The newborn swears. Acute surgical pathology. Errors in nutrition

Diarrhea in newborn infants breastfeeding- it's pretty common occurrence. Anything can cause diarrhea in a child, from an unbalanced diet of a nursing mother to pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. intestinal tract.

In addition, there are such common causes of diarrhea in newborns during breastfeeding, such as:

  • . If the mother gives the baby some foods that are not suitable for him as complementary foods, this can provoke indigestion and cause diarrhea.
  • Intolerance to certain components of breast milk . In this case, mom will have to transfer her baby to artificial mixtures.
  • Intestinal infections .

These are the most common reasons why a breastfed baby may develop diarrhea. Below are detailed symptoms of diarrhea, methods for diagnosing it and methods of treatment, including advice from the famous pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky.

The main symptoms of diarrhea in children

With diarrhea, the child's stool changes to liquid yellow or greenish color.

The main indicator of the presence of diarrhea in a baby is his feces.

Call your doctor right away if foam appears in your baby's stool.

This disease is very dangerous, especially for children under six months old, and can result in such consequences as:

  • Dehydration . This is the worst thing that can happen to a small child, since the lack of a sufficient amount of fluid in his body can provoke various pathologies.
  • Persistent sleep disturbances.
  • Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract .

To avoid this, you should immediately consult a doctor or call ambulance when symptoms such as:

  • No urination in an infant for 8 hours. This phenomenon indicates dehydration of the body;
  • the presence of foam in the baby's stool;
  • the temperature rises above 38 degrees and continues to grow;
  • lethargy, drowsiness of the child;
  • dry lips of the baby;
  • refusal to drink and loss of appetite.

With deep dehydration, the baby can not only urinate, but also cry.

Therefore, the absence of tears during prolonged crying of the baby can also be the reason for an immediate visit to the doctor.

How to determine the cause of diarrhea?

Before starting the treatment of diarrhea in a newborn, its cause should be reliably established, on which the methods and duration of therapy depend.

If the cause of indigestion was only intolerance to the mother's breast milk, then here the most effective and quick fix problems will be the transfer of the baby to feeding with an artificial mixture.

If the baby reacts in this way to some foods that the mother has eaten, then eliminating these foods from her diet will certainly eliminate the baby's diarrhea. much more difficult and longer treatment diarrhea in newborn babies occurs when it occurs due to infection or pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.


The exact cause of diarrhea in a child will help to establish tests.

To determine the factor due to which the newborn had diarrhea, the doctor you will have to not only conduct an external examination of the child, but also carry out the following procedures;

  • stool and blood tests to identify harmful bacteria and infections;
  • collection of anamnesis;
  • collection of information about the diet of a nursing mother, the frequency of bowel movements of the child, the dynamics of weight loss or gain.

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe additional examinations, such as ultrasound abdominal cavity. This procedure allows you to identify abnormalities in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Another common cause of short-term indigestion in a newborn may be the introduction of complementary foods. In this case, it is recommended to remove foods that can cause diarrhea from his diet and observe the reaction of the baby.

Treatment of diarrhea in newborns according to the methods of Komarovsky

There are several main ways to treat diarrhea in babies, depending on the course of the disease and its duration. Diarrhea in breastfed newborns can resolve:

  • With rising temperature . In this case, it is strongly not recommended to self-diagnose and self-medicate. It is better to show the baby to a pediatrician as soon as possible and get qualified recommendations.
  • No temperature rise . If diarrhea in an infant is not accompanied by fever, pain in the intestines, bloating, then stress or a certain product is likely to be the cause.

If diarrhea continues for several days, then it threatens with dehydration.. With diarrhea, not only liquid comes out of the baby’s body, but also salts, useful trace elements and other substances are excreted.

To avoid dangerous consequences associated with dehydration of the child, you should:

  • Provide plenty of fluids for the baby . It is recommended to give the child water after each act of defecation, and also give him at least 50 ml of water every hour.
  • Giving your baby medication to restore the balance of salts in the body. The most famous remedy of this type is Regidron, which can be used from the age of one month.

Complex treatment

If the cause of indigestion is an infection or dysbacteriosis, then Dr. Komarovsky recommends using complex treatment, which includes drugs such as:

  • Antibiotics . These drugs are aimed at destroying bacteria in the body of a newborn.
  • probiotics. Since antibiotics kill not only harmful, but also beneficial bacteria, probiotics are prescribed to restore a healthy intestinal microflora.


All drugs that will be used to eliminate the symptoms and causes of diarrhea in an infant should be prescribed only by a qualified pediatrician.

Parents are obliged to fully comply with the recommendations of a specialist, not to violate the dosage and frequency of taking medications, and not to change the baby's diet without consulting a doctor.

To prevent diarrhea in babies, it is recommended to teach them personal hygiene from childhood, as well as thoroughly wash all toys and other items with which the baby comes into contact. This will reduce the risk of getting an intestinal infection if the baby constantly pulls things around him into his mouth.

Video about the treatment of dysbacteriosis in children

The composition and consistency of feces depends on what a person eats. Considering that the child receives breast milk or milk formulas for food, then, accordingly, his feces will be liquid.

The chair of the child in the first months of life is very liquid. Parents should not be afraid of the color of feces if it is green-yellow, brown, yellow with white lumps. The presence of a small amount of mucus is considered normal.

If the child is on artificial feeding and your stool turns green or blue when you change the mixture, consult your doctor. Some medicinal mixtures designed for children suffering from intestinal colic, contain a degraded protein that affects the color of feces. IN this case parents don't have to do anything. When the baby returns to his usual formula, the feces will return to normal.

Until life, inclusive, the intestines of a child can be emptied up to 10 times a day. If the baby eats normally, gains weight, then the frequency of stool should not scare you.

If you find in the stool a large number of mucus, blood clots, foam and all this is accompanied copious excretion gas is diarrhea. The child may also vomit. In this case, medical attention is urgently needed.

What can cause diarrhea

Any disease can cause diarrhea. Most often, diarrhea is caused by poisoning. In this case, the child's temperature rises, and blood and mucus will be present in the feces. These symptoms indicate the presence of an infection in the body of the baby.

If the child has persistent diarrhea, while the baby is not gaining weight well, and there are also rashes on the skin, this may indicate an allergy or lactose deficiency.

The period of teething is very often accompanied by diarrhea. This normal phenomenon if there are no other diseases, and the intensity of stool excretion does not threaten the child with dehydration.

How to help your child before the doctor arrives

It is strictly forbidden to give the baby tea, juice, other drinks, boiled milk, rice water, chicken broth. All these measures will only aggravate the condition of the child. If the baby is breastfed, it should be applied to the breast as often as possible to avoid dehydration.

You can also buy a special solution at the pharmacy and give it to your baby to drink. If for some reason the solution could not be bought, you can prepare it yourself. To do this, dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt and 5-6 teaspoons of sugar in 1 liter of boiled water.

Remember, the baby should not be given medications. The correct drug treatment, taking into account the age and weight of the child, should be prescribed by a doctor.

The most common and worrying parents health problems that occur in children under 5-6 months old are problems in the gastrointestinal tract. The baby's body has not yet settled into the outside world. It is the intestines that have the hardest time, because the microflora is just beginning to form there, and the baby is often fed - if it is artificially fed, then milk mixtures enter the body, which are not always friendly to the microflora. When the mother herself feeds the baby, he receives, along with milk, those microelements that the mother consumes with food. It is not always possible for a mother who follows a strict diet to guess what kind of food the baby will most likely not have colic, bloating or diarrhea.

Even the most expensive and high-quality milk formulas are not necessarily suitable for a baby with his sensitive body. The cause of unpleasant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract can also be frequent change mixtures with artificial and mixed feeding

The advantages of breastfeeding are the formation of strong immunity for the child, constant contact with the mother, healthy natural food, and savings on store mixes. Often it is in a child who is on breastfeeding that occurs liquid stool. Let's try to figure out why watery stool in an infant, how to help a newborn cope with tummy discomfort and stop diarrhea.

What is the normal stool for babies?

Diarrhea in infants is not so easy to determine. Normally, a child of 1-3 months of life, who is breastfed or mixed, goes to the toilet with a rather liquid stool (we recommend reading:). It is especially difficult to distinguish diarrhea without fever from a child's normal stool. inexperienced mom with dad, they can be alarmed without reason, so let's clearly define what consistency and frequency the stool should be in a child up to six months:

  • A newborn who is on breastfeeding goes to the toilet for the most part after each feeding, about 7 times a day. Chair rich yellow color, with a sour-milk smell, watery or gruel.
  • At 2-3 months of life, the child begins to empty less often, up to 5 times a day. At the same time, the consistency remains approximately the same liquid.
  • The chair of the child after 12 weeks of life becomes thicker and much less often - up to 2-3 times a day. It begins to look more like an adult's decorated dark chair.
  • After the introduction of complementary foods in a 4-6-month-old baby, the stool can become either thicker or thinner, change its color and smell (more in the article:). At 8-9 months of age, a child can already go to the toilet like an adult. Child's chair on mixed and artificial feeding usually denser and lighter than a baby on breastfeeding.

To identify diarrhea, look directly at stool: if they become very watery, and general state the child has worsened - most likely, this is a violation. Only a doctor can see the exact picture.

How to distinguish diarrhea from loose stools: symptoms of diarrhea

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How to determine that the stool of a newborn baby, usually already watery, has turned into diarrhea? What symptoms should alert parents and encourage them to seek advice from a specialist:

  • stool frequency increased by several times compared to the norm for age;
  • a strong unpleasant odor;
  • change in consistency and inclusions in the form of, or pus, particles of undigested food;
  • redness around the skin anus in a baby, which indicates a caustic painful stool.

Diarrhea may occur in mild form and will end on its own in 1-2 days. Severe diarrhea requires medical attention and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • increase or decrease in body temperature of the newborn;
  • a significant trend in weight loss;
  • vomiting, strong frequent regurgitation(we recommend reading:);
  • pallor of the skin;
  • drowsiness, changes in the mood of the newborn.

These symptoms should cause parents to call a doctor and immediately examine the child, because the cause of severe diarrhea may be an infection or a serious malfunction in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This situation requires drug treatment and sometimes hospitalization of the baby. The peanut cannot express in words what worries him, so frequent and unrestrained crying is also alarm bell for parents.

Causes of diarrhea in babies

In the first month of a child's life, intestinal dysbacteriosis becomes a common cause of diarrhea. The intestinal flora and the enzymatic system are just being formed, the beneficial bacteria are colonized and oppose the disease-causing ones. The baby's gastrointestinal tract is very weak, the slightest changes in the milk of a mother who eats different foods physiologically enter the milk, and feeding failures, moving home from the hospital and other trips contribute to diarrhea.

Often, diarrhea indicates lactose deficiency - intolerance to milk sugar, which is temporary and is removed by a diet on lactose-free mixtures. In any case, it is necessary to consult a specialist in order to exclude the possibility of cystic fibrosis and celiac disease.

After six months, the child can often vilify and have a temperature on cutting teeth, according to Komarovsky. The baby begins to actively learn the world, tastes dirty things and sends pathogenic microbes into his stomach. Often, diarrhea can also occur during SARS - from various medicines and during antibiotic therapy.

Particularly diligent mothers who feed their baby with their milk more often and more than he needs, cause diarrhea in the baby. Overfeeding is no better than starvation. Between 4 and 6 months of age, diarrhea may occur from different types complementary foods, so when you introduce juices, cereals, vegetables and fruit purees, you need to carefully monitor his well-being and stool.

What can be given to a newborn for diarrhea?

How can you treat a baby with diarrhea? The doctor will give the best answer, but it is up to the parents to determine the causes of diarrhea and try to level them. If the diarrhea is caused by a new food, remove the product from the child's diet.

Mommy needs to follow a strict diet if the baby is breastfeeding. Be sure to continue breastfeeding as before - this will help to avoid dehydration. It is better for newborns who are on artificial and mixed feeding to switch to lactose-free mixtures (see also:). Medical preparations and their dosage will be prescribed by the pediatrician, however, parents should know that it is better not to give serious “fixing” drugs (“Imodium”, St. John's wort, Furazolidone) to children under 1 year old (we recommend reading:).

Newborns with diarrhea can be given the following drugs:

  • "Smekta" and "Enterosgel". They remove from the body harmful substances and have a slight fixing effect.
  • "Activated carbon". Absorbent tested by our grandmothers. Harmless effective remedy in case of malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract, but it is extremely difficult to give it to babies.
  • "Hilak-forte", "Linex", "Bio-gaya" contribute to the restoration of intestinal microflora.

Enterosgel helps to remove toxins from the body and has a fixing effect, that is, it immediately improves the well-being of the baby and gently removes unpleasant symptom diarrhea

Signs and treatment of dehydration in an infant during diarrhea

Most grave consequence diarrhea - dehydration, which occurs with constant emptying, leaching of fluid from the body and its insufficient intake with drinking. Signs of dehydration:

  • rare urination, urine is dark and concentrated;
  • a serious tendency to lose weight;
  • parched tongue and lack of tears when crying;
  • dark circles under the eyes and pallor of the skin;
  • lethargy and inactivity;
  • retraction of the anterior fontanel.

A sudden loss of fluid affects the functioning of the whole organism. Resistance decreases, immunity decreases, irreversible changes begin in the central nervous system and the hematopoietic system. You need to replenish the loss of fluid quickly, at least with boiled water, in order to restore the water-salt balance.

To do this, do the following:

  • as often as possible, on demand and without, apply the baby to the breast, if diarrhea is not caused by overfeeding or allergy to the components of mother's milk;
  • give the baby pharmaceutical saline solutions - for example, Regidron;
  • after each emptying can be taken rice water, ordinary boiled water or special herbal children's tea in granules.

Remember that diarrhea in a child who is breastfed is not uncommon. Mom and dad should do everything to prevent dehydration of the baby's body and correctly understand the cause of diarrhea. If something in the behavior of the child confuses you, it is better to call a doctor, because timely treatment a baby needs much faster than an adult.

How to treat diarrhea in a newborn? This frequently asked question. Let's take a closer look. Any problem in infants that new parents face is always a cause for panic. And diarrhea is no exception. Loose stools, even for an adult, are not only unpleasant, but also dangerous symptom, and for a baby that has just been born, it can even become dangerous.

While the child is in the womb, his gastrointestinal tract is not inhabited by bacteria necessary and useful for extrauterine life. During birth process, moving along the birth canal, the newborn has time to "swallow" these bacteria and microorganisms.

For the first time after birth is coming active attack of the baby by the bacterial flora from the outside: even slight contact with the mother's skin becomes a source of population of the child's body with new microorganisms for him. No sterilization of everything around is able to completely protect the child from getting to know the bacterial environment of the outside world. The body of a newborn is actively and intensively inhabited by new bacteria.

In order to protect the child from new bacteria potentially hostile to him, doctors recommend that immediately after the birth of the child, put him on the mother’s breast, because it is with colostrum that the contents of colostrum enter the sterile intestines of the baby and subsequently into breast milk antibodies against a variety of infections. This is very important condition normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract of the newborn and the state of his health in general, since the immune system the child in the first 6 months is passive, it does not yet have its own antibodies to many diseases.

Breast milk just provides passive protection for the baby from infections, in particular from rotavirus infection, which often causes intestinal disorders in babies.

How can you tell if a newborn has diarrhea?

Before determining what exactly diarrhea is, it is necessary to know the features of defecation of a newborn and a child of the first year of life, because among mothers of newborns there are very frequent concerns about what is diarrhea and what is an absolute variant of the norm.

Frequent and loose stools in children of the newborn period and children of the first months of life are not necessarily an indicator of a disorder in the body, and even more so of a disease. In the first month of life, the frequency of bowel movements can average up to 10 times a day. Very often, babies have a bowel movement immediately after feeding.

If the baby is only breastfeeding, the stools appear mushy and yellow in color, shades can be from brownish to greenish, with small white patches. Normally, the stool has a sour smell.

Nutrition error

In infants, there may be intolerance to certain foods or their components, as a result of which intestinal disorders are observed in the form of diarrhea. This intolerance concerns the nutrition of a nursing mother. Protein intolerance is very common cow's milk, as well as gluten - a protein that is part of cereals and, accordingly, contained in products made from them: bakery products, cereals, etc. The constant use of such products by the mother leads to prolonged diarrhea in the child, the result is underweight, allergic manifestations, flatulence, abdominal pain and, accordingly, general anxiety.

Such conditions usually do not require any special treatment. All manifestations disappear as soon as the product is excluded from the diet. The only thing is that it can be difficult to determine what exactly is the cause of persistent intestinal upset and the source of intolerance.

Above, we noted that the reason for the change in the stool towards the disorder is the improper organization of breastfeeding. For example, frequent breast changes during a feed will cause the baby to suck out only the foremilk without reaching the hindmilk. In the absence of hindmilk, foremilk cannot be digested normally, since lactulose is contained in hindmilk, a special enzyme for digesting lactose contained in foremilk. As a result, foremilk passes too quickly through the digestive tract and is not digested properly, which causes pronounced liquid stools and their greenish color.


Diarrhea in a newborn can be caused by antibiotics.

The well-known fact that antibacterial drugs do not have quantitative and qualitative selectivity of action. They destroy not only harmful, pathogenic or opportunistic pathogens that caused the disease, but also other beneficial microorganisms. As a result, the natural balance of the intestinal tract is greatly affected, which is the cause of diarrhea. This is especially noticeable in young children. Probiotics and prebiotics, such as Bifidum-Bacterin and Bifidum-Bacterin Forte, Lineks, Acipol, etc., are prescribed as prophylactic drugs to preserve and restore the intestinal flora at the same time or after a course of antibiotics.


Unfortunately, there is no exact medical basis and evidence for a connection between the process of teething and diarrhea. There is only a rich empirical experience of the existence of a huge number of cases when profuse salivation accompanies the process of eruption of the next tooth and is accompanied by diarrhea and even fever. Doctors tend to associate stool changes with abundant saliva in the intestines.

Surgical pathologies

A loose stool can be a sign of appendicitis, for example. In children, not only the newborn period, inflammation of appendicitis is accompanied by symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract. How to treat diarrhea in a newborn?

Treatment of diarrhea in infants

Diarrhea itself is defensive reaction organism, the purpose of which is to remove toxins from the body. But persistent diarrhea entails dehydration, not only nutrients, but also electrolytes, the water-salt balance is disturbed. Intestinal bacteria also injure the intestinal walls, its fleecy part, so there is no proper absorption of fluid and other components. In the case of a confirmed infectious-bacterial cause of diarrhea, the doctor prescribes antibiotics.

Dehydration is very dangerous for a child's body.

If a newborn has diarrhea, all parents should know what to do.


To eliminate the consequences of dehydration in children under one year old, it is possible to use drugs such as Humana Electrolyte, Oralit, Hydrovit.

The dosage of the solutions is calculated based on 100 ml per 1 kg of the child's body weight. You need to drink after each act of liquid defecation or vomiting.

The very common and well-known "Rehydron" is prohibited for use in children under one year old, since the concentration of active substances in it is high for infancy. If the above drugs are not available, you can also resort to Regidron, only you need to dilute it in twice the volume of water.

You can also make your own recovery solution: 3 teaspoons of sugar + 1 teaspoon of salt per liter of water.

It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for the preparation of solutions, observing the proportions. Insufficient concentration has no effect, and a high concentration will only worsen the condition of the baby.

Children older than 6 months can be given dried fruit compote. If necessary, the child should be drunk by force, from a pipette or from a syringe without a needle. Dehydration can worsen, and then its consequences will be eliminated already in the hospital using droppers with glucose, which is much more painful for both the child and the parents.


The well-known "Smecta" has a very good absorbent effect and permission to use from birth. Despite the popularity and frequent appointment, this drug cannot be used for certain types of diseases. For example, with rotavirus infection, it is not recommended. Therefore, it is worth emphasizing once again that in the case of newborn children, arbitrariness is out of place, all appointments should be performed only by a doctor.

Nutrition for newborns and infants with diarrhea

Unlike adult patients, who are advised to refrain from eating on the first day of illness, fasting is contraindicated for children. It is very important for newborns and infants to restore the functioning of the digestive tract and ensure the supply of nutrition, the sooner the better.

Breastfed babies continue to receive breasts on demand. Rehydration solutions are given between applications to the breast, preferably every 5 or at least 10 minutes, 1 teaspoon. You can even give 0.5 tablespoons, but if only often, a large amount of liquid at a time often causes vomiting.

Formula-fed newborns receive a mixture approximately 6 hours after the first portion of the rehydration mixture, the concentration of which is first diluted by diluting the resulting solution with water in proportions of 1: 2 (for example, 1 glass of solution to 2 glasses of water). After some time, the proportions can be brought to equal volumes.

If the condition improves, the usual diet can be returned after 2-3 days.

If the diarrhea is not severe and the child's condition is not severe, then you can feed in the usual mode, provided that you drink rehydration solutions.

If the diarrhea is severe, accompanied by severe dehydration, then the doctor will recommend going to the hospital, where the liquid will be infused intravenously.

As we noted above, in children of the newborn period and the first year of life, diarrhea is a frequent phenomenon. You need to be able to distinguish pathological changes stool from its normal variant forms.

We looked at whether a newborn can have diarrhea.

For the first six months of life, a newborn has loose stools, since the child consumes exclusively mother's milk or a mixture. There are frequent cases of intestinal disorders, the work of which is only getting better. Parents should learn to distinguish infant diarrhea from normal liquid bowel movements. This will help once again not to force children to take medicines and to recognize the problem in time.

Most often, diarrhea occurs due to bowel disorders.

How to identify diarrhea in the baby?

Before the start of complementary foods, all babies have loose stools. In the first 2-3 days of life, the baby's feces have the consistency of liquid sour cream, the color is from black to brown with green tint is meconium. From 3-4 days feces become yellow color With different shades(from dark yellow to light green), the consistency depends on the type of feeding.

  1. In a breastfed child- liquid stools with a sour-milk smell, sometimes with particles of undigested milk, the minimum amount mucus. Bowel movements occur during feeding, immediately after eating or after 1.5-2 hours. On average, the number of bowel movements per day in children with HB up to 6 months is from 3 to 8 times a day. With the introduction of complementary foods (from 6 months) - 1-3 times a day.
  2. In formula-fed babies- mushy stools with a characteristic smell are always almost the same in color.

Persistently thin, slightly watery stools are more common in breastfed newborns. A greenish tint, an increased frequency of bowel movements, is also normal, provided that the baby has a good appetite, sleep, is active and does not bother him.

Parents often confuse normal loose stools with diarrhea. Signs and symptoms of a pathological condition help to recognize diarrhea and distinguish it from healthy bowel movements.

There are a number of specific signs by which diarrhea can be identified.

Table " Distinctive features diarrhea in babies"

signs Symptoms
Color, smell and impurities Green diarrhea, sometimes with red streaks. The smell is putrid or rotten. Diarrhea with mucus, undigested food particles. What does diarrhea look like in the photo
Consistency Watery, frothy diarrhea
Frequency More than 7-8 times per day
Associated discomfort The baby cries, presses the legs to the tummy, groans, is naughty
Increased gas formation The baby farts often. The smell of gas is unpleasant. Possibility of bowel movement during gas emission
Rash Red small pimples on the pope, around the anus. Redness and irritation of the skin
Temperature 37,3-38,5

Often, diarrhea is accompanied by a decrease in appetite, weight loss. If the baby swears a lot, there is a risk of severe detoxification of the body.

Causes of diarrhea in infants

diarrhea baby occurs for several reasons.

The way a child goes to the toilet directly depends on his nutrition.

  1. Improper nutrition or intolerance to a particular food. On artificial feeding, stool disorder occurs due to an unsuccessfully selected mixture, the introduction of cow or goat milk. In children with hepatitis B, diarrhea is provoked by the mother’s improper diet - fatty, spicy, sweet foods. Early feeding or violation of the rules for its introduction also leads to stool disorder.
  2. Diseases of an infectious nature (intestinal infection, rotavirus, pathology respiratory tract). An increase in body temperature usually always dilutes the baby's stool. Often diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting.
  3. Helminthiases. Worm infestations(giardiasis, enterobiasis, ascariasis) affect the healthy intestinal microflora and cause diarrhea. In this case, diarrhea proceeds without fever.
  4. Antibacterial therapy. Intestinal upset comes from antibiotics. The drugs have a detrimental effect not only on pathogens, but also destroy healthy flora, which leads to liquefaction of the stool.
  5. Teething. The physiological process is often accompanied by fever and indigestion. Characteristic symptoms- stool disorder without nausea and vomiting, increased salivation, capriciousness.

Diarrhea streaked with blood frequent sign lactase deficiency. In this case, in addition to blood in liquid feces, irritation appears in the folds of the skin after each bowel movement.

When should you see a doctor?

Recurrent diarrhea during the day, which is accompanied by the child's anxiety, frequent crying, bad dream and appetite on the background of weight loss and elevated temperature body or without temperature - a reason to show the child. The specialist will help identify the cause of diarrhea and eliminate it in short time.

What to do with diarrhea in an infant?

If a child has diarrhea, the main thing is to understand the principle of action to eliminate it:

  • prevent dehydration;
  • safely and effectively stop diarrhea.

When loosening stool infant loses a lot of fluid. To avoid dehydration, the baby is drunk with a special saline solution or plain water. When breastfeeding, continue to feed on demand, and give 1-2 tsp between feedings. water or a solution of Regidron every 5-10 minutes. It is better for artificial people to make the mixture twice as thin, mixing it with a 1: 1 solution of Regidron.

Diarrhea medicines

Several groups of drugs help stop diarrhea and cure disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.

  1. Probiotics - Linex, Bifidumbacterin - restore.
  2. Antibiotics for infectious diseases - Amoxicillin - suppress fungi, bacteria, viruses that provoke inflammatory processes in the intestines and irritating its mucosa.
  3. Enterosorbents - Smekta - absorb harmful substances that provoked stool disorder and bring them out.

Smecta is taken to absorb harmful substances

Treatment of diarrhea should be comprehensive and aimed at eliminating main reason pathological condition.

Folk remedies

Babies can be given decoctions of herbs. Folk remedies will not only help get rid of diarrhea, but will also positive influence on the growing organism as a whole.

Thoroughly washed rice in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. pour 500 ml of water, bring to a boil and boil over low heat for 30-35 minutes. Strain the broth and give the baby 1 tsp. 3-5 times a day. The tool helps to slow down intestinal contractions, absorbs gases and soothes irritated mucous membranes.

Rice broth is taken to soothe the mucous membrane

Decoction of oak bark

Boil 1 tsp in 300 ml of boiling water for 10 minutes. crushed oak bark. Insist for half an hour, strain and give the baby a sip at intervals of 1-2 hours. The decoction has an astringent effect, helps to get rid of diarrhea in a short time.

Decoction of chicory flowers

Place dry chicory flowers in boiling water and boil for 7 minutes. For 0.5 l of boiling water, 1 tsp is taken. raw materials. Decoction to insist for an hour, strain. Water the child every 2-3 hours, giving him 1 tsp. herbal medicine. The tool has an antimicrobial effect, which allows it to be used for infectious diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Chicory has antimicrobial properties

Blueberry infusion

In a glass of boiling water, brew 1 tsp. dried blueberries, leave for 30 minutes. Infusion to drink the baby every hour, 1 sip at a time. A drink made from dried fruits holds together well, suppressing diarrhea in chronic and acute forms.

Brew 2 tbsp. l. chamomile in 500 ml of boiling water, let it brew for an hour. Strained tea should be used by babies instead of water throughout the day. Chamomile inhibits staphylococcus aureus, removes toxins from the body, eliminates pain, contributes to the normal discharge of gases.

Chamomile is excellent for removing toxins from the body.

Folk recipes for astringent decoctions are safe for newborns and older babies. The main thing is not to overdo it with the dosage.

Diarrhea is dangerous state for a small organism. Large and frequent bowel movements can cause dehydration, which can be fatal.

Diarrhea has a number of causes- from a violation of the diet by the mother or early complementary foods to infectious and viral infections. If the child has green diarrhea with an admixture of mucus, blood streaks and bad smell, it is important to show the baby to the doctor. Probiotics, enterosorbents will help stop the pathological liquefaction of the stool, and astringents from folk remedies herbal infusions, decoctions and teas.