Do-it-yourself figures from shavings. Crafts from wood shavings “Shavings in creating compositions. Adding binder and dye

Wood chip crafts are wonderful crafts that anyone can make. Wood shavings are waste material left after wood processing. This is an inexpensive material that you can buy at a gardening store. Let's talk about how to make crafts from wood shavings for the garden and cottage.

You will need:

  • wood chips
  • flowers
  • log
  • cone
  • paper

How to do

Shavings in creating a flower arrangement

It looks great poured wood shavings in those areas where grass cannot be planted. In this case, it will prevent the evaporation of moisture, delay the development of weeds. To do this, shavings can be poured around trees and bushes. If you plant flowers and sprinkle some wood shavings around them, you will get a wonderful composition. To complete the decorative effect, place a log near the flowers.

Shavings in creating a decorative composition

Use shavings to create various decorative garden compositions. In our case, a craft was made from a cone, succulents were planted, and wood shavings were poured around. Natural wood shavings will not only serve as a decorative material for you, but also make plants grow more intensively and add additional nutrients to the soil.


A lot can be done from sawdust, for example:

  1. Fuel pellets and briquettes about which you can read.
  2. sawdust concrete, which we were talking about.
  3. not bad insulation floors and walls of the house.
  4. Arbolit- a modern building material with low heat loss and a low price, which we talked about here.

Also sawdust - very good material for various crafts, from them you can do:

  • unusual paper that will look very similar to birch bark;
  • voluminous or hollow figures (similar to papier-mâché);
  • strong and beautiful packaging for gifts;
  • beautiful and unique paintings.

With enough:

  • accuracy;
  • perseverance

you can make from sawdust even miniature furniture for dolls, which looks very similar to the real thing.

In this article, we will talk about how to make various crafts from sawdust that you will not be ashamed to give for a holiday or birthday.

The artistic use of sawdust can be divided into five parts:

  • paper making;
  • the formation of three-dimensional figures from sawdust;
  • assembly of compositions from several elements;
  • painting and varnishing.

paper making

Sawdust paper is a very interesting material from which you can make various decorations.


  • thickness;
  • rigidity

such paper is comparable to cardboard, the unusual texture makes it very attractive to create:

  • applications;
  • various decorations.

At the same time, it is possible to both increase and decrease the stiffness of the paper using one or another technology.

Besides, paper pulp is very plastic, so it can be poured into various forms, making three-dimensional figures.

Properties of such paper

Paper quality from sawdust depend on:

  • sawdust size;
  • method of their grinding in dry form;
  • method of grinding in boiled form;
  • glue used.

In most cases sawdust paper to the touch enough:

  • hard;
  • rough;
  • with a clearly defined structure, in which small sawdust is visible.

You can roll it into a roll only with a fairly large diameter - at best 5 cm. Almost impossible to double because the paper is torn or broken.

It can be cut:

  • scissors (albeit with great effort);
  • knife.

She has high adhesion to any adhesives thanks to:

  • uneven surface;
  • ability to absorb water.

Such paper can be dyed both during manufacture and before or after gluing into place.

Very popular wallpaper made of such paper, they differ:

  • beautiful and stylish appearance;
  • ease of application;
  • the fact that they do not prevent the walls from breathing, that is, to bring excess moisture in the room outside.

Read more about the use of such wallpaper in this article (Wallpaper from sawdust).

Minimum paper thickness depends on the size of sawdust after re-grinding. The smaller the shredded sawdust, the thinner the paper will be.

Depending on the glue used:

  • rigidity;
  • strength.

Starch makes paper:

  • hard;
  • fragile

and, for example, PVA glue makes it tough, but much more durable.

However, PVA glue, like any other synthetic-based adhesives, reduces the ability of paper:

  • pass moisture through;
  • soak up water

so this paper can be:

  • stick;
  • paint

only compatible with PVA liquids.

As an adhesive Very effective lignin, but for its release, a carpet of welded and crushed sawdust must be compressed under pressure of tens of atmospheres (kg / cm2).

If there is a powerful press with suitable working surfaces, then you can create high quality paper without any glue.

Such paper differs from factory only:

  • unusual colors;
  • greater thickness;
  • rough texture,

however, it will be quite possible to roll it into a tube or fold it in half.

How to make it at home

The main stages are not much different from those used in industrial production paper.

Here sequencing:

  1. Sawdust selection.
  2. Cooking in soda solution and grinding.
  3. Adding a binder (only for paper that will not be pressed) or dye (if it is necessary that even a cut or tear in the paper be colored).
  4. Carpet making and drying or pressing.

Material selection

Before making paper it is important to choose the right sawdust.

Softwood impregnated with a large amount of resins, so the paper from it will be:

  • more durable;
  • less susceptible to water

That's why it is more difficult to paint and glue water-soluble paints and adhesives.

In addition, it passes water vapor somewhat worse.

Hardwood contains little resin, so the paper from it is less durable, but it absorbs water well. Because of this, hardwood higher adhesion to water.

The most water-receptive paper is obtained from poplar, but its strength is very low due to the low strength of the wood itself.

In addition, to create paper you can use sawdust only from the trunk or thick branches, after all:

  • bark;
  • cambium

do not have the required properties.

So for making paper not suitable sawdust from logging or sawmills where unrooted logs are sawn. Also, sawdust obtained from dried branches, which are cut during the sanitation of trees, will not work.

It is best to take sawdust to make paper in woodworking shops (DOTS), because there they are usually sorted by breed wood.

It is equally important to choose sawdust in size. The larger they are, the rougher and tougher the paper will be.

Optimum sawdust length 1–2 mm if they are larger or instead of sawdust you could only get chips, then after cooking you will have to grind it with a blender. Shredding will also be required for fine sawdust if you want to make the paper softer.

Cooking in soda solution and grinding

To prepare the sawdust for turning into paper, they must be boil for 20–30 hours in a soda solution(1-2 teaspoons per 1 liter of water). The water level should be 3-5 cm above the sawdust level.

Every 2–4 hours, the slightly boiling mass must be stirred and ensured that the sawdust does not swell much and climb over the edge.

During cooking, the process of hydrolysis occurs and the wood fibers lose their rigidity.

Boil sawdust only outdoors or indoors with good ventilation.

Instead of soda, you can use a weak solution of sulfuric acid, but for this you need a special container, because the boiling acid solution will corrode the enamel of the pan and can even damage the aluminum container.

In addition, to work with an acid solution special equipment required, at least:

  • closed overalls;
  • protective glasses;
  • respirator;
  • latex gloves.

That's why easier to cook in a soda solution, especially since they act on wood in the same way:

  • fill the wood capillaries with liquid;
  • soften their walls.

After the end of sawdust become soft, like soaked paper, so they can be:

  • grind with a household blender;
  • crush with a pestle in a mortar,

before rinsing in hot water.

Remember, the larger the boiled sawdust, the stiffer the paper will be. Therefore, paper that does not have to be bent can be made without shredding sawdust.

Adding binder and dye

As a binder, you can use:

  • acrylic glue;
  • casein or bone glue;
  • any wood glue;
  • flour;
  • starch;
  • any water-soluble varnishes.

A binder is necessary if you will be making paper without pressing. If you have a suitable press, then during squeezing, wood fibers will release lignin, which firmly glues them together. Any paint can be used water-soluble colors or dyes.

After washing the sawdust after cooking, fill it with water so that it covers the welded mass and add glue and dyes diluted in water there.

The amount of glue and dyes you need will have to be determined individually., so get ready for the fact that you will not get the paper of the desired quality right away.

Write down the proportions of glue and dyes, as well as the result obtained, and experiment by changing the amount and composition of these reagents.

After adding glue and dye thoroughly mix the entire contents of the container until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Carpet making and drying or pressing

To create a carpet, you will need two frames of the same size with gauze stretched over them. Interior the size of the frames will match the size of the sheet of paper.

Frames can be made from:

  • wooden slats;
  • thick steel wire.

To create a carpet, place a frame over a water drain and pour a thoroughly mixed solution consisting of:

  • boiled sawdust;
  • water;
  • additional reagents.

Water with reagents will drain through the gauze, and the sawdust mass will remain on the frame.

Repeatedly carefully shift the carpet from one frame to another, to do this, put an empty frame on a frame with a carpet and turn them 180 degrees. The top frame will become the bottom frame and the water will drain from both surfaces of the carpet.

When most of the water is gone, lay out the carpet on a sheet of even foil and place it on well lit and ventilated place to dry.

If you used glue, the paper will harden and become stiffer during drying. If you make paper without glue, then after drying it for a day, it is already possible to compress it with a press.

DIY Equipment

No special equipment other than a press is required for paper production.

It is possible to get by with is in every kitchen:

  • electric, gas or wood stove;
  • aluminum or enamel pan with a lid;
  • kitchen blender;
  • ladle.

When choosing a press, keep in mind that in order to isolate lignin the pressure on the wood must exceed 20 kg/cm2 over the entire surface of the sheet. That is, for an A4 sheet, the pressure of the press should be almost 13 tons.

It is very difficult to make such a press yourself, however, we have prepared links to several forums where they discuss independent production of presses of appropriate power:

When using the press, remember that it creates pressure in only a small area, so you will either have to press the paper in small pieces, or use thick steel plates (4 cm or more thick) as a matrix and punch.

How to cut and bend it correctly

Due to the high rigidity, cutting paper from sawdust with scissors is not very convenient.

In addition, it is difficult to make an even cut with scissors, so it is better to use a sharp shoe knife.

If you are going to cut paper, check the sharpness of the knife - run the blade along your arm, as if shaving your hair.

A sharp knife easily cuts hairs, but if it only wrinkles them, then blade needs to be sharpened. Periodically correct the blade with a piece of leather rubbed with GOI paste.

Use a ruler and pencil to mark the cut lines, then place the paper on a wooden or plastic board that is slightly larger than the sheet. With one hand, hold the sheet, and with the other, run the knife along the cut line, ensuring the angle between the blade and the paper is 10-15 degrees.

Don't try to cut the paper in one go, so you can wrinkle or tear the sheet. Usually 2-4 passes of the knife along the cut line are enough to completely cut through the paper. Use the same method for curly cutting paper.

If you want to fold the paper with a sharp fold line, then you can do it with either pressed paper or wet paper. After the press, the paper becomes flexible and is comparable in its characteristics to the album cover, so there are no difficulties with any bending.

To bend paper with glue, you need to make a shape from:

  • tree;
  • plastic;
  • any other material that the selected adhesive does not adhere to.

If you want to make a box out of it, then you will need not only an internal, but also an external form, and it is desirable to make the latter composite.

To prevent glue from sticking to the mold, spray it with silicone spray. When the spray dries, fill the outer mold with the dehydrated mass and insert the inner mold into it. The inner mold will extrude most of the material, which will fill all the free space between both shapes.

In this way, it is possible to produce not only boxes, but also various hollow figures or images.

What can be made of it

Sawdust paper can be used for various crafts. For example, you can make beautiful applications from it. Moreover, paper can be used as a basis ( uncut paper looks like an ancient birch bark scroll), and as a decorative element.

You can make a “birch-bark letter” out of it as a birthday present by writing a congratulation on it and sticking some decorations on it. You can also make pictures from it, and it is best to use paper as a base, because it perfectly replaces the canvas.

Any paints fit well on such a basis, so the artist will be able to paint not only with oil or watercolor, but also with various modern synthetic-based paints.

Due to its high rigidity, beautiful and stylish gift wrappings are obtained from such paper. Rectangular packaging is somewhat more difficult to make than round.(tubes) due to too high rigidity. Therefore, it is necessary to come up with various technical solutions for bending paper at a right angle.

Various volumetric figures (papier-mâché) can be made from paper pulp, but only mass with glue is suitable for this.

For this the solution is first dehydrated using frames, then placed in a form processed:

  • silicone spray;
  • vegetable oil;
  • some animal fat.

You can use silicone molds, they do not require wetting.

Forming figures from paper pulp and sawdust

For the manufacture of any figures, only paper pulp with a binder, that is, glue, is suitable, because lignin is released only at high pressure, and the manufacture or pouring of papier-mâché takes place without the use of a press.

In order to choose the right binder, you need to think in advance about the further use of crafts.

If you put it on the shelf, then any type of glue that is used to create paper will do. If you are going to glue the finished papier-mâché to other parts to create a composition, then as a binder use only acrylic glue or PVA.

This is due to the fact that frozen:

  • polyvinyl acetate;
  • latex

have high adhesion to most modern synthetic adhesives, so you can stick the finished craft to any surface.

More details about how to choose glue taking into account the binder of the paper pulp and the type of surface to which paper or crafts need to be glued, read the article (Liquid sawdust wallpaper).

Volumetric crafts can also be made from sawdust, using both the binders described above for paper pulp, and:

  • liquid glass;
  • epoxy resin;
  • a solution of rosin in alcohol.

Sawdust is associated with a binder in various proportions, depending on the required qualities of the mass. For filling in molds the mass needs to be made more liquid, moreover, the smaller the individual elements of the pattern, the more liquid the mass should be.

In addition, it is advisable to use a solution of rosin in alcohol only for crafts of small thickness. This is due to the fact that alcohol first evaporates from the upper layers, therefore, the thicker the craft, the longer it takes to dry. Any shock of form or content during this period may lead to pattern failure..

Selecting a shape to fill

For pouring figures from paper pulp or sawdust mixed with glue (binder) suitable forms designed to work with:

  • gypsum;
  • epoxy resin;
  • acrylic resin.

These molds are made from:

  • silicone;
  • polyurethane;
  • various plastics.

Such forms can be bought in most:

  • hardware stores;
  • hypermarkets.

The cost of forms starts from 100 rubles and depends on:

  • the material from which it is made;
  • size.

They can also order on these sites, How:

Independent production of forms

You can also make your own molds from:

  • gypsum;
  • plasticine;
  • wax;
  • paraffin.

The form can be made by cutting out the excess from the material, or by pressing it in, and after solidification, objects of the desired shape can be pulled out of it.

First way good for:

  • plasticine;
  • wax;
  • paraffin,

and the second for plaster.

Both Methods allow the production of quite complex shapes, however, the form of plaster, if something goes wrong, you can no longer fix it.

And forms from:

  • plasticine;
  • wax;
  • paraffin

cannot be used for mass production.

If you have some kind of figurine and you want to make it from sawdust or paper pulp exact copy, then you will need:

  • a wooden box, the size of which is 1-2 cm larger than the size of the figurine;
  • liquid silicone.

Seal all the joints of the box with silicone, and when it dries, put the figurine on the bottom and fill it with silicone. When the silicone is dry, carefully cut it on one side to a third or half of its height and pull the figurine out of it.

Before pouring, insert the mold into a wooden box - it will prevent the incision from bursting and you can get an exact copy of the original figurine.

If you want to make a figurine with protruding elements, for example, a knight with a sword and shield, we recommend that you fill in the common part separately and all the protruding elements separately.

After pouring, it is enough to glue them together to get the finished figure.

This is due to the fact that filling is too thick, so there is a high probability of defects in protruding parts. If you make it more liquid, then the texture of the finished figure will be disturbed.

If it is impossible to make a composition of several elements, then it is necessary to use a silicone mold and lightly crush it with your fingers(5–8 mm) in the area of ​​protruding parts. This will more evenly distribute the mixture in the form and improve its appearance after hardening.

  • a lot of useful information;
  • reports on the results of the use of certain materials;
  • various tips from those who have already got their hands on creating fill shapes.

Preparing molds for pouring

Having chosen the form, knead a small amount of the mass with the selected binder, put a little of the finished mass on the back of the form. This must be done in order to determine if the selected adhesive is compatible with the mold material.

If, after solidification, the mass is easily separated from the mold, then it is compatible. If you have to tear it off with effort, or even rub it with a solvent, then it is incompatible.

If the selected adhesive is incompatible with the mold, but neither the mold nor the adhesive can be replaced, buy a silicone lubricant in the form of a spray in the store.

Spray the inner surface of the mold with a thin even layer and after the spray has completely dried, pour the finished mass into the mold. Silicone is neutral to any adhesives, which are used as a binder both in the manufacture of paper and when working with sawdust.

Mass preparation

To prepare a mass of sawdust you need:

  • mixing container;
  • mixer, spatula or stirring stick;
  • clean sawdust;
  • glue;
  • water;
  • tea strainer;
  • clean towel;
  • household hair dryer;
  • oven and baking sheet.

If the sawdust has been collected and stored in a clean place, then it is not necessary to wash it. If there is a lot of dust and dirt in them, then fill the sawdust with water so that they covered the level of sawdust by 3–5 cm and stir the sawdust vigorously.

After 10 minutes all the dirt will settle to the bottom of the tank and sawdust will float on the surface. Collect them with a strainer and, draining the water as much as possible, spread them on a towel.

After half an hour, the sawdust will dry out a little, after which:

  • turn on the oven in the minimum heat mode;
  • pour the sawdust onto a baking sheet, trying to make a minimum layer;
  • put the tray in the oven.

Keep the oven door slightly ajar to let the water vapor out. If you have a gas oven, then place the baking sheet in the highest place where the minimum heat is provided.

Let the sawdust dry for 10-20 minutes, take out the pan every 5 minutes and stir the sawdust so that it release moisture more evenly. If there is no oven, then dry the sawdust with a hair dryer, but such drying will take 40–50 minutes.

Pour the dried sawdust into a mixing container and fill it with the selected binder, then mix intensively until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then immediately fill in the mass form.

If the shape is complex, then after laying the first layer of the mass, compact it with a thin wooden stick, trying to fill all the cavities as much as possible. Squeeze the bottom of the silicone mold lightly from time to time to improve the filling of cavities. If the mold is made of plastic or polyurethane, then lightly hit it on the table.

After laying the first layer, immediately apply the second and compact in the same way. Layer-by-layer fill the form to the very top, constantly compacting the mass. When the form is completed the mass should protrude slightly above it.

After that, take a metal or plastic ruler and cut off the mass according to the level of the form. This completes the filling. after complete hardening of the binder pull the finished craft out of the mold.

Processing of finished castings

Despite the fact that the finished casting, taken out of the mold, can already be installed somewhere as a figurine, it it is desirable to finalize.

For this, carefully inspect the figurine, looking for any defects in the casting. If the figurine is made in a form with a cut, then often a thin outgrowth remains on the figurine along the cut line, formed by the material squeezed into the cut. Such an outgrowth must be carefully cut with a knife.

After 5-7 days, when the glue reaches its maximum strength, you will need to clean the cut with sandpaper No. 150, then polish with sandpaper No. 220.

If you used liquid glass as a binder, then the build-up must be removed with a needle file, and then also cleaned with sandpaper.

Having found a sink or recess in the flooded area, knead the same mass that went to the casting and fill the defect with it. After 5-7 days, clean the area first with a velvet file, then with sandpaper No. 100, then 150 and 220.

After that prepare the product for varnishing, for this you need it:

  • wash with soap;
  • rinse with warm water.

If you used as a binder:

  • starch;
  • flour;
  • other similar components

then this operation is not needed.

When the figurine is completely dry, paint it if necessary. Use the paints compatible with selected adhesive. For most binders, these are acrylic and nitrocellulose paints.

For crafts made from starch or flour, you can use thick watercolor paints. For crafts based on PVA or water-soluble latex, use only acrylic paints.

After the paints have dried, cover the figurine with the same type of varnish as the paint. Do not apply nitrocellulose varnish to acrylic paint and vice versa, this may cause paint to bleed.

How to stick crafts to different types of surfaces

Main problem, which occurs when trying to glue some volumetric object to the base, is that this object is not always possible:

  • press with due force;
  • press for the required time.

Therefore, most often for gluing crafts to the base use the hot method or double application of glue.

However hot glue gives the best result, because it fills the irregularities of the glued part, due to which the contact area increases, and also cools down quickly.

That's why use a heat gun where possible. This is especially important if you have to glue a rounded surface that cannot be pressed to the base over a large area.

If possible, then grind the surface a little with a file, which will be glued - the file will increase the area, and hence the contact strength, as well as clean the surface from:

  • mud;
  • fats.

Most papier-mâché recipes from sawdust involve the use of PVA or acrylic glue as binders.

Therefore, acetone or nitrate based adhesives can damage them.

The solvent of such adhesives effectively dissolves latex, therefore if used incorrectly, the surface of the part will soften and you will not be able to glue it well.

Connect individual parts in the same way, if necessary:

  • create a complex composition of several elements;
  • make a compound object.

How to stick if there is starch in the composition

Some papier-mâché technologies involve the use as an astringent:

  • starch;
  • flour.

If the composition of the mass includes PVA or acrylic glue then stick as described above.

If only flour or starch was used as a binder, then it is necessary to coat the surface of papier-mâché at the place of gluing with PVA glue and allow to dry for a day. Then smear the PVA base and the surface of the part to be glued and dry for 10-15 hours, then glue it “hot”.

PVA will impregnate the outer layer of the craft and additionally bind it. Acrylic glue can also perform the same function, but it requires a higher temperature, and this may damage the substrate or the bonded part..

After the first layer of adhesive has completely dried, the second layer will securely bind both adhesive surfaces.

For more information about the compatibility of adhesives and the choice of adhesive according to the base material, see the article (liquid wallpaper from sawdust).

How to make a box

Often there is a need make unique gift wrapping and the same mass of sawdust will help with this. But first you need to buy or make your own shape and matrix of the upper and lower parts of the future packaging. At the same time, the box is made of six, and sometimes seven or eight parts.

First you need draw a drawing of the box in natural size, then a drawing of each individual part (also in actual size).

If you want to decorate its surface with carvings, then draw a carving on each of the drawings.

If you want to make a jewelry box figured cover, then it will need to be assembled from two parts:

  • the bottom, on which the tightness of closing the box will depend;
  • upper, decorated with drawings.

Remember, even 1 mm error can ruin the whole structure..

  • make each of the details of the box from wood, accurately observing all dimensions, including the thickness of the walls;
  • collect all the details of the future box without glue to make sure that you did not make a mistake anywhere;
  • if you want to cover the box with patterns, then cut them out on the surface of the wooden parts, then they will be indented when finished, or on the bottom of the matrix, then they will be protruding;
  • prepare small containers for pouring molds;
  • select the material for pouring, remember that you can only cut patterns in plasticine;
  • fill the containers with the selected material (if you use plasticine, then heat it in a water bath);
  • spray the parts from all sides with silicone spray and after it dries, immerse the parts in containers (if you are preparing a mold from silicone, then this operation is not needed);
  • arrange the parts so that their top is flush with the material;
  • when the material is completely dry, pull out the wooden parts.

Pour the prepared mass into the prepared forms (both sawdust mass and paper mass are equally well suited) and leave until the glue is completely cured.

After the glue has completely hardened, remove the finished fragments from the molds and inspect them for defects. If there are any defects, consider whether they can be eliminated? If it is impossible to eliminate without deteriorating the appearance of the part, then check the form, you may have made a mistake in its manufacture.

If everything is in order with the form, then pour a new mass into it, slightly increasing the amount of glue to make it more fluid.

Making sure all the details are in order, assemble them without glue to check if they match each other. If everything is in order, then collect with glue.

  • Super glue;
  • hot glue,

the latter being preferable because it is easier to remove the excess that protrudes between the parts.

First, assemble the lower part, consisting of the bottom and walls. Then put the lid on the finished box and draw the outline of the box with a pencil. This is necessary in order to determine the position of the lower part of the cover. If you glue it even slightly moving to the side, then the cover will be shifted.

After gluing the bottom of the lid, paint all the details (if required) and varnish. When the varnish dries, you can put a gift in it and give it to the birthday man.

Homemade sawdust box make a much better impression than any package that you can buy in the store.


Such paintings from sawdust can be painted on:

  • canvas;
  • plywood;
  • other materials

however the most impressive look pictures on glass.

To create a picture you will need:

  • clear glass;
  • sawdust from different types of wood (each species separately);
  • sawdust from bark and bast of different breeds (all separately);
  • brushes of different sizes;
  • liquid colorless glue on a nitrocellulose basis (for example, dismakol);
  • acetone or alcohol for degreasing;
  • nitrocellulose-based varnish, preferably in the form of a spray;
  • White paper;
  • colour pencils;
  • new plaster trowel.

Draw a future picture on paper life size but mirror image, trying to match the colors as accurately as possible, corresponding to the colors of different sawdust.

Put this drawing on a flat table, and put glass on top. Degrease the glass surface by wiping it with a clean cloth dampened with alcohol or acetone.

When the glass is dry, begin to draw areas of the same color with glue. At one time, sketch the entire area of ​​the same color.

As soon as the glue is applied, immediately sprinkle the area with sawdust of the chosen color. The sawdust should cover the adhesive with a layer 1.5–2 mm thick, and also cover the boundaries of the adhesive by 5–7 mm.

Press the sawdust on top of the grater, never turning it to the side, and immediately raise the grater. If the area is larger than the grater, then press the grater several times, moving her only when she's torn from the sawdust. This is necessary so that the sawdust sticks to the glue as much as possible.

When finished with one area, wait 5-10 minutes for the glue to dry, then blow the surface of the glass with a vacuum cleaner. Excess sawdust will blow away, leaving only those that are stuck to the glass. Then glue other areas with sawdust in the same way.

Once you've finished painting and blown away any excess, cover the sawdust with varnish to hold it together. If sawdust does not occupy the entire surface of the glass, then it will be necessary to varnish not only them, but also clean glass. After the varnish has dried, the picture can be inserted into a frame or door.

If you want to draw a picture on:

  • plywood;
  • other opaque wood material,

it is better to use colored sawdust.

To prepare them, mix any sawdust with a water-soluble color and add PVA glue there. For one glass of sawdust, add 3-5 tablespoons of glue. You can first mix the sawdust and glue, then divide it into several parts (according to the number of colors in the picture) and mix each part with your own color scheme.

To apply the pattern, clean the surface of the base with coarse sandpaper, then:

  • blow off the dust;
  • draw the outlines of the drawing with a pencil;
  • apply a thin (it must be transparent so that you can see the pattern) layer of PVA glue on the base.

Apply colored sawdust with a spatula and spread over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site. Trim the edges of the sections with clay or plasticine sculpting stacks. When the whole picture is covered with paint, put it on a flat surface and leave for a day.

After a day, check if individual pieces fall off. If any piece has fallen off, glue it with a hairspray to fix the hair. Another day later cover the finished painting with acrylic colorless varnish. After it dries, you can hang it on the wall or give it to someone.

What else can be done

We offer you a few more ideas that will allow you to make sawdust not only beautiful, but also useful things in everyday life:

  1. Decorative curtain or curtain.
  2. Gift card on a piece of birch bark or parchment.
  3. Gift napkin under the plate.
  4. Vase for sweets.

Decorative curtain or curtain

In the late 80s, curtains and curtains made from old postcards, connected together with paper clips, were very popular.

Something similar can be done from sawdust, only instead of paper clips there will be:

  • hooks;
  • holes on finished plates.

They need to be made from dry sawdust using PVA or epoxy glue, because the mass ground and filled with water does not have the necessary strength.

The shape of the plates can be any, most importantly, observe 3 conditions:

  • the hook of one plate should easily fit into the hole of the other;
  • the maximum thickness of the plates is 5 mm (preferably 2-3 mm);
  • at its narrowest point, the height of the hook should not be less than three times the thickness of the plate.

The length of each plate can be 4-10 cm, width 1-3 cm.

To quickly make identical plates, we recommend using:

  • plasticine;
  • metal stamp.

Cut out a stamp from metal of suitable thickness, clean it from burrs. Then count the total number of plates and prepare the same number of plasticine molds. The mold thickness should be 4–5 mm more than the thickness of the plate.

Then prepare and pour it into molds with compositions from:

  • glue;
  • sawdust;
  • various dyes.

After the glue has completely hardened (2-3 days), remove the plates from the plasticine and check their quality.

Perhaps some will need slightly modify with a file and sand with sandpaper.

Having coped with this, fasten loops or hooks above the window or doorway and hang ribbons assembled from multi-colored plates from them.

Correct selection of colors will allow you to create a simple pattern on such a curtain or curtain, for example:

  • mountain;
  • flower;
  • some animal.

Gift card on a piece of birch bark or parchment

To make such a birch bark, you will need sawdust paper based on:

  • acrylic adhesive.

5 days after filling heat the finished paper with a hair dryer, then wind one or both edges around the bottle (incomplete coil) so that the paper acquires a curl characteristic of parchment scrolls. Hold the paper on the bottle for 2-4 minutes and pull out the bottle and put the paper in a cool place.

The next day, you can make the necessary inscriptions on it with acrylic paints, and after they dry, cover the “birch bark” with acrylic varnish. In addition, applications from sawdust, for example, a “wax seal”, can be glued onto such a “bark letter”, which make it even more like the real thing.

Gift napkin under the plate

These wipes are great for families with small children. After all, children during meals often wake up or spill food on the tablecloth, after which it has to be washed for a long time with bleach.

In addition, a napkin will be useful if there are people in the family with impaired coordination of movements who also drop food on the table.

It can be made both flexible and rigid. If you are satisfied with a hard napkin, then use PVA or any acrylic adhesive as a binder, as well as unprocessed sawdust.

When you need to make a flexible and soft napkin, use dried paper pulp without binder. When the mass is completely dry, rub it between your palms to get a powder.

Use as a binder:

  • liquid latex;
  • colorless silicone.

If you decide to use silicone, then we recommend adding a dye to it during the preparation of the paper pulp, because it is very difficult to paint the silicone so that the paint does not peel off after a month.

To make a napkin, you need a special form of plasticine. For this roll out a piece of plasticine so that its shape matches the shape of the napkin, and the size is 1–3 cm larger. From another piece of plasticine, make a side, one of the edges of which should correspond to the shape of the end of the napkin.

Stick the border to the form, make sure that the height of the border above the form:

  • is the same everywhere;
  • corresponds to the thickness of the napkin.

To decorate the napkin with figures, necessary:

  • stick them on the bottom of the mold (they will turn out to be pressed into the napkin, or even through);
  • cut at the bottom of the mold (they will protrude above the surface of the napkin).

The mold can also be made from plywood and lubricated with Vaseline or grease before pouring the material. After that, fill the form with the finished material and carefully remove the excess. Necessary create a smooth surface of the poured material. After polymerization of the binder, remove the finished napkin from the mold.

Latex wipes can be:

  • paint with acrylic paints;
  • cover with acrylic varnish.

It is undesirable to paint silicone napkins, because the paint will peel off quickly.

Vase for sweets

To make such a vase you need:

  • any glass vase without expansion at the bottom;
  • silicone or polyurethane to create a mold;
  • petrolatum;
  • wooden box for pouring the mold;
  • PVA or acrylic glue (binder);
  • dry sawdust or dried and ground sawdust-paper pulp;
  • latex gloves;
  • tassel.

First, make a shape, for this, coat the outside of the vase with petroleum jelly and wipe it with a clean cloth so that everywhere there was a minimum layer of vaseline left. Then pour polyurethane or silicone into the box and place the vase there.

Mold material level must exactly fit the edge of the vase. When the material hardens, carefully remove the vase from it.

Prepare the mixture for pouring and coat the mold with it. It is necessary to form the inner surface of the vase so that it repeated the shape of a glass vase.

After forming the inner surface, dip the brush in the glue that you used as a binder and coat the inner surface to smooth out any bumps.

After 3 days, take the finished vase out of the mold and, if necessary, paint it and cover it with a suitable varnish. If you wish, you can stick applications on such a vase both from sawdust and from other materials, however this must be done before painting and varnishing.

Thematic forums and master classes

We offer you several forums and workshops where discuss various crafts from sawdust,


From sawdust you can make various crafts, with which you can easily surprise your guests.

After reading the article, you learned how to work with them and learned how to do:

  • sawdust paper;
  • voluminous figurines;
  • beautiful boxes;
  • paintings.

In contact with

Good afternoon. Today we start uploading articles on the topic of wood crafts with their own hands. In this first article, I want to show you some simple wood crafts for both kids and adults. Many ideas fit for school work- for boys. Some ideas will work for school competition crafts made from natural materials. Some wooden crafts can become decoration of your cottage or yard. Here you will find a storehouse of inspiration and joy from the anticipation of such an interesting and simple work. In this article I will prove - what to make beautiful wood crafts can anyone. Because here you will find simple and feasible tasks. Even a fragile woman with a manicure can do half of the crafts from this article. So - let's fall in love with wooden art.

Let's start with simple magic.

tree + sun

Crafts that glow with love.

Here are the simplest and cutest country crafts made of wood. For crafts, you need a saw cut of a log (ask when you are sawing firewood with a grinder to make a few thin cuts). Or you can do it without sawing - just take a board of any size.

In a tree, we drill holes of such a thickness that a glass pebble bought in a store enters it. Such sets of multi-colored decorative glass stones are sold - in the gifts department, and in the department where candles, vases and everything for holiday decor.

You can drill such holes with glass just in the board - and hang it on the apple tree. You can drill such holes in the fence - if the sun at least once a day shines into it at a low angle.

That's very beautiful. Magically. Like in the land of fairies. Your kids will love this wood craft.

simple wooden crafts

from saw cut logs.

If you are sawing logs for firewood in your yard, you are in luck. You can get priceless craft material for free. Ask the men to cut flat cuts for you, both from small logs and large ones. Lovingly stack them away from the woodpile and start inventing future wood crafts. For example, let it be wooden owls. It's easy to make and looks beautiful. Saw cuts can be nailed to each other with nails. You can plant them on liquid nails (like glue).

The surface of the saw cuts can be rough, unskinned (as in the photo with the bunny craft). And you can sand it with sandpaper and even varnish such an ornamental material. Or paint in the color you want.

From large saw cuts, you can make large country crafts from wood. And small log cabins (from thinner branches and logs) are suitable for miniature crafts - for example, these birds. You can cut branches of this thickness yourself with a hacksaw - manually, without a chainsaw.

Log saw cuts can become a canvas for art installations. Such wooden crafts-pictures can be made from any natural material. Go to the river and find smooth flat pebbles. They will become a source of interesting crafts. The stones are easily painted with felt-tip pens, office bold markers or just gouache (after work, fix the gouache with hairspray or nail polish).

And here is another way to make beautiful AIR crafts from wooden cuts. Openwork through sawing with an electric jigsaw (photo with a maple leaf craft) looks simply magical.

Here is a small master class, from which you can see how the process of cutting openwork patterns on a thick saw cut of a tree takes place.

First, trace the stencil with a pencil. Then we drill holes in the key nodes of the picture with a drill. And then with a jigsaw we go from one holey node to another.

You can create your own device which will help you cut wood products using a conventional drill. Make an electric jigsaw with your own hands. Holding hands on comfortable handles, you simply move the device - following the lines of your drawing. The thinner the drill, the finer details of the picture you can cut out with it. Well thought out.

Or maybe buy a jigsaw It costs an average of $100. You can find it for 50, but we don’t work on an industrial scale, so it’s not necessary to buy a very powerful expensive tool.

Mosaic Crafts

From saw cuts of thick branches.

If you have a boring barn wall looking right at you in your country yard. That needs to be made boring. Let's make a shed positive with the help of wooden crafts. Let's do mosaic applique from small saw cuts. Such cuts are obtained by sawing thick branches or thin logs with a hacksaw (or chainsaw).

basis for such a wood craft, we cut it out of a sheet of plywood. First, draw on it the silhouette of the future crafts. We cut the plywood base with a manual jigsaw or a special power tool. And we stick wooden roundels on it - on liquid nails, on wood glue or on hot glue from a gun.

And even at home you can make saw cuts decorative wooden mirror frame(master class in the photo below).

  1. Also buy a round mirror. Put it on a sheet of plywood - circle it with a pencil.
  2. Around the resulting circle, retreat a few centimeters (to the width you want for the frame). And with this indent draw a second circle.
  3. Cut out a large circle from plywood. And glue the outer ring with saw cuts of wood. It will turn out a beautiful wooden craft frame - it remains to glue a mirror into the middle on liquid nails.


from wood.

This is probably my favorite kind of wood crafts. Here, the swollen shields lie on top of each other, creating a LAYER VOLUME of crafts.

Here is a cow craft made from three layers of wooden shield. The first layer is the body, the second is the head, the third is the bangs and nose.

You can paint all the layers of your craft the same color (as craft polar bear wood) or in different colors (as a craft mouse on the moon- photo below).

Or you can leave the textured wood pattern (as in the crafts from the photo below).

wood fox It has a two-layer construction - the back layer, and the head and tail are laid on it.

craft duck has 5 layers - the central layer with the head, and two layers on both sides (tummy + wing).

The more layers you will impose on each other, the more voluminous and convex your craft will be. Here is an example with the craft "Lions made of wood" you can see how the muzzle of the beast moves forward, thanks to four layers of thick wooden board.

If you color your crafts. Draw facial expressions, add small details - folds, spots, and more. You can get very realistic and expensive wood crafts. Your little hobby can become your business. Such works can be safely put up for sale.

You can invent your own characters. Draw their layers on a sheet of paper. Enlarge the craft first in a paper template - transfer the contours to a wooden shield and cut it out. Or find pictures in a children's coloring book- and redraw them in an enlarged size.

Wooden craft

For school

At the lesson of labor.

Such Puff wood crafts can be cut NOT FROM THICK SHIELD, but made of thin plywood. And then such work can be carried out in labor classes as part of the school curriculum. On the topic "cutting with a jigsaw on plywood."

Here's an idea for you - how from 3 plywood boards make a two-color puppy craft. The first posterior layer of WHITE PLYWOOD peeks out only with the tips of the ears, tail and one hind leg. We will cover the second layer with a stain (so that it darkens). Eyes, nose and lines can be drawn with a marker, or burned out with a special wood burning device.

In the same technique of shields with different shades of color, you can make a lot of voluminous wood crafts at labor lessons at school or in a circle of wooden creativity.

wood crafts


In a very similar technique, you can make an appliqué out of wood. Here, too, wooden solid wood board(that is, not a glued shield, but a solid board). Because we will grind it, and the glued sanding shield can exfoliate and the glue seams will be visible.

  1. On paper the whole future craft is drawn. Divided by lines into details. Each detail is numbered. And it is photographed (so that later on the photo to check the location of each element).
  2. Next, the drawing is cut along the lines into elements. We trace each element on the board with a pencil. We cut out an element from a flat board. All elements are flat on top, rough on the edges of the cut and with sharp sawing edges.
  3. Now our task smooth all edges of each part, round. We grind the sharp edges of the cuts with a chisel. And we grind it on a grinding machine (if you have one) or do it by hand with sandpaper of varying degrees of hardness-roughness.
  4. After sanding all the details painted in tinted stain(sold in hardware stores). Depending on how many times you wipe the part with a stain, you will get a lighter or darker tone. Very light details can be wiped simply with vegetable oil. You can check in advance shades of color on the scraps of wood left after sawing the crafts.

You can also paint the details of wood crafts in watercolor or gouache(using not a brush, but a foam rubber sponge). After painting, so that the part does not get your hands dirty, you can sprinkle it with hairspray or impregnate the craft with another wood finish (only check what color it will be on the scraps beforehand).

It only seems that the cow (pictured in the woodwork above) is behind the moon. In fact, all the details are in the same plane. On a piece of paper. But thanks to the streamlined edges of the details, everything looks voluminous, soft and, as it were, PUSHED into each other. In fact, nothing is pressed in - everything just lies next to each other.

Ideas for such flat wood crafts can be taken inside children's coloring books. There are just pictures with large details. Children's coloring picture can be found in Google - enlarge and print. Or redraw directly from the monitor screen by placing a sheet of paper on the glowing screen.

Methods for grinding parts

for wood crafts

(instructions to help).

To make it easier to sand smooth edges of parts without rubbing calluses on my hands, I want to give some useful tips.

You can clamp the sanding belt in a special vise, also made of wood. Here's how it's done in the left photo below. Or come up with your own version of the device.

Here on the left photo - sandpaper wraps around a thick plank with a semicircular edge. And the edges of the sandpaper are wrapped in a groove, and clamped with a bolt twisted through a round cylindrical piece of wood-clamp.

There are also grinding nozzles for a drill. And then you can do the shlivovka parts using the rotational power of the drill and the magical power of electricity.

Below we see grinding attachments for drill- cymbal and drum shape.

There are drill grinders where you can change sandpaper - remove the old worn sandpaper and refill with a new one.

By the way, on Aliexpress you can immediately buy in bulk grinding drums for a drill for $ 3-4 for a batch of 100 pieces. If you look you can find it cheaper.

And so that the drill does not spin in your hand during operation, you can create a special FASTENING STRUCTURE, which will fix your homemade sander is in one place, and all you have to do is bring the parts to the sanding drum.

The design of the mounting tray can be different - with a wooden clamp (photo above), or with a lock in the form of a metal bracket (as in the photo below).

With such an assistant, making wood crafts with your own hands is a pleasure. Quickly pleasant and immediately beautiful results. Such work can be put on stream - and a whole production of beautiful wooden (smooth and safe) toys for children, gift wooden paintings can be established.

You can become a successful master. Completely unexpected. It's as simple as looking at this article and falling in love with the idea.

The fantasy of wooden crafts is limitless. Remember the formula for success - everything can be made from wood. The main thing is to start ... then continue ... and finish.

For example, knocker toys. Beautiful fun for children and for decorating the cottage. Such a hammer or woodpecker can knock on your door, reporting guests on the porch. Like in a fairy tale - pull the rope, and the door will be opened for you.

You can make decorations for the children's room with your own hands. In fact, reincarnate and become a designer of interesting interior wood crafts. Any boy will be happy if his children's room sparkles with motives from the Jungle.

You know ... I will probably continue the topic of wooden crafts for the design of a children's room in one of the following articles. I would like to see what ideas are hidden here. And falling in love with someone is a good thing.

And perhaps it is also necessary to create an article with handmade wooden toys for children. You also need to write. And then it will work here link.

And while we continue...


and WASTE material.

Where do future crafts live? …. Old decayed boards. For example, from the grandmother's fence. Which usually go for firewood or are taken out of the yard as excess garbage. Stop. Let's not throw them away. Let's dig through this pile and create something wonderful - with our own hands from wood.

A wooden mop-brush, if cut in half, turns into the mouth of an evil dog. A little imagination and work. And now the service dog bristles and grins at you.

Gorgeous piece of art. Wood and waste material.

Any junk material (pieces of iron, plastic) and old pieces of wood can populate your house with fairy-tale characters. They are alive. They have a soul and their own story.

wood crafts

Imperishable beauty.

Peeled veneer , from old furniture panels that are quietly dampening in your shed - can also become a source for handicrafts made of wood.

Of this thin wood material you can cut out the details of the future crafts directly with scissors and stick them on hot glue from a gun (or on wood glue).

And instead of veneer, you can use thin birch bark. And also make interesting flat wood crafts.

wood crafts

(logs, firewood and bark)

Ordinary firewood from your woodpile can be a source of inspiration for wooden crafts for the country.

If a round log is cut obliquely, then you get a figure with a face turned towards you. It remains only to draw this face, add elements of eyes, ears, nose to it.

You can fold the body of an animal from logs and round blocks. The logs will be the legs and the logs will be the back. The head can be made from a round cut of a small log. Or chop off with an ax muzzle to the desired shape from the same log as the body of your four-legged wood craft.

Show your imagination, do not stop before a difficult task. A squirrel made of wood or a snail made of logs - there is nothing complicated. We turn on the head and a sense of humor - it will tell you the most ridiculous, but effective ways to convey the gentle image of the animal using rough wood and other natural materials.

YOU can work with a chainsaw or an ax - sawing or cutting off the face of your wood craft. Here you can make such cute pigs with your own hands as a fun wood craft for the country house.

And in the bushes you can put a beautiful proud deer - also a simple and quick craft made of wood and branches.

wooden crafts

from chips from a log.

It happens that when you chop wood, curly large chips break off from the log. This chip often has a bizarre shape - already similar to something (a bird, a panther, a face profile). It is necessary to carefully put such a gift of fate aside, in order to return to it later and complete the craft begun by nature. Cut something with a knife, highlight something with paint, glue something as an additional detail. And you get a craft made of wood with your own hands - beautiful and original.

These are the ideas I managed to find for the masters of wooden art.

Now you can also make beautiful wood crafts with your own hands. Moreover, this article is only the first of a cycle on the topic of wooden crafts which are clear and easy to make at home. You have probably already fallen in love with some ideas and are determined to implement them - I keep my fingers crossed for you - let everything work out in the best way. And your whole family bunch will love your wood craft.

For example, from furniture production or a carpentry workshop, an enterprising owner wonders what can be made from sawdust. The answer will depend on how he wants to use them. In the presence of artistic talents, sawdust and shavings can be an excellent material for the realization of creative ideas. And if you have a private house, cottage or livestock farm, then wood waste will be an excellent help in the garden or in the garden, on the farm or in the chicken coop.

Businessmen can be advised to engage in the production of fuel or building briquettes. You will learn useful tips and ideas for private business from the article. In it, we will look at simple examples of what you can do from sawdust with your own hands at home.

Bedding in animal husbandry

Sawdust and small shavings perfectly absorb moisture and biological waste. They are sprinkled on the floor for cows, pigs, horses and other domestic animals. According to farmers, sawdust that is too small is harder to clean, but it absorbs liquids better. And large sawdust and shavings do a poor job, and they need to be laid on the surface in a large layer. Therefore, it is advised to make a mixture.

The best thing you can do with sawdust for quality bedding is to add some fermentation materials to the mixture. They remove an unpleasant smell and even emit heat, which will save fuel for heating in the cold season.

Use for vegetable gardens

Let's look at what can be done from Gardeners have long been using them to mulch trees, sprinkling circles around them. It is also convenient to cover the soil in gardens and greenhouses with sawdust and small chips. They protect it from freezing, help retain moisture after watering. Also, bedding on the ground prevents weeds from germinating, and a dry crust does not form on the soil surface. Thus, soil compaction does not occur, and this is of great importance for the qualitative growth of garden and berry crops.

A layer of sawdust on the site reduces the effect of cold air on the roots, prevents wind and water from washing away beneficial nutrients from the soil layers.

Now you know what can be made from sawdust, but there is one little secret. It is best to use stale shavings for farming, as otherwise they will slowly mineralize and can consume a lot of nutrients from the ground, thereby taking them away from garden plants and acidifying the soil. It is advisable to first let them rot in the compost pit, sometimes turning them over with a shovel. In this case, sawdust can be poured onto the surface of flower beds and even into pots with indoor flowers. They will only fertilize the earth, and the plants will give a greater harvest.

What can be made from sawdust and shavings, the inhabitants of North America came up with. There is a place in Guatemala called Antigua where Easter is celebrated every year with great pomp. On Holy Week, a huge number of believers gather in the village, who come from all over the country to watch the bright processions and interesting performances of ancient events that happened to Jesus Christ.

Right on the streets of the city, anyone can take part in an unusual action, namely, to create a carpet on the road from sawdust painted in different colors. They are carefully sifted, stencils are made, sometimes canvases are laid under the drawing. Some add real flowers and green plant leaves to the carpet patterns.

Prepare for the procession of believers 12 hours before it starts. Subsequently, the entire ceremony moves through the streets, stepping on these works of art. Some people make such carpets in their yard or even in their apartment. Through drawings and ornaments, people convey their religious feelings.

Material for papier-mâché

We are all used to the fact that traditional papier-mâché is made from paper, but if you think about what can be made from sawdust, the answer will be - the same papier-mâché. To create a thick mass, fine material is selected and PVA glue is added to it. After thorough kneading, a dense plastic consistency is obtained, which is perfectly molded.

It can be used to make masks and small sculptures on a solid base. After hardening, such papier-mâché is quite strong, it can be painted with acrylic paints and varnished.

wood paste crafts

You already understood what can be made from PVA glue and sawdust, but you need to know the exact recipes for making wood paste for modeling so that the figures and other crafts are durable and do not crumble after drying.

Let's consider some of them:

  • 2 tbsp. sawdust, 1 tbsp. wheat flour, the same amount of starch, a teaspoon of PVA and 1 glass of cold water. Mix all dry ingredients in a separate bowl. Dissolve the glue in water and gradually pour it into the rest of the ingredients, stirring constantly.
  • 2 cups of small sawdust from a saw, 1 cup of wallpaper paste, mixed in the same amount of water. For complete dissolution, you will have to wait 10 minutes. Then mix everything with sawdust, but not immediately, but adding liquid in parts, while stirring all the time.

After making a dense mass, you can, like from plasticine, sculpt crafts. To dry, cover the work with a cloth and leave in a dry place for a day. Do not expose to the open sun, so as not to get cracks. If the work is voluminous, turn it from side to side several times so that it dries evenly on all sides.

Decoration of dishes

Let's see what else can be made from sawdust. The dishes on which figured patterns are applied look beautiful, as in the photo below. To make such beauty, sawdust takes the smallest, resembling dust. Then you can proceed in different ways. First, create the necessary pattern on glass or clay using PVA glue with a brush, and sprinkle sawdust on top of it. Lightly press the pattern with a napkin or directly with your hand, and pour excess sawdust onto the surface of the table.

You can do it differently. First, mix a couple of tablespoons of PVA with sawdust in a container, achieving the consistency of sour cream, and apply strips to the object of creativity with a brush. Do not forget that all drawings are made only on the front side, if you want to use the dishes in the future.

Summer cottage decoration

Knowing the recipes for the preparation of wood pulp and having several molds, you can make decorative tiles to decorate the walls or floor of the house in the backyard. Such a design technique will be the answer to the question of what can be done with sawdust in the country. After all, you must agree that the same tiles will look beautiful both on the wall and on the floor of the room.

With their help, by the way, you can update the surface of an old table or cabinet, putty mass holes or cracks in the floor and furniture. Using small sawdust with the addition of chips or shavings from different types of wood, you can diversify the appearance of your work.

Briquettes for space heating

In connection with the latest trends in the rise in price of various types of fuel for heating, many are wondering what can be made from wood chips and sawdust. This is a cheap waste material, which will be gladly sold for a penny both in private carpentry workshops and in furniture factories that do not manufacture chipboard.

You can, of course, use ordinary sawdust, pouring them into the boiler. They will also give heat, but the efficiency will be much lower. Therefore, some entrepreneurs are engaged in pressing them into briquettes. If desired, you can make them at home using a homemade press. On an industrial scale, in production, such fuel briquettes are made on granulators. In your household, it is important to choose sawdust of the same consistency, you can add 10% clay, mix it all with water and dry the mass in the sun. Briquettes can be squeezed out through a manual press, or they can be laid out in small molds. In any case, they will give a wonderful thermal effect on cold winter days.

What can be made and sold from sawdust

A beautiful warm and light house is obtained from the so-called wood concrete. Some have not even heard of such material, but arbolite blocks have been used for a long time, several rooms were even built from them at Antarctic stations. The blocks resemble large bricks that are easy to transport and carry. They can quickly be cut to any size with a simple saw. Screws and nails are well screwed into the finished walls, they are warm and breathable, environmentally friendly and strong. Their surface can be plastered, like ordinary bricks.

For the production of wood concrete blocks, chips of coniferous trees, such as pine, spruce or fir, are used. Also good material for blocks is obtained from poplar, birch and aspen chips. You can not take only beech and larch!

First, all wood is disinfected so as not to cause fermentation processes when mixed with water and cement. This may result in voids or swelling of the material. Chemical treatment is carried out using a mixture of calcium chloride with liquid glass and aluminum sulfate. In addition, the chips are additionally treated with an antiseptic to get rid of insects and bacteria.

Only after preliminary preparation, a plasticizer (1% by weight) and Portland cement (up to 15%) are added to the sawdust. Then the resulting mass is molded and dried for at least 2 days at a temperature of 60 °C.

As you can see, the use of sawdust can be found in a variety of ways. This is an excellent material for both creativity and construction and household work.

Masterpieces of needlework can also be created from free materials that we do not pay attention to. For example, you can find such wonderful material as branches everywhere. From them you can make wonderful crafts for the interior. So, I found interesting jewelry made from wood shavings.

Modern interiors are often decorated with natural flowers and artificial trees. And in today's master class, we will tell you how to make artificial flowers from natural wood.

These will be flowers from shavings. True, shavings prepared in a special way. To create such jewelry, we need wooden sticks with a diameter of a regular pencil and a pencil sharpener.

How does this happen

For such needlework, you need to select branches from flexible tree species and the branches themselves should not be too dry, the bark should be slightly damp. The ideal tree for such creations is walnut.

I will not talk about how to stick a stick in a sharpener, I think you can handle it yourself. In the process of turning a stick, the shavings do not always immediately wrap into a flower, so they need to be rolled up. If you do not wrap the chips immediately, then later, in the process, it may break. It is also better to form flowers, as soon as they are removed from the sharpener, so to speak, while they are “fresh”.

If you decide to give color to crafts from branches, then use paints that tend to be absorbed, or rather watercolor or gouache. Keep in mind that gouache will give a brighter and more saturated color, unlike watercolor. Also, for a uniform and uniform color, you can soak the chips in water, which is heavily painted over with dye, you can use food coloring, for fabric, or simply dilute the paint in water. If you decide to paint the chips in this way, then do not leave it in the water for a long time, because then there will be a chance that the chips in the finished needlework will simply start to crumble.

After any kind of painting, the shavings should dry thoroughly and only after that you can start assembling jewelry.

By the way, many of these crafts from branches have not only aesthetic, but also practical applications, for example, in the form of candlesticks, napkin holders or spice stands.

To assemble the finished needlework, you will need a base, which depends on the desired result. If you want to make a wreath for the door, decorative balls or hearts, then you can use twisted newsprint fixed with threads as a base, or use foam bases.