American clothing style is an absolute symbol of freedom. American clothing style

It is generally accepted that France, the country of romanticism and elegance, is the trendsetter of world fashion. But why, then, more and more of our fellow citizens are turning their eyes towards overseas abroad? Why are they attracted to the fashion of a country that declares gender equality in all spheres of life? Everything is very simple - the American style of clothing is an absolute symbol of freedom and emancipation. This is exactly the reality in which it is convenient for many people to exist, not being dependent on the conventions of society or imposed rules.

History of American costume

According to experts who study the stages of fashion development, the wardrobe of the inhabitants of "wild" America was strikingly different from European costumes. The founders of the future fashion were considered two styles - country and cowboy. The first was based on the national dress of the indigenous inhabitants of the New World. The second style was a poor set of simple things worn by shepherds.

Despite external differences, both directions equally met the main requirements of the American population - practicality, functionality and freedom of movement. It may seem surprising, but over the past few hundred years, the primary signs of the fashion trends of the American suit have remained almost unchanged. Over the years, new features have only been added to them.

What is the American style?

Many people often judge the fashion in the country by the heroes of popular television series and movies. It is a mistake to believe that all the women there look like true ladies and go only in strict suits or cocktail dresses.

In reality, American citizens prioritize regular jeans, T-shirts, sweaters, plaid shirts, and athletic shoes. It was this set that equalized the American style of clothing for men and women. This circumstance contributed to the great popularity of the fashion trend in many countries of the world.

We list several important factors involved in the formation of the American style:

  • fabrics- only on a natural basis. The most common are cotton and linen. Very popular knitted fabric, denim. The main advantage of natural materials is good permeability and comfortable feeling. In addition, fabrics are perfectly combined with leather and suede products.

Due to the lack of synthetic fibers in the materials, clothes usually look wrinkled and sloppy. For true connoisseurs of style, this circumstance is not evidence of untidiness or carelessness of the owner.

The raw edges of clothing and decorative elements are another specific sign of the inhabitants of the States. For example, a disheveled appliqué in the form of letters or figures on a sweater conveys the originality and liberated atmosphere of America.

  • Colors- any colors are welcome, ranging from light restrained to saturated acid. More often, however, there are bright clothes that attract attention and create a positive mood. Prints of various themes are very common: animation and movie characters, musicians, city views, food, drinks, and more.
  • Clothing styles- Simple cut for a comfortable fit. Things are straight, fitted or expanding downwards. The main thing is that they can be easily combined with each other. Interchangeability provides ample opportunities for creating a large number of fashionable everyday bows.
  • Shoes- heels and stilettos are strictly not welcome. It is better to opt for cowboy boots, moccasins, sneakers or sneakers. For girls, light ballet flats and wedge sandals are also suitable.

American style is perfect for creating everyday looks that make anyone look fashionable and at the same time casual and easy. This enables women to make interesting combinations. For example, wear a light dress with thin straps with a short suede jacket. It turns out stylish and practical.

American style in women's clothing (Photo)

Denim pants are the most common wardrobe item of the modern average person. They are loved and worn with pleasure at any age, regardless of the environment. The world has long forgotten that jeans were originally created as overalls. Today, they top the list of non-gendered garments.

Despite the external similarity between women's and men's trousers, there are still some differences. First of all, they have a different cut, based on the physiological characteristics of different sexes. Fashion designers also develop entire lines of jeans for specialized purposes. So, women's trousers for ceremonial outings are often decorated with rhinestones, stones, and embroidery. On children's clothing, you can find colorful applications, fringes, and jeans for teenagers surprise with rough tears, scuffs or metal elements in the form of spikes, rivets, chains.

Traditional jeans for women are harmoniously complemented by elegant blouses, bright T-shirts, tight tops and stylish jackets. The finished ensemble is certainly decorated with spectacular jewelry. It is preferable to choose bracelets, necklaces, earrings made of plastic, glass, wood or metal. Precious American-style jewelry is not welcome, they are worn only on special occasions.

The promotion of a healthy lifestyle and the popularity of various competitions have led to the fact that a lot of clothes and shoes for sports purposes have appeared in the wardrobe of women. These are T-shirts, windbreakers, sweaters, knitted trousers, baseball caps. Often clothes are decorated with national attributes or sports symbols.

American girls do not at all strive to emphasize their femininity and sexuality. Putting on strict skirts, spectacular blouses or elegant suits, they only think about making the clothes comfortable and functional. Before going to the store, an American will not rummage through the closet for a long time, but will put on the first thing that comes to hand.


The American style of clothing has gained wide popularity far beyond the boundaries of its historical homeland. It cannot be argued that this direction has clear boundaries and strict rules. American fashion combines elements of various styles. The selection of individual wardrobe items or costume details is based on ease of execution and versatility of use.

As a result, a modern woman looks quite organically in tight-fitting jeans, a stretched T-shirt and a stylish jacket thrown over the top. If you complement this image with sunglasses, multiple jewelry and an expensive handbag bought at a sale, it becomes clear that we have a typical American style of clothing.

American clothing style is comfort in every detail, simplicity, high quality of shoes and bags, moderation and relevance.

American style implies reasonable modesty in dress. It's hard to tell how much an American earns by the looks of an American, and it's considered bad taste to wear flashy, overtly sexy clothes on casual occasions. It will be appropriate to look bright only in a nightclub.

It's hard to imagine american clothing style without jeans. Jeans are always present in the wardrobe of every American, moreover, in quantities from five pairs to infinity. Denim clothing is generally at a premium - shorts, skirts, overalls, shirts, jackets, hats.

The second symbolic wardrobe item is a loose-fitting sweatshirt. These sweatshirts are unisex and are suitable for people of any build. These comfortable sweatshirts with hoods or collars are sewn from natural fabrics with a slight addition of synthetics.

If you have set yourself the task of experiencing american clothing style, prints are indispensable. Images of cartoon characters, photos of bands or patriotic symbols adorn sweatshirts, t-shirts, t-shirts and caps.

By the way, T-shirts and T-shirts, tops, sweaters and jumpers, loosely fitting on the figure, are also one of the foundations of the American style.

Checkered "American" shirts, yellow boots, and hats have come into modern fashion from the cowboy past. Country style can be easily guessed in short non-adjacent dresses made of natural fabrics. You can see that the American style is a little close to, in which jeans, vests and metal accessories are also held in high esteem.

Light trousers or a skirt with a dark jacket is a typical combination of clothes for American women to visit the office. For a party, you can wear a black or white classic dress. Jacket in american style clothing it does not look strict and not cheeky, but just so that you can go to work, and to a holiday, and to a cafe in it.

American clothing style allows wearing inexpensive items from chain stores, but shoes must be expensive and of high quality. Shoes for every day can be rough, simple, but with a famous label and made from natural materials.

Shoes for going out can be more feminine, with decorations. Bag of a man dressed in american style clothing, should also be expensive and solid.

In general, the USA is a free country, and the style of clothing common among Americans is quite suitable for any woman who loves convenience and simplicity in clothes.

America is the land of freedom. Democracy can be traced here not only in the social structure of society, but also in fashion trends. On the streets of New York, you can find everything from white collars to bright blue pants under the American flag. Here you can wear anything, and no one will judge you for it. On the contrary, friendly glances and compliments will be heard from everywhere. In this article, we outlined 10 features that are inherent in true American style.

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American casual

Freedom in all its manifestations can be found in any variation on the streets of Times Square. Casual among Americans is the usual simplicity and convenience. Button down shirt over regular jeans. T-shirts and denim, caps and sneakers. Americans don't care about anyone's opinion, they bring up their children in these clothes, go to shops, work and study. This is absolute freedom of choice, which will never be limited by anyone. @hm

Focus on accessories

Freedom in America is also expressed in accessories. You can combine trends and aesthetics, or you can wear whatever your heart desires. Because it is also a style and also a fashion. Americans can even wear clothespins on a string, no one will say a word. A person expresses himself in such a way, this is his style and his choice. And we have no right to criticize the freedom of others. But, nevertheless, ordinary people also love simple accessories, like large earrings, beautiful bags and interesting scarves around the neck.

affordable luxury

Trends for mass markets and copies of famous collections came to us from America. Stores like Gap, Levis, Guess are famous American brands. In Russia, they are respected for their quality and their corporate identity. In America - for the fact that there you can dress well and not expensively. Still, our prices vary slightly, so in the USA they are considered affordable. These are not just copies of more famous expensive brands, but their own, special, individual brand. Therefore, spending money in these networks, you are not buying a cheap replica of new collections, but a thoughtful and high-quality design.

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Men's clothing

Men's style in America is a separate issue. Men here can choose any image for themselves: a street gangster, a classic business, the so-called casual style, or, simply, a worker. The working style in America came from history - lumberjacks and workers wore plaid shirts and trousers with suspenders, they also wore simple cotton clothes. These trends have passed later into everyday life. Street style is cheeky and liberated. One-size-fits-all pants and sweatshirts, hoods, ripped jeans and T-shirts. Business needs no explanation, it's just suits or classic sweaters and shirts.

Ethno style

In the 1960s, hippies appeared in the USA. The youth movement led a passive lifestyle, "not worrying about trifles and living for their own pleasure." All this was accompanied by a nomadic way of life and unity with nature. The fashion for this subculture has long passed, but the trends associated with ethnicity have remained. Cowboy pants, floral prints, clothes made from natural materials are all fashionable in America. Also in the elements of clothing there are feathers, leather bracelets and jewelry, pendants made of flowers and herbs.

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Black with black

In 2013, the series Orange Is the New Black was released in the United States. The emphasis on black was not accidental here, because black is one of the most popular and most common colors in America. This is the color of a classic office suit, which also has a symbolic meaning - the meaning of money and success. Indeed, in these suits, multimillion-dollar deals and agreements are concluded. Black is the color of success and life, death and mourning. It is a symbolic color that accompanies the life of Americans.

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Conservatism and minimalism are another persistent feature of the American style. The fewer things in the image, the better. Simple elegance competes with pompous epicness and overloaded looks. But the true goddesses of style know that "less is more", the less the better. A minimum of accessories, things and colors in clothes. Here are the laws of real success. A strict and restrained woman can sometimes get more glances than an overdressed beauty.


The style of the 30s, 50s, 60s will never disappear from the shelves and shop windows. Because the styles and collections that the great couturiers created at that time are firmly entrenched in history. There is a fashion for puffy dresses and skirts even now. Nothing emphasizes the figure of any woman better than a fitted dress with a fluffy skirt. Marilyn Monroe, Jacqueline Kennedy, Americans have many style icons that they will emulate for years to come.


US street fashion is distinguished by its variegation and audacity. Here you can find a lot of incongruous things: classic shoes with a tracksuit, trousers with a sweatshirt, an incalculable number of colors, colors and the most unusual accessories. Like bags in the form of animals and ending with ridiculous shoes. But it does not look rude and tasteless. This is a special, inimitable New York flavor that can be found in the yards and in Times Square.

Classic (business lady)

Classics coexist on the streets of cities along with all the colors and everyday life. The favorite accessory of all ladies still remains a business suit and classic things. Still, a business woman is a special caste among women. Their hand keeps constantly on the pulse, including fashion. In order to conclude deals and contracts with you, you need to look appropriately confident and stylish. Therefore, classic trends are constantly updated.

We are sure that there is an American style, and it is the best for those who prefer laconic, but stylish images for every day. Read about the six main secrets of the style of real American women!

American style: main features


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While British fashionistas indulge in sometimes completely enchanting experiments with style, American women appreciate simple and understandable images that are fit for life and allow you not to spend too much time on morning preparations. If this approach is close to you, start the "Americanization" of your style with a thorough study of the basic wardrobe - it is he who saves most American women.

Men's clothing


A lot of things “departed” from the men's wardrobe for American women - jeans, pilot jackets, white T-shirts, classic trouser suits. "Male" things are enough to complement women's accessories and shoes to look stylish and harmonious.


In the United States, women love practical looks - such that they can go to work, and to a parent-teacher meeting, and to meet with friends, and even drop into the store. Therefore, they often choose universal sets with a touch of slight negligence, and they have a special love for comfortable shoes - you can meet an American in heels on weekdays only if the need to wear them is dictated by a strict work dress code.

naturalness and relevance

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In America, no one appreciates graphic arrows and red lipstick during the day - almost all local fashionistas choose naturalness. In American style, a blooming appearance is most appreciated - healthy hair (most often natural shades), good skin, perfect teeth will always work much better than two kilograms of cosmetics. And to emphasize grooming and natural beauty, just add a little mascara, blush and lip gloss.

Essential denim

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The birthplace of jeans is America, so do not be surprised that here denim has long acquired the status of a "sacred cow". And this, it is worth noting, is fair - there is hardly another such universal material. Jeans serve as the best option for American women to enter both the feast and the world - you just need to competently beat them according to the occasion.

Cowboys, Indians and all-all-all

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America is a multinational and multicultural country, so American designers and fashionistas do not lack sources of inspiration. Here you will find cowboy hats and boots, and farmers' overalls, and Indian motifs, and original outfits of the peoples of South America and the Caribbean. And the arbitrary mixing of all these stories usually does not produce a vaguely fashionable “vinaigrette”, but a viable and stylish result, which we call “American style of dressing”.

The whole world is indebted to America for giving them the jeans that people of all ages now wear. However, american clothing style this is not only denim, it also has other features, and which ones, we will discuss in this article.

Comfortable and practical clothes were popular in American villages. Shoes were supposed to protect the feet from crawling creatures, protect the headgear from the scorching sun, and the clothes themselves were supposed to keep warm in cool weather and allow the body to "breathe" in the sweltering heat. The world-famous “cowboy” style and the style borrowed from the military under the name “military” became the prototypes of the modern American style in clothing. When people began to move from villages to cities, they began to take with them the image that the townspeople successfully copied and improved.

Rough cowboy style began to be popular among women who could not remain indifferent to the fringe and hat, which made the look bold. Later, with the development of the feminist movement, many things from the men's wardrobe appeared among women. Interest in men's wardrobe among American women has continued to this day.

What are the features of American clothing style?

The American style is easy to recognize if you have information about the main features inherent in it.

  • New outfit every day. We note right away that among Americans it is considered bad form to come in yesterday's shirt or trousers. Every day you should put on new clothes, that is, change the image with the help of things that are already in your wardrobe. Such a harsh requirement does not at all speak of the fanaticism of American women or the desire to demonstrate all the outfits. The daily change of images among Americans is just a rule of hygiene that should be observed.
  • The presence of attributes and symbols of the American way of life. The American flag, the sheriff's star, hamburgers, cartoon characters and other symbols and objects that make it easy to guess that they belong to America are reliably "settled" on everyday T-shirts, tops, shirts, shoes, handbags, etc.
  • Cloth. The choice of American women "falls" in favor of natural materials, which may contain a small amount of synthetics. At the same time, clothes do not have to cost big money. In America, clothes are bought for mere pennies at seasonal sales. Unlike French women, American women can go down to the store in a T-shirt, shorts and sneakers, and without a drop of makeup. However, this rule only applies to everyday life. As for evening fashion, here American women dress in elegant outfits, such as designer dresses, wear high-heeled shoes from famous fashion designers, build special hairstyles, and of course do a full-fledged make-up - eyelash extensions, eyeliner, lips, etc. In evening fashion, fabrics such as satin, cashmere, silk, tweed, as well as capes made of fur or feathers are relevant.
  • Shoes. As for shoes, unlike clothes, shoes should be expensive and of very high quality. Americans have a special relationship with shoes. Just like in clothes, natural materials are welcome.

How to make a set in the American style?

To make an American-style bow, you will need the following wardrobe items.

  • Jeans. Well, where without them? Of course, you can combine bows in the spirit of American women, while using only one denim outfit. For example, you can create an ensemble of jeans and a denim shirt, or wear a denim sundress. By the way, with regard to jeans, American women prefer bright colors - green, crimson, yellow, etc.
  • T-shirts, t-shirts and jumpers. Things with prints are popular. These can be attributes of American life, which we have already talked about earlier, or inscriptions. Many design houses that work in the American style or add this style to their kits release collections with the image of the President of America - Obama.
  • Strict dress and heels. This is not uncommon, despite the simple attitude to the composition of everyday bows. However, such a business woman can only be found in the business district.
  • Shirt, T-shirt, jeans, sneakers or loafers. Such a set is a typical American woman, or a business woman who is freed from work. A T-shirt can be worn under an open shirt, jeans can be slightly worn or, as we indicated earlier, colorful. Well, as for shoes, then by all means it should be comfortable, so sneakers, sneakers or moccasins are preferred.
  • Skirts, jackets, jackets, jackets, vests. We have already talked more than once about the love of Americans for denim, and so, these elements of clothing are most often worn from denim.
  • Leather, suede, cotton. Remember how women who prefer cowboy style look like. Combining suede boots, leather trousers and a cotton shirt, the look can only be complemented with a felt hat, denim vest and fringed suede handbag.
  • Decorations. Silver and gold should be set aside for a gala evening, but simple jewelry for a casual look should be taken from a jewelry box. Cheap pendants, beads, earrings and rings are great for making American Girl looks.
  • Makeup. You can not leave this item without attention, even when it comes to drawing up a bow, because makeup plays a significant role in it. Naturalness is welcomed among ordinary everyday life, that is, makeup should be as natural as possible. It is enough just to slightly refresh the tone of the face, tint the eyelashes a little with mascara, apply blush and lipstick in a natural shade.
  • Blouses, dresses, coats, jackets. Do not forget that they are bought at sales for very ridiculous amounts. With the same ease, you can combine them with each other, focusing, for example, on country style. Putting on a lacy white dress, and putting on a leather jacket and boots for it, you will feel how the spirit of American life will run through your body. Americans are different in that they are not very worried when they create their images. Wearing a stretched tank top a couple of sizes too big is their style.

Experiment with your wardrobe, focusing on the information that we have presented to you in this article. Or you can do it in a completely different way, create your own kits, drawing inspiration from American films. In any case, we are sure that in the created image you will look just great!