What to choose for the home: a recumbent exercise bike or an upright one? Solarium: horizontal or vertical? Which solarium to choose horizontal or vertical

This type of exercise bike is quite popular among professional athletes.

What features does it have compared to the vertical type and which one is better?

The answers to all these questions and more can be found below in our article.

What is a flat seat trainer?

Such a simulator is a horizontal structure with the pedals located in the same plane as the seat, or slightly below the seat plane. This allows you to keep your legs straight in relation to the floor surface.. This position unloads the back and neck, and makes it possible to gently develop the joints.

It is in demand by many categories of users (including valid for), since allows you to maintain physical fitness in the presence of diseases of the spine and joints.

How is it different from an upright exercise bike? The design is a combination of the main components of the bike. Its pedals are located under the seat, just like a regular bike. Training at a given load can be high intensity with the maximum load of all muscle groups of the lower body.

3 types of loading system:

  1. . Mechanical types are characterized by manual load adjustment. In popularity, they are inferior to more modern types: magnetic and electromagnetic. At the same time, they have their own circle of consumers who are attracted by the presence of the necessary functions and reasonable prices.
  2. . The magnetic field is formed by magnets located inside the flywheel. This type of simulator is quite popular, as they are convenient and easy to use. The average price category and good quality are for many users the main criterion for choosing exactly magnetic simulators.
  3. . This type of exercise bike must be connected to the mains to work. Among them there are those that are powered by energy generated by their own generator. They are equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable user experience. They allow you to track the load and adjust it to your needs.

What muscles work on this type of cardio machine?

Which of these simulators is better - horizontal or vertical - is a rather controversial and individual question. A feature of training on a horizontal simulator is a comfortable body position, relieve stress from the neck, thoracic and lumbar region, as well as from the joints of the legs.

This is of great importance for those who are in a state of rehabilitation after injuries, or have problems with the spine and joints. or have their own characteristics and must be carried out with the consent of the doctor.

How to choose a horizontal trainer?

Don't make a rush purchase. Find out from the consultant the features of the configuration and other important questions. Check out the technical specifications of the model you are interested in.

  1. Choosing a trainer Determine the purpose of this purchase for yourself: development of joints, maintenance of physical form, rehabilitation. All these goals can be realized by choosing the right model;
  2. Pay attention to the maximum weight for the user. When operating this type of equipment, the maximum weight must not be exceeded, since you can quickly disable it;
  3. Availability of computer training programs. Many simulators are equipped with ready-made training programs. This is essential for delivering quality targeted training. Such simulators allow you to control and regulate the load, for example, adjust it to the recommended heart rate. Here it is important to know
  4. Ease of use. To determine this indicator, you need to practice using its various functions. Test the simulator, try how comfortable it is for you to exercise. This will help determine if it is right for you. This can be done on the shop floor.

Attention! When testing this type of sports equipment, be sure to warm up before training. This will warm up the muscles, develop the joints and help to correctly assess the capabilities of the simulator.

Rating of the 4 best inexpensive models for the home (with photo)

The most famous and popular among buyers are the models: Ketler R 7 and Ketler px 7. But let's look at a few more pretty good options.

1. Alex 6022

"Alekh 6022" has an electromagnetic load option. Load changes occur automatically in accordance with the indicators of heart rate. Has a function that allows you to determine the ability of the body to recover after exercise. This allows you to tailor classes to any consumer needs.

Has twenty ready training programs. This option is designed for a user weight limit of one hundred and fifty kilograms.

2. Kettler GIRO R

This option has a magnetic resistance system, automatic adjustment. It changes the load level, changing it in accordance with the heart rate, calorie costs.

Has ten ready training programs. It is designed for a user weight limit of one hundred and thirty kilograms.

3. Lexco c708rl

This option is powered by a generator. that has the ability to install it in any convenient place. Changes in the load level occur automatically.

It contains twenty levels of load and a function that allows you to track parameters during the entire session. This allows all user requests to be executed.

This option is designed for a maximum user weight of one hundred and eighty kilograms. It does not have the ability to program a workout.

4.House fit

"House fit" has an electromagnetic type of load. It has a function that allows you to control all the parameters of the workout. This allows you to tailor the workout to all user requests.

Has twenty ready training programs. This option is designed for a maximum user weight of one hundred kilograms. The downside is the relatively small maximum user weight.

An exercise bike is the purchase that will help maintain and strengthen the health of all family members. Treat its acquisition consciously - carefully familiarize yourself with its capabilities, clarify the functionality. If some functions seem superfluous to you and are not useful for use, buy a model with a simpler package.

By the way, if you have time and desire, then you can make an exercise bike with your own hands. You will find a lot of information on the Internet resources on how to do this.

The exercise bike helps to train the cardiovascular system, strengthen the muscles of the legs, develop the mobility of the hip, knee and ankle joints. .

Such a simulator is great for home workouts, and some models are so good that they can easily fit even in small apartments.

By design, exercise bikes are divided into vertical and horizontal. Here we will reveal the features of each model, their advantages and disadvantages.

Upright bike

The vertical trainer completely imitates a bicycle, only without wheels. It consists of a pedal block, seat, handles. In most models, seat height, tilt and handlebar height are adjustable.

According to the degree of load, vertical-type simulators can be mechanical (belt or shoe) magnetic, electromagnetic, with or without displays.

Also among them are found. Such models are more popular due to their compactness and lower price compared to horizontal ones.

Advantages of a vertical simulator:

  • The maximum proximity to training on a regular bike.
  • Small sizes.
  • The ability to change body positions to train a particular muscle group.
  • Efficiency in calorie burning.
  • Affordable prices.


  • High load on the back, in particular, the spine.
  • The distribution of weight is not always even, as a result of which a large load can be placed on the joints of the shoulders, knees, and hands.

Who is the vertical trainer suitable for?

The vertical type exercise bike is suitable only for those people who do not have any problems with the spine, hip joints, kneecaps. Due to the fact that the head acquires a slight tilt on such a simulator, those who have cervical osteochondrosis can quickly get tired and feel pain in the neck.

In a word, only healthy people should buy this type of device.

Recumbent bike

The design of such a simulator differs significantly from the above.

The model is equipped with a backrest, and the pedal unit is located not under the seat, but under the steering wheel. Most often, these are magnetic or electromagnetic models.

The exercise bike relieves the load on the spine and knee joints. The body during training is practically in a reclining position, and the hands do not rest on the steering wheel. Although, if desired, you can take the usual "bicycle" pose.

Often this model is used in rehabilitation centers where people recover after severe injuries. Such a simulator is also called.

A recumbent exercise bike for home will not give you quick results, it works in a gentle mode and is designed for slow action.

Advantages of a horizontal simulator:

  • Convenience, comfort.
  • No load on the back.


  • High price.
  • Bulky, heavy, large size.
  • Doesn't give quick results.

Who is the horizontal trainer suitable for?

The horizontal type is suitable for people with spinal injuries, osteochondrosis, damage to the knee, shoulder or hip joints. It trains the cardiovascular system better. Due to the gentle mode, it will be comfortable to train people with vegetative-vascular dystonia, suffering from shortness of breath, tachycardia and fatigue.

You should not choose a horizontal simulator for those whose goal is weight loss. The result will be, but you will have to increase the duration of training several times, rather than doing it on a vertical simulator.

If your main goal is to lose weight, and you do not complain about your health, then it is better to choose another one.

If you have limited space in the house, this is also an occasion to think about the advisability of such a purchase. Your budget also matters. Horizontal devices are much more expensive than vertical ones..

Which exercise bike is better: upright or recumbent?

Due to completely different designs, it cannot be said that one simulator is better than another. They should not be compared because they are designed for completely different purposes..

Horizontal- for hardy, healthy people with a strong back and no joint disorders. This model is suitable for losing weight and pumping up the muscles of the legs.

vertical- for those who had injuries, are in the rehabilitation period, have disorders in the work of the heart and blood vessels, have lower endurance. The simulator is more focused on the gradual strengthening of the body.

Any type of simulator can differ in such parameters as the presence of a bicycle computer, a heart rate monitor, and other electronic sensors. Materials, build quality, weight of devices also differ.


To choose the type of exercise bike for yourself, you must clearly assess the state of your body, health and know what you need a tool for.

Only in this way will you be able to understand which exercise bike is best for you for training: horizontal or vertical.

Other add-ons (sensors, settings, etc.) choose at your discretion.

Useful video

This video will clearly show how to properly exercise on a horizontal exercise bike:

Which solarium is better: horizontal or vertical? You have probably asked yourself this question more than once. Today you will find answers not only to it, but also to other questions that interest you.

For a modern woman, a solarium has become an integral part of her life. It is sunburn that allows you to hide skin imperfections and give the body a healthy look. Often women neglect the rules and harm not only their skin, but also their health in general.

Which solarium is better: horizontal or vertical?

The power is the same as the horizontal one, but some plus here is that both the back and the stomach are sunbathing at the same time.

In we lie down on a surface that repeats the curves of the body. However, you have to rotate periodically to tan evenly.

Answering the question: "Which solarium is better: horizontal or vertical?", - we can confidently say that a vertical solarium is more convenient and contributes to a more even tan. However, it all depends on your preferences.

Solarium - benefit or harm?

The solarium not only contributes to an excellent cosmetic effect, but also has a beneficial effect on the production of vitamin D. A lack of vitamin D leads to diseases such as osteoporosis, depression, etc. Also, the solarium has a beneficial effect on people with weakened immunity, diseased joints, acne, and even psoriasis. The beginning of spring and winter is the best time to go to the solarium: it is during this time period that the body needs natural light and vitamins.

In order for the solarium not to cause harm, you just need to follow the following rules:

1. Do not peel, do not visit the sauna, bath, do not use a washcloth or sponge before the session. All this leads to a violation of the protective layer of the skin.
2. Be sure to remove jewelry and contact lenses. Cover hair, nipples and eyes. If you don't cover your hair, it will become dry and brittle. also have a bad effect on such delicate areas of the body as the eyes and chest, so they must be protected from ultraviolet radiation.
3. Before the session, it is better to apply on the skin, they will help to ensure that you do not get burned out of habit, but it is not recommended to smear the face with cream.
4. When the session is over, it is better to use an after-sun cream, it will replace the shower and cool your body.

For beginners, the question often arises: “How much time can I spend in the solarium?”. The time spent in the solarium depends on the type of your skin: the lighter it is, the shorter the session should be. People with any skin type are advised to start the session from 5 minutes. It is necessary to gradually increase the time spent in the solarium, and the maximum possible will be 15 minutes. The solarium can be visited twice a week.

Which solarium is better: horizontal or vertical - it's up to you to decide. Some will chase after a beautiful tan, and some will prefer convenience to beauty, and will sunbathe lying down. However, the most important thing is not to forget to follow the rules, and then the solarium will not only bring you a beautiful tan, but also maintain healthy skin.

White skin color is a symbol of the aristocracy. In not-so-distant times, that's how it was thought. The young ladies in every way tried to hide from the hot sun, considering tanning the prerogative of the working class. However, nowadays golden skin tone is considered sexy. Getting a tan is not a problem even in winter. It remains only to decide which solarium is better and safer: vertical or horizontal.

There are many different opinions about artificial tanning. Some say that such a tan adversely affects health and can even cause skin cancer. Others, on the contrary, that artificial ultraviolet irradiation helps in the fight against pigmentation and acne. Let's figure out what's true and what's not.

Benefit and harm

There are two types of solarium: horizontal and vertical. The function of both is to provide us. What are the disadvantages of this type of tanning:

  • There is such a type of addiction as tanorexia. The so-called dependence on a visit to the solarium. As ridiculous as it may sound, this problem is quite real. It can be correlated with drug or alcohol addiction. Of course, it differs in harmfulness, but it also requires treatment, both psychological and pharmaceutical.
  • The second one follows smoothly from the first one. Since with frequent visits to the solarium, the skin receives an excessive effect of ultraviolet radiation. This in turn leads to premature aging and wrinkles. You also run the risk of getting an allergic reaction.
  • It is not recommended to take artificial sunbathing for pregnant and lactating women. Due to hormonal changes in the body, as a result of the influence of rays, skin pigmentation may appear. Therefore, it is better to wait a little with a tan.
  • If you are the owner of fair skin, you risk getting burned. Also, a burn is possible after the epilation procedure. It is better to do them at different times.

And now about the pleasant pluses.

  • Although artificial, but still the sun, which can enrich our body with vitamin D in the cold season. After all, as you know, this vitamin helps strengthen our immunity, promotes blood clotting, improves heart performance and makes our nervous system more resistant to stress.
  • Probably each of us has come across such a concept as autumn depression. It is understandable. After a short hot summer, the rains, which are replaced by frosts, make me sad. Scientists have proven, after long-term studies, that artificial sunbathing (just like a solarium) improves mood and fights depression. Doctors even prescribe it to residents of the northern regions as a medicine.
  • Well, the most indisputable plus: the solarium helps us gradually prepare the skin for the sultry rays of the sun. Therefore, if you do not want to get burned in the first days of your vacation at sea, or just when you first visit the city beach, go to the solarium several times. So the skin will be prepared and you will not look pale.

Pros and cons of a horizontal solarium

This question often arises if you first decided to apply for an artificial tan. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a horizontal and vertical solarium. Which is better and in which solarium is safer.


  1. This type of solarium was, so to speak, a pioneer in the field of artificial tanning. Therefore, he already has his own audience of fans.
  2. The action of the rays is less intense than in vertical views. Therefore, it is better suited for girls with delicate and fair skin.
  3. The main indisputable plus is that you can relax and just lie down for your pleasure. And this, you see, is a luxury for a modern girl. In addition, during relaxation, you can not worry about getting burns.
  4. Another plus of this type is that you can ask the staff not to turn on the lamps above the level of the face. This is an open area and most often our face is more tanned than the rest of the body. Therefore, an additional tan is useless here.


  1. The biggest minus is most likely an uneven tan. In horizontal solariums, most often the sides are badly sunbathed.
  2. Although the surface of the solarium is disinfected, there is a feeling of unhygienic.
  3. In order to acquire the necessary tan color, you will need to spend twice as much time visiting this type of solarium than, for example, a vertical one. This is due to the fact that the lamps here have less power.

Pros and cons of a vertical solarium

  1. From the previous paragraph, the main plus of the vertical view smoothly follows. For a shorter visit, you will achieve the desired effect.
  2. The tan is uniform, from all sides.
  3. While taking ultraviolet baths, you practically do not touch the surface. Therefore, it is less likely to pick up some kind of sore.
  4. Modern vertical cabins are equipped with ventilation and audio system. Therefore, after the procedure, you can not take a shower, and pastime is more fun with music and dancing.


  1. The cost of staying in a vertical solarium is more expensive than in a horizontal one.
  2. Due to the strong power of the lamps, girls with delicate skin are at risk of getting burned.
  3. The entire session will have to stand on your feet. There is no longer to lie down and relax.

What you need to know

Before you decide to visit the ultraviolet bath for the first time, you need to know. For a horizontal and vertical booth, these rules are somewhat similar, but still different.

  • Your first visit should not be spent more than three minutes (for horizontal - five).
  • Makeup needs to be washed off. Even the presence of deodorant on the skin can lead to an allergic reaction. Better yet, take a shower before visiting.
  • Do not neglect the use of special tanning creams. They can be purchased in the salon itself, or in pharmacies.
  • If you are the owner of a tattoo, it is better to seal it with a sticker before the procedure. Otherwise, it may lose its brightness and brilliance.
  • For hygiene purposes, cover the surface of the solarium with a towel. Usually they are issued in the salon itself.
  • Be sure to use special glasses. Wear a scarf on your head to avoid drying out the scalp and hair. You should also use lip balm for the same purpose.
  • Topless sunbathing is not recommended. Nevertheless, the nipple area should be covered with specialized overlays.
  • To prevent burns and drying of the skin, sunbathing is recommended once a week, no more than 7 minutes (or 13 minutes, in the case of horizontal).

  • In order to make the tan darker and retain its presence for a longer period, before you go sunbathing, you can drink a glass of carrot (pumpkin, orange) juice. It is advisable to add a couple of drops of any citrus essential oil.
  • A prerequisite is to use cosmetics for tanning, both before and after the use of ultraviolet baths.
  • In order to prevent burns and unpleasant, it is worth spending the first two or three visits in a horizontal type of solarium, and the rest in a vertical one. So you first prepare the skin for a softer perception of the rays, and then fix and improve the result.

Take care of your health and enjoy your tan!

Disputes over which solarium to prefer have been going on online for a long time. Almost everyone who regularly visits the solarium already has their own preferences. For those who have not yet become regulars in solariums, we offer the following information to help them make the right choice.

How it works

There are several indicators that directly affect the intensity of tanning and the number of minutes / sessions that will need to be spent in the solarium to get the result:

  • types of lamp radiation and their percentage;
  • lamp power;
  • lamp pressure;
  • the number of hours worked by the lamps;
  • solarium type.

Types of radiation

  • Ultraviolet A (UVA).

Ultraviolet A rays act most gently, triggering the production of melanin in the skin.

  • Ultraviolet B (UVB).

More aggressive radiation that causes the same reddening of the skin that precedes the appearance of a rich tan.

  • Ultraviolet C (UVC).

This type of radiation should not be in a solarium, since their effect on the skin is highly likely to lead to oncology.


Normal values ​​for a solarium: UVA - 97-99%, UVB - 1-3%. UVC rays from the sun block the ozone layer. UVC rays from lamps (if high pressure lamps are used) must be blocked by the special glass used to manufacture these same lamps.

Lamp power

It depends on the power how quickly you can tan under the solarium lamps. For comparison, mini-tanning lamps have a power of about 100 watts, so the average session lasts 20-40 minutes, and you won’t be able to get a rich chocolate tan without bronzers.

Lamps for industrial (salon) solariums have a power of 160-180 watts, so you should not stay in such a solarium for more than 10 minutes.

New lamps are distinguished by more powerful radiation. But those lamps that have already worked for many hours and their resource is almost exhausted, give less intense radiation.

Therefore, if the lamps have been changed in the solarium where you have been going for some time, it is necessary to reduce the session time by half, otherwise there is a high risk of burns.

If you don’t want to reduce the time spent in the solarium so radically, then you can ask the administrator of the solarium how much to sunbathe safely, taking into account new lamps.

Video: Hapro Luxura x3 sunbed

Device value

It is believed that the radiation that is given by vertically located lamps is more intense. Therefore, sessions in a vertical solarium are recommended to be twice as short as in a horizontal one.

There are differences in the quality of tanning in different solariums. In the vertical, the upper part of the body tans more. And in order not to form white spots in the armpits, you need to keep your hands up for the entire session, or at least most of it.

In the horizontal one, you can relax and lie down, but there is a risk of getting light spots in those places where the skin strongly takes root to the glass, for example, in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades. Better in an upright position, it is the legs that sunbathe.

Given this difference in the intensity of tanning the upper or vice versa lower body, some regular visitors to solariums use different ways to even out skin color:

  • you can alternate sessions in a vertical and horizontal solarium;
  • different intensity of exposure to tanning creams can help smooth out the tone of the body (for example, for tanning in a vertical solarium for the body, you can use a regular cream, and for legs with a tingle effect);
  • also help to get a more intense tan of the legs in a vertical solarium with a mirror bottom.

The horizontal solarium has one more drawback: it must be disinfected after each client, since during the session the client is placed on the glass with his whole body.

There are those who take special disinfectants with them, there are those who ask the administrator to treat the surfaces immediately before the procedure. In any case, the issue of hygiene is significant for most visitors.

How to sunbathe

The rules of tanning are practically the same for vertical and horizontal tanning beds. Everywhere you need to use a hair cap, goggles, clean the skin before the procedure from cosmetics and perfumes, remove jewelry, apply sunscreen. Regardless of the form, in a new salon, you need to ask the administrator about the power of the lamps, how long these lamps work, and how much time it costs to not get burned.

Also, you should not extend your session in a new solarium (add another 5 or 10 minutes after the first 10 minutes). It is better to see what the reaction of the skin will be and only from the second or third procedure “to break away to the maximum”.

Video: Sonnex Lux Diamant

Price comparison

In most Russian cities, prices for 1 minute in a solarium start at 10 rubles. The maximum price is 20 rubles. Moreover, there is no clear dependence of the price on the type of solarium (horizontal, vertical, turbo). 10 rubles - this is if you buy a certain number of minutes in the subscription. If the procedure is one-time, then one minute can cost up to 15 rubles.

In Moscow, on the contrary, there is a clear gradation of prices depending on which solarium is installed in the tanning studio. A minute in vertical will cost about 10 rubles, in horizontal 15 rubles, turbo - 20 rubles. The patency of the salon will also have a value: the more visited the salon is, the more expensive the procedure will be, respectively.