We get rid of the smell of urine on the upholstery of the sofa with the help of folk remedies. How to wash a sofa from traces of urine and remove an unpleasant smell

12/31/2017 3 3 444 views

Furniture that is used constantly should be thoroughly cleaned periodically. It absorbs dirt and unpleasant odors. Consider how to get rid of the smell of urine on the couch at home? It appears for many reasons. It could be Small child beloved pet, old man or a bedridden patient who needs care.

Urine is quickly absorbed into the furniture, leaving a fetid odor after drying. It doesn't disappear with time. Measures must be taken urgently as soon as the liquid has been noticed. The deeper it penetrates, the more difficult it is to neutralize after. The task will become more complicated several times, so it is dangerous to procrastinate.

What needs to be done first?

The following remedies will help absorb urine:

  1. Paper napkins, towels and toilet paper. Paper needs to be folded 6 times, towels - 4, as it is very thin layer gets wet and there is a risk of spoiling the furniture even more. The roll cannot be saved in this case, the method should be applied until the wipes become almost dry when applied.
  2. Fen. When drying, do not keep it too close to the surface. The process should not take more than seven minutes. The greatest efficiency can be achieved by combining these two methods.
  3. Iron. The method is used as an alternative to the previous one. Pollution should be covered with a dry cloth and ironed for about six minutes. Evaporation of the liquid occurs due to the action of hot air. The procedure must be done necessarily through the fabric, otherwise a hole may form on the furniture.

How to remove the smell of urine from the sofa at home?

The choice of cleaning agent depends on the cause of the stain. Methods differ when cleaning pollution after small children, an animal or an adult.


Doesn't come from the baby's urine strong odor, as it is less concentrated than human. But if wetting was constant, a noticeable unpleasant odor. It is difficult to cover all the furniture with oilcloths, therefore, during the period of getting used to the pot, you should study ways that will help get rid of puddles:

  • laundry soap. You can use the usual Soviet version, or adapted for children's clothing. Apply the product to the sponge, wipe the furniture. Hold for a quarter of an hour, then treat with water. If the sofa has light shades, you need to rinse off more intensively, as there is a risk of leaving streaks;
  • potassium permanganate. It is used only for dark colors. It is advisable to test the method on an inconspicuous area. Mix a few crystals with water, omit an unnecessary rag, taking into account its color. Squeeze a little, put on pollution, press down on top with something heavy. After half an hour, wet a rag and repeat;
  • lemon juice. The method is environmentally friendly and safe for kids. Minimizes risk allergic reactions and irritation. Squeeze the citrus, strain from the pulp. Pour the juice into the spray bottle, treat the stain. After 20 minutes, repeat the procedure and cover with a moistened film so that it eats more strongly. Rinse with water or wet wipes afterwards. The pleasant fragrance stays in the room for a long time.

Summer is the perfect time to dry your sofa, so this is the best time to eliminate odors.


Removing the smell of urine from the sofa after the elderly is considered the most difficult. Main methods:

  1. Vodka. Most effective way if the stain was noticed immediately. Pour a little into the container, then on the pollution. Wet with a sponge, hold for two minutes and repeat the procedure. Treat with water and a dry cloth.
  2. Bleach. Can be used for old scents. Make a solution, apply on the marks. Hold for a quarter of an hour. Then clean with a dry cloth.
  3. A mixture of ammonia and medical alcohol. Apply to the urine stain and leave for 30 minutes, treat with water. You need to do several approaches, then walk with a dry cloth. The procedure is best done on the street or with all the windows wide open.
  4. Household chemicals. Many of the remedies have a positive effect when the sofa smells. The instructions for use must be read very carefully. Some indicate that they are struggling with a specific smell, in which case you can safely experiment.

cat or dog

Pets leave an unpleasant odor that is difficult to kill. It is important not only to remove it, but also to create conditions under which the animal would not want to go to the toilet on the sofa. Urine leaves white streaks, so furniture upholstery must be cleaned. This recipe does two things at once:

  • vinegar - 100 ml;
  • water - 500 ml.

Mix the ingredients, moisten a rag in the solution, treat the contamination. After drying with a hairdryer and carefully sprinkle the place with soda.

Remember that it is important to wear gloves when preparing this mixture.

Next, you need to remove cat urine from the sofa with hydrogen peroxide and water in a 1: 1 ratio. Add dishwashing gel in the amount of half a teaspoon. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle, spray. Foam will form, but it will disappear after a while. Hold it for 60 minutes, process with a brush. Wipe with a damp cloth if necessary.

Pets do not tolerate the smell of citrus fruits. The peel can be put inside the furniture, after you managed to wash the cat urine from the sofa. Also have special means on store shelves that repel animals.

How to clean the upholstery of the sofa so that there are no stains?

Depending on the material of the furniture, there are nuances when washing:

  1. For flock, it is best to use a soapy solution. Apply foam to the stain. After drying, vacuum up. With old formations, you can apply "Vanish".
  2. When processing velor, you should not use a vacuum cleaner, there is a risk of damaging the pile. It is best to clean it from stains with a brush with soft bristles. Then wipe with a soapy cloth and dry with a towel.
  3. The solution is also suitable for leather furniture. On the shelves of stores you can find stain removers designed specifically for such upholstery. It is not recommended to dry it with a hair dryer.
  4. When cleaning tapestry, it is best to use dry methods.

You should always check the reaction of the furniture in an inconspicuous area so as not to spoil it.

Video: how to get rid of the smell of urine on the couch at home?

In order not to suffer the question of how to clean the sofa from urine, you should listen to the recommendations:

  • if animals have a tendency to damage furniture, they should not be allowed to sit on it;
  • in the house there are small children, elderly and sick people - which means that a film should be laid;
  • residents with diseases of the urinary system must wear diapers before sitting on the couch;
  • if the baby, located exclusively on breastfeeding, wrote on furniture - processing is much easier. It is enough to wipe the liquid, the smell does not need to be eliminated;
  • precautions should be taken when using bleach. Wear protective gloves, avoid contact with eyes. Otherwise, there is a risk of serious burns. skin and mucous membranes.

You should not run to the store as soon as there is a need to remove the smell from the furniture. These ingredients are found in almost every home. Such recipes are no less effective than remedies household chemicals. They are much safer when we are talking about children, people requiring special care and beloved pets. Let family members and guests feel only pleasant aromas and freshness in the house.

Of course, the urine of the baby practically does not smell, but as it grows older, it acquires a characteristic smell, which reliably eats into the pile of the fabric. Therefore, if the task is to get rid of the smell of the child's urine on the carpet, then it is worth taking action immediately.

So, if another pee is found:

  • - using dry rags, paper towels, absorbent wipes, remove the maximum amount of liquid;
  • - do not blur fresh spot water, since it will only increase in size from this;
  • - cook one of folk recipes and treat them with a pile;
  • - when the product dries, it should be processed washing vacuum cleaner or steam generator.

It is important to act immediately so that the urine does not dry out, otherwise it will be much more difficult to remove it. Also, after choosing a cleaner, test it on a small corner of the carpet.

How to Remove Baby Urine Smell from Carpet: 5 Best Home Remedies

When there are no special stain removers and odor neutralizers in the house, household preparations and products will come to the rescue. Often it is they who help to remove the smell of urine from the carpet without leaving a trace. At what the smell is not masked, as in the case of application essential oils And coffee beans, but is completely eliminated.

If the stain is fresh, the following ingredients are most effective:

  • - ordinary baking soda (a fresh stain should be treated with a solution of soda - mixed in equal proportions with water - and left until it dries completely, then vacuumed);
  • - vinegar solution (in a liter of water, dilute 1 tablespoon of white vinegar and any detergent, and then spray it over the stain, then lightly rinse the spot with a cloth; at the time of processing, try to open the window so that the vinegar smell disappears);
  • - lemon acid, (juice diluted with water 1: 1) will also help remove the smell of urine from the carpet if it is abundantly treated with a stain, but it should be used carefully on bright and dark surfaces;
  • - pink solution of potassium permanganate (dissolve half a teaspoon in 1.5 liters of water and spray liberally over the trace of urine, then walk wet wipe), this method is especially suitable for dark carpets, it helps not only to neutralize the unpleasant odor, but also to disinfect the product;
  • - hydrogen peroxide with water (1:1) also removes odor well, but can be dangerous for dark products.

Well removes the smell of urine and the well-known 72 percent laundry soap. They need to lather a place wet from urine and gently rinse, trying to move from the edges to the center of the stain.

It is worth noting that if the product is made of expensive natural fabrics, then it is worthwhile to wait a little with the use of various cleaning measures. It is better to entrust such a product to professionals than to risk spoiling it.

How to remove the smell of urine from the carpet: special products or dry cleaning?

As a rule, if improvised means do not save, special odor absorbers from pet stores and chlorine-containing preparations often help out. It is worth noting that chlorine really helps to remove the smell of urine from the carpet and disinfect it well, however, it cannot be used if:

  • - the room is not ventilated, and there are small children in it;
  • Does anyone living in the house have allergies?
  • - the carpet is made of delicate fabrics (such as natural wool, linen);
  • - the pile of the carpet has a bright or dark color (there is a possibility that it may shed).

If we talk about special odor absorbers, then they neutralize the unpleasant odor well, but you still have to remove the stains. In addition, they need to be periodically updated, otherwise the smell will return again.

Completely remove bad smell from urine (including pets) will help professional specialists cleaning companies. Their advantage is that they help to cope even with the most persistent aromas to the maximum short time, as well as clean any type of carpet and coverings from stains and disinfect them. In addition, dry cleaning is carried out at home using powerful equipment and certified products that are safe for human and pet health.


There are many reasons why your pet may not go to the litter box. It can be health problems, the desire to mark the territory, stress, inadequate care or a dirty tray. If your pet ruined the furniture, it makes no sense to scold him and punish him. It is better to start removing the stain and odor immediately, because it will be more difficult to do it later.

To get rid of the smell cat urine for furniture you will need:

Vinegar, manganese, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, any dishwashing detergent and baking soda.

How to get rid of the smell of cat urine

First you need to get rid of urine, which is afraid of acid. To do this, treat the stain with a solution of vinegar in proportions of 1: 3. Dry the moisture with a towel.

Then the uric acid needs to be removed. It is she who emits a specific unpleasant odor. Need to sprinkle the stinking stain baking soda. It is important that the vinegar is completely dry before you sprinkle the baking soda on the stain so that it does not neutralize the baking soda. Next, you need a solution of hydrogen peroxide and detergent: in a container, pour about 100 ml of peroxide and the same amount of water, and a teaspoon of dish soap.

The resulting mixture is sprayed through a spray bottle to the problem area. When the mixture begins to foam, leave for a few hours to dry out. Then the surface is wiped with a damp cloth and dried. paper napkin.

Ways to remove the smell of urine from furniture

If the stain has formed recently, then getting rid of it is not difficult. You need to take some laundry soap, plan and mix with warm water. The resulting mixture is applied to the stain and left for a while so that the fabric is saturated with this solution. Then, using a damp sponge, the soapy solution is removed.

You can try to wipe the furniture with alcohol or vodka: moisten the stain, rub a little and soak it with a paper towel. You can also take a solution of soda or an infusion of strong black tea.

Strong stench can be removed with products that have oxidizing properties. A little potassium permanganate should be mixed with warm water and wipe the sofa with the resulting solution. After that treat the dirty spot clean water. Instead of manganese, you can take iodine - it is diluted at the rate of 15 drops per half liter of water, or vinegar - dilute it 1: 2.

Old stains and stubborn odors are removed using solutions that include several ingredients: one teaspoon of vinegar is mixed with four tablespoons of water and applied to the stain. Then baking soda is poured in there. After about 20 minutes, wipe the treated area with a damp cloth. If the smell remains, then you can use hydrogen peroxide, along with dishwashing detergent. This mixture should be applied to the contaminated surface and left for another 10 minutes. The mixture is prepared as follows: 100 ml of peroxide and dishwashing detergent are mixed in a plastic bowl, it can be taken by eye.

Everyone wants their home to stay clean and smell fresh. This is very difficult to achieve if there are small children, four-legged friends or elderly people with disabilities in the house. It is very difficult to keep track of everyone - it is worth overlooking, and an unpleasant wet spot appears on your favorite furniture. In this case, you need to act very quickly and remove all the liquid until it seeps inside the sofa. For this, any absorbent materials are suitable: napkins, paper towels, toilet paper. Moisture must be soaked until the surface of the napkin is completely dry.

How to Remove Baby Urine Smell

Babies leave wet spots without any smell. Older kids not wearing diapers can leave your couch in disrepair.

Vinegar can be used to remove the smell of baby urine. Dilute the vinegar in a ratio of 1:5. We moisten a thin diaper with this solution, wring it out well, since it is very undesirable to wet upholstered furniture abundantly, and cover the stain on the sofa. The procedure is repeated several times so that the upholstery is saturated with moisture. Instead of vinegar, you can try lemon juice or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

In a bowl of warm water, add any detergent and beat the foam. Treat the wet spot with this foam. You need to use only the foam, and not the solution itself. Then wipe the surface with a damp cloth. To get rid of excess moisture, lay a dry, thin cloth on the surface and iron it with an iron.

Iodine also works well with the smell of urine. Dissolve about 20 drops of iodine in a liter of water, and wipe the problem surface. This method can only be used for dark furniture, since iodine has coloring properties.

How to remove the smell of old urine

If you still overlooked, and the crime scene betrayed itself with a specific smell, then another method is used here. old stain moistened with water, rubbed laundry soap and left for 15 minutes. Then, a tablespoon of vinegar is diluted in a liter of water and soap is washed off with this mixture. Next, the stain is wiped with clean water and dried with napkins or toilet paper. To remove excess moisture, iron with an iron.

Surely you want your home to always be spotlessly clean and fragrant with freshness? Not everything is so simple if there are little playful kids in it, four-legged pets live with you, or you are caring for an elderly person. They didn’t follow someone, they overlooked somewhere - and a specific wet spot appeared on their favorite soft corner. Need to urgently decide how to get rid of the smell of urine on the couch?

In such cases, you can not pull the cat by the tail (in every sense). the main task- remove all liquid and do not allow it to penetrate inside the sofa!

Throw all absorbent materials into the fight with a puddle: paper towels, napkins, toilet paper. Soak out the moisture until the surface of the wipe is dry.

Removing the smell of baby urine

Babies leave behind wet spots without specific smell. Older kids playing without diapers can commit wet diversion with serious consequences for the couch.

To get rid of trouble, first dilute the vinegar with water in a ratio of 1:5. Moisten a thin diaper in this mixture, squeeze it well from moisture (upholstered furniture cannot be wetted abundantly) and cover the stain on the upholstery of the sofa. Repeat the procedure several times so that the surface is completely saturated with liquid and gets rid of the unpleasant odor. Vinegar can be substituted lemon juice or a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).

In a bowl of warm water, beat any detergent into a stiff foam and treat the scene. Use only foam, not liquid! Wipe with a damp cloth. Make sure you manage to remove all contamination. Get rid of excess moisture with an iron - cover the upholstery dry thin cloth and iron.

Iodine will help you remove the smell. Add 15-20 drops per liter of water and wipe the stain. This method is only suitable for dark upholstery.

Removing old "aromas"

  • If you found the crime scene already by a specific "fragrance", use a different method. Moisten the stain with water and rub with laundry soap, leave to soak for 10-15 minutes. Dilute a tablespoon vinegar essence in a liter of water, wash off the soap with this mixture. Wipe with clean water, dry with toilet paper. Cover the treated surface of the sofa with a thin, clean diaper and dry with a warm iron.
  • Get rid of the heavy smell of the urine of an elderly person will help ammonia and vodka. Plentifully moisten the source of stench with one of these means, leave for half an hour. After that, wash the surface as described above.
  • Treat the smell area with bleach. Try not to let the liquid penetrate deep into the sofa filler. Otherwise, it will be difficult to get rid of moisture. Be careful when trying to remove odors from colored upholstery: the chlorine solution can "eat" the design.
  • The stores sell special products that help destroy an unpleasant spirit. How effective they are, you will know only after use. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions and do not experiment! In some cases, it is not possible to completely remove the corrosive odor. Then new upholstery comes to the rescue, and sometimes the purchase of a sofa.

Removing cat marks

  1. First you need to destroy the urine, which is afraid of acid. Treat the source of odor vinegar solution(ratio of water and vinegar 3:1). Blot moisture with a tissue.
  2. The next step is the fight against uric acid. It is she who fills your house with “fragrance”. Sprinkle the smelly area with baking soda. The upholstery must be completely dry so that the vinegar does not neutralize the baking soda. Prepare a hydrogen peroxide solution. To do this, pour 100 ml of peroxide and the same amount of water into a spray bottle, an incomplete teaspoon of dish detergent.
  3. Spray the resulting mixture onto the baking soda. When it starts to foam, leave for a couple of hours to completely remove horrible smell. Are you wondering what's going on there? During the reaction, a lot of oxygen is released, which oxidizes uric acid. It decomposes into carbon dioxide and ammonium. All these substances evaporate, together with them the unbearable smell disappears. You need to get rid of the leftovers chemical reaction. Wipe the surface with a damp cloth soaked in warm water and pat dry with a paper towel.

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