How to sunbathe in the sun - a quick and proper tan. Little secrets: how to get and how to keep a tan

The coming spring-summer warmth, along with bright sun, pretty shabby queues in the solarium. Beauties rushed to nature to get a natural tan. However, sometimes there is a difficult situation when a tan stubbornly refuses to lay down on the skin. The sun causes only a short-term reddening of the skin, which soon disappears completely. Attempts to increase the time spent in the sun simply lead to burns or overdrying of the skin, peeling.

This situation, of course, is familiar to "white-skinned" girls who have a high-quality natural tan in conditions middle lane always hard to get. But sometimes it happens that typical “dark-skinned women” suddenly realize that they cannot tan as always. Something is going wrong. There may be several reasons for this. How to keep a tan, a little later. In the meantime, let's figure out how to get it right.

Nutrition for sunbathing

A tan will stubbornly not stick if you start taking B vitamins. Aggressive marketing is promoting brewer's yeast, vitamin capsules sold in pharmacies, to the market today. They are enriched with B vitamins. These tanning vitamins are not best friends. The skin will only brighten. Moreover, being irradiated for a long time in the sun and taking yeast at the same time, it is easy to earn age spots on the skin. Accordingly, drinks containing yeast (kvass, beer) should be limited.

The perfect drink during tanning, and after - it's mineral water without gas. In food, restrictions are introduced on everything sour. Any acid (acetic, citric, etc.) with a beautiful and even tan not friendly. Drop a few drops of natural tea into strong black tea. lemon juice and you will understand what in question. Undoubtedly, best products for tanning - these are vegetable salads containing vitamins A and E. Although there will be no special effect from them, they will help to cope with drying out of the skin, reduce negative impact ultraviolet. are harmful. They absolutely destabilize the skin tone. But red meat, liver, on the contrary, are useful. If not overcooked.


If you have problems with deepening your tan, pay attention to cosmetics. You may have changed it. If lotions, creams, shower gels and other products contain an extract cucumber juice Don't expect a great tan. It is an intense skin whitener. cucumber masks are cancelled. Otherwise, the question of how to keep a tan longer will not lose relevance throughout the season.

However, eating cucumbers has little effect on tanning. Also, cosmetics with natural fruit acids. These are basically shower gels. Therefore, wash immediately after a tanning session should be with plain water. Without any soap. Scrubs and peels are prohibited during this period. They can be used no earlier than 2 days after sunbathing.

Optical illusion

If in winter time If you have maintained your skin tone with the help of a tanning studio, then you have probably used various tan enhancers and bronzers. They give absolutely different effect under and in normal sun. The likelihood that you are used to a studio skin tone is high. Against the backdrop of winter, it seemed to you that you were almost a mulatto; but without snow and with the rejection of the solarium, "enlightenment" may seem striking. In fact, everything is normal and the skin just releases the coloring pigment of the bronzer. If you continue to use it in the sun, the skin may still lighten somewhat. Natural sunlight is not always able to surpass the capabilities of an artificial lamp. In this case, there is no need to panic, unless, of course, your goal is African dark skin.

Sea and sun

In the event that getting a natural tan is a constant problem for you, you will have to go to the sea. Even the most skeptical of the idea that the ladies will sunbathe at sea return from the resort with spectacular bronze on their skin. The reason is the climate. The rays here act softly, reflecting from sand, water, dissipating in the air. Not many people think about how to maintain a sea tan - it is really deep and of high quality. However, if you eat less fried, spicy, salty and avoid alcohol, then the sea tan will last a very long time.

Beautiful tanned skin is the dream of many men and women who spend a lot of time on the beach in the summer. But not everyone knows how harmful ultraviolet is for her. The skin after sunburn quickly loses moisture, which causes various damages, such as peeling or burns. Therefore, care for tanned skin should be especially thorough and delicate.

How does the wrong tan

Excessive exposure to the sun can cause a lot of trouble that can easily spoil the pleasure of nice tan. Often, after prolonged exposure to the sun, many notice peeling. It can occur even if the skin has been well hydrated. Therefore, if the skin peels off after sunburn, it is necessary to do a soft peeling before going to the beach.

Spots on the skin after sunburn appear with various skin diseases. The most common cause of uneven skin color is insufficient melanin levels. It is necessary to protect the epidermis from ultraviolet radiation. Its deficiency leads to the appearance of white spots on the skin after sunburn. In addition, spots can appear due to a fungal infection and certain medications.

How to protect the skin

In order to reduce Negative influence ultraviolet, must be used special means. They are applied to the skin immediately before going outside.

Usually the sun protective cream easily absorbed in 10-15 minutes. For very dry skin, cosmetologists recommend using milk or lotion first.

The composition of the cream with an SPF filter must include antioxidants and vitamins A, C and E.

Such care can help prevent the occurrence of unpleasant consequences from improper tanning.

Skin care after sun

To restore the skin after sunburn, you need to properly care for it. Our recommendations:

  • After returning from the beach, do not immediately take a shower. Give your skin a little rest. The water must not be too hot, otherwise protective layer the epidermis is easily destroyed. Besides, heat water can easily cause redness and peeling. A contrast shower helps to quickly soothe the skin. It takes 10 minutes for the pores to open.
  • Restoration of the epidermis is impossible without nutrition and hydration. Especially if the skin is too dry or peels off. For this, it is necessary to do as often as possible various masks for the body, as well as use special lotions. It is best to moisturize it with products containing thermal water and vitamin E. In homemade masks, it is important to add glycerin and essential oils. They not only nourish the epidermis, but also help it retain moisture. Due to this, peeling can be prevented.
  • If the skin itches after sunburn, it means that a burn is formed on it. The second reason for such a reaction of the body is an allergy to ultraviolet rays. A burn always accompanies redness. When the cause of scabies is allergic reaction, bubbles with liquid appear on the body. It relieves itching Methyluracil ointment or Fenistil gel. Treatment should not only be superficial, so it is important to take antihistamines and antiallergic drugs.
  • If after exposure to the sun a burn appears, then you can remove it with the help of Panthenol. But before you engage in treatment, you need to dry the burn a little. You can calm him down with folk methods. For this, they usually use raw potatoes, sour cream or aloe juice. These products have antiseptic moisturizing properties that help rapid healing. In addition, they are excellent at reducing redness. Such body care allows you to quickly get rid of burns.
  • Often, after the burn heals, the skin peels off very strongly. In order to quickly get rid of the dead layer, it is necessary to use scrubs. In this case, the agent should not only remove keratinized cells, but also moisturize. Dry skin is in dire need of good nutritional properties cosmetics. Proper care behind tanned skin helps to quickly restore it. Therefore, if it peels off, you should use home scrub based on sugar and olive oil.
  • White spots on the skin after sunburn can be removed only by identifying the cause of their appearance. If they appeared due to a fungus, then it is necessary to use antifungal creams. During treatment, it is best to keep sun exposure to a minimum. Care for such skin should be especially gentle. It is also recommended to visit a dermatologist who can prescribe the right treatment.

Read: Sunburn while breastfeeding: what mommy needs to know

There are special cosmetical tools, contributing to the so-called activation of sunburn. They contain ingredients that enhance natural tanning. In this case, it will not only be beautiful, but will also last much longer. In addition, the activator is able to moisturize and protect the skin, so complete care behind it without this means is impossible.

Face and décolleté care

Redness or burns can most often appear on areas of the body where the skin is especially tender and sensitive. Therefore, the skin of the face, neck and décolleté must be protected very carefully.

After tanning, you should use a special cream, preferably regenerating.

It should contain many vitamins and components that protect the epidermis from exposure to sunlight. The main components of such a tool are peptides that promote the renewal of epidermal cells.

Another tool that allows you to quickly remove the effects of improper tanning is homemade masks. They contain natural products that are much more effective than purchased products.

Do them better time in a few days, so that the skin has time to recover. The composition of such masks must necessarily include vitamin E, which prevents the formation of wrinkles. Dry skin especially needs hydration.

After a while, the skin darkens and may become grey colour. In order to remove it, care should include peeling. It should be done no more than once a week, or even less often. Best for face use enzyme peeling. After this procedure, be sure to apply a moisturizer.

In order for the skin long time had a beautiful uniform color, it is recommended to use a light self-tanner. But here it is better not to visit the solarium, especially the first time after exposure to the sun.

Secrets of a beautiful tan

There are several rules that allow you to quickly get good tan. They must be adhered to so as not to harm. For this you need:

  1. Before going to the beach, you need to do a full body peeling. Then the tan will fall evenly.
  2. It is not recommended to sunbathe without the use of various sunscreen. This rule is especially important for people whose skin is too sensitive and prone to burns.
  3. During the beach season, as well as immediately after sunbathing, you should not use strong peels or scrubs with a lot of abrasive particles. The remedy should be light and used no more than 1 time per week.
  4. It is important to remember that excessive exfoliation contributes to the fact that the tan will quickly disappear. The fact is that these funds provoke active regeneration.
  5. Mandatory moisturizing usually involves the use of not only cosmetics, but also natural products. Among them, the most effective are olive oil, sour cream and essential oils.
  6. Means for moisturizing and nutrition tanned skin should contain vitamins and antioxidants.

Read: How is a solarium better and safer?

In order to achieve a good natural tan, it is necessary to properly protect the skin and care for it. Then no unpleasant consequences from exposure to the sun, even for a long time will not. If peeling and burns appeared, then the care was insufficient.

There is an opinion that in the summer it is not recommended to visit the sauna and bath, because "communication with the steam" can nullify the entire tan. However, these are just prejudices that we hasten to dispel and give a few good advice how to strengthen your tan and give your skin an even, golden hue with the help of visits to the sauna.

Solarium and bath - pros and cons

At the beginning of summer, however, as in the midst, not everyone has the opportunity to spend several hours on the beach under the sun. A solarium comes to the rescue, which in moderate doses is good for the body, and helps to give the skin a beautiful and even tan in a few minutes. Solariums are increasingly being installed in complexes and spa centers, where it is possible to combine bath procedures and communication with, albeit artificial, but the sun.

So, if you visit the solarium after a sauna or a bath, you must ensure reliable thermal protection. First, in without fail use a special cream. Secondly, take a break of several hours so as not to cause unwanted overheating. Perfect option- go to the bath in the morning, and in the evening - pamper your skin with "communication with the sun." If the procedures cannot be extended for the whole day, then the break between visiting the bathhouse and the solarium should be about 2-4 hours.

Here are a few rules for combining a solarium and a sauna:

Read also

  1. It is not recommended to go to the solarium immediately after a bath or sauna, especially with wet skin. This may provoke severe burns, since water drops on the body will strongly reflect Sun rays.
  2. Before visiting the solarium, you should not wash thoroughly with soap or shower gel, so as not to destroy the upper, so-called "acidic layer", and not to provoke a burn.
  3. It is not recommended to take a shower before and after visiting the solarium. The optimal time interval between sunbathing and showering should be 2-4 hours.

Sea tan and sauna

Going on vacation to the resort, you need to prepare for sunbathing not only morally, but also physically. And this will help you visit the sauna. In Turkey, this is a traditional hammam, in other countries it is a dry sauna or a bathhouse (hotels in countries where the majority of tourists are Russians often offer the service of visiting a classic Russian bathhouse).

Before sunbathing - in the hammam

Experienced guests of Turkish resorts are well aware that on the first day of their check-in at the hotel, it is necessary not only to sign up for a free visit to the A la carte restaurant, but also to visit the steam room hammam. This bath is called "steam beauty", because the action produced there cosmetic procedures incredibly powerful. Due to high humidity, the skin naturally cleaned up, normalized sebaceous glands, dry skin is softened, the body is tightened. But after the hammam, it is not recommended to go out into the open sun for at least 12 hours. Hence the conclusion: visit Turkish bath best in the evening on the first day of arrival at the hotel.

On the coast of the Mediterranean, Marmara, Aegean seas, which wash Turkey, almost every hotel has a hammam. But, if you want to feel the whole flavor of the local steam rooms, you should choose traditional hammams, which are larger in size and able to offer much more wide range services than the small thermae at the hotel. The only disadvantage of traditional hammams is that to visit them you need to leave the hotel territory, as well as the considerable cost of visiting such establishments (for comparison, in many hotels the Turkish bath service is included in the price).

The main secrets of persistent marine tan

1. Peeling is required. When the skin is well steamed, it is possible to easily eliminate the stratum corneum from its surface, thereby freeing up space for a beautiful and even tan. Peelings can be salt, fruit, classic with scrubs, coffee grounds etc. They are recommended to be applied after entering the steam room (sauna, bath). Well and soapy massage in the hammam - this is the best option for removing dead skin particles and general relaxation of the body!

2. Skin care is the basis of a beautiful and long-lasting tan. If in the process of relaxing at sea you cannot deny yourself visiting the steam room two or even three times a week, be sure to use special skin care cosmetics. It should be a moisturizer during the day and nourishing at night. As a rule, the sun dries the skin, and being poorly hydrated, the tan fades faster.

3. Follow the rules of proper nutrition. Regardless of whether you will visit the sauna at the resort or not, you should follow the rules of nutrition. Yes, you need to use more products containing vitamin A (carrots, greens). Also, it will not be superfluous to use vitamin A inside in the form of capsules, and after the bath, lubricate the skin with this composition.

4. Sunbathing is best in the shade and at a certain time. best time for sunbathing, the period from 7 to 11 am and from 15 to 20 hours is considered. And, oddly enough, but a more persistent and uniform tan "sticks" when a person is in the shade. It will take a little more time to properly tan, but the skin tone will turn out to be very beautiful.

Rules of conduct after "communication with the sun"

Another know-how for those who do not want to let go of the tan as the main memory of the days spent at the resorts is to wipe the skin with ice cubes with the addition of tea or coffee. You can also add a tea or coffee solution to the bathroom to set the shade. In addition, the skin will acquire a characteristic aroma and velvety.

To save beautiful tone face, a curd-tomato mask will help. Her recipe is extremely simple: 2-3 tomatoes are peeled, mixed with 2 tbsp. spoons of cottage cheese, 1 teaspoon vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cream. Apply the mixture on the face and keep for 15-25 minutes, then rinse warm water and rinse with cool. You can also pamper your skin with masks of cream and grated carrots and wipe regularly with freshly squeezed carrot juice.

Now that you know the basic pairing rules bath procedures and sunbathing, you can book a suitable steam room, prepare your skin for “communication with the sun” and enjoy your vacation!

We so often strive for a vacation, dream about it, make plans. One of required attributes this holiday can be called just the same even tan. It's hard to really imagine a complete vacation at sea without getting a bronze tan. However, it is not at all uncommon that more than half of vacationers get something completely different from what they dreamed about. Instead of a smooth, pleasant bronze glow, various foci of peeling appear on the skin, after which the skin acquires for real spotted appearance, like that of a leopard or cheetah. There are more deplorable results when the rest ends in a hospital bed. Therefore, before embarking on a journey or simply deciding to take sunbathing in your country house, you should prepare well.

How to sunbathe in the sun? Can you sunbathe at all?

IN Lately there have been a lot of different kinds of publications talking about the dangers long stay in the sun. However, it is impossible to speak completely unambiguously so categorically about solar hostility. Suffice it to recall that all life on Earth cannot exist without sunlight.

Scientists have proven, What human body without sufficient regular intake of vitamin D, it will very soon become decrepit and fall ill with rickets. A more striking example in this regard can be called plants. Almost no flower can bloom in the dark. This vitamin is produced by the living organism itself, but only under the direct influence of sunlight, which scientifically can be called ultraviolet radiation. In general, three main groups can be distinguished in it: A, B and C. The first group is the most dangerous. But at the same time, it is thanks to her that we successfully develop and assimilate everything necessary components. In addition, it is bright sunlight that helps to bring a person out of depressive states or nervous overload, as the body produces endorphins or "hormones of happiness." sunlight treats many skin diseases and colds.

Skin types for tanning

It turns out that in order to talk about harm or benefit, you should pay attention to how much this ultraviolet is consumed and what type of skin you have. In accordance with this, protective equipment should also be selected, that is, special creams that reduce damage from ultraviolet radiation. If you are “albino”, that is, your skin, eyes and hair are light, then you are most at risk of “charring”. The factor of the protective cream should be the highest - SPF30, and even in this case, you can not stay in direct sun for more than 20-30 minutes. Without protection, the time is reduced to a maximum of 10 minutes. Approximately the same is the case with the "Normans". True, in their case, the cream factor can be gradually reduced from 30 to 15. Representatives of Central Europe without special protection can be in direct sunlight for no longer than half an hour. On vacation, you should use a factor of at least 20 during the first week, and then it can be reduced as personal tolerance to 10 or 8. If you are a "dark-skinned woman", then as a result, you have twice the chances of boasting an even velvety tan than the previous types. A factor of 15 or 10 is enough for you, and after the first seven days you can lower the bar to 8 or 6. But also in this case you should not get involved in the sun without protection - no longer than 30-45 minutes. Representatives of such regions as India or Africa with very dark skin sunburns are almost non-existent. However, from the very beginning, you should still use a light protective cream with a factor of 6, and also apply a moisturizer often.

Sun protection?

The use of a protective cream does not guarantee even tan without unpleasant consequences. You will need to follow a number of specific rules.

  1. First, you should start by choosing the time for sunbathing. It is best to do this from early morning to 10:00 and from 16:30 to evening. Then solar activity is minimal, and the perception of the skin and its transformation into a tan remains at a high level.
  2. The duration of simultaneous exposure to the sun should not exceed 10-15 minutes during the first 5-7 days. Gradually, the time lengthens to one and a half to two hours. At the same time, pay special attention to being in the water, when, as practice shows, more than 90% of vacationers forget about the time and, as a rule, burn themselves. Therefore, it should be for people with very fair skin even the first few days to swim and on open sun walk in a T-shirt that protects your shoulders and back. There is nothing strange here. Since water reflects the sun's rays, the skin tans much faster.
  3. A properly selected protective agent should be applied to the skin at least 30-40 minutes before going out into the sun. This is how long it will take your skin to adapt to it and begin to act directly on the protective functions of the cream. In this case, it should be applied to the entire body, not excluding the face. On him Special attention it is necessary to give the skin around the eyes, treating it with a plentiful portion of a moisturizing cream and putting on Sunglasses. Also, do not forget about the ears, which should be covered with a protective cream. For delicate, easily dried out skin of the lips, special moisturizing balms with an ultraviolet-repellent property are commercially available. The cream tends to wash off or wash off in water, no matter how sweet promises manufacturers give you in their advertising. After each wash or every three hours, the cream layer should be renewed.
  4. Since water enhances the power of the sun and contributes to burns, you should only be in the sun with dry skin, and after bathing it is very good to wipe the skin and apply cream right there.
  5. Try not to use decorative cosmetics, perfume or deodorant, as this usually causes allergies and clogged pores. The use of cleansing lotions immediately before tanning contributes to the appearance on the skin age spots. Natural protection can be used protective equipment: coconut or olive oil.

The skin after sun exposure peels off and peels off. Skin care.

If, despite all the warnings, you are still burned, especially your face, then you can use the old folk ways. Applying masks from potatoes, both raw and boiled, helps a lot. For example, you can take a small potato and grate it on a fine grater, then add a spoonful of flour to the resulting slurry. The mixture is applied to the face in a thick layer for a quarter of an hour, and then washed off with warm water. You can boil the potatoes in their skins, peel and mash, then add heavy cream or sour cream, bringing the mixture to a homogeneous consistency. The mask is used in the same way as the previous one. Also, such a blower comes to the rescue, as a raw egg, or rather its yolk, which should be beaten and applied to the skin until completely dry. It is washed off with plain warm water. In addition, it should be remembered that even if it is sunburn, it should be treated in the same way as with a regular burn, that is, cool the affected area of ​​​​the skin. Compresses from very strong cold tea help well. And of course, sour cream will save you from unpleasant dryness, burning and peeling.

Failure to follow the rules of behavior in the sun can cause the development of various kinds of diseases, from general malaise and sunstroke to the development of cancer. Therefore, in order to maintain health, try all possible ways secure yourself.

Sea, hot sun and bronze tan- for many, all this luxury is just the ultimate dream. The modern rhythm of life does not leave time for a good rest in the bosom of nature. Workload, constant stress and stuffy spaces do not in the best way affect the condition of the skin. And you always want to look fresh and spectacular.

Can be found great way out- visiting the solarium. This new direction in the field of cosmetology services has recently become increasingly popular. However, in order to obtain the optimal result after the procedure, it is necessary to follow some simple rules. At the same time, the most important question which is most often of interest potential clients- Is it possible and necessary to take a shower and swim after a solarium in the pool, go to the bathhouse?

Bathing before solarium

So, is it possible to swim and take a shower before the solarium? Many cosmetologists agree that taking a shower before a solarium is undesirable. This is due to the fact that water washes away the layer of natural skin protection - the fatty film, after which the skin becomes vulnerable and very sensitive to external stimuli. Intense exposure to ultraviolet rays can cause burns.

If there is a need to take a shower before the solarium, then it is advisable to do this two to three hours before going to the solarium. It is better to bathe in running water without the use of shower gel and soap.

After a shower, no cosmetics should be applied to the body, just let the skin dry. Keep in mind that before taking the tanning procedure, the skin must be clean and always dry.

Tips on how to properly shower before a tanning bed:

  • It must be done as delicately as possible. Do not use hard washcloths and pumice - in order not to cause microtrauma to the skin.
  • Do not wash with shower gels and alkaline products.
  • Do not use body creams and deodorants.
  • Take a shower no later than three hours before the tanning procedure.

Also, before tanning, be sure to remove all makeup, but do not use alcohol-containing lotions for this, it is better to do this with clean water or wet wipes. Perfumes, such as perfumes and scented gels, also do not need to be applied. Protective cream can be applied to dry skin immediately before tanning.

Swimming after solarium

Probably many lovers golden hue skin, there is a temptation to immediately go swimming. Perhaps such a desire is caused by a pleasant association - after all, in the summer, being on a hot beach, we often alternate contact with the sun with swimming in the sea or river. But is it possible to wash immediately after a solarium, despite the desire?

According to experts in the field of cosmetology, it is not recommended to wash immediately after a solarium!

And what is the reason? In order for the tan to take root, you need to wait a while. The skin should rest, because after exposure to ultraviolet light, it becomes irritated and especially sensitive.

Sunburn tan, but I want to swim in any case. So, after how long can you wash and take a shower after a solarium?

It is better to take a shower at least two hours after the procedure, if no additional funds were used.

If color enhancers, the so-called bronzers, were used, then it is better to refrain from water procedures for a while. After such a solarium, you can wash yourself after four or five hours. Just in this case, it takes some time to fix the color. When washing immediately after a solarium, it can be washed off, which will weaken the effectiveness of the procedure.

When can I take a shower after a solarium if a protective cream was used? From what means were used when applying a tan in a solarium, it depends how long it will be possible to wash after a solarium. If a special protective cream was used, then you can wash after 2 or 2.5 hours. And as mentioned above, when using a bronzer to get a more saturated shade, then only after 4.5 hours.

Here are some tips to keep in mind to keep the acquired dark shade:

  • Take a shower without cleansers. It's best to just rinse the skin clean water without foam or gel. After solarium, do not wash with alkaline soap. If you really want, you can use a little delicate gel.
  • Do not now skin washcloth and sponge. She's already irritated, don't stress her out. hard cleaning items.
  • It is completely unacceptable to use scrub, peeling.
  • You can't wash hot water. The water temperature during water procedures has great importance. Under no circumstances should you wash yourself after a solarium with hot water - this can cause swelling. The water must be room temperature pleasant to the body. It will be useful to rinse with cool water for ten to fifteen minutes.
  • Use cool water in the shower. Under the influence of ultraviolet light, the pores and small capillaries expand, and cool water will help the vessels shrink, thereby reducing the negative effects.
  • Can't be accepted. This will put real stress on your skin and can cause chills.

To give the skin comfort and hydration, it is necessary to take a shower after a solarium with the following products:

  • natural gels with maximum content natural ingredients and extracts, and with a minimum content of aggressive substances. For example, the skin will really like the extract of chamomile, mint, because they have a calming effect.
  • Moisturizers to relieve irritation (creams, mousses, conditioners, lotions).
  • Body milk is a good companion for your skin. Recommended to apply after shower to moisturize skin.

The conclusion is as follows: how long you can not wash after a solarium depends on whether you use a bronzer as an addition or not. If yes, well, you will have to wait a bit with water procedures.

After a regular solarium, you can wash and take a shower after 2 hours!

If a bronzer was used, THEN after 4-5 hours!

After a shower, do not rub the skin, it is better to simply blot it with a soft towel and let it dry, after which you can apply moisturizing milk to the body. This tool will help relieve irritation and swelling that may manifest itself after the tanning procedure, as well as restore the water balance of the dermis.

Is it possible to visit the pool or sauna after the solarium?

The question - is it possible to go to the bath or pool after the solarium - is very relevant among lovers fake tan and fans of water and bath procedures. Let's see if there are contraindications.

Even though big love to swimming, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​​​going to the pool immediately after the solarium. The fact is that in the pool water contains bleach, which dries the skin. And if you combine exposure to the skin of ultraviolet rays and chlorine, this can accelerate the aging of the skin - the skin will become dry and begin. Do we, women, need such problems?

What about baths and saunas? According to experts, it is impossible to go to the bath after a solarium. The problem is that after tanning procedures high humidity and heat will negatively affect the newly acquired skin tone.

According to experts, a bath can negate the entire effect of a solarium

In addition, body temperature may rise and chills begin. Due to the fact that after a solarium, the skin is weakened protective properties, thermal burns may occur.

Currently, urban water is mostly hard and contains many antimicrobial impurities, so water procedures become a real stress for our skin, and the use of soap and other detergents dries her out. Therefore, it is recommended to use special cosmetics for the body and moisturizers.

Now you know the hygienic nuances of visiting the solarium: is it possible to wash immediately after the solarium, swim in the pool or go to the bathhouse when you can take a shower. After following all the rules and recommendations when visiting the solarium, the result will please you and bring only positive emotions. You can boast an incredibly beautiful and even tan, as if you had just come from the resort.

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