Persistent diarrhea in a breastfed baby. Treatment of diarrhea in infants. Features of the chair in infants

The most common and worrying parents health problems that occur in children under 5-6 months old are problems in the gastrointestinal tract. The baby's body has not yet settled into the outside world. It is the intestines that have the hardest time, because the microflora is just beginning to form there, and the baby is often fed - if it is artificially fed, then milk mixtures enter the body, which are not always friendly to the microflora. When the mother herself feeds the baby, he receives, along with milk, those microelements that the mother consumes with food. It is not always possible for a mother who follows a strict diet to guess what kind of food the baby will most likely not have colic, bloating or diarrhea.

Even the most expensive and high-quality milk formulas are not necessarily suitable for a baby with his sensitive body. The cause of unpleasant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract can also be a frequent change in the mixture with artificial and mixed feeding.

The advantages of breastfeeding are the formation of strong immunity for the child, constant contact with the mother, healthy natural food, and savings on store mixes. Often it is in a child who is on breastfeeding that occurs liquid stool. Let's try to figure out why watery stools occur in baby how to help a newborn cope with tummy discomfort and stop diarrhea.

What is the normal stool for babies?

Diarrhea in infants is not so easy to determine. Normally, a child of 1-3 months of life, who is breastfed or mixed, goes to the toilet with a rather liquid stool (we recommend reading:). It is especially difficult to distinguish diarrhea without fever from a child's normal stool. Inexperienced mom and dad can be alarmed without reason, so let's clearly define what consistency and frequency a child's stool should be for up to six months:

  • A newborn who is on breastfeeding goes to the toilet for the most part after each feeding, about 7 times a day. The stool is rich yellow in color, with a sour-milk smell, watery or gruel.
  • At 2-3 months of life, the child begins to empty less often, up to 5 times a day. At the same time, the consistency remains approximately the same liquid.
  • The chair of the child after 12 weeks of life becomes thicker and much less often - up to 2-3 times a day. It begins to look more like an adult's decorated dark chair.
  • After the introduction of complementary foods in a 4-6-month-old baby, the stool can become either thicker or thinner, change its color and smell (more in the article:). At 8-9 months of age, a child can already go to the toilet like an adult. Child's chair on mixed and artificial feeding usually denser and lighter than a baby on breastfeeding.

To determine diarrhea, you should look directly at the feces: if they have become very watery, and general state the child has worsened - most likely, this is a violation. Only a doctor can see the exact picture.

How to distinguish diarrhea from loose stools: symptoms of diarrhea

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How to determine that the stool of a newborn baby, usually already watery, has turned into diarrhea? What symptoms should alert parents and encourage them to seek advice from a specialist:

  • stool frequency increased by several times compared to the norm for age;
  • a strong unpleasant odor;
  • change in consistency and inclusions in the form of, or pus, particles of undigested food;
  • redness around the skin anus in a baby, which indicates a caustic painful stool.

Diarrhea may occur in mild form and will end on its own in 1-2 days. Severe diarrhea requires medical attention and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • increase or decrease in body temperature of the newborn;
  • a significant trend in weight loss;
  • vomiting, strong frequent regurgitation(we recommend reading:);
  • pallor of the skin;
  • drowsiness, changes in the mood of the newborn.

These symptoms should cause parents to call a doctor and immediately examine the child, because the cause of severe diarrhea may be an infection or a serious malfunction in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This situation requires medical treatment, and sometimes hospitalization of the baby. The peanut cannot express in words what worries him, so frequent and unrestrained crying is also alarm bell for parents.

Causes of diarrhea in babies

In the first month of a child's life, intestinal dysbacteriosis becomes a common cause of diarrhea. The intestinal flora and the enzymatic system are just being formed, the beneficial bacteria are colonized and oppose the disease-causing ones. The baby's gastrointestinal tract is very weak, the slightest changes in the milk of a mother who eats different foods physiologically enter the milk, and feeding failures, moving home from the hospital and other trips contribute to diarrhea.

Often, diarrhea indicates lactose deficiency - intolerance to milk sugar, which is temporary and is removed by a diet on lactose-free mixtures. In any case, it is necessary to consult a specialist in order to exclude the possibility of cystic fibrosis and celiac disease.

After six months, the child can often vilify and have a temperature on cutting teeth, according to Komarovsky. The baby begins to actively learn the world, tastes dirty things and sends pathogenic microbes into his stomach. Often, diarrhea can also occur during SARS - from various medicines and during antibiotic therapy.

Particularly diligent mothers who feed their baby with their milk more often and more than he needs, cause diarrhea in the baby. Overfeeding is no better than starvation. In the period from 4-6 months, diarrhea can occur from different types of complementary foods, so when you introduce juices, cereals, vegetables and fruit purees, you need to carefully monitor his well-being and stool.

What can be given to a newborn for diarrhea?

How can you treat a baby with diarrhea? The doctor will give the best answer, but it is up to the parents to determine the causes of diarrhea and try to level them. If the diarrhea is caused by a new food, remove the product from the child's diet.

Mommy needs to follow a strict diet if the baby is breastfeeding. Be sure to continue breastfeeding as before - this will help to avoid dehydration. It is better for newborns who are on artificial and mixed feeding to switch to lactose-free mixtures (see also:). Medical preparations and their dosage will be prescribed by the pediatrician, however, parents should know that it is better not to give serious “fixing” drugs (“Imodium”, St. John's wort, Furazolidone) to children under 1 year old (we recommend reading:).

Newborns with diarrhea can be given the following drugs:

  • "Smekta" and "Enterosgel". They remove harmful substances from the body and have a slight fixing effect.
  • "Activated carbon". Absorbent tested by our grandmothers. Harmless effective remedy in case of malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract, but it is extremely difficult to give it to babies.
  • "Hilak-forte", "Linex", "Bio-gaya" contribute to the restoration of intestinal microflora.

Enterosgel helps to remove toxins from the body and has a fixing effect, that is, it immediately improves the well-being of the baby and gently removes unpleasant symptom diarrhea

Signs and treatment of dehydration in an infant during diarrhea

The most severe consequence of diarrhea is dehydration, which occurs with constant emptying, leaching of fluid from the body and its insufficient intake with drinking. Signs of dehydration:

  • rare urination, urine is dark and concentrated;
  • a serious tendency to lose weight;
  • parched tongue and lack of tears when crying;
  • dark circles under the eyes and pallor of the skin;
  • lethargy and inactivity;
  • retraction of the anterior fontanel.

A sudden loss of fluid affects the functioning of the whole organism. Resistance decreases, immunity decreases, irreversible changes begin in the central nervous system and the hematopoietic system. You need to replenish the loss of fluid quickly, at least with boiled water, in order to restore the water-salt balance.

To do this, do the following:

  • as often as possible, on demand and without, apply the baby to the breast, if diarrhea is not caused by overfeeding or allergy to the components of mother's milk;
  • give the baby pharmacy saline solutions- for example, Regidron;
  • after each emptying can be taken rice water, ordinary boiled water or special herbal children's tea in granules.

Remember that diarrhea in a child who is on breastfeeding happens frequently. Mom and dad should do everything to prevent dehydration of the baby's body and correctly understand the cause of diarrhea. If something in the behavior of the child confuses you, it is better to call a doctor, because timely treatment a baby needs much faster than an adult.

It's no secret that the body little man from birth, it begins to gradually adapt to the outside world, so a newborn child may experience serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Diarrhea in infants is far from harmless, it can be caused by a variety of reasons.

Can diarrhea in a newborn be normal?

Young mothers who have not dealt with young children before the birth of their first child may sound the alarm in vain when they notice that their baby goes to the toilet much more than it would seem. For a newborn baby, it is considered normal if the color of the feces is light brown or dark brown, but the most interesting thing is that it can be liquid and more like porridge than plasticine.

The fact is that while the baby is fed with mother's milk or special mixtures, the stool will not be hard. The number of feces of the baby can reach 5 times - this is the norm.

What you need to know about diarrhea in a child?

Many young mothers who do not have sufficient experience in caring for a child should clearly know when diarrhea begins in a baby, what to do in this case, and how to really recognize the danger. The fact is that it is not worth drawing conclusions that a child has diarrhea, only because he often goes to the toilet. The most important thing is to carefully consider what color the feces are. If it has changed significantly, it has become green or yellow, then this means that the baby has problems with the tummy. And if the child also has blood in the products of emptying, then you should immediately call a doctor. green diarrhea in infants it is considered the most dangerous, especially if there is an admixture of blood or mucus. Additionally, parents are advised to pay attention to other symptoms that accompany diarrhea, as a rule, these are the following:

  1. Increased body temperature.
  2. The baby is less awake and sleeps more.
  3. Vomiting may begin.
  4. To a small child interfere with sleep and calmly play constant gas and pain in the abdomen. Because of this, the newborn may become restless.

Even one symptom of the above (along with diarrhea) may indicate a problem with the child's health, so you should immediately call a doctor and do not try to cure the baby yourself.

What is the essence of diarrhea in a newborn?

In the first days after the child sees the world, the baby's feces may have a dark green color, doctors call it meconium. Naturally, in this case, the child should not be treated, because this is considered normal. You should be wary if such feces are absent. Further, up to a month, the baby's feces already become yellowish or light brown.

Diarrhea in infants is not uncommon. A baby is born with organs that are not yet completely perfect, but in a year of his life, the formation is completely completed. If the mother feeds the child not quite correctly and does not follow the recommendations of doctors, then she will immediately face such a problem as diarrhea. Sometimes doctors, even when they are discharged from the hospital, advise young mothers to use a special medicine that is made on the basis of live bifidobacteria.

Causes of diarrhea

The causes of diarrhea in infants can be different, so it is worth dwelling on the main ones:

  • When mother's milk the baby is not enough, they begin to feed him with special cereals. In addition, introduce into the diet of the baby different fruits and juices should be very careful, as most of them have a laxative effect. If you stop giving all these complementary foods to the newborn, then the stool will immediately return to normal.

  • When preparing mixtures, you should be careful, make sure that everything matches the instructions.
  • Temperature and diarrhea in infants may indicate an intestinal infection that has managed to enter the child's body. The reason for this may be hidden in the parents who did not take care of sterility. The baby can feel sharp pain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe intestines and stomach, and vomiting will also begin, there will be streaks of blood in the stool itself. As a rule, the baby is urgently hospitalized in the hospital.
  • Infectious diarrhea is considered dangerous for a child. Green diarrhea in a baby means that a staphylococcal infection has begun to develop in the body. In addition to mucus, foam may also appear in the stool.
  • It is extremely rare, but it still happens that a baby is born with pathologies of the digestive tract, and in this case, a doctor's examination, diagnosis and possible surgical intervention will help overcome diarrhea.

  • When the baby gets older, and his teeth begin to erupt, such changes in his body can also be accompanied by diarrhea. In this case, the stool becomes liquid and frequent.
  • Diarrhea with mucus in infants can also be caused by dysbacteriosis. In this case, the stool also becomes green, foamy and you can see the streaks of blood.

In any case, from the above, it should be noted that self-medication can aggravate the situation and worsen the condition of the child, therefore, having noticed the first signs, you should immediately call a doctor.

What can diarrhea lead to?

As soon as the baby has loose stools, parents should focus all their attention on this particular problem. The fact is that a small organism is very vulnerable, and if diarrhea is not stopped, dehydration can occur. Then not only the intestines will suffer, but also the liver. With diarrhea that has been going on for a day, the baby will be able to lose all the salts and fluids that he needs. Gradually, the situation may worsen, the child will begin to vomit, rise heat, and blood can be seen in the stool with the naked eye. With the onset of dehydration, you can notice the following changes in the body:

  1. The baby is starting to lose a lot of weight.
  2. Urination becomes less frequent and urine will have dark color With pungent odor.
  3. In newborns, the fontanel begins to sink.
  4. The skin becomes dry and rough.
  5. The baby can cry, but at the same time, tears will not come out of him.

With such symptoms, it is necessary to give the baby more to drink and, of course, urgently contact a specialist.

When should parents see a doctor?

Diarrhea in infants requires constant monitoring. If diarrhea begins in a child who is not yet six months old, then in any case, young parents cannot do without a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to correctly assess the whole situation and take the following actions:

  • First of all, the doctor will be able to determine the exact cause of diarrhea.
  • If the baby begins to show signs of dehydration, an experienced pediatrician will see this immediately and immediately tell the parents how to act.
  • Be sure the specialist will tell you to cancel all bait and advise how to establish milk feeding.

  • When the baby constantly drinks mother's milk, then the mother will also have to stay on a diet and not eat foods that are considered laxatives.

You should not expect that diarrhea will go away immediately, the intestines small child requires a long recovery.

Actions of parents with diarrhea in a child

Every mother should clearly know what to do. Diarrhea in infants is dangerous, so there must be a certain algorithm of actions. Mom should call a doctor, first of all take care of collecting tests, so the contents of the child's feces should be collected in a sterile jar. This is necessary so that the doctor can examine the feces, make a preliminary diagnosis. After each act of defecation, the mother should wash the child well; in this case, you should not use wet wipes. Because of this, the child may develop allergies. Medical treatment the child begins only after it has been diagnosed by a doctor.

First aid for diarrhea in a child

If diarrhea has begun in a baby without vomiting, then a young mother should try to put the baby to her chest as often as possible. The fact is that in this way the baby will be able to get both drink and food. Doctors allow dehydration of the body to give babies "Smecta", this drug is not harmful to a small organism. Naturally, the mixture should be given a little bit and every twenty minutes. Before the doctor arrives, if a small child has a high temperature, the mother can also give an antipyretic.

It is not forbidden to give a child sorbents, for example, it can be Enterosgel. Everything else will be prescribed by the doctor after he determines the cause of diarrhea in the newborn.

Algorithm of actions during treatment

If the baby has diarrhea without fever, then it may be due to malnutrition the baby, therefore, in such cases, the mother and baby are not admitted to the hospital in a hospital, and treatment can take place on an outpatient basis. Each mother should know a certain algorithm of actions:

  1. You should give the baby more to drink, it is recommended to make a decoction of chamomile, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, or prepare rice water, which has a fixing effect.
  2. Without the knowledge of the doctor, it is forbidden to give medicine to the baby.
  3. Be sure to measure the temperature of the child and monitor him skin to avoid dryness and rashes.
  4. Carefully inspect the composition of the feces so that there are no streaks of blood.

Such simple actions will help the doctor quickly determine the cause and begin treatment.

Medical treatment

If diarrhea is observed in infants, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, and there will be individual appointments for each child. Consider the options that a doctor can prescribe:

  1. First of all, if there is a temperature, then drugs are prescribed that can lower it.
  2. You can buy an electrolyte solution from a pharmacy without a prescription, which will help you stay hydrated.
  3. If it is determined that the cause of diarrhea is an infection or bacteria, then antibiotics will be prescribed.
  4. Bifidumbacterin is prescribed when it is necessary to improve bowel function.

Parents should clearly understand the full responsibility for the life of their child, therefore, noticing yellow diarrhea in infants or frequent discharge of any other color, you should immediately provide a small body with timely assistance. If you strictly follow all the recommendations, then it will be possible to avoid serious complications.

Folk remedies for the treatment of diarrhea

If the child does not have severe diarrhea, then you can try to normalize the work of the intestines with the help of folk remedies. If it is possible to buy lingonberry leaves, then they are poured with boiling water in the amount of a tablespoon per glass of boiling water and insisted for five minutes, after which they give the child a drink. It will be enough for the child to drink just a teaspoon ten times a day, as the work of the intestines can return to normal. Another good way to overcome diarrhea in infants is a decoction of dried pomegranate peel. The peel is poured with boiling water, after which it is boiled for about twenty minutes, it is allowed to brew for two hours, and one teaspoon is given until the mother breastfeeds it.

Prevention of diarrhea in newborns

It is important not to treat diarrhea in newborns, but to prevent it, so young mothers should be attentive to their child. If the baby has noticed changes in the stool, then, first of all, the nursing mother should reconsider her diet. It is important that the mother monitors the mood of a small child, its weight, as well as the external environment. Adhering to the most simple rules, you can avoid many problems and not put your dearest little man at risk. It should also be noted that it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without the qualified help of a doctor, since treating a child on his own with medication can be very dangerous for his life. And even more so, you should not rely on folk methods.

A change in the stool of an infant is always alarming for his parents. One of the most common violations of this kind is

Diarrhea in a child: norm and pathology

Child's diarrhea or diarrhea(from the Greek diarrheo - “expiring”), is a rapid and profuse bowel movement with liquid fecal masses.

To understand if there really is diarrhea in a child, you need to know some physiological features characteristic of infants.

First of all, we emphasize that the frequency of stool and its nature in children under 1 year old differ from those in older children. age group and, on top of that, change during the first year of life.

Newborn chair a child in the first 1-2 days after birth has a special name - meconium. This term refers to the entire contents of the baby's intestines, accumulated before childbirth, before the first application of the baby to the breast. Meconium is a thick, viscous mass of dark olive color, odorless. Normally, it departs within 12-48 hours after the birth of the child. Then there is a transitional stool of a slightly more liquid consistency. greenish yellow, and from the 5th day of life - normal bowel movements.

Type and quantity bowel movements in children the first year of life significantly depend on the nature of nutrition. When breastfeeding, the stool looks like liquid sour cream, golden yellow in color with a sour smell. With artificial feeding, stools are usually thicker, putty-like, light yellow in color, often with bad smell. The number of bowel movements during the first six months of life in children who are breastfed reaches 7 times a day, while in "artists" - 3-4 times a day. In the second half of life, the number of bowel movements gradually decreases to 3-4 with breastfeeding and up to 1-2 - when feeding with a mixture. At the same time, the consistency of feces becomes more and more thick, and the color and smell largely depend on the nature of the complementary foods received.

It should be noted that during the first year of life, especially in the first few months after birth, a child's stool can occur reflexively during suckling, which is an absolute norm.

Pathological loose stools in an infant can be suspected with an increase in the frequency of bowel movements above the physiological norm, a change in the normal consistency and color of feces, the appearance of pathological impurities in the stool, such as mucus, pus, blood.

Diarrhea in a child is considered acute if it occurs suddenly and stops within 1–2 weeks. Chronic diarrhea lasts more than 2 weeks.

Development mechanisms diarrhea in children some. In some cases, food passes through the intestines too quickly due to an increase in its peristalsis - a wave-like contraction of the walls. In others, there is an increase in the volume of feces due to malabsorption in the large intestine of water and electrolytes - substances that in solution partially or completely consist of charged particles - ions. Diarrhea in a child can also begin due to pathologically increased secretion of fluid into the intestinal lumen.

Frequent occurrence of digestive disorders, including diarrhea in a child infancy due to:

  • immaturity digestive system, which is manifested by insufficient production and low activity of digestive enzymes;
  • low compensatory capabilities of the electrolyte transport system through the intestinal wall;
  • immaturity of mucosal immunity;
  • weak barrier function of the intestine, which is to prevent penetration through the intestinal wall into the internal environment of the body harmful substances, allergens, pathogens, etc.

Diarrhea in a child: causes

Peculiarities baby food. The alimentary or nutritional factor is common cause d diarrhea in children infancy. Diarrhea occurs when the child's immature digestive system is overloaded with an increased amount of food, an excess amount of incoming nutrients, or their disproportionate ratio in the crumbs' diet.

In breastfed babies, bowel problems, including diarrhea, are often caused by following products used by a nursing mother:

  • smoked meats, sausages, sausages;
  • ketchup, mayonnaise;
  • carbonated sweet drinks;
  • products containing preservatives;
  • rich meat or fish broths;
  • refined carbohydrates - cakes, chocolate, semolina;
  • whole cow's milk, especially when consumed in excess of 500 ml per day;
  • some vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, legumes) and fruits, such as grapes;
  • highly allergenic foods: strawberries, raspberries, citrus fruits, chocolate, caviar, red fish, seafood.

Another reason is that the child receives too large, age-inappropriate amounts of food. A gross violation is the feeding of an infant with milk of domestic animals, which differs greatly in its composition from mother's milk and is the cause of a disproportionate intake of many nutritional components into the child's body. Disproportion also occurs when the rules for diluting the milk formula are violated, when the baby is fed with a formula that does not correspond to him in age and health.

Cause diarrhea in a child even minimal changes in nutrition can become: switching to a new milk formula, drinking a different composition of water - for example, when changing the region of residence. Another common reason is complementary foods that are not appropriate for the age of the child and a violation of the basic rules for their introduction - gradualness, sequence, etc. It should be remembered that diarrhea in a child may be the equivalent of an allergic reaction to foods such as fish, chicken eggs etc., and testify to food intolerance.

Usually diarrhea in a child with a short-term violation of feeding the baby does not lead to grave consequences and when the causes are eliminated, it is quickly cured.

lactase deficiency. This condition develops as a result of a decrease or total absence lactase enzyme in the small intestine. There are primary lactase deficiency associated with congenital enzymatic deficiency, and secondary, which develops as a result of damage to the cells of the intestinal mucosa against the background of infectious and allergic inflammation, atrophy, or thinning, of the mucous membrane.

Clinical symptoms of primary lactase deficiency - flatulence, colic, diarrhea, anxiety of the baby during feeding and immediately after it. They usually appear in a child at the 3-6th week of life, which, apparently, is associated with an increase in the amount of milk or milk formula consumed. Stool with lactase deficiency is watery, frothy, may have a greenish tint, with a sour smell. An important symptom is low weight gain or even weight loss.

In secondary lactase deficiency, stools are often green, mucus, and undigested.

You can confirm lactase deficiency by passing tests. In any case, having discovered the above symptoms, it is necessary to contact a pediatrician who, after examination, will prescribe adequate therapy. It is important to understand that lactase deficiency is not a reason to refuse breastfeeding or switch to mixed feeding. Moreover, with age, as the digestive system matures, the manifestations of lactase deficiency often disappear. For children who are bottle-fed, there are special therapeutic milk mixtures.

Infections. Acute intestinal infection is provoked by pathogenic bacteria, viruses, protozoa. Food poisoning differs from acute intestinal infection in that the disease is caused not by the bacteria themselves, but by their toxins. The entry of pathogens and their metabolic products into the body of a child occurs when the rules of hygiene and care for the baby are not observed, in violation of elementary rules hygiene of the mother and other persons in contact with the child, when eating poor-quality products, such as baby food with expired shelf life or long-term storage after opening the package. Also a common cause diarrhea in children breastfeeding and early age becomes a viral infection - rotavirus, adenovirus, etc., which is transmitted by airborne droplets when visiting crowded places, as well as when someone from the household falls ill.

The main manifestations of intestinal infections are vomiting, Rebecca has diarrhea, fever (this does not always happen), abdominal pain. Weakness, lethargy, loss of appetite may be noted, in some cases a rash appears on the body. The most serious complication of intestinal infections is dehydration due to loss of fluid and electrolytes.

Character diarrhea in children with intestinal infections may be different. Watery diarrhea, which is also called secretory, is caused by pathogens such as rotavirus, salmonella, enteropathogenic E. coli, vibrio cholerae, etc. It is characterized by damage to the water and electrolyte transport system in the intestinal wall, as a result of which the liquid is not only not absorbed into the blood, but, on the contrary, it is released, or secreted, into the intestinal lumen. Watery diarrhea is characterized by frequent, copious, watery stools, often with greenery.

With invasive, "bloody" diarrhea, pathogens invade the intestinal mucosa and destroy the cells lining it. At the same time, there are frequent and painful urges to defecate, the stool often leaves in a small volume and contains mucus, blood. causative agents with such diarrhea in children there may be shigella, causing dysentery, salmonella, enteroinvasive E. coli, etc.

Intestinal dysbacteriosis. In its extreme manifestations given state also accompanied by diarrhea. Of particular note here is diarrhea that occurs against the background of taking antibacterial drugs. a wide range actions when not only pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed, but also a significant part of the normal intestinal microflora and its replacement with anaerobic bacteria. Wherein diarrhea in a child appears frequently and profusely watery stool with the development of dehydration and intoxication of the body - disease state due to the impact on the body of microbial poisons - toxins. IN this case immediate withdrawal of the causative drug and the appointment of appropriate treatment are required. To prevent intestinal dysbacteriosis while taking antibiotics, drugs are used to normalize the intestinal microflora (pre- and probiotics) in parallel with and after antibiotic therapy.

Diarrhea in a child May be side effect while taking certain medicines. Here is a far from complete list of drugs, the appointment of which can cause liquefaction of the stool: antibiotics, choleretic, antacids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, etc. The occurrence of loose stools while taking medications should be a reason to consult a doctor with possible cancellation the causative drug.

Diarrhea in a child. How to treat

Emergence diarrhea in children infancy requires immediate medical advice.

In cases where, in addition to diarrhea in a child there is an increase in body temperature over 38 ° C, severe weakness, drowsiness; if the phenomena of dehydration of the body are observed - dryness of the lips and tongue, pointed facial features, "sunken" eyeballs, flabbiness of the skin; if the child has stopped urinating, the immediate hospitalization of the baby to the hospital is indicated, where an ambulance will take you.

If it is impossible to quickly get qualified medical care - in the country, on the road, etc. - first of all, it is necessary to take measures to prevent dehydration of the body, which in infancy with diarrhea, it can develop very quickly and cause shock and death of the child. Rehydration, or fluid replenishment, is best done with standard saline solutions GASTROLIT, ORALIT, REGIDRON, which it is advisable to always have in your first-aid kit. In the absence of ready-made preparations, the rehydration solution can be prepared independently. For this, in 1 l drinking water dissolve 1-2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 1?/?2 teaspoons of salt and 1?/?2 teaspoons of baking soda.

If diarrhea in a child began recently and signs of dehydration did not have time to develop, saline solutions are given to the child at the rate of 10 ml? /? kg of body weight after each episode of loose stools or vomiting. If symptoms of dehydration are already present, the amount of fluid administered is increased to 50-100 ml? /? kg for 6 hours, followed by fluid replacement at the rate of 10 ml? /? kg of body weight after each episode of loose stools or vomiting. It should be remembered that the feeding of crumbs should be carried out with minimal portions of solutions (1 teaspoon - 1 tablespoon every 10-15 minutes), since a larger volume of fluid injected at once can provoke vomiting.

When the body temperature rises above 38.5 ° C, the child must be given an antipyretic agent based on PARACETAMOL - PANADOL, KALPOL, EFFERALGAN - by mouth. The use of suppositories is not advisable, given the frequent loose stools. If the child has had convulsions in the past, if he suffers from chronic or congenital diseases of the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems, or if the baby is under 3 months old, an antipyretic should be given already at a temperature of 38 ° C.

To remove toxins from the gastrointestinal tract and fix the stool, the baby is given sorbents - SMECTU, NEOSMEKTIN, DIOSMEKTID. One sachet of the drug (3 g) is dissolved in 50 ml of drinking water and the crumbs are drunk in small portions throughout the day.

It should also be noted that child with diarrhea must be washed after each stool to avoid skin irritation.

Occurs due to various reasons. The essence of the treatment of diarrhea is to determine the factors that caused it, and then eliminate them. To health infants should be treated especially responsibly, therefore, in case of recurring diarrhea, it is recommended to immediately contact your pediatrician.

Diarrhea in a child may occur due to changes in climatic conditions.

Doctors have such a definition as "physiological diarrhea", which is quite common in young children due to different reasons, such as:

  • teething;
  • changing climatic conditions;
  • the body's response to the introduction of a new one.

With “physiological diarrhea”, the child behaves as usual: he sleeps calmly, is active, does not cry for no apparent reason.

This situation is normal, usually diarrhea quickly passes without medical care, it is possible, perhaps, to make adjustments to the nutrition of the mother and child (if he is already eating complementary foods).

But if symptoms such as vomiting and fever, then immediately see a doctor to prevent complications.

What is diarrhea

Diarrhea in a child occurs in connection with the introduction of a new food product.

On what principle does defense mechanism? The mucous substance, which is produced by intestinal cells, has a protective function of the body from pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

When these microorganisms enter the internal environment of the intestine, they begin to affect the intestinal walls, destroying the cells that produce protective mucus.

As a result, the human body is unable to produce required amount mucus, and some places remain unprotected.

Toxins released by a virus or bacterium enter these “weakened” areas of the intestine and infect it. Human body, trying to defend himself, begins to allocate a large number of water to flush out toxins.

How to stop diarrhea in a child, learn from the video:

Differences between diarrhea and loose stools

A sign of diarrhea in a child may be a sharp bowel movement.

Since infants eat mostly liquid foods, the consistency of their feces is also quite rare. in children under one year old, the phenomenon is absolutely normal, which cannot be said about adults and older children. Signs of diarrhea in a child:

  1. frequent bowel movements;
  2. there is a sharp sour smell of feces;
  3. the consistency of the stool becomes even more liquid, like water;
  4. sharp defecation;
  5. pronounced green/yellow stools;
  6. there are impurities of blood, mucus or foam;
  7. elevated temperature;
  8. the child becomes lethargic and weak.

If the child has some of the above signs, then do not delay the visit to your specialist.

A baby who does not sleep well, eats without appetite or refuses food, and is also naughty, cannot be completely healthy.

Causes of diarrhea in an infant

Erupting teeth can cause diarrhea.

There are cases when you can save a child from such an ailment as diarrhea on your own, but some situations require medical intervention. The following are the main causes of diarrhea in infants:

  1. Feeding a nursing mother. It happens that using some New Product, mom notices changes in her baby's stool. can provoke eaten in fresh fruit, vegetable, greens or too fatty food. Treatment is limited to the correction of the nutrition of the nursing mother and the exclusion of the "provocative product" from the diet.
  2. Baby nutrition. Cases when a child has diarrhea due to dietary habits: allergic reaction for an adapted mixture; start of complementary foods (4-6 months); the use of a previously unfamiliar product; untimely introduction of the product (the child's digestive system is formed gradually, so it is advisable to introduce products, following the advice of WHO); insufficient amount of enzymes. This problem is also solved by adjusting the power supply.
  3. Lactase and gluten deficiency. This problem represents intolerance to the child of cereals and. Behind Lately such cases have become more frequent, children do not have enough enzymes needed to digest this kind of food. If there is a problem of lactase deficiency during breastfeeding, then the mother should exclude dairy products from the diet, and if artificial, transfer the baby to low-lactose adapted mixtures. With gluten deficiency, cereals such as wheat, semolina, barley, as well as bread, buns, cookies and other pastries should be excluded from the baby's diet. Signals for testing for lactase and gluten deficiency (in addition to constant diarrhea) are skin rashes and insufficient weight gain in the baby. The problem of milk intolerance may disappear by itself after the age of four months of the child, as his body will be prepared to produce the necessary enzymes required for the digestion of mother's milk.
  4. Erupting teeth. When a baby breaks a new tooth, diarrhea can overtake him. It is not required to treat it in any way, after the tooth hatches, the problem will disappear. Reasons: excessive secretion of saliva and its entry into gastrointestinal tract, impaired peristalsis, weak immunity, the presence of infection in the intestines, irritated intestinal walls.
  5. . This is the most common cause of diarrhea in babies. Quite easy to get intestinal infection, since the baby pulls into his mouth everything that comes to hand, so it is important to monitor the cleanliness of the products and objects available to his eyes. In a mild form, such an infection is not dangerous and goes away by itself in a short period of time. If everything is much more serious, then you can observe fever and severe diarrhea. Intestinal infection can cause such acute diseases as: dysentery, amoebiasis, salmonellosis, etc. These diseases entail fever, vomiting, critical dehydration, weight loss. If you have these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. In particular difficult situations will have to go to the infectious diseases hospital.
  6. . The very concept of dysbacteriosis does not imply a specific disease, it is a kind of violation of the proportions of beneficial microflora to pathogenic. Dysbacteriosis in infants is very common, due to incompletely formed organs of the digestive system. There is a debate about whether it is worth taking measures for a child who is 2-3 months old? Some doctors prescribe a reception that should restore the balance of the intestinal microflora, while others are convinced that the baby's gastrointestinal tract is immature for natural reasons, so interfering with the microflora of a child under 12 months is more of a harm than a benefit.
  7. Congenital pathologies of the intestine. This phenomenon is very rare, but still it occurs. Acute surgical pathologies: appendicitis, peritonitis (inflammation abdominal cavity), invagination (obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract). Symptoms acute pathologies: sharp pain in the abdomen, fever, vomiting, bloating. You can not postpone the visit to the ambulance if the baby has similar symptoms.

Treatment of diarrhea in an infant

Smecta is a remedy for diarrhea for children.

Fundamental points of proper treatment:

  • It is not diarrhea that is treated, but the factor that provoked it. As with any disease, it is highly undesirable to treat diarrhea on your own. It is better to go to an appointment with a doctor who will surely establish the exact cause and treatment. In case of an acute intestinal infection, the baby will be prescribed a number of additional examinations, and then hospitalization is also possible. If the child has a bacterial infection, then antibiotics are prescribed with additional reception probiotics and

Breastfeeding your baby is always pretty. difficult period, and a woman should be especially careful about her diet, as it will affect the condition of the child. Any change may force inexperienced mom worry about dad.

So, loose stools in a baby are not always a sign of a disease or health problems. The fact is that the baby's body is still being formed, adapting in relation to the substances received, and with changes in the stool, he can respond to them.

In the first two months of life, liquid irregular stool breast is quite normal. It usually returns to normal by the third month. However, the reasons may be different. What provokes diarrhea in a monthly, two-, three month old baby on breastfeeding?

Causes of diarrhea in a newborn

Parents who notice changes in the baby's stool should not immediately panic, but should analyze the possible causes.

The most common factors leading to this phenomenon:

Specialists distinguish between loose stools and diarrhea. The liquid consistency of feces in infants up to a year is considered the norm, since the liquid forms the basis of their diet.

Diarrhea in a breastfed baby is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • increased frequency of bowel movements;
  • watery feces;
  • sharp emissions of bowel movements;
  • pronounced sour smell;
  • possible presence in the feces of mucus, blood, foam.

Take care of the general condition of the baby.

Additional symptoms may include capriciousness, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, colic, gaziki, high fever.

Diarrhea in breastfed babies usually resolves quickly and does not require any specific treatment.

stool color:

  • Green-black tint. This color will be meconium - the first feces of the baby. It has practically no smell.

    From such stool the newborn should be released in the first days of life. If release does not occur, there is a possibility birth defects digestive systems.

  • Green color. Occurs due to increased activity of harmful microorganisms in digestive tract. In the intestines, the microflora is only being formed, any factor from the outside can upset the balance.

    Due to the reproduction and functioning of microorganisms, marsh color, greenery and foam appear. The baby may not feel well, there may be pain in the tummy, redness of the skin, vomiting, fever. Green color in diarrhea is a factor that should not be ignored.

  • Abnormal bright yellow color . This problem is most often caused by malnutrition. If yellow tint diarrhea does not go away, there is a deterioration in the child's condition, there is a possibility of harmful microorganisms entering the gastrointestinal tract.

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Symptoms for which you need to see a doctor

If a disturbing liquid stool in a newborn during breastfeeding is a constant phenomenon, besides, it is accompanied by other symptoms, it is worth showing the baby to the pediatrician.

Here are the signs of diarrhea in infants with hepatitis B, noticing which, you need to go to the doctor:

  • Constant restlessness of behavior, bloating, sleep problems, refusal to eat.
  • Along with loose stools, fever, vomiting, weight loss. These symptoms are dangerous, so you need to call a doctor as soon as possible.
  • Dehydration symptoms - crying weakness, general lethargy, tight skin, crying without tears, dark urine, dry diapers.
  • Cutting putrid smell of feces, which may be a sign of the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the intestine.
  • Greenish tint of stool with undigested particles, redness of the skin around the anus - this may indicate dysbacteriosis.

Diagnostic methods

The doctor will examine the baby, may prescribe bacterial cultures of feces, and tests for dysbacteriosis. The results may confirm or refute the diagnosis.

Dysbacteriosis can only be detected by a special analysis. The same applies to lactase deficiency, which "by eye" can not be determined neither by the mother nor by the doctor. If the baby has an intestinal infection, tests will show an increased content of fat and white blood cells.

Treatment: means and preparations

What can be done for diarrhea while breastfeeding? The correct measures of treatment, remedies for diarrhea are prescribed by a doctor.

It's important to stay hydrated. Try to put the baby at the breast as often as possible.

From safe means for diarrhea while breastfeeding rice water or chamomile tea, which has a powerful antiseptic effect. It is allowed to give newborns in small quantities.

Preparations-sorbents for diarrhea during breastfeeding, among which are Enterosgel and Polyphepan, absorb toxins from the stomach, like a sponge, and remove them. But keep in mind that they do not completely destroy bacteria.

Drugs such as Oralit, Regidron can prevent dehydration. Note that it comes on faster, the more watery, frequent stools.

Dehydration can severely disrupt metabolism. If the baby has begun to lose weight, the level of dehydration can be very dangerous.

Mom needs to adjust her diet with changes in feces in infants. Nutrition is recommended to build on soups, cereals and boiled vegetables.

Starvation is contraindicated for the baby. He must feed breast milk little by little and often. If complementary foods are already introduced, dilute the mixture with water.

Of the drugs that can be given to the baby on their own - Hilak, which restores the intestinal microflora, and sorbents that remove toxins from the body. This is the main list of diarrhea medicines that are prescribed while breastfeeding.

You can use proven folk remedies(linden decoction). To prepare it, you need to buy lime blossom in a pharmacy, pour boiling water over it, let it brew and give it to your baby several times a day.

You can use mint the same way. These decoctions are harmless but effective.

Our grandmothers used to treat babies with fresh lingonberry juice (7-8 teaspoons a day), decoctions from lingonberry leaves or pomegranate peel.

Doing it yourself is not worth it. Be sure to consult your doctor.

Starting complementary foods while breastfeeding - important point in a baby's life. Where to start - find out.


If the baby has loose stools during breastfeeding, you should not stop it, because for the baby mother's milk is the ideal food containing valuable microorganisms - immunoglobulins that improve immunity. However, a nursing mother should slightly adjust her diet.

It is worth limiting fruits and vegetables with a high content of water and fiber in it: cucumbers, apples, pears, zucchini, legumes and cow's milk. fatty food should be kept to a minimum.

If your baby is over six months old and is receiving complementary foods, do not introduce new foods. For some time, it will be necessary to exclude fruit purees and juices, and then gradually introduce them again.

Diarrhea can lead to dehydration. It is important to replenish fluid loss with the right drinking regimen.

Keep in mind that it is not the diarrhea itself that is being treated, but its cause. Parents should not act without the supervision of a specialist. He must establish the cause, and after that, prescribe therapeutic measures.

In acute cases, additional examinations are usually prescribed. Hospitalization is possible.

At bacterial infections antibiotics, probiotics and prebiotics are prescribed for joint use.

At antibacterial drugs ineffective.

Separately, it is worth mentioning malabsorption - intolerance to enzymes in food and the inability to absorb them.

There are two types of it:

  • lactase deficiency. This is milk intolerance, which makes itself felt from the first days of a baby's life.

    The chair may have green tint foam may be visible. Manifested by vomiting and colic. The child in this case is transferred to a lactose-free diet, and usually his condition returns to normal in a month.

  • celiac disease
  • Disease associated with damage to the small intestine. The body is not able to digest cereals: oats, wheat, rye.

    Mothers learn about this when these products are introduced into the diet. The stool will be frequent, you can notice foam and oily sheen. To restore the normal state, it is usually enough to exclude cereals from the diet.

If the baby is mixed feeding, you need to take into account that the protein in the mixtures is alien, for example, from soy or cow's milk. This is much less beneficial for the baby than mother's milk.

Possible violation of the production of lactase, allergic inflammation of the stomach. External symptoms may not be, but in the intestines, absorption of a number of components is possible. Therefore, if the baby is on mixed feeding, and diarrhea has been observed for too long, it makes sense to be tested for allergens.

This is true in the summer, when the likelihood of catching an intestinal infection is much higher.

If mixtures are introduced into the diet, careful hygiene is important. Bottles must be sterilized. Mom should wash her hands with soap before feeding.

When introducing complementary foods, you must observe right conditions food storage, especially already opened jars of baby food.

Dishes - clean and dry, the baby should have it personal. Before giving the baby to eat, do not lick the spoons and nipples.

Temperature tests should be done only on the wrist. Be sure to wash your hands and the food you use to prepare food.

Many problems can be avoided proper nutrition nursing mother. Be sure to watch what you eat. Be careful with foods that cause diarrhea and stool problems.

Loose stools in a baby is not a reason to panic, because in many cases it normal phenomenon. But do not ignore this phenomenon and additional symptoms. For your own peace of mind, it is better to go to the doctor.

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