How to make your nose smaller: effective ways. How to visually reduce the nose: all methods of visual correction

Nose exercises allow you to make the nose smaller and thinner, "pick up" wide wings and "cover" too wide nostrils. Not everyone is happy with the shape or length of their nose. But not everyone can afford plastic surgery. It is easier for girls - they can use special make-up technologies that hide all the flaws. And what about men? Medical specialists recommend that the representatives of the stronger sex, as well as women, take advantage of a number of practical tips that help to effectively correct the shape and line of the nose.

How to reduce the nose at home without cosmetics and get a permanent result? The most common aesthetic problem with the nose is wings that are too wide, making the organ rather wide and sloppy. The most effective exercise that you can do at home, at work, sitting in a car in a traffic jam is to press the wings with your fingers for 5 minutes, breathing through your mouth. The more often you do this simple exercise, the faster the positive effect will come. As a result, after a month, the wings will become less protruding.

To make the nose graceful and thin, tea bags should be used. Two used tea bags are applied to the wings and held in this area for 2-3 minutes. It should be performed 3-4 times a day, after cooling the bags in the refrigerator.

With the help of exercises, you can tighten the flabby muscles of the sinuses, due to which the nostrils become and look overly wide. The nostrils need to be inflated as much as possible, while there should be a feeling of strong pressure in the nasolabial triangle, and the skin on the nostrils should rise slightly. With your fingers, you need to press a little on the end of the nostrils so that they do not rise when they are inflated. Freeze in this position for 5 seconds, relax as you exhale.

Breathing exercises relieve inflammation from the mucous membrane that occurs with rhinitis and sinusitis, and tightens the wings of the nose, making it less wide.

Removing excess length

How to make the nose shorter without resorting to rhinoplasty? Before carrying out a series of exercises, you need to wash your face with cool water. The following exercises will help to slightly shorten the length:

  1. It is worth performing while sitting at the table so that the elbows are on the surface. Take the tip with the fingers of one hand and pull it up a little, while trying to touch the chin with the upper lip. Repeat 50-60 times, doing 2-3 sets during the day. This manipulation also helps from.
  2. Retract the abdomen, keep the muscular femoral corset in maximum tension. With two fingers (forefinger and thumb), pinch the bridge of the nose and press. With the other hand, touch the tip of the nose, supporting it from below. The lower lip should reach for the chin. Stay in this position for 5 seconds, relax. Run 10-20 approaches. The more often you do it, the better. If there are other problems with the nose - congestion, impaired blood circulation, breathing is difficult due to rhinitis, this exercise will not only remove the cosmetic defect, but also normalize the functionality of the organ.
  3. If the nose is small and the nostrils are wide, you can perform a simple exercise - open your mouth in a position as if the letter "o" is pronounced. The mouth should be pulled out as much as possible so that the nostrils narrow and the tip goes down.

Nasal Septum Exercises

According to experts, the main problems with the nose, in which breathing is difficult without rhinitis or sinusitis, is a curvature of the septum or weakening of the muscle. Few people are able to live normally with permanently blocked sinuses, but not everyone decides on an operation that could solve this problem quickly and permanently. It is possible to correct the nose with physical exercises, but this will take a little more time:

  1. The tip needs to be pulled down a little, while the nostrils should thicken, and tension will be felt under the sinuses. The mouth is slightly open, the upper lip stretches to the chin. There is no need to open your mouth. In the corners, the skin should not fold into folds. The forehead and eyebrows remain in place. In order for the septal muscle to get stronger, it needs to be strained as often as possible. Stay in this position for 2-3 seconds, after completely relaxing the muscles, perform the exercise again, doing the maximum number of approaches.
  2. The finger (preferably the index finger) is at the tip of the nose. Inhaling air, you need to pull the lower lip to the chin with force, while holding the tip in one position with your finger, preventing it from falling. Tighten the muscles for 5 seconds, then completely relax and continue the exercise.
  3. Ear-nose exercise to correct the crooked septum - the index finger is placed on the wing from the side opposite to the curvature, and is pressed against it with force so that the tip points directly to the nose. Perform the maximum number of times, as often as possible.

The healing properties of gymnastics

Nose reduction exercises can be performed not only to correct cosmetic defects, but also for colds. Nasal muscle training allows you to:

  • prevent the tip from sinking, which occurs due to age-related changes;
  • reduce the nasolabial fold;
  • improve breathing, relieve swelling from the mucous membrane;
  • is the prevention of infectious and viral diseases.

The effect of exercise depends on the regularity of their performance. If charging is carried out once a week, for several minutes, you should not expect any changes. Breathing exercises strengthen blood vessels, restore the natural protection of the mucous membrane of the sinuses from infections and other pathogenic microflora that enters the sinuses along with the air. Strong, trained muscles prevent the nasal wings from protruding, nostrils from flaring and tip dropping.

A simple exercise to strengthen the nasal muscles is used in the rehabilitation period after injuries and surgical operations, especially if they were performed to correct the nasal septum. Performing exercises for persons under the age of 16 is highly discouraged. Facial features at this age are not yet fully formed and can change over time, and such activities can cause significant harm.

How to fix a hump

An ugly hump worries many people. Unfortunately, the hump that occurs on the bone tissue cannot be corrected by various physical exercises. You can fix it only by. However, all is not lost for those people whose hump is formed by cartilage. In this case, there is a chance to correct a cosmetic defect, but it should be emphasized that it will take a lot of time.

The main thing is to carry out charging carefully, without sudden movements. One of the exercises used to align the hump is to squeeze the bridge of the nose with your fingers, while lowering the lower lip to the chin, the tip should also fall. Hold this position for a couple of seconds, release, relax completely and repeat the movement.

However, it is best to contact a beautician who will advise on the non-surgical correction of the hump, and after examination, will issue a verdict on the possibility of correcting the defect with exercises or the need for an operation.

Making your nose look smaller with makeup is easy. You need to learn all the intricacies of this case and stock up on the appropriate cosmetic products.

You can visually reduce the size of the nose if you take into account the following makeup features:

  1. Places on the skin that are covered with a light shade always stand out.
  2. Surface smoothing is carried out due to darker colors.
  3. Emphasizing certain facial features with cosmetics distracts attention from those that you have to hide.

For a natural make up, use powder and matte foundation.

For a make-up that will help visually narrow the nose, you will need several tonal creams of different shades. The main tone should be as close as possible to the natural color of the skin. The base coat should have a dense structure. Light transitions of shades soften facial features and make it more harmonious.

The choice of cosmetics

To visually reduce your nose, a dense foundation without mother-of-pearl in two tones (one unit lighter and darker than your skin) will help you. It can be replaced by powder with a tanning effect or a corrector. Smooth out the color borders and give the make-up durability under the power of matte powder.

Distribute the tonal base on the face using synthetic brushes. A thin one will be required for drawing lines, and a more voluminous one for shading the borders.

Before proceeding with the make-up, which will visually reduce the nose, you need to prepare the skin. If you neglect this advice, the dark cream will not stain well. Cleanse your face with a special tool, wipe with lotion and moisturize with emulsion. After that, cover the skin with a base foundation. If oily sheen appears on some areas, try removing it with a tissue.

In order for the makeup to turn out to be of high quality, it is necessary to smooth the borders of the transitions of shades. Mixing tones to achieve the desired effect should not be.

How to apply different shades of foundation, look at the photo:

The darker color of the tinted cream should cover those parts of the nose that you want to reduce.

You can correct the shape of the nose with makeup, given the following technical tricks:

  1. If its shape is correct, but at the same time it is necessary to visually reduce it, a tone one unit lighter than the main one is completely applied to the surface.
  2. A narrow long nose is visually made shorter and wider by the power of two shades. A light color is distributed in the center, the tip and the area of ​​the nostrils are corrected with a dark one.
  3. You can correct a hooked nose by applying a light color to the area between the eyebrows and the base of the nose.
  4. A nose that is too wide will help narrow the parallel, straight stripes that should be dark. They need to be carried out from the head of the eyebrows to the tip of the nose. The space between them, starting from the bridge of the nose, needs to be lightened.
  5. You can visually reduce a large round nose if you darken its wings and areas on the sides with powder or foundation.
  6. If the nose is curved to the left, the center of this part should be highlighted with a light color, and the middle of the right area should be covered with a dark tone. When curving to the right, the actions should be identical, but in this case, the dark and light colors should be reversed.
  7. A large flat nose can be corrected by lightening the bridge of the nose, and then darkening its side parts.

The scheme for applying decorative products is shown in the photo:

  • You can visually reduce the size of the nose with the help of makeup, creating an emphasis on the rest of the face.
  • Line your eyes with eyeliner and mascara to draw attention to your eyes. Apply a light color foundation on the nose. A bright shade of lipstick will help to highlight the lips, but in this case, the eyes should not be painted intensively.
  • If you highlight the line of the cheekbones with a bronzer, you can remove the emphasis from a large nose
  • The shape of the eyebrows should be given due attention, since it largely depends on whether the facial features will look harmonious. Thick arches emphasize a large nose, thin eyebrow threads visually increase it.
  • The right haircut will help complete the look. Remember that a large nose and voluminous long bangs are an unfortunate combination. Leave the forehead open, so the nose will look visually smaller.

We narrow the wide nose in stages

To make your nose smaller with makeup, you can follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. On the sides of the nose, using a small beveled brush, make two vertical stripes. In this case, use a dark color tonal coating. Start painting from the head of the eyebrow. After that, don't forget to blend the stripes to smooth out the borders and make them less visible.
  2. Cover the center of the nose with a light powder color. The width of the strip should be the same as you want to visually make the nose. A dedicated area will attract attention.
  3. Blend highlights with a powder brush.

This makeup technique will allow you to correct any shape of the nose. You just need to change the places where the lines and highlights are drawn.

If you follow the rules of makeup and apply cosmetics, relying on the photo instructions, you will be able to make your nose look smaller. By placing accents, you can achieve a harmonious visual proportionality of all parts of the face. Cosmetic products will help you visually reduce the size of your nose, you just have to experiment with their shades.

The nose is the most prominent and therefore the most visible part of the face. And since not everyone has it straight and has ideal proportions, every year thousands of women resort to rhinoplasty (plastic surgery) in order to achieve ideal contours and sizes.

But why such sacrifices, when it is quite possible to make a beautiful nose even without surgical intervention? It is enough just to pick up cosmetics and learn how to use them correctly. Agree, makeup for a big nose is a much more preferable solution for both the wallet and health. Yes, and making changes (in case of an unforeseen error) is easier.

Therefore, today let's talk about how to reduce the nose with makeup, and give it the desired shape. For convenience, we will consider each "problem" separately. So…

We correct the form and remove the "defects"

In this part, we will talk about how to mask the hump on the nose with makeup, make it less snub-nosed, etc. As you know, its shape is determined by bone and cartilage tissue, the formation of which begins when a person is still in the womb. And therefore, if there is a fracture or congenital excessive curvature, only doctors can really help.

In other cases, the right makeup should be enough. Therefore, before changing the shape of the nose, let's look at what it is. Visually, the prism is closest to the desired contours, the faces of which we will adjust to achieve various effects.

For a better understanding of what has been said, consider how to hide the nose with potatoes using a make-up. This “defect” is expressed in an overly rounded tip and wide wings, which give the image an excessive rusticity and good nature. Therefore, to eliminate it, we need:

  1. Highlight the front with a highlighter.
  2. Darken the sides and wings with a shade that is a couple of shades darker than your natural skin tone.
  3. Carefully blend the transitions, trying to shade the new, even, light line as naturally as possible.

Please note. If your image involves the abundant use of blush, powder or similar products, then (so that the potato nose makeup does not attract undue attention), the choice of corrector must be made based on their color.

If the zone under consideration has the shape of a clearly defined triangle (in which the wings are too wide, and the bridge of the nose, on the contrary, is narrowed), it can also be balanced using a combination of highlights and contours.

To reduce the nose with make-up, its wings are shaded with dark shades. At the same time, a highlight is applied on both sides of the bridge of the nose, allowing for visual expansion. With the help of such simple manipulations, the top and bottom visually reach the required ratio and more harmoniously combine with each other.

But the makeup of the nose with a hump will be performed exactly the opposite. It will be necessary to apply a darker cosmetic product (corrector / dark powder / concealer / shadows) on the front part, and model the wings with a light one. Also, processing other parts of the face will help visually straighten the nose, which will be discussed in more detail in the final part of the article.

Straight and snub noses

If the desire of girls to learn how to make their nose thinner with makeup is understandable, then their other requests are often baffled. So, many owners of the "Greek" nose, which is characterized by directness and a clearly defined bridge of the nose, strive to make it as inconspicuous as possible, and snub-nosed ones - to hide their natural charm under a layer of makeup.

In the first case, the problem is solved quite simply: the correction is made using an ordinary corrective agent (corrector or concealer) of dark shades. It is applied at the base of the nose and carefully shaded. If there is some flattening in the contours, it will be enough to apply a light base along the entire length of the bridge of the nose, and, on the contrary, darken the side faces.

As for the owners of overly snub noses, their make-up will be even simpler than the make-up for a hooked nose. To mask this defect, it will be enough:

  1. Apply a light shade to the front face (to the “knoll”).
  2. Lightly shade the lower part of the front face with blush or dark powder.
  3. At the very edge of the overly upturned tip, put a light dot (using a corrector, light powder or similar cosmetics).

Another option is to apply dark tones to the tip of the nose (in the center) and carefully blend all the borders and transitions. After that, the make-up for the snub nose can also be considered complete.

Good to know! If you are thinking about how to correct the nose with makeup, first of all, you should decide on the type of make-up. For the evening version, the best solution would be to work with two shades, for the daytime - only with highlights. At the same time, all transitions should be as smooth as possible, with which careful shading will do an excellent job.


Today, every fifth girl dreams of learning how to hide a big nose with makeup. Just as in the case of being overweight, dissatisfaction is often caused even by quite normal and, importantly, sizes that are in harmony with other face shapes.

Technically, narrowing the nose with makeup is not difficult. As in most of the described examples, for this you only need tonal means of dark and light shades, as well as a brush with which the final shading will be done.

The makeup itself for a wide nose (or rather, the order of its application) is as follows:

  1. On the side faces and wings of the nose, using a brush with a bevelled edge, a couple of lines of a dark base (be it powder, concealer or something else) are applied.
  2. With a highlighter or other light tool, a highlight is laid on the front face strictly in the center, the width of which should match the width of the desired result. This is what will visually reduce the nose to the desired size.
  3. At the end, you need to make a few light vertical strokes with the brush, which will help to blend the highlight and blur the borders between it and the dark base.

However, not everyone is interested in reducing the nose with makeup. Some ladies, on the contrary, suffer because of its excessive subtlety.

In order to virtually “build up” additional millimeters on the wings and bridge of the nose, a lot of effort will not be required. While makeup for a wide nose involves a combination of two bases, to achieve the opposite effect, only a light powder or corrector is enough. Apply highlights with the selected cosmetic product to the area that you want to expand, and blend. That's all, the desired length is reached.

Good to know! If you want the nose makeup to look as natural as possible, when choosing cosmetics for correction, give up products with glitter, pearlescent and similar effects. The best solution would be powder or foundation with a matte effect.

Adjusting the length

Want to make your nose look shorter? There is nothing easier. As in other cases, you will need no more than three steps:

  1. First, apply the highlighter in a straight line strictly in the center. Its length should correspond to the length of the desired result.
  2. Next, using dark-colored cosmetics, we process the wings and the tip to reduce the long nose.
  3. The last stage is shading.

If you are interested in how to reduce the tip of the nose (and only it), then first try just powdering it. In most cases, getting rid of oily sheen is enough to get the desired result.

However, if this does not help, any dark tinting agent will help, which, as already noted, must be applied to the wings and tip, and then shaded. In this way, you will make the problem area less prominent and noticeable, and the shadow, enhanced by dark tones, will visually eliminate extra millimeters.

But what if you do not need to shorten the nose, but on the contrary, lengthen it? Judging by the popularity of Internet queries, quite a lot of the fair sex is concerned about this issue, and therefore let's consider it. Moreover, there are no secrets or difficulties here.

To achieve a similar effect, the techniques described above must be done in reverse. Where it is written to use a highlight, apply a contour, and where a contour is mentioned, apply a highlight. With such a simple technique, you can achieve the length that suits you without the intervention of doctors and third parties.

I would like to note that makeup for a long nose does not always justify its use. In an effort to reduce the most prominent part of the face, you can introduce severe disharmony into the overall image. For example, to make the already narrow lips thinner or the lower part of the face more massive (compared to the upper one). Therefore, if you still have little experience, applying makeup to reduce the nose for the first time should be under the supervision of an experienced makeup artist.

Good to know! Correction of the nose with makeup should always be done in conjunction with the application of cosmetics of similar shades to other areas of the face. If this is not the case, you risk giving it even more expressiveness, focusing all your attention on the only treated area.

It often happens that disharmony in the overall image is brought not by the nose itself of an “irregular” shape or size, but by the disproportion of individual parts of the face relative to each other.

Photos before and after nose correction with makeup

So, a small chin and a thin upper lip give the lower part of the face excessive refinement (against which the rest of the areas look unreasonably large). And in such a situation it is better to think not about how to make the nose smaller with makeup, but about how to correct this “problem” area. About makeup for different types of faces, as well as how to hide flaws and highlight advantages, we wrote earlier in one of.

We conducted a survey among makeup artists, and this is what we got:

  • Owners of narrow lips can change the nose (or rather its length) by adjusting the shape of the mouth. Add volume to the lips, and the nose will visually become smaller.
  • The thicker and closer to the bridge of the eyebrows will be, the longer the nose will appear. If you need to add / hide a couple of millimeters, this knowledge will be especially useful.
  • For those who want to learn how to make a nose already with makeup, it makes sense to focus on the cheeks and lower eyelids. Make them lighter than the side walls and wings of the nose, and the result will not be long in coming.
  • The bangs do a good job with the visual correction of the hump. Unfortunately, there is no single styling scheme here (because the shape of the face and type are different for all people), so do not be afraid to experiment.
  • But for owners of an overly wide nose, bangs are strictly contraindicated. The more open your face is, the less bulky and massive your nose will look on it.

As you can see, nose correction with makeup is not difficult (and much safer than surgery). With proper skill, it is quite possible to cope with it without outside help. However, before making radical changes, think twice, do you need it? Each of the described “defects” (with the exception of extreme forms) with the right make-up can become a virtue, adding individuality and charm to the image.

So, the hump on the nose in ancient Rome was considered a feature of the goddess, and the snub nose is a great help for those who want to look younger. Moreover, according to surveys, people are much more likely to remember not the shape of the eyes or the color of the lips of the interlocutor, but the shape of his nose. Therefore, is it worth depriving yourself of individuality, adjusting your appearance to the stereotyped frames of beauty (which, in addition, change from year to year).

However, the decision here is up to you. We will only be glad if our advice helped you. Comments on your own achievements are also welcome.

The nose can be of any shape and size, and each is unique in its own way. If you want to create a new look or are just embarrassed about the size of your nose, you can use one of several ways to make it smaller. You can shape and contour your nose with makeup, you can try facial exercises to make your nose look a little smaller, or you can go more drastic to fix your nose size permanently.


Use contour and highlight makeup

    Understand how contouring and highlighting makeup works. You can wear makeup a little darker or lighter than your skin tone to make your nose appear thinner. But remember that makeup won't actually make your nose look smaller. Also, if you have a very long nose, contouring will not make it look shorter in profile.

    Choose the right concealer and highlight makeup. You can use powder or cream foundation, but most people find it easier to work with powder as it blends better. You can use special products for contouring and highlighting makeup, or just use matte eyeshadows. Avoid any shimmery shadows, otherwise the skin will shine.

    Pick the right tools and brushes. You will need makeup brushes. If you're using powder as a foundation, choose a soft-bristled brush. If you are using a cream foundation, choose a brush with stiffer bristles. Here are some features of the tools you need:

    • An angled brush for applying eye shadow and concealer. It will give you the most control.
    • Soft brush for mixing colors. You can also use a mixing sponge if that makes it easier for you.
  1. Apply makeup base and foundation. Makeup base minimizes the number of open pores, and foundation allows contouring makeup to lie on the skin better. It will also help even out skin tone.

    • Apply base with your fingers and foundation with a sponge or brush.
    • Make sure your foundation shade matches your skin tone. Trying foundation on your hand or wrist is not a very good idea, as the skin color of the face is different from the color of these parts of the body.
    • Wait until the tone is dry to the touch before you start contouring. It takes only a few minutes.
  2. Start by applying highlighter. Using a beveled brush, draw a thin line down the center of the nose. Don't make the line too thick or your nose will look even wider. Start at the bridge of your nose and work your way down to the tip. But do not wrap the line under the tip of the nose.

    Blend out the highlighter. Set the angled brush aside and use a blending brush or sponge. Gently run the brush down the center of the nose on either side of the applied concealer. You're just softening any overly defined contours, you're not expanding the area of ​​the applied product or erasing it.

    • Highlighter helps visually tighten the face, drawing attention to the right places. It also makes the face more embossed and expressive.
  3. With the help of shadows, make a wide nose narrower. Use a clean, angled brush to apply shadow from the inner edge of the eyes down to the tip of the nose. Using a blending brush, blend the shadows upwards to concealer.

    • If you want to make wide nostrils visually smaller, apply shadow to the wings of the nose as well.
  4. Apply shadow under the tip of a long nose to make it appear shorter. Start by applying eye shadow downward on one side of the nose. Then continue to apply shadows on the tip of the nose above the nostrils. Do not forget to rub the bottom border of the shadows towards the tip of the nose. This will help to visually lift the nose and make it shorter.

    Learn to correct a flared nose or a bulbous nose. Start by applying shadow from the inner edge of the eyes down to the tip of the nose. Bend both lines under the tip of the nose, thus forming the letter U. Do not make it too pointed, otherwise the nose will look unnatural. Try to make the width of the resulting letter U match the width of the bridge of the nose.

    Use shadows to make the hooked nose appear straighter. A hooked nose can sometimes appear large, even if it is small in itself. Apply shadow on both sides of the nose. Start application from the inner edges of the eyes and finish at the tip. Don't follow the contour of the nose, make the lines as straight as possible.

    Using a soft blending brush, blend the applied shadows. Run the brush along both sides of the nose, between the corrector and the shadows. This way you will soften any harsh lines. Next, blend the shadows in the direction of the face. With a brush, blend the shadows from the side of the nose, starting from the corrector and continuing towards the face.

    • If you've applied shadow to the tip of your nose, be sure to soften the lines by brushing around the tip.
    • If you applied shadow around the nostrils, be sure to brush over them too.
  5. Apply some powder to your face and nose using a large fluffy powder brush or kabuki brush. This will help to set contour makeup and prevent it from smearing. The powder also absorbs excess sebum. Use translucent powder or one that matches your skin tone. Do not use glitter powder, otherwise the nose will look too oily. If you notice that you have put too much powder on the nose area, use a clean brush to brush off the excess powder.

How to visually reduce the nose? You will be surprised to learn how many ways there are to correct the imperfections of this part of the face without surgery. Here's what you have in your arsenal: hair, eyebrows, eye makeup, modeling the entire face and modeling the actual nose. Even hair color can affect the impression of the nose. And only when all this has been carefully processed, you can see your nose as it really is. Perhaps he was never big, but just seemed like that.

How to visually reduce the nose by choosing the “right” environment for it

The hair and make-up of the face as a whole is very important. By working with them, you can divert attention from the shortcomings of the nose, essentially doing nothing with it. After all, when we say that the nose is too big, we mean that it is big compared to something. And if the eyes, lips or face become larger, then the nose will visually decrease.


In no case should they be plucked into a thin thread, while symmetry and a pleasant “flying” shape with a well-defined bend must be achieved. Pay attention to the photos Her nose, despite the beautiful shape, is not so small. But at the same time, superbly defined curved eyebrows compensate for both the size of the nose and the truly German rigidity of the features. In most of the photos, she seems to be perfection itself, and her nose is graceful and small.

Cheekbones and chin

How to visually reduce the nose, emphasizing the line of the cheeks? And is it possible? The famous Russian model, Vogue favorite Anya Selezneva has a large and not yet overly wide round tip. However, when we look at her photographs, we hardly notice this, rather, we note to ourselves that the face has its own zest, character. Why? The fact is that a broad nose is in perfect harmony with very expressive, always well-defined cheekbones.

Pay special attention to modeling the lower and lateral parts of the face. Beautiful cheekbones and chin with clear and smooth lines always look sensual and stylish.

Whole face modeling

The photo below demonstrates how much the impression of the nose can change with makeup. For using highlighters, tonal creams, special powders, shadows. The size and shape of the light and dark areas will be different for each woman. The basic rule sounds simple: light tone increases, dark tone reduces. For example, the nose is very long, but narrow, graceful, looks almost perfect from the front, and its length is noticeable only in profile. In this case, there is no need to darken the side areas of the nose. It is necessary to lighten the bridge of the nose, then it will seem a little closer, and darken the lower part (but not the tip). Sometimes it's not the nose at all, but other facial features, for example, the distance from the upper lip to the nose is very short, and the nose seems long. In this case, you also need to adjust the area above the lip. Particular attention should be paid to eye makeup. The photo below clearly shows how much it affects the overall impression - thanks to the actively applied shadows around the eyes, the large nose has become almost invisible.


And feminine hairstyle also attract attention. If you need to visually reduce the nose, then the hair tied at the back of the head into a ponytail is contraindicated. Avoid smooth hair. The face should be framed with soft curls or waves, and volume at the roots is desirable, which can be achieved with the help of bouffants and special styling. The best hair length is medium, but it all depends on the overall appearance. Petite women do not always go for very lush hair, and high bouffants are contraindicated for a forehead that is too high.


The basic rule is this: the more open the face, the less noticeable the nose. And bangs can compensate for a large nose, or maybe emphasize its size. That is why so many mistakes happen to her. It should be remembered: bangs are picked up not only under the nose! You need to look at the facial features as a whole. For example, if you have an elongated oval face, a heavy but expressive chin, clear full lips, in this case a thick one will balance the overall impression and compensate for the narrowness of the face. In addition, the bangs are different: asymmetric, high, shortened, thinned out. Any flat-lying thick bangs with a smooth and low edge can only exacerbate the disadvantage, but all other options can be safely considered, the airy strands framing the face are especially good, creating a feeling of space and volume around the face. These are the hairstyles Barbra Streisand wears.

How to visually reduce the nose with daily care?

Unfortunately, it is not always convenient to apply modeling with tonal means. It is usually used for special occasions, such as photography, but even regular powder and regular care can reduce the size of the nose. How often there is oily shiny skin on the nose, and even with black dots! But the shine on this protruding part of the face can visually make it even bigger. Therefore, matting wipes and powder are a must. Ideally, the skin on the nose should be perfectly clean, smooth, matte and free of redness - all this will make the nose look neater.

How to reduce the tip of the nose?

The tip of the nose can be made a little more upturned and neat with the help of special exercises. Surely you can voluntarily inflate your nostrils, which clearly proves that there are muscles here, and you can work with them. One of the main exercises for reducing the nose: holding the tip of the nose with your finger, try to lower the upper lip down.

When doing makeup, draw short lines at the tip in a darker tone so that they are, as it were, a continuation of the side lines of the back of the nose. Then emphasize the bridge of the nose with a lighter tone, without continuing the line at the tip. Achieve smooth boundaries between means. In order to learn how to correct the nose correctly, first take a darker tone and clearly draw all the lines and spots, move away from the mirror as far as possible and evaluate the result from afar, and only then proceed to the final version with shading.

In any case, you should remember that only you yourself know about your shortcomings. And whether they will be considered shortcomings or highlights of appearance - it depends only on you. Even a large nose can be considered beautiful, thoroughbred and noble. Ancient Greek beauties had a very expressive profile. In addition, it is likely that the nose only seems large due to incorrectly placed accents in appearance.