Instant tan: how long it lasts, pros and cons, reviews. Is it possible to sunbathe with an instant tan. Self-tanning: what is it? How self-tanners work. How to apply and rinse self tanner. Can self-tanning harm?

In the section on the question Does anyone know if it is possible to sunbathe after applying self-tanner? given by the author dissolutions the best answer is And they told me in the salon that uneven pigmentation could turn out.
Although I sunbathed and nothing bad happened.

Answer from chevron[newbie]
not desirable, a tan from self-tanning can spread in the sun, everything will be just uneven, spots. Plus, you get your clothes dirty

Answer from Hope[guru]
is possible only if it is a professional, safe self-tanning and only together with high-quality safe sunscreen. I can tell kamimi... .
Hope is a professional beauty consultant

Answer from Pepper Hilton[guru]
yes, and why not, on the contrary, the tan will lie down more evenly, and not blush, although there is no protection in self-tanning.

Answer from Tatiana movchan[master]
Better not

Answer from Pra Frolova[guru]
It is POSSIBLE ... but it is not necessary! .. It will not wash off in a week, but already on the trail. days, how expensive self-tanning would not be ... And in general, I understand that you always want to look beautiful and spectacular ... to be tanned in winter and summer, but all these self-tanning and solariums spoil the skin very much, and what’s even worse is aging, so what if if you still want it, it’s better to use it on special occasions ... and the less often the better !!

Answer from Lilya Sipreen[newbie]
you can, of course you can! you're just wasting your time here! I did it myself, you see, I was ashamed to go to the white beach! As a result, after a week, the self-tanner was washed off, and I was white again! It creates a real barrier, and the skin does not produce its protective pigment, that is, a tan! So it's better not to. Good luck!

At one time, the publication of facts about the unequivocal risks from visiting solariums made many tanning enthusiasts think carefully about the advisability of visiting places with “ artificial sun". And at the same time look for some alternative methods acquiring the desired chocolate skin tone. The beauty industry immediately responded by offering a kind of help to the numerous consumer - special products that, when applied to the skin in the next few hours, appear as a self-tanner. And already today self-tanning has become an essential attribute on the shelves of many beauties who are not ready to risk their health in a solarium.

Self-tanning is a special substance that, when applied to the skin in the near future, paints it in several dark color thus creating a tanning effect. Self-tanning products are sold mainly in the form of sprays or creams, and their action is explained by the reaction of the active substance of the products - dihydroxyacetone - which it enters with amino acids and skin keratin proteins. So, when dihydroxyacetone is combined with elements of the epidermis, melanoidins are formed - substances that color the skin and give it a tan color. Special tinting products in the form of milk, modeling lotions, which provide a light, barely noticeable shade, stand apart. And there are also so-called napkins, when using which, by rubbing the substance impregnating them into the skin, a tanning effect is achieved.

It is believed that self-tanning is not dangerous in any way, Furthermore- many modern facilities to create a chocolate shade in parallel with coloring, they also have moisturizing, tightening, anti-aging, tonic effects. At the same time, there are certain disadvantages of self-tanning preparations - the tan acquired as a result of the use of such products is not durable, it is washed off in just a few days. In addition, with incorrect application of self-tanning products, instead of the “correct” desired slightly darker shade, the skin often acquires a yellow, orange or bright carrot color. It also happens that self-tanning, with its inept and improper use, manifests itself in spots or stripes, which, of course, cannot please either.

Experts, speaking of self-tanning products, distinguish between two types of such drugs, which differ in the principle of action and, accordingly, the duration of the effect. So, bronzes in their composition have only coloring substances, and therefore their effect is preserved literally until the first wash. But autobronzates, appearing as a result chemical reaction the desired shade in a few hours, provide an effect for several days.

Whichever of the means, from whichever group is chosen, one should strictly adhere to certain rules for applying self-tanning to the skin. Unless, of course, you then do not want to diligently wipe off the nasty yellow. Please note that self-tanning products appear after about 3-5 hours, although they dry out already within 15-30 minutes after application. In this regard, experts do not recommend putting on clothes for the first 1-2 hours after applying the product, so as not to stain it along with the skin. And, of course, you should not immediately go to the shower after using self-tanning - water procedures will negate the result of applying coloring agents.

As for the method of using self-tanning products, before using it, experts recommend exfoliating and moisturizing the skin, which is necessary to remove dead cells and obtain an even and natural shade. By the way, dry skin requires a little longer preparation before using self-tanner. So, owners of dry skin will have to spend several days moisturizing it and cleaning it from flaky particles in order to avoid unwanted color. It is better to moisturize the skin several times a day, using a cream or oils. But to exfoliate dead particles, it is better to use not a scrub, which can dry the skin even more, but a soft washcloth and gentle products.

Already immediately before the procedure for applying self-tanning, it makes sense to first test its effect on the skin by applying the substance to small plot and check how it shows up. If the result is satisfactory, you can proceed to the treatment of auto-zagr of the whole body: making sure that there are no drops of water or particles of cream left on the skin, applying the product evenly and quickly. It should be borne in mind that self-tanning is most pronounced on the elbows, knees, back side wrists, in the décolleté area, and therefore it is better not to rub these areas excessively and not to apply too much substance. When the product is evenly distributed over the body, you should immediately wash your hands thoroughly with soap and clean your nails with a brush. The fact is that self-tanning can very quickly manifest itself just on the palms and cuticles, between the fingers, and under the nails - and completely form nasty black “deposits”.

How to choose self-tanner

To the question of how to choose a self-tanner correctly and without subsequent ridiculous results, experts unequivocally answer: taking into account the type of skin and its properties and features resulting from this. Today, taking into account the color of hair and eyes, as well as taking into account the reaction of the skin to the sun, there are three types - Scandinavian, Central European and Mediterranean type. Knowing about the features of each of them, it will not be difficult to make the right choice between a variety of self-tanning products. So:

  • scandinavian type: people of this type are blond, have light eyes and thin, very sensitive skin. In the sun, people of the Scandinavian type react super quickly - they burn out almost instantly. For such people, light tinting lotions or milk are suitable, because with a dense tan acquired as a result of using a cream, bright people look at least ridiculous. When choosing self-tanner, people of the Scandinavian type should pay attention to products marked “light” or “for fair skin”;
  • european type: such people have blond, brown or red hair, and to them - brown, green or grey eyes And peach skin. People of the Central European type react a little better to the sun than the "Scandinavians", but at the same time they are still prone to burning. In this case, it is better to give preference to products such as tanning mousse or tanning spray, while you should choose drugs marked “medium”;
  • mediterranean type: people of this type are distinguished by dark, black hair and swarthy skin. Representatives of the Mediterranean type have the most “friendly” relationship with the sun: they quickly tan, the tan literally “sticks” to them, while the “Mediterraneans” almost always do not know anything about burning - they simply are not able to burn in the sun. Usually such people do not need atozagar, but if there is still a need for it, they should purchase products marked “dark” or “for dark skin” on the label. At the same time, before using self-tanning "as directed", it is recommended to first test it on the wrist - an improperly selected product can stain the skin yellow or orange. For people with dark skin creams or comfortable napkins for self-tanning are quite suitable, however, it is important not to overdo it, applying the drug evenly and thin layer, adjusting the hue again if necessary.
  • How long does it take for self-tanning to show up?

    How quickly a self-tanner develops will depend on the particular brand of fake tanner and the original skin type. As a rule, self-tanning is characterized by "manifestation" within 1-5 hours.

    However, there are also tools that provide perhaps not an instantaneous effect. True, in this case, self-tanning appears as quickly as it “promptly” and disappears from the skin - after the first wash.

    To know exactly how long you have to wait after applying self-tanning in order to see the final result, just carefully examine the packaging of the drug. So, the packaging should always indicate how long one or another selected self-tanning appears.

    How long does a self-tanner last

    But how long the effect of artificial tanning products will last depends on the quality and brand of the product and on how often and how “hard” (regarding washcloths and the practice of using scrubs) you resort to water procedures. The average duration of self-tanning is 2-5 days, taking into account the above factors.

    In order to preserve the effect of tanning longer, experts recommend using soft, gentle washcloths in the shower and for a while abandon scrubbing products. But even so, after a few days, self-tanning will begin to wash off - usually in spots. After all, even under artificial tanning, the process of keratinization and exfoliation of the skin does not stop, so self-tanning “leaves” in uneven parts.

    To eliminate this drawback, however, is quite simple - using a hard washcloth or scrub.

    Is it possible to sunbathe with self-tanner

    Sunbathing with self-tanning, of course, is possible, and many people who do not want or for some reason consider it “not aesthetic” to appear on the beach with milky white skin at the end of winter do just that. A natural tan under a self-tanning agent “clings” to the skin - unless, of course, the product is marked with an indicator of the presence of UV filters in the product. So, in the absence of UV-protective components in the product, the skin acquires pigmentation even under self-tanning, and when self-tanning naturally washed off, the acquired color is preserved.

    At the same time, many of those who practice self-tanning complain: when fake tan it is washed off, the natural tan is spotted - the pigmentation is uneven. Whether a natural tan will lie evenly under self-tanning is a mystery: someone talks about a successful experience smooth transition from artificial tan to chocolate color given by the sun; someone complains that the tan after washing off self-tanner is “spotty”.

    What kind of fate will befall this or that consumer of self-tanning, not a single specialist will undertake to assert. One thing is clear: self-tanning does not interfere with the acquisition of a natural tan, unless otherwise indicated on the package. And yet - the higher the product in the class, the more qualitative it is, the greater the chance to switch from artificial tanning to natural without side "spotty" effects.

    Self-tanning or solarium

    Disputes over what is still better - self-tanning or a solarium - have been sharpened, probably, since these two methods of acquiring a chocolate shade appeared on the service market. Both procedures have their adherents and their opponents, which cannot be considered something unusual. Indeed, for someone, going to the solarium is a completely familiar practice that allows you to get an even tan of the desired intensity for enough long time, and someone, given the proven risks of sunbathing in solariums, prefers a short-lived, but quite safe effect from self-tanning products.

    Both tanning acquired in a solarium and self-tanning have their positive and negative sides. So, a tan in a solarium is equivalent to a tan obtained under the sun - in tanning salons, pigmentation is produced according to the principle of exposure to the skin with ultraviolet radiation, akin to sunlight. In this case, the tan lasts for a long time, because the skin produces natural melanin. While self-tanning provides color by coloring the upper layers of the skin with substances that are contained in artificial tanning products. Accordingly, the effect of self-tanning is shorter than the example of a solarium - the maximum self-tanning can last up to 7 days, on average, it is washed off the skin already for 2-5 days.

    At the same time, self-tanning, according to manufacturers and experts, is a completely harmless method of acquiring a beautiful dark shade for the skin. Whereas the solarium, and this has long been proven, can be the very factor that will provoke the development of cancer. Increased risks manifestations of oncology, primarily skin, are the main and main complaint against tanning beds, the use of which is opposed by a huge number of physicians. At the same time, if you approach the issue of acquiring a tan in solariums wisely, do not overdo it, observe all safety conditions and do not neglect contraindications, then a solarium may well be used to obtain desired shade skin.

    Which way to provide the skin desired shade in your specific case- of course, it's up to you. Keep in mind the only thing: a visit to the solarium has a number of completely real contraindications. And in no case should you neglect them, unless, of course, you want to bronze tan get in addition a whole bunch of sometimes very serious problems.

When there is no time to sunbathe, or it is winter outside, but you always want to look beautiful, self-tanning will help. It will quickly create the appearance of tanned skin, as if you had just returned from the resort. Self-tanner is a cream, spray or lotion that colors the skin, giving it a tanned tint. Whoever wants to try this technology on himself for the first time and does not know anything about self-tanning should read everything that is written below.

How to choose self-tanner

The main active component of self-tanning is dihydroxyacetone, it reacts with the upper layers of the skin and forms the desired pigment, which gives the desired color. The higher the concentration of dihydroxyacetone in self-tanning, the more intense the result will be.

To choose self-tanner, the main thing is to know your skin type. Self-tanning developers take into account all the features and create the best product for everyone. And, to facilitate the selection process, they created a classification of self-tanning.

  • light- for blondes and redheads and fair-haired, who have a fair, thin skin and bright eyes. A lot of sun is simply contraindicated for such people. Products in this series will give such skin natural color tan. Milk with tonic is good, but not napkins and creams with a dense texture.
  • Medium- this type fit for owners of fair-haired and brown hair with hazel, green eyes. For such people, the sun will not cause harm, unless, of course, it is abused. But anyway, sunburn on such skin will not be. Self-tanner will have a denser texture and dark shade. The use of lotion will be optimal, it will gradually give the skin color, and you will see for yourself when it's time to stop.
  • Dark- for girls with black hair and dark skin. They are not afraid of the sun at all. Tan immediately lie down on the skin, giving even more shades. Such girls need to be careful with self-tanning, so as not to turn themselves into an unnatural chocolate bar. Wipes or lotions work well.

How long does it take for self-tanning to show up?

The self-tanning time is written on the package. Usually, it is 2-6 hours after application. Also, it depends on your skin. After applying self-tanning, you should not take a shower (wash off everything that was applied), and put on clothes (stains will remain). You need to know that remedies that appear very quickly also disappear quickly.

How long does it keep?

Self-tanning acts only on the upper layers of the skin, and as the cells die and the skin exfoliates, it disappears. Self-tanning stays on the skin for 5-7 days, for a permanent long-term result, it is worth repeating the application procedure every 2-3 days.

Self-tanning or solarium

There is a lot of debate about which is better - tanning or solarium. To determine with the answer, you need to consider all aspects of these methods.

Self-tanner dries out the skin very quickly and disappears quickly, it also lays unevenly on the skin, can leave stains on clothes and on the skin. It does not affect the structure of skin cells and does not penetrate the body. If you do not like the result of the application, you can easily wash it off and repeat the procedure. Self-tanning is convenient to use if you want to have the effect of tanning not for a long time and quickly (for example, it is perfect for evening parties). Self-tanning can be applied both at home (it's a little more complicated) and in a specialized salon.

Solarium allows you to get more even tan which will last longer. It takes at least a few days to achieve this effect. UV light stimulates the production of vitamin D in the body. Also, ultraviolet rays disrupt the structure and elasticity of the skin. During the procedure, you can get burned, because it dries the skin, and you can not control the level of humidity. Solarium, ultraviolet in general, provokes the occurrence of cancer, prevents the penetration of a sufficient amount of oxygen into the skin.

Although the result of a tanning bed is better, negative factors and the risk of serious diseases suggest that it is better to use self-tanning to achieve a tanning effect.

Is it possible to sunbathe with self-tanner

Self-tanning acts only on the surface of the skin, coloring it. It has no effect on the penetration of ultraviolet rays, the skin remains vulnerable to solar exposure. If you are going to sunbathe with tanning - be sure to use protective agent from sunburn and moisturizers for the skin, because the skin will dry out even more. Best Option will - wash off the product before sunbathing because it clogs the skin pores.

self tanning good remedy for achievement beautiful effect summer sun. It's easy to use and easy to wash off if you need to go back to for some reason. the same color skin. Self-tanning is not harmful to health and can be applied even at home, which gives great advantage this method. If you want to quickly have beautiful, tanned skin, try self-tanning and you will love it.

When sunny summer days will not come soon, but you already want to get a tan, people begin to look for all sorts of ways to fulfill their desires. The article will talk about what constitutes an instant tan, how long it lasts, and what its benefits are. On this moment Many offer similar services, but their cost varies. Therefore, you need to find out in which cases people do the "instant tan" procedure, the pros and cons, as well as contraindications.

Advantages over similar procedures

Instant tanning has a number of advantages over self-tanning or other treatments of this type. Among them:

  • instant result;
  • painlessness;
  • safety;
  • the effect lasts longer.

Thanks to all the above pluses, it is the instant one that is rapidly gaining popularity. It contains many special salons, where professionals do their job with high quality, and customers are always satisfied.

Many girls who have thin skin or a large number of freckles, they are afraid of this procedure, because they believe that it will be harmful to health. In fact, an instant tan, the price of which is available to everyone, is not traumatic. Despite the type of skin, its color and thinness, no burns or other unpleasant traces does not remain after the procedure.

Lotions for instant tanning

Before taking a sunbath, as a rule, a special lotion is applied to the body. Thanks to this procedure, the subsequent tan will lie down more evenly and much faster, and the time spent in a sunny place will be reduced.

Lotions for instant tanning consist of moisturizing natural ingredients, and they also contain vitamin E, which can penetrate the skin and nourish it. Natural ingredients quickly moisturize skin covering, saturating it with useful trace elements and slowing down the aging process.

These lotions also contain an extract from sugar cane. Getting on the skin, it interacts with amino acids, after which a tan shade appears. The extract does not penetrate into the blood or deeper tissues, but only affects the very surface of the skin.

Such lotions are hypoallergenic, therefore they have no contraindications and are suitable for all skin types.

Before going to sea

Not so long ago, an instant tan has become a new trend before a trip to the sea. How long does it last in this case, and is it possible to sunbathe with it at all - the most common questions.

Initially, celebrities took advantage of this innovation, and then their fans also picked it up. After all, few people want to look like a pale and tired person among those who have long been basking under the rays. warm sun and has a perfect tan.

Before you find out whether it is possible to instantly understand whether such a procedure is needed before going on vacation. As you know, natural tan does not fit well on every skin type. Often people have to wait for a tanned effect for 4-5 days, and as soon as the goal is achieved, and a beautiful tanned body can be shown to others, it's time to pack your bags and return home without colorful photos from the sea. It is in such cases that people tend to tan in an instant, so as not to ruin their vacation and bring good memories home.

Now you should deal with the question of whether it is possible to sunbathe with an instant tan. In fact, many experts say that it is possible to do artificial tanning before going to the sea, but it is only necessary to apply professional tools, which are definitely available in any specialized salon. High quality lotions that darken the skin without blocking Sun rays, so you can relax calmly, and an instant tan (before and after in the photo below) will gradually turn into a natural one.

Gorgeous body

An instant tan, before and after which a person experiences completely different sensations and emotions, always adorns the body. Some people even claim that it will visually remove a little excess weight. Thanks to this, there is an incentive to get an instant tan. Moscow, as mentioned above, is full specialized salons, among which:

  1. "Infiniti" (Chistova street, 16).
  2. "Lilami" (street Yuzhnobutovskaya, 61).
  3. "Freckles" (Verkhnyaya Radishchevskaya Street, 9).

Each of these places has many positive feedback, as clients always leave them satisfied and moderately tanned.

How is the procedure

There is no special technology for applying the product to the skin, so the procedure can be performed both in the salon and at home. On a clean skin, a special coloring agent is evenly distributed using a sprayer. This procedure is carried out in separate booths so that the product does not scatter over a large room.

Within 6-8 hours after this manipulation, it is strictly forbidden to use a washcloth and take a shower. It is for this reason that an instant tan, the price of which varies from 500 to 2000 rubles, is usually prescribed in the morning. During this period of time, the skin has time to absorb all the necessary coloring particles as much as possible, and therefore, the effect will linger for a long time.

You can take a shower 8 hours after the procedure. It should be noted that the epidermis absorbs only 85% of the product, therefore, during water procedures colored water will flow. You should not be afraid of this, since the shade itself will not disappear.

There is another option for acquiring an instant tan - the use of lotion. It must be applied with special equipment, which also evenly sprays the components over the skin. It is best to purchase such a tool in professional stores.

What to do before visiting the salon

A day before visiting the salon or carrying out the procedure on your own at home, you must carefully prepare for an instant tan. Within 24 hours it is forbidden to use body creams, perfumes and all kinds of moisturizers.

In order for the coloring matter to be absorbed as much as possible, experts recommend doing laser peeling right before the main procedure. Thanks to this, the tan will lie more evenly, and there will be less unabsorbed product.

Instant tan: how long does it last and what effect does it give

The time during which the tan will last depends on the type of skin, its preparedness, the amount and density of the special substance. As a rule, the shade does not come off within a couple of weeks.

In order for the effect to last as long as possible, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • do not wash under hot water;
  • do not use too aggressive detergents;
  • try not to sweat a lot;
  • do not wear warm clothes.

How to get rid of sunburn

Often there are situations when the client does not like the result, because tanned skin looked much better. Fortunately, the tanning effect can be removed right in the salon immediately after the procedure. For this, a special lotion is also useful, which is rubbed into the skin, and then the body needs to be lathered and go to the shower.

How to keep the shade

When you know what an instant tan is, how long it lasts and why you need it, you can figure out how to keep it for a long time. First of all, it should be said that in the cold season you do not need to wear too warm elements of clothing, because excess sweating contributes to the disappearance of dark colors from the skin.

In addition, a tan made in this way does not tolerate sauna, peelings and other similar procedures. Owners of an instant tan will have to postpone such procedures for a while, otherwise a beautiful dark shade will not last more than two weeks.

In the cold period of the year it lasts, as perspiration is reduced. Therefore, most masters and already experienced clients recommend doing this procedure just in winter.

Harm to health

Instant tanning is practically safe. It is worth saying that doctors allow even pregnant women to do it, since neither the mother nor her fetus will be harmed.

Only the presence of freckles or a large number of acne can negatively affect a tan. Although there are no absolute contraindications in this case. If the client himself doubts the harmlessness of the procedure for his skin, then you should consult a dermatologist before carrying it out.

Quite rarely, the components of the fixed asset cause allergic reactions. Today, many manufacturers produce lotions that do not have any negative effect at all. In addition, even if a person has ever suffered from skin allergies, it can be used for him special remedy specifically designed for sensitive skin.

Real reviews

Of course, it cannot be better than natural, but still the reviews about instant tanning in the salon are quite good. With all the rules provided above, people get a great effect that lasts for quite a long time.

As a rule, first of all, clients express their enthusiastic opinions about the fact that an instant tan does not leave any marks on clothes after absorption. In addition, the agent that stains the skin does not give it any bad smell, even if it itself has a slightly specific or unusual ordinary person aroma.

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