First day after tattoo. How to care for a fresh tattoo to keep its color

A tattoo is the dream of many modern women and men. When deciding to make a drawing or an inscription on their body, modern cosmopolitans make a number of important requirements, both to the master and to the tattoo parlor. A huge selection of establishments, as well as professionals offering services for applying various images to the body, make both men and women search thoroughly before choosing something suitable. Many people pay attention to both the portfolio of the master and the quality of the materials used. Among other things, the most important determining factor when choosing a tattoo parlor is the observance by specialists of all norms, as well as safety rules.

But not only the master and the level of the salon depends on how successfully the tattoo will be performed. Unfortunately, many people believe that after they have been given a tattoo, nothing else needs to be done. They continue to lead their normal life, not paying attention to the fact that the tattoo needs to be looked after, especially in the first days after the procedure.

An experienced salon master without fail gives his clients recommendations for caring for a tattoo after it has been applied. Failure to comply with elementary rules can lead, at best, to smearing the picture, loss of its brightness, and in the worst case, to serious health problems. Today we will highlight the most important requirements and rules that are important and must be observed in the first days and weeks after tattooing.

Basic rules for tattoo care
As we mentioned above, an experienced tattoo artist should not only give advice on how to care for a tattoo, but also process the completed drawing accordingly. More recently, an ordinary disinfectant was used for this purpose, and the resulting crust was also moistened. However, with the development of professional tattooing, cardinal changes have taken place in the care of the performed wearable pattern.

The master of the tattoo parlor, after applying the finishing touch, without fail processes the image with a special tool. After that, he wraps the tattoo with a film, thus making a kind of compress. This is done in order to protect the skin from infection in the first hours after drawing. Among other things, this procedure will help the speedy healing of the wound.

It is important! I would like to note that the compress is applied by the master for no more than four hours. The specialist of the tattoo parlor should warn you about the exact time. After that, you need to remove the protective film. You can’t wind up a wearable image on your own, as well as make compresses!

Skin care
Correctly dyed, clear, bright tattoo design is the result of painstaking work not only by a professional master, but also personally by each person. Therefore, if you want the drawing applied to your body to please you with its original appearance for many years to come, you will have to work hard.

Particular attention should be paid to the formation of a crust on the surface of the skin. The fact is that when applying a tattoo, the upper layer of the skin is injured, as a result of which active formation of lymph occurs. The result of this process may be that the crust is formed in the drawing itself. In no case should this be allowed, because then it will fall off along with pieces of the applied tattoo, leaving behind uneven lines of the pattern.

To treat a tattoo, many professional masters recommend taking care of the body pattern with Protex-Ultra liquid antibacterial soap. It is necessary to wash off the resulting lymph in the first 2-3 days after tattooing every 3-4 hours.

After processing Wounds should be treated with a healing ointment. In most cases, professional tattoo parlors recommend using Bepanten. Recommended for the care of even newborn babies, this remedy delicately and gently acts on injured skin. It promotes the speedy healing of the wound surface, perfectly soothes the skin, and also does not affect the color of the pattern. Many other means contribute to the active release of lymph, which can adversely affect the tattoo.

Worth paying attention! The first three days after getting a tattoo are very important, requiring maximum care. Therefore, you should not plan any trips or other things for them. The best option is to spend all these days at home and devote your time entirely to caring for your tattoo.

Further healing of the skin can last up to three weeks. After the skin has completely healed, you can forget about the careful treatment of the wound and enjoy your beautifully executed tattoo.

However, in any case, you should be very careful and careful. For example, when sunbathing, it is necessary to reliably protect the tattoo from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. If I go to sunbathe on the beach, don't forget to bring sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 50. With SPF=50, the cream is able to protect the skin for 250 minutes. With the appearance of various rashes, allergic reactions and other unnatural conditions, you should immediately seek the advice of a specialist.

Important tattoo care tips
Proper skin care in the first days after getting a tattoo is only half the battle. Of particular importance is a change in lifestyle in the first weeks after the procedure.

  1. Active lifestyle. During the healing of a tattoo, it is highly undesirable to play sports. The fact is that active exercises make us sweat, which can lead to excessive moisture on the surface of the tattoo and the loss of its original appearance.
  2. Bad habits. A few days before the procedure, and about a week after applying the tattoo, you should refrain from drinking alcohol.
  3. Choice of clothes. During the entire period of wound healing, special attention must be paid to the choice of clothing. The ideal option would be things of a free cut, made of cotton fabric. Under no circumstances should you wear synthetic T-shirts or jackets that irritate injured skin or fit too tightly to it.
  4. water procedures. Wetting and steaming are the two main enemies of a quality tattoo. If you want to continue to receive true aesthetic pleasure from the contemplation of superbly executed, perfectly applied clear lines and bright colors on your body, do not forget to follow a special bath and shower regimen.
    So, while the wound is healing, it is strictly forbidden to take a bath. In addition, you can not swim in public waters. So you not only wet the wound that has not yet healed, but also increase the risk of infection. The same applies to baths, saunas, solariums. In the first ten days after getting a tattoo, you should forget about these joys of the modern world. Of the water procedures, only taking a shower is allowed, and then only when the wound heals. In no case should the tattoo be allowed to get wet. If you still decide to take a shower, carefully wrap the tattoo with cling film, and then spread it with cream.
  5. General health. If you feel a slight malaise or become seriously ill before going to the tattoo parlor, it is better to postpone the visit to the master until you have completely recovered. During illness, the protective functions of the body are fully focused on fighting the disease, so the wound will heal much more slowly than in a healthy body and spirit!
  6. Choice of food. Try to adjust your diet in the first days after visiting the tattoo master. Give preference to vegetables and fruits, as well as products that are indispensable sources of vitamin E (nuts, dried fruits, legumes, grains, fish). Vitamin E is responsible for the condition of the skin.
A tattoo is not only a decoration of the body, but also an expression of one's own "I". Compliance with simple rules will allow you to achieve stunning results. Your tattoo will not lose its clear lines, bright colors, and will delight you with its impeccable appearance throughout your life!

So, you have finally ventured out and got your first tattoo.

And most likely, they thought that after drawing the picture, it would immediately have a perfect look.

However, discomfort and wounds from the machine are normal, because any interference on the skin from the outside leads to injuries, ichor, and crusting.

In order for the tattoo to get the perfect look as quickly as possible, the drawing does not deteriorate, and the recovery process takes a minimum of time, after applying it, a number of rules must be followed.

We find out how to care for a tattoo in the early days at home and how to keep its color in the future.

On average, it takes 7 to 14 days for a tattoo to heal.

The duration depends on the place where the drawing is filled - a tattoo on the back or shoulder will heal much faster than on the ribs or hand.

It directly depends on the thickness of the skin.

A couple of days after drawing the drawing, a crust appears on the site of the ichor, which begins to itch.

In no case should you rip off and comb it, otherwise you may need a correction later.

We will analyze in detail how to care for a tattoo in the first days at home immediately after it is applied, at night and for the next two weeks.

The master will cover the tattoo with a film

Stage number 1. First day

  1. After stuffing the pattern, the master will definitely treat the skin with disinfecting compounds and apply bandages. These can be special bandages that do not stick to the epidermis, or professional films that are in every salon. They are applied for 2-24 hours. Ask in advance when the bandages need to be removed.
  2. At home, before removing the film or bandage, wash your hands with antibacterial soap, carefully remove the material from the skin area with the tattoo, trying not to damage it.
  3. Rinse with room temperature water and a light, alcohol-free gel. Some of the paint will wash off. This is normal. This will not affect the color and integrity of the picture in any way.
  4. Do not use sponges or washcloths. Blot the skin with a cotton pad or paper towel, do not rub or stretch, let dry for 15 minutes.
  5. After that, with gentle movements, apply healing ointment or cream to the tattoo site, which the master will recommend. It can be Bepanten or Panthenol.
  6. When it is absorbed, cover the tattoo again with a film, fix the edges with a band-aid. Repeat the procedure twice a day in the morning and evening for three days.

Tip: do not use products containing alcohol and cortisone, so as not to cause irritation, dryness of the epidermis or wash off the paint.

Do not comb the drawing or remove the crusts

Stage number 2. How to care for a tattoo in the first 2 weeks at home

When the wound begins to heal, thin films will come off the skin, and the tattoo itself will begin to itch.

Refrain from scratching so as not to damage the design and continue to wash the skin twice a day with cool water, dry, apply ointment.

  1. Three days after tattooing, it is no longer necessary to cover the place of application with a film.
  2. If the tattoo is located on the skin under clothing, try to wear loose, non-restrictive things for the period until it heals completely.
  3. Avoid exposure to sunlight as much as possible to prevent the epidermis from drying out and the color of the tattoo fading.
  4. For this period, completely exclude visiting the bath, pool, sauna. This is to avoid contact with chlorine and high temperatures.
  5. You should refrain from excessive physical exertion so that excessive sweating does not occur and, as a result, a change in the color of the pattern.
  6. Carefully monitor the condition of the tattoo - if even the slightest inflammation or redness appears, consult a doctor immediately.

Do not rub or stretch damaged skin

Tip: About three weeks after your tattoo is completely healed, you may need a tattoo correction. This is normal. In salons with a good reputation, it is initially included in the price.

Stage number 3. How to care for a tattoo in the early days at home in the future

When the tattoo looks completely natural, the skin does not peel off, redness has disappeared, and the crust has fallen off by itself, itching and swelling have gone, it can be considered completely healed.

After that, regardless of where the drawing is located - on the arm, collarbone, on the ribs or back - the care for it will be the same.

Adhere to the following rules:

  1. Refrain from visiting the solarium.
  2. Be sure to apply sunscreen before leaving the house in the summer to avoid color fading in the sun.
  3. Choose clothes made from natural fabrics to avoid excessive sweating. From prolonged contact of the pattern with moisture, the color of the tattoo may also undergo changes.
  4. Use moisturizing lotions and creams regularly to avoid flaky skin.

Tip: refrain from drinking alcohol until the tattoo is completely healed. Alcohol increases pressure and destroys the paint injected under the skin.

In the salon you can buy professional tattoo care products

What to do if the tattoo does not heal

In general, if you fell into the hands of a good master and followed all the recommendations for caring for a tattoo, after two weeks the skin should fully recover.

If this does not happen, the wound is inflamed or remains wet:

  1. Try to leave the tattoo area open as often as possible so that it dries out.
  2. Treat with an alcohol-free antiseptic several times a day with a cotton pad. It could be Chlorhexidine.
  3. Apply anti-inflammatory and healing ointment 2-3 times a day.
  4. When the inflammation subsides, continue to use Bepanthen or Panthenol as a preventive measure.
  5. If the wound does not heal beyond the specified time, do not postpone the visit to the doctor.
  6. Remember that tattoos are not recommended for people who have been diagnosed with diabetes. And also there are chronic skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis, etc.), allergies, poor blood clotting.

Before you venture on a tattoo, weigh the pros and cons

If you decide to get a tattoo, before going to the salon, weigh the pros and cons.

You can find a lot of information on how to care for a tattoo, but, for some reason, many neglect the advice of the masters, believing that the worst is over. It must be remembered that competent tattoo protection can not only extend the life of your tattoo, but also keep it in such a form that you will not cease to be proud of it. Tattoo care is no less important information than knowing the origin, meaning or meaning of the tattoo itself.

It should be understood that a professionally created tattoo does not cause any complications and does not pose any health hazard. However, tattoo care is essential, especially during the healing phase.

As a rule, the tattoo artist always provides information on how to take care of a tattoo, however, how many people, so many opinions, because each artist has his own recipe for tattoo care.

How to care for a tattoo

How to care for a tattoo? - this is the first question that should be discussed with the master, even before the actual tattooing process begins, because proper healing will require some effort, which may possibly disrupt your normal rhythm of life. After learning how to care for a tattoo, you can choose a more convenient time for its application (maybe a vacation).

Immediately, after the end of the tattoo application, an antibacterial protective layer is applied to the affected area. tattoo cream and apply a bandage (usually a cellophane film). The dressing prevents the liquid that comes out of the wound at first from drying out and the formation of a crust, which contributes to the most rapid healing and does not allow the paint to come out with the ichor.

Usually, the dressing is not removed for 3-12 hours, depending on the nature of the work and the level of skin trauma. After removing the bandage, the tattoo should be washed with Miramistin or warm water and soap, then (without wiping, but after getting wet!) After drying, apply a thin layer recommended by the master tattoo cream. The cream should be applied daily, 3-6 times (especially the first three days), after removing the old cream with a damp cloth soaked in miramistin.

Tattoo Care It also implies a careful attitude, in which dirt should not get on the surface of an unhealed tattoo.

Bandage or stick a tattoo, believing that it is tattoo protection, in no case is it impossible, since the wound must breathe. It is recommended to wear loose, loose clothing that does not cause mechanical damage to the tattoo when rubbed. In order to avoid allergic reactions, it is desirable to exclude synthetics and silk.

Despite the fact that the tattoo at the time of healing may itch and itch, look swollen and reddened, you should not pick it, soak it and peel off the film.

During the first three days, it is desirable to exclude the use of alcohol and heavy physical exertion. Baths, baths, saunas, swimming pools, solariums are the worst enemies when healing a tattoo, and for a while they should be abandoned. It is recommended to use a short shower, after lubricating the tattoo with a greasy baby cream or petroleum jelly, which prevents the penetration of water into the wound. After a shower, the cream or vaseline is gently removed with a damp cloth and applied recommended by the master. tattoo cream.

After 10 days (with normal healing), you can freely use the usual cosmetics, creams and even scrubs.

Tattoo Care should be carried out throughout life, remembering that the sun's rays adversely affect it. Before going to the beach or solarium, it is recommended tattoo protection in the form of a regular sun protection cream. Otherwise, the tattoo may fade, fade, and renewal will be required much earlier than the due date. The more powerful tattoo protection, the longer your tattoo will have its original appearance.

Cream for tattoo care

Regeneration stimulator

Manufacturer: Solko Basel P.Z., Switzerland

It is a deproteinized hemodialysate obtained from the blood of dairy calves. Contains white petrolatum and cholesterol, due to which it activates the transport of oxygen and nutrients, facilitates their absorption by cells. Increases cell regeneration and stimulates intracellular energy metabolism. It is recommended to apply jelly (gel) to wounds with wet discharge, and ointment to dry wounds. Apply a thin layer to the cleaned wound 2 times a day.

Colorless antiseptic cream, has a cooling effect.

Manufacturer: Roche, Switzerland

When applied to superficial wounds, it protects against infections, inhibits infectious processes and promotes healing. The cream contains chlorhexidine, which is an antiseptic (active against bacteria present on the skin or in wounds, suppresses infection). Accelerates the formation of new tissues and soothes pain with a cooling effect. It is easy to apply and rinse off, not greasy, does not stick to clothes.

Producer: Infamed, Russia

It has a pronounced bactericidal effect against viruses and bacteria, has an antifungal effect. Effectively prevents infection of wounds, activating regeneration processes. Colourless, transparent aqueous solution, odorless, forms foam on the surface when shaken.

Manufacturer: JADRAN Co., Croatia

Ointment intended for external use A drug that improves tissue regeneration. A synthetic derivative of lantothenic acid, which is a water-soluble B vitamin essential for carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. The beneficial effect of the drug is manifested in reducing itching and improving the healing processes of the skin in various dermatoses. The drug is approved for use without a prescription.

Tattoo Goo "Original", specially designed for the speedy healing of tattoos. Natural ingredients soften and soothe the skin, absorbing quickly to promote healing and allow the skin to breathe.

Ingredients: olive, sunflower and lavender oils, wax, wheat germ oil, tocopheryl acetate, rosemary extract, vitamins B and C. Mild for sensitive skin and daily use. The lotion is free of alcohol, petroleum, lanolin, mineral oils and fragrance.

Manufacturer: Dragon Industries (USA)

With natural ingredients and vitamins A, C and D, perfectly cares for and protects the skin, created specifically for healing new and old tattoos. They do not clog pores, keep colors bright for a long time, do not leave stains and smell.

Manufacturer: Clay-Park Labs, USA

Ointment. Antimicrobial drug for external use. It is prescribed for minor cuts, scratches and burns. It is used in the treatment and prevention of secondary infections of post-traumatic and post-surgical wound surfaces or in cosmetic procedures. Like all of the above drugs, it is used in the appointment of specialists. Remember that you must follow the precautions indicated in the instructions.

Have already become the proud owner of an amazing picture on your body. However, it is now very important to ensure proper tattoo care.

Surely you have learned a lot about the tattoo and opted for a reputable salon where professionals work, because this is the key to a successful and safe implementation of this difficult procedure. Now a lot depends on you and on how responsibly you approach the implementation of all recommendations. A good master will instruct and tell you what to avoid in the next two weeks, which is how long it will take you for the tattoo to heal.

Tattoo care began already when the specialist put the first bandage on the drawing. This is necessary so that germs and dust do not get on the injured skin. Now your task is to carefully remove the bandage no later than 8 hours later and wash the place of your new drawing with warm water and soap. It is best if you use and then gently dry the tattoo with a clean, dry towel. In no case do you need to rub the place where the needle of the master has recently passed, it is better to just blot it with a soft cloth.

Remember that your tattoo should "breathe", so you should not create a "greenhouse effect" for it and stick it with a band-aid, because of this it will only rot and heal for a long time.

Make it a rule to wash the drawing on the body twice a day (morning and evening). Naturally, this should not be done with a washcloth, but simply with warm water and soap, gently rubbing this place with your fingers. Such tattoo care will help to avoid the formation of a hard crust, as well as discomfort and pain during washing.

I must say that the healing process takes about two weeks. Therefore, for this period, forget about hot baths and pool visits. Agree, not such a long time, so it is quite possible to be patient. A "fresh" tattoo cannot be steamed out, and also exposed to ultraviolet radiation, respectively, it is not recommended to sunbathe in the sun and in a solarium.

When exercising, sweat is released, which irritates the damaged surface of the skin, so you will have to take a short break from sports.

However, tattoo care is not only about the correct treatment of the skin area on which it is applied; it is very important not to comb and once again not to touch this place. It is best to wear loose-fitting clothes, preferably made from natural materials.

There are a number of products that are desirable to use during the healing period of damaged skin. First of all, ask your master the question: “How to smear a tattoo?”. It should not be a spray or gel, use only ointments and apply them in a thin layer with gentle circular motions. Among the most common remedies, ointments "Bepanten", "Solcoseryl", "Miramistin" can be advised. All these agents have an antiseptic, healing effect, and also promote tissue regeneration.

I would like to note that when choosing a place for applying the cherished pattern, it must be remembered that over the years the skin tends to stretch and also sag, so this fact should be taken into account. We also note what can be done if over time it has lost clarity and brightness. Long exposure to the sun can negatively affect the quality and brightness of the picture, so it is recommended to use with a high SPF factor.

Remember that by providing proper care for the tattoo in the period after it has been applied by the master, you can avoid many negative consequences that can lead to deformation and a change in the quality of the pattern applied to the skin.

Today, a tattoo is not a luxury.

Many seek to decorate their body with a simple pattern or a real work of art, but few people know that a tattoo heals quite painfully in the first days after it is applied.

How to care for a tattoo in the early days?

All the details are in this article.

Tattoo and basic information on how to care for a tattoo in the early days

Many masters, before applying a tattoo, warn of possible temporary discomfort after this manipulation. If we are talking about a small and simple tattoo, then there should not be any special discomfort. But if you immediately do the voluminous and complex work of applying a tattoo, then you need to be prepared for possible complications after it is applied.

How is the drawing applied? The paint gradually fills the space under the skin. Of course, not a single master will give a hundred percent guarantee that tattooing will not cause an allergic reaction or other side effects.

In order for all the work to be successful, you need to follow some rules:

It is better to do a tattoo in the salon;

The master must provide a certificate for the paint with which he will apply the tattoo, otherwise it may be made with low-quality material, with all the ensuing consequences;

You should not save and do the work with low-quality paint, because the tattoo cannot be removed like clothes, it remains with its owner for many years, so you should treat the initial work with all scrupulousness.

But, in addition to choosing the right pattern and master, it is also important to choose the place for drawing the pattern on the body wisely. There are points on the body where tattooing is more painful than the rest. For example, tattooing on the spine, wrists, calves is a painful procedure and such tattoos require additional care.

How to care for a tattoo in the first days, immediately after application

In the tattoo parlor, the master will apply a special disinfectant composition, apply a compress to the drawing. In order to avoid infection of the skin on which the tattoo was applied, the master wraps a compress with cling film. If he is a professional, then there will be no spotting at the site of the tattoo, but if the discharge of the ichor has begun, then you should be especially careful about the tattoo immediately after it is applied.

You can remove the compress already at home, experts recommend keeping it for at least three hours. Depending on the blood coagulation, subsequent manipulations with the tattoo will be performed with a certain intensity.

For those who have normal or accelerated clotting, the healing process will be much easier.

Why can't you remove the compress in advance? Because crusts will appear at the site of the discharge of the ichor. When they disappear, the paint will disappear along with them, then the pattern will not be uniform. The tattoo will be spoiled, and the healing of the skin will also be delayed.

What should be done after removing the compress? It is necessary to wash the tattoo with soap with an antibacterial effect. Why is this needed? It is necessary to remove dead cells and bacteria that can cover the healing site.

It is best to even take a shower with warm water. It is better not to use a hot shower, the tattoo should not be steamed.

What also can not be done?

Do not wipe the tattoo site with alcohol-containing lotions;

Do not use skin soothing products, even creams;

Do not rub the tattoo site with a washcloth - you can damage the pattern.

After a shower, it is worth getting the tattoo wet, it is better to use cotton pads. When getting wet, you do not need to rub the tattoo, just hold the cotton pad for a few seconds.

How to care for a tattoo in the first days, if the bandage has already been removed?

It is worth wiping the place of application with solutions that disinfect and promote healing, the master will tell them. You can use Miramistin.

How to clean a tattoo?

Blotting from the center to the edges;

It is worth wiping the tattoo along the periphery, affecting the area surrounding it;

Tampons should be changed as needed.

How to care for a tattoo in the early days, what not to miss

Be sure to take into account the fact that throughout the healing will have to use a number of aids. They should not be neglected, otherwise blood poisoning, various skin infections are possible. The master will tell you which cream should be used after removing the compress and treating the tattoo site.

Why should creams be used? For a speedy recovery. For those who have poor blood clotting, this can take quite a long time. For the purpose of healing, many masters recommend using sea buckthorn oil, which will also avoid drying the skin. Ointments with panthenol and vitamins have proven themselves well.

You should not apply all the ointments at once, you need to choose one and use it according to the instructions, or on the recommendation of the master. More than the period of use indicated in the instructions, the cream should not be used. You can change the tool if necessary.

Each tattoo heals individually. At the same time, in the same person, different tattoos can heal at different times. Everything is individual, but the average period of this process ranges from ten to fifteen days.

How to care for a tattoo in the early days, what you have to put up with

What worries customers the most:

Why does the tattoo take so long to heal (if less than fifteen days have passed and the tattoo has not healed, do not worry);

Why the tattoo is covered with a crust (this is a physiological process and you will have to come to terms with it);

Why does itching appear (this is a sign of the healing process, as in children's wounds, the crust cannot be torn off - the drawing will be damaged);

Why you can’t visit the beach and solarium (tattoo can quickly burn out);

Why you can’t lie in the bathroom for a long time and swim in ponds (these are precautions so that the tattoo is not damaged).

Many not entirely comfortable moments, such as itching, should be courageously endured. The most important thing is the result. How to care for a tattoo in the early days - responsibly and carefully. Haste and negligence can lead to negative consequences.

In order for a tattoo to serve its owner for years, it needs constant care. You can not stay in the sun for a long time without a protective cream. Even when the tattoo heals, they can hurt. A sharp change in body weight can lead to the fact that its contours will float, it will lose its original shape. If you take care of the tattoo incorrectly in the early days, this can happen immediately.

In any case, in case of any controversial situations or complications, you should not delay contacting a master or a doctor. If the ichor flows intensively or suppuration occurs, you need to urgently seek medical help. With proper tattoo care, the appearance of unforeseen circumstances is almost unrealistic. It all depends on the vigilance and responsibility of the client and the quality of the tattoo, scrupulousness in caring for it in the early days.