How to weave a wreath of daisies on the head. A wreath of forest herbs with your own hands. Master class with photo

A wreath is a beautiful and fragrant decoration on the head. It can be woven from almost any flowers, herbs, leaves and berries, fortunately, in the summer, abundance reigns in our nature. Weaving wreaths is easy and simple. All you need is your favorite plants and a little patience.

The tradition of weaving various wreaths and hats from fresh flowers has deep roots. Our ancestors from childhood owned this art and knew about the secrets that kept the freshness of plants and the shape of such decoration. Thanks to fashion trends, the tradition of wearing flower wreaths was revived, and modern girls happy to follow. It is easy to bring such natural beauty to life. Using the tutorial below, you will learn how to weave a flower wreath. Find out what rules to follow and what plants to use. Basic rules for weaving flower wreath choose only young buds that have just blossomed, then ready product will stay beautiful and fresh longer. It is necessary to pick a lot of flowers that have long stems, because during work some of them may break. Do not be afraid to use a combination of those plants that at first glance seem incongruous, in a wreath they can look very original.

The choice of flowers for a wreath depends on the availability of specific plants, your tastes and desires. When summer comes, the first flowers used for weaving are dandelions. In addition to them, it is preferable to use plants that have a long, flexible, reliable and durable stem. It is convenient to use cornflowers, chamomile, clover and other wildflowers. You can use tree leaves, a variety of herbs and fruits of mountain ash, viburnum. The more diverse and more you collect the bouquet, the more beautiful the decoration will be. Put together three flower stems, start weaving like a regular pigtail. When the first curl is ready, weave the next one in the middle and make the second coil. This principle of weaving must be repeated until the wreath reaches the desired size for the girth of the head. If you are making an accessory from artificial flowers, then at the end you can decorate it with ribbons, weave a variety of decorative elements: beads, beaded threads and other materials. Flowers need to be stacked very tightly to each other so that the product does not fall apart and looks magnificent.

Let's learn how to weave wreaths, skullcaps and hats from natural materials. Let's start with the usual wreath, we will weave it from fresh flowers. How to weave a wreath correctly depends on the flowers from which we weave. From dandelions, clover or chamomile, you can weave a wreath like this:
They take a flower, for example, a chamomile, put the second one crosswise on it, wrap the stalk of the second chamomile around the stalk of the first one and lay it along the first stalk, etc. See how to do this in the figure below. When the wreath is woven to the size of the head, the first and last daisies are tied with a blade of grass - the wreath is ready.
If you want to make a wreath with flowers such as water lilies, whose stems are so thick and fleshy that they are difficult to braid, weave the wreath differently. Take a lily and, together with it, hold a flexible blade of grass or two blades of grass in your hand. Then take the second lily, lay its stem crosswise on the stem of the first and braid the flowers with a blade of grass. Thus, you will weave a wreath of grass, weaving lily flowers into it.

According to this principle, you can weave wreaths from any large flowers, even from roses, of course, after removing all the thorns from them.
Very beautiful wreaths obtained from flowers woven interspersed with leaves. You can weave a wreath from only one leaf.
Interesting wreaths are obtained from leaves with bunches of bright berries woven into them in some places - mountain ash, elderberry and others.

If you want to make yourself a costume of some fabulous figure, for example, a goblin or a merman, for carnival, you can put on your head a wreath woven from horsetail with bunches sticking out in all directions. A wreath of white lilies, yellow water lilies or a wreath woven from long branches of white or pale pink bindweed will go with the mermaid costume.

DIY crafts from natural material from leaves:
Pick leaves from some tree that does not fade very quickly, such as birch, and braid them with blades of grass into a long garland. Having rolled the garland into a ring according to the size of the head, fasten the ring with a blade of grass and gradually lay out the garland in a spiral, fastening the blades of grass with each other and gradually narrowing them upwards. You will get an interesting hat made of green leaves. She will be reliable protection from the scorching sun on a hot summer day, a good headdress at the carnival. How to do it - see the picture.

Burdock hat

A large-brimmed hat that protects well from the sun can also be made from burdock. Pick a few large burdocks, almost to the base of the stem, put the burdocks together and tie them together with ribbon or blades of grass over the remaining pieces of stems. From the blades of grass weave a wreath according to the size of the head. Pierce each burdock with a sprig in two places near its main vein and attach the burdocks to the grass wreath with blades of grass. You will get cool broad-brim which will hold very well on the head. To prevent such a headgear from wilting soon, sprinkle it with water from time to time.

Burdock skullcap
And one more interesting example. From scraps of some fabric, cut four strips one centimeter wide, each according to the size of the head. Cut one strip three centimeters wide - for the rim. First sew the rim, and then sew all four strips crosswise to it. At the top, in the place where the strips intersect, fasten them with threads.

Then dial flowers of burdock different color and on the frame made, put the burdock one next to the other. Make sure that there are no gaps between the burdock balls so that the fabric is not visible. Cover the band with burdock in two or three rows.

G. V. Bubekina, G. P. Goslavskaya
Homemade from natural material

Do-it-yourself wreath of flowers on the head

You will need:

  • Natural flowers;
  • ribbon;
  • scissors,
  • wire cutters;
  • two pieces of green wire.

Step 1

Measure the circumference of your head and cut the wire with wire cutters. Do not forget to add 2-3 centimeters of allowances for loops to the length. Make loops at both ends of the wire.

Step 2

Choose fresh fresh flowers. Cut them up.

Step 3

Attach flowers one at a time to the base wire, wrapping around the second piece of wire. Weave them almost to the end.

Step 4

Toward the end of the wreath, weave the flowers in the opposite direction. Make the transition as seamless as possible.

Step 5

To make a wreath of flowers on your head look prettier and better fixed, thread ribbons of the required length into the loops. Tie them already when trying on. Everything, the wreath is ready!

If the idea of ​​creating this beautiful decoration If you like it and really want (or really need) to make a similar decor from artificial flowers, then you should think in advance in what style the wreath will be made, what flowers it should consist of, how many of them will be needed. Also decide on the material of the flowers themselves. They can be paper, fabric or fashioned from polymer clay. You can independently master the manufacture of artificial flowers, but it will take a lot of time. Therefore, as an option, look for the necessary blanks in hand-made stores or order a master florist.

Simply unusually romantic - a girl in a wreath of natural flowers, which, undoubtedly, will decorate better than the most expensive crown in the world! In this decoration, you will be a real queen, feminine and elegant, at any summer holiday, and just for a walk. But everything ingenious is simple, let's weave such a wreath, you will definitely succeed, this is how it might look:

To make something like this wreath of flowers on the head, you will need: pieces of 20-25 flowers (varied or identical), with stems cut to a length of 8-10 centimeters, colored thin wire, 2 pieces, green silk or satin ribbons, flower scissors, or ordinary.

The first step - you need to create the basis for our wreath-crown - gently bend the two parts of the wire into a semicircle, fold the half into a whole circle, try it on to fit the crown exactly under right size owners. It should not press or reap, because when flowers are added, the crown will become much heavier. Then you need to wrap the joints (overlapping sections) with colored tape, tighten them as tight as possible.

First, make small clusters of flowers, and then attach the bouquets one by one to the wire base. So the work will go faster, and the crown with the ribbon will not be overloaded.

Now, in order for the whole structure to hold well in the future, you need to make small bouquets of flowers, tying them tightly with ribbons in bunches of 3-4 things, cut the ends of the ribbons short. You can form flowers of contrasting color, or different in shape. Make about 12-15 flower bouquets, and start attaching them to the base of the wreath. Attach the cluster on the outer wire side by wrapping the tape tightly.

Overlap the previous flower cluster with the next, tying the top with ribbon, in one direction, until the base is completely filled.

Sprinkle your wreath of flowers water from a spray bottle, and keep in a cool place, so it will last a few days longer. In such beauty, you will definitely become the queen of summer and flowers!

Photo master class. Diadem.

One of the most famous crafts is a wreath. It can be worn as a decoration on the head, and a small wreath serves as a wonderful bracelet. In addition, they can decorate the doors and walls of the house. For a wreath, flowers with long, strong, but flexible stems are suitable. The most popular for weaving are daisies, clover, dandelions and other wildflowers. It is better not to cut off the leaves - with them the wreath will turn out more beautiful and richer. Starting to weave a wreath, it is better to determine which flower will be the main one.

It is necessary to put together two stems, attach a third to them and wrap it around the first two. It is better to tighten the ends of the stems as tight as the flower allows. The length of the wreath is determined by the girth of the head. As you weave, other flowers can be added to the wreath. The decoration will look great if you can play on the contrast of colors. Berries and small sunflower flowers woven in as a decoration look great. The ends of the wreath must be connected by twisting them together. For reliability, you can fasten them with grass.

Ukrainian wreath is a wonderful decoration for any age

From time immemorial, a wreath in Ukraine has been not only national decoration. Until now, there is a belief that the wreaths woven by the girls with their own hands contained a great and mystical power amulet. In addition to the incredible natural beauty, enclosed in such unusual decoration, each of its elements could tell a lot without words: marital status, character, feelings of a Ukrainian beauty. Today, a woven head wreath is not only one of the symbols of Ukraine, but an incredibly stylish modern accessory.

History of the wreath

From time immemorial, the inhabitants of Ukraine not only loved, but also revered and respected them to the utmost, believing in their mysterious power to protect and bring good luck. Clothes were decorated with incredible floral patterns, Ukrainian huts were painted, towels and tablecloths were embroidered. The art of weaving a wreath was mastered by girls in early age. It was one of the ways not only to decorate your appearance, but also to show skill, creativity, diligence and diligence. It would seem that a wreath on the head in Ukraine has always existed. It is not known for certain who invented such a tradition and when, but everyone will certainly agree that this art is worthy of living forever.

Ukrainian wreath can be seen in many paintings of past years

Weaving a wreath is a whole science that has been passed down from generation to generation. The traditional Ukrainian wreath consisted of 12 flowers. Ukrainian girls, decorating themselves with a wreath, emphasized tenderness, femininity, youth and purity. It was believed that a wreath of flowers on the head has magic power, which helped to relieve pain, attract love and prosperity, protect envious people and even unclean forces from the evil eye.

Wreath and symbolism

Ukrainian wreaths on the head and their weaving was not just fun. Knowing the meaning of this or that flower, one could read it like an open book. The choice of this or that flower depended on the beauty's age, status, and even on the purpose for which the wreath was woven. Each flower carried its own special symbolism:

  • Immortelle symbolized health. This modest-looking plant was considered a powerful amulet against ailments.
    Dyed immortelle wreath
  • Chamomile flowers personified girlish purity, purity and fidelity.
    Chamomile can be part of the overall composition or the only element of the wreath.
  • Cornflower flowers and lovage could tell about sincere devotion and beauty of the soul.
    Cornflowers go well with daisies
  • Periwinkle is a symbol of the immortal soul and life.
    Periwinkle is also one of the most famous Ukrainian symbolic plants.
  • Spring cherry and apple blossom was the personification of mother's love.
  • Clusters of viburnum - main character girlish beauty.
    Kalina, as a symbol, is often found in Ukrainian culture
  • Hops - the personification of the mind, ingenuity.
  • Yarrow is the main member of the wreath, a symbol of disobedience and endurance.
  • Ears of young wheat were woven to attract the harvest, as gifts of a generous land and a symbol of goodness.
  • Poppy color - incredibly proud and bright flower, but he symbolized sadness and loss. The girls wove it into a wreath if someone in the family died in the war with the enemy.
    Poppy wreath can be called mourning
  • Sunflower flowers personified prosperity, diligence and strength. The people believed that the sunflower is the most persistent and strong in the entire flower kingdom.
    Sunflower wreath
  • Bright flowers of mallow, rouge and peony could tell about the power of faith, hope and love.
    Ukrainian friends in bright wreaths
  • The white lily is a symbol of purity. She was woven into the Ukrainian wreath of those girls who went to the monastery, as a symbol of the end of worldly life.

People believed that flowers are the gifts of God, and the true gift of nature should be treated with respect. The combination of certain colors could tell a lot without words.

The meaning of flowers in the Ukrainian wreath

More than 70 variations of weaving were known in Ukraine, among them ritual, ceremonial, magical and many other wreaths. By the way, the mother weaved the first wreath on her daughter's head when she was three years old, necessarily weaving a chamomile as a symbol of a clear mind and pure thoughts.

Little Ukrainian woman in her first wreath


A lot of ancient traditions are connected with a wreath of flowers on the head, some of which have survived to this day. For example, in ancient times, a girl handed a wreath woven with her own hands to her beloved as a sign of matchmaking and fidelity. Today, this tradition has grown into the exchange of newlyweds' rings. Today, the bride throws a bouquet to unmarried bridesmaids at the wedding, and earlier it was the wreath that was thrown, whoever catches it will marry first.

The wreath played an important role in the relationship between a guy and a girl.

Often in the Ukrainian village one could see a wreath on the doors of the hut, it was believed that he whole year protected the whole family from evil and trouble, and also brought health to the house. In ancient times, there were many variations of wreaths. One of the most popular was the wreath of devotion, it was based on cornflower and lovage. By the way, the combination of colors in such a wreath is blue cornflower and yellow lovage.

The wreath was given one of key roles on the feast of Ivan Kupala

Ribbons in Ukrainian wreath

In addition to flowers, the Ukrainian wreath was necessarily decorated with multi-colored satin ribbons. Moreover, the choice of this or that color was not accidental, there were strict traditions. Girls from an early age learned the art of weaving ribbons correctly and understanding what a particular color means.

Plus, the ribbons are a great addition. appearance wreath

The girls wove the first ribbon in the middle of the wreath. She was a must light brown, which personified the fertile nurse-earth. On both sides of the first, yellow ribbons were woven - the personification of the sun and heat. Bright green was woven behind them, which was a symbol of girlish youth and beauty, followed by blue ribbons - the personification of a clear sky. It was believed that they gave vitality and health to the girl. After blue, purple ribbons were woven - the personification of wisdom, pink and crimson, symbolizing wealth and sincerity.

The meaning of the ribbons in the Ukrainian wreath

There is a belief that the ribbons were supposed to protect against the evil eye. The length of the ribbons in the wreath on the head should not be arbitrary, but measured strictly along the length girlish braid. If a girl wove blue ribbon that meant she was an orphan. People treated the girl with bread, welcomed her in every possible way and tried to bestow gifts.

In modern wreaths, ribbons play a rather decorative role.

How to weave a wreath?

Today, the art of weaving a Ukrainian wreath with your own hands is gaining popularity again. Modern accessories in the form of a colorful wreath are incredibly popular not only in Ukraine. In order not to spend a lot of money on designer gizmos, you can create an exclusive gizmo with your own hands. Such a decoration perfect solution not only for theme parties, wedding or national holidays. A colorful Ukrainian wreath can make everyday life colorful, joyful and bright. Weaving a wreath can be done in different ways.

Earlier creation wreath was a kind of ritual, and the process itself had a lot of nuances

Method number 1

To make such an accessory with your own hands, you will need:

With the help of wire, a frame for a wreath is made, you can weave it in the form of a braid from three pieces of wire. Further, artificial flowers made of paper, foamiran or fabric are fixed on the frame, gluing and then wrapping with ribbons. In the summer, you can use fresh flowers, so the wreath will look especially natural and gentle.

Making a wire wreath

Method number 2

An original and easy way to create bright accessory from improvised materials. We will need:

  • ordinary plastic bottle; Make such a wreath under the power of each

    From plastic bottle a base (hoop) of a symmetrical shape is cut out, neatly sheathed with a green cloth. An elastic band around the circumference of the head is sewn to two sides of the base. On front side the basics are glued in random order, flowers, you can add beads, beads. The result is a sophisticated and distinctive accessory.

    Ukrainian wreath based on gum


    Making a wreath

    Today, many, putting on a popular and unusually bright accessory, do not even think that this is not just an ornament, but a real amulet. Making a wreath of flowers on the head, you can not only emphasize tenderness, femininity and elegance. A wreath is a symbol of love, a tribute to traditions and a valuable heritage of the Slavic people.

Weaving a wreath forest herbs

Btemirova Zarina Muharbekovna, teacher additional education Psychological Center for Diagnostics and Counseling "Trust"
Application: master class is designed for children preschool age, teachers and parents.
A wreath of summer herbs can be an element of a folklore costume, and can also become an original gift.
Target: Learn to create a composition of summer herbs.
- introduce children to history summer holiday Lita;
- show the technique of weaving a wreath;
- to develop the artistic and creative abilities of children.

Lita holiday is coming soon - June 20-21. This is the time of balance, the longest day and the most short night. Lita is the annual peak of the sun's strength. WITH summer solstice, the day begins to gradually decrease.
Those who celebrated Lita decorated themselves and their homes with branches, garlands and wreaths of flowers. People came out to sing, dance and dance, and also participated in ritual ceremonies. The lovers, holding hands, jumped over the fire three times so that their marriage would be happy, rich and have many children. Ancient Rus wove wreaths, jumped over bonfires and collected medicinal herbs.
Our today's master class on weaving a wreath of summer herbs. You can collect them with your child in the nearest forest park, in the country, and even on the way home.

For work, we need the following tools, they can be easily found at home, these are:
- Pliers;
- Scissors;
- Threads;
- Copper wire;
- Food film (instead of teip-tape);
- Tape measure;
- Soutache tape golden color For decoration.

First, let's prepare the frame of our copper wire wreath.
We measure the diameter of the head and measure the length of wire we need.

We fold the ends of the wire as follows

... and fasten our "lock"

Next, we cut strips from the food tape (replace the teip tape)

Then we proceed to the division of our herbs into inflorescences.

The next step is to attach our inflorescences to the wire frame, alternating different kinds herbs.

We fasten the herbs together with our tape from food film winding the wire.

We begin to attach the herbs from the ends of the wreath, and lead them to the middle.

We take a golden soutache ribbon and decorate our wreath. Starting from the ends.

It turned out such a wreath.

Forest Fairy

Thank you for your attention and stay healthy!

How to weave a wreath should know any girl, girl, woman. This an exciting activity originates in the mists of time, and weaving technology is passed down from generation to generation from mother to daughters.

Wreath: history, traditions

Choosing colors and preparing for weaving

The choice of flowers for a wreath depends on your taste, the availability of flowers, the desire to make a wreath to match the color of the outfit, as well as the choice of weaving method. The very first floral decorations upon the onset summer season become wreaths woven from dandelion flowers. For weaving, flowers are preferred, in which the stem is long and flexible, while also being strong. It is very convenient to use chamomile, cornflowers, clover and other wild flowers for these purposes. Beautifully look white wreaths, consisting of inflorescences of porridge. In addition to flowers for a wreath, you can use various herbs, tree leaves and even rowan fruits. The more and more varied you get a bouquet of flowers and herbs, the more magnificent and beautiful your decoration will come out. Keep in mind that the wreath will fade a little after weaving, respectively, it will slightly decrease in size, so do not be afraid to overdo it with the number of flowers. Wreaths with flowers of contrasting shades look very elegant.

In preparation for work, lay out the picked flowers in the order in which you would like to see them on the wreath. This will simplify the process of choosing colors in the process of creating jewelry.

Weaving techniques

There are several techniques for weaving flower wreaths.

1. Weaving a wreath of flowers with long stems. In order to weave a wreath in this way, you need to take suitable flowers, which will have long stems. First, take a few of the longest and largest flowers and put them together in long bun- so we get the basis for the wreath. Next, we add new flowers to the resulting bunch, wrapping the prepared base around them with stems so that each new flower fixed the stem of the previous flower. All flowers are woven close to each other, thereby covering the base of the wreath and the protruding tips of already woven flowers. These tips should be tucked into existing weaves with inside wreath, so that they do not spoil the appearance of the decoration.

The length of the weave is measured while trying on the wreath on the head. If the dimensions suit you, then you need to finish weaving and connect the sides into a single circle. To do this, you can use a strong thread, which will match the color of the base of the wreath in color. You can also use a suitable strong grass, tying it into a knot. Or fix the weaving with a bast (a thin strip torn from the bark of a tree).

2. Weaving a wreath using the "pigtail" method. This is an easier way to weave wreaths. It only requires braiding skills. Put three flowers together or divide a small bunch of flowers into three identical parts and start weaving a pigtail out of them. After one or two curls, put a new flower in the braid. Continue weaving by putting the flowers closer together. If you want to weave a wreath of flowers that have a thick, fleshy or hard stem (for example, water lilies or water lilies), this weaving option is the most suitable. For a wreath of such flowers, you need to weave a braid of grass into which the necessary flowers will be invested.

3. Weaving a wreath with a finished base. To start working in this weaving technique, you need to prepare a base - a hoop, on which, subsequently, prepared flowers will be wound. Such a base can be twisted from one or more flowers, fastening them into a ring with a strong thread, grass or bast, and you can also use bright ribbons for this purpose, which will later decorate the finished wreath. The size of the base is determined by the size of the head. Flowers are woven onto a hoop, with each subsequent flower holding the previous one.

4. Weaving a wreath with a base in the form of a wire. Often this method of weaving is used by florists.

Hats can also be made from grass and leaves, which will be a good protection from the sun's rays in the midday heat, and can also be a great addition to a carnival costume.

1. You can make a hat from tree leaves. It is better to use leaves that do not fade for a long time, for example, birch or poplar leaves. Using grass, weave the leaves into a long chain, which then needs to be fixed into a ring equal to the size of the head. Next, using the same grass, you need to lay our green chain in the form of a spiral, reducing the diameter of the circle so that you get a hat.

2. Also, a hat can be made from big leaves burdock (burdock). To do this, the stems of several large burdock leaves are fastened together with a string or blade of grass. From the grass you need to weave a wreath according to the size of the head. We tie burdock leaves to this wreath, fixing them with long blades of grass. In order for the sheet not to tear, holes in it (for threading a blade of grass) must be made on both sides of the central vein. Thus, a hat is obtained that will hold firmly on the head.

Unfortunately, the life of a wreath of flowers and herbs is short-lived, and it quickly fades. Periodic humidification from a spray bottle and a cool room will be able to extend it for a short time. But having done beautiful pictures, you can gift this work of art long life in your memories.