Curtain tape: types and characteristics. Types of hard pleats on a skirt

MBOU "Secondary School" town. Voyvozh

Technology teacher Ulyasheva Yu.M.

Lesson outline. 7th grade.

Lesson topic: Types of folds. Processing folds.

Purpose of the lesson: Learn to handle folds, observing technological sequence processing, designing the project.

Lesson objectives:

educational: repeat the ability to model various styles skirts; teach students sequential processing of folds; training in the ability to work according to instructional and technological maps; developing the ability to set a goal, draw conclusions, evaluate work according to criteria, and bring the job started to completion;

developing : develop general skills in working with a needle, scissors, iron, sewing machine; graphic thinking, independence, self-confidence; formation of spatial, logical thinking, creative imagination, cognitive interest;

educating: to cultivate in students the need for knowledge, a sense of responsibility for the work begun, aesthetic taste, attentiveness; to form accuracy and precision in the performance of work.

Location of the lesson:technology room.

Lesson duration: 90 minutes.

Logistics of the lesson: multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard, cotton fabric, needle, thread, tailor's chalk, scissors, sewing machine, ironing board, iron, skirt pattern templates, instructional and technological map.

Methodological and didactic support for the lesson: textbook " Technology 7th grade" (version for girls) edited by V.D. Simonenko, instructional and technological cards “Processing folds”.

Visual material:samples of step-by-step processing of one-sided, counter, bow folds.

Type of lesson: combined lesson.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.1 lesson. The goal of the lesson that must be achieved is to learn how to process folds (one-sided), observing the technological sequence of processing, and design a project.


  • Checking students' readiness for the lesson, communicating the work plan.
  • Survey of students on the material assigned for homework (test).
  • New material. We formulate the topic of the lesson.
  • Practical work.
  • Reinforcement of learned material using an interactive whiteboard.
  • Summing up the lesson.

Method of organizing work: theoretical part, practical part.

II . Survey of students on the material assigned at home.Communicating the purpose of this stage: monitoring the level of mastery of material on the topic “Skirt Modeling”. Task: complete the task on the topic “Skirt modeling”. Method of organization - test.

Evaluation criteria:

  • “3”—there are two errors in the test answers.

Execution time: 8 minutes. Test address:

TEST “Skirt modeling”

1. Skirts are designed...

  • straight, wedge, diagonal
  • conical, widened, narrowed
  • straight, wedge, conical

2. On which side of the figure are measurements taken?

  • on the left
  • on the right
  • according to any

Size 3 women's skirts and trousers is determined...

  • by hip circumference
  • by waist circumference
  • by height

4. Modeling is...

  • changing the pattern
  • the process of changing the pattern drawing in accordance with the selected model
  • fashion creation

5. An increase is...

  • quantity required when processing a product machine seams, taken into account when cutting
  • the amount added to the measurement size for the loose fit of clothing
  • salary increase

Self-test. Handing over the work to the teacher. Checking your work at the interactive whiteboard.

III. We formulate the topic of the lesson, the goals of the lesson.

Goal: independently formulate the topic and goals of the lesson.

Teacher: Look at the skirt that the girls modeled in the last lesson. Try to formulate the topic of the lesson yourself.

The teacher gives a hint:


  • ...the Shar Pei has it
  • …there are bends in the layers and rocks that make up the earth’s crust.
  • ….We will study a number of folds of fabric located in the same or counter directions.

We present to your attention a photo of skirts.

Students think about and name the topic of the lesson.

The teacher announces the topic of the lesson: Lesson topic: “Types of folds. Processing folds."

In front of you is a table of goals (the table is written on the board). Fill in 2 columns. Time: 2 minutes.

Goal table

I know about the topic of the lesson

I want to know

Thus, the objectives of the lesson:

training goal (training in the ability to work according to instructional and technological maps; evaluate work according to criteria);

developmental goal (development of skills in working with a needle, scissors, iron, and sewing machine; graphic thinking when working with diagrams and flow charts);

educational goal (a sense of responsibility for the work started, aesthetic taste, attentiveness; to form the accuracy and precision of work).

IV. Studying new educational material.

Goal: to find out what folds are, what folds there are, the technological sequence of processing a fold.

The teacher explains new material.

Folds are one of the types of darts. They are designed on the main parts of the product for freedom of movement and at the same time to fit the product along the waistline, and also as finishing seams. Folds can be one-sided, counter, bow, stitched along the entire length, straight (tucks) and complex.

Search physical minute. We got up. Students are divided into three groups. Each group takes a PHOTO of the skirt. And looking for a name and description for it. Be prepared to present the result of your work on the board.

One-sided folds. Unilateral folds are folds, laid in one direction through a certain distance between them.These are folds in which all folds are front side directed in one direction, and from the inside - in the other. Each fold is marked from the inside out with three lines - midline(inner fold line), side (outer fold line) and the line defining the end of the stitching.

Counter folds. These are folds in which the folds on the front side are directed opposite each other, and on the back - in opposite directions. The counter fold is marked from the inside with three lines - the middle line, the side line (the line of the outer folds) and the line defining the end of the stitching.

Bow pleats. Bow pleats are the wrong side of an opposing fold or two one-sided folds in which the folds on the front side are directed in opposite directions and form a “bow”. Bow folds are marked and processed in the same way as counter folds from one part, but only from the front side of the part.

Teacher: Well done! And we had a rest and learned new material.

The next task will be to sort out the instructional and technological maps for making folds. Students work in pairs. Assignment: find which instruction card corresponds to which pattern, find the fold pattern. Be able to explain the sequence of making each type of fold.

Technological sequence of fold processing


Name of technological operations

Type of work





Mark the location of the fold

Chalk, ruler

For one-sided purl sides of the fabric, in the center of the sample at a distance of 3 cm from one another.

For the oncoming folds: draw 3 parallel lines with purl

For bow folds: draw 3 parallel lines with facial sides of the fabric, in the center of the sample at a distance of 5 cm from one another.

Baste the fold

Needle, thimble

Sew the fold, sewing backtacks at the beginning and at the end of the stitching

Universal sewing machine

Remove fold basting threads at stitching level

Scissors, peg

Iron fold seam allowances


For counter and bow folds allowances folds necessaryspread on both sides, symmetrically, and then execute wet-heat treatment(WTO) - iron

Remove fold basting threads

Scissors, peg

WTO folds: iron (remove fold thickness)


Result: Explain the sequence of making each type of fold.

Student activities

Teacher activities


Search physical minute. They stood up and worked in groups. Each group takes a PHOTO of the skirt. And looking for a name and description for it. Time: 3 min. Present the result of your work on the board. Complete the next task. Students work in pairs. Assignment: find which instruction card corresponds to which pattern, find the fold pattern. Explain the sequence of making each type of fold.

Explains new material: slide 4.5. Informs the first task of this stage: search physical minute. Explains next task: disassemble the instructional and technological maps for making folds.

Stage execution time:

23 minutes.

V. Practical work. Lesson 2.

Goal: Learn to process one-sided folds, observing the technological sequence of processing and safety precautions. Make a project (sample) of one-sided folds.

Safety instructions when working with a sewing machine, with sharp objects, and when working with an iron.

Safety precautions when working with an iron:

Turn on and off only using the plug, with dry hands.

Make sure that the wire does not get twisted.

We report any problems to the teacher.

Safety precautions when working on a sewing machine:

The distance from the machine to the worker is 10 cm, the needle is opposite the eyes.

Correct position arms and legs.

Do not lean close to moving parts of the machine.

Make sure that the wire does not get twisted.

When finished, turn off the machine.

Technological sequence of fold processing.

Marking folds according to the instruction card.

Students mark the one-sided fold according to the instructions.

Baste the fold. See instructional and technological card. Students perform fold basting according to instructions.

The teacher demonstrates the sequential execution of work on a sewing machine.

Students perform pleat processing on a sewing machine.

Teacher targeted walkthrough. In progress practical work The teacher monitors the performance of the stitch. machines, compliance with safety regulations, monitoring compliance with the sequence of fold processing.

The teacher demonstrates the process of ironing a fold.

Students carry out wet-heat treatment of the fold, draw up a draft album, and submit it to the teacher for evaluation. If the student did not have time to complete the sample, he is asked to complete the work at home.

Criteria for assessing practical work.

Evaluation criteria


The markings are made smoothly, according to the ITK.

The stitching seam is even, the bartacks at the beginning and end of the stitch are 7-10 mm long.

The basting has been completely removed.

The WTO is made with high quality.

Organization of the workplace, safety precautions are observed, work clothes in stock.


10 points – score “5”, 8-9 points – “4”, 6-7 points – “3”

Physical education minute

Gymnastics for the eyes

Starting position (IP) – sitting on a chair; slowly move your gaze from the floor to the ceiling and back (head motionless), 8–10 times.

I.p. – sitting on a chair; slowly move your gaze from right to left and back, 8–10 times.

I.p. – sitting on a chair; circular movements eyes in one direction and then in the other, 4–6 times.

I.p. – sitting on a chair; Perform frequent blinking for 15–30 seconds.

Gymnastics for arms and legs

I.p. – standing with your feet apart, hands in front of your chest. 1 – pull your elbows back, connect your shoulder blades; 2–3 – turn your torso to the side, straighten your arms and pull them back twice; 4 – return to the starting position. Do not turn your head sharply. 3–4 times in each direction.

I.p. – standing, hands on the belt. On the count of 1, 2, 3 – spring squats; on the count of “four” - return to the starting position, 8-10 times. Time – 2 minutes.

Student activities

Teacher activities


They mark one-sided folds taking into account safety precautions, process the folds using a sewing machine, and perform wet-heat treatment. Design of the project in an album. Submission to the teacher for evaluation. Physical education minute.

Instructs students on safety precautions when working with a sewing machine, with sharp objects, and when working with an iron.Showing the sequential execution of work on a sewing machine.Monitors the performance of the weld. machines, compliance with safety regulations, monitoring compliance with the sequence of fold processing.Showing the process of ironing a fold. Performance evaluation.

Stage execution time:

28 minutes.

VI. Reinforcing the material learned

Goal: monitoring the level of assimilation of new educational material on the topic: “Types of folds. Processing folds."

Task: complete the assignment on the topic: “Types of folds. Processing folds."

The method of organization is an interactive task.

Reinforcement of learned material using an interactive whiteboard. A student is called to the board: F.I. Test address:

Using the interactive whiteboard, questions are asked:

  • What are folds used for?
  • List the types of folds?
  • In what places are tacks made when sewing a fold?

Evaluation criteria:

  • score “5” - there are no errors in the test answers,
  • “4” - there is one error in the test answers,
  • “3” - there are two errors in the test answers,
  • “2” - test failed.

If some students have not mastered the new educational material, additional homework is suggested.

VII. Summarizing.Criteria for evaluating work.

Purpose: analyze the lesson and summarize.

Tasks: check completed work, give grades. Analyze what worked and what did not work, determine the degree of student satisfaction with the work performed.

Teacher: Let's go back to the table: Lesson objectives. Have you achieved the planned result?

Students continue the sentence:

  1. I found out…
  2. I learned…
  3. It was interesting to me….

D/z. written down by the students in their diaries. 1. Repeat: what types of folds are there.

2. Find techniques for modeling flared and wedge skirts (drawings, descriptions).

3. Bring the pattern to M1:1. Fabric for cutting.


  1. Markutskaya S.E. Technology: Maintenance labor. Tests. 5-7 grades / Markutskaya S.E. – M.: Publishing house “Exam”, 2006. – 128 p.

    To use presentation previews, create a Google account and log in to it:

    Slide captions:

    Presentation for the lesson Topic: Types of folds. Processing folds. For 7th grade students

    TEST “Skirt modeling” 1. Skirts by design are... straight, wedge, diagonal conical, widened, tapered straight, wedge, conical 2. On which side of the figure are measurements taken? left by right by any 3. The size of women's skirts and trousers is determined... by hip circumference by waist circumference by height 4. Modeling is... changing a pattern the process of changing a pattern drawing in accordance with the chosen model creating fashion 5. Increase - this is... the amount required when processing a product with machine seams, a value taken into account when cutting, added to the measurement size for a loose-fitting garment, salary increase Address:

    Determining the topic of the lesson. Hint: ... the Shar Pei has ... there are bends in the layers and rocks that make up the earth's crust. ….We will study a number of folds of fabric located in the same or counter directions. MBOU "Secondary School" town. Voyvozh Technology teacher Ulyasheva Yu. M.

    Topic: Types of folds. Processing folds. Goal: Learn to process folds (one-sided, counter, bow), observing the technological sequence of processing. Objectives: educational: repeat the ability to model various styles of skirts; teach students how to process folds sequentially; training in the ability to work according to instructional and technological maps; developing the ability to set a goal, draw conclusions, evaluate work according to criteria; developmental: develop general skills in working with a needle, scissors, iron, and sewing machine; graphic thinking, independence, self-confidence; the formation of spatial, logical thinking, creative imagination, and cognitive interest in students; educational: to cultivate in students the need for knowledge, a sense of responsibility for the work started, aesthetic taste, attentiveness; to form the accuracy and precision of work performance. MBOU "Secondary School" town. Voyvozh Technology teacher Ulyasheva Yu. M.

    Folds are one of the types of darts. They are designed on the main parts of the product for freedom of movement and at the same time to fit the product along the waistline, and also as finishing seams. Folds can be one-sided, counter, bow, stitched along the entire length, straight (tucks) and complex. MBOU "Secondary School" town. Voyvozh Technology teacher Ulyasheva Yu. M.

    One-sided folds are folds laid in one direction through a certain distance between them. Folds in which all the folds on the front side are directed in one direction, and on the back - in the other. Each fold is marked from the inside with three lines - the middle line (inner fold line), the side line (outer fold line) and the line defining the end of the stitching. Counter folds. These are folds in which the folds on the front side are directed opposite each other, and on the back - in opposite directions. The counter fold is marked from the inside with three lines - the middle line, the side line (the line of the outer folds) and the line defining the end of the stitching. Bow folds. They represent the wrong side of an opposing fold or two one-sided folds, in which the folds on the front side are directed in opposite directions and form a “bow”. Bow folds are marked and processed in the same way as counter folds from one part, but only from the front side of the part. MBOU "Secondary School" town. Voyvozh Technology teacher Ulyasheva Yu. M.

    Safety briefing. Safety precautions when working with an iron: Turn on and off only by holding the plug, with dry hands. Make sure that the wire does not get twisted. We report any problems to the teacher. MBOU "Secondary School" town. Voyvozh Technology teacher Ulyasheva Yu. M.

    Safety briefing. Safety precautions when working on a sewing machine: The distance from the machine to the worker is 10 cm, the needle is opposite the eyes. Correct position of arms and legs. Do not lean close to moving parts of the machine. Make sure that the wire does not get twisted. When finished, turn off the machine. MBOU "Secondary School" town. Voyvozh Technology teacher Ulyasheva Yu. M.

    Technological sequence for processing a fold 1. Mark the location of the fold: - for a one-sided fold: draw 3 parallel lines on the wrong side of the fabric, in the center of the sample at a distance of 3 cm from one another. - for a counter fold: draw 3 parallel lines from the wrong side of the fabric, in the center of the sample at a distance of 5 cm from one another. - for a bow fold: draw 3 parallel lines from the front side of the fabric, in the center of the sample at a distance of 5 cm from one another. 2. Baste the fold 3. Stitch the fold, making bartacks at the beginning and end of the stitch 4. Remove the fold basting threads at the stitching level 5. Iron the fold allowances - for a counter and bow fold, the fold allowances must be laid out on both sides, symmetrically, and then ironed. 6. Remove the basting threads from the fold 7. WTO fold. MBOU "Secondary School" town. Voyvozh Technology teacher Ulyasheva Yu. M.

    Evaluation Criteria No. Evaluation Criteria Points 1 The markings are made smoothly, according to the ITK. 1 2 The stitching seam is even, bartacks at the beginning and end of the stitch are 7-10 mm long. 2 3 The basting has been completely removed. 2 4 WTO is made with high quality. 2 5 Organization of the workplace, safety precautions are observed, work clothes are available. 3 TOTAL 10 10 points – score “5”, 8-9 points – “4”, 6-7 points – “3” MBOU “Secondary School” town. Voyvozh Technology teacher Ulyasheva Yu. M.

    Consolidation of what has been learned Questions: What are folds used for? List the types of folds? In what places are tacks made when sewing a fold? Address: : MBOU "Secondary School" town. Voyvozh Technology teacher Ulyasheva Yu. M.

    Links: TEST “Skirt Modeling” - TEST to consolidate what has been passed: Literature: Markutskaya S.E. Technology: Maintenance labor. Tests. 5-7 grades / Markutskaya S.E. – M.: Publishing house “Exam”, 2006. – 128 p. Simonenko V.D., Krupskaya Yu.V., Kozhina O.A., Sinitsa N.V., Lebedeva N.I., Litikova L.V. Technology: Textbook for 6th grade students educational institutions(option for girls) / Edited by V.D. Simonenko. – 2nd ed., revised. – M.: Ventana-Graf, 2006.- 208 p.: ill. MBOU "Secondary School" town. Voyvozh Technology teacher Ulyasheva Yu. M.

    Curtains will only decorate the window if they are equipped with beautiful drapery. An important component of their appearance will be the folds that fall in waves on the surface of the curtains, giving it uniqueness. Curtain tape, or also called English braid, is ideally suited for these purposes. Externally, it is a frame with twisted cords running along the entire braid. It should be sewn to the curtain from the wrong side at the very top. By pulling the cords along the surface of the fabric, they begin to form folds of the required width and configuration.

    Curtain braid can be divided according to the type of drapery:

    • Column. Forms the simplest folds, such braid is easy to sew yourself;
    • A tape that, when tightened, can folds will form in the form of intricate glasses or butterflies.
    • Transparent. Light fabrics are draped: tulle or organza. This braid is represented by a fishing line that has no color and remains invisible.
    • Opaque. This refers to curtain fabrics.

    Depending on the width, curtain tape is divided into types:

    1. Narrow. They are used if there is a closed cornice or it is hidden in a niche. It is possible that the niche covers the top of the curtain or there is a decorative strip covering the hooks.

    2. Wide. In this case, the cornice must be open. In addition, if the number of fastenings is small and it is necessary to prevent sagging, then a wide tape will successfully accomplish this.

    Such different folds

    The drapery created thanks to the curtain tape will look different. The types of folds can be as follows:

    1. One-sided. Waves of folds are formed in one direction.
    2. Counter. The fabric is divided into paired waves, and their scallops are directed towards each other.
    3. Bow folds. The same formation of paired waves is taking place, only now their crests scatter to the sides. Externally, the figure resembles a bow.
    4. Buffer. The pulled fabrics form a diamond shape, which is formed by four cords.
    5. French or triple. The waves, reaching a depth of up to 14 cm, are formed in the form of a fan.
    6. Glasses or bells. Body waves, falling down.
    7. Trellis. Two rows of drapery that overlap each other.
    8. Waffle. Drapery looks very elegant when the waves lie evenly over the entire surface of the curtain.
    9. Pencil gathering using loop-shaped folds. To do this, the straightened curtain is pulled together with a cord, forming waves, taking into account the spaces between the hooks.
    10. Flemish folds. This requires two cords on the braid. By unevenly tightening, a V-shaped configuration is achieved.

    Types of ribbons for creating drapery

    There are many of them, and each type makes it possible to create certain folds at the discretion of the housewife. For example, there may be such curtain tapes:

    1. For proportional collection of folds over the surface. Has pockets evenly distributed along the length. Using special hooks, tucks are created along the surface of the fabric.

    2. Braid using cords for assembly. It is sewn to the very top of the fabric, then the cords are pulled together to the required size and secured.

    3. Ribbons forming bows. The condition for the formation is the width of the curtain, which should be three times wider than the cornice.

    4. Ribbons forming bows. The size of the curtain is chosen 2.5 times wider than the length of the cornice.

    5. Narrow tape, which is attached to the top of the curtain and forms small folds due to two elastic bands built into it. It is calculated that the curtain is 2 times wider than the length of the cornice, but its size should not exceed 158 cm.

    6. Ribbon with tucks. In this case, the ratio of the size of the curtain to the cornice is calculated as three to one.

    7. The tape is wide. It is used when you need to get pencil folds - narrow, but quite long.

    8. Tapes used in Roman blinds are equipped with rings, as well as a cord on which there are loops. Attaches to blinds.

    9. Ribbon with rings attached to it. The rings are made of plastic, sewn at a certain interval. The tape itself is attached to the blinds vertically from the wrong side. A cord will be pulled through all the rings.

    And there are variations here. Curtain braid can be:

    Material from which it is made curtain tape– polyester. It adheres to the curtain fabric at literally every point and prevents the material from sagging and deforming. Loops are sewn to the tape along its entire length, to which the hooks of the cornice cling. In addition, the curtain tape may include:

    • Eyelet rings;
    • Pockets in case of fastening with hooks;
    • Seals;
    • Cords in the amount of two to four pieces.

    If you need simple gathers on the curtain, use hooks that are threaded into pockets or loops. If the material is heavy, the hooks are made of brass; for light materials, plastic hooks are sufficient. There are varieties of special hooks that are used to form triple or bow folds.

    If one row of loops forms simple folds, then 3-4 rows form folds of a complex configuration.

    When choosing a ribbon, you should take into account its length, which depends on the size of the folds you want to have on the curtain.

    Before the tape is sewn to the curtain, a number of works should be carried out. This is preceded by measuring the cornice, curtain and braid. Moreover, 15 cm of the length of the tape should be added to the resulting length of the curtain as a reserve. Considering that the braid shrinks, it needs to be adjusted. For this purpose, it is moistened, dried and a hot iron is passed over it. All curtain seams must be finished.

    The braid is attached to the curtain in its upper part with an indentation of 2-5 mm, from the wrong side, and its edges should be turned up by 2 cm. Using a cord, pulled to a certain size, the necessary configurations are obtained. Next, you should fasten the cord, which will fix desired condition curtains. The optimal gathering factor is 2-2.5, this is what determines the pomp of the curtain fabric.

    Thus, the right curtain tape can work wonders even with inexpensive material, creating intricate folds and providing gorgeous view living room.

    Folds and tucks must be done carefully. Only then will the product have a flawless appearance. Let's look at the basic methods for processing folds and tucks in sewing products.

    Types of folds in sewing

    Folds are usually made along the grain, but for decorative purposes they can be cut on the bias.

    There are three main types of folds:

    • one-sided,
    • bow,
    • counter folds.

    One-sided folds: laid along the front side of the fabric from left to right or vice versa.

    Counter fold, like a bow fold , are formed by two one-sided ones. The difference is that the one-sided folds that form the counter fold are directed towards each other, whereas in a bow fold they are directed in opposite directions.

    How to make folds

    1. The folds are laid in the direction of the warp threads. The locations of the folds are marked on the drawing of the pattern details (for example,) in the form of straight lines. The pattern is cut out and cut along the marked lines for the location of the folds. Two straight parallel lines are drawn on the fabric, the distance between which is equal to the depth of the fold. With two or more folds, the second pair of parallel straight lines is drawn next to the first, retreating to the distance provided for by the style of the product.
    2. Parts of the pattern, cut along the lines of the folds, are placed on the fabric so that the lines of the cuts and the intended parallel lines on the fabric are aligned, and everything is secured with pins. The modernized pattern (extended to the depth of the folds) is then outlined and cut from the fabric. The fold lines are marked with notches (control marks).
    3. If the folds are made from soft fabric or one that cannot be ironed, lines are drawn no more than 10 cm long. Lines for folds that can be ironed are drawn along the entire length.
    4. Fold the folds along the fold lines so that the folds meet on their line. Make sure the fold line is straight. Pin a fold, baste it, and continue making others in the same way.
    5. According to the processing method, all types of folds are divided into stitched, i.e., connected by a stitched seam, and stitched, when a machine stitch for decorative purposes runs along the front side of the product.

    Types of tucks in sewing

    Tucks serve two purposes: to create the shape of the product and to decorate it (decorative tucks). Each fold is a thin sewn fold of fabric along the length of the garment. Decorative tucks are made on the front side of the product along the longitudinal line of the fabric. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully select the thread and needle in accordance with the type of fabric.

    There are three main types of tucks:

    • narrow,
    • wide,
    • tucks with cord.

    Advice. When working with tucks, use a contrasting marker pen and thread to mark the folds.

    Narrow tucks - minimum fold width. Used mainly on blouses. Looks impressive on light fabrics.

    Wide tucks They are made like narrow ones, but have a larger width.

    Volume tucks - tucks with cord. A thin cord is sewn into the space of the fold, making it look voluminous.

    Tucks are formed along the lobar line of the fabric. The lines of each fold are marked on the wrong side or on the right side of the fabric.

    Attention! Tucks are not formed on finished pattern, and on fabric!

    1. You can use a strip of cardboard and mark the distance between the tucks on it. The first fold will be a guide for you, then move the strip, also focusing on the marks for the folds to be laid.
    2. Sew tucks from the front side. For narrow tucks: 6-20 mm; You can use the stitch regulator as a guide. For wide folds, use a cardboard jig.
    3. Immediately iron the folds from the front side.

    How to make narrow and wide tucks

    1. If you have a pattern, transfer all the fold lines onto the fabric; if not, make a layout for the tuck fold (see General recommendations above).
    2. Using a layout, draw all the fold lines on the fabric using a marker pen and basting thread.
    3. On the front side of the fabric, place folds along the marked lines, stitch and iron them.
    4. And only then apply the pattern and cut out the parts from the fabric.

    Tucks with cord

    1. Follow steps 1-2 (see above).
    2. Baste the folds while inserting the cord.
    3. Sew the folds using a sewing machine.
    4. And only after that apply the pattern and cut out the parts from the fabric.

    Caring for folds and tucks

    • Always iron the folds through a special fabric, otherwise marks from the internal folds will remain on the front side.
    • The shape of the folds is preserved if you attach them from the inside to the bottom of the product.
    • Folds are perfectly preserved even if the fold lines of the fold are stitched along the entire length.

    Curtains can be varied: they differ in color, type of fabric, the presence or absence of a pattern, and their shape. But any curtain has folds, which give it a special appearance. The types of folds may vary, but it is difficult to do without them. Only a few lambrequins are smooth.

    Folds give curtains an individual appearance and can be of completely different types.

    Folds can be laid in different ways. Special tapes, Velcro, and hairpins are used for this work. Some of the folds are formed manually when hanging the curtains. Calculation of folds is extremely simple: in this case, they are guided by the appearance of the drapery and the rigidity of the fabric. For Roman blinds, the type of folds and their size depend on the length and width of the fabric. Strips of fabric should not be folded too often, so as not to spoil the impression of the curtain. In other options you need to use simple calculation, which will be considered using the example of a bantove.

    Variety of folds on curtains

    There are various types of assemblies for curtains. There is no need to perform complicated steps. In total, there are 3 main groups of folds, which include:

    1. Unilateral, that is, laid in only one direction.
    2. Counter folds are folds that are laid in such a way that their direction goes towards each other. The method is called reverse bow.
    3. Bow ones are a classic type of finish. Outwardly, it seems that the curtain consists of flat bows, the ends of which are directed towards each other. Folded strips of fabric may have various sizes, their inner part can be large, medium or equal to zero. It all depends on what kind of appearance the curtain needs to be given after formation. The consumption of fabric also depends on this, since a certain part of it is spent on laying. The proportions used in this case can be different, usually it is 1:2, but it can also be 1:2.5, 1:3 or more.

    Return to contents

    Methods for folding folds

    Curtain assemblies can be varied. The following decoration methods are used:

    1. Manually, that is, while hanging the curtain on the cornice.
    2. Using tape attached to the top of the fabric on sewing machine.

    Thelma is convenient option, which is increasingly used today. A tape of rigid fabric of varying widths is used. It can be white, transparent or colored. There are special threads in the middle of the tape, which are then tightened.

    After this, the curtain is gathered into beautiful and neat folds that retain their shape.

    Assembling the fabric with braid is simple. After the ribbon is sewn, you need to carefully pull the threads, carefully collecting the folds. You cannot tug the threads too hard, since they are the weak part of the entire structure. If the threads break, it is necessary to replace them or completely replace the entire braid. Manual method Laying curtains is the simplest: when hanging on the cornice, you just need to manually distribute the fabric.

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    Folds for Roman blinds: sewing example

    Roman blinds are a type of lifting curtains that are sewn from smooth fabric.

    Folds are created during the lifting of the fabric: thin wooden slats are used to form them, acting as a weighting agent.

    Making similar Roman blinds with your own hands and forming a fabric assembly is not so difficult. To do this, you only need to follow relatively simple instructions and be able to handle sewing accessories.

    The process of making a Roman blind is as follows:

    1. First you need to prepare the fabric of the selected shade. One piece can be used for the front side, and the second for the back. But this is not a necessary condition. You can make a curtain for the kitchen, for example, from one piece of canvas. The fabric is cut and then carefully ironed.
    2. Then you need to prepare slats made of wood or metal, which will act as weights for the curtains and form folds. To form an assembly, you first need to calculate the step at which the folds will go. It all depends on the exact height of the window. The shape of the folds does not matter. After lifting the fabric from the bottom of the canvas, horizontal free folds begin to form, running one above the other.

    The size and number of folds during assembly are determined based on the following data:

    • with a window height of 145 cm, the number of folds is 7, and the step between them is 19.3 cm;
    • with a window height of 150 cm, the number of folds is 7, and the step between them is 20 cm;
    • with a window height of 160 cm, the number of folds is 7, and the step between them is 20.7 cm;
    • with a window height of 170 cm, the number of folds is 7, and the step between them is 22.7 cm;
    • with a window height of 190 cm, the number of folds is 7, and the step between them is 25.3 cm, etc.

    The markings are applied to the fabric with a piece of soap. When marking, it is necessary to take into account that a pocket is needed to fasten the slats. Therefore, a small amount of distance will be “eaten up”. The slats themselves must be cut so that their length is slightly less than their width. After installation, there will be room for hemming seams. The pockets are stitched on a sewing machine, after which slats need to be inserted into them. But the assembly of folds is not finished yet. It is necessary to take plastic or metal rings with a diameter of 10-12 cm, through which the ribbons will be passed to control the curtain.

    Rings of 3-4 pieces in a row are carefully sewn to the pockets of the curtain folds. The edges should be processed. Next, laces or ribbons are pulled through the rings, their edges are sewn to the top fabric, and decorative beads can be attached to the bottom. For such curtains, special curtain rods are usually used, on which they are hung after the sewing is completed.

    Elements of folds.

    Fold disturbances.

    Folds called layer bends rocks. The fold can have any position in space.

    Folds are formed as a result of movements of rock layers under the influence of various forces. They have very diverse shapes and sizes. Folded forms arise not only in layered rocks: flat and lens-shaped bodies and massifs of igneous rocks can be crushed into folds.

    Each folded form has its following parts or elements (Fig. 25).

    Wings- lateral parts of a fold, which are two more or less even, often flat, opposite parts of a curved layer or body of rocks. Lock- the area of ​​inflection or transition of one wing of the fold to another, i.e., the closure of the wings of the fold. Core- the inner part of the fold, enclosed between its wings and the lock. fold angle, or the angle at the apex of the fold, formed by the surfaces of its wings extended until they intersect. Top of the fold it is customary to call the point of maximum inflection on the cross section of the fold lock.

    Axial plane(surface) - a plane or surface dividing a fold lengthwise into two parts so that the angle at the apex of the fold is bisected by it. Fold hinge- trace from the intersection of the surface of any layer of the fold with the axial plane (surface). ABOUT sya, or center line of the fold,- the line of intersection of the axial surface of the fold with the horizontal surface.

    Rice. 25.Schematic representation of two adjacent folds indicating their elements.

    Wing incidence angle folds are measured by a linear (flat) angle formed by the line of incidence of the wing surface and its projection onto the horizontal plane.

    All folded forms are divided by the arrangement of rock layers in them into two groups : anticlinal and synclinal folds.

    Anticlinal fold characterized by the fact that, no matter what shape it has, its core will always be composed of relatively more ancient layers than the wings.

    Syncline has relatively younger rocks in the core than on the wings.

    By the mere sign of the inclination of the layers on the wings, i.e. by their inclination towards the core or away from the core, it is impossible to distinguish an anticlinal form from a synclinal one (Fig. 26, I).

    For this reason, it is always necessary to determine the shape of a fold using a stratigraphic method - by the sequence of layering and the age of rocks on the wings and in its core.

    According to the position of the axial surface and the incidence of the wings differentiate following types folds (Fig. 26, //). Straight folds(normal, or symmetrical) have vertically located axial surfaces and, therefore, equal angles of incidence of the wings.

    U oblique folds the axial surface is inclined, their wings fall in opposite directions under different angles; overturned folds(or inclined) have an inclined or very gently inclined axial surface, and their wings fall in one direction; recumbent folds characterized by a horizontal or almost horizontal arrangement of axial surfaces; inverted folds(diving) have an axial surface that bends relative to vertical position at an angle greater than 90 0. The top or lock of such a fold is directed towards its base.

    By the angle at the apex and at the same time by the degree of compression of the wings stand out open, or ordinary simple folds in which the angle at the apex is always less than 180° (Fig. 26, ///). Open folds include straight, oblique, inverted, recumbent and inverted folds. In compressed, or isoclinal, the folds of the wings are parallel or almost parallel. The angle at the vertex of such a fold is equal to zero or has a value close to it. Isoclinal folds include straight, overturned, recumbent and inverted folds. The oblique fold should not be isoclinal, since its wings are not parallel and should have different dips. Pinched, or fan-shaped, the folds have a compressed core. There are fan-shaped folds; straight, oblique, rarely oblique and even more rarely recumbent.

    According to the ratio of height to width stand out flat folds(low, wide), in which the width is significantly greater than their height, high(narrow), in which the height is greater than the width, and uniform(middle), in which the ratio of height to width is approximately 1:1 - 1:2 (Fig. 26, IV).

    Complex folds: stepped(knee-shaped) fold, or flexure(Fig. 27, /). It is a combination of two bends (anticlinal and synclinal) in horizontal or gently inclined rock layers. Folds with a wide flat lock and steep wings, bent knee-shaped, are called chest or box-shaped(Fig. 27 , II).

    Rice. 26. Types of folds: I – according to the arrangement of layers: a – anticlinal, b – synclinal; II – by the position of the axial surface and the incidence of the wings; III – by the angle at the apex and the degree of compression of the wings; IV – according to the ratio of height to width.

    Complex folds, the layers of which are disrupted in the locking part by discontinuities that arose when they were lifted and pierced by plastic core rocks (salt, gypsum, soft clays), are diapiric folds(Fig. 27, III); Gas and oil fields are often associated with them and with the underlying subsalt strata. The core of a diapiric fold is called piercing core. It often has a columnar, rod-shaped, and even expanding upward, in the form of an inverted drop, shape. Diapiric folds are characterized by a decrease in the thickness of the layers above the piercing core and their ruptures. If in the lower part of the fold the core pierces the rock layers, then in the upper part the layers can only bend above the core. Diapiric folds are transitional or mixed tectonic forms from plicative (solid) to disjunctive (discontinuous) types of faults.

    Rice. 27.Types of folds:

    / - stepped or knee-shaped - flexures; // - chest (box-shaped); /// - diapiric ( A- piercing nuclei).

    Types of folds. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Types of folds." 2017, 2018.