A wreath of flowers on the head. How to create a fashion accessory yourself? A wreath of forest herbs with your own hands. Master class with photo

Colorful wreaths of field herbs or elegant wreaths on the door, which have already become a familiar decoration of the house during the period new year holidays... You can either buy them ready-made or make your own. We offer little lesson how to weave a wreath to make it strong and for a long time pleased you with its luxurious appearance.

wreath on the door

Typically, they are used to make fir branches, as well as various berries (viburnum or mountain ash). Can also be taken as decorative material natural cones, dried leaves, or add artificial decorations to the finished product. It all depends on your imagination and the interior of the room in which the wreath will be located. How to weave a wreath on the door? To do this, you need to make a base. It can be made from branches of any tree that is flexible. Willow or young shoots of birch are perfect. Cut the branches and then soak them for several hours in warm water. During this time, they will become much softer, and you can easily roll them into a ring. This is what will become the basis for the wreath. It should be secured using tape or a thin rope. You should not make it too tight, because in this case it will be quite difficult to decorate. At the same time, the base must be made up of enough a large number twigs. After you manage to complete the first part, we begin to decorate. Add branches of spruce or fir, which will become the first layer of the wreath. They must completely cover the base. Then you need to include in the elements and optionally add satin or that's it. Now you know how to weave a wreath on the door.

summer wreath

One of the most popular types. It can be made in a matter of minutes in nature or in the park. Of course, if it is not forbidden to tear there How to weave wreaths on your head? You can do this in two ways. In the first case, make the base, as for a New Year's wreath, and then decorate with ordinary flowers. In the second case, you can weave a wreath in the same way as is usually done with dandelions. Choose plants with long and flexible stems. Leave three or four as a base, and then apply each subsequent one perpendicular to the base and wrap around the base itself crosswise. Then arrange the stems parallel to the base. And so with each subsequent flower. In order to complete such a product, you only need to connect the last flower to the first. And your luxurious and elegant wreath is ready.

Wreath with herbs

How to weave a wreath of herbs? The technology is no different from the one used for weaving on the door.

In the same way, you first need to make the base, and then weave into it various herbs. A riot of colors and lush greenery will create a real folk wreath. And now you know how to weave a wreath of herbs. Therefore, every trip to nature will be able to please your friends and loved ones with colorful and elegant wreaths. Such crafts bring special joy to children. What could be better than the opportunity to collect plants for a wreath yourself?!

A wreath is a beautiful and fragrant decoration on the head. It can be woven from almost any flowers, herbs, leaves and berries, fortunately, in the summer, abundance reigns in our nature. Weaving wreaths is easy and simple. All you need is your favorite plants and a little patience.

The tradition of weaving various wreaths and hats from fresh flowers has deep roots. Our ancestors from childhood owned this art and knew about the secrets that kept the freshness of plants and the shape of such decoration. Thanks to fashion trends, the tradition of wearing flower wreaths was revived, and modern girls happy to follow. Realize such natural beauty easily. Using the tutorial below, you will learn how to weave a flower wreath. Find out what rules to follow and what plants to use. Basic weaving rules For a flower wreath, choose only young buds that have just blossomed, then the finished product will remain beautiful and fresh longer. It is necessary to pick a lot of flowers that have long stems, because during work some of them may break. Do not be afraid to use a combination of those plants that at first glance seem incongruous, in a wreath they can look very original.

The choice of flowers for a wreath depends on the availability of specific plants, your tastes and desires. When summer comes, the first flowers used for weaving are dandelions. In addition to them, it is preferable to use plants that have a long, flexible, reliable and durable stem. It is convenient to use cornflowers, chamomile, clover and other wildflowers. You can use tree leaves, a variety of herbs and fruits of mountain ash, viburnum. The more diverse and more you collect the bouquet, the more beautiful the decoration will be. Put together three flower stems, start weaving like a regular pigtail. When the first curl is ready, weave the next one in the middle and make the second coil. This principle of weaving must be repeated until the wreath reaches right size by head circumference. If you are making an accessory from artificial flowers, then at the end you can decorate it with ribbons, weave a variety of decorative elements: beads, beaded threads and other materials. Flowers need to be stacked very tightly to each other so that the product does not fall apart and looks magnificent.

Weaving a wreath forest herbs

Btemirova Zarina Muharbekovna, teacher additional education Psychological Center for Diagnostics and Counseling "Trust"
Application: master class is designed for children preschool age, teachers and parents.
A wreath of summer herbs can be an element of a folklore costume, and can also become an original gift.
Target: Learn to create a composition of summer herbs.
- introduce children to history summer holiday Lita;
- show the technique of weaving a wreath;
- to develop the artistic and creative abilities of children.

Lita holiday is coming soon - June 20-21. This is the time of balance, the longest day and the most short night. Lita is the annual peak of the sun's strength. WITH summer solstice, the day begins to gradually decrease.
Those who celebrated Lita decorated themselves and their homes with branches, garlands and wreaths of flowers. People came out to sing, dance and dance, and also participated in ritual ceremonies. The lovers, holding hands, jumped over the fire three times so that their marriage would be happy, rich and have many children. Ancient Rus wove wreaths, jumped over bonfires and collected medicinal herbs.
Our today's master class on weaving a wreath of summer herbs. You can collect them with your child in the nearest forest park, in the country, and even on the way home.

For work, we need the following tools, they can be easily found at home, these are:
- Pliers;
- Scissors;
- Threads;
- Copper wire;
- Food film (instead of teip-tape);
- Tape measure;
- Soutache tape golden color For decoration.

First, let's prepare the frame of our copper wire wreath.
We measure the diameter of the head and measure the length of wire we need.

We fold the ends of the wire as follows

... and fasten our "lock"

Next, we cut strips from the food tape (replace the teip tape)

Then we proceed to the division of our herbs into inflorescences.

The next step is to attach our inflorescences to the wire frame, alternating different kinds herbs.

We fasten the herbs together with our tape from food film winding the wire.

We begin to attach the herbs from the ends of the wreath, and lead them to the middle.

We take a golden soutache ribbon and decorate our wreath. Starting from the ends.

It turned out such a wreath.

Forest Fairy

Thank you for your attention and stay healthy!

A wreath is a beautiful and fragrant decoration on the head. It can be woven from almost any flowers, herbs, leaves and berries, fortunately, in the summer, abundance reigns in our nature. Weaving wreaths is easy and simple. All you need is your favorite plants and a little patience.

The tradition of weaving various wreaths and hats from fresh flowers has deep roots. Our ancestors from childhood owned this art and knew about the secrets that kept the freshness of plants and the shape of such decoration. Thanks to fashion trends, the tradition of wearing flower wreaths has been revived, and modern girls follow it with pleasure. It is easy to bring such natural beauty to life. Using the tutorial below, you will learn how to weave a flower wreath. Find out what rules to follow and what plants to use. Basic weaving rules For a flower wreath, choose only young buds that have just blossomed, then the finished product will remain beautiful and fresh longer. It is necessary to pick a lot of flowers that have long stems, because during work some of them may break. Do not be afraid to use a combination of those plants that at first glance seem incongruous, in a wreath they can look very original.

The choice of flowers for a wreath depends on the availability of specific plants, your tastes and desires. When summer comes, the first flowers used for weaving are dandelions. In addition to them, it is preferable to use plants that have a long, flexible, reliable and durable stem. It is convenient to use cornflowers, chamomile, clover and other wildflowers. You can use tree leaves, a variety of herbs and fruits of mountain ash, viburnum. The more diverse and more you collect the bouquet, the more beautiful the decoration will be. Put together three flower stems, start weaving like a regular pigtail. When the first curl is ready, weave the next one in the middle and make the second coil. This principle of weaving must be repeated until the wreath reaches the desired size for the girth of the head. If you are making an accessory from artificial flowers, then at the end you can decorate it with ribbons, weave a variety of decorative elements: beads, beaded threads and other materials. Flowers need to be stacked very tightly to each other so that the product does not fall apart and looks magnificent.


If you want a wreath of only one flower, then it will be better to choose two or three types. So your creation will look even more beautiful. Choose flowers with long and flexible stems. This is necessary so that they are tightly woven and do not fall out of the wreath. Chamomile, cornflowers, dandelions are perfect.

Choose a few of the largest flowers. Fold them carefully into a bun. It will serve as the basis for your future wreath. The stems of each new element of the wreath will then wrap around this base.


  • wreath weaving

Since ancient times, wreaths of flowers have been woven during ritual actions, fortune-telling and wedding ceremonies. The ability to make a beautiful crown out of plants was highly valued among girls. Today it flower decoration rather beautiful summer fun for girls. However, it depends only on your taste and imagination whether it will turn into a real work of arts and crafts. The basic methods of weaving wreaths can later be used to work with other natural materials and create original interior items.

You will need

  • - flowers with long stems;
  • - herbs, leaves;
  • - thread or grass, bast.


Collect as many flowers with long stems as possible. The more magnificent and colorful you collect the bouquet, the more beautiful the wreath will turn out. Do not forget that the colored crown will quickly fade and immediately decrease in size. So don't be afraid to overdo it.

Put three flowers together and start braiding their stems like a regular pigtail. After the first curl, put in the middle of the braid new flower and make the second turn of the braid.

Continue to work on the pattern, trying to stack flower to flower as tightly as possible. In a neatly woven flower braid, bare stems should have been visible only from wrong side wreath.

Try not to make ugly short “tails” (not included in the pigtail) conspicuous. In the process of working on a wreath, this can be achieved with the help of very dense weaving and the selection of lush inflorescences. In addition, decorative leaves can be woven into the braid - for example, large carved maple and oak leaves.

Try on a wreath on your head - if you are satisfied with the circumference, then it's time to finish the job. Carefully cut off the protruding "tails" (if they are still visible) and connect the wreath into a ring. Fix its ends with stems and an additionally strong (but thin) thread, which is desirable to match the main color of the flower wreath.

Try to weave a wreath of flowers in a different way. To do this, you need to choose the largest flowers for the start and form a long bunch of them. Consistently applying subsequent flowers to the resulting base, wrap the stems around it and at the same time press the new inflorescences.

Don't be afraid to experiment! Fortunately, at the time of summer forbs, you will not lack natural material. Try to apply not individual flowers to the stems, but long buns field flowers and herbs.

Fasten the herbal bundles with a stem wrapped around the base - but not at the receptacle itself, but leaving free ends 5-10 cm. You will get a particularly lush flower decoration. Secure the ends of the finished wreath tightly.

Helpful advice

If you want to weave flower wreath only from natural materials, use instead of thread for dressing finished product durable grass. Or tear off a thin strip from a piece of bark - bast.


  • green crown

Tip 3: How to make a DIY Christmas Wreath

Very soon New Year It's time to start thinking about decorating your home. Even if you are not going to celebrate at home, the festive atmosphere will delight you for a long time.
Christmas wreaths look very beautiful, but the prices in stores tend to bite. But you can do it yourself.

In order to make a Christmas wreath, we will need:

1. Napkins without a pattern

2. Newspapers or plain paper A4

4. Scissors

6. A simple pencil or pen

The first thing to do is form the frame. To do this, we need a newspaper or A4 sheets. We fold the sheets into a tube and round off in the shape of a donut. To make your wreath bigger, take more sheets, if you want a small one, then, accordingly, less. To keep the frame well, wrap it with thread.

Next, we create simulated spruce branches using napkins. It is advisable to take green napkins without a pattern so that they look more like a Christmas tree, but if you want a wreath of a different color, then take colors that are closer to New Year's (white, blue, blue, red). We take a napkin and cut it into 4 parts. Because initially it was folded, then we stratify it into a few more squares.

We put each square on the blunt side of the pencil so that the middle of the square coincides with the pencil and grease the protrusion with glue. Next, glue the middle of the square to the frame. We do this with each square, gluing them as close to each other as possible. It turns out an impromptu Christmas tree.

After you have glued all the squares, you can start decorating the Christmas wreath. You can dream up and decorate to your liking. Well suited bows, stars, beads, Christmas balls, sequins. If there are no decorations, you can easily cut out some stars and bows from colored paper and a real Christmas wreath is ready!