Facts about the structure and work of organs. Incredible facts about the human body. Internal organs

We all studied biology, including the anatomical structure of a person. But, unfortunately, the school course provides only "dry" data, describing the main functions and type of organs, but very little data is given about their interesting features. Agree, it's interesting to know how it works digestive system? And the heart? Same helpful information, which not only eliminates gaps in knowledge, but also helps to better understand one's own nature. So, here are some interesting facts about the work of human organs.

What have we not known all this time?

1. Facts about the digestive tract

The inner epidermis of the walls of the stomach is updated at intervals of a couple of weeks. This is due to the action of gastric juice, which dissolves the mucous membrane of our "culinary esthete".
The longest internal organ is the small intestine. Its length is measured at about four human heights!

The hydrochloric acid that the stomach contains is so strong that it can dissolve small metal objects. We do not recommend to apply in practice!

2. Interesting features of the heart and circulatory system

The pressure that is created strong contractions human heart, enough to squirt blood up to 8 meters away. And no wonder! Try to pump the entire circulatory system of the body ...

The diameter of the aorta can be compared to the diameter of a garden hose, due to the need to enrich the heart with blood containing oxygen.

total length blood vessels is about 96 thousand kilometers. This is enough to encircle the Earth twice along the equator with a margin!

A person can live normally if the blood vascular system will not go discretely, but circulate constantly.

Women's heartbeat is more frequent than men's. This happens because of the smaller volume of the female heart, so he has to pump blood more intensively. modern medicine does not take into account these features, but it would be worth it.

3. A little about the airways

The surface of a human lung is large enough to cover a tennis court. This is possible thanks to the thousands of bronchi and alveoli that are filled with microscopic capillaries.

The left lung is somewhat smaller than the right. This is necessary in order to fit the heart.

The air we exhale during a sneeze moves at a speed of 160 km/h.

4. Organs of the urinary system, biliary tract

The liver is the main "bee" in the large "hive" of the body. It performs about 500 functions! In particular, it produces bile, decomposes red blood cells, synthesizes plasma proteins, and performs a detox program after a stormy holiday.

The adrenal glands change their size depending on age category and state of the body. So, for example, in the third trimester of pregnancy, they approach the dimensions of the kidneys, and in old age they are practically invisible.

At the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, the liver of the unborn baby is half the total weight!

It is the liver that regulates the temperature in the body at the level of 37`C.

The total length of the capillaries in the kidney is about 25 kilometers. It has a million filter elements.

Bladder healthy person holds up to two glasses of urine for up to 5 hours.

5. external organs

The corneas of the eyes are the only part of the human body that is not supplied with oxygen through the blood. She receives it through tears.

Earwax, which is designed to lubricate and clean the ear canals, also performs a bactericidal function. It can treat wounds and herpes.

Over a lifetime, about 3,000 cubic meters of saliva is secreted in our body.

6. brain activity

The approximate amount of our memory is from 3 to 1000 terabytes.

The brain takes 20% of all oxygen "supplied" to the body, given that its mass is only 2% of the total body weight.

4/5 of our brain is water.

The number of nerve cells, contrary to the ideas of scientists, is growing throughout our lives.

The brain does not feel pain when struck. It is caused by injury to the muscle tissue that surrounds the skull.

The higher the intelligence, the more dreams sees a person.

7. Features of the musculoskeletal structure

The skeleton of a newborn consists of 300 bones, and the skeleton of an adult - of 206.

Of the total number of bones, a quarter of them are in the feet. And about half of all bones are in the feet and hands.

A frown uses 43 facial muscles, but a smile uses only 17! Smile, gentlemen!

The strongest bone in the human structure is the jaw, and the strongest muscle is the tongue.

5. General information

Human body does not need most of its organs! He lives quietly without a spleen, stomach, 80% of the intestines, without 75% of the liver and in the absence of one kidney, lung and any organ of the genitourinary system.

Approximately one person in ten thousand has a mirror image of the internal organs: the liver and appendix are on the left, and the heart and stomach are on the right.

The human body produces as much heat in half an hour as is necessary to boil half a liter of water.

Our body is a unique "machine" that has mass interesting features! They can be listed endlessly! This is an undoubted subject for the pride of every Homo sapiens. And know that you are unique!

Many of us are probably interested in how our body works. Even at school, we attended biology classes, where they explained to us the structure of human organs. However, for sure, only doctors and scientists fully know how the human body actually consists. But today we have collected some interesting facts that you will not be taught in school.

Fact one: four-fifths of the human brain is made of water. In order for the brain to function normally in a variety of diseases, it is necessary to drink as much water as possible.

Fact two: scientists have hypothesized that the more IQ a person has, the more he sees different dreams. That is, if you often see a variety of dreams, it means that you have enough high level IQ, and it does not require testing.

Fact three: of all hair, hair grows fastest on the face. By the way, if a man does not shave all his life, he will grow a beard 30 meters long.

Fact four: the structure of women's hair differs from men's in that women's hair is much thinner. It can even be seen with the naked eye. By the way, that is why many perfume companies produce separate shampoos for men, separate for women.

Fifth fact: with regard to nails, the nails on the middle finger grow fastest. How longer finger the faster the nail grows. By the way, in little fingers, nails grow very slowly both on the hands and on the legs.

Fact six: exactly as much hair grows on the surface of the human body as that of a chimpanzee. Only human hairs are much finer, which is why we don't walk around as hairy as chimpanzees. Can you imagine if we were all hairy? Although, there are people who have increased hairiness in certain places, for example, on the chest and back. This is not a disease, just the hair of such people is a little thicker.

Fact seven: One hair in our head can live from 3 to 7 years. During that time, new hair grows.

Fact eight: the most big organ in the human body is the small intestine. If unwound, it will be four times longer than the height of its owner.

Fact nine: The total length of blood vessels in human body reaches about one hundred thousand kilometers. Imagine, if all our blood vessels were stretched to their full length, it would take an airplane and several months to fly around them along their entire length.

Fact ten: Usually, the volume of the full Bladder filled with 0.4 liters. Each of us at least once in our lives has experienced this feeling when we really want to go to the restroom, but there is no chance to go. You have to endure, which is very unpleasant and causes a lot of discomfort. But there are people who are able to endure the fullness of the bladder even in a whole liter.

Thus, now you know a few facts about the structure of some human organs, many of which you did not know in school. On the body itself, some scientists believe that the human body has not been fully explored. Therefore, many professors of biology dealing with the human body, more and more often find some new amazing facts relating to our body

Ecology of knowledge: The human body still continues to reveal its mysteries. By studying the operation of its systems, every year scientists make hundreds of discoveries. And often new facts refute ideas that have been established for centuries.

The human body still continues to reveal its mysteries. By studying the operation of its systems, every year scientists make hundreds of discoveries. And often new facts refute ideas that have been established for centuries.

20. Silence of the heart

The average adult's heart beats 72 times a minute, 100,000 times a day, 36 million times a year, and 2.5 billion times a lifetime.

However, the heart beats rhythmically, which means that in addition to beats, there are also pauses in the cycle. So, if you add up all the pauses between heartbeats for one average human life, it turns out that our heart is "silent" for about 20 years. It is also interesting that the heart stops when sneezing.

19. Against the laws of physics

It is known that a liquid can flow from a higher pressure to a lower one, but in our body this law is constantly violated. With simultaneous measurement of pressure in the aorta and femoral artery, blood from the aorta, where the pressure is lower, flows into the femoral artery, where the pressure is higher.

18. Round heart

Recently, NASA conducted a study that yielded very interesting results. It turned out that in a state of weightlessness, the heart not only weakens and decreases in volume, but also ... rounds off. During the experiment, NASA cardiologists studied the hearts of 12 astronauts who worked on the ISS.

An analysis of the images showed that under weightless conditions the heart is rounded by 9.4%. However, upon returning to Earth, the heart returns to its usual shape within six months and resumes "earthly" activity. To imagine a decrease in the activity of the heart, it is enough to say that one and a half months of lying on the bed is equivalent to a week of work in weightlessness.

17. new skin: from three days to a month

Human skin is constantly renewing itself. This process is called regeneration. It happens like this: new skin cells are formed in the germinal layer of the epidermis, for about 28-30 days they move to the surface and lose their cell nucleus. On the surface, with the help of the keratin contained in them, they form the stratum corneum of the skin, which gradually exfoliates when washed or in contact with clothing.

Thus, the skin that we consider our own is constantly updated. After a month, the composition of a person's skin changes completely.

In newborns, the regeneration process, like many other processes (for example, metabolism), proceeds faster. "Change of skin" in babies takes three days - 72 hours.

16. Inner Brewery

People with a "roaming gut" or so-called "inner brewery" syndrome turn all food and drink into alcohol inside them. Therefore, they are always a little tipsy. The cause of the disease is the inability of the stomach to break down sugar into carbohydrates - instead, it is engaged in fermentation.

In addition, the human body with a fermenting gut is not able to process the ethanol resulting from the consumption of starchy foods. One bottle of beer is enough for such people to gain 0.37 ppm. Fortunately, this is very rare syndrome, only 11 cases have been reported worldwide to date.

15. Without hair

A fracture of the spine can also lead to such an unexpected consequence as the disappearance of body hair. This is a unique phenomenon in which scientists themselves have not yet figured out very well. Hair on the human body actively grows when they make a request to the brain and receive feedback. If this connection is broken - and this is exactly what will happen if the spinal cord is seriously damaged - the hair on the body gradually begins to disappear.

14. "Bird" genetics

The fact that "lark" - "lark" - is not his merit. As well as the fact that “owl” - “owl” - there is no fault. This is how nature made us. And who is responsible for the chronotypes determined by American researchers medical center Northwestern University of Chicago in collaboration with scientists from the Korean Institute of Science and Technology. By studying the fruit fly Drosophilia melanogaster, they discovered a gene that regulates the circadian rhythm. They called it the “genome of 24 hours” and in 2010 published data in the journal “Science”, where they noted that the flies in which it “did not work, did not show activity for a long time with the onset of dawn.”

If we draw a parallel with humans, then these fruit flies are typical "owls", which are also unbearable to tear their heads off their "fly pillows". And the same gene is also responsible for the easy awakening of those who are lucky enough to be born "larks".

13. Moving facial expressions

In 2011, scientists managed to discover that human facial expressions occur long before birth. Even during the prenatal period, the child is already able to move facial muscles, smile, raise eyebrows in surprise or frown.

The facial muscles make up 25% of the total number of muscles, while smiling, 17 muscle groups are involved, during anger or crying - 43.

One of better ways maintaining smooth skin on the face - kissing. With them, from 29 to 34 muscle groups work.

12. Blood type as a factor in career and personal life

In Japan, since the 1930s, the teachings of “ketsu-eki-gata” have been practiced, in which you can tell everything about a person, knowing only his blood type. The Japanese are sure that the owners of the I blood group are sociable and energetic people, the owners of the II blood group are stress-resistant and patient, but stubborn. Creative and powerful people usually Group III blood. People with a rare IV group are balanced and natural leaders.

"Ketsu-eki-gata" is incredibly popular. Japanese girl may ask on a first date not about who you are according to the sign of the Zodiac, but what kind of blood type you have. The Japanese are guided by blood type when they get married and when they get a job. HR departments try to form ideally matched “by blood” teams.

11. Testosterone and longevity

The effect of testosterone on life expectancy has been repeatedly confirmed in various studies. One of them, conducted in 1969 among patients in a psychiatric hospital in Kansas, showed that castrated men live 14 years longer. Interesting data on this issue were recently published by the Korean scientist Kyung-Chin Min. He studied the book "Yan-Se-Ke-Bo", in which one can trace the genealogical information about 385 families of court eunuchs.

Comparing the life expectancy of 81 eunuchs with confirmed life dates, Kyung-Ching Ming saw that the average life expectancy of eunuchs was 71 years. That is, eunuchs survived their contemporaries by an average of 17 years.

10. Craving for sleep

Narcolepsy is a disease in which a person constantly wants to sleep. Also called paroxysms of irresistible drowsiness and Gelino's disease. The disease occurs infrequently, in about 20-40 people out of 100,000. Scientists associate narcolepsy with disintegration syndrome, the untimely onset of sleep phases.

Patients suffering from narcolepsy, although they sleep a lot, do not get enough sleep, because skipping the phase of non-REM sleep, they immediately find themselves in the phase REM sleep, the encephalogram curve of which resembles the encephalogram curve of a waking person, it is almost impossible to get enough sleep in this mode. We get enough sleep in the stage of deep delta sleep, patients with narcolepsy do not fall into this phase.

The causes of narcolepsy are still unclear. Some doctors believe that the culprit of the disease is the brain neurotransmitter hypocretin. It is he who regulates the phase of REM sleep and wakefulness. If the cells of this neurotransmitter are damaged, this leads to sleep disorders.

9. Natural alarm clock

Probably, each of us at least once woke up a few minutes before the alarm, especially when he knew in advance that it was simply necessary to wake up.

This is the merit of the so-called "natural alarm clock", namely, adrenocorticotropic hormone.

Scientists believe that it has something to do with minimizing stress for the body during awakening. But, what is most interesting, we can consciously control it. When studying the properties of adrenocorticotropic hormone, an experiment was conducted in which a number of subjects pre-programmed themselves to wake up at certain time. More than 75% of the subjects actually woke up on their own when they needed to.

8. Wave of death

In 2009, in one of the American hospitals, encephalograms were taken from nine dying people who at that time could no longer be saved. The results were sensational - after the death of all the subjects, the brain, which was already supposed to be killed, literally exploded - incredibly powerful bursts of electrical impulses arose in it, which had never been observed in a living person. They occurred two to three minutes after cardiac arrest and lasted approximately three minutes. Prior to this, similar experiments were carried out on rats, in which the same thing began a minute after death and lasted 10 seconds.

Scientists have dubbed this phenomenon the “wave of death.” scientific explanation"waves of death" has given rise to many ethical questions.

According to one of the experimenters, Dr. Lakhmir Chawla, such bursts of brain activity are explained by the fact that from a lack of oxygen, neurons lose their electrical potential and are discharged, emitting impulses “avalanche-like”. "Live" neurons are constantly under a small negative voltage - 70 min volts, which is maintained by getting rid of positive ions that remain outside. After death, the balance is disturbed, and neurons quickly change polarity from "minus" to "plus".

7. How men and women hear

Women are better at distinguishing high-pitched sounds. A week-old girl can already distinguish the sound of her mother's voice and hear when another baby cries. Boys don't need that.

Women better than men recognize changes in tone and therefore know perfectly well when men are lying.

Men, on the other hand, specialize in sounds. wildlife(this skill is not so necessary in the city) and perfectly “hear” the direction. If a woman hears a kitten's meow first, then it is the man who will indicate where to look for him.

6. Such different sensitivity

A woman's skin is 10 times more sensitive than a man's skin. Studies by British scientists have shown that even the most sensitive man in this sense falls short of the most insensitive woman. But men's skin thicker than women's and therefore men have fewer wrinkles. On the back of an adult male, the skin is four times thicker than on the abdomen. And if a man is busy with business, then the sensitivity of the skin drops even more, and he almost does not feel pain.

5. Electricity in us

People have great prospects as generators of electricity, it can be generated from almost any of our actions. So, you can get 1 W from one breath, and a calm step is enough to power a 60 W light bulb, and it will be enough to charge the phone.

4. Lungs - the "stove" of the body

One of the luminaries of the Soviet hardening systems was the Soviet scientist of Austrian origin Karl Trincher. He spent five years in the Gulag, and he knew firsthand about the cold. Treacher once noticed that in laboratory animals with a lack of oxygen, the temperature in the lungs rises. From here he made a brilliant conclusion: “The lungs are the only organ where fats, reacting with oxygen, burn directly. Without any enzymes.

Today, even physiologists do not deny that the lungs are a "stove" capable of warming the body in the cold. Or rather, not to warm, but to keep warm, to resist the pathogenic dominant of the cold. Therefore, in the cold, you must first of all monitor your breathing, breathe slowly, evenly and deeply.

3. Color perception of floors

On the retina of the human eye are almost seven million receptors, "cones", which are responsible for the perception of color. The X chromosome is responsible for their action. Women have two of them, and the palette of colors that they perceive is wider. In conversation, they operate with shades: “aquamarine”, “sand”, “light coffee”. Men talk about fundamental colors: red, white, blue.

2. Big skin

The skin is the largest organ of the human body. Its average surface area is 1.5 to 2 square meters. On different parts of the body, the skin has a different thickness and sensitivity. The thickest skin is on the feet and palms, the thinnest is on the eyelids. At the same time, the sensitivity of the skin is not directly dependent on the thickness. So, on the fingers and palms, the skin, although quite thick, can feel pressure from 20 milligrams, which corresponds to the average weight of a fly.

1. Heart-worker

Extremely high-speed processes take place in our body every second. When the body is at rest, it takes only six seconds for blood to travel from the heart to the lungs and back, eight seconds from the heart to the brain and back, and sixteen seconds from the heart to the fingertips and back. published

Interesting Facts about the structure of man


The approximate capacity of our memory is from three to 1000 terabytes.
The brain consumes one-fifth of all oxygen, weighing only two percent of body weight.
Scientists say that the more IQ a person has, the more he sees dreams.
According to modern research The nerve cells in our body grow throughout our lives. Previously, it was believed that the number of nerve cells decreases with age and is not restored.
The brain as such is not sensitive to pain. When hitting the head, pain is felt due to the tissues surrounding the skull.
Four-fifths of our brain is water.

Interesting facts about the structure and operation of human organ systems

Hair, nails

Of all the hairline, facial hair grows the fastest. If a man does not shave throughout his life, he will grow a beard over 30 meters long.
Every day we lose 60-100 hairs. The exact number depends on age, nutrition, sex and time of year.
female hair twice as thin as men's.
One human hair can withstand up to 100 grams of weight.
The nail grows fastest on the middle finger. It is noticed that the longer the finger, the faster the nail grows on it. On the little finger, this speed is the smallest.
The same amount of hair grows on the surface of our body as a chimpanzee, only ours are thinner and shorter, which makes them less noticeable.
The lifespan of a hair on your head is 3 to 7 years.
In order for others to notice that you have begun to go bald, you need to lose half of your hairline.

Internal organs

The largest organ in our body is the small intestine. If all her intricacies were straightened out, she would be four times our height.
The concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is such that it can corrode a razor blade, not just the pizza you ate.
The total length of blood vessels in our body reaches 100 thousand kilometers.
The human body is made with a large margin of redundancy - a person will survive if his stomach, spleen, three-quarters of the liver, 80% of the intestines, one kidney, one lung, as well as almost all organs from the pelvic and inguinal region. Of course, such a life cannot be called pleasant, but the removal of these organs is not fatal.

body functions

The air exhaled during a sneeze moves at over 160 kilometers per hour.
The same air in the process of coughing spreads at a speed slightly less - 100 kilometers per hour.
Women blink twice as often as men.
The volume of a filled bladder is on average 400 milliliters, although some people are able to "tolerate" up to a volume of one liter.
In a lifetime, we produce enough saliva in our mouths to fill two swimming pools.


After a hearty meal, our hearing becomes less acute for a while.
Only one third of the world's population has 100% vision.
Without saliva, we cannot taste food. Try drying your tongue with a tissue or cotton and then try to taste the food.
Women have a finer sense of smell than men. At the same time, every fiftieth inhabitant of the Earth does not distinguish smells at all.
Our nose is capable of distinguishing 50,000 different odors.