It has been scientifically proven that women are smarter than men. Scientists have proven that women love their daughters more, and men love their sons. Women are worse at navigating when driving a car.

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It seems that female attractiveness is very subjective: some men like plump women, others like very thin women, and still others pay attention to completely different criteria. But scientists have found that there are many non-obvious signs of female attractiveness that are valued by men unconsciously.

The research was carried out by groups of scientists from different countries and in different years. In total, thousands of men and women took part.

We are in website tried to put together the data obtained by the researchers and highlight among them the main signs of beauty that are underestimated by women themselves and that attract men.

1. Voice and manner of speech

Initially, scientists found that men prefer women to have a higher, more feminine voice. The most relevant example is the voice of Marilyn Monroe. The least attractive to a man is a raspy voice, similar to the voice of Kim Kardashian or Ellen Page.

This is due to the fact that feminine and high-pitched voices are associated with youth, and therefore with attractiveness. A raspy voice is more common in older women.

Another more recent study proves that men prefer a woman's speaking style to be close in sound to their own. This refers to the way words and individual letters are pronounced, the pace of speech and other nuances.

2. Growth

It's probably no secret that in most cases men prefer women shorter than themselves. In this case, most often the difference in height is less than 20 cm.

But there are a large number of men whose height is below average. While tall men try to increase their height difference by finding a petite girl, short men try to find a woman of the same height as them.

3. Age

We often see couples in which the man is older than the woman. And it seems like the majority are like that. But there are very clear examples when the woman in a couple is older.

Scientists have found that men under the age of 20 and after 30 prefer women aged about 24–26 years as sexual partners. This is because it is during these years that a woman has the greatest chance of becoming a mother. And in this case, it does not matter at all whether the man and his chosen one thought about procreation. The fact is that in our evolutionary past, men who had sex with women between the ages of 24 and 26 had more children than other men.

Men who choose older women after 30 years old do not fit into this theory. Probably, in this case, one should look for psychological reasons for the choice. Or it’s worth realizing that in any situation, clearly more than one criterion of attractiveness is taken into account.

4. Eye color

A study by scientists from the University of Tromsø in Norway states that Blue-eyed men prefer women with blue eyes. According to researchers, this is due to the fact that the color of the unborn child's eyes helps determine whether the chosen one was faithful.

At the same time, brown-eyed or green-eyed men do not prefer blue-eyed women.

Of course, the preferences of blue-eyed guys seem logical. But in fact, even if both parents have blue eyes, they can still have a child with brown eyes.

5. Cosmetics

A 2014 study states that men prefer women who use cosmetics moderately. At the same time, it turned out that women themselves, in most cases, do not really like to wear bright makeup, but they believe that “war paint” is to the liking of men.

As a result, it turns out that women wear more makeup for men, and this can only repel men. So take note and act wisely.

6. Waist-to-hip ratio

Dr. Carey Fitzgerald, a psychologist at the University of South Carolina at Beaufort, and his colleagues in a study concluded that men are much better at remembering personal information about women who have an “ideal” hip-to-waist ratio. These are the women they consider more attractive.

If everything is not so clear with eye color, then with the limbal ring everything is clearer.

Scientists from France conducted a study in which they tracked who men in nightclubs most often asked to dance: blondes, brunettes or redheads.

As a result, it was found that blondes were most often asked to dance by men. Brunettes took second place, and women with red hair turned out to be the least attractive to men. It was found that men prefer women with long legs. And this statement does not at all contradict the point about short stature, which is so popular with the male sex.

The thing is that men like it when a woman's legs are longer relative to her body. It turns out that you don’t have to have “your feet and ears” to interest a man. All that matters is how they contrast with the rest of the body.

10. Curvature of the spine

The curve of the spine is another universal standard of female beauty, embedded in the brain of men thanks to evolution. On average, the angle between your back and buttocks should be somewhere around 45.5°. It is this curve that looks most attractive to men.

The thing is that it is precisely this angle that allowed in the past and allows women today not to suffer from terrible lower back pain during pregnancy. Of course, many pregnant girls experience pain in the spine. But women with deviations from the “normal curvature” are most susceptible to them.

But do not forget that external attractiveness is not the only thing that men value in women. After all, there is also inner beauty. We firmly believe that every woman is beautiful in her own way. Moreover, research suggests a certain sample of men, but, as always, there are many exceptions. Therefore, do not force yourself into the framework of certain ideas, but skillfully use your advantages.

Tell us what external features seem most attractive to you in the opposite sex?

Added 8 months ago

For some reason, many people are sure that men are smarter than women. And they cite as examples the geniuses of the past who made great discoveries: Newton, Galileo, Copernicus... However, recently scientists have questioned this postulate, proving in a scientific study that it turns out that women are smarter.

Women's brains progress faster

However, as it turned out, this was not always the case - the female brain unexpectedly evolved only over the last hundred years. Professor James Flynn of New Zealand's University of Otago puts it down to "modern life". He means that women now often have to take on male functions: building a career, making serious decisions, providing for a family. Previously, everything was simple and clear: a man caught a mammoth, a woman looked after the hearth. Now these responsibilities are often divided equally.

The result: the level of intelligence of women in the last hundred years has begun to progress much faster than men. And today representatives of the fair half of humanity use brain cells by 7%, while representatives of the strong half use only 4-5%.

Men and women: what's the difference?

Overall, scientists counted over 40 differences between male and female brains. The main ones:

  • In women, the right hemisphere of the brain is more developed, and in men, the left hemisphere is more developed (therefore, women are more emotional, they find foreign languages ​​easier)
  • The connection between the hemispheres of a woman is better, so she can do several different things at the same time
  • women have better developed intuition (therefore they can find a solution in cases where men do not see a way out)
  • women are more attentive to details
  • men are more prone to generalizations, women - to analysis
  • The female brain works creatively, the male brain works technically
  • In stressful situations, women think faster than men
  • the female brain reacts faster to changes in environment and events

Smarter or more cunning?

Meanwhile, Canadian scientists also recently made a small discovery that contradicts the discovery of scientists from New Zealand. Research conducted among students showed: The intelligence level of girls is still 3.6 points lower than that of young people. The men showed that they

  • better understanding of science
  • think better logically
  • 14 times more mathematically gifted
  • solve intellectual problems faster
  • better with technology
  • remember technical algorithms and digital codes better

But! Moreover, subsequently it was female students who received higher grades.

Scientists have concluded: women are simply more cunning, and this quality in life is sometimes much more important than intelligence. That's it!

Ekaterina PICHUGINA.

Many stereotypes about gender differences are firmly rooted in the mass consciousness. The media is constantly throwing new burning facts into the firebox, but there is still no clarity on many issues. Who can tolerate pain better and who is more resistant to alcohol, why do women always confuse right and left, but men never? Read our review and say goodbye to established myths about the fair half of humanity.

16. Women's sense of smell is more subtle

Your wife is much less tolerant of the aromas of the various deceased remains in your refrigerator than you are. And why? Scientists from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro managed to scientifically prove a popular theory that women have a more subtle sense of smell compared to men. It turns out that the reason is in the brain. For the research, we used an isotropic fractionator, a device that allows us to determine the number of cells in different areas of the brain.

The main object of research by Brazilian scientists was the olfactory bulb, this is the first area of ​​the brain that receives information about odors from the nostrils. Counting the cells in the olfactory bulbs showed that women have on average 43% more of them than men. When counting neurons, the difference reached almost 50%. It is for this reason that women distinguish odors much better than men.

15. Women are more empathetic

How often do you find yourself not listening to your girlfriend when she talks over and over again about the issues that concern her so much? Don't lie to us! Indeed, researchers at Griffith University found that women were more empathetic to their partner's problems and also expressed more empathy than men. Interestingly, men worry much more when the trouble relates directly to them. It seems that this is why women pour out their hearts to their friends more often than to their boyfriends. To be fair, it is worth noting that these results change if the couple has children - then you can expect more sympathy from men.

14. Women distinguish more shades of color

Never argue with women when choosing a color for anything because it has been proven that women have more shades of color available to them than men.

The results of studies conducted at the University of Maryland showed that the ability to see red occurs predominantly in those with an X chromosome (the genes for red and green pigments lie on the X chromosome). This is why women practically do not suffer from color blindness. A woman distinguishes between crimson, purple, burgundy and scarlet, but for a man it is one color - red. With color blindness, a man ceases to recognize the color red. If a similar violation occurs in a woman, she does not cease to distinguish red, she simply sees like a man, that is, she does not distinguish shades of red.

A similar difference appeared in the process of evolution: when male hunters were searching for prey or fighting hostile tribes, women took care of children and the home. The peculiarity of their color vision helped them quickly find edible fruits and plants.

13. Ability to do many things at once

It has been proven that a woman is capable of doing several things at the same time. For example, a husband is slicing bread, and if you talk to him at this time, he stops and only then begins to communicate. But his wife is capable of cutting and talking at the same time, and at the same time looking after the child, and at the same time glancing at the TV... Perhaps this is a matter of evolution: throughout the history of mankind, men have only had to work, and women have to cope at the same time with many chores and looking after children. In the modern era, a career has been added to this...

But there is also a strictly scientific explanation. All available research data states that a man’s brain is divided into sections. Its configuration promotes concentration on one single task at a time, and most men claim that they can only do one thing at a time.

In 2010, a study by the University of Hertfordshire found that women were better at solving three different problems simultaneously (1 - a math problem, 2 - finding the location of a restaurant on a map, and 3 - drawing a sketch). If you talk to a man while shaving, he is more likely to cut himself. Most women are familiar with accusations that a man missed a turn on the road because of her chatter. Because women use both sides of the brain, many of them confuse the right and left sides, which almost never happens with men.

12. Women are cleaner

If we are talking about hygiene, then women are more clean. And science seems to tell us that this is true. San Diego State University and Arizona State University found that men had significantly more germs in their offices than women, and men's office chairs and phones were especially dirty.

But there are completely different studies that have proven the opposite. Arizona State University microbiologist Charles Gerb also examined desks, phones, computers, keyboards, drawers and purses. It turned out that women bred a variety of bacteria in these places 4 times more than men. Scientists explain this by the fact that women use various cosmetics, especially hand creams, which create a breeding ground for microorganisms. Well, we have a suspicion that neatness is a non-gender characteristic.

11. Women are less sensitive to pain

Women are able to bear and give birth to humans, but they are still known as the “weaker” sex, in need of male protection. Women cannot tolerate the same level of pain as men because they have more pain receptors on their skin, making them much more sensitive to pain than men. It is thought that this may be due to the absence of a protein called GIRK2, which regulates the pain threshold in humans.

Scientists confidently assert that the popular belief that women are less sensitive to pain than men is erroneous. Women who seek medical help report more intense pain than men with the same diagnoses, according to Stanford University Medicine. How does the male anti-pain system differ from the female one? In a stressful situation, a natural painkiller is released - adrenaline, but this happens the same in both men and women. Also, we must not forget about testosterone (male sex hormone), the more it is, the lower the reaction to pain and the higher the pain threshold.

10. Women don't joke as funny.

The ability to joke is a non-gender evidence of intelligence, and therefore the presence of better genes. If we consider the sense of humor in this aspect, then experts come to the conclusion that for people this is an important factor when choosing a partner. It is important for a man that a woman adequately perceives and understands his jokes, and it is important for a woman that a man jokes funny. Look at women's ads on dating sites: ladies want to have fun with a man much more often than they promise fun themselves.

Scientists are sure that women joke no worse than men, but they do it less often. In 2009, they conducted the following experiment: a group of 600 people were asked to come up with a funny caption for a cartoon from the New Yorker magazine. The results obtained were objectively assessed, and there were approximately the same number of truly funny “male” signatures as “female” ones. Interestingly, men rated captions written by other men higher and found them funnier than women's captions. So here we can assume the presence of a certain brand of humor.

9. Women are less resistant to the effects of alcohol

It is often said that men are more resistant to the effects of alcohol than women because women have higher fluid levels in their bodies. As a result, for the same amount of alcohol consumed, women tend to be drunker. However, it is not.

First, women's bodies are made up of less water than men's (52% versus 61%). Women also produce fewer liver enzymes that break down alcohol. So alcohol is absorbed less. So think again before you challenge women to a duel of “who can outdrink who.”

Recent new research from Columbia University and the University of New South Wales has found that women have officially closed the gender gap in alcohol consumption in the new millennium and are now drinking on par with men.

8. Women are more talkative

This is true. Women speak three times more than men, or an average of 20,000 words per day, while men speak only 13,000. In addition, women speak faster and love to hear the sound of their voice. Psychologist Luann Brizendine, in her book The Woman's Brain, explains that this happens for purely physiological reasons: women use more brain cells when talking than men. When a woman speaks, chemical reactions occur in her brain that can be compared to the euphoria from taking drugs.

Luan Brizendine's opinion is not shared by all scientists. Thus, Professor at Oxford University Deborah Cameron says that gender does not play a special role in determining the level of talkativeness of a person, and men and women, Professor Cameron is sure, pronounce approximately the same number of words.

7. Women have poorer sense of direction when driving.

A 2008 study from the University of London found that women (and gay men) are indeed the worst drivers. Both their navigation skills and spatial understanding were not as good as those of heterosexual men. For example, men can usually easily navigate to figure out whether they are heading north or south, while women (and gay men) lack this skill. Since women (and gay men) are bad at finding their way, this means that an unfamiliar route takes them longer. We know you're not surprised.

The findings mean that women and gay men will have more difficulty driving in new areas than heterosexual men. That's because women (and gay men) tend to rely on landmarks to get them from point A to point B and are less good at reading maps than straight men.

6. Women are more emotional

If we talk about stereotypes about men and women, then the postulate “women are more emotional” will be one of the first to emerge in a conversation. But is it? In a sense, scientists support this idea. A test was conducted in a study published by researchers at the Universitaire Santé Mentale of Montreal and the University of Montreal. He helped establish that women do indeed react more strongly than men. Scientists studied the brains of men and women: while the same parts of the brain were activated in men and women, the internal connections remained stronger in men, and that is why they reacted more restrained. Women have a more developed limbic system, which is responsible for behavior, emotions and memory. Don't cry, girls.

5. Women think about sex less often

Men's concern is somewhat exaggerated. According to a survey of 4,000 Britons by internet giant, men spend an average of 150 minutes a day thinking about sex, while women spend 180 minutes thinking about sex. That is, of course, men think about sex more often, but the gap is not that big, and the difference is not that huge. Overall, Britons spend the most time thinking about work: men - 10 hours, women - 8.5.

In general, this topic constantly worries sociologists and psychologists. Sociologists from Ohio University wanted to test the validity of the joke that men think about sex every seven seconds. The experiment by American sociologists involved 120 boys and 163 girls aged 18 to 25 years. They were given notebooks where the subjects had to write down data on how many times a day they think about sex. It turned out that men still think about sex more often than women, but not as often as scientists expected: men had such thoughts on average 19 times a day, and girls - 10.

4. Women want him just as much as men.

Sex is a popular topic, so we decided to dedicate another point to it. Just because women think about sex less often than men (at least between the ages of 18 and 25), as discussed in the aforementioned study, doesn't mean they don't crave it just as much as men. In fact, female sexuality is usually repressed by various socio-cultural patriarchal and religious prohibitions. In contrast, a survey of 500 women found that women's desire is just as strong as men's. 75% of women surveyed admitted that they want sex three times a week! Additionally, a 2015 study found that women are just as interested in casual sex as men. In general, of course, those who want sex more are the ones who know what it is and who haven’t had it for a long time.

A study by Canadian scientists from the University of Western Ontario and the University of Toronto Mississauga, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, also proves that men underestimate the sexual needs of their regular partners. Men are more often the initiators of sexual intimacy, while women experience sexual desire no less often. Why don't they initiate sex themselves? The authors of the study believe that the same social stereotypes that paint a man as a lustful animal and a woman as the Snow Queen are to blame.

3. Breasts are not the same - the right one is always larger

Here we don’t need to call on “British scientists” for help, everyone already knows that. What we mean is that breasts are never equal in size - one is always slightly larger than the other. You knew that, right? Having two symmetrical identical breasts is somehow even a little boring, isn’t it? After all, friends come in all shapes and sizes [wink emoji].

2. Food is more desirable than sex.

Did you know that the same part of a woman's brain is stimulated during sex and when eating delicious food? That's right: pizza is as good as sex, at least for happy women. Is anyone surprised? Now you know why your friend cares so much about that weekly slice that usually ends up in an entire box of pizza. But who's counting?

1. Gender bias exists.

(pictured: Should the doctor be male or female? Almost all the boxes are for men.)

On a more serious note, gender bias is unfortunately a very real thing with troubling consequences. In a landmark 2012 Yale University study, researchers examined the question: Is there a gender bias in science hiring? Candidates' resumes were randomly assigned male or female names. The study showed that male candidates were much preferred and rated higher in terms of both competence and hiring efficiency, and this was with exactly the same CVs! Terrible. Moreover, men were offered higher salaries, despite their obviously lower competence. The topic is interesting, and the field for research is still unplowed.