Quality tan in a horizontal solarium. How to sunbathe in a vertical solarium. Rules for getting a beautiful tan in a vertical solarium

Dosed ultraviolet radiation can be very beneficial for the skin by stimulating the production of vitamin D in the body. Therefore, quite a lot of women are regular clients of tanning studios, especially in winter and demi-season.

IN Lately vertical boxes are popular. They provide more even and faster skin pigmentation during insolation. Before starting a course of procedures, it is important to find out how to sunbathe properly in vertical solarium to give the body a beautiful and uniform bronze hue.

How to sunbathe safely in a solarium with a vertical cabin?

The type of boxes under consideration is equipped with more powerful ultraviolet lamps. Accordingly, the intensity of exposure in a vertical solarium is higher, as is the risk of epidermal burns. To prevent this and other problems, you need to follow a number of simple rules:

  1. Before visiting a tanning studio, consult with your doctor.
  2. Exfoliate the skin the day before the session special cream for a solarium, remove all cosmetics, perfumes, jewelry, contact lenses.
  3. Sunbathing is recommended underwear or at least close the nipples and pubis with disposable pads.
  4. Take care to protect your eyes by means of or simply close them.
  5. At the end of the procedure, moisturize the skin well to prevent it from drying out.

It is also worth noting that during fluctuations hormonal background, including start menstrual cycle, visiting the tanning studio is better to postpone. Otherwise, the skin tans unevenly, spots, or does not pigment at all, even if the session was long.

How many minutes are allowed to sunbathe in a vertical solarium?

Given the high power of UV lamps installed in the presented form of booths, the time for insolation in them is less (2-3 times) than in horizontal boxes.

Treatment times are calculated based on natural color and skin type. Women with light eyes, hair and epidermis are recommended to sunbathe for 3-5 minutes. Swarthy beauties are allowed to increase the duration of sessions up to 1/3 hour. If the skin is pale and translucent, "porcelain", you can not visit the solarium.

Gradually, the number of minutes can be increased to achieve desired shade epidermis.

How often can you sunbathe in a vertical solarium?

Dermatologists advise clients of insolation studios to take a break between insolation sessions for at least 2 days. In 48 hours, the skin has time not only to produce pigment and vitamin D, but also to recover after irradiation, to normalize the balance of moisture and lipids in the surface layers.

After the epidermis acquires the desired color, it is better to stop for 2-3 weeks, and then simply maintain the shade of the epidermis by visiting the tanning studio 1-2 times in 9-10 days.

How to tan evenly in a vertical solarium?

Despite more powerful lamps and the presence of turbo modes, as well as the ability to move inside the described box, most clients of insolation studios notice that their legs do not tan well or not at all in a vertical solarium. The skin on them lends itself worse and natural pigmentation, therefore, in order to achieve a smooth, beautiful shade epidermis need:

To solve this problem, cabs with a mirrored floor were developed. It perfectly reflects UV rays, helping the legs to become darker in a short period of time.

Also, before sunbathing in a vertical mirror solarium, it can be applied to the skin. Such products contribute to better insolation and more stable results.

A solarium is nothing more than a special platform for getting a tan with the help of ultraviolet lamps. A beautiful, even tan good mood and healthy appearance- the result obtained in the solarium. So which solarium is better horizontal or vertical.

UV lamps used in solariums

Lamps in solariums, devices of high and low pressure based on action

According to some reports, ultraviolet lamps in a solarium, in contrast to sunlight, do not emit gamma rays that cause radiation sickness, and in their effect are most similar to those that appear during sunrise or sunset.

Benefits of visiting a solarium

At the same time, remember: Immoderate receiving of artificial sunbathing leads to premature aging skin and cancer, hair damage.

What should be the best solarium

  1. Spacious, dry and ventilated premises (total area not less than 5 sq.m.).
  2. The air temperature is not more than +25°.
  3. Periodic lamp replacement (every 400-500 hours of operation).

Read: Balm with the effect of gradual tanning: application rules

Before choosing "your" solarium, you need to know your skin type and the possible duration and frequency of the tanning procedure.

To tan evenly, it is necessary to cleanse the skin with a peeling or scrub, as the tan lies more evenly on the cleansed skin. To fix the tan is good to drink carrot juice t 1 teaspoon of oil.

Types of solariums

The most famous: horizontal m vertical.

Horizontal classic with a stable position of the lamps, the body is stationary, which ensures even tan. Periodically, you need to change the position of the body in order to avoid white stripes of an untanned body.

Vertical solarium provides a faster effect thanks to its more powerful lamps. To tan evenly, you need to take a certain position, for example, raise your hands, or be in motion. Modern solariums are often equipped with lift lamps and an aroma system.

Subject to all safety rules, getting burns in such a solarium is impossible. The duration of the session depends on the type of skin and the wishes of the client.

Turbo solarium differs from previous species only in the presence of chilled ventilation. The tanning procedure is intensive, fast, as in windy weather.

Seated solarium - used for tanning hands, décolleté and face. Powerful lamps are designed to receive quick effect. They rarely visit such solariums, for example, when there is an event to be done, and you need to quickly add color to visible parts of the body.

Collagen solarium includes the use of red and of blue color. They have a healing effect: blue ones fight microbes, red ones stimulate skin renewal. They regulate metabolic processes, contribute to the production of elastin, collagen and the removal of toxins.

Studio solarium in beauty salons acts as a separate professional. Consultation is given locally about its action of the solarium.

solarium home - designed for getting a tan at home.

It does not differ in safety and power. But in addition to its direct purpose, it can be used, for example, for germinating seeds.

There are salons that offer the service " instant tan”, it does not provide for the use of ultraviolet lamps. To obtain such a “tan”, a bronzer lotion and a turbine or compressor spray are used. Such a tan has no absolute contraindications, it is indicated for people with a Celtic skin type. It is important that moisture, even sweat, does not get on the skin for 6-8 hours. Otherwise, spots will remain on the skin.

Which solarium is better, horizontal or vertical

Solarium lovers often have the question of which is better vertical or horizontal. You need to know that the quality of tanning depends on the equipment of the solarium, and on the location of the person under the lamps.

But which one to choose, the client chooses based on his taste, purpose of use, and skin characteristics.

If you like to relax while sunbathing, then it is better to choose a horizontal one, lovers physical activity- vertical.

Many prefer horizontal, simple to use. Vertical - more hygienic, as there is no contact with surfaces. It should be borne in mind that in the horizontal it is better to tan the bottom, in the vertical - the top of the body. Both types are widely used in the world.

Everyone wants to have a beautiful dark color skin, regardless of the season. Of course, the best option is to spend a couple of weeks several times a year somewhere on the ocean under tropical sunbeams. But, unfortunately, not everyone can afford such a luxury.

In order to get rid of the pallor of the skin, without flying away to warmer climes, just visit the solarium. A tan will hide skin imperfections, eliminate pallor and blueness, give a good mood and a charge of vivacity for a long time.

A solarium is really necessary for those who are going on vacation to hot countries. So the skin will prepare for the aggressive effects of the sun, and there will be practically no chance of burning out under the scorching rays. Tanning in a solarium is necessary for athletes traveling to performances in a tropical climate. In other cases, sunbathing in a solarium or not sunbathing is an individual choice, but this issue must be approached very responsibly.

The solarium uses lamps of low and high pressure. They create beams of two types: A and B. The latter are short-wave, they are very strong and aggressive. Ultraviolet rays of this type in some cases cause a burn, but it is thanks to them that a tan is obtained.

Type A rays are long-wavelength, they are able to penetrate deep into the skin and destroy collagen in the connective tissues. These rays are responsible for the darkening of the skin.

Solariums use the following lamps:

  • high pressure. Sunburn with their help is rich and deep, but medicine believes that they are dangerous to health.
  • low pressure. Relatively inexpensive lamps, but very effective. Choosing the type of lamps, you can choose a specific color of tan.

Lamps are selected according to the following criteria: power, ultraviolet emission spectrum, size. They need to be changed in a timely manner, so when choosing a solarium, you should definitely ask when in last time bulbs were replaced.

Benefits of a horizontal solarium

The horizontal solarium is classic version which most customers choose. It looks like a capsule with an opening top, with lamps arranged horizontally inside. They are placed inside both transversely and longitudinally. Here you need to sunbathe lying down, not forgetting to put on special glasses and a hat. The solarium is closed on top with a lid, after which the lamps are turned on. Those who prefer horizontal solariums give the following arguments in favor of their choice:

  • Lying is much more comfortable than standing. You can relax, imagine yourself on the beach of a tropical resort. Solarium for many is, first of all, relaxation after labor day, and it is much more pleasant to spend these few minutes lying down than standing up.

    Quartz lamps are overwhelmingly made for a horizontal position. They work more reliably, with a constant full spectrum of radiation. The horizontal position helps to maximize the cooling of the lamps, which has a positive effect on the duration of their work.

  • The cost is relatively low when compared with the price of a vertical tanning bed. This is due to the fact that the production of the former is simpler, with less financial investment, and they also use lower power lamps. All this makes the final price for the client less, so the demand for horizontal solariums is always higher.

Disadvantages of a horizontal solarium

Though positive qualities horizontal solariums have a lot, there are also disadvantages that you should be aware of. The main disadvantage, according to consumers, is that the body tans unevenly in the process. There will definitely be areas of the body that have not been exposed to UV radiation, and therefore remain untanned. Often these are the buttocks, gluteal folds, coccyx, shoulders and shoulder blades. Since these places are the main emphasis when a person lies, they sunbathe worse than the rest of the body. Some people think that this problem can be solved by adding power. But in no case should this be done, since you can get burns on other parts of the body.

Also, opponents of horizontal solariums motivate their dislike by the fact that lying on the surface is unhygienic. Of course, employees treat with special means inside the solarium, but if suddenly they do it poorly, you can get some kind of infection, the carrier of which was the previous client.

Cases of contracting diseases in a solarium, it must be said, are extremely rare, since ultraviolet radiation kills most known viruses and microbes. And yet, many clean people disdain to lie down where a man with a naked body sunbathed before.

Another disadvantage is that some people feel uncomfortable in an enclosed space. This fear can even develop into claustrophobia, so if in horizontal solarium panic attack starts cardiopalmus, shortness of breath, you should immediately stop the session and leave the solarium.

Benefits of a vertical solarium

A serious competitor is the vertical option. This solarium has lamps that are arranged vertically. A sunbathing person stands in a cabin, on the walls of which there are vertical lamps. It is not necessary to stand still for the entire session. Any movements are not prohibited, all the same, the tan in the solarium will turn out to be uniform.

The advantages of a vertical solarium are as follows:

  • In the process of tanning, the entire body receives radiation, so the tan is uniform. white spots on tanned skin will not be.
  • On the beach, it is recommended to sunbathe in motion, and not lying motionless in one place. Sunburn is better taken when a person swims, bathes, runs, walks. The same principle allows you to get in a vertical solarium uniform tan. To the music that is included in the solarium, you can dance, perform simple movements, turn around. IN modern models solarium man spins on a movable disc, which is built into the floor.
  • Vertical solarium does not require a long continuation of the session. If you need to spend a lot of time in a horizontal solarium in order to get a deep, even skin color, then in a vertical model, it will take half the time. That's why the vertical version of the solarium is so loved busy people and those who constantly experience a deadline.

  • Vertical solariums are considered more fashionable and modern than horizontal ones.

Disadvantages of a vertical solarium

Vertical solariums are gaining more and more popularity, but they also have a number of disadvantages. Here are some of them:

  • Lamps in such a solarium fail faster due to their horizontal position. But the technology for the production of vertical solariums is trying to improve new models, and this drawback is eliminated.
  • In a vertical solarium, the radiation is much more powerful, due to which quick tan. But the risk of getting burns is high, especially if you stay in the solarium for a long time.
  • In the cabin of a vertical solarium, although there is a relatively uniform exposure, the upper part of the body still receives a little more ultraviolet radiation than the lower one. Soft skin face responds very quickly to aggressive impact and therefore may cause burns. This is especially true in the autumn-winter period.

  • Some clients find it uncomfortable to sunbathe while standing up. They complain of tinnitus, dizziness, nausea. As soon as unpleasant sensations appear, the solarium cabin must be left, and in the next session, sunbathe for less time, or try the horizontal option.
  • The high cost of sessions compared to the price of a horizontal solarium. As we know, demand creates supply, and vertical solariums in last years became more and more popular. An indicator of prestige is a visit to a vertical solarium. Hence the high prices for their services.

The debate about whether tanning in a solarium is harmful or beneficial to health has recently subsided. Experts say with confidence that if all the rules of use are followed and there are no contraindications, the client will not have problems. And this means that everyone who wants to find skin after consulting a doctor can safely sign up for tanning sessions. And here the question arises: what to choose, a solarium horizontal or vertical?

Vertical and horizontal solarium: what's the difference?

A solarium is a special medical device made in the form of a shower cabin or a horizontal capsule. Lamps are installed on its walls, which, during operation, emit enough ultraviolet rays to produce melanin, a pigment that makes the skin darker. It is believed that the course in its effectiveness can be compared with a trip to the southern countries. At proper conduct such procedures are extremely beneficial to health. It remains only to understand, The fundamental difference is in the position of the client's body during tanning. A horizontal solarium is a capsule with a rising lid, in which you need to lie down, after which the master of the salon lowers upper part and turns on the lights. In the vertical version, the client enters the cabin and enjoys the procedure. There are many more important characteristics solariums, rather than the type of construction. Namely, the number and power of lamps, the manufacturer, the presence of additional options.

Advantages of a horizontal solarium

Many people find it natural to sunbathe while lying down. And this is perhaps one of the most important advantages of a horizontal solarium. Do not think that in such a capsule you will have to lie still. During a tanning session, it is quite possible to move, turn sideways, which means that the tan will lie flat. It is believed that it is the horizontal solarium that will help to find a perfectly even tan on the legs. Indeed, the lamps are installed along the entire length of the walls. If you do not forget to substitute the artificial "sun" during the session inner surface hips, bend your legs a little, and then change position - the result will be perfect tan from fingertips to waist. In many horizontal solariums, you can separately turn off the "face" lamps. This option is useful for customers who want to keep their natural shade skin. And do not think that a horizontal solarium is boring, many modern appliances allow for aromatherapy during a tanning session, equipped with music systems, fans and other additional options.

Cons of a horizontal solarium

Like any other cosmetic device, solarium-capsule has its drawbacks. You should not even try to sunbathe in it for people suffering from claustrophobia, and for everyone who is uncomfortable in a limited space. While taking sun lamps, the client's skin is in contact with the surface of the walls. Therefore, if your choice is a horizontal solarium, give preference to salons with a good reputation. In such establishments, disinfection of equipment should be carried out after each session. It is believed that the sides sunbathe best in however, during the course of sessions, you probably will not notice the difference and any problems.

Rules for tanning

In order for the skin to become even dark shade take the time to clean it thoroughly. It is best to do a peeling the day before, and take a shower before the procedure. Be sure to remove all jewelry, but sunbathing in underwear or without it is already a matter of taste. If you choose the second option, do not be too lazy to purchase nipple protectors. The horizontal solarium has approximately the same recommendations for use as its vertical counterpart. Be sure to apply special remedy Before sunbathing, protect your eyes, it is also useful to use lip balm. Before starting a course of procedures, it is useful to consult with a beautician. By determining your skin type and knowing desired result, a specialist will help you make the right tanning schedule. Usually, it is recommended to start your acquaintance with the solarium from 5-10 minutes, increasing the duration of the sessions over time.

Solarium contraindications

If you decide by, be sure to read the contraindications before signing up for the procedure. It is strictly forbidden to visit a solarium of any type during pregnancy, such an effect on the body can be very harmful expectant mother and her baby. It is also not recommended to schedule tanning sessions on the days of menstruation. A large dose of ultraviolet radiation can provoke an increase in secretions. Before asking about how to properly sunbathe in a horizontal tanning bed, make sure that your skin does not have too many moles and that they all look healthy. Also, refuse the procedures for the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

The best choice for home use

A horizontal solarium is considered equipment for a beauty salon. But real tanning fans prefer to purchase it for personal use. Today on sale you can find devices of this category, designed for home use. And these are not only professional capsules that have high cost. A home horizontal solarium can be compact in size. Some models even fit under a standard bed. Do you want to be able to sunbathe always, but no excess funds? Consider purchasing a one-sided horizontal tanning bed. The lamps in it are located only on one side, however, to achieve good result you will have to sunbathe on each side of your body in turn.

Horizontal of those already tanned

Which is better - to decide on the procedure of ultraviolet irradiation in the salon or to wait for sunny days? Solariums are quite common today, and in our country every fourth inhabitant has used them at least once. Many people like salon tanning sessions, because it is relatively inexpensive and natural way get a tan at any time of the year, which is important for residents middle lane Russia and northern regions. There are also those whom the solarium has disappointed. When signing up for a procedure, you need to remember that the lamps affect our skin in the same way as the sun. And that means you can't ignore simple rules security. Do not listen to those who are already burned. If you choose a horizontal solarium, the salon administrator will definitely tell you. Use a special cream, correctly calculate the time of the session, and then you won’t have to wait for problems!

A tanned body looks more attractive and fit, regardless of natural data and physical form. And maintain a beautiful even tan all year round, without visiting warm countries, you can only in the solarium. Regular procedures will allow you to easily create nice shade skin and maintain it at any time of the year. Moreover, this the only way receiving necessary for the body vitamin D, which in cold weather cannot be obtained in any other way. At the same time, it is worth knowing what cosmetics to choose and how to sunbathe in a solarium correctly.

What are the types of solariums

In modern tanning studios, two types of solariums are installed: vertical and horizontal. Sometimes you can come across the term "turbosolarium", but this refers more to the cooling system than to the design features. There are also so-called sitting solariums, designed only for tanning the face, hands and décolleté. Such designs are intended for a very narrow audience, therefore, in professional salons they are not installed.


Tanning in a vertical solarium - the fastest and most persistent

The most modern, efficient and hygienic type of tanning capsules. In vertical solariums, the most powerful lamps are installed, which allow you to get a beautiful, stable tan in just a few sessions. Max Time stay in such a capsule - 10 minutes.

Helpful advice. The handrails are the dirtiest place in the solarium, so before visiting it is worth checking their cleanliness and, if necessary, asking the administrator for additional processing. IN last resort you can hold on to the handles through a napkin.


The horizontal solarium is ideal for those who like to relax while tanning.

The first solariums that became widespread were exactly horizontal, and now they are experiencing a second wave of popularity. The main disadvantage of such solariums is their unhygienic nature, because no one wants to lie on the same surface with hundreds of other people. On the other hand, in horizontal solariums, legs tan well, because in the “lying” position, blood circulates better through the body, which ensures a deep and high-quality tan. The maximum stay time is 20 minutes.

Turbo solarium

A high-quality ventilation system does not create a “bath” feeling in the solarium even after several hours of operation

Turbo tanning beds are called tanning capsules with powerful ventilation, which allows them to work non-stop for 16 hours. Typically, such solariums are equipped with a mirror floor, which reflects and scatters the rays, making the tan more uniform.

For face and decollete

Seated solarium will allow you to maintain all year round perfect color faces

Seated models are chairs with several lamps that provide tanning in certain areas: face, arms, décolleté, less often legs. Initially, such solariums were intended for home use, but they were bulky, expensive and quickly outdated. With the advent of more efficient designs, seated tanning beds have become a thing of the past and are now practically not used anywhere.

Important! The maximum period for the development of lamps in a solarium, regardless of type, is 1 thousand hours. Feel free to ask for a certificate of lamp replacement and production period, if there are no documents, it is better to look for another solarium.

Tanning rules for different skin types

There are five skin types based on genotype, location and race.

cheat sheet

1 type type 2 3 type 4 type 5 type
External signs Very bright skin blond or red hair light eyes, frecklesblonde, red hair,
brown or blue eyes
dark blond, brown hair,
dark, often brown eyes,
bright skin
dark hair
dark or brown eyes
dark skin
dark hair
Brown eyes
very dark skin
UV sensitivity almost never tans, very quickly burns to a burnlightly tans,
blush more often
burns easily
tans well
can get burned
beautiful, evenly and quickly tans,
almost never burns
tans easily
never burns
Typical representatives such people are called albinos, they absolutely cannot sunbathepeople with english,
Scottish heritage
representatives of central Europemediterranean people,
spanish, oriental
Indians, Indians,
Spaniards, Africans

The most common are the 2nd and 3rd type, and it is the owners of such skin that are the main visitors to solariums. It is worth starting a tanning course with such skin from 3-4 minutes, gradually increasing the session time by 1-2 minutes.

Principles of first visit and subsequent visits

  • First week: 3 visits - 3 minutes, 4 minutes, 5-6 minutes.
  • Second week: 3 visits - 5-6 minutes, 6-7 minutes, 7-8 minutes.
  • Third week: 2 visits - 6-7 minutes each.

Owners of skin type 4 can achieve almost any shade of tan in just a couple of visits, because their skin is very susceptible and tans instantly. Such clients can start sunbathing immediately from 7-8 minutes.

Owners of skin types 1 and 5 do not use tanning beds, because albinos cannot sunbathe, and there is no need for dark-skinned people.

Purpose and principle of action of professional cosmetics

Exposure to ultraviolet radiation, even as delicate as in a solarium, is a strong stress for the skin. To protect it from photoaging and make the tan more even, it is necessary to use special cosmetics in the solarium.

It makes sense for frequenters of solariums to purchase cosmetics in full bottles for personal use - this is much more profitable than buying cream by milligrams in salons

Creams and lotions moisturize the skin, nourish it and allow the tan to appear much faster. For example, to get a base tan without a cream, 5-7 sessions of 8 minutes will be needed, and with a cream, 3-4 sessions of 5-6 minutes will be enough. The difference will be noticeable not only in money, but also in the condition of the skin, because after tanning sessions without cream, the skin often turns red and flakes.

What gives the use of a special cream

  • Tan goes faster, smoother and lasts longer;
  • The skin does not undergo photoaging, wrinkles do not appear on it;
  • The quality of the skin improves, it becomes smooth and dense;
  • You can get almost any color and skin tone using creams with bronzers.

Regular body cream should not be used in a tanning bed. best case there will be no effect from them at all, at worst, burns will appear, because some components of cosmetics can enter into an unpredictable reaction with ultraviolet radiation.

Important! Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation without cream, natural melanin begins to be produced from 3-4 minutes, and with the use of cream - already from the first.

The main differences between cosmetics for artificial and natural tanning

  • Solarium creams do not create a barrier to ultraviolet radiation, the main purpose of these products is to deeply nourish the skin so that it does not suffer from the powerful effects of rays. And the task of cosmetics for the beach is protection from harmful rays C.
  • In a solarium, the concentration of ultraviolet radiation is much higher than in the sun, so the rejection of special creams can lead to dehydration of the skin.
  • There are special developers and tan fixers in tanning products, which are responsible for obtaining the desired skin color.
  • Sunscreens should not be used in a solarium, because they will simply reflect the ultraviolet, and the tan will not fall on the skin at all.

Beach cosmetics are best left for outdoor recreation, and for a solarium you need to use other means.

Types and properties of professional tools

The highest quality creams are made on the basis of natural oils- coconut, aloe and others. This is the main component, to which other components are added, which are responsible for the depth, durability and shade of the tan. Creams of a lower class are made on the basis of water - it will be indicated first in the composition on the label. These creams are cheaper, but they are less effective.

The principle of operation of the correct cosmetics for a solarium

  1. Accelerators of melanin production - allow you to get a base tan.
  2. Tan fixers - preserve skin tone.
  3. Creams with bronzers that support and enhance the tan - help to achieve the desired depth of tan and correct skin tone.

People with skin types 2 and 3 should start a tanning course with accelerators and fixatives in order to “teach” the skin to produce melanin in the right quantities. After 3-4 sessions, you can start using tanning enhancers that will help you get desired shade skin and make the tan more durable.

Cosmetics with bronzers have dark color which is visible even in the bottle. On the body, bronzers appear as a light self-tanner, they fix and emphasize the skin tone. It should be borne in mind that the darker the cream, the more coloring pigment it contains. Accordingly, after applying them, the tan will turn out to be as dark as possible, but part of it will quickly wash off. Unlike most self-tanners, bronzer creams do not leave streaks or marks on the skin when applied, and they are washed off evenly.

Helpful advice. Using cream with bronzers - great way quickly get beautiful dark skin, if you need, for example, to show off at a party with a perfectly swarthy back in an open dress.

Creams without bronzers have White color, they help the skin get a natural tan, do not wash off and do not stain clothes. For sensitive and allergenic skin, it is advisable to choose products without bronzers, fragrance-free and marked "Hypoallergenic".

Creams with a "tingle" effect: a quick way to tan

A separate class of tanning products is cosmetics with the tingle effect. This is a special active complex of substances created to increase blood circulation, as a result of which the tan turns out to be as dark and persistent as possible, even without bronzers.

Feelings from using creams with a “tingle” effect are not the most pleasant: the skin is unevenly covered with red spots, a burning sensation may occur and severe itching. But after a few hours, redness and discomfort disappear, giving way to a smooth dark tan, which will not wash off and will last for a long time. Someone attributes these properties formic acid, pepper and other fictional components that cannot be in the cream. The tingle complex is a product of complex synthesis a large number elements of both natural and artificial origin.

Before using a cream with a "tingle" effect, it is advisable to do a tolerance test: a small drop of cream should be applied to back side palms and wait a few hours. At normal reaction the skin at the site of application of the cream turns slightly red and may begin to itch, but this does not cause much inconvenience. If the redness and itching are so strong that you want to wash your skin as soon as possible, in this case you should not use a tingle cream for tanning.

Important! It is not worth using a cream with a “tingle” effect for face tanning, its effect is so strong that it can lead to the appearance of age spots on delicate skin.

The effect of applying the cream (photo)

Cream with a tingle effect provides the most long-lasting and deep tan You can make the skin 2-3 shades darker in one go, if you use a cream with a bronzer Cream with and without a cosmetic bronzer

Rules for a beautiful tan for light and dark skin

First of all, blood circulation is responsible for the quality of tanning, which is why the shoulders and décolleté area tan best, because they are closest to the heart, which intensively “pumps” blood. The legs sunbathe worse due to the fact that the blood flow in them is rather weak, compared to the body above the waist. To

How can you achieve an even skin tone all over your body?

  • In a vertical solarium, the whole body tans well, because the lamps shine equally intensely from all sides. The legs at the same time sunbathe weaker due to the relatively slow blood circulation. There are two solutions to this problem: alternate visits to a vertical and horizontal solarium (in a horizontal position, blood flow in the legs improves) or apply a cream with a “tingle” effect to the legs when visiting a vertical solarium (it is not necessary to apply it to other parts of the body). There are also creams specifically for tanning the legs, but they mainly give effect due to cosmetic bronzers, which are still washed off.
  • The face tans well in any solarium, but it must be protected with a special cream so as not to provoke the appearance of early wrinkles. Each manufacturer of tanning cosmetics has several creams exclusively for the face: some of them have anti-inflammatory properties, they not only protect the skin, but also heal it.
  • In some new generation horizontal solariums there are lamps for the face - they are slightly weaker than the lamps for the body, so the face will definitely not “burn out”, but will acquire a beautiful shade.

Tanned skin makes the body visually slimmer and younger.


Helpful advice. Redness of the skin indicates that a burn has been received. Until the redness disappears (this may take 7-10 days), you can not visit the solarium, and the next session should last 3 minutes less than the previous one.

Video about the rules for visiting the solarium


  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Abundance of moles;
  • Diseases associated with impaired skin pigmentation;
  • Thyroid diseases
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Reception hormonal drugs, drugs with photosensitizers (components that are sensitive to ultraviolet light);
  • Recently performed epilation or peeling (at least a week must pass after the procedure).

Compared to a beach tan, the effect of a solarium is much more pleasant - you do not need to lie in the sun for hours, losing precious time. For several sessions of visiting the solarium with the right cosmetics available perfect shade skin that is easy to maintain all year round at no extra cost.

My name is Marina, I am 29 years old. By education - an advertising specialist and designer. Writing articles about beauty healthy lifestyle life, diets, home cosmetics has become an integral part of my life. It gives me great pleasure to "package" the recipes of youth and the properties of products into the right words.