Male view of female beauty. “Sneakers with a dress are cute, but not sexy”

The FSB is undergoing the largest reshuffle in several years. Following the head of the “banking” department, his boss, the head of the Economic Security Service, Yuri Yakovlev, will lose his post

Head of the Economic Security Service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation Yuri Yakovlev (Photo: Andrey Epikhin / TASS)

Key management

President Vladimir Putin will appoint a new head of the FSB Economic Security Service (FEB FSB), one of the key units in the special service, a source close to the FSB leadership told RBC. This information was confirmed by the interlocutor of RBC in the SEB FSB. According to him, personnel changes "will be announced in the coming days." The current head of the SEB FSB, Yuri Yakovlev, is retiring, RBC sources say.

The FSB Public Relations Center was unable to promptly respond to RBC's request sent on June 7. Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov told RBC that he "so far knows nothing about the upcoming personnel changes."

The Economic Security Service is one of the key units in the FSB, explains RBC retired Major General of the FSB, a member of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy Alexander Mikhailov. According to him, in the USSR, in the context of confrontation with the West, the main role was played by employees directly involved in counterintelligence, but in recent years the importance of the SEB has increased markedly.

Officially, the structure of the SEB FSB is not disclosed. As Novaya Gazeta wrote, the Economic Security Service includes seven departments: for counterintelligence support of the credit and financial system (department "K"), industrial enterprises, transport, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergencies, the Ministry of Justice, for combating smuggling and drug trafficking, organizational and analytical management and administrative service.

The leading role, especially in the case of Sugrobov, was assigned to the 6th service of the FSB CSS, headed by Ivan Tkachev. “The service was created in 2008, it includes only 35 people,” says a RBC source. According to him, the employees of this particular unit help the ICR in the case of Uvarov and Smolyarchuk. This is confirmed by the materials of the case, which were reviewed by RBC.

If Korolev's appointment goes through, it will lead to a reshuffle in the Economic Security Service, says a RBC source close to the FSB. According to him, it can be expected that in this case Korolev will transfer his colleagues in the CSS to a new job, and the “K” department will face “serious personnel changes”.

With the participation of Mikhail Rubin

The style of the leak is very reminiscent of the handwriting of the FSB. No one knows what 4,500 pages we are talking about, except for the representatives of the bodies themselves and their "clients". The latter begin to get nervous, and the former monitor their reaction to the drain - who they call, what they say, what they do. You look, and new threads will appear in the case. Or maybe in this way they simply “soften” the defendants in the case. To prove the guilt of small fry like the head of the 7th department of the Directorate "K" of the SEB of the FSB of Russia, Vadim Uvarov and his brother-in-law, the FTS Smolyarchuk opera, is not a problem, it is much more difficult to force them to merge their patrons.

Actually what we know. Pavel Smolyarchuk, an operative for combating customs crimes of the Main Directorate for Combating Smuggling of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, took bribes from merchants for the absence of problems at customs. Directly during the transfer of two million rubles from the entrepreneur, the representative of the Federal Customs Service of Russia in Finland, Vyacheslav Naumov, burned himself, who transferred the money to Smolyarchuk.

The latter was raided with a search as part of the investigation of the ULS Global case, which the FSB was developing for the illegal importation of Turkish goods and drugs into Russia. ULS is owned by Turkish citizen Jebrail Karaarslan and St. Petersburg businessman Igor Khavronov (pictured), who is associated with Uvarov and Smolyarchuk.

On May 24, the house of Dmitry Nesterenko, a former business partner of Khavronov, was searched. Smolyarchuk personally participated in the search. The explanation is simple: Khavronov is a witness in the case of the Smolyarchuk-Uvarov-Khavronov organized criminal group and testifies against the latter. Accordingly, the search at Nesterenko's is an attempt to put pressure on him. Personally, Smolyarchuk persuaded him to retract his earlier testimony, but to no avail.

It becomes clear why Nesterenko, after the search, is released, having only taken an obligation to appear. Dmitry Nesterenko several years ago was an operative of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. At the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he studied on the same course with the current chairman of the Committee on Informatization and Communications of the Government of St. Petersburg, Ivan Gromov. However, according to the version N eva. T oday ordered the release of Nesterenko personally by the head of the TFR, Alexander Bastrykin. This shows that very influential forces are involved at the very top in order to bring the “customs matter” to the end.

A month ago, Ivan Lapshin, a high-ranking ULS security official who had been called to Moscow to testify shortly before, was attacked. The latter believes that they wanted to kill him:

“When I approached the car, two young men of athletic build came out from around the corner and, without further ado, began to beat me. I resisted as best I could, even when I was lying down, but they still turned out to be stronger. They beat me mainly on the head, also strong blows fell on the stomach and legs. They didn’t ask me for money, they didn’t steal my phone and they weren’t going to steal a car, they wanted to kill me.” ().

According to investigators, the attackers were frightened off by a gas station employee. But there was no point in killing Lapshin for the attackers, because he had already testified against the mafia in uniform, and in the event of the death of a witness, they can no longer be changed. But if Lapshin is alive, he may refuse to give evidence earlier. It was this “message” that the attackers tried to convey to him.

An attempt to attack an employee of Rosreestr, who, after checking the customs terminals of St. Petersburg last fall, initiated an investigation against employees of the FCS, is hardly accidental. The FSB immediately got involved in the case. The result was the detention of large consignments of contraband, the largest searches in the history of St. Petersburg, and the arrest of Mikhalchenko.

And yesterday, Ivan Sergeev, the applicant in the Uvarov-Smolyarchuk-Khavronov case, made a loud statement about extortion attempts by a high-ranking FSB officer:

“According to Sergeev, in October 2015 at the restaurant of the St. Regis, a meeting was held between the head of the 7th department of the Economic Security Service of the central apparatus of the FSB of the Russian Federation, Vadim Uvarov, and a certain “interested person,” the news agency says. - On it, according to Sergeev, there was a fact of extortion by a security official from his interlocutor of 3 million dollars. “There is nothing new in this, he also behaved with one of the founders of the legendary Rosmoravia. He promised to solve all problems, while, of course, demanding a certain "round sum" in return. This time, it won't work like that. Uvarov's interlocutor at that meeting has irrefutable evidence of a connection between Uvarov-Smolyarchuk-Khavronov and the Turkish special services. On 4500 pages!" - says Ivan Sergeev ...

... According to Ivan Sergeev, “The current cheap farce organized by Uvarov and Smolyarchuk, who are in agony, will in no way affect the positions of the witnesses, and within two weeks the issue of a measure of restraint against Uvarov-Smolyarchuk will be resolved. And cheap attempts to exert psychological pressure on witnesses only cause a smile. Mr. Uvarov, what were you doing on October 14, 2015 from 20:00 to 22:00 in the restaurant of the St. Regis Hotel and what was the purpose of your conversation? We look forward to your direct and honest answer. » ().

So, what do we see: an FSB officer and his relative from the FCS are hobnobbing with the Turkish special services, protecting smuggling, extorting millions of dollars in bribes, and they are not only still at large, but still in uniform and personally exert open pressure on witnesses (Nesterenko and Lapshin). In my opinion, this is too much even for the Russian Federation. Isn't it time for the guys to stay in the pre-trial detention center?

P.S. There is information that Khavronov testified against Mikhalchenko as a witness, so that in his case, where he is the accused, he would not be strongly pressed. But, in my opinion, even this does not give the defendants the right to create chaos in relation to witnesses in their case.