How to clean the nose of a newborn. How to prepare a saline solution at home. How to clean the nose of a baby from boogers

Bringing home the long-awaited baby, young parents face certain difficulties. For example, very often in the baby you can observe nasal congestion. Because of this, the baby can be capricious without apparent reason, sleep poorly at night, and eat little. There may be several explanations. The main thing in this matter is to properly clean the nose of a newborn. After all improper care can easily harm the baby. Therefore, when making manipulations to clean the baby's nose, parents need to be extremely careful and attentive, and identify the cause of congestion. It would seem that cleaning the nose of a newborn from snot is such simple procedure, but for many parents this can cause anxiety and worry.

Firstly, the reason may lie in the fact that the organs of hearing and the nasopharynx have not fully developed. Secondly, congestion can start from the fact that too much mucus has accumulated in the nose. This is due to the fact that in the first days of life, the baby learns to breathe air. After all, before birth, he was in the aquatic environment. With the help of a sneeze, the nose is cleared of mucus residue. If the reason lies in this, then after a week all signs of congestion will pass.

Thirdly, the cause of congestion may lie in too dry air or any irritants ( cigarette smoke, pronounced aroma of perfume, dust). When the nasal mucosa dries out due to dried air, crusts form in the baby's nose. Thus, the baby becomes vulnerable to viral infections. Dry nose can also cause bleeding. In order to exclude this reason, you need to check the humidity in the room. If the baby is infected with any microbe, then the humidity in the room should be 65-70%, and for a healthy baby it should be 45-55%.

Measures air humidity hygrometer. And if this special device indicates the dryness of the air, then you can raise the humidity using another device - humidifier. Humidifiers are especially relevant during the heating period, when heaters dry out the room air. Do not forget to ventilate the room, as stale air has a great bad influence on mucous membranes. Do not neglect wet cleaning. After all, excess dust also does not contribute good breath. Wet cleaning can be an alternative to a humidifier. You can also hang wet diapers or towels on the batteries.

How to clean the nose of a newborn from snot correctly

First you need to prepare all the components, namely:

  • baby oil;
  • nasal moisturizer (saline solution, boiled water);
  • sterile cotton wool, cotton pads, gauze.

Parents should be vigilant and not leave the newborn alone on the changing table. Even if it seems to mom that she will leave for just one minute.

When conducting this process it is easy to injure the nose of a newborn. As a rule, the baby does not like to clean the nose, and he tries in every possible way to avoid the procedure by turning his head from side to side. Therefore, doctors do not recommend using cotton buds or a match with wound cotton wool for cleaning. Cotton buds with a limiter are also not suitable for cleaning the nose, but are suitable for cleaning the ears.

Before, how to clean the nose of a newborn from boogers, doctors advise using additional lubricants to moisturize the mucosa. After all, too much pollution can accumulate and the baby will not be able to get rid of it during a sneeze. Further, the mucus can spread throughout the nose and even get into the ear. On sale you can find many drugs that are acceptable for newborns. But you don't need to overdo them. Drops can provoke even more dryness in the nose and lead to addiction. Drops can also become insomnia.

In constant mode, you can use special tools that are not addictive and do not provoke negative consequences.

  1. It is good to clean the nose of a newborn with saline. This solution (sodium chloride) can be seen in every pharmacy chain.
  2. An analogue of saline is a salt solution, which is very easy to prepare at home. For 1 liter of boiled water, there is 1 teaspoon of table salt..
  3. Ready-made solution of sea water (Aquamaris, Aqualor, and others).

According to reviews, Aquamaris is considered the leader of such funds. It moisturizes the nose very well and softens the existing crusts. But even here there are rules. For example, the nose of a newborn is very small, the airways are just as tiny. Therefore, the use of the spray is contraindicated, in order to avoid damaging the health of the crumbs. To clean the nose of a newborn, you can use Aquamaris only in drops, this also applies to other aids.

Trace elements included in the composition support the natural state of the nasal mucosa. Aquamaris easily flushes out all the accumulated dirt and dust from the spout.

The use of Aquamaris is allowed from the first day of life. You can use it up to 4 times a day, 2 drops in each nostril.

How to clean the nose of a newborn baby

To begin with, the mother should decide what she will clean. It can be a cotton flagellum, an aspirator or a pear. Often this choice depends on nasal congestion. But no matter which method of cleaning the spout is chosen, before starting any manipulation with the newborn, you must thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water. Next, soften the mucus or crusts, if any. There are two ways to do this. First, softening can be done with drops saline solution, saline or plain boiled water. In order to do this, the baby should be placed on the back and slightly tilted back his head. In each nostril, 2 drops should be dripped. If at the same time part of the liquid flows out or, then there will be nothing to worry about. Secondly, the baby can be held warm bath for the night. warm steam from the bath will soften the mucus and after bathing it will be easy to get.

When cleaning the spout, the baby's head should be well fixed. It will be more convenient to carry out manipulations if one of the relatives comes to the aid of the mother, holding the child's head. When there are no helpers, the mother can cover the head of the crumbs with folded towels, this will prevent her from rotating.

Then, after waiting a couple of minutes, you can start cleaning. But it is worth remembering that the depth of entry into the spout should not exceed 2 cm.

How to clean the nose of a newborn with a cotton flagellum

First you need to make the cotton flagellum itself. Among the people you can find another name for a cotton flagellum - turundochka. You can make a flagellum from ordinary cotton wool. To do this, it is necessary to disconnect a strip of 8-10 cm from the cotton wool and roll it between the fingers. Then fold in half and roll again. Cotton wool turunda is ready. But it is not very convenient to clean the nose of a newborn with cotton wool turundas, since the cotton wool will exfoliate. It is best to make it from a quarter of a cotton swab. The swab should be stratified and cut into 4 even parts, and then fold one part into a cone. Before using the turunda, it must be moistened with water or oil. A separate turunda is used for each nostril. The flagellum is not just inserted into the nose, they need to scroll so that the crusts and mucus are wound around it. If there is a lot of pollution, then you can clean the nostril again, but with a new flagellum.

The effectiveness of using the flagellum is average. The flagellum is ideal for cleaning crusts, and there is no risk of injury. But also this method not without cons. If the mother decides to clean the nose of the newborn with a flagellum, then there is a high probability of its rolling. In addition, the flagellum will not help clean out deep mucus.

Cleaning the nose of a newborn with a cotton swab

If the mother nevertheless decided to clean the baby's nose with this particular device, then she should choose a stick on a plastic stick, and not a wooden one. So the flexibility of the stick will be better. But doctors do not recommend these manipulations. cotton buds. The risk of injury to the baby is very high. In addition, the mucus can not be cleaned out, but pushed further. If there is too much cotton on the stick, then before use it is worth removing its excess.

Cleaning the nose of a newborn with an aspirator

The efficiency of this method is very high. With the help of an aspirator, even the deepest mucus can be cleaned out. Of the minuses, one can single out only its high cost.

Aspirators can be divided into:

  1. Mechanical aspirator. It looks like a bottle with a straw, having a protective foam pad. Foam rubber is provided to protect mom from bacteria and mucus. Indeed, according to the action of this device, it follows that the mother herself must suck out the mucus with a tube. One tube is placed in the baby's nose, and the second in the mother's mouth. Both tubes come out of the same container. At the same time, the child does not feel severe discomfort, but only a slight tickling.
  2. Electronic aspirator. The device is equipped with batteries and turns on when the start button is pressed. By dimensions this device can be a little bulky compared to a pear, but manufacturers try to make the product so that it fits easily into mother's hand. Before use, put the tip in your hand and check the suction power. The tip is inserted into the nostril towards back wall throat, and in no case in the direction of the eye.
  3. Vacuum aspirator. It looks like a mechanical aspirator. The difference is that this unit can be powered by a vacuum cleaner. You should not be afraid of this. After all, modern vacuum cleaners are equipped with suction force adjustment.

As a rule, all aspirators are made in a transparent case, which allows you to monitor the process of cleaning the spout. For a greater effect of mucus suction, doctors advise covering the other nostril, which is not being cleaned. But many kids are afraid of this and are very naughty. In this case, you do not need to cover the second nostril.

After each application in without fail you need to clean the container and the aspirator tip. And before use, rinse the tip with boiling water. You can also lubricate it with oil.

Before buying an aspirator mom Special attention should be given to the tip of the instrument. Not all manufacturers are conscientious. The tip should be made of very soft silicone and should not be too wide.

How to clean a baby's nose with a pear

A pear can be called an alternative to an aspirator. For the price it is more economical. There is no risk of injury from use. The only but significant drawback can be considered the fact that the pear cannot clean out all the deep mucus. Before buying, you should also pay attention to the tip. It should be soft and not bulky. Before each use, the pear should be washed with boiling water. Do not forget to let it cool, otherwise you can injure the baby. The use of pear is very simple. You need to squeeze it, making sure that all the air has left it, insert the tip into the baby's nose and unclench the pear. This manipulation will help all the mucus and dirt to be inside the pear. Before cleaning the second nostril, the pear should be washed from the boogers. When using a pear, mom needs to be very careful not to blow air out of the pear into the baby's nose.

A pear is a very common and sought-after product among mothers. It can be purchased at any pharmacy.

When the cleaning process has passed, you can drip vasoconstrictor drops. But they must be used strictly on the recommendation of a doctor and for a period of not more than 5 days in a row, otherwise addiction is possible. Usually, the pediatrician prescribes drops if the baby has mucus accumulation very quickly and in very large quantities.

How often to clean the nose of a newborn

You can clean the spout as often as it gets dirty. And be sure to check the baby's breathing before each feeding and sleeping.

For mom, there are many ways to clean the baby's nose from mucus to choose from. But some mothers, neglecting the advice of doctors, still try to clean the baby's nose with their mouth, sucking the mucus directly. This is not worth doing. The baby's mucus may contain bacteria and may not be as harmless as it seems to the mother.

When to See a Doctor

If other symptoms are present along with nasal congestion, then this may be alarm signal. For example, the baby is observed: the temperature is above normal, rash, swelling, sniffing lasts up to 14 days or more, even after cleansing, sniffing and shortness of breath are felt, poor appetite, frequent crying.

How can a child clear the nose of snot? - Dr. Komarovsky (video):

The procedure for clearing the nose of mucus is devoid of intricacy, but when faced with it for the first time, mommy may feel fear, insecurity and fear of harming the baby. But over time, such manipulations will become commonplace and will be carried out with ease.

Children under 3 years old are not yet able to free their nose from mucus, and common cold can result in a disease with complications. How to properly clean the nose of a newborn and what should be avoided?

If the baby does not sleep well, eats unimportantly and is naughty, the cause of this may be a runny nose. Every mother has a lot of questions in her head: whether it is necessary to clean the nose of a newborn and when, what kind of oil to clean the nose of a newborn, how and how to clean the nose of a newborn if he grunts. All these questions have answers from specialists, since nasal hygiene in a newborn is one of important aspects baby care. The question of how to clean the nose of a newborn from snot really worries many parents. And for good reason, because only a mother can help a baby in this matter, and this is not so easy to do.

How to clean the nose of a newborn with a syringe

When wondering how to clean the nose of a newborn with a pear, that is, with a syringe, pay attention to the sequence of actions. Place the crumb vertically. Release the air from the pear and insert its soft tip into the nostril. Release the pear so that it, along with the air, draws in all the mucus and crusts from the baby's nose. Repeat the same procedure with the other nostril. After that, make a cotton flagellum from cotton wool, soak it in saline and insert it into the baby's nose, scrolling slightly.

How to clean the nose of a newborn with an aspirator

The principle of operation of the aspirator is very simple. A vacuum is mechanically created in the nose of the newborn, which draws out everything foreign from the cavity. The process occurs with the help of a mechanism, a pear, or the mother sucks air from the spout through a tube. Depends on the type of device.

There are products with a mucus reservoir, on one side of which there is a nozzle for the child's nose, and on the other side there is a mouthpiece for suction by an adult participant in the process. It is the most gentle for the baby, because the force of suction directly depends on the force of the parent's inhalation.

How often should a newborn's nose be cleaned?

Every mother should imagine how to take care of the nose of a newborn. If you're wondering how often you should clean your newborn's nose, it's best to do it every day and as needed. Note that under favorable conditions, with optimal temperature air, at healthy child The nose cleans up really well. Inside the spout are tiny hairs that quickly respond to the slightest mechanical irritation in the form of dirt and mucus. In this case, the child sneezes and is freed from what hindered him.

Newborns often show various dysfunctions in the nasal cavity. Most often they are not dangerous and go away on their own within a few hours. But there are times when prolonged sniffling, nasal congestion and lack of nasal breathing cause really serious concerns for young parents. In the first months of life baby it is very important to stop the inflammation in the area respiratory tract on the most early stages. Thus, you will avoid dangerous processes and keep the health of the little one.

The features of the anatomical structure of the nasal sinuses in the baby are designed in such a way that it is necessary to clean the baby's nose so that it does not grunt in a special way. Nasal hygiene in a newborn includes rinsing the nose with flagella, as well as using an aspirator if necessary. Such manipulations must be carried out with caution and special attention.

How and how to clean the nose of a newborn from boogers

Hygiene of the nasal cavity in an infant involves the use of flagella. They must be used carefully so as not to injure the mucous cavity in the nasal passages. Turundas for the nose are able to clear the passages from the crust, accumulation of mucous secretions, as well as from the remnants of food after regurgitation.

Wash your hands before making turuds.

To make flagella for cleaning the nose of a newborn, you need to know a few rules.

  1. cook everything necessary items to clear the nose. You will need: sterile cotton wool or cotton swabs, petroleum jelly or cream, and a specialized cleansing solution.
  2. If at the beginning of the procedure the baby is restless, it is best to postpone the cleansing until a more suitable time.
  3. should be made with medical gloves or disinfected hands.
  4. For the manufacture of turundas, use only natural materials. To prepare a flagellum for cleansing the nose, you must purchase
  5. sterile cotton or gauze.
  6. Twist a thin “sausage” from a gauze disk.
  7. The resulting flagellum should be thin and not too soft.
  8. It is necessary to introduce ready-made turundas into the baby's nose with the help of petroleum jelly or a moisturizer. First make sure that there are no allergic reactions for the selected product.

Moisten one end of the turunda in cream and gently insert into the baby's nostril, and then make rotational movements. At the time of cleansing the nose, the baby's head should be held by one of the close people. Thus, the child will not toss and turn, and you can quickly get rid of pollution.

If it is necessary to carry out the purification procedure in the second nostril, it is necessary to make a new turunda. Do not use one flagellum twice, otherwise you can provoke the development of infection throughout the nasal cavity.

How to make turunda from cotton pads

If on this moment you do not have the opportunity to make turunda from cotton wool, use cotton swabs.

To do this, one cut one disk into four parts, each of which must be rolled into a narrow bag.

With it, you will not be able to completely clear the nose, but this version of the turunda is intended for external cleansing.

The important question is not how to properly clean the nose of a newborn, but how exactly you do it. Don't blow your nose if the crusts are dry. In this case, it is necessary to first soften the discharge with saline or special means. For these purposes, "Aqua Maris" or a regular saline solution is suitable.

Young parents understand that when cleaning the baby's nose, the movements should be soft and smooth, and also quite fast. Otherwise, the baby will begin to spin and be very capricious.

Action of aspirators

Having analyzed the question of how to make a flagellum for cleaning the nose, you need to find out additional methods purification. With abundant discharge from the nasal cavity, as well as the formation of a newborn, it is important take urgent action.

Experts advise not to leave a runny nose unattended, but to use an aspirator.

In the season of development colds the question of how to clean the nose with an aspirator for a baby is becoming more relevant than ever.

Children's aspirators are designed for quick removal copious discharge snot and purulent discharge from the nasal cavity. Earlier parents used ordinary medical pears, but this method is much more convenient. The aspirator removes secretions much more effectively and prevents the formation of an inflammatory process.

There are several types of nozzles, But the main task does not change in each case. Aspirators are different from the same pears and other ways of cleansing the nose effective removal mucus in the most inaccessible parts of the nasal cavity. In addition, such instruments are manually adjusted and the parent can control the force of suction.

How to use the aspirator

Read the instructions carefully before using the drug. Do not use the aspirator unless you know how it works.

  1. After reading the instructions, you must proceed directly to the cleansing.
  2. Sit the child on a hard chair and ask the other parent to distract the child with toys or stories.
  3. The baby's head should be tilted to the side. Only in this position can normal nasal breathing be maintained during the cleansing of the nasal cavity.
  4. It is not necessary to wash the aspirator before the first use, but in subsequent times it is necessary to wash all parts of the instrument each time.
  5. Insert the tip of the nozzle into the outer part of the baby's nostril and suck out the secretions as required.
  6. After cleaning one nostril, flush the tip into the second nasal cavity and repeat the procedure.
  7. Once you have completed the procedure, thoroughly wash all parts of the aspirator.
  8. If the discharge from the nasal cavity is thick and with purulent manifestations, drip into each nostril of the baby before cleansing. It is best to use the following drugs: "Quicks", "Physiomer", "", "", "Aqua Maris".

All manipulations must be carried out with caution. Your movements should not damage the baby's mucous cavity or injure the nasal passages. When using an aspirator, evaluate the force of suction and avoid applying strong pressure.


Hygiene of the nasal cavity in a child requires a certain approach. Do not use products that you are unsure of. Carry out all manipulations with caution and prevent the development of the disease. Remember that rhinitis is dangerous for its consequences. It often becomes the root cause of the formation of sinusitis, inflammation of the ears, respiratory diseases and many other ailments.

At the first hint of a runny nose, clean the cavity with the methods described above, and if the process becomes more complicated, seek help from a doctor.

When the baby does not sleep well at night, begins to eat poorly and be capricious, then the cause of all these whims can be boogers or that do not allow the baby to calmly enjoy the first discoveries and knowledge of the world around him. The question is , how to properly clean the nose of your newborn child from boogers or snot excites every newly-made mother. And for good reason, because only a mother can help a baby in this matter, and this is not so easy to do.

Cotton flagella, pear, aspirator and aquamaris for cleaning the nose

It is not recommended to do this with cotton swabs:

  1. First, because it may not be safe - the tiny size of a baby's nose and airway may be smaller than cotton ball on a stick. And inexperienced moms can just stick the wand deep.
  2. Secondly, cleaning the nose with dry cotton is an unpleasant process.

But how to clean a stuffy nose for a newborn so that it does not turn into torture for both of you? There are more loyal, pleasant and safe ways solution to such a delicate problem.

Flagella from cotton pads

Homemade flagella from cotton pads it will be much easier to clean the nose than with the same cotton flagella that are sold in a pharmacy. It's because cotton pad does not spread like cotton wool.

So, take a cotton pad, tear it into two parts. Leave one part (half) for the next time, and tear the second into two more and then again into two parts. From this whole half of the disk, four parts were obtained. From them twist the flagellum. But, before you start cleaning the spout, it is advisable to moisten this flagellum with warm boiled water or breast milk. In the process of cleansing the respiratory tract, the crumbs need not only to put the flagellum into the spout, but to scroll it so that the goats “wrap” around it.

We clean the nose with a pear

How to clean the nose from boogers with a pear, every mother should know. Her, i.e. pear, you can buy at any pharmacy.

To soften the crusts in the nose, first drip it with breast milk, saline, or special nasal drops. Before use, the pear must be thoroughly washed. Then squeeze it in your hand so that air comes out of it. Then gently insert into one nostril and slowly unclench your hand. You can’t make any sudden movements, but if you do everything too slowly, then there will be no result. After removing the formations from the nose, the pear should be washed immediately.

We remove the boogers with an aspirator

Next, consider how to clean the nose with an aspirator. For such purposes, it is advisable to purchase a device in a pharmacy to eliminate snot and boogers, which are similar to the old one. good method sucking them out by mouth or pear. A device of this design allows you to carry out the procedure hygienically, and if you compare it with a pear, then the effect will be much better here. And this process will not cause discomfort to the child, because in this case discomfort become slightly ticklish.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

It is necessary to attach a small plastic tube to the child's nostril, which is previously connected to the container. Take the second tube into your mouth and make a suction movement. Ready. All the contents of the spout will be in the container. But do not forget to drip it with saline or lubricate it with baby oil before cleaning the spout.

Aquamaris against congestion

Aquamaris is an excellent tool for softening crusts and moisturizing the nasal mucosa. With it, you can clean the baby's nose from unnecessary formations.

But here, too, you need to know all the nuances and in order to properly clean the nose with Aquamaris and remove all unnecessary from it.

Aquamaris contains trace elements that support normal physical state mucous membrane. It washes off and removes street and indoor dust without any problems.

From the first day of life, children are instilled with two drops in each nostril four times a day. After instillation, it is not necessary to remove the resulting mucus with flagella. After a short time, all softened boogers will approach the tip of the spout on their own and can be easily wiped off with a soft handkerchief.

After birth, the child has various problems One of them is nasal congestion. The inability to fully breathe affects general condition baby. At baby the nasal passages are narrow, the accumulation of mucus prevents the passage of air. After establishing the cause of congestion, it is necessary to properly clean the nose of the newborn.

Preparation and Precautions

Starting the cleansing process, read the rules.

  1. Prepare sterile cotton, 0.9% saline, flagella from cotton pads, a pear, silicone tubes or an aspirator.
  2. Fix the baby's head. Place the child's head on a soft towel so that he does not turn. It's better if someone helps.

What Not to Do

Do not use the medicine in the form of a spray, as the pressure can harm the mucous membrane. Many parents think effective method cleansing the nose with breast milk. This is a misconception, as it serves as a breeding ground for microorganisms.

Do not try to clean the nose with cotton swabs when the child is restless. Can damage the mucosa and cause nose bleed.

Causes of snot in newborns and infants

Congestion appears due to swelling and excess mucus production. During the first days after birth, the baby may snore as he learns to breathe on his own. When a child sneezes, his nose is cleared of excess fluid. After birth, breathing should normalize within the first week.

If the baby continues to have shortness of breath, this is:

With dryness of the nasal mucosa, crusts form, and the child becomes defenseless. He stops eating, worries, bleeding is possible. It is urgent to remove mucus from the nasal passages so that it does not interfere with full breathing and does not cause discomfort.

It is also possible foreign body that got into the nasal passages. If it is not possible to extract, you can drip vasoconstrictor drops and try again. If this does not help, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Instructions for cleaning boogers with different means


Soften crusts with saline. It is necessary to put the child on his back so that his head is slightly thrown back. Then instill 3 drops into each nostril. May I help warm bath before the evening toilet of the nose. In this case, the crusts and mucus will not be difficult to extract.

Cotton flagella

You can make them yourself.

  1. Take a cotton pad and tear it into two halves. Leave one, and break the second into four identical parts.
  2. Twist the flagellum from four parts.
  3. Moisten the flagellum in warm water.
  4. Introduce with rotating movements alternately into each nasal passage and extract the contents (for each nostril a separate flagellum).

Pear douche

You can buy a medical pear at a pharmacy. The procedure is done as follows:

  1. Drop saline into your nose.
  2. Boil and cool the pear before use.
  3. Squeeze out the air by squeezing the pear.
  4. Gently insert into the nostril and gradually open your hand.
  5. Do not make sudden movements, but do not hesitate either.
  6. Process the pear after the procedure.


Buy a device for suctioning unwanted liquids from a pharmacy. The process of cleansing the nose with an aspirator at home has some similarities with the procedure with a pear. The child will not feel discomfort, but will experience a slight tickling.

  1. Drop a saline solution or lubricate your nose with baby oil.
  2. Insert a tube into the nostril connected to the container. Take the second in your mouth and remove the formations with one suction.
  3. Remove the contents from the container.

Video plot

Cotton buds

Cleaning with cotton swabs is prohibited. The danger is that inexperienced parents can insert the wand too deeply and injure the mucous membrane. The stick is larger than a baby's nasal passages.

silicone tube

Put one end of the tube into the nasal passage, take the other into your mouth and draw air into yourself. So the contents of the nose will be extracted.

Other Methods

In addition to aspirators, pears, tubes, flagella and other methods, there are special drops. Means will easily help soften the crusts and moisturize the nasal mucosa. But it is worth remembering that sprays for newborns are prohibited, it is better to use drops.

Small children don't know how to blow their nose. They need help with this. Dr. Komarovsky advises using an aspirator. Instillation into the nose of a saline solution (a teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of water) or physiological, promotes the movement of mucus from the anterior to distant areas, where the child swallows it. You should not be afraid of this, it is not dangerous.

Features of physiological rhinitis in infants

If a runny nose in an infant lasts for several weeks, the child sneezes, coughs, he fever body, these are the first signals to see a doctor. The main task is to establish the cause.

In newborns, there are two main forms of the common cold:

  • Acute.
  • Chronic.

The acute form is manifested due to infection. At the beginning of the disease, the nasal mucosa swells. The accumulated mucus gives the baby discomfort, interferes with full breathing, and there is a violation of sucking. To find out the cause and help the child recover, at the first signs of the disease, immediately contact the pediatrician.

As preventive measures to prevent the formation of crusts and mucus in the nose, it is recommended to monitor the microclimate (air temperature 20-22 degrees, humidity 60%) in the room where the newborn is located. Clean and ventilate daily. Do not use heaters as they dry out the air. Walk in any weather.

Parents need to know how to properly care for their child. Newborns are defenseless and require constant attention and care. If parents do not want to risk and clean their own nose, it is better to consult a doctor. Do not self-medicate. If you have any health problems with your baby, call an ambulance.