When will the pigmentation on the abdomen after childbirth. When will the strip on the stomach pass after childbirth: causes, pigmentation, timing of the natural disappearance of the strip, folk and cosmetic remedies to remove the dark strip on the stomach

Nine out of ten women develop an unattractive streak on their belly during pregnancy, which does not disappear even after the birth of the baby. This cannot but disturb newly-made mothers who, after giving birth, strive to return to their former forms and appearance as soon as possible. There are a lot of questions about a special mark, but most of all women are interested in how to remove the pigment strip. Well, let's look into this issue together.

Why does a pigment stripe appear during pregnancy?

Gynecologists often reassure pregnant women about a mark on their stomach, especially when it comes to mothers who are expecting their first child. Doctors explain that its occurrence is not a pathology, that this phenomenon is considered quite normal and occurs in 90% of cases. Since every woman is different, the timing of the appearance of the strip may vary. This usually happens in the second or third trimester.

Of course, dark-haired and dark-skinned representatives of the beautiful half of society are more likely to receive a pigment "decoration" as a gift. This is due to the fact that their body produces more melanin, which determines the color of the skin and is responsible for changing its color. During the nine months of pregnancy, the level of this substance increases significantly, hence the problems with pigmentation. Although blondes do not always have its amount reaching a critical level, therefore they are less likely to complain about the formation of a kind of mark on the tummy.

However, there is great news for all pregnant women: to remove or make the strip less pronounced, you do not need to wait for childbirth. You can take action while still in an interesting position. All that is needed for this is to control the level of natural pigment in the body. And it's easy to do, just protect your skin from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet rays. Here are some simple yet effective ways:

  1. Reduce your time in the sun.
  2. Use sunscreen.
  3. In hot weather, wear light but closed clothing.
  4. Try not to sunbathe from 12.00 to 16.00.

These rules allow you to make the mark less noticeable, and sometimes even completely prevent its formation. But this does not mean at all that you need to close your home, away from the sun's rays. Do not forget that more than 90% of vitamin D is formed in the body under the influence of the sun, which is very important for the health of both the expectant mother and her baby. It is possible and necessary to bask in the sun, the main thing is to do it correctly - in the morning and in the evening, protecting the skin with special creams.

The child was born, but the strip does not disappear: what to do?

What is a brown mark on the abdomen in pregnant women, we figured it out. Time to move on to the main question that worries all women who have given birth who are faced with this problem: when does it disappear, and is it necessary to do something special for this?

Let's start with good news. According to doctors, the brown "surprise" disappears when the hormonal background of the newly-made mother returns to normal. Don't expect this to happen right after giving birth. The recovery process takes a certain amount of time and depends on the individual characteristics of the female body. As a rule, after six months everything returns to normal, and the band disappears on its own.

Don't panic if a miracle hasn't happened in six months. As already noted earlier - everything is individual! For example, in dark-skinned mothers, the disappearance of the strip takes longer. In addition, breastfeeding can delay the process.

Of course, there is nothing surprising in the fact that women after childbirth are interested in this issue. However, doctors do not recommend focusing on it. Firstly, it is harmful for newly-made mothers, who already have enough trouble to care for a newborn. Secondly, this phenomenon is temporary, therefore, when everything returns to normal, the mark will disappear on its own.

But if you don’t feel like waiting at all, then you can use folk remedies that speed up the process of disappearance of an unattractive mark and have already managed to prove their effectiveness in this matter. These include:

  • honey peeling;
  • brightening masks from fresh cucumber, parsley or cottage cheese;
  • wiping the pigmentation zone with cubes of frozen cucumber and parsley juice, decoction of linden and chamomile or lemon juice.
  • However, before you deal with the elimination of the strip, do not forget to test for allergies. Some of the listed recipes contain foods that can provoke an allergic reaction, such as honey, linden, which is highly undesirable when breastfeeding. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and not risk the health of the baby.

    When the doctor allows, you can move on to more radical methods - visit a bathhouse or sauna. Such events allow you to thoroughly steam the skin, after which you can carry out brightening wraps or make honey peeling. If your health does not allow you to visit such establishments, then after each shower, simply rub the pigmentation area with a soft washcloth. However, do it carefully and preferably without fanaticism, so as not to injure the delicate skin of the abdomen.

    A year has passed, and the mark has not disappeared. What to do?

    If you have tried all possible means and methods, and the strip is still "decorating" your tummy, then you have two options for solving this dilemma. The first is to visit your primary care physician. The specialist, if necessary, will prescribe tests to check the hormonal background. If the reason for the delay in the disappearance of the mark is an imbalance of hormones, then appropriate treatment will be required to normalize their levels.

    If the examination shows that everything is in order with your health, then visit a beautician. Nowadays, there are many professional procedures that allow you to quickly and effectively remove the “decoration” formed during pregnancy.

Pregnancy entails many physiological changes, and a woman believes that everything will return to normal after childbirth. But this is not always the case. A dark stripe on the stomach, for example, for a long time can remind you of nine months of bearing a baby.

Pigmentation on the abdomen - what is it

Pigmentation on the abdomen in the form of a dark vertical line does not appear randomly. This is directly related to the anatomical structure of a person.

The muscles of the right and left sides of the abdomen converge with each other strictly in the middle. In this place there is a connective tissue, consisting mainly of collagen fibers. It is she who forms the white line (or alba line), which turns dark during pregnancy in three out of four women.

The white line on the abdomen is so named because it is made up of collagen fibers that are white to slightly silver in color.

Alba line is located strictly in the middle of the abdomen

Causes of pigmentation on the abdomen

The dark stripe on the abdomen after childbirth is the result of hormonal changes in the body. For a successful pregnancy, the level of estrogen and progesterone becomes very high, and this entails the production of melanin, a coloring pigment that determines the color of the skin, hair and eyes. It accumulates in the tissues, which leads to hyperpigmentation.

Dark marks can be present not only on the woman's stomach, but also on the face, chest, and external genitalia.

The white line of the abdomen is called the alba line, or in Latin Linea alba, and the dark stripe has its own name - Linea nigra

Why is pigmentation on the abdomen not observed in every pregnant woman? Experts attribute the likelihood of its manifestation to a number of factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • color of the skin;

    A dark stripe appears more often in swarthy women with dark hair.

  • lack of folic acid (vitamin B 9);
  • changes in the functioning of the liver, pituitary gland, ovaries.

Thus, no one can say for sure whether a woman will have a brown stripe.

When does the dark strip on the abdomen disappear after childbirth

It is impossible to say exactly when the pigmentation on the belly of a woman who has given birth will disappear - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Some mothers note that the dark streak disappeared 2–4 months after the baby was born. In rare cases, the mark remains even after a year.

Why does pigmentation not disappear immediately after the birth of a child? Childbirth does not mean that the hormonal background of a woman will quickly return to normal, it takes several months. In addition, breastfeeding also implies an increased activity of hormones, which affects the condition of the mother and the timing of the disappearance of the strip.

The peculiarity of the structure of the white line of the abdomen is another important factor in the rate of disappearance of the dark mark. The Alba line is practically devoid of blood vessels, so the pigment that has accumulated in excess in the cells of the tissue is washed out more slowly than if it were more supplied with blood vessels.

How to remove a dark strip from the abdomen after childbirth

Pigmentation on the abdomen is not a dangerous phenomenon. The dark streak is only a cosmetic problem that can cause psychological discomfort in a woman. That is why some mothers are looking for ways to quickly remove the annoying mark from their bodies.

Home remedies for dark stripe removal

At-home cosmetic procedures are the safest and easiest way to speed up the disappearance of the dark line on the abdomen. For this use:

  • cosmetics;
  • bleaching properties of plants;
  • baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.

Cosmetics for the beauty of the abdomen

The use of ready-made cosmetics is the easiest way to quickly get rid of the dark strip on the abdomen after childbirth. A young mother can use various creams with a whitening effect, soft scrubs that help exfoliate the top layers of the skin, ready-made masks and lotions.

Some women note that they managed to get rid of the strip on the stomach with a regular washcloth. They more thoroughly rubbed the problem area of ​​the skin while bathing, removing dead dark particles.

Cosmetics companies offer a variety of skin whitening products.

When resorting to the help of cosmetics, you need to remember about the possibility of an allergic reaction. After childbirth, as a result of hormonal changes, it is difficult to predict the response of the body even to familiar cosmetic products, therefore, if redness or itching appears, the cream used should be discarded. In addition, contact of the baby with substances applied to the body should be avoided in order to prevent him from developing allergies.

Properties of plants to get rid of pigmentation

Sometimes the price of cosmetics is quite high, and women prefer homemade cosmetics. Cucumber, lemon and parsley have a good whitening effect. They can be used alone or in combination with each other and other ingredients.

  1. Cucumber. To lighten hyperpigmentation apply:
    • fruit juice, rubbing dark areas of the skin with it;
    • gruel from the pulp, which is applied to the stomach;
    • chopped medium-sized vegetable in combination with 1.5 tbsp. l. sour cream.
  2. Lemon. Sour citrus is used in different ways:
    • as in the case of cucumber, fruit juice wipes the pigmentation area on the stomach;
    • lemon juice is combined with cucumber juice and applied to a dark stripe;
    • the crushed pulp of the fruit is combined with honey and olive oil in equal proportions and applied to the problem area.
  3. Parsley. A decoction is prepared from greens or added to masks:
    • 50 grams of the green part of the plant is boiled for 15 minutes in half a liter of water, cooled, the broth is poured into ice molds and placed in the freezer. The resulting cubes wipe the annoying marks;
    • a bunch of leaves is crushed in a blender along with half a cucumber, add 0.5 tbsp. l. sour cream and mix.

Photo Gallery: Cucumber, Lemon, and Parsley for Skin Care

Cucumber not only brightens the skin, but also moisturizes it Lemon is sold in stores at any time of the year, so it is convenient to use it even in winter Parsley is an affordable skin care product for every woman

Soda and hydrogen peroxide in the fight against pigmentation after childbirth

Soda and hydrogen peroxide have a pronounced whitening effect, so they are used to lighten hyperpigmentation. They are used in the preparation of masks that are applied to problem areas:

  • mix soda with a small amount of water until a homogeneous slurry is obtained. Apply it on the dark strip and leave for 5 minutes. If you lightly massage your stomach before washing off the product, then, in addition to the mask, you will also get a scrub effect;
  • combine one tablespoon of sour cream, cottage cheese and hydrogen peroxide, mix and apply the composition on the skin for 20 minutes.

Professional methods for removing pigmentation from the abdomen after childbirth

If pigmentation does not go away a year after childbirth, and industrial and home cosmetics do not help, you can contact a beautician to remove the strip by professional methods.

Many women after childbirth wonder when the dark stripe on the abdomen will disappear. Such a manifestation can be found in every woman at any time, but most often this happens no later than six months.


The appearance of a dark strip on the abdomen after childbirth is explained by hormonal changes occurring in the woman's body. Dark manifestations can be observed not only on the abdomen, but also on other parts of the skin.

The following factors can also provoke the occurrence of pigmentation:

  • natural skin color;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • lack of folic acid in the female body;
  • changes that occur in the functioning of the ovaries, liver or pituitary gland.

The appearance of a dark strip on the abdomen after childbirth is explained by hormonal changes occurring in the body of a woman.

As practice shows, it is impossible to find out exactly the reason that could provoke the appearance of a dark strip in a woman; here one can rely solely on assumptions.

2 When will the strip on the stomach pass?

The appearance of a dark stripe on the belly of a pregnant woman is a natural process, so a woman should not worry about this. Since such a process is associated with biological factors that are responsible for the stretching of the abdominal cavity, the disappearance of this manifestation is also provided for by natural processes.

The manifestation of pigmentation on the abdomen after childbirth gradually turns pale. This occurs during the first six months after childbirth. It is impossible to answer the question exactly when the pigmentation on the abdomen after childbirth will pass, since for each woman this process takes a certain period of time, the duration of which varies depending on the following factors:

  • individual characteristics of the female body;
  • good nutrition;
  • normal organization of sleep and rest;
  • blood levels of progesterone and oxytocin;
  • the recovery period of the menstrual cycle after childbirth;
  • lactation process.


In very rare cases, it occurs that the pigment strip does not go away after childbirth for one year or more. But such situations are rare, but still it should not be completely ruled out. The following factors can provoke the process of prolonged non-disappearance of the pigment strip:

  • tense psycho-emotional state;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • systematic exposure to direct sunlight;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • diseases of the stomach;
  • problems in the work of the endocrine system;
  • the use of drugs for epilepsy;
  • diseases of the duodenum and pelvic organs.

Therefore, if after a long time after childbirth the dark strip on the abdomen does not disappear, this is a sign that some pathological processes are occurring in the woman's body that require immediate diagnosis and treatment.


Many women after childbirth immediately begin to get hung up on the dark strip formed on the stomach. Experts in this field recommend not to dwell on this problem and simply wait until such a manifestation passes on its own as a result of a natural process.

The safest way to get rid of this kind are folk remedies, which include the use of plants that have bleaching properties, as well as soda and hydrogen peroxide, as well as appropriate cosmetics.

Note! Some women claim that you can get rid of the dark stripe on the abdomen by carefully rubbing the area where the color change has occurred daily.

When giving preference to cosmetics to combat such manifestations, it should be borne in mind that some products can provoke an allergic reaction. Moreover, after childbirth, due to hormonal changes in the body, the threshold of susceptibility is significantly exceeded.

In some cases, it is not possible to use cosmetics. This can happen as a result of intolerance to the components, as well as due to the rather high cost of drugs. In this case, women are advised to give preference to products such as parsley, cucumber and lemon, since they have a whitening effect.

In addition to all the above remedies, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide will help to cope with pigmented manifestations on the stomach. These two products have a whitening effect and therefore help to lighten the pigment spot.

4 Professional pigmentation removal

There are situations when, despite everything, pigmentation after childbirth does not go away. In this case, you need to take the help of qualified cosmetologists, as this will be the only way to get rid of such a cosmetic defect. In such cases, the following procedures are recommended:

  1. - this procedure is considered one of the safest, but, despite this, it is not recommended to carry it out during lactation.
  2. Ultrasonic removal - as a result of this procedure, the skin is completely renewed, which also becomes more elastic, and all age spots are completely removed. This procedure is allowed to take place even during breastfeeding.
  3. Performing intradermal injections - the essence of the procedure lies in the fact that a special solution is introduced into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin that has a pigmented expression, due to which dark spots are lightened. During pregnancy and lactation, this procedure is not recommended.
  4. Cryotherapy - this method of dealing with the manifestation of a dark strip on the abdomen is considered one of the safest. The essence of the procedure is that pigmentation is affected by liquid nitrogen, after which dead cells are exfoliated, which are subsequently replaced by healthy skin.
  5. Phototherapy - the destruction of the coloring pigment occurs as a result of exposure to a light pulse. This method is not forbidden to use during childbearing, as well as during lactation.
  6. Mechanical peeling - the procedure involves the removal of the top layer of the skin using special brushes. During pregnancy and lactation, it is still not recommended to resort to this method, as it is very painful and requires the use of anesthesia.
  7. Chemical peeling - the surface of the skin is exposed to chemical acids, which in turn kill the top layer of the skin and stimulate tissue regeneration. The procedure is prohibited during breastfeeding.


The appearance of a dark stripe on the abdomen during the bearing of a child is not a sentence, because in almost all cases the pigmentation disappears on its own a few months after the birth of the child. If a woman for some reason does not want to wait a certain time, then this process can be accelerated. To do this, you should resort to ready-made products, which are currently being sold in large volumes, and you can also use folk methods or professional services of cosmetologists. But, giving preference to one or another method, it should be borne in mind that some of them may have a negative effect on the child during breastfeeding. It is impossible to answer exactly the question of when the dark stripe on the abdomen after childbirth will pass, since this process will depend on several factors, such as maintaining the right lifestyle, the health of the woman, and many others. But you should not worry in situations where the strip does not disappear for several months.

In some cases, this process can take up to six months. If this period is also exceeded, and the pigmentation remains, then it is recommended to undergo a complete medical examination to determine the cause and possible deviations in the female body.

The appearance of the postpartum belly is rarely a woman's pride. One of the undesirable consequences of pregnancy is a dark stripe on this part of the body. And if on a rounded tummy she looked pretty cute, evoking associations with a ripe watermelon or a pot-bellied chipmunk, then after the birth of a child, a noticeable line often spoils the appearance of a woman, especially in combination with stretched skin. And it is quite natural that young mothers are worried when pigmentation will disappear and whether it is possible to speed up the process.

The muscles that form the abdominal press are symmetrical, they are connected by tendons, which in medicine are called the “white line of the abdomen”. In the normal state, it is invisible, but due to certain circumstances it can darken due to the melanin pigment.

Melanin is synthesized in the lower layers of the skin by special cells - melanocytes. Dark brown pigments are very stable: they do not dissolve in water, organic substances and mineral acids, they are destroyed only under the influence of alkali and very high temperatures (up to 200 degrees). It is thanks to melanin that people have a different shade of skin, hair and eyes.

This natural dye begins to be intensively produced due to ultraviolet radiation - then the skin becomes tan (darker shade), freckles may appear. The main function of melanin is protective. Its granules accumulate at the surface of the skin, turning into a kind of screen that absorbs harmful ultraviolet rays. Also, this pigment is a barrier to chemical aggressors: it covers the nucleus with genetic information in cells.

Melanocytes perform a protective function

The production of melanin in the body is controlled by the endocrine system - the thyroid gland, pituitary hormones, and sex hormones.

Causes of the appearance of a dark stripe on the abdomen of a woman who has given birth

  1. During the period of bearing a child, a woman's hormone ratio changes significantly. At the same time, areas of the skin that are especially sensitive to external influences may turn into darker shades. This is the face (spots appear), the white line of the abdomen, the areola on the chest and the external genitalia. Moreover, in swarthy and dark-skinned women, pigmentation is more pronounced (after all, their body contains a greater number of melanocytes).
  2. Some experts attribute the appearance of a dark strip on the abdomen to a lack of folic acid during pregnancy (even if a woman takes it in the form of tablets). This substance affects the uniform coloring of the skin and pigmentation. Folic acid is extremely important for the full development of the fetus, and in the process of bearing a child, the female body spends a lot of it.
  3. The stress factor also plays a role. As a result of changes in the hormonal background, a pregnant woman becomes suspicious and nervous, and this increases the production of melanocytes and causes them to be evenly distributed throughout the body. The more negative emotions the expectant mother experiences, the stronger the pigmentation, including on the stomach.
  4. Use of cosmetics during pregnancy. Creams, masks, shower gels and other products familiar to a woman in her normal state can cause an unexpected reaction, including hyperpigmentation.
  5. hereditary factor. The young mother in this case herself is prone to freckles, has many birthmarks.
  6. In some cases, the occurrence and long-term existence of a dark strip after childbirth is associated with diseases of the liver, ovaries, and pituitary gland.

Photo gallery: factors that provoke hyperpigmentation

The use of cosmetics during pregnancy can lead to unexpected consequences Negative emotions during pregnancy can increase pigmentation A young mother may have a hereditary tendency to develop freckles and age spots
A dark line on the abdomen may appear due to a lack of folic acid.

A dark stripe on the abdomen in pregnant women is a purely cosmetic problem that does not bring any harm to either the expectant mother or the child. Moreover, in this way the body tries to protect the fetus from the adverse effects of ultraviolet rays and toxic chemicals. After all, the strip is located on the most convex place of the abdomen.

Interestingly, the appearance of a dark stripe on the abdomen is associated with the woman's place of residence. Closer to the north, solar activity is low, and there young mothers (usually fair-haired and fair-skinned) do not face the problem of hyperpigmentation. In the southern area, due to the scorching sun, female skin initially has a larger supply of melanin, and vertical pigmentation on the abdomen sometimes occurs even in the absence of pregnancy.

How quickly does the strip on the abdomen disappear after childbirth

As a rule, hyperpigmentation after childbirth goes away on its own due to the stabilization of the hormonal background. Moreover, for each young mother, the duration of this process is individual: for some, the dark strip turns pale a few weeks after the baby is born, for others only after a year.

If a woman is breastfeeding, then the process of disappearance of hyperpigmentation will take longer.

Since the white line of the abdomen has few blood vessels, melanin from this area is washed out more slowly after childbirth compared to other areas of the skin.

How to speed up the disappearance of a dark strip on the postpartum belly

A dark stripe on the postpartum belly is a completely natural phenomenon, and a young mother should not get hung up on this. But if you don’t want to wait until the pigmentation goes away on its own, you can try various methods for skin whitening.

Creams and ointments

Special whitening cosmetics will help remove pigmentation. However, a nursing mother should carefully read the composition of creams and ointments: they should be based on natural ingredients. After all, some chemicals are able to penetrate into the bloodstream, and then into breast milk, harming the child. There are cosmetic lines specifically for pregnant and lactating women: for example, Mama Comfort, Baby Pharmacy, Weleda and others.

Cosmetics for young mothers should be made from natural ingredients

Also during lactation, you can use ointments based on zinc oxide: they will not have a harmful effect on the baby. But it is advisable to discuss this issue with your doctor first.

After using the product, you should carefully monitor the condition of the baby: if allergic reactions occur, the use of a cream or ointment should be immediately abandoned.

Nutrition Features

It turns out that some products contain substances that accumulate in a woman's skin and contribute to the production of melanin under the influence of UV radiation. These are vegetables and fruits of yellow shades (carrots, apricots, peaches, pumpkin), as well as tomatoes, watermelons, melons. This category also includes products containing tyrosine and tryptophan: these are pork and beef liver, red meats and fish, soy products, legumes, dates.

Eating certain fruits promotes the production of melanin

Conversely, a number of foods interfere with the synthesis of the coloring pigment: these are very salty foods, nuts, chocolate, boiled corn and coffee.

Naturally, a nursing mother should not completely refuse healthy food just because it stimulates the production of melanin (as well as strive to absorb foods that are harmful in her position). But in everything you need to observe the measure: if you lean in the summer, for example, on certain types of fruits, the dark stripe on the stomach will not disappear as quickly as we would like.

Cosmetic procedures

If a year after the birth, the strip on the abdomen is still pronounced and overshadows the mood of the young mother, then you can turn to a professional cosmetologist. This is allowed if the mother is no longer breastfeeding the baby. In addition, it is necessary to exclude possible diseases of the internal organs that affect skin pigmentation.

You can remove the dark stripe with special exfoliating procedures: laser resurfacing, chemical peeling, cryotherapy, mesotherapy.

If a woman regularly visits a bath or sauna, then she should take a good steam, and then rub the pigmented area with a soft washcloth. Just do not work too hard on the stomach or use the hard side - this will damage the skin.

Folk recipes

You can speed up the disappearance of a dark strip on the postpartum abdomen using folk methods. These are external whitening compounds that are applied to the skin.

Although all components from folk recipes are of natural origin, they can cause allergic reactions in mother or baby.

  • Finely chop a handful of parsley, add 1 teaspoon of sour cream, a couple of drops of orange juice. Rub the mixture into the pigmented area for 2-3 minutes, then leave for another 10 minutes and rinse.
  • Mix equal amounts of lemon juice and mineral water (about 2 tablespoons each). Apply compresses daily for 5 minutes. An alternative to lemon juice is cranberry.
  • Grind sweet pepper to a state of gruel and apply on the stomach daily for half an hour.
  • Finely grind fresh yarrow inflorescences (1 tablespoon), add the same amount of whey, grapefruit juice and a pinch of cloves (seasoning). Keep the composition on the skin for 15 minutes (if a burning or tingling sensation occurs, you can wash it off early).
  • Combine 1 teaspoon of ground rose hips with the same volume of sour cream. Such a homemade scrub should be rubbed into the skin, hold for a few minutes, and then rinse with warm water.
  • Prepare an herbal mixture: combine an equal amount of crushed rose hips, mountain ash and sorrel leaves (a pinch each), add a teaspoon of sour cream. Keep the whitening composition on the pigmented area for about half an hour, and then rinse with milk, half diluted with water.
  • By 2 tsp. kombucha add 1 tsp. onion juice. Keep the mixture on the skin for 40-45 minutes.
  • Grate horseradish and green apple on a fine grater. Use the resulting slurry as a mask for 15 minutes, then rinse and moisturize the skin with milk.
  • Honey peeling exfoliates pigmented cells well. Liquid honey is applied to the skin, rubbed for several minutes and washed off with warm water.
  • You can freeze cucumber juice or parsley infusion in a mold, and then wipe the problem area with an ice cube in the morning and evening.
  • If the line on the stomach is pale, then you can regularly wipe it with a decoction of chamomile or linden (bearing in mind that linden often causes allergies).

During pregnancy and childbirth, a woman's body undergoes many different changes. Some of them are invisible and do not attract close attention, while others can be frightening and cause a nervous reaction. So, for example, a black stripe on the abdomen after childbirth, which appears in nine women in ten birth cases. Not only does she look very unaesthetic, but she also does not go long after the baby appears. This causes a fair concern for the young mother about her state of health and a completely justified desire to know if such a mark will harm the baby.

Causes of the vertical stripe

To understand when the strip on the stomach will pass after childbirth, you must first delve into its nature. That is, it is necessary to determine the cause of its occurrence. You also need to find out in what cases and who may experience a vertical stripe on the abdomen after childbirth, and most importantly, how to deal with it. This mysterious phenomenon is associated with the vertical symmetry of the human body. Each part of the body, located on both sides of the vertical axis, is the same size, color and most identical in other physical characteristics.

In the central part, the connecting lines consist of an extremely thin strip of connective tissue between the muscles, which are practically indistinguishable to the naked eye. But during pregnancy and carrying a baby, a lot changes in the appearance of the expectant mother. Changes are especially noticeable with an increase in the size of the abdomen with the growth of the baby in the womb of a woman. The hormones estrogen and progesterone affect the enlargement of the uterus, and the hormone somatotropin stretches the abdominal muscles, while stretching the strip of connective tissue, which will remain in the same position for some time after the baby is born.

Simply put, hyperpigmentation in pregnant women appears along the white line of Alba, which separates the abdominal muscles - right and left. The oblique muscles of the abdomen intertwine along this line, and in some places, when the tendons are connected, voids are obtained that are filled with fats. This line performs a support-mechanical function. It has few vessels and nerve endings, so operations in the abdominal cavity are performed along this central line. For the same reason, the pigment strip on the abdomen after childbirth very slowly changes its color, because here the pigment is washed out very slowly, since there is a lack of blood capillaries that help cleanse the dermis from pigmentation.

Increased pigmentation

The increased pigmentation of the female body is due to the excessive deposition of natural dye along some lines - on the face, external genitalia, nipples, Alba line. This is due to the hormonal restructuring processes that take place in the body of a pregnant woman, and they are by no means dangerous for either the baby or his mother.

Many women who have given birth are tormented by the question of whether the strip on the abdomen will disappear after childbirth. It can be given a clear and confident answer - in the vast majority of cases, hyperpigmentation resolves on its own over time. True, the question of time for each woman is individual.

Do blondes have stripes?

As a rule, a dark stripe on the abdomen after childbirth occurs in every woman in position and becomes noticeable during pregnancy, as well as in the postpartum period. Only brunettes and brown-haired women most often have a more pronounced stripe, since their body contains more melanin, which is responsible for skin pigmentation. They have darker tans, freckles, and age spots than fair-haired women. And although they may also have a brown stripe on their stomach after childbirth, but it will not be as pronounced as in dark-haired ladies. True, in some blondes, the level of melanotropin, which synthesizes melanin, may not reach the required level. Then the strip on the stomach after childbirth does not appear at all.

How to avoid the appearance of a pigment strip on the stomach?

The body of each woman is individual, and this is especially evident during pregnancy and childbirth. A frightening brown stripe on the abdomen after childbirth can appear in the twelfth week of pregnancy or in its last trimester. In the case of the first pregnancy, this mark may appear a little earlier and be more noticeable. But there are ways in which this dubious decoration can be made less bright and noticeable. To do this, you just need to constantly monitor the level of melanin in the body, reduce its production. Excessive production of this hormone can be provoked by ordinary ultraviolet rays, which have a harmful effect on the delicate skin of a pregnant woman.

In order not to be tormented by the question of when the strip on the stomach will pass after childbirth, it is better to resist this process immediately. To avoid a clear manifestation of pigmentation on the abdomen will allow the following warnings:

  • try to be less in open sunny space;
  • use sunscreen or sprays;
  • choose clothes with maximum closure of the body, but from light fabrics;
  • Avoid sun exposure between noon and 16:00 when UV levels are at their highest.

It is impossible to completely exclude the effect of sunlight on the body of the mother and child, because it is they who synthesize vitamin D, which is important for their overall health. Sunbathing can and should be done, but only early in the morning or late in the evening.

Products and a vertical stripe on the stomach

In addition, there are some foods whose consumption can have a serious impact on the synthesis of the melanin hormone. They contain substances whose accumulation in the body contributes to the appearance of skin pigmentation under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. With the accumulation of a large amount of these substances, the coloring pigment begins to be synthesized. The list of these products is quite extensive. These include all kinds of citrus fruits, carrots, ripe watermelons, peaches, tomatoes, apricots, pumpkins and other orange or red foods. Due to the fact that tryptophan and tyrosine take part in the process of melanin synthesis, the acceleration of the appearance of the dye is greatly influenced by another group of products in which these substances are contained: pork or beef liver, red meat - beef, pork, veal, lamb, all types of red fish, as well as legumes and dates.

What foods interfere with dye production?

But there are also foods that prevent the production of dye - coffee, nuts, boiled corn, salt and chocolate. You should not be zealous, removing from the diet all foods that contribute to the appearance of skin pigmentation, because this can cause serious harm to a child who consumes breast milk. This will deprive his body of the nutrients it needs to develop. Everything must be carefully balanced, both nutrition and the amount of ultraviolet radiation received.

And if the level of useful products that cause skin staining is slightly increased, then you will have to be patient until you stop breastfeeding, and the strip on your stomach will pass, only a little later than with the restriction in products.

Vitamin D

In addition to the coloring function, the hormone melanin performs a very important function - protective. Therefore, the correct effect of UV rays on the production of vitamin D, which is simply vital for the normalization of calcium metabolism, is so important. But this is at a normal level of this vitamin in the body, but when the radiation strength is exceeded, the sun's rays begin to act aggressively and have a detrimental effect on the living cells of the human body. And then melanin becomes protective, which accumulates on the surface of the skin and becomes a kind of protective screen. This hormonal shield reflects and absorbs the life-threatening, aggressive rays of the sun. It also serves as a protective barrier against exposure to various harmful chemicals. At the same time, the pigment is located in the cell in such a way that its nucleus with the genetic information embedded in it is covered.

How long can a lane run?

How to find out when the strip on the stomach will pass after childbirth? For each of the women this period is individual. And this will happen only after the hormonal balance is restored (to a level corresponding to pre-pregnancy). In some, a decrease in the impact content of melanin occurs during the onset of the first menstruation after childbirth, in others it can last for a whole year. So the exact period of time when the strip on the abdomen disappears after childbirth, no one can definitely predict.

Cosmetic procedures

If the pigment mark brings aesthetic inconvenience, you can contact a beautician, but only after a year after childbirth. A specialist cosmetologist will remove a dark strip with various exfoliating procedures - using cryotherapy, chemical peeling or laser resurfacing. In addition, it is possible to use drugs that reduce the photosensitivity of the skin, whitening creams, mesotherapy. Lightening the tone of the strip on the abdomen can also be influenced at home - with various brightening agents and exfoliating procedures.

How to influence the removal of the pigment strip?

Since it is impossible to establish with absolute certainty when the strip on the abdomen passes after childbirth, you can try to remove it. Of course, one should not be nervous and panicking, because this can have a very detrimental effect on the health and nervous state of the child. The process of natural restoration of skin pigmentation may be delayed, but it will certainly end on its own. But if you don't have the patience to wait for the postpartum belly band to pass, this can be helped a little. Today, there are many brightening cosmetics and folk recipes that can contribute to this process.

When is the strip on the abdomen after childbirth? Each woman's body is individual, therefore, it is impossible to name the exact period for which it will pass. There are very effective natural methods, regularly applying which, you can take it into your own hands and get rid of the disturbing factor. The most effective procedures include:

  • home peeling with natural (mandatory) honey;
  • applying a mask of freshly grated cucumber to the affected area;
  • the use of fresh grated parsley paste to lighten the skin;
  • applying freshly squeezed lemon juice to a dark stripe;
  • freezing cucumber-parsley juice and rubbing problem areas with this ice;
  • applying a curd mask;
  • application of a decoction of linden with chamomile.

Allergy test

It should be remembered that before using any of your chosen products, you need to check for the absence of allergic reactions to the components used. Many of the listed products can give an allergic reaction - linden, honey, lemon. The manifestation of allergies is not at all welcome when breastfeeding a child. It is better to make sure that these products do not cause negative reactions, and only then begin to use them regularly.

Chamomile-linden decoction

Chamomile-linden decoction acts very gently and provides good results with constant use. To enhance the effect of the use of brightening folk remedies, it is recommended to visit a sauna or bath, where the stomach needs to be thoroughly warmed up and rubbed at the location of the dark strip with a soft washcloth. But going to the bath is possible only after the permission of the doctor to visit this institution. If the washcloth did not help much, do not try to rub harder so as not to harm your health. Just continue the procedure and wait for a positive result.

In some cases, the dark line may peel off along with the skin, as with a sun tan, and come off immediately.

When do you need to see a doctor?

If a year has passed since the beginning of the procedures, and the result has not pleased you, you need to contact your doctor for qualified advice, take tests, check the level of hormones. Having identified the cause of such persistence of the body, the doctor will prescribe a treatment course to restore the desired hormonal background. If the level of hormones is within the normal range, you should visit a beauty salon and undergo professional procedures there that will help get rid of an ugly mark. It can be peeling or laser skin whitening - and your stomach will regain its former beauty and purity.