Ideas for crafts from waste material. A large review of children's crafts from garbage for school and kindergarten

Zaluzhnaya Elena Nikolaevna, educator of the first qualification category of the BDOU of Omsk "Kindergarten No. 52 of the compensating type."
Material Description: The master class will be useful for children of middle and senior preschool age, educators who are passionate about the creativity of parents, teachers working with children with visual impairment in correctional work. Can be used as a final event on the theme "Hello, summer!", "Summer mood".
Summer applique can be made from unusual materials. If desired, a wonderful summer bouquet is born from waste material (caps from felt-tip pens, ceiling tiles, plastic bottle caps, old mosaics).
Probably, in each group there are used felt-tip pens that no longer draw or refill. We were in no hurry to throw them away, hoping that they would be useful to us for creativity. In this case, we need caps from old markers. The guys and I washed all the caps, sorted them by colors and shades. And, began to fantasize and create!

Flowers in a vase. Application from waste material for children 4-7 years old

Purpose: decoration of a play corner, work for an exhibition or competition, a gift to relatives and friends.
Target: production of applications from waste material.
1. Create conditions for the development of creative abilities;
2. Improve skills in working with waste material, glue, scissors; observe safety precautions;
3. Develop visual acuity, imagination, fine motor skills of the hands, compositional skills, accuracy, the ability to bring the work started to the end;
4. To form an interested attitude towards the common product of joint activities;
5. Raise the desire to please parents with creative work done by one's own hands.
1. Caps from old felt-tip pens;
2. Ceiling tiles;
3. PVA glue or "Titanium" (for ceiling tiles);
4. Old mosaic, caps from plastic bottles;
5. Gouache;
6. Holographic colored paper (for the frame).

Preliminary work:
1. Paper application "And flowers grew in our garden"

2. Correctional work: "Assemble the whole from the parts"

3. Plasticineography "Summer mood"

Stages of work:
1. Toned ceiling tiles with gouache.

2. Sorted caps: by color, size. Picked up the middle: covers, mosaics.
3. Started sticking: flower vase.

4. Daisies.

5. Dandelion.

6. Cornflowers.

7. We glued the stems and leaves.
8. Framed.

9. Decorated the play corner.

10. Children's work.



11. Flowers and leaves were cut out from the remaining tile, glued on top of each other, glued the middle, made a frame of holographic paper.

12. "Flower meadow"

We wish you all a wonderful summer mood!

An inexpensive way to do needlework, a useful environmental trend, a great topic for creative development - all these are do-it-yourself crafts from waste material for children in kindergarten. There is more and more paper, plastic, metal, polyethylene and glass, and the planet has less and less chance to cope with all this garbage. In addition to recycling, cleaning and disposal of secondary raw materials, there is another, alternative option - turn unnecessary things into useful art objects and teach your children to do this. After all, the future largely depends on us and our awareness that a pile of unnecessary things can lead to an environmental disaster. Scientists today are surprised and horrified by the amount of synthetic waste that humanity produces and throws away. Some household waste can still be given a new life and together with the child turn them into do-it-yourself crafts from waste material for kindergarten, which we will do with you.

Crafting from recycled materials is not only an opportunity to dispose of unnecessary and disturbing things at home - it is an exciting activity in which children will definitely show their strengths. We've already covered how to create . Basically, these were ideas for the house, garden or vegetable garden. This time we will tell you how to quickly and beautifully turn the tools available at home (sometimes that have served their main mission) into bright, useful and creative products.

For example, you can make toys for an exhibition on the topic "Ecology". Kids will love turtles made from plastic bottles and bottle caps.
For the body of the turtle, you need to cut cardboard or foam template, and for the shell - cut off the bottom of the bottle or glue the caps.

Another great photo - a caterpillar from an egg container, which is easy to make. Did you know that these containers are not recyclable?

Christmas is coming soon - it's time to take care of the decor!

New Year's crafts from waste are new original trend, which has more and more followers.
New Year's composition of Christmas trees and deer can accommodate very comfortably under a plastic cup.

With a slight movement of the hand with the help of sequins light bulbs turn into Christmas decorations.
The so-called "stump" from paper towels or toilet paper can easily become a snowman.

And you should be careful with these candlesticks - they are made of glasses.
Such a thing, like CThe D-disk has not been used by many for a long time for its intended purpose. But as a decor - with pleasure!

Plastic utensils are everywhere, so why not make a children's mask out of them or a funny picture for kindergarten?

It's become popular today combine waste and natural material for crafts. We examined in detail all the novelties in the creation of such products in the article, and this tea set will inspire you to use unusual and even unexpected things.

Making crafts is often dedicated to some kind of holiday, for example, you can make real ones from improvised means. man-made masterpieces for Cosmonautics Day or Mother's Day.

Crafts for the garden with your own hands from improvised materials: a master class with a description

After we have introduced you to the most popular ideas, we suggest creating crafts for the garden with your own hands: from improvised materials with a description and detailed step-by-step photos.

Useful crafts from improvised means

Such, at first glance, an unnecessary item as a toilet paper or towel roll, a baby can easily with your help turn into a beautiful Easter craft.

Prepare everything you need for work:

  • one sleeve for the roll;
  • paint;
  • colored paper;
  • glue.

  1. We make blanks on yellow double-sided paper: draw the head, wings and tail of the chicken.
  2. We cut the sleeve lengthwise, take measurements, cut out a “robe” for the sleeve from yellow paper.
  3. Glue the sleeve with yellow paper and make small cuts on both sides of the product.
  4. We insert the parts into the holes - in front of the head, behind the tail.
  5. We circle the plate, making a circle, cut along the edges of the fringe and we “plant” our chicken on this impromptu nest.
  6. We make testicles from multi-colored pebbles.

Here is another interesting way make a chic craft from a paper sleeve to a kindergarten. And this creative idea will help you decorate the wall in the room or in the kindergarten with used paper cups.

Christmas decorations can be made from any material.- even from cocktail tubes, even from expired pasta. Cut the tube into identical particles, after which fasten them with wire or thread. Color the products in different colors. stale pasta can be turned into a snowflake.

Very easily and simply can turn into a snowflake regular plastic bottle, more precisely, its bottom.

From a New Year's fairy tale to a blooming spring. In such a wreath, your baby will look gentle and beautiful, like a forest princess.
And your son will surely like to do robot made of plastic caps and bottles bottom of yogurt.

Cute cat made of wire, thread and an old float will appeal to both boys and girls.

Video: how to make children's crafts from waste material?

Nowadays, people do not think at all about the well-being of our common home - the planet Earth. Everywhere you can see unrecycled plastic bottles, paper bags, shoe boxes, egg containers and many other wastes. All this is called waste material. However, if you make an effort and imagination, you can use such material wisely, while not littering the planet, but on the contrary, decorating it!

Products made from this material have recently become very popular. Such crafts can be done together with the child, while developing fine motor skills in him, instilling respect for nature and developing creative thinking. Parents should teach their children not to throw some unnecessary materials into the street, but to create beautiful things from them.

Waste material is in any home, so products from it are not at all expensive. Do not rush to throw away used plastic bottles and jars - with the use of imagination, they will last you a very long time.

Original ideas from waste materials

colorful pendant

To make a pendant, take the following tools:

  • paper plate;
  • beads;
  • pieces of plastic;
  • woolen thread;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • plastic straw;
  • hole puncher;
  • knife or scissors;
  • glue gun.

Make a hole in the plate with a hole punch. Make plastic petals (to do this, draw them on a piece of plastic and cut them out with scissors). Glue the petals on the plate around its perimeter. Decorate the petals and pumpkin seeds. Stick the seeds on the plates. Now make pendants. Attach a flower to the thread (glue the seeds to the bead and fasten it with the thread). Attach the resulting pendants to the plate.

The product is ready and can already decorate any interior.

In order to make such a clock, take:

  • old newspapers or magazines;
  • cardboard;
  • watch mechanism;
  • glue.

Cut unwanted magazines and newspapers into many small strips. Roll each strip. Paint the finished rolls with paints (you can take watercolors). If you made rolls from bright publications, then they can not be dyed.

Next, take a piece of cardboard, draw a circle on it, cut it out with scissors. After that, glue all the rolls onto the resulting cardboard circle using ordinary PVA glue. Do this so that they fit as closely as possible to each other.

After gluing all the rolls well, attach a special mechanism and arrows to the finished watch. The original clock is ready. They will look perfect in the kitchen or in the country house.

Waste material lanterns

On the eve of the New Year, everyone wants to decorate their home with beautiful crafts to get great decor and excellent mood. A wonderful New Year's idea will be unusual lanterns from ordinary plastic bottles. This craft will be a great option for a gift or Christmas decoration. To create lanterns, prepare paints, scissors, a knife, threads.

Take unnecessary bottles and decorate them with bright colors. For additional decor, decorate them with various patterns. Leave to dry. After that, make cuts in the bottle with a knife. Unbend the resulting strips and squeeze the lantern a little. Make a hole in the lid and thread a thread through it - this will be a loop.

pistachio picture

Pistachio shells will be an excellent material for making unique crafts. For example, with their help, you can even create a picture. To do this, take the shell, paint, glue.

To create a picture, make flowers from shells. Tape them on the underside. Each time, make the buds larger in volume. Decorate the resulting flowers with paints. For this, paint with an acrylic base or an aerosol is suitable. In the case of using acrylic, dilute such paint with water in a bowl or plate. Place the flowers there for a few minutes and take out the already painted ones.

From ready-made flowers, form patterns for a future picture. Glue them onto the base using a special gun.

Crafts for giving

In the previous section, options for crafts for a country house were proposed. Below are ideas that will fit perfectly into your yard, garden or land in the country.


Such a bird will certainly become a real decoration of the yard. To make a peacock, take a five-liter plastic eggplant, film and wire. Make a base out of a bottle and a wire. Cut a lot of strips from the film to form a kind of fringe. Glue it to the bottle - this will be the tail and wings of the peacock.

If you have unnecessary rubber boots lying around at home, then it's time to use them as flower pots. To do this, paint them to your liking, then make a hole to hang the future pot. Pour the earth into the boot, plant the plant you like. The flower pot is ready.

Craft from waste flower pots

If you have unnecessary pots, then you can make a wonderful decoration for giving. It all depends on your imagination. There are many photos on the Internet with various flower pot crafts that you will like. And if you beautifully paint the finished products, then a unique craft will come out.


There is nothing complicated in making wonderful pigs. All you need is the usual five-liter eggplants. Paint them pink, cut through the eyes and ears. You will get cute pigs that can be placed in the yard or in the country. It will look original!

Country crafts from bottles

Waste bottles can be found in any home. From them you can make a huge number of useful products. For example, glass bottles are ideal for making a lamp, you just need to skillfully add a lamp and wiring. Plastic bottles are perfect for making a country tree that will decorate any area. With the help of caps, you can decorate the fence or walls in the country.


The favorite of all children can be made from ordinary old tires. It is enough to paint them in certain colors, according to the chosen character, hand him a shovel or rake, and the original decoration of the summer cottage is ready!

Waste products are truly versatile and original, and this kind of activity can become your passion for many years. Remember that any recyclable item can be used to make various useful things, which can also serve as original decorations for home or summer cottage decor.

Be creative, imaginative and introduce new ideas. By doing this, you will do good not only for yourself, but also for our planet, which must be protected from garbage accumulations. Do-it-yourself products made from waste material will become a second wind for unnecessary materials and will bring new notes of comfort to your home.

After reading this article, you will be able to do extraordinary things with your own hands, using junk material. Use these master classes and create your own masterpieces!

99 photos of ideas for crafts from waste material

In addition to natural material for crafts, there is a so-called waste material, which is always at hand. With it, you can create amazing things, interesting figures, toys and various models. Such material includes all kinds of egg containers, juice and milk boxes, plastic and glass bottles, bags, jars, etc. With a little imagination, you can make exclusive crafts that you will not find in any store.

Children's crafts from waste material: 3 popular options

You will need:

  1. Disposable plate;
  2. Colored paper (red, orange);
  3. Yellow paint;
  4. Brush;
  5. yellow feathers;
  6. Toy eyes;
  7. Scissors;
  8. PVA glue.


  • Take an unnecessary disposable plate (you can use it), cover it with a thick layer of yellow paint.
  • Cut out legs and feathers from orange paper, and a beak from red paper. Glue the cut out chicken parts to the back of the plate.
  • You can glue a toy eye or draw it yourself.
  • Cover paper feathers with real ones. You can also paste over the chicken itself with feathers - this way it will turn out fluffy.
  • The finished craft can be hung in the nursery or on the refrigerator instead of a large magnet.

You will need:

  1. Plastic bottle caps;
  2. Glue "Moment";
  3. Flat boxes of different sizes;
  4. Scissors;
  5. Brush;
  6. Dye;
  7. Thick cardboard;
  8. Colored cardboard.


  • In the larger box, cut out a window slightly smaller than the area of ​​the smaller box.
  • Make a small hole in the small box. Glue a small box to a large box exactly above the hole.
  • Make a tube out of cardboard and secure it in a small box. This will be the muzzle of your tank.
  • Paint the body and muzzle green. Cut out strips from black cardboard and glue them on the sides of the model, insert the caps inside, imitating caterpillars.
  • Cut out flames from red cardboard and insert them into the muzzle.
  • Any child can make such a tank, even without the help of parents.

You will need:

  1. An empty bottle of yogurt (for example, "Agushi");
  2. PVA glue;
  3. Threads;
  4. Cotton buds;
  5. Scissors;
  6. Buttons on the leg;
  7. Simple pencil;
  8. Black marker;
  9. Plasticine;
  10. Color double-sided paper;
  11. Balloons;
  12. Awl;
  13. Centimeter;
  14. Ruler;
  15. Blue self-adhesive.


  • Take an empty yogurt bottle, wash it well and dry it. Measure 4 cm from its base, draw a line and cut it off.
  • Measure the circumference of the middle part of the bottle, put the resulting size on yellow paper. Cut out the detail.
  • From black paper, cut out a thin and long strip (about 0.6x20 cm), glue the bottle shape to the bottom.
  • Paste the bottle with a yellow rectangle. With a black felt-tip pen, draw stripes on the body of the future bee (you can also cut it out of paper and glue it, but it will take longer).
  • Take 4 stick sheets, draw ovals and cut them out - these will be the wings of your bee. Glue them on the back of the insect.
  • Make a bell out of a thread and a button: fold the thread several times, tie a button on it. Put the "bell" in the bottle and screw on the cap.
  • Poke holes for the antennae. Put balls on cotton buds and insert into holes for antennae. Draw eyes on the balls.
  • Blind the mouth from red plasticine. Your bee is ready!

Crafts from waste material: photo

You will need:

  1. Disks;
  2. Napkins with various patterns;
  3. brushes;
  4. Thick cardboard;
  5. Simple pencil;
  6. Scissors;
  7. Putty for acrylic;
  8. acrylic paint;
  9. Palette knife;
  10. Glue "Moment crystal";
  11. PVA glue;
  12. Golden glitters;
  13. Acrylic varnish (matte and glossy);
  14. Sandpaper;
  15. Craquelure varnish.


  • Circle the disc on the cardboard, cut out the circle. Glue the blanks together with the Moment Crystal, placing a cardboard circle between them.
  • Using a palette knife and acrylic putty, prime the workpiece. Wait for it to dry and sand with sandpaper until smooth.
  • Coat the primed circle with white acrylic paint in 2 layers on 2 sides, then again bring it to smoothness with sandpaper.
  • Choose napkins with the right pattern. Cut out the desired ornaments or the desired motifs according to the size of the workpiece.
  • Dilute PVA with water (1: 1) or use special decoupage glue. Carefully glue the napkins to the base of the coaster.
  • When the napkins are dry, paint the ornaments with acrylic paints. Wait for the paint to dry, after which you can start aging using craquelure varnish.
  • It is applied in 2 layers. After drying, your coasters will crack.

Waste material gives a huge scope for creativity. To make something unique and unusual, you do not need to go to a craft store or to the forest for natural materials. It is enough to do a general cleaning.

In every home there is an egg container, an empty plastic or glass bottle, a juice or milk carton, a paper sleeve and much more. Craftsmen make handicrafts from waste material so skillfully that it is not difficult to guess what they are made of.

Autumn crafts

funny bees

The sweetest time is Autumn. For the manufacture of funny honey bees, drinking yogurt bottles are suitable. We paint the bee yellow and draw black stripes. Mica from the old bouquet will go to transparent wings. We also make our own eyes.

We take a blister from pills, for the eye we need one cell. We cut out a small circle from black cardboard - this will be the pupil. We cut out a circle from white cardboard along the diameter of the cell, insert the pupil and glue it with the cell. No one will distinguish such an eye from a needlework store bought in a needlework store.

Casket - apple

Autumn is famous for its fruits. Ordinary plastic bottles will make excellent apples - caskets. For one apple we take two bottles. Cut off the bottom at a height of about 7 cm. These are the parts we need. Red or yellow, choose an apple color and paint both blanks. To make the edge look more interesting, we glue lace or braid, but do not overdo it, the workpieces should overlap easily. It remains to glue a branch with a leaf. Do-it-yourself apple harvest is ready.

autumn garden

The brightest time of the year is autumn. Making a real autumn garden with your own hands is very simple, even a child can handle this task. We will need: a paper sleeve, a disposable cardboard plate, paints and scissors. The sleeve will be the trunk, we paint it brown. The plate is the basis of the future crown, boldly paint it in bright autumn colors on both sides. Now we make two parallel cuts in the trunk, and insert the crown. A wonderful autumn tree is ready.