What is the best way to call a girl for a walk. How to invite a girl to walk in VK for the first time and where is it better to go

In this article, you can find a lot of useful information on relationships with women and understand how best to persuade them to meet, and other articles provide answers to many equally important questions.

How to invite a girl to take a walk together in the evening for the first time in contact phrases so that she does not refuse even if she is busy what to write

The advantage of social networks is not only the possibility of communication, but also the fact that people involuntarily reveal themselves and their hobbies in them, posting photos or joining certain interest groups. This should be used so that even an overly busy girl does not refuse a meeting.

So, for example, if a girl loves cats, then her page will certainly be filled with pictures of these animals, which means you can safely invite the girl to visit a cat show - there should be no refusal.

The rendezvous invitation message will look something like this:

“There are two tickets for the cat show. Will you keep me company?"

How to invite a girl to walk around the city if she does not want and refuses

One hundred percent win-win option to lure your girlfriend out of the house is to buy tickets for a concert or a movie with the participation of her favorite artists.

After a concert or movie session, under the influx of feelings, the girl will no longer be able to refuse you a walk around the city.

How to invite a girl to take a walk examples of SMS without refusal

The probability of not getting a refusal from a girl for an invitation to take a walk increases along with sympathy for you. A loving girl can arrange the next meeting even without your reminder. But until this happens, it is important to intrigue your chosen one and interest in the meeting by writing an SMS with approximately the following content:

“There is important information that I can’t tell anyone but you.” Next, you should turn on the fantasy and figure out how to get out further. For example, you can mysteriously inform your beloved that tonight the Eye of Taurus in the night sky will be bright, as it happens once in a hundred years, so I really would not want to miss such a significant event when there are all opportunities for this.

How to invite a girl for a walk if she is shy, you are shy

You can invite a shy girl for a walk if you are shy yourself, for example, with the following phrase: “I’m sad to sit at home alone, let’s go for a walk in the park?” As a rule, such places are deserted and you will be more comfortable and free to communicate than in public.

How to invite a girl to walk on the phone examples

You can invite a girl to take a walk on the phone by imperceptibly involving her in a dialogue. For example: "What movies do you like?" Having received an answer, immediately say the second half of the phrase: "Come up with a company, let's go to the cinema for 5 - a film to your taste."

Or: "Who do you love more - sparrows or doves?" Having received an answer, write a second SMS: “Let's go and feed them?”.

Inviting a girl for a walk is almost the same as inviting her on a date. There are several ways to take the girl you like for a walk. The main rule in this matter is to learn not to be shy about inviting girls for a walk.


Perhaps the most optimal and best way to call a girl for a walk is to call her on the phone and say: “Let's go for a walk then and there.” But, of course, you should not immediately invite her for a walk as soon as you hear the cherished word “Alle”, but first, chat, discuss an interesting topic and at the end of the conversation, when you are ready to say goodbye, invite the girl to meet and take a walk with you. We recommend that you read

If you are too shy to call a girl and invite her for a walk, then use various instant messengers, it can be an SMS message, a message on social and other communication networks. But at the same time, remember that it is much easier to refuse a walk with a response message than with a voice on the phone, and therefore, by inviting a girl for a walk through a message, you reduce the chances of getting her consent. The message inviting the girl should be something like this: “Hi, Arishka. I invite you to take a walk tonight in the lake area. Michael".

By inviting a girl to go for a walk with you, you can not only through a phone call or by sending a message to her, but also in a personal meeting. So, for example, at school, at an institute or at work, you approach a girl, start an unobtrusive conversation, and at the end of the conversation, completely unobtrusively, invite the girl to take a walk together at such and such a time, in such and such a place. And then, as luck would have it.


If the girl you invite for a walk refuses your offer, do not rush to get nervous and freak out. First of all, ask why she is not ready to go for a walk if she does not have time, ask if she can consider another time for a walk? If here you get a refusal, then don’t bother anymore, let her rest, let her think, and while she thinks, show signs of attention to her. A week or two will pass, try again to invite the girl to take a walk. Your chances of getting a positive decision should increase significantly. In any case, and in any case, do not despair, know that sometimes girls themselves do not know what they want and what they are waiting for, and therefore take the initiative and do not give up. We recommend that you read


Most likely, that feeling when you are already kind of tuned in and ready to approach or call a girl to invite her for a walk, and then suddenly, once and everything breaks down at the moment when you see her, or when she picks up the phone. Fear, stiffness attacks, and constraint prevails and clamps in full. Only practice will help to cope with this. To begin with, think that the girl is just as shy of you as you are of her, and also think that she is the same person who wants affection, care and attention from a man. And, of course, practice. There is some way that will help you learn how to overcome your fear in dealing with girls. Buy one rose and go to the first girl you meet, say hello to her, give her a rose and tell her your name and wait for the girl to answer. After her answer, try to keep the conversation going with her. If you are embarrassed to do this in your city, go to the next one, no one knows you there.

Ideally, most girls will say that they prefer to be asked out on a date in person. If you are so shy that you cannot invite a girl on a date either in person or over the phone, then it is best to do it via SMS. Most likely, you can make it more believable so that the girl agrees. It's important to be extremely respectful and to the point, whether you're asking her out on a date, to a dance, or asking her to be your girlfriend.


Ask her out

    Think of something interesting for a date. If you know this person well enough, then consider her interests when you propose a date. The more attractive the invitation sounds, the more likely it is to receive consent. Moreover, if you set a specific place and time for the meeting, you will be more convincing than if you simply say: Let's spend time together or I don't know what you like. Here are a few ideas to keep in mind before asking a girl out on a date:

    • If you like the same music, then invite her to a concert.
    • Invite her out to dinner or just eat ice cream. If you like to cook, then invite her to a homemade dinner. But remember that dates don't have to be about food; go hiking together or go bowling!
    • Choose an activity where you will have the opportunity to socialize and get to know each other better. Try not to invite her to the cinema, because there you will sit silently and you will not be able to talk. However, if you decide to take her to the movies, then have dinner together first or go out for ice cream after the movie. This will give you a chance to get to know each other.
  1. Send her the first text message. Say hello to her first to start a conversation. If you suddenly met her and are not sure if she has saved your number on her phone or not, then you probably need to remind her who you are. Tell her something like: Hello. It's... [so and so], you and I met recently. If you are sure that she has your phone number, then text her something like: Hello. How are you? or Hello. How was the day?

    If you saw her recently, then try to come up with some excuse to start a conversation about your last meeting. For example, if you were at a party together, then you can write: Hello. How did you spend the rest of the evening? If you were in class together, try writing something like: Are you ready for the test on Monday?

    • Before asking her out on a date, wait for her response to your first text message. Keep in mind that she may be busy and her phone may not be with her. Be patient.
  2. Ask her out. Once you've managed to start a conversation, it's time to ask her out on a date. You can first ask what her plans are for that day or for the weekend. If she says she's free, then ask her out. Text her something like: Would you like to do [such and such] with me

    Don't wait too long to ask her out. You don't want the conversation to go in a different direction, and your date invitation seems ridiculous or unexpected? There is no need for a long conversation if you are texting each other.

    • Be concise. Just ask: Do you want to go to the cinema? or Shall we go bowling on Friday night?
    • Set a specific place and time for the meeting. If you just say: Don't want to watch a movie?, then you will sound unconvincing. It is very important that she feel the seriousness of the intentions and understand that you have considered it.
    • Offer her something else. Maybe she wants to meet you, but she's terrible at bowling; maybe she wants to have dinner with you, but she was only yesterday at the place you suggested. Make it clear to her that you have a plan, but you are open to other suggestions too.
  3. React to her answer. If she says yes, then discuss the details: decide where and when you will meet and, if necessary, discuss how you will get there. Once you've settled on a date, end the conversation in your normal manner by saying something like, "Hey! See you on Saturday!" After that, do not text her, so as not to seem annoying. However, if she writes to you again, then you can answer.

    Be sure to let her know that you are looking forward to this date if she says yes. It will make her feel special and she will look forward to it too.

    • If she declines your offer, then let her know that you are not offended and end the conversation. Don't hang your nose and end the conversation on a positive note.

Ask her to be your girlfriend

  1. Find out if she is interested in you romantically. Before you ask a girl if she wants to be your friend or not, you should go through several dates and be sure that she wants you to become something more than just a friend. If you're still young and you're asking a girl to be your non-dating friend, look for signs that she likes you; she blushes when talking, waiting for you after school. If you understand whether she likes or not, then this will increase your chances of not being rejected.

    If you've never spoken to her, don't know her well enough, or know she's already in a romantic relationship with someone else, then don't ask her out. There are many other beautiful girls around!

  2. Start a conversation. First say hello to her by saying something like: Hello! How are you? or Hello! What are you doing? This will help start the conversation and prepare her for the question. Let the conversation flow naturally.

    • If you are not 100% sure whether she likes you or not, then pay attention to non-verbal cues and her words the next time you meet. Does she turn to face you, or is she nervous in your presence, or does she look excited when you appear? If yes, then these are very good signs and indicate that she likes you.
  3. Start with a preface. Greet her: Hi, how are you? or How is the day going?. This will help start the conversation and prepare her for the question. Let the conversation flow naturally. No need to be clever, it is better to be straightforward and to the point; she'll be impressed with your confidence, as long as you don't mumble too much.

    • You can't know exactly to the minute her daily routine, so try to talk to her when she's not busy. For example, if you know that she has football practice after school, then talk to her a few hours after that.
  4. First, tell her about your feelings. Tell her that you enjoy spending time with her, point out the qualities that make her unique, explain Why you love spending time with her. Try saying something like: I really enjoyed the few weeks we spent together, Next to you I feel somehow special or I've never been as good with anyone as I am with you.. Whatever you say, be honest and only say what is real.

    • Wait for her response before asking her to be your girlfriend. Without asking her about it directly, you will already be able to understand by her response to your message whether she is interested in a relationship with you or not.
    • See if she loves you back or not. If she says she feels the same way about you, then go ahead and ask her if she wants to be your girlfriend. If she doesn't answer or just says Thank you without telling you how she feels, then she probably isn't interested in you.
    • Do not bombard her with compliments, as this may come across as insincere and depressing.
  5. Ask her if she wants to be your girlfriend. There are several ways to frame this question. You can ask her directly by saying something like: Do you want to be my girl?, Can I call you my girlfriend? or Do you want us to officially become a couple? Those pull too long, the faster you ask a question, the faster you get an answer.

    • Another option is to ask her a question that requires a detailed answer, for example: Where do you think this will lead? or Are you against new relationships? Open-ended questions like these will let her know that you truly care about her wants and needs and are willing to compromise to make her happy. This will help relieve tension, although you may not get the response you expect.
  6. React appropriately. If she wants to be your friend, great! The first thing you can suggest is some fun activity like going to a show or going bowling. She will understand that you are serious and that you have thought a lot about a possible relationship with her.

    • If she is not interested in you, then be friendly and thank you for your time. It is better to leave on a good note and feel proud of your sustained reaction.

You like a girl, and you have been talking with her for a long time, texting her, then it's time to start acting and find out how to invite a girl to take a walk for the first time, since there is nothing more pleasant than walking together under the moonlight or going to a concert, museum, restaurant, or maybe to the zoo or circus. There are incredibly many ideas for a date, and after reading the article, you will learn how to prepare for it, how to invite her to chat in real life or using the VK social network, as well as by phone.

What should be done before inviting a girl for a walk?

Before you decide to get to know the girl you like better and invite her on a date, you need to find out from her whether she is dating someone or not, otherwise you cannot avoid rejection. Is it worth it to upset yourself by planning your first date in advance? It’s not worth it, so let’s move on to the question of how to invite a girl for a walk, or rather, how to invite a free girl on a date.

Find out what she likes, what she is interested in. If you have talked enough and know a lot about her, then it will be much easier for you to decide on your meeting. You can get such information by asking her or her friends. Interest the girl, because if you have common interests, then it will be easier to establish communication with her.

So, when the information is received, it is worth planning the date correctly, for this:

  • You must agree in advance with the girl about your meeting, as she may have a day planned, and you will hear a refusal;
  • Decide where your meeting will take place in order to intrigue the girl. It is better to keep the place of your meeting a secret, but if you are negative about the surprise, and you are afraid that the girl will not like your plans, you should decide in advance where you will go.

So, if you are serious and have not changed your mind, and also taken into account our tips for preparing for your meeting, it's time to find out how to invite a girl to take a walk for the first time in VK. This applies mainly to those who have never communicated with a girl in real life. Or to those who still feel a little uncomfortable and are afraid to hear a refusal in a personal meeting or by phone. Each method has positive and negative points. The invitation on the social network VK includes:

  • Both the plus and the minus include the emotional background. For a girl, this is a minus, since she will not feel the emotions that you feel for her and want to convey. But a plus for you, because if you worry, she will not know about it;
  • The simplicity of the invitation can also be attributed to the plus. You can double-check the written text several times and think for a long time about what exactly to write;
  • You can also invite a girl by writing an unusual message that you would not say in person and on the phone, and this way you can surprise or cheer her up.

We provide several examples of invitations to VK for your choice:

  • “I don’t have the strength to wait and admire you only from the screen, I’m waiting for you tomorrow on the pavement at six o’clock in the evening =)”;
  • “You know, we have been corresponding with you for a long time, maybe it’s time for us to meet)?”;
  • “I love active sports, so I want to invite you on a date. This ride will be with horses if you've never ridden before. I will teach you";
  • "Where can I meet you? =)"

Choose your communication style: be fun, romantic or serious. Don't be shy, be yourself.

After the question: “How to invite girls to go out for the first time” has been removed, you need to decide on a date so that she has the most pleasant memories of your first meeting, and she will not be your last.

It doesn’t matter how your meeting was scheduled - by phone, correspondence or in person, but remember - the main thing is not to be rude, indifferent or vulgar, and if you drop a phrase like: “Hey baby, today you will be mine”, good luck it won't bring you. This will show you from the bad side, and you will be rejected. Be a gentleman on your first date.

If your excitement does not stop, the girl should be invited to watch a movie or to a concert, where communication will be minimized to the maximum. After watching a movie, concert or other entertainment program, you will have something to talk about. If your interests match, it will be easier for you to get a second date with her. You can also ask her for advice on how best to proceed so that she remembers this date for life.

Animal lovers can be impressed by the exhibition of cats, dogs, horses. You can invite a girl to the zoo, circus, oceanarium. And if there is a hot summer outside the window, you can call her to swim with dolphins.

Is your chosen one conquered by sports? So it's good, rent bikes, roller skates in the park, go to the skating rink, play tennis or golf. So you can have fun and chat. And she will also understand that you are not indifferent to her interests.

If you haven’t learned anything about your chosen one, then you should choose quieter places for communication in order to get to know her better - for example, a restaurant, a museum, an exhibition of paintings, a walk in the park.

The most important thing at any meeting is not to be late, but it’s better to come a little early so that it doesn’t turn out that a girl is waiting for you. And if suddenly she is late, do not criticize her. This is allowed for women. And also do not forget to surprise her, give flowers or sweets, a soft toy, a long-awaited book, if you knew in advance what the girl dreamed about and wanted to receive.

When talking to a girl, be yourself. By pretending to be someone you are not, you can push her away. Do not worry, enjoy communicating with the opposite sex, arrange unforgettable dates, not only to surprise the girl you like, but also to enjoy yourself. Do not do anything by force, if your interests, views do not match - this is not your girlfriend. And do not forget to monitor your emotions so that your companion understands that you care about her, and you want to continue communicating with her.

Discussion: 11 comments

    How to invite a girl for a walk for the first time? The main thing is not to be afraid. At one time I thought that the girl I was in love with did not pay attention to me and I was indifferent to her. For fear of rejection, I never invited her out. It was a long time ago, but all this time I remembered her. Recently met, it turned out that she, too, was once afraid to confess to me.

    I didn’t think for a very long time how to invite a girl for a walk. I told her everything, now I understand that it's nonsense. I read the article, the author says really important things. Well, for the future I took note of a few tips.

    Once he invited a girl to go for a walk, simply by writing a message to her on VKontakte. She did not refuse, but somehow agreed without much joy. Then she told me that she would like to invite her at least by phone. Guys, take note, girls love attention.

    I really like funny guys with a great sense of humor. But I hate it when a person doesn’t have a sense of humor, but starts inventing some funny invitation messages or trying to joke somehow. If you are serious, then I treat you the same way. I am ready for the fact that there will not be a lot of laughter, why not invite a girl in a way that is comfortable for you?

    I read where the author suggests going on a date with a girl. I will say that by inviting her on a date for the first time, I want to get to know her better. Therefore, I will never call her to exhibitions, circuses and even cinema. Why? Everything is distracting there, it is impossible to talk. Ideal - park, cafe, zoo.

    It seems to me that the first thing to do is to find out what exactly the girl is interested in, only then think about how and where to call her for a walk. It is strange if she is fond of sports, and she will be called to the amphitheater. Both of you will simply not be interested in each other. Find common interests.

    He always called the girls just to walk around the park or the city. So you can talk enough, laugh, get to know each other. In more crowded places it is impossible to concentrate, but also you should not allow anyone to be near you. It will stress any girl.

    It does not matter how and where to call, the main thing is punctuality! How many times was it that I came to a date earlier, and the guy was late. There is a very unpleasant feeling. Moreover, he can also give out “What is it ?! You can’t wait 5 minutes, how long I have been waiting for you! Never do that, you are men, not some gopniks from the gateway.

    It seems to me that the most important thing is to know if a girl likes you. And how to invite her and where - this is a secondary matter. Surely, if you like her, then you yourself know about her interests, tastes, so it will not be difficult to find a suitable place.

    For some reason, it seems that the author described rather primitive and simple options for how and where to invite a girl. Where has the romance gone? Especially if this is your first date, and even at school age. You can throw a note to the girl you like in a backpack with an invitation. And yes, don't forget to bring flowers on a date. For some reason, such a trifle, but everyone ignores.

    Very good and informative article.

Men often get too excited when they ask a girl out on a first date. At the same time, women are no less worried, especially when they are preparing for this meeting. To invite a girl, it is important to calm down, gain confidence and invite her there, as you think, she would like it. Therefore, in order to get consent, you need to choose a place, prepare a couple of successful phrases and make a call or write a message. But is it as simple as it sounds?

What and how to say when inviting a girl on a date

Asking a girl out on a date don't beat around the bush. It is important to feel confident, but not push too hard. What and how to say depends on the particular young lady, therefore, before the invitation, it is necessary to draw up her psychological portrait in advance. Where did you meet? What is she interested in?

Think through your entire speech, or at least a plan. If the invitation is planned in advance, then the conversation should begin with general phrases. Find out how the girl is doing, ask her what plans she has for a particular day.

Always have 2-3 date ideas on different dates and times.

Don't ask if she's busy on Sunday. Ask her if she has plans for the day at 4 p.m.

You can invite her in an original way, keeping the meeting place a secret. But don't forget to mention how should she dress: in a sporty way, do not forget comfortable shoes or a dress and shoes will do. If a girl has to walk around the park in high heels, she is unlikely to want to continue communication further.

If a woman refused to go with you, try to find out the reason. Usually there are 2 of them: either she does not like the man, or she is not interested in the place. In this situation, you should not be boring, and pester with questions. Try to invite her in a week with something creative and original. If this does not help, then it is better to leave the girl.

Examples of successful phrases

  • “Remember, we discussed Italian cuisine with you? Will you keep me company in one cozy trattoria? They cook the best carbonara in the city…”;
  • "Let's go somewhere for tea/coffee/cider?";
  • “The title of the movie is in theaters right now, and everyone is raving about it. Would you like to keep me company?"

All these phrases indicate that you want to be with a girl together, chat and get to know each other better. At the same time, they have a share of specifics, which allows the young lady to make a first impression. It is better to include a specific place or occupation in such phrases. If it hooks her, then the time of the meeting is a secondary issue.

How not to speak

As for unsuccessful phrases, everything is simple here: you can’t use profanity and setting wrong expectations.

free book

Want to get step-by-step instructions for successful dates: how to choose the right place, what to talk about, how to behave, how to stand out from the crowd of her fans? We advise you to read free book by Roman Vinilov"Effective Dating".

Surprise a girl on a date and impress her will help.

Very often, girls are late for dates. You will learn how to react correctly in such situations.

In order to stand out from the crowd of her fans, you can present it to her.

Which is better: write in social networks or call by phone?

VKontakte messages are used when correspondence logically leads to the fact that you could meet in real life. For example, at the end of a discussion of favorite movies or food, a girl can be called to the cinema or to a restaurant with a particular cuisine.

It is easier to write in a social network or SMS, especially for shy men. The call positions the man as a self-confident person, so it is preferable. Depending on how you want to present yourself in the face of a girl, and choose the appropriate way.

If you feel that the girl clearly shows sympathy, then during such correspondence you can call her on her mobile phone. Almost a win-win option when she herself says hello and writes first. In this case, the risk of getting rejected is minimal.

How to call a girl on a date in VKontakte

Another scenario: you met a girl in contact, corresponded with her for some time and now you want to meet her in reality. What is the best way to proceed in such a case?

Here are a few more proven tricks that will surely come in handy for you in correspondence.

In short, when inviting a young lady on a first date, you need to be yourself (or a slightly more confident version of yourself), think over the date in advance in order to answer all possible questions, be friendly and remain optimistic. The main thing is not to delay for a long time and not to make an appointment in a week. 2-3 days after the call is enough, otherwise the girl may forget about you while waiting. If in the coming days there is no opportunity to meet, then before the meeting you can call a couple more times and confirm the date.