A child at 3 months on artificial feeding. The energy for growth is in nutrition. Which is better: ready-made purees or homemade ones?

Physical development.

Weight gain in the third month of life should be 700 - 800 g. Height increases by an average of 2.5 cm. According to the average head volume in boys at three months is approximately 40.9 cm, and chest volume is 41.5 cm While in girls these figures are somewhat less: the volume of the head and chest of a three-month-old girl is 40 cm. At this time, the strengthening of the child's musculoskeletal system continues. Improves the central nervous system. The bones of the baby are very fragile and subject to external influences. Parents should be extremely careful in handling the baby so as not to harm him. For example, tight swaddling or improper seating of the child can lead to bone deformity. By the end of the third month, the physiologically increased muscle tone of the child goes away. The child is capable of some conscious movements, his arms, legs, neck and torso become more mobile. Reaches for toys, unclenches fingers. The baby can grab the rattle and pull it towards him. In the hands of the parents in an upright position, the baby holds his head well. He freely turns his head in all directions. The kid examines his hands, follows their movement, brings them to his face.

Psycho-emotional development.

A child at the age of three months responds well to sound: he can determine where he is coming from, turns to him. The kid listens to his mother when she talks to him. The baby can already smile, recognizes the voice of his mother, can express his emotions, desires and discontent with sounds. The child tries to raise his head when he lies on his back. If you put him on his tummy, he begins to rise on his elbows. The child develops grasping movements of the handles. He watches the movement of the mobile over the bed, tries to reach for it and grab it. The kid looks at the toys. His attention is attracted by large patterns. The child observes the object that interests him while lying on his back, on his stomach, on his side, being in the arms of his parents.

A healthy baby can rest his feet on the surface, if you support him under the armpits. At the same time, his legs are bent at the hip joint. The baby changes positions during sleep. The child can follow the eyes of moving parents, pets. The baby listens to the sounds. The baby smiles when he sees his mother's face. At three months he can walk. Can imitate the voice of parents or music with sounds. The kid wants to be given all the attention. To do this, he whimpers, smiles, screams, coos, etc. He can show his dissatisfaction if they stopped communicating with him, took away a toy, something worries him. The baby flinches when he hears a sharp sound. Listens to sounds. He can briefly focus on the toy. Looks into the faces of relatives. The child is trying to communicate with adults cooing, screaming. He can walk on his own. At three months, the baby can drink water from a spoon. He rejoices when he is bathed.


By the third month, the baby has already formed a sleep and wakefulness regimen. The child should sleep 16 - 17 hours a day. In the daytime, the baby sleeps about 4 times for 1.5 - 2 hours. It should be fed 6-7 times a day. Between feedings should pass 3 - 3.5 hours. The child needs to be given vitamin D. The pediatrician will prescribe how and how much to give the child.


You need to walk a lot with a child, up to 6 hours a day. The baby really needs fresh air. Walk in any weather. Only when the frost is below "-10", pediatricians do not recommend walking with the baby. Accustom your child gently to the sun. The sun's rays help to strengthen the body, since under their influence the child's skin produces vitamin D on its own. Thus, the body's natural prevention from rickets, anemia occurs, and immunity increases. In extreme cases, the baby can be taken out in a stroller to the loggia. Just be sure to make sure that there is no draft and direct sunlight does not fall on the child.


It is very difficult to keep track of how much milk a baby eats when he is only breastfeeding. But it is known that the baby eats 800 - 850 g per day. That is, the child eats 120 - 140 g at a time. You can calculate the required amount of milk in a different way: Divide the weight of the child by six. The result is the amount of milk that the baby needs to eat. It is better to breastfeed your baby. Mom should not forget to express the rest of the milk after feeding and eat right. If you have to supplement the child or transfer it to artificial feeding, use adapted milk formulas. Instructions for the use of breast milk substitute and the age of the child from which you can feed him are written on the package. In addition to breast milk substitutes, the child can be given fermented milk products such as biolact, narine, acidophilus milk, matsoni, kefir, which can be found in the dairy kitchen. Purchased kefir, for a child of this age, is not suitable, as there are too many microbes. In any case, before giving your child any food, ALWAYS consult a pediatrician! From 3 months, you can give your baby a drop of fruit puree (it is preferable to start with apple or pear) and juice, but only no more than 2 times a day and always after feeding. The amount of juice should not exceed 25 g. Enter the juice from a few drops and carefully monitor the reaction of the child. Fruit puree can be given 2 times a day after feeding 3 teaspoons. It is better to start complementary foods with applesauce.

Caring for a 3 month old baby.

Every morning, wipe the child's eyes from the outer edge to the inner edge with a cotton swab dipped in clean water. Then wipe the whole face with another cotton swab dipped in clean water. In a baby at this age, the lacrimal glands are already functioning. Cotton flagella should be used to clean the child's nose and ears. Nails should be cut regularly, but not short, rounded on the hands and straight on the feet. Bathe the baby every day without soap before feeding. The water temperature is 36 - 37 degrees. Soap is used no more than 1-2 times a week. The child can no longer be swaddled. Toys should be clean and easy to clean. Do not give your baby small objects and toys with sharp edges.

Editor: Lyudmila Potapova, pediatrician, graduated from the Pediatric Faculty of the SarGMU, clinical residency in infectious diseases.

Opinion of pediatrician Koval Anastasia "3 months of life"

Three months of life is the first milestone, the achievement of which all mothers are waiting for. The child has grown up a little, and is already capable of conscious contact with his parents. He distinguishes a human face, facial expressions and voice of an adult who addressed him, greets with a smile and cooing, knows how to grab rattles, tries to reach toys hanging above him, lies with pleasure on his stomach leaning on his forearms, some already know how to roll over on their own.


At this age, the main source of nutrition for the baby is mother's milk. Most children do not need to drink water. The feeding regimen is strictly individual and each mother-child pair has its own. The main characteristic of a normal diet is a good weight gain, not the time elapsed between feedings. On average, it can be from 1.5 to 3.5 hours. The rest of the milk does not need to be expressed, because its amount during natural feeding is adjusted to the needs of the child. And excess can cause lactostasis and mastitis. If the monthly increase is insufficient, the need for supplementary feeding with the mixture should be decided together with the doctor.

Your pediatrician will also help you choose it, taking into account the characteristics of the baby.

Complementary foods are not introduced at this age. The normal increase is 800 gr (plus or minus 200).


The morning of a little man begins with washing. Wipe face and eyes with clean water. The nose and ears are cleaned as they become dirty.

During the day, the child is washed with warm water and soap, always after he poops, and as needed, but without soap. Wet wipes are best used only when water is not available. Despite all the conveniences, they still contain fragrances and other substances that are not always desirable for children's skin.

The day ends with an evening bath. Particularly excitable children are best bathed at lunchtime.

The temperature should be 37-37.5 degrees, as the most favorable for the comfortable well-being of the child. It should be borne in mind that, unlike adults, the baby still does not know how to adapt well to temperature changes. If you want to start hardening, then you should remember the principle of regularity and gradualness in accustoming to colder water. After the main bath, the child is rinsed with water with a temperature of 0.5-1 degrees lower.


Walking plays a very important role in the development of the child. They help to enrich the blood with oxygen, are part of hardening and getting to know the outside world.

Their duration is on average from 2 to 4 hours a day. And in good weather up to 6-7 hours.

If it is impossible to go outside, you can take the stroller out to the balcony for a daytime sleep. Dress your baby as you are, plus one extra layer of clothing. To find out if the child is cold, you should pay attention to the nose, if it is warm, then everything is in order. For a walk, you can use both strollers and slings or kangaroos. In the latter, the child is provided not only with contact with the mother, but also with a more complete overview for new experiences. Pay attention to the child's posture and the age of your portable device.

Additional lessons

At this age, the child is able to perceive poems and music for 3-5 minutes, he is interested in toys, you can stimulate the baby to reach for them, it is useful to get acquainted with various fabrics and textures, as well as sounds. If the child does not sleep on a walk, it is worth talking more about what is happening around.

At home, hardening procedures (air baths, rubdowns) should be carried out, a massage and gymnastics complex should be selected that matches the baby's skills. He is usually introduced in the room of a healthy child in the clinic. It is also possible to combine it with nursery rhymes. Swimming also contributes well to the development and normalization of muscle tone.

The author of the article is Koval Anastasia Andreevna,
pediatrician, graduated from the Kirov State Medical Institute, mom with experience

Publication date: 20.09.2011
Date of update: 03/16/2012.
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Elena 23.06.2016 19:18
Interestingly, in one article there are two opposite recommendations, I didn’t understand if I need to pay extra or not?

Anastasia 10.06.2016 14:16
Articles true for 2012. I wish all mothers to be adequately modern and literate.

Alina AH 04.06.2015 18:51
Irina, everyone has their own opinion on this matter !!! I now agree with the opinion that it is better to feed a child up to six months only with his own milk or mixtures, and then only introduce complementary foods. Suppose my mother also started giving us porridge early, so my sister grew up with gastritis. So, at first I fed my baby with milk, and then the milk was gone, I transferred it to the Nanny mixture and began to introduce complementary foods only closer to 6 months, we develop and grow normally, the main thing is there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Irina 28.04.2015 22:27
Everything you write about feeding and drinking at 3 months is all nonsense. I started cooking milk porridge for my baby at 2.5 months and everything is fine. But how it was before, when my mother could not breastfeed, they also cooked porridge and everything was fine, now doctors can’t feed porridge early, you have to feed with mixtures. So this is how the mixture is all bullshit, because of them there can be problems

Baeva M 24.04.2015 12:17
We also fed the baby on demand. I think that feeding on a schedule is just absurd. The kid does not eat enough, is naughty. But this only applies to breastfeeding. As for children who are bottle-fed, they simply need a schedule. It really takes three hours to get there. I have a little sister who feeds her nephew Nanny formula. The baby is quite enough, he is quite full from feeding to feeding.

Infancy is considered a critical period in the life of a baby, because it is at this age that the main mechanisms of regulation, including the central nervous system, are formed. Therefore, young mothers should know how to feed a child at 3 months if there is no milk. Mistakes in the nutrition of the baby should not be allowed, since it will be impossible to correct these errors. When deciding how to feed a child at 3 months, if there is no milk, one must take into account his individual characteristics. It is very important that the child put on weight. Every month he must gain at least 700 grams.

What to feed the baby if there is no milk

Breastfeeding is considered the most beneficial for the child's body. If the mother does not have milk, then the baby must be transferred to artificial feeding. The doctor will help the mother decide what to feed the child. Mixtures are better to choose hypoallergenic. It is better to choose formulas for feeding a child with probiotics. Probiotics will help strengthen the immune system and improve the functioning of the intestines of the baby. Some children are intolerant to milk. In this case, you need to choose special mixtures that do not contain milk.

When deciding at 3 months of the child how to feed the baby, it should be remembered that nutrition depends on how the baby develops and gains weight. It is advisable not to feed the baby at night. But if the baby woke up and screams from hunger, then it is better to calm him down and feed him.

It happens that a mother cannot decide at 3 months for a child what to feed and what mixture to choose. However, it should be remembered that too frequent change of mixtures will harm the health of the baby. Also, do not stubbornly give the best mixture, according to the doctor and parents, if the baby does not tolerate it well.

A properly selected mixture does not cause dyspeptic disorders in a child (regurgitation, vomiting, liquid, poorly digested stools or constipation), deficient conditions (hypotrophy, iron deficiency anemia, paratrophy).

What to feed a baby at 3 months, except for the mixture

If the child is slowly gaining weight or has signs of anemia, rickets, then it is acceptable to introduce complementary foods from three and a half months.

When deciding what to feed and what foods to choose as complementary foods, we must remember that the introduction of complementary foods is the first step in the transition of the baby to solid and thicker foods. Therefore, any complementary foods must be introduced very carefully. For the first feeding, it is better to choose juices and purees with a sweet or moderately sweet taste. Later, you can gradually increase the range and volume of dishes.

In order for acidic juices to be better absorbed, it is advisable to dilute them by half with warm boiled water. Since apple juice is fairly easy to digest, it is best to start with it.

First you need to offer the baby just a few drops of juice, the next day you can increase the dose of juice to half a teaspoon after two feedings. Within a month it is necessary to bring the daily amount of juice to four to six teaspoons.

Do not give juices to quench thirst, instead of water. It is possible to offer juices to the baby only after feeding. Do not mix fruit and vegetable juices, as some of them contain a substance (ascorbinase) that destroys vitamin C.

When a mother chooses at 3 months for a child what to feed and what juice to prefer, she must remember that children under six months should not be given grape juice. Grape juice contains a lot of glucose and fructose, which increase fermentation processes and cause bloating. And carrot juice in large quantities can cause allergies. Along with fruit juices, the baby can be offered one-component fruit puree at the same time and in the same quantities.

At three and a half months, you can already offer the baby a chicken egg yolk. You need to start with a small piece before the main feeding, and after a week you can give about half the yolk every day.

Complementary foods at 3 months on artificial feeding differ in the time of introduction of new food and in its composition. A bottle-fed baby does not get all the nutrients from formula milk, like a breast-fed baby. This is due to the fact that the artificial mixture is devoid of important nutritional elements that increase the child's immunity and form beneficial microflora in the intestines.

The baby must receive all the necessary components from an additional source of nutrition, which is complementary foods from fruit and vegetable mixtures, eggs, juices and cereals.

Formula-fed babies are introduced to complementary foods when they are 3 months old. At this time, the baby begins to behave restlessly, because he does not have enough nutrients necessary for active growth. He often wakes up, cries and looks for a pacifier with his lips. It's time to transfer the child to additional food, in addition to milk. How to do it?

In order for the first complementary foods at three months to be successful, pay attention to the following:

  1. The baby should be healthy and well slept.
  2. The consistency of the new dish should resemble liquid puree.
  3. New food should be monocomponent.
  4. Starting a new complementary food at 3 months should be with one coffee spoon.
  5. Complementary foods should complement, not exclude formula milk.
  6. It is not recommended to introduce a new type of food with the first and last feeding of the baby.
  7. You can not give new complementary foods twice a day.
  8. If acne appears on the face of a newborn or a disorder of the stool, complementary foods should be temporarily stopped.

Mom should understand that getting to know a new dish for a child is a whole event. He may not like the taste or smell of the product, as well as the new sensations when eating unfamiliar food. Therefore, new food should not be offered to a child who is in a bad mood or recovering from an illness.

Everything new for the baby is of particular interest and is remembered for a long time. If he gets negative impressions from unfamiliar food at three months, it will remain in his memory as a negative memory. Subsequently, the mother will have problems with feeding the baby.

The consistency of the new dish should resemble milk formula so as not to cause rejection or fear in the child (in some cases). When teething symptoms appear in infants, the consistency of food should become denser in order to promote the formation of chewing skills.

Weight gain and extra nutrition

Formula-fed babies are better adapted to new foods than breast-fed babies. Therefore, an infant feeding on mother's milk is taught to a new diet later than an artificial one.

If a formula-fed baby is not gaining weight well, pediatricians prescribe additional nutrition at three months of life. Early complementary foods are given if the baby is actively growing and he does not have enough milk formula to saturate. By the behavior of the child, the mother will understand that it is time to supplement the milk mixture with boiled yolk or banana puree. In some cases, they begin to introduce porridge into complementary foods.

How to determine the underweight in a child? At each visit to the doctor, the baby is weighed, and the pediatrician can determine the underweight (or overweight) in weight.

In case of shortage, the baby is prescribed cereals, in case of busting - vegetable purees.

The first 6 months the baby adds 800 grams in weight. After six months - 400 grams per month.

If the baby gains little weight, but is active and cheerful, then everything is in order with him! The main guideline for the correct harmonious development of the baby's body:

  • good mood;
  • absence of diseases;
  • a good appetite;
  • deep sleep.

Very mobile babies expend a lot of energy on movement and may not fit into the established limits of weight gain by month.

You should not panic if your child's weight gain does not fit into the generally accepted framework. Minor deviations can be caused by genetic or individual characteristics of the structure of the organism.

Fruit juices and purees

If the baby develops normally, eats well and does not wake up at night from hunger, at three months they begin complementary foods with fruit juices and purees. Some mothers begin to give the baby and boiled grated yolk, diluted with milk mixture.

How to give additional food - before or after the main feeding? Fruit puree is given before taking the milk formula, and juice is given after meals.

What juices can a baby drink at three months? Pediatricians recommend starting with clarified green apple juice. The child must first get used to the filtered juice, and only then can you switch to nectars with pulp.

Is it possible to give multi-component juices? First, the baby is taught to apple juice (3-5 drops from a pipette), then they are introduced to pear, plum, peach or cherry juice. After that, you can move on to mixed juices.

What puree to give a child at three months? Start complementary foods with an apple and a banana. The fruit is rubbed on a fine (not metal) grater and treated to a baby from a spoon. Then you can introduce the baby to puree from:

  • pears;
  • plums;
  • cherries;
  • cherries.

If the juice is very sour in taste, you can dilute it by half with drinking water. Remember that juice is a complete food for a formula-fed baby, it should not be used in large volumes to quench thirst.

To control the well-being of the baby and not get confused with the timing of the introduction of new food, you need to keep a special diary. In it, the mother should note the date when a new type of food was introduced, and the reaction of the baby's body to a new food product.

vegetable puree

Pediatricians are not unanimous in their opinion when it is better to feed a child with vegetables - at three or at four months. By the end of the third month, a baby on artificial feeding is able to assimilate vegetable puree of a liquid consistency. However, it is better to start with fruit.

Why is fruit better than vegetables for babies? Pureed raw fruits are easier to digest by the body, as they are digested in the stomach on their own. This rule applies to all raw foods: they contain substances that promote self-digestion of food in the stomach.

Vegetable puree for a formula-fed baby can be given closer to the fourth month of life, when he gets used to fruits. What vegetables to choose for additional nutrition? Only green! Red and orange vegetables can trigger allergies. Therefore, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower and zucchini puree for babies are ideal for complementary foods.

To improve the taste sensations, mashed vegetables can be diluted first with a milk mixture, and then add a drop of olive oil.

Store-bought vegetables are not suitable for feeding babies due to the large amount of chemicals that pollinate them during cultivation or storage. It is better to buy factory canned baby food.

Required amount of food

Introduction to new foods should be gradual. The baby is given to try a few drops of juice or lick fruit puree from a spoon. Daily rate: 5-30 grams. That is, you should start with one coffee spoon, gradually bringing the portion to one tablespoon.

This is an approximate serving in grams. However, the exact amount of complementary foods can be determined based on the weight of the child. It is one-seventh of the baby's body weight. Some kids are happy to eat two tablespoons of goodies.

Mom should monitor the baby's drinking regimen and note the amount of fluid consumed in the diary. The total daily fluid intake includes drinking water and juice.

Calculate the correct volume of fluid according to the formula: the number of months of life multiplied by 50 ml. You can diversify the drinking regime with the help of fruit compotes: they are cooked from fresh and dry fruits.

If the baby is naughty

What to do if the baby spits out new food? There is no need to despair: not all fruits or juices like the taste of children. The baby needs to get used to the new, so constantly offer him new food. Just don't force it.

How many days should a new type of food be offered to a mixed-fed baby? If you have been offering your baby some puree for 9 or 10 days in a row, then stop trying. Apparently he really didn't like the taste.

Carefully monitor the well-being of the baby. If the baby's digestive system is poorly formed, a new type of food can cause him pain:

  • there are signs of colic in newborns;
  • bloating;
  • allergic rashes;
  • stool disorder.

In this case, the baby urgently needs to be shown to the pediatrician, and complementary foods should be stopped.

A negative reaction to a new type of food can be in babies on both artificial and mixed feeding, if the size of the portion of complementary foods is not observed. Also, the disorder can be with a sharp transition from canned food to homemade. Be careful.

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In this article:

Every month of the life of a newborn child is filled with something new. His skills are developing, his daily routine and diet are changing. He changes himself, and it is no longer possible to recognize a newborn baby in him. Sometimes you can catch a serious or thoughtful look, which was not observed before. The reaction to everything that is happening around has intensified.

Rapid development occurs due to proper nutrition and a constant daily routine. The child develops every day during the first years of his life. But it is at 3 and 4 months of age that it is worth considering changes in the diet.

Assistance to the pediatrician in the introduction of complementary foods

During a routine medical examination, young mothers should be interested not only in how much the child has grown or gained in weight. Parents should be interested in whether they are following the feeding regimen of the crumbs correctly and how the child's diet can change at 4 months. Feeding a child at 3 - 4 months should be only breast milk, if he is not on artificial feeding. During a routine examination, the pediatrician will tell you what foods can be added to the child's diet at 3 months. Which foods are digested quickly, but which ones can cause allergies or diathesis. Each baby is already a personality, individuality, his body can react sharply to changes in the diet.

In children on artificial nutrition, with improper introduction of complementary foods, a sharp change in the amount of food and stress, colic, cramps in the tummy may appear, and even rickets may begin to develop. With such terrible consequences, a long inpatient treatment will be necessary. Therefore, young mothers are not just recommended to seek help and advice from pediatricians when introducing a child to a diet of 3 and 4 months.

Baby food at 3 and 4 months

A baby who is breastfed at the age of 3 months eats about 16 times a day. Attachments to the breast are short, the time from one to the next feeding at night can be 2.5-3 hours. Night feeding of a child at 4 months differs only in that the time period increases from 3 hours to 4.

Complementary foods should not be introduced before 4 months of age. The intestines of a 3-month-old baby are not yet formed, the stomach is not ready to digest new, tougher and more aggressive food for it. The baby, although he got stronger by the 4th month of his life, but not so much as to radically change his diet.

Nutrition for a 4 month old baby and his menu

It is better to discuss all the subtleties of feeding the baby with your pediatrician, he will tell you whether it is possible to introduce new products at this age or not. The menu of a child at 4 months old can be varied with a small amount of vegetable, fruit or berry juice, later on - mashed potatoes. The first and main food can only be an apple. It is given after a main meal, breast milk or an adapted formula.

The juice of this fruit is quickly absorbed and easily absorbed by the body. When you first introduce an apple into the diet, it is worth observing the reaction of the baby's body. Usually, everything goes well, there are no rashes on the skin, behavior does not change, the stool is the same, the child is not irritable. If something irritates the child and this happens on the day of feeding with the first complementary foods, it is necessary to seek help from a qualified specialist.

After the body is accustomed to applesauce, you can begin to introduce vegetables into the diet. But it is worth noting that they are the main food, and breast milk or an adapted formula is additional. Thus, they replace milk feeding. Every day, giving the child complementary foods, its dose must be increased. On the first day of the diet change, don't give your baby more than 2 teaspoons of the new food. Gradually increasing the rate, you need to come to 150 grams. This dosage will completely replace breastfeeding or adapted formula.

At 4 months, the baby has something like this menu:

  • Breakfast: breast milk or formula (about 200 ml)
  • Second breakfast: 150 gr. vegetable puree, 50 gr. fruit puree
  • Lunch: breast milk or adapted formula - 200 ml., 25 gr. fruit juice
  • Snack: breast milk or formula (about 200 ml.), 25 gr. fruit juice
  • Dinner: Breast milk or formula (about 200 ml.)

If you have established the correct feeding regimen and complete nutrition of the child at 4 months old, you can be sure that your baby will grow up healthy and strong. You need to take the diet and feeding regimen seriously and, if necessary, seek help from a pediatrician.

Useful video about baby nutrition from 4 months to a year

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The basis of a child's nutrition at 3 months is mother's milk or a high-quality adapted mixture. You can hear the opinion that at this age it is time to introduce the baby to cereals, mashed potatoes and juices, especially if he is artificially fed. However, there is another view: up to six months, the baby does not need additional feeding with adult dishes. Let's try to figure out which point of view is correct.

Breast milk is the best food for the baby, which contains everything necessary for the growth of the childNatural feeding

Breast milk is the best food for a baby. It contains fats, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, hormones and immune factors. All these substances are necessary for the baby for full growth, as well as for the development of the immune, digestive and other body systems.

If it was possible to establish natural feeding, then after 3 months it is necessary to continue it. It is worth transferring a son or daughter to an adapted mixture only in case of emergency, when it is not possible to maintain lactation.

As a rule, a 3-month-old child already has a certain daily routine, including 6-7 meals. The total amount of breast milk per day that the baby drinks is 850-900 ml. In order for food to bring the greatest benefit to the child, and lactation does not fade away, several important points should be considered:

  1. The hormone prolactin responsible for milk production is synthesized at night. The main stimulus is breast suckling. You should not take long breaks between feedings at night, and even more so - refuse them.
  2. Since a woman does not consume food at night, morning milk is characterized by a low energy value. This means that soon after an early snack, the baby may ask for a breast again. It is important that mom has time to have breakfast, so that closer to noon her milk becomes more satisfying.

Artificial feeding With artificial feeding, it is important to choose a quality mixture. Choice of a mixture.

Modern adapted mixtures are able to provide the child with all the necessary nutrients. However, it is necessary to choose the right product. Key recommendations:

  • If a child has diseases, special mixtures are required. If there is an allergy to milk - hypoallergenic or dairy-free (based on soy), lactose intolerance - low-lactose, severe weight deficiency - high in protein, and so on.
  • It is desirable that the mixture contains probiotics. These include various beneficial bacteria that settle on the intestinal mucosa and help digest food. As a result, problems such as constipation, diarrhea, flatulence and others are prevented. In addition, probiotics help to strengthen overall immunity.
  • It is imperative that minerals and vitamins are included in the formula of an artificial substitute. They are necessary for the normal growth and development of the baby.

Quantity calculation

How much formula can be given to a three-month-old baby? The average amount is 180 ml per meal. The optimal regimen is 5 meals per day. You can accurately calculate the amount using the following algorithm:

  1. Divide the baby's weight by 7. The resulting figure is the daily volume of the mixture.
  2. Divide the total amount by the number of feedings. So you can understand how much food the baby should consume at a time.

For example, a child weighs 5.7 kg: 5700÷7= 814 ml, 814÷5=163 ml. Of course, in practice it is difficult to prepare exactly 163 ml of the mixture. It is worth doing this: give 160 ml during the day, and add the “remains” to the last meal before bedtime. The child eats well and will sleep through the night.

The main indicator in calculating the mixture is the weight of the child.

If the baby was born with a lot of weight and is actively gaining it, the daily amount of the diet should be calculated differently. Calorie needs need to be taken into account. At 3 months, 115 kcal is needed per 1 kg of body weight. Calculation scheme:

  1. Multiply the child's weight by 115. The result will be daily calories.
  2. Carry out calculations according to the formula - (total calorie × 1000 ml) ÷ calorie content of 1 liter of the mixture. So you can find out the daily volume of the mixture.
  3. Divide the resulting figure by the number of feedings. The result will be a single amount of food for a child with a high weight.

For example, the weight of the baby is 6.7 kg. Calorie content of 1 liter of the mixture - 650 kcal. Calculations: 115×6.7=771 kcal, (771×1000)÷650=1186 ml, 1186÷5=237 ml.

mixed feeding

With a mixed diet, when breastfeeding and formula feeding are practiced, it is important to choose the right artificial milk replacer. It is worth giving preference to a product with a low iron content. An excess of this element can lead to the binding of lactoferrin, a breast milk protein that protects children from infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is not easy to determine the rate of supplementary feeding with a mixture with a mixed diet. It can be from 25 to 120 ml per 1 meal. Usually they follow this regimen: they offer the baby one breast, then the second, and after that, if he is still anxious, they give the mixture. As soon as the baby turns away from the bottle, feeding is stopped.

Unfortunately, in most cases, mixed feeding gradually leads to the rejection of the breast. Getting food from a bottle is easier than from a mother's nipple. As a result, the baby chooses the easier path.

Water requirementFrom the age of three months, the child can already be given water to drink.

At 3 months, the baby should be supplemented with boiled water or baby tea. Do not add sugar to drinks. In the future, this can lead to endocrine disorders (diabetes mellitus) and hypertension. It is worth using purified bottled water for baby food. Before each use, it must be boiled and cooled.

How much should a baby drink? The total fluid requirement at this age is about 100 ml per 1 kg of body weight. However, it should be borne in mind that breast milk and formula contain liquid. It is recommended to give the child 1-2 teaspoons of water in between meals, as well as during night awakenings. It is not necessary to drink the crumbs immediately before feeding, as this can lead to a decrease in appetite.

It is worth introducing liquid (water, tea) from 1-2 drops per day. Every day the volume is recommended to be increased by 2 times. It is advisable to give water in a small spoon made of silicone or soft plastic. It will be more comfortable for a child to drink from it than from a metal one.

The need for supplementary feeding

When a baby turns 3 months old, many parents think that it is time to introduce cereals, juices or mashed potatoes into his menu. This is related to two things. Firstly, in Soviet times, just such early complementary foods were practiced, and most grandmothers advise following traditions. Secondly, manufacturers of specialized baby food write on the packages: "the product is allowed from 3 months."

Complementary feeding at three months is not mandatory and is prescribed only in exceptional cases, for example, in case of underweight or anemia

However, modern pediatricians insist that it is necessary to start feeding the baby with adult dishes from 6 months. Early introduction of complementary foods can adversely affect his health.

However, there are exceptions to the rule. The introduction of complementary foods from 4-5 months is allowed if the child is found to be underweight, rickets or anemia. The decision to change the menu should be made by the pediatrician based on an assessment of the baby's condition. He will recommend what foods you can eat, and also give the norms for their consumption. Some tips:

  • cereals for the first feeding should be boiled in water and be gluten-free, possible options are rice, buckwheat, corn grits;
  • first courses should be prepared from low-allergenic vegetables - pumpkin, cauliflower, broccoli.

Harm of early feeding

What will happen if you start feeding your baby with cereals, mashed potatoes and juices too early? A systemic failure in the functioning of the body may occur, which will manifest itself immediately or after several years. It should be understood that the gastrointestinal tract of the baby is not yet ready to digest a variety of solid foods, since it does not contain the required amount of enzymes.

Early feeding can cause allergies in a child

Possible consequences:

  1. Gastrointestinal disorders - abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, regurgitation, restless behavior. Often in the functioning of the digestive system there is such a strong disruption that you have to undergo a long course of treatment in a hospital.
  2. Allergy. Possible manifestations are an itchy rash, reddened areas, peeling of the skin. At an older age, symptoms of atopic dermatitis and bronchial asthma may occur. Often, negative reactions are caused not only by highly, but also by low allergenic products, since the work of the immune system is disrupted.
  3. Chronic diseases. Too early introduction of complementary foods leads to increased stress on the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and liver. At school age, this usually “results” in chronic inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach (colitis, gastroduodenitis), as well as in bouts of vomiting, abdominal pain, and so on.
  4. End of breastfeeding. Due to the fact that the baby will consume other foods, lactation will inevitably decrease. As a result, this can lead to its complete extinction. The baby will be deprived of valuable nutrients that are present only in mother's milk.

» Baby 3 months old

Child nutrition table up to a year

All life and the correct development of a person is predetermined at a very early age. Especially in the first years of life, the child requires special care and attention. That is why it is so important to choose the right diet. The first 12 months of a child's life require special attention, since during this period a tiny organism only adapts to the environment and new unusual products. Therefore, the nutrition of children up to a year is one of the most discussed topics among young parents.

Monthly nutrition table: calculation for the first year of a child's life

The following are foods that are recommended for children under the age of 1 year. The table of proper nutrition will help you find out what norms for feeding children exist and calculate the feeding of a child by months individually.

Age in months

How to know when it's time to introduce complementary foods

The development of each baby up to a year is an individual process, therefore it is impossible to determine a single age for the introduction of complementary foods. What to focus on? The presence of at least half of the signs listed below indicates that it is time to try to diversify the diet:

  • He himself opens his mouth when a spoonful of food is brought to his mouth;
  • Holds head;
  • During feeding, he can sit in a special chair on his own;
  • Closes mouth when spoonful of food is in mouth
  • Swallows food himself;
  • Shows that he is not hungry (turns away).

How to introduce a new product

During the first year of a child's life, you can not immediately give a large portion of something new. Feeding should be started with a small amount, increasing it over time and bringing it to normal if the child responds well to the product. That is why it is important to conduct such "experiments" in the morning, then you can understand whether this food is suitable for the baby and calculate further feeding. For the same reason, if a child is not feeling well, it is not worth giving him anything new.

The first complementary foods for children, and these are usually juices or mashed potatoes, and then cereals, are introduced separately, that is, you do not need to immediately give a multi-component dish. It is better to start feeding with a teaspoon of carrot, apple or other juice and see if the child has allergies. Up to 7-8 months, food should be ground, for example, using a blender. However, from six months you can try to feed and relatively solid food (banana, boiled carrots).

What can you eat before 6 months

Up to 6 months, the basis of the diet of newborns is breast milk or a special milk formula. Vegetable or fruit puree can be tasted from 3-4 months. Do not forget that you need to cook such food from one ingredient. For a start, suitable: pumpkin, potato, zucchini, cabbage, peach, apricot, plum, apple. The consistency should be quite liquid. Juices are diluted with water.

Vegetable oil should be added to homemade puree (calculation 5 ml per 150 g of product). For this, it is better to use cold-pressed olive oil. When buying ready-made products, you should carefully study the composition, if there is no oil there, it can be added in the same proportion.

After feeding with a new product the next day, be sure to monitor the condition of the child (his skin condition and the nature of the stool). If there are no changes, then from the second day you can give 30-40 grams of vegetable puree or increase the volume of juice.

All week you need to give only one type of vegetable. After this period, if all indicators are within the normal range, then you should take up another product, introducing it into feeding as gradually as in the first week.

Menu for 7-8 months

At this age, mashed or twisted puree, which is a little thicker than could be given at an earlier age, is suitable for nutrition.

By the age of seven months, meat puree from low-fat varieties (chicken, rabbit, turkey, veal) should be introduced according to the table. You also need to give a quarter of an egg, but not more than 2 times a week. Complementary foods at this age should be done 3 times a day, starting with one teaspoon and then bringing up to 60-100 gr.

By eight months of life, the child's nutrition should include sour-milk products, cottage cheese, and cheese. The introduction of such food should be approached with extreme caution. Feeding should start with very small portions, gradually increasing them.

Nutrition at 9-12 months

By this time, the child should be familiar with all the products recommended in the table (cereals, fruits, vegetables, sour-milk, meat, bakery products). Nutrition for children up to a year still has its own characteristics:

  • Cooking is done only by boiling or steaming. Fried and baked is not recommended for children under one year old, it is better to give only from 3 years old;
  • The use of spices, starch or other additives is unacceptable;
  • Chopped food still has to take place;
  • With the introduction of some products for feeding the baby, you need to wait. These include citrus fruits, nuts, exotic fruits, and so on, as the likelihood of developing allergies is high. Sweets are also contraindicated up to a year;
  • During the first year of life, food must be five times a day.

Feeding a child up to a year is something that needs to be approached with great responsibility. You should always remember that every child develops differently, so it is impossible to develop universal norms that must be strictly followed. Here is a table that contains only recommendations, but not an exact calculation. After the introduction of any new product, you should carefully monitor the reaction of the body, because something may not be at all suitable for a single child.

Diet plan for 3 month old baby

Considering the child's menu, the 3rd month is characterized by the fact that the baby should remain exclusively breastfed. At this age, breast milk fully satisfies the baby's needs for all vitamins and nutrients.

In the diet of formula-fed children, the main type of food is formula milk. But usually from this month, the pediatrician recommends introducing complementary foods into the diet for most children. fruit juice. As a rule, the first juice is apple.

You can cook it yourself from fresh green or yellow varieties of apples, or you can also buy ready-made ones designed specifically for kids of this age. Fruit juice for a baby should be given after feeding or between feedings, starting with just 2-3 drops and gradually increasing to 2-3 teaspoons over the course of a month.

Juices it is allowed to give with pulp. Due to the fact that such juices contain fiber and pectin, this helps to stimulate the motor activity of the intestine, and therefore helps digestion.

A little later, at 3.5 months, you can try to enter and fruit puree. which should be given in the same volume and in the same way as the juice. For starters, it is recommended to give the baby a grated apple. Further, fruit purees from other fruits are gradually introduced: pears, plums, cherries, peaches, apricots, bananas. You can also prepare baby purees yourself, or use ready-made canned food.

The daily volume of food by the end of the third month is approximately 1 liter, which includes juice and fruit puree.

The diet of a 3 month old baby includes 6 meals.

An approximate diet for a 3 month old baby is as follows:

first meal - breast milk or infant formula (170 ml);

2 meals breast milk or formula (170 ml), fruit juice (15 ml);

3 reception breast milk or mixture (170 ml);

4 breast milk (mixture) 170 ml and fruit puree (30 g);

5 breast milk or formula (170 ml), fruit juice (15 ml);

6 meals breast milk or infant formula (170 ml).

Characterizing the child's diet, the 4th month is distinguished by the introduction of other products, i.e. in addition to fruit juices and purees, the child tries vegetable puree, egg yolk, cottage cheese.

Publication date: Sun, 08/08/2010 - 08:11

Mom and baby are one organism. What a woman eats immediately enters the child's body, and therefore she should be more than critical about food. How to properly organize the diet for months? When to introduce new foods into your diet?

Most breastfeeding moms make the same mistake - eating too much or too often. Remember, even if you are breastfeeding, you do not need a lot of food. Otherwise, the opposite effect is obtained, in which your baby receives all the toxins and toxins.

In addition, it takes not so many calories to produce milk - no more than 500, everything else will smoothly settle on your hips.

Menu for nursing mothers: the first month

There is nothing complicated in the proper organization of the diet. See for yourself:

1. Drink up to 2.5 liters of fluid per day. Almost all the water will go to lactation. It is not necessary to exceed this rate, it will only reduce milk production.

2. Give preference to a raw food diet.

3. Eat fresh berries, vegetables and fruits (300 - 350 grams per day), They will help you recover faster after childbirth. But do not forget about one condition - we eat only what grows in our area. So far, there can be no talk of exotic delights.

4. The basis of your diet should be the following products:

  • Stewed or boiled meat (not fatty). Ideally, it should be veal or rabbit meat;
  • Milk and dairy products - little by little and not often. Very useful cottage cheese (up to 200 grams 3 times a week) and sour cream 15% fat;
  • Fish (hake, pike perch, cod) - 1-2 times a week;
  • Eggs - 1 pc. in two or three days;
  • Bread - rye, from wholemeal flour;
  • Macaroni - from durum wheat;
  • Kashi - millet, buckwheat, oats;
  • Oil (sunflower, corn, olive) - 15 grams per day;
  • Butter - 30 grams per day;
  • Compotes from prunes, dried apricots, raisins;
  • Vegetables (pumpkin, carrots, zucchini, beets) - 450 grams per day, boiled or fresh. You can also steam vegetables. As for potatoes, you should not abuse it;
  • Almond nuts - a small handful, sometimes;
  • Marshmallow, marshmallows from natural ingredients - 1-2 times a week, a little bit.

5. And this is a list of prohibited products. It extends to the first three months of a baby's life. Take note:

  • Canned food - fish, meat, dairy;
  • vegetable marinades;
  • Homemade pickles;
  • Ketchups;
  • Semi-finished products;
  • Cow's milk (whole);
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Hot sauces, except soy;
  • legumes;
  • Strong tea;
  • Juices;
  • Coffee;
  • Alcohol;
  • Dried fruits;
  • White cabbage;
  • Grape;
  • Nuts;
  • Chocolate;
  • Cheese - processed, with mold;
  • Sausages.

6. Be sure to keep a food diary and record the date of introduction of a new product and the reaction of the baby in it. Don't rush into food, especially if you have people in your family with allergies. Introduce foods gradually and carefully monitor the well-being of the child.

This diary might look like this:

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A properly set baby day routine will help mom relax and gain strength. For a child, order is also necessary for the normal development of the nervous system and all internal organs in general.

Is mode necessary?

The daily routine consists in the sequential execution of actions and depends on the time of day.

  • There will be a certain time for walking, sleeping, feeding. Mom will know exactly when to start cooking or when she can take some time for herself.
  • Supporters of establishing a daily routine feed the child according to a certain schedule. There are pluses here as well. The work of the digestive organs is not overloaded, thereby reducing the risk of developing allergies, overweight. When a mother feeds her baby on demand, the risk of overfeeding increases.
  • The regime favorably affects the comfort and coziness in the family. Mom manages to pay attention not only to the child, but also to her husband and other family members.

Comparative table of the daily routine of children under the age of one year.

Child's age, months 0-3 3-6 6-10
Schedule Approximate time interval, hour
First feeding 6 6 7
Washing, massage, gymnastics, game 6-7 6-7.30 7-9
Dream 7-9 8-10 9-11
Second feeding 9 10 11
Walk, socialize, play 9-10.50 10-11 11-13
Dream 11-13 11-13 13-15
Third feeding 13 13 15
Walk, play, socialize 13.40-14.40 13.20-14.30 15-17
Dream 14.50-16.50 14.30-16.30 17-19.30
Fourth feeding 17 16.30 19.30
Communication, game 16.30-17.30 16.30-18 19.30-21
Dream 17.40-19.30 18-19.30
Bathing 20 20 21
Fifth feeding 20.40 20.40
Communication, reading books, listening to music 20.50-21.40 20.50-21.50
Night sleep 21.40-6 22-6 21-7
Night feeding 1 1

The table clearly shows that as the child grows older, more time should be devoted to joint leisure activities. The routine of the main actions at 10 months becomes close to the regimen of adult children.

Approximate daytime schedule

The child should sleep most of the time for the first month (about 20 hours a day). Thus, the body adapts better to new conditions. Wakefulness is associated with feeding. The diet should include only breast milk.

It should be borne in mind that children in the first days of life are difficult to teach to eat according to the regimen. They can hardly stand the hourly interval, especially those who are breastfed.

If the baby is fed with mixtures, then the interval can be up to 3 hours. The mixture takes longer to digest in the stomach and can be accurately measured. The first month the baby needs about 90 ml of milk for each feeding.

Walking not only promotes healthy sleep and appetite. The sun's rays, falling on the baby's skin, contribute to the production of vitamin D, which is so necessary for normal development.

The schedule of the daily routine of a three-month-old baby looks something like this.

  1. Sleep - at least four times, lasting about 2 hours. Toward the end of the month, night sleep should reach 6 hours.
  2. The interval between feedings should be about 3 hours. At night no more than 6 hours. The diet should still consist of breast milk. Mom should not get carried away with new products, so as not to cause an undesirable reaction from the baby's digestive tract.
  3. You definitely need to be outside. It is necessary to take into account the weather conditions, but on average they devote at least 2 hours a day.

At the age of three months, the mother develops a lactation crisis. Do not feed a three-month-old baby with mixtures and other complementary foods. You just need to wait a bit for the period, and the food will improve again. It will not be possible to accustom to the regime during this period.

By the fourth month, the child is already getting used to the established rules.

Night sleep can already last about 10 hours. The baby sleeps 3 times a day for 2 hours. It should be borne in mind that at this time the first teeth begin to erupt, the child may feel physical discomfort, he becomes capricious, sleep and appetite are disturbed. The mode at this time will go astray. You should not be too strict with him at this time, you can adjust a little to his rhythms.

If the child is breastfed, then the early introduction of complementary foods on the menu is not allowed.

The baby gets all the nutrients from mother's milk. If the baby is fed mixtures, it is allowed to introduce a drop of juice into the diet.

An approximate daily routine by the hour in the first months of a baby's life will clearly show the table.

Time agenda
6.00 First breakfast, sleep
8.30-9.00 Washing. Using a cotton swab or soft towel, wipe the face with warm water, clean the spout. You can drip saline solution if it is hot at home and there are crusts in the nasal cavity. Washing the genitals in the morning is also important.
9.30 Second breakfast, most often sleep again. At this time, mom will put herself in order, gather herself outside.
10.30 Walk. If it is hot outside, then you can’t walk during the period of active sun (from 11 am to 3 pm). In this case, it will be necessary to gather on the street a little earlier. The first walk should not last more than 15 minutes. In winter, you can not go out with a child in the first month of his life at temperatures below -5 degrees. Every day, the walking time should increase.
12.30-13.00 Dinner, sleep. At this time, mom is doing her own thing.
16.00-16.30 Feeding, walking again.
20.00 Feeding, communication, massage.
22.00 Bathing has a positive effect on healthy sleep, so this procedure is carried out in the evening.
22.30 Feeding and sleep care.

The baby of the first month is recommended to be laid later than usual. Thus, you can ensure a long sleep at night. If you put the child to bed early, for example, at 21.00, then the child will wake up for night feeding at 2 o'clock. This time is characterized by a phase of superficial sleep, and the child may not fall asleep for a long time. If all family members go to bed at the same time, then by the first nightly feeding, everyone will have time to gain strength.

Children on artificial feeding at the age of five months are allowed to introduce mashed fruits and vegetables into the diet. After their introduction, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the child.

The menu of a six-month-old child becomes diverse. By this time, the digestive system is quite well strengthened, the enzymes necessary for the digestion of complex foods are produced. Porridge, mashed vegetables and fruits, curds are introduced into the diet. Each new product should be fed no earlier than 10 days later.

The diet of a child at five to six months will clearly help to see the graph.

  1. The first breakfast - kefir, breast milk, mixture.
  2. Second breakfast - porridge, cottage cheese, natural juice.
  3. Lunch - mashed vegetables.
  4. Dinner - kefir.
  5. The second dinner is mother's milk or formula.

At 6 months, milk is in the foreground on the menu, and complementary foods are in the second. Therefore, after each feeding, it is worth giving a mixture or milk. The diet of the seven-month-old baby continues to expand. You can introduce fermented milk products, try to feed mashed meat.

At 8-9 months, the baby still sleeps three times a day, but during the wakeful period, he actively explores the environment. The intervals between feedings become longer and reach up to 5 hours.

At 9 months, the baby's diet is supplemented with fish dishes. At this time, you need to teach the child to hold the spoon on his own. Breast milk is no longer the main food on the baby's menu.

At 10 months, a table of an approximate daily routine might look like this.

Regime establishment rules

In order to develop a daily routine for breastfeeding, the mother herself needs to learn discipline and accustom other family members to it.

Schedule for accustoming the baby to the established regimen.

  1. Rise after a night's sleep should be at the same time. Even if the night turned out to be sleepless, the baby could not fall asleep for a long time after feeding, he needs to be woken up for hygiene procedures.
  2. You yourself need to set a convenient time for feeding, sleeping, walking, bathing, and repeat daily. In a few days, the baby will get used to such a schedule, and the mother will feel relieved.
  3. You need to stop feeding on a free schedule. If the baby has recently eaten and is again reaching out with his mouth to the chest, he may just be thirsty. In this case, you can offer water.
  4. Rituals will help the child get used to the regimen faster. For example, before going to bed, you can sing songs or read poems, before bathing, you can walk around the room and look at objects or listen to music.

Throughout the entire time of accustoming to the regimen, the mother will need to be patient, not angry or nervous if the child cannot get used to the routine.

On average, it is possible to establish a daily routine in 10-14 days.

What should a mother do if a child confuses day with night, and how to teach him to sleep continuously all night?

  • A similar problem may arise due to the child’s poor health (teething, colic, colds). You need to see a doctor for advice on treatment.
  • Dry, hot air in the room. The air temperature in the room where the child sleeps should be 20-22 degrees, humidity - no more than 70%. Before going to bed, the room should be ventilated for at least 30 minutes.
  • The day should be filled with activity. Play more, communicate with the child, do massage, gymnastics. Before going to bed, you can bathe in a large bathroom, where he will be able to actively move.
  • The feeding ration must be set correctly. Breast milk or formula should be included in the menu no earlier than 22 hours, if complementary foods are introduced, then porridge can be offered for dinner.

After the birth of a child, the usual way of life in the family changes. It is important not only to feed and put the baby to bed on time, but also to maintain a friendly and positive atmosphere in the family.

All parents are concerned about the first complementary foods for a child. If the baby is breastfed and is gaining weight well, then acquaintance with adult food should be postponed until six months. For artificial babies or babies who are not gaining weight well, it is recommended to introduce the first complementary foods at 3 months. Where exactly to start depends on the wishes of the parents and the recommendations of the pediatrician.

Introduction to adult food

If the doctor said: “We introduce complementary foods at 3 months!”, It means that there are good reasons for this. Do not resist and argue with a specialist.

Doctors usually give such recommendations to those children who are small in weight or height, despite regular feeding with milk or formula. There is a certain norm according to which you need to start feeding children from 3 months. Your pediatrician has a food quantity chart. Ask your doctor to give it to you and read it carefully.

Starting complementary foods at 3 months

So you've decided to introduce your baby to adult food. Where to begin? There are several options: cereals, vegetable and fruit purees or juice. Depending on why your baby is recommended to start early complementary foods, the method of introducing the baby to food is chosen.

Juice introduction

Complementary foods with juice from 3 months are recommended for children who develop normally, gain weight well and grow. Nowadays, on the shelves of stores you can find a lot of products made specifically for baby food. You can purchase juice that does not cause allergies and is recommended for consumption from the age of three months.

Also, an alternative option may be to prepare a delicious liquid yourself. If you have a juicer, then feeding a baby at 3 months with homemade juice will not be difficult.

How to introduce a new drink?

It is better to start with an apple or a pear. Shop products are already ready for use. If you squeeze the juice yourself, then it must be diluted with drinking water in an amount of one to one.

If you have never given juice to a baby, then you need to gradually start complementary foods from 3 months. The table of proper nutrition suggests that on the first day you can give the child a few drops of juice. After that, you need to carefully observe the reaction of the baby.

Introduction of fruit or vegetable puree

If the baby has too much weight gain (3 months), complementary foods can be started with vegetables or fruits. A prerequisite for this is the absence of allergies during breastfeeding.

If you decide to introduce vegetables, then you should start with zucchini, cauliflower or broccoli. Never enter two vegetables at the same time. For the first feeding with fruit, apples or pears should be preferred. Exotic fruits (pineapples, kiwi and others) should be completely postponed until the moment when the child is one year old.

You can purchase jars of fruit and vegetable food from the store or cook your own food. Shop products are already ready for use. Carefully look at the expiration date and read the composition of the dish.

When cooking at home, you need to boil the vegetables. After that, you need to grind the product in a blender or with a meat grinder. In order to make the dish more liquid, you need to add a little drinking water to it. It is not recommended to salt the first meal or add sugar. Fruit puree can also be prepared using a blender or a special food processor.

How and in what quantity to give puree?

On the first day, offer your baby puree on the tip of a teaspoon. See how your body reacts to the new food. On the second day, you can slightly increase the amount of complementary foods for children from 3 months. The table indicates that after two weeks the baby can consume up to 50 grams of puree. A prerequisite is the absence of an allergic reaction.

The introduction of porridge

In this case, it is worth giving preference to buckwheat or rice groats cooked in water. You can buy such porridge in the store. It is enough to dilute it with hot water. You can also boil the cereal yourself and carefully grind it to a puree state. Milk porridge can be prepared for those children who eat artificial milk formula. They are already quite familiar with this product and should not react negatively to it. Such a dish will be more satisfying and nutritious.

How much and how to give the baby the first porridge?

The table recommends starting complementary foods from 3 months as follows. On the first day, you can offer the crumbs one quarter of a teaspoon of the product. In the absence of a negative reaction, the serving on the second day can be half a teaspoon.

After two to three weeks, the baby can safely consume up to 50 ml of a cereal product.

3 months old baby: development, complementary foods and possible problems

Difficulties may not arise immediately. Perhaps you can easily introduce porridge and juice, and an allergic reaction will occur on vegetable puree. That is why it is necessary to gradually introduce each product. To get acquainted with one dish, the baby is given from two weeks to one month. During this time, it is necessary to gradually increase the dose of the consumed dish daily.

In addition to allergies, the child may have problems with stool. If the consistency of feces has changed or abdominal pain and increased gas formation have occurred, then it is worth canceling the product and contacting a pediatrician for treatment.

Three month old baby menu

If you want to start a close acquaintance of a child with adult food, then you need to make the right menu. For breakfast, you can offer your baby a portion of porridge, which he will drink with breast milk or an artificial mixture.

The next meal is between breakfast and lunch. In this feeding, you need to give the baby his usual dairy food.

During lunch, the baby can taste vegetable puree, which must also be supplemented with milk. The child may also give up his usual dairy food in favor of a new dish. There is nothing wrong with that.

The next feeding consists of breast milk or formula. Offer your child the usual portion of food.

In the evening (before going to bed), it is recommended to feed the baby with breast milk or formula. Such food will help him relax, get enough and fall asleep. Also, the usual food is not heavy. It will not create discomfort in the stomach and intestines.

Remember that when the child turns 3 months old, development, complementary foods and regimen should correspond to this age. All products during this period must be introduced gradually. Take your time, otherwise your baby may have health problems.

Feed your baby deliciously and correctly!