers and vegetables). There are also hereditary forms pathology.

In any form of the disease, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • the skin acquires a gray-blue tint;
  • the nail phalanges do not change their shape (with damage to the heart or lungs, the nail-bearing phalanges expand, acquiring the appearance of "drumsticks");
  • physical activity is accompanied by shortness of breath and fatigue;
  • frequent and severe headaches.

Cardiopulmonary diseases

These pathologies cause both generalized cyanosis, when the whole body acquires a bluish tint, and regional cyanosis, manifested by blue skin under the nails, tip of the nose, lips and nasolabial triangle.

This condition develops in various diseases:

  • heart failure. In this case, there are pains in the heart during physical exertion, shortness of breath at rest, aggravated by physical exertion, edema, localized mainly on the legs. By ECG or ultrasound of the heart, you can determine the disease that caused this pathology.
  • Asthma attack. Here, the appearance of an attack can be associated with a meeting with an allergen (for example, plant pollen or household chemicals), there is a dry cough, it becomes difficult to exhale, sometimes wheezing is heard from afar.
  • pneumonia. It is not always, but often manifested by cough and fever. In addition, there is shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air, weakness, nausea.
  • Cyanotic variant of erythrocytosis.
  • Tuberculosis. At the same time, a cough is noted: it is dry, sometimes a certain amount of mucous sputum is released during a cough attack. The temperature rises to low (up to 38 degrees) numbers, weakness and fatigue are noted.
  • Thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery: when in one or more branches of the vessel going from the heart to the lungs, a “congestion” or blockage is formed by a blood clot, fat, gas, or masses detached from the inflamed heart valves. The disease develops abruptly: often after straining or performing heavy physical work in a person with varicose veins, heart defects or aneurysm, weakness, shortness of breath with a feeling of lack of air appear sharply. A little later, a cough and pain in one of the halves of the chest joins.
  • Any kind of shock, manifested by a sharp decrease in blood pressure. Shock can develop with significant dehydration, ingestion of a large number of bacteria, blood loss, severe pain during trauma, anaphylaxis.
  • Heart defects. Often subjectively felt only fast fatiguability, there may be rhythm disturbances, headaches. The upper half of the body may differ in color from the lower.
  • Chronic bronchitis. It is manifested by cough, fever, sometimes - a feeling of lack of air. If this disease has existed in a person for a long time, his fingers change: the nail phalanges thicken, becoming like “drumsticks”. The nails also change: they become dull, furrows cover them (they call such nails "watch glasses").
  • Pleurisy. This condition develops after suffering pneumonia. It is characterized not only by the development of cyanotic skin coloration, but also by a repeated increase in body temperature that has already returned to normal, chest pain when breathing, chills, weakness, and night sweats.
  • Pneumothorax. This term characterizes the condition when, due to an injury to the lung, air enters the cavity surrounding it. If the amount of air increases, then the lung itself and the heart lying nearby are squeezed by it. Is it dangerous. Pathology develops acutely, usually after physical effort or a coughing fit. On the side of the damaged lung appears strong pain, which increases with deep inspiration, coughing and movement. There is also shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air.

Redness of the skin

A red complexion is not always a sign of alcohol abuse, as previously thought. This is a sign of the following diseases:

  • arterial hypertension(increased blood pressure), which may accompany hypertension, develop as a result of diseases of the kidneys or adrenal glands. Reddening of the face develops against the background of a headache, "flies" before the eyes, pain in the heart.
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning. This happens in people with stove heating, located in an unventilated room.
  • Erythrocytosis a, in which there is too much hemoglobin and red blood cells., which does not improve oxygen transport at all, but is dangerous in terms of increasing thrombosis. Here the face and shoulders are bright red. This is aggravated after taking a bath, and with it, itchiness appears.
  • allergic reaction: medicines, food, household chemicals, the introduction of worms into the intestines and other things. In addition to redness, there is often also a dry cough, sneezing, and there may be diarrhea. Improvement is observed if the action of the allergen is eliminated.
  • Rosacea. Initially, the skin turns red only on the action of heat or cold, gradually the face ceases to return to its normal color. Usually, pathology develops in women during menopause. It must be distinguished from the reddening of the face characteristic of this period, which accompanies the feeling of "tide".
  • Tuberculosis. Here the cheeks are constantly red, but this color is not bright. In addition, the nasolabial triangle is bluish in color, there is also a cough, constantly elevated temperature; the person sweats a lot.
  • scarlet fever: the face turns red, and the nasolabial triangle becomes pale. In addition, the temperature rises, and a red rash spreads throughout the body.
  • pneumonia when one cheek turns red. There is also a feeling of difficulty breathing, coughing, weakness, fever.
  • Sinusitis. One cheek is also painted here - on the side of the lesion. At the same time, the head hurts, the temperature is elevated, the nose is blocked, and when it is instilled, a large amount of secretion is released, often mucopurulent.
  • Both cheeks and the back of the nose turn red with a disease such as systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • Redness of the cheeks against the background of an intestinal infection or acute respiratory infections in a child is a sign that the underlying disease in him was complicated by the development of acetonemic syndrome. This is a state when the body uses not glucose as energy substrates, but fats, the breakdown products of which have a toxic effect on the brain.
  • Great for this person dose of atropine or scopolamine.
  • Poisoning with hallucinogens.

Also, the face - especially if a person suffers from vegetative-vascular dystonia - changes its color to red with any illness that is accompanied by fever.

earthy color

If the face suddenly acquired an unhealthy sallow color, this may indicate chronic lack of sleep, lack of fresh air, unbalanced diet, excessive sunburn and smoking. But most often this shade indicates a pathology. For example:

  • Poor thyroid function. In this case, the face becomes not only dull, but also swollen. At the same time, the skin is dry, and the hair is brittle, split and fall out. It is also noted excess weight with reduced appetite and poor nutrition.
  • Oncological disease(cancer) of any localization, including leukemia.
  • HIV infections. At the same time, the staging of the disease is noted: at first, a slightly elevated temperature lasts for several months, then it increases and a large number of lymph nodes begin to be felt. Only then the color of the skin fades, a person often begins to suffer from pneumonia, each small violation of the integrity of the skin heals for a long time, long-term illnesses develop, the cause of which cannot be found immediately.
  • sepsis(blood poisoning). In this case, at first there are symptoms of some bacterial disease: inflammation of the kidneys, lungs, festering wounds, abscesses, sinusitis, and so on. Then, after a short-term improvement, the temperature rises again, weakness appears, headache and nausea. This is complemented by symptoms of kidney or liver damage.


Pale or unhealthy white color speaks of various diseases in which:

a) acute or chronic blood loss is noted:

  • endometriosis;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • internal bleeding;

b) skin vessels spasmed so that there was enough blood for the central organs:

  • angina;
  • oncological diseases of any localization;
  • heart defects;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • fat embolism;

c) diseases that occur with intoxication, due to which vasospasm occurs: SARS (especially influenza), an asthma attack, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases;

d) there is not enough melanin, due to which the skin becomes more “transparent”. If this occurs throughout the skin, melanin is also lacking in the iris of the eye, then this is albinism or phenylketonuria. With the appearance of individual white spots on the skin, we can talk about vitiligo - a disease that has many causes;

e) deficiency of substances from which hemoglobin is formed: iron, folic acid, vitamin B12, proteins, glutathione, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. This different kinds anemia - deficient and hypoplastic. The latter may occur due to kidney disease;

f) vegetative regulation of vessels is disturbed (vegetative-vascular dystonia). This can be said if a pale color occurs during stress, fear, nervous experiences;

g) hormonal regulation of vascular tone is disturbed: diabetes, hypothyroidism;

h) edema, due to which the vessels of the skin are poorly visible: hypothyroidism, kidney disease, loss of proteins in exudative enteropathy, burns, malabsorption syndrome.

gray face

Gray color is described under such conditions:

  • Leukemia. These pathologies are very insidious, masquerading as SARS: weakness, drowsiness appear, body temperature rises. Most often they are detected when a complete blood count is prescribed.
  • Diseases of the digestive system: pancreatitis, cholecystitis. At the same time, nausea, bloating, stool disorders, pain in the upper abdomen when consuming spicy, smoked or fatty foods, alcohol.
  • Smoking and stress.
  • After severe illness.

Green or olive skin color

Olive or green complexion of the skin is characteristic of:

  • severe intoxication, especially with acute respiratory infections and poisoning;
  • oncological diseases;
  • (but it can also be earthy and the color of wet asphalt, and when exacerbated, it can also be lemon yellow);
  • kidney diseases.


Diseases in which a yellow complexion is observed have a common name - jaundice. This color is sometimes given by carotene if a person has overeaten carrots. In this case, only the palms and feet are painted. In other cases, yellowness is obtained when too much bilirubin is formed - a product that is formed from the hemoglobin of red blood cells, and then is metabolized in the liver. A lot of bilirubin is obtained, either when a lot of red blood cells break down, or when the liver is disturbed.

Erythrocytes disintegrate either due to the weakness of their own membrane, or when a substance enters the blood (for example, anti-Rh antibodies or poisons) that destroys blood cells. Conditions caused by a violation of the membrane have a common name - hemolytic jaundices. There are many types of them, which only a hematologist can distinguish. Poisoning with hemolytic poisons is carried out by toxicologists who have an artificial kidney apparatus in their arsenal. When red blood cells are destroyed due to burns, treatment takes place in the Combustiology Units.

There is another type of jaundice - caused by diseases of the liver and biliary tract:

  • blockage of the bile ducts by tumors, stones or inflammation;
  • hepatitis: viral, toxic (including medicinal), alcoholic;
  • cirrhosis of the liver.

Jaundice will also manifest itself as inflammation of the pancreas, directly related to the liver and gallbladder.

Bilirubin is a dangerous substance that can destroy the brain. Therefore, when yellowness of the skin appears, you need to urgently call an ambulance. With his own strength, a person can only drink " Activated carbon"or other sorbent preparation. It is also important to tell doctors what you have eaten or drunk. In this case, the further health of a person depends on the urgency of the assistance provided by toxicologists.


How to determine what caused the change in complexion, the therapist will say. When prescribing his own tests or recommending a consultation with a narrower specialist, he will proceed from the new shade of your cover.

So, with pallor of the face, you will be assigned:

  • a general blood test with the obligatory determination of reticulocytes - the ancestors of erythrocytes;
  • osmotic resistance of erythrocytes;
  • coagulogram;
  • liver tests.

If you are concerned about yellowness, the therapist sends you to an infectious disease specialist, and he, focusing on the history of your life and this disease, as well as ultrasound of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas, liver tests and markers for viral hepatitis, decides whether he, a gastroenterologist or hematologist.

An olive complexion requires the attention of a gastroenterologist who will examine, feel and listen to your stomach, prescribe an ultrasound abdominal cavity(it is performed after preparation) and FEGDS (here you have to swallow the probe).

Black or blue shades, which arose overnight, especially if they have a feeling of lack of air, require an ambulance call. These specialists will figure out who should advise or treat you. If you are concerned about black spots, but there are no other symptoms, it is advisable to contact the staff of the Department of Dermatology for a consultation.

The reasons for the red color will help cardiologists determine. A tonometer for measuring pressure and ECG will come to the aid of these doctors. They will also likely need an ultrasound of your kidneys and adrenal glands to find out the cause. high blood pressure as well as ultrasound of the heart.

How to restore color to the face

A healthy color will be if you follow the rules for maintaining the requirements of your physical body:

  • No smoking.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Do not eat junk food: many diseases come from careless eating and harmful foods.
  • Eat more vegetables, berries and fruits.
  • Drink at least 30 ml / kg of body weight. Water is needed for the normal functioning of enzymes, on which all processes in the body depend.
  • In spring and autumn, consult with a therapist about the advisability of taking vitamin tablets.

If your complexion has changed, you should not trust cosmetic sites that say how well miracle masks or procedures will help improve your complexion. The fact is that a change in the color of the integumentary tissue is a distress signal that our self-renewing organism gives. If he could speak, he would say the following: “Start helping me, remove the interfering factor - and I will recover myself.

Then, if there is a desire, go to a beautician or do home mask but first, take measures to eliminate the disease. You should not postpone a visit to a specialist in the most extreme case: doctors are not magicians, and if the disease has already affected several organs, then it is more and more difficult to save them.

Treatment for discolored facial skin depends on the cause of the condition. It is completely different, and without looking at the person and not listening to his complaints, it is difficult to say anything about his treatment even to the most venerable professor.

The skin of people is different, its condition, including complexion, depends on many factors.

The following factors leave their mark:

  • profession;
  • nutrition;
  • bad habits;
  • lack of sleep;
  • stress;
  • sports;
  • environment;
  • heredity.

Unfortunately, quite often the cause of skin discoloration is acute and chronic diseases. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and endocrine systems inevitably affect our appearance.

Distress signals from internal organs appear on the skin in some cases simultaneously with the disease, in others long before it appears, which allows you to take the necessary measures in time.

yellow complexion

Liver disease

All this is complemented by apathy, weakening immune system. These signs may indicate diseases of the gallbladder and intestinal tract. toxins that enter the lymphatic system, carry them through the internal organs, as a result of intoxication, the entire body is exposed.

Daily regime

After a stormy night or when our skin is in stressful condition. A yellowed face, puffy eyelids, dark circles and bags under the eyes, impaired blood flow - all this is not the norm and indicates a problem with sleep.

None of us want to look bad, so need to fight sleep deprivation, so as not to start the premature extinction of the body.

Bad habits

In addition, the following reasons reduce the tone of our epithelium:

  • excessive consumption of sweets;
  • flour;
  • fried;
  • intake of alcoholic beverages;
  • smoking.

The skin looks inflamed, stale, its elasticity decreases, and a yellow complexion appears.

In addition to external unattractiveness, there are serious health problems.

Red complexion

Back in the Middle Ages, facial redness received a persistent name - although even before that it was called differently: “wine acne”, for example, or “curse of the Celts”. The first name demonstrates the connection between libations and illness, noticed in ancient times, and the second - that the disease is mainly subject to fair-skinned people.

They tried to treat the "Red Face", but bloodletting, the main method of the Middle Ages, practically did not give results, as did the application of ice compresses. Doctors began to study and diagnose, explain the origins of the disease only in the nineteenth century.

Rosacea is a hereditary disease that affects people over thirty years of age, belonging to the fair-skinned type. Women get sick more often after thirty years, which, apparently, associated with hormonal problems.

The cause of facial redness is vasodilatation located on the surface of the skin - with rosacea, this expansion is irreversible, the vessels no longer narrow, which may also be a consequence of the malfunctioning of the trigeminal nerve.

Very often, rosacea occurs instantly, under the influence of one of the provoking factors, among which the most common are:

  • abuse of caffeine or alcohol;
  • an excess of spicy and smoked in the diet;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun or in a solarium;
  • severe stress;
  • hormone therapy or hormonal disorders;
  • prolonged irritation from cold or high temperatures.

In addition, a bluish-red complexion may be a symptom of the following diseases:

Pale complexion


The main objective reason is age. In addition to mimic and age wrinkles, skin aging also involves a change in its shade. From a healthy pink, he turns into a pale one, which speaks of lack of moisture in the dermis.

Its retention is assigned to collagen fibers, which in the process of aging of the body begins to be produced in smaller and smaller quantities and ceases to function. full size perform its function.

The skin loses moisture, dries out, becomes vulnerable to external influence. contributes to this poor tissue nutrition, which occurs during the less active work of the cardiovascular system.


Paleness of the skin of the face also appears with anemia and is the result. This element is very important, since iron acts as a conductor for oxygen. In patients with younger age group indicates the presence of anemia underweight and stunting.
Another, less common reason pale color skin is . characteristic feature pathology there will be a pronounced vascular pattern, which is especially noticeable on white skin. The clinical picture of the disease is supplemented by pressure drops, pain in the heart, and hands.
Diseases excretory system that affect the kidneys can also lead to pallor skin. In such cases, the skin acquires a yellowish tint, the mucous membranes are involved in the process. oral cavity. The patient's condition is aggravated by weight loss, the appearance of and. Pain in the abdominal region may be severe.
Also, the pallor of the skin of the face can be explained by myocarditis.

In any case, if the pallor of the face is troublesome or is accompanied by other specific features should contact a medical facility to pass the examination.

Gray complexion

If this problem occurs, you should consult a doctor, as this may signal a serious illness.

Regardless of the cause, when the complexion changes need to take action to restore a healthy and radiant look to the face.

How to improve complexion

Chamomile decoction

One of the simplest and natural ways to improve the complexion is a decoction of chamomile. You can use a ready-made bag of chamomile, brew it for 3-5 minutes in boiling water, cool and put on your face for 20 minutes. If you urgently need to refresh a tired look or remove puffiness under the eyes, then put sachets of chamomile on your eyelids. Repeat this simple procedure daily for one to two weeks, and the result will be undone.


Tight, insufficiently moisturized skin does not reflect light well, because of this, its color looks unhealthy, and the surface is loose. To return the face healthy look it's not enough to just care about constant hydration. Don't dry out your skin with tap water, use too many cleansers, and don't forget to humidify the air in the room.


Vitamins - magical remedy for quick rejuvenation and revitalization of the skin - every day in the morning, take one to two grams of vitamin C.

Face masks

Nourishing masks will also help to quickly improve the complexion. So, masks based on egg yolk or yeast are rich in vitamins and various useful microelements, which saturate the skin during their application.


Going to the bath also helps a lot, after which the skin looks toned, fresh and rejuvenated. Hot soft steam envelops the body, increases perspiration, removing toxins and impurities from the skin.

Take with you linden-mint tea. Drinking a glass of delicious herbal tea between visits to the steam room, you will noticeably speed up the process of sweating, thereby increasing the amount of toxins removed from the body.

Glass of water in the morning

Before going to bed, place a glass of water near the bed. In the morning, after waking up, without getting out of bed, drink this water. Drink it slowly, in small sips, while maintaining a horizontal position. It's a wonderful way get rid of facial puffiness And regulate bowel function. If you add a teaspoon of soda to water a couple of times a week, its effect on the body will increase.


Scrubs are one of the fastest and most reliable ways to restore a healthy and radiant look to dull skin. Dead cells, make-up residues, polluted particles gradually accumulate on the skin, giving it an earthy tint.

Scrub gently cleanses the skin, polishing its surface, freeing the pores, thereby returning the face a radiant shade of youth. The effect of scrubs is especially noticeable on oily skin and skin combined type, uneven surface and dullness of which are associated with increased secretion of sebum by the pores.

steam baths

Steam baths are also great helpers in miraculously transforming the skin. It only takes ten minutes to hold your face over the steam. The result will be especially noticeable if you first apply a cleansing clay mask, and then, after steaming, wash it off with cool water.

morning wash

Morning skin toning is very important. The lower the water temperature when washing your face in the morning, the longer your skin will stay fresh. Perfectly tones the skin carbonated mineral water with ice cubes. Immerse your face in the morning in such a refreshing cocktail, and your skin will always be flawless.

When your own appearance in the mirror brings aesthetic suffering, it's time to think about your health and lifestyle. Our skin mirrors internal problems- physical and emotional. A gray complexion is not just an external flaw. It may be a sign of a serious illness.

All shades of gray - what spoils the complexion

It is difficult for residents of megacities, always in a hurry, experiencing all the “charms” of urban ecology and food from supermarkets, to maintain a healthy glow. Everyone suffers - women, men, children.

Bad ecology, stress and bad habits spoil the complexion

Any factors that negatively affect emotional background, and as a result, the state of internal organs is immediately reflected in our appearance.

Removable Causes

The first thought that an unhealthy color should suggest is the influence of bad habits. Today they include not only smoking and drinking alcohol, but also dependence on the Internet. With tobacco, everything is clear - every cigarette smoked hits the body from the outside and from the inside. External "fumigation" does not allow the skin to fully breathe. From the inside, tobacco toxins destroy collagen fibers, worsen the blood supply to the epidermis, not to mention the detrimental effect on the lungs and blood vessels.

One cigarette causes vasospasm for 20 minutes and reduces oxygen levels by 5%.

Those who like to drink beer after work or relax on the eve of the weekend will end up with no less a blow to beauty. Outwardly, such a person is easy to "calculate" by the condition of the skin of the face. It reacts to intoxication with a dull gray color, loss of clarity of lines and enlarged pores.

Internet addiction brings no less harm. This is hypodynamia, and a constant uncomfortable posture, when the vertebral arteries that supply blood to the brain suffer. In addition, we steal precious hours of sleep from ourselves by disrupting biological rhythms. Our skin is restored during the night's rest. And if it is not there, then the results are on the face.

Chronic fatigue is one of the causes of lifeless gray skin

Social media by no means relax, as many believe. I talked with pleasant interlocutors - and was distracted from my problems. Today, such communication becomes a source of additional stress. And again our skin suffers. An emotional outburst gives rise to a chain of biochemical reactions leading to a decrease in the level hyaluronic acid and impaired collagen synthesis. Adrenaline gives the skin a gray color due to spasm of small vessels.

Low mobility - another worst enemy beauty. The skin does not perform the most important functions - the removal of harmful substances with sweat, thermoregulation is disturbed, an imbalance of calcium and sodium sets in, and blood circulation worsens. The skin ceases to be cleansed naturally. Hence its unhealthy color and sagging.

Another reason is the passion for "healthy" nutrition. The myths about the benefits of low-fat foods, separate meals and other "chips" on which food corporations and individual enthusiasts made money have already been debunked. And today only lazy people do not talk about the dangers of diets for weight loss.

Any diet, if it is not therapeutic or compiled by an experienced nutritionist, harms the body due to imbalance and unreasonable reduction in caloric content of food.

If the body does not receive the nutrients it needs, this is immediately reflected in the appearance. Gray color with bruises under the eyes is a sign of exhaustion. In addition, the emotional stress experienced by a woman in the process of such weight loss causes the consequences already described above for the skin.

Rigid diets for weight loss deal a heavy blow to the body

Water is the source of life and external attractiveness. What flows from taps can hardly be called a useful liquid. Even if it is boiled and filtered. After passing many kilometers through the pipes, tap water collects an incredible bunch of chemicals and bacteria. And the body needs pure life-giving moisture and preferably at least 1.5 liters per day.

Age changes

After 40 years, the process of "reverse development" of the skin begins. signs aging skin- this is a loss of turgor, a blurred contour, fine wrinkles and a decrease in the thickness of the epidermis. Over the years, the skin loses its ability to rapidly regenerate cells. Dead particles exfoliate worse, the stratum corneum becomes thicker and denser.

slowdown metabolic processes and deterioration of blood supply negatively affect the complexion

The color is affected by a general slowdown in metabolic processes, deterioration of microcirculation, loss of moisture. The skin becomes dull and acquires a yellowish-gray tint. bad care- another reason. After 40 years, it is not enough just to take off cosmetics at night. You need to take care of the skin - nourish it with a night cream or mask.

Complexion as a diagnostic feature

The first note that the therapist makes during the appointment concerns the shade of the patient's skin. For good doctor its change is one of the first diagnostic signs.

Table: what unhealthy skin tones say

ComplexionPossible diseases
Waxy (bloodless yellowish)Oncological
  • pathology of the pancreas;
  • stomach diseases;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • helminthic infestations
Gray with a bluish tinge
  • circulatory failure;
  • lung diseases (pneumonia, tuberculosis);
  • bronchitis in a chronic form;
  • thromboembolism;
  • blood diseases (replacement normal hemoglobin damaged)
  • tumor or cyst of the digestive or respiratory system;
  • other oncological diseases;
  • stones in the bile ducts;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • renal pathologies
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • constipation;
  • dysfunction of the pancreas;
  • chronic purulent processes
Pale gray
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • angina attack;
  • ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • intoxication;
  • internal bleeding;
  • diabetes;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • hypotension
Dark grey
  • chronic diseases of the adrenal glands (in particular, Addison's disease);
  • hemochromatosis (deposition of iron-containing pigments in the tissues);
  • severe dysbacteriosis

Women who constantly take birth control pills should be aware of the consequences - the drugs damage the liver, and this gives a yellowish-gray tint to the skin. Some medications for rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, and malaria cause a gray complexion in women. A gray tint occurs in people taking antiarrhythmic drugs.

Complexion as a sign of illness: photos of women

In men, an earthy complexion may indicate overwork, dysfunction of the genitourinary system - tumor formations of any origin, adenoma or prostate cancer. In women, this is one of the signs of ovarian dysfunction or endometrial pathology.

If you change the complexion for unknown reasons, you need to contact a dermatologist.

Gray complexion in a child

If the child's complexion changes, this is an occasion to show it to the doctor. Children's skin goes through many changes before adolescence but normally stays pink. The origins of her pallor must be sought in the state of his health.

An unhealthy complexion in a child is a sign of internal trouble

Especially if it is accompanied by a change general condition- lethargy, decreased appetite and activity. Possible reasons:

  • infectious diseases;
  • renal pathology;
  • disruption of the liver;
  • metabolic disease;
  • anemia caused by iron deficiency;
  • emotional shock.

Combined with the appearance of unexplained bruising, a pale gray complexion can be a sign of a blood disorder.

How to restore a healthy color to the face

The gray complexion as a result of bad habits or an unhealthy lifestyle is eliminated by an effort of will. It will be needed in order to quit smoking, force yourself to break away from the computer and replace it with walks in the fresh air and a healthy sound sleep at night.

The main thing is to withstand the changes within three weeks. It is during this time that a habit is formed.

Giving up cigarettes is incredibly difficult, even with the incentive to improve your appearance. If a smoking woman could see herself at least two weeks after giving up tobacco, no additional arguments were needed. Bags under the eyes disappear, the skin is smoothed, and a blush begins to break through on the cheeks. And if you accompany the rejection of addiction with the intake of antioxidant vitamins and include more foods with their content in the diet, then the effect will be simply amazing.

The inclusion of antioxidant foods in the diet of a woman who smokes will help reduce the harm caused by tobacco smoke

Three fundamental principles for beautiful skin and general attractive appearance(it doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman):

  • healthy eating;
  • complete rest;
  • active lifestyle.

Do not forget about skin care. To restore her attractiveness will help pharmaceutical products, home cosmetic masks, scrubs and peels.

Pharmacy preparations

Sometimes the most unexpected pharmaceutical products turn out to be the best helpers in skin care. And some of them are ten times cheaper than the creams of well-known brands. What from this arsenal can be used to improve complexion?

Calcium chloride

Exfoliation of dead particles of the epithelium - compulsory procedure for dull unhealthy skin. Soft peeling a solution of calcium chloride is called Hollywood purge. The effect is achieved due to the interaction of calcium chloride and alkaline soap, as a result of which hard salts of higher carboxylic acids are formed.

This method is not suitable for dry skin, but oily, combination and normal skin helps to acquire a healthy look and color, reducing sebum production, removing black spots and narrowing pores. Calcium chloride is sold in ampoules, the concentration of the solution is 5 and 10%. For sensitive skin, it is better to take 5%.

Calcium chloride is used for "Hollywood" peeling

Apply to cleansed face fat cream in the eye area and around the lips. moisten cotton pad calcium chloride and wipe the rest of the areas with it. When the liquid is absorbed, apply it again. Depending on the type of skin, this should be done 3-5 times. Then lather soap (preferably baby soap) and lather your face in circular motions. Rinse scrub better chamomile infusion. After treatment, be sure to apply a moisturizer. Peeling is carried out no more than 1 time per week.

Panthenol belongs to the group of regenerating drugs. The active substance is vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid. The cream has a complex effect on the skin, activating cell regeneration, stimulating blood circulation and microcirculation. Due to this, the normal complexion is restored. Panthenol can be used constantly and even applied under decorative cosmetics.

Panthenol can be used permanently instead of cream

Panthenol in the composition of masks perfectly copes with the problems of aging skin. After a course of application, it tightens, fine mimic wrinkles are less noticeable, inflammation is eliminated, and the complexion becomes much better. A proven recipe is a mask with lemon. Add a few drops of lemon juice to a portion of the ointment. Apply it in two layers and leave for a quarter of an hour. This product is good for toning and brightening the skin. And if you add a little sea salt to it, then an exfoliating effect will also be provided.

Ointment Radevit

Dermatological ointment Radevit contains exclusively natural ingredients, therefore it is widely used in pediatric practice. The composition includes three vitamins - E (5 mg), A (10 mg) and D2 (50 mg). The main advantage of the drug for the treatment of dull skin is the normalization of keratinization processes. In addition, it restores the protective functions of the skin, intensively nourishes and moisturizes it.

To restore complexion, use Radevit daily at night for a month and a half. Then you need to take a week break and, if necessary, repeat the course.

Cream Vitamin "F99"

In dermatological practice, Vitamin F99 is used to treat eczema. The basis of the drug is omega-acids or vitamin F. It saves the skin, exhausted by frost and dry winter air, from peeling, protects from the active summer sun, preventing photoaging.

Vitamin F99 helps restore tired skin

Returns elasticity to the epidermis, evens out and improves complexion.

Thiogamma 600

The drug with alpha-lipoic acid is intended for the treatment of polyneuropathy of any origin. It is a powerful endogenous antioxidant - an acid produced by our body. It restores blood circulation in small vessels, improves nerve conduction. Acts on the body as vitamins of group B.

Thiogamma contains a powerful antioxidant - alpha lipoic acid

Thiogamma is available in vials as an infusion solution with a concentration of 600 units. Given that this is a medicine, you can use it for no more than 10 days in a row. The drug revitalizes tired dull skin, enhances regeneration and protects cells from the action of free radicals.

Cosmetologists about the use of pharmaceutical preparations for beauty

Doctors are ambivalent about the use of drugs to improve complexion and other cosmetic problems. If you still decide to use pharmaceutical preparations, consult to the cosmetician. The second thing to do is to familiarize yourself with the contraindications. And the third - not a single drug can be used constantly, but only in courses. In general, you should not rely solely on pharmacy products, it is better to include them in comprehensive program rejuvenation.

Homemade masks

Money box folk recipes to improve complexion is inexhaustible. Masks nourish, cleanse, moisturize, improve blood circulation.

Honey with lemon

Mix warmed honey, lemon juice and ground oatmeal (only 1 tablespoon each) and apply to cleansed skin for 15 minutes. For oily skin, you can add ½ teaspoon of baking soda to the composition.

Coffee + carrots

Combine a small amount of freshly squeezed carrot juice with the same amount of freshly brewed coffee. Apply the mixture to your face and leave to dry. Wash off with water after 15 minutes. If you add more coffee grounds, you get a great scrub.

peach mask

No wonder healthy skin compared to a ripe peach. The mask from its pulp perfectly improves the complexion. Add a teaspoon of oatmeal to it and mix until a homogeneous gruel is obtained. Apply it on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. If the skin is dry, add a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Sea buckthorn oil

We rarely hear about omega 7 fatty acid. Meanwhile, it is an indispensable component for the care of dull, unhealthy skin. Contains sea buckthorn oil. To improve the complexion, it is taken orally in a teaspoon in the morning before breakfast and used as a mask. Warm oil is applied to the skin for 20 minutes. Another way is to moisten gauze with oil and apply it on your face.

Video: how to achieve radiant skin

Salon procedures

Professional cosmetic procedures- the most effective way to get rid of the gray complexion. Face massage, superficial peels, biorevitalization level the surface and color.

Cosmetic procedures rejuvenate and improve complexion

Hardware cosmetology rejuvenates for 5-10 years.

Table: cosmetic procedures to improve complexion

Procedure nameHow is it carried outEffectApproximate cost (rub.)
Ozone therapyThe drug is injected into the epidermis using special needles.
  • saturates the cells with oxygen;
  • improves color;
  • tightens;
  • eliminates fine wrinkles
500 - 6300
MesotherapyInjection into the skin of an individually selected cocktail of bioactive substances
  • returns a healthy color to the skin;
  • eliminates fine wrinkles;
  • returns elasticity;
  • moisturizes and nourishes
3900 - 4500
BiorevitalizationInjection into the skin of hyaluronic acidReturning vitality to the skin by saturating it with moisture9600 - 10300
Ultrasonic peelingCleansing the skin with ultrasound using a special gel (mechanical, thermal and physico-chemical effects)
  • brightens and revitalizes skin color;
  • stimulates collagen synthesis;
  • eliminates oiliness and blackheads
1800 - 2500
Needle-free mesotherapyIntroduction of mesococktails into the skin using oxygen or a laser
  • improves complexion;
  • eliminates minor defects;
  • pulls up
2500 - 4300

Cosmetic procedures are carried out in courses. The duration depends on the condition of the skin. Each method has a number of contraindications.

Diet for glowing skin

Refusal of harmful food addictions is the right way to improve the skin and the body as a whole. And this is the first step towards external self-improvement. Eliminate smoked meats from the supermarket, shawarma from the nearest kiosk and chicken from KFC from the diet. Lean on products recommended by nutritionists and dermatocosmetologists to improve complexion;

  • apples and carrots;
  • fatty fish and lean meats (such as turkey, rabbit, or veal);
  • green vegetables;
  • citrus;
  • vegetable oils (linseed, olive, unrefined sunflower, sesame and others);
  • germinated seeds of wheat and green buckwheat - tiny sprouts contain a maximum of substances that give plants strength to grow.

Drink vitamin drinks - teas, juices, clean water. To improve the complexion, juice puree from a bunch of grapes and a handful of strawberries is useful. Spices have a good effect on the condition of the skin. Season green tea with grated ginger, cinnamon, cloves and cardamom.

Replace unhealthy foods with healthy foods, and complexion will quickly improve

Connection between irregular stool and gray complexion is the straightest. The body is poisoned by "deposits" of decay products. Prepare salads that will make your digestive tract like a clock. Here is the tried and tested recipe. Cut carrots, beets, apples, cabbage, a little prunes or dried apricots into strips. Add pomegranate and pine nuts, season everything with olive oil and lemon juice. This dish will remove toxins, normalize bowel function, and, therefore, improve complexion.

Gray complexion - possible consequences

Do not ignore the change in complexion, it can have far-reaching consequences in the form of severe diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart, blood vessels, blood, cancer. If you lead a healthy lifestyle, but your complexion causes concern, you should immediately consult a doctor. Maybe, pathological process has just begun to “wake up” in your body and there is an opportunity to prevent its further development.


Daily skin care should be the law for any woman if she doesn't want to look downtrodden and chronically tired. Basic preventive measures:

  • to give up smoking;
  • frequent walks in the fresh air (preferably outside the city);
  • moderate exercise;
  • varied diet;
  • lack of stress;
  • a full night's sleep.

healthy image life - the best prevention gray complexion

And more - watch your health, do not carry on your feet colds, do not neglect periodic preventive examinations and medical examinations.

Video: what to do to have a blooming look