The longest natural eyelashes. The longest eyelashes in the world

If you ask such a question in any search engine, then the first thing that catches your eye is a photo of a girl Asian appearance, from the eyes of which not even eyelashes grow, but literally hair. Their length is such that they hang well below the chin.

Is it fake or real eyelashes? At first glance it may seem that they are real. However, a more detailed analysis of the photo will reveal strange white spots that look like glue on the eyelids. - right where the hair grows. So this is most likely a banal fake.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the longest eyelashes in the world today are owned by the Indian Phuto Rav Mauli, who lives in the province of Mesok, which is located near Delhi, the capital of the state. The length of his eyelashes is 4.7 centimeters. If he presses them to his face, they will reach him. lower lip! This record was recorded in 2004, when Phuto was 52 years old.

According to the record holder, he never looked after his property, and in his youth he was ashamed of his eyelashes and even cut them. This should not be surprising, because peers often ran around the Indian guy, calling him half a woman. The most interesting thing is that the agents came to the province to fix a completely different record (the oldest cow), and eventually found Phuto. Unfortunately, we could not find his photo.

By the way, imagine what it's like to dye the eyelashes of the girl in the photo above? Speaking of mascara. Did you know that it was invented by an English merchant of French origin Eugene Rimmel in the 19th century? It consisted of carnauba wax and dyes. It had to be rubbed with a brush, and then applied to the eyelashes. The word "rimmel", meanwhile, still means the word "mascara" in several languages ​​at once.

Modern mascara was invented by chemist Terry L. Williams - at first it was a mixture of petroleum jelly with coal dust. It was tested on Terri's sister Mabel, who was very pleased with the product. Then the chemist began to sell the result of his labors by mail, having previously created his own company under the name "Maybelline", which is now one of the world's leading among cosmetics. By the way, the name of the company itself is derived from the words "Mabel" (sister's name) and "Vaseline" (Vaseline).

According to historians, Terry would never have become famous if cinema had not helped him, which at that time, one might say, was just in its infancy. Movie actresses enjoyed using Williams' mascara because it made the eyes expressive, bright and beautiful. And when the Maybelline cosmetics were used almost simultaneously in their films by such famous actresses, like Pola Negri and Theda Bara, women all over the world on the same day certainly wanted to buy their own mascara. By the beginning of the 30s of the last century, almost every girl carried this eye decoration in her purse.

Most long eyelashes in the boy's world

Oddly enough, not only girls, but also real men can boast of long eyelashes. Muin Buchonaev lives in Moscow, who simply does not have equal length of eyelashes in Russia. Their length reaches as much as 3.6 centimeters! And the most interesting thing in this story is that the boy is only seven years old!

As the boy's parents assure, Muin was already born with such an unusual feature. Even for a baby, his eyelashes were too long and he instantly became famous throughout the maternity hospital. They say that all the mothers lying in neighboring wards came to see him. However, not only eyelashes glorified Buchonaev, but also eyebrows, which also have an unusual length. For some reason everyone thinks they are artificial.

Nature, by the way, did not stop there. The fact is that the boy's eyelashes continue to grow at a rate of about one millimeter in six months. Therefore, experts believe that in the future the guy will be able to become the champion of the Guinness Book of Records (while Phuto, whom we told you about a little higher, bypasses him).

The boy's parents are surprised by the unusual appearance of their son. They say that this has never happened in their family.

Little Armenian, who got into the Guinness Book of Records - "the longest eyelashes" .

Eyelashes are very important element in the girl's appearance. In order to give them volume and greater length, girls are ready to use expensive cosmetics. But they do not always give the proper result, because the growth of eyelashes depends not only on the means, but also on the type of hair of the person himself. But there are those who, without any cosmetics, were able to achieve really big eyelashes. Today we will tell you about longest eyelashes in the world, photo attached!

What determines the growth of eyelashes

Before you imagine people with the longest eyelashes, you should figure out what their length depends on. The size of the hair is individual for each person, since all people have different features. Eyelash growth depends on two factors: the rate of follicle development and the rate of shedding.

These 2 factors always go hand in hand with each other. Usually than faster hair grow, the faster they fall. It is the rapid loss that does not allow many women to achieve long eyelashes. This requires the hair to grow faster than it falls out.

These parameters depend on the trace elements that feed hair follicles. The more nutrients does, the faster growth, and the slower the fallout, the larger the size will be. These items can be obtained from proper diet nutrition, or the use of cosmetic products with trace elements in the base.

Oksana Shikalyuk

Our list opens with a Ukrainian woman, who became the owner of the longest eyelashes in Ukraine. It is noteworthy that the eyelash was measured right on the TV show. The eyelash had to be pulled out, after which it was placed on the glass, straightened and measured. The results are really impressive, because her eyelashes are 1.85 centimeters in size. In order for you to understand how much this is, it must be said that this is 2 times more than the eyelashes of the host of that same show.

Generally this perfect size, because it does not bring any special problems, but at the same time it looks very beautiful. The girl spends a lot of energy to look after them.

Valery Smagliy

Valery Smagliy became the owner of a record from the Guinness book. His eyelashes became the longest in the world. Now his record has been broken, but this man is worth mentioning. The size of his eyelashes is 3 centimeters, which is really a lot. It draws attention from people on the street. Men do not approve of such appearance, showing bewilderment, and women admire. On the one hand, Valery really likes such attention, but on the other hand, it starts to interfere Everyday life. Even when he simply goes to the store, he is pestered by many people who are trying to find out the secret of such big eyelashes. He does not disclose it, but says that this is all due to proper nutrition.

Except too much attention, which frankly interferes with a man, he experiences big problems that are caused by excessive growth of eyelashes. Due to their large size, they have enough big weight which puts a lot of pressure on the eyelids. This causes fatigue, and even pain in the eyes. Especially when he for a long time works. But that's only half the trouble. Eyelashes measuring 3 centimeters do not allow him to sleep normally. Due to their large size, they tuck under the eyelids, and climb right into the eyes. It causes pain.

All these problems forced Valery to go to a beauty salon and cut off his big eyelashes. It was not an easy step, because he really spent a lot of effort on growing them, but since this interferes normal life they need to be shortened.

Muinu Bachonaev

This a little boy who from childhood has long hair. Even at birth, he attracted a lot of attention, because his eyelashes were much larger than those of other children.

The boy has genetic predisposition To great growth eyelashes, which explains them big size. Already now the size of eyelashes is 3.5 mm. He hopes to get into the Guinness Book of Records as the man with the longest eyelashes. Now its results are not enough, but it is developing very quickly in this direction.

Judging by the words of his parents, the boy's eyelashes grow at a rate of 1 mm every six months. It's very fast, especially for a child. Despite such a rapid growth of the boy's hair, the parents did not reveal any features with eyelashes. They have an average size, which is a little confusing for everyone.

Phuto Rav Mauli

This Indian man was discovered completely by accident. Several people traveled to India to see the oldest cow in the world, but they stumbled upon Phuto. He has eyelashes measuring 4.7 centimeters, which allows them to reach his lips when he closes his eyes.

According to the man, in his youth it gave him a lot of trouble, because he was embarrassed by such a feature. He was afraid that he would be teased by his resemblance to a woman, so he constantly cut them off. But now, when he is already 63 years old, he does not particularly care about the opinions of others.

Stuart Mueller

This man is originally from America, and now he has the longest eyelashes in the world. He officially holds the record, which no one has yet broken. The size of his eyelashes is 6.99 centimeters. This is a lot.

This should give a man a lot of trouble, but it is somewhat easier for him. This is due to the fact that only a few hairs have this length, all the rest grow like ordinary people. It was thanks to a pair of hairs that he became the owner of the award. But even these few hairs bring their inconvenience.

But despite the fact that large eyelashes interfere with Stewart's daily life, he still does not intend to cut them. This longest eyelashes in the world photo simply amaze!

Many people would like to have such eyelashes, but they do not even realize how difficult it is to have such wealth. Sleep problems, misunderstanding of people and just eyelid fatigue. This is what everyone on this list is facing. But they still continue to fight for these records, enduring difficulties and continuing to improve their success.

The density and length of eyelashes is something that is passed down to us by inheritance. On the one hand, they are designed to protect the eyes from microscopic foreign bodies, and on the other hand, they are considered quite a beautiful asset. Women sigh for long and thick eyelashes, meanwhile, the records for the longest eyelashes belong to men.

1 place

The longest eyelashes are worn by an American Stuart Mueller . On the left upper eyelid the length of his eyelashes reaches 6.99 centimeters. The length was recorded in 2007 in the state of Florida and the record still belongs to Stewart. But the most interesting thing is that only a few eyelashes of a man are champions, while the rest have the usual length.

The record holder declares that long eyelashes are quite impractical, but he does not want to get rid of them, as he is proud of his title. By the way, for 8 years no one in the world has been able to beat this achievement.

2nd place

Second place rightly belongs to an Indian named Phuto Rav Mauli . His eyelashes, 4.7 cm long, reach down to his lower lip when he closes his eyes. The record holder is already 63 years old and he does not worry about what others will say. However, in his youth, Phuto constantly cut his eyelashes, embarrassed by his peers and afraid of their ridicule about his resemblance to a woman.

Experts went to India to record the age of the oldest cow in the world and, quite by chance, Phuto Rav Mauli caught their eye. Thus, the record unexpectedly found its owner, although the man claims that the eyelashes brought him a lot of trouble.

3rd place

Seven-year-old Muinu Bachonaev got the honor to close the top three. The length of the Muscovite's eyelashes at the age of 4 was already 3.5 cm, and it is likely that the boy will still become a world record holder, because eyelash growth continues. They do not cause any discomfort, as the baby shared. But he really likes attention from adults.

Already at birth, the child attracted attention, his eyelashes were much longer than those of other newborns, and all the employees of the maternity hospital came to look at the miracle baby. Now the boy is proud of his title of champion and wants to break the world record. And although it is believed that this requires a genetic predisposition, Muin's parents cannot boast of such eyelashes.

The boy's eyelashes grow an average of 1 mm every six months, so he shows promise for a world record.

4th place

The next step in the top of the longest eyelashes also belongs to a man, this time from Ukraine. They became Valery Smagliy who managed to grow eyelashes 3.4 cm long. The man keeps secret how he did it and only refers to special meals. Having registered a record, he immediately went to a beauty salon to cut off the annoying load, because, according to Valery, it is absolutely impossible to sleep peacefully with such eyelashes. Moreover, the women did not give Valery a pass, trying to find out the cherished secret, and the men looked squeamishly and disapprovingly.

But Valery is not going to reveal his secret, but plans to make money on it. The man claims that he could break the American world record, but he likes the idea of ​​​​the commercial embodiment of the secret of long eyelashes more.

5th place

Ukrainian Oksana Shikalyuk set a record for the longest eyelashes right on the air of the morning broadcast on television. The eyelash was pulled out from the girl and, having put it on a glass slide with a drop of water, they clamped it with another glass so that the eyelash straightened and it could be measured in an even state. The host of the program also took part in the experiment, supporting the record holder and allowing her to take her eyelash. Record experts were invited to the studio and measured the length of the girl's eyelashes. It was 1.85 cm. For comparison, the eyelash of the TV presenter of this show was two times shorter.

All women in the world dream of long beautiful eyelashes, but, unfortunately, nature has not awarded all of them with such a gift. However, speaking of this, one should also take into account the fact that nature, so to speak, “rewarded” some people. These people have record-breaking hairs on their eyelids. There are not many of them, but the result is worth our attention. And what is remarkable, they are far from being only among women. So, the longest eyelashes in the world, this is the topic we invite you to consider with us.

It has already happened in our world that in order to learn about some incredible facts world, about something unusual and supernatural, we turn to the Guinness Book of Records. Here we also find representatives who have the longest eyelashes in the world. And their owner - no, not a woman, but a man from India from the province of Mesok - Phuto Rav Mauli. The size of its hairs reaches almost 5 centimeters.

Phuto Rav Mauli

As it turns out, the Indian man did absolutely nothing to achieve such a title. Such the longest eyelashes were awarded by nature itself. Moreover, for a long time, especially in his youth and youth, in order not to be ridiculed by friends and acquaintances, the boy constantly cut his hairs, giving them normal view. Later, when he was already over 50, the man stopped giving this fact so importance and accidentally got into the book of records.

Why by chance? It so happened that representatives of the Guinness Book did not come to their province in search of a person with the most big eyelashes, but the search for the country's oldest sacred animal - the cow. Today it is no longer known whether they found a cow or not, but they managed to capture a new record holder. Seeing an Indian on the street, whose eyelid hairs reached the level of almost the chin, they did not even doubt that this man was worthy of world fame.

Phuto Rav Mauli himself is happy and surprised by such an event. As the man himself said, he never hoped for such a thing and, moreover, was always embarrassed by his dissimilarity to the other guys from the village. But, as you can see, now his longest eyelashes have brought him worldwide fame.


Yes, whatever you say, but in our country there is also a record holder for the longest eyelashes, and again, this is a man. A boy from Moscow, Muin Bachonaev, has about 3.5 centimeters and honorably takes second place in the ranking of records. The fact was established four years ago, when the boy was 4 years old. Now his eyelashes, probably, have become even more?

Today, a boy from Moscow, Muin Buchonaev, holds the title of the owner of the largest vegetation in front of his eyes in Russia. And he has been like that since birth. The record holder's parents say that everyone always came to look at his unusual hairs. When Muin's eyes are closed, the hairs literally lie on the boy's cheeks. According to Muin, his eyelashes do not interfere with him, but on the contrary, he is already used to the fact that everyone always pays attention to him. True, in addition to this, his eyebrows are still growing very quickly, which his mother regularly trims. According to estimates, both the eyebrows and hairs on the eyelids of Muin Buchonaev grow by about 1 mm in six months. So very little is left before our compatriot gets into the Guinness Book of Records and outruns Phuto Rav Mauli.

Muina's older sister also has long beautiful eyelashes, but not so - 2.5 centimeters. You can see more about this in the video at the end of the text.

Oksana Shikalyuk

This is another representative of the longest eyelashes in the world. This time it was Ukrainian Oksana Shikalyuk. Her record-breaking 18.5 millimeters of hair on her eyelids was recorded on December 7, 2010. You can see it in the photo too.

As for animals, not people, they also have their own champions. So, for example, in the animal kingdom, the camel boasts the longest eyelashes. Large hairs reliably protect his eyes from the desert sand. Don't forget to take care of your eyelashes so that they are also always long and beautiful!


Every girl dreams of long, thick and beautiful eyelashes. Young ladies spend a large number of time and money to grow them to the maximum possible level. Among this mass of admirers of the standards of beauty there are people whom nature has rewarded from birth with such generous and a chic gift. And, oddly enough, most of them are representatives of the stronger sex.

World record

It was the man who was able to wipe his nose to all women on the planet without exception, having grown the longest eyelashes in the world. The Guinness record belongs to the Indian Phuto Rav Mauli, who lives near the capital Delhi. Amazingly, the length of his eyelashes is 4 centimeters and 7 millimeters! When a man closes his eyes, the hairs that frame the eyelid touch the lower lip. He claims he never courted them using special means for growth. He has had this appearance for as long as he can remember.

As a child, Phuto was very ashamed of his half-female appearance. The boys often teased him as a "girl", which is why he grew up a little notorious and lonely. Interestingly, the agents of the Book of Records discovered the man by accident. They came to the province in 2004 to register another achievement. As a result, they found 52-year-old Phuto, who has the longest eyelashes in the world (record). The photo of this man, unfortunately, is not in the Guinness book.

Russian record holder

You will probably be surprised, but this is also a representative of the stronger sex, only so far small. Muin Buchonaev, a seven-year-old boy from Moscow, can boast of this achievement. Already in such young age his eyelashes grew to 3.6 centimeters. The most interesting thing is that they continue to actively increase in size. If it goes on like this, then it is the Russian who will own the longest eyelashes in the world: the record of the Indian can be beaten in ten years.

The parents of the baby say that their son was born with such a feature. His amazing eyelashes were noticed even in the maternity ward, which is why he became famous throughout the hospital. By the way, the boy's eyebrows are also very long. People around often think they are artificial. The family is very surprised by such an anomaly of the boy. It is said that this is the first such case in their family.

The longest "Ukrainian" eyelashes

Oksana Shikalyuk is the girl with the longest eyelashes. In the world, she did not significantly reach the record, but in her homeland she became very famous. None of her compatriots can boast of such a chic, thick and, most importantly, long hairline of the eyes. The achievement was recorded by representatives of the "National Registry of Records" on December 7, 2010. Exactly at 8 hours 35 minutes they pulled out one eyelash from Oksana and measured it. She was 18.5 millimeters long.

The procedure was carried out in live- in the morning program of the New Channel. The trichologist invited to the studio carefully removed the girl's eyelash and placed it between two glasses moistened with drops of purified water. Only in this way the hair could completely straighten. By the way, for comparison, they also removed a hair from the eye of the host of the program - the announcer's eyelash was two times smaller than that of Oksana Shikalyuk.

Record Animals

Mother Nature took care of our smaller brothers, also endowing them with this wealth. And she did it selectively, giving gifts only to those who needed it due to the peculiarities of the climate or living conditions. No wonder the camel has the longest eyelashes in the world. A photo of this animal, found in any zoological encyclopedia, demonstrates the achievement. In the pictures with the naked eye you can see that the eyelashes of the "humped" are very long and thick.

In fact, only 5-centimeter hairs grow on his eyelids. But the eyelashes of the beast are very hard and shaggy, which is why they seem so huge. They are necessary for camels in order to protect the visual organ from the sand in the desert. The vision of these animals is simply magnificent: they see a person at a distance of a kilometer, and they notice a car as far as 5 km away, which is simply amazing.

Are they always real?

To make sure we really have the longest eyelashes in the world, photo specific person sometimes it's not enough. Therefore, representatives of the Guinness Book of Records always go to the place to personally verify, record the achievement and draw up an appropriate protocol. As for the girl, which will be discussed further, the agents have never seen this young lady. What can I say, no one even knows her name. Accordingly, her long eyelashes can be a common fake. If you look at the photo of an Asian beauty, it becomes clear: these are not even cilia, but the hair that frames the eyes. They are so long that you can absolutely calmly braid pigtails from them.

Experts have repeatedly analyzed the pictures of this woman and came to the conclusion: she cannot be called a person with the longest eyelashes in the world. The photos are real, but the hairs on the eyelid are the purest fake. If you look closely, you can see white spots on the line of the eye, which, most likely, are glue. Therefore, the young lady cannot be considered a record holder. Perhaps she was just joking by posting such unusual pictures. But she became famous and attracted the attention of the entire world society.

How to grow long eyelashes?

For this purpose, oils are ideal: castor, burdock, sea buckthorn, almond and peach. The old mascara brush should be washed very thoroughly, dipped in liquid and applied to the cilia. This mask should be left on all night. They say that with regular procedures, you will eventually get a gorgeous result. No, these will not be the longest eyelashes in the world, but the fact that they will increase significantly is a fact.

Vitamin solutions and aloe juice can be added to oils - these components also stimulate hair growth. Such masks are well stored in the refrigerator, but before use they should be heated in a water bath. Fashionistas recommend using special compresses for eyelash growth. To do this, buy at the pharmacy various herbs- chamomile, calendula, nettle - and make a decoction of equal proportions. Then wet cotton pads in liquid and place them over your eyes. You need to keep the compress for 20 minutes, then wash your face and apply a special cream on your eyelids.

Why are long eyelashes dangerous?

It turns out that the dream of having the longest eyelashes in the world has its own dark side. Scientists have conducted many studies and found that they can provoke the development of ophthalmic diseases - conjunctivitis and "dry eye syndrome". Evolution has determined for man optimal length eyelashes - a third of the width of the eye. We need hairs of this size to keep the visual organ from drying out, they protect it from small insects and dust. The shadow from the hairs forms a special microclimate in which stable humidity and temperature are maintained, as well as other conditions for the normal functioning of the cornea and retina.

Scientists have found that if the length of the eyelashes exceeds the optimal size, the microclimate of the eye is disturbed: more dust settles on it, moisture “evaporates”. Therefore, they are sure that the longest eyelashes in the world bring more problems than pleasure. In addition, they are uncomfortable and do not always have an aesthetic appearance. Fashionistas are also advised not to get carried away with false eyelashes, preferring a natural and natural look.

You will not be able to grow the longest eyelashes in the world if heredity has let us down. After all, their splendor, density and length directly depend on genetics. The lifespan of each hair on the eyelid is three months. At the same time, they begin to grow in a person even when he is in the mother's womb - at the eighth week of pregnancy. Upper eyelid contains 200 cilia, the lower one - about 100. They never grow in a continuous even line - only in uneven, irregular rows. Some medications significantly slow down the growth of eyelashes, aspirin, for example.

Experts believe that one can judge the character of a person by the hairs on the eyelid. Their small number speaks of aggression, anger. By the way, women began to dye their eyelashes back in the time of Cleopatra, using lead or antimony crushed in water for this purpose. It was believed that the hairs covered with paint on the eyes could scare away evil spirits and evil spirits. Nowadays, eyelashes covered with mascara make a woman attractive: cosmetics emphasize the beauty of the eyes and make the look expressive and sexy.