Bear hat for the new year with your own hands. Do-it-yourself bear costume for a boy - sewing methods. Step-by-step instructions for creating a bear costume for an adult

The need to bring a son in a carnival costume to a New Year's party puts parents before the choice of buying or making their own holiday attire. In terms of labor savings, the easier solution is to go to the store. However, spending family money on a one-time purchase is an irrational step.

Preparing a costume on your own scares many parents. But practice shows that a suitable outfit can be prepared in a couple of evenings. A good choice would be the image of the unofficial national symbol - the bear.

What should a children's bear costume consist of

The first association with the bear's carnival outfit is a baggy faux fur jumpsuit. It looks the most beautiful, but it will be difficult for a child to stay in such warm clothes for a long time. For this reason, it is worth stopping at a more comfortable option, which is sewn from fleece fabric.

Despite the fact that in nature there are several colors of these predators, traditional brown material should be chosen as the basis for the costume.

The outfit itself will consist of the following parts:

    a hat imitating a bear's head with ears, eyes and a nose sewn to it;

    fleece vest;

    old pants of a similar color that can be shortened and hemmed at the cut.

Materials and equipment for tailoring

For the costume you will need fleece fabric, padding polyester, brown threads, glue, a sewing needle and scissors. Faster and better work will come out when using a sewing machine. In the absence of this device at home, it can be temporarily borrowed from friends or acquaintances. You can use faux fur for the tail.

As a basis for the bottom of the outfit, the son's old pants are suitable. It is desirable that they be dark gray or brown (it is better not to use bright trousers).

Breeches preparation

The lower part of the outfit will have to be shortened due to the fact that the old pants have become small for him in length. At the first stage, you need to cut off unnecessary parts of the trousers with scissors. If it turned out not quite exactly, the error will be corrected. After that, you will need to cut the inner seams of the legs from below by 5-7 cm and measure the width of the trousers in this part.

The resulting elements are sewn with a machine, first from the outside of each leg, and then from the inside. After that, the previously ripped seam over the fleece should be restored. As a result, a brown edging will be obtained at the bottom of the breeches.

For the tail, you will need a round piece of faux fur to match the suit with a diameter of about 10 cm. It should be stitched around the circumference, pull the thread and fill the resulting cavity with synthetic winterizer. After that, the tail can be attached to the back of the breeches.

The preparation of the bottom part of the outfit is completed!

Sewing a vest

The vest can be made solid, since this option is sewn from 2 fabric elements.

As a sample for the pattern, a son's T-shirt or sleeveless jacket is suitable. It should be reproduced on paper with a margin of a couple of centimeters, which will be “eaten” by the seams.

When the fabric is cut according to the drawing, you can begin to stitch the resulting pieces of material. It is important to follow the smooth direction of movement in the process of using the machine. Having connected the resulting parts on the sides, you should ennoble the vest from below, carefully tucking it in this part and securing the resulting bend with a seam from the inside.

Making a hat

By analogy with the previous element, you can sew a fleece headdress according to a pattern made on the basis of a boy's knitted hat. The technology completely repeats the manufacture of the vest. After that, only the last details will remain: ears, nose and eyes.

Any old soft toy can act as a “donor” for the eyes. They can be attached with glue, or with threads, if there is a corresponding hole.

The ears are made from pieces of round-shaped fleece, pulled together around the perimeter and stuffed with padding polyester. Small incisions are made in the upper part of the cap, where the ears will be. They are fastened with seams.

The nose should be black and resemble a potato. Any fabric that needs to be folded and stuffed with padding polyester is suitable for it, after which, sew to the bottom edge of the front side of the cap.

To create a comfortable costume for a children's party, extraordinary abilities are not required. Sewing can be turned into a pleasant and fun activity if you involve the whole family in it!

Moms dress their children with cute animals for the holidays. The image of a teddy bear for a boy is more than ever welcome.

Today's master class is devoted to the question: how to sew a bear costume with your own hands for a boy.

DIY bear costume for a boy: materials and tools

The fabric from which the suit is sewn should be breathable, and if it is faux fur, then the knitting should be loose and loose. This is in case you want to sew a suit out of an old thick plaid that looks exactly like a bear skin. If the material is too dense, the child will sweat quickly. In this state, the baby will not want to have fun at the holiday. For the same reason, this master class offers a separate version of the suit, where the vest and pants are sewn separately.

For sewing, you will need the following materials and tools:

The top or front fabric is brown or beige, terry or fleecy (the length of the pile does not matter);

The bottom or inner fabric does not matter what color, the main thing is that it be made of natural material (linen, poplin, satin, cotton);

Plastic eyes and nose to represent a muzzle or ear rim;

Strong threads, scissors, measuring tape, sewing machine.

If you have a plain natural dense fabric or satin, then the bottom or inner fabric is not needed.

DIY bear costume for a boy: a separate costume

For this costume, you will need to sew a vest, shorts or pants and a hat or ears on the headband. Boots and mittens are sewn at will. A child without them will look like a bear. At the request of the parents, the image can be supplemented with little things.

So, for example: a vest can be sewn both with ties and one-piece, with a bow around the neck and a fabric of a different color on the chest and stomach.

Option 1

Here is a solution for making a costume can be offered from brown satin fabric.

For this product you will need a piece of fleece fabric, satin fabric, a red bow or fabric on a bow, and a wide elastic band.

Stage 1

Before drawing the pattern, measure your child with a measuring tape. You will need to know the height of the jacket (from shoulder to hip), sleeve length, arm circumference, collar circumference, shoulder width (from collar to shoulder angle), chest circumference. For pants: thigh circumference, leg length from the waist to the ankle (if these are shorts, then to the knee), the length of the inside of the leg (from the groin to the ankle), leg circumference.

Stage 2

Measure the fabric, draw the details and cut them out of the fabric. You should get: two parts of the jacket (front and back), two parts of the sleeve, two parts of the pants. Note that the front of the sweater should be cut out of the fleece fabric.

This pattern of pants is the easiest and fastest.

Stage 3

Sew together the front and back of the jacket. Sew the sleeves into the arm holes.

Sew the details of the pants together along the upper side cuts. Scroll the product so that the seam lies between the parts, and the two parts lie on the sides of the seam folded in half. In this position, stitch each piece separately. This seam will go between the legs.

Stage 4

Tuck the cut-off part of the sleeves and the bottom of the sweater and sew, stepping back from the edge one centimeter. Fold and stitch the waistband and leg opening in the same way.

Insert a wide elastic band into the sleeves and waist on the jacket. Insert the same into the pants at the waist and legs.

Stage 5

Sew a ready-made butterfly to the neck. If you do not have a purchased butterfly, then you can make it yourself.

You will need a 20 x 20 cm square of fabric for a bow and a 5 x 10 cm strip of the same fabric. Sew together two opposite edges of a large square and turn the seam so that it lies in the middle of the resulting tube, and not on the side. Turn inside out and iron the fabric tube.

From the strip, in exactly the same way, make a small circle. Insert a large circle into a small one and stretch exactly to the middle. Butterfly is ready. You can safely sew it to the bear costume.

Option 2

For this type of costume, the vest is worn wide open.

Stage 1

Choose a fabric and apply vest details to it. If you chose a fabric with faux fur for such a suit, then a natural fabric lining is usually sewn on its inside. And this means that if you sew in the lining, then the patterns must be duplicated. That is, the drawing of the details is applied both to the front fabric with artificial fur, and to the lining or inner.

For sewing, you need to get two parts of the front side and one part of the back side of the vest from the front part and exactly the same parts from the inner fabric.

Draw the outline of the details for sewing pants or shorts on the fabric.

Stage 2

Cut out the resulting parts and sew together the parts from the inner fabric and separately from the outer fabric. The vest is sewn on the shoulder and on the side.

It’s worth mentioning right away that shorts or pants are sewn according to the same principle as in the first version of the suit.

Stage 3

If you are sewing a product without a second inner layer, then turn all cut edges (sleeve, neck, hem, trouser leg and belt on pants) inward by one or two turns and sew, stepping back from the edge no more than one centimeter.

If you decide to sew a suit from two layers (inner and outer), then assemble the resulting parts together. Fold the pants sewn from the inner fabric with the pants from the artificial border right side to the front. Sew along the cut edge, namely at the waist and at the legs. Do the same with the vest.

Leave a small piece (15-20cm) unstitched. Turn your pants and vest inside out through these holes. Hand-sew the unstitched section of the fabric with a blind seam.

DIY bear costume for a boy: hat or headband with ears

In order to make it clear that you have a bear in front of you, and not another animal, you need to sew a hat with the face and ears of a bear.

Stage 1

In order to sew a bear hat, you need to measure the circumference and depth of the child's head.

Stage 2

Apply a pattern of a hat, ears and muzzle to the fabric according to the following pattern.

Stage 3

Cut out the resulting parts and sew together. Pre-sewn ears are inserted into the ear holes, and the seam is stitched on a sewing machine.

Turn the bottom edge of the hat over and sew around the entire circumference.

Stage 4

Sew the muzzle onto the front of the hat, leaving a small section unsewn. Through it, push a lot of filler under the fabric and finish the left segment. These will be the cheeks of the bear. He has large ones, so the larger the shape, the better.

Sew the nose and eyes in place. The hat with the bear's face is ready.

If you don't feel like messing around with sewing a hat, you can make bear ears and attach them to the rim.

According to the scheme above, only the ears are cut out and sewn together. The bottom edge is not stitched. The ears are turned inside out and put on the rim with the lower edge. Sew up the cut edge so that the rim remains hidden inside between the fabrics.

Carnival costumes are a mandatory attribute of most children's parties, but at each of them the child may want to try a new look, and this is quite expensive. Therefore, parents try to sew costumes on their own. For example, you can create an image of the owner of the forest - a bear - in several ways, varying in degree of complexity, but each of them perfectly conveys the intended character.

We sew a New Year's bear costume for a boy

If you know how to sew, especially working with dense and heavy fabrics, you can start making a bear costume from scratch. But this will take a lot of free time, which is usually already in short supply, so for those who need an easier way out, there are several simple express options.

  • Firstly, you can always use the things in the house and do their “transformation”. In particular, for the New Year's bear costume, you will need a loose jacket with a long front zipper, and it is desirable that it be with a hood. Also useful are straight wide trousers in brown or white, made of soft material (for example, fleece). The shade of the jacket does not play a special role, since it will be greatly modified. In the store, all that remains is to purchase a sufficient amount of brown or white fleece, find suitable threads and related tools - scissors, soap, pins, etc.
  • The dimensions of the cut of brown or white fleece are calculated in advance: the fabric should be enough to completely cover the original material of the jacket. You don’t need to build a preliminary pattern, since you already have a frame, and you just need to “wrap” it with a new layer. A jacket is laid out on a stretched and ironed fabric, first the front and back are circled along the contour, then the hood, and then attention is paid to the sleeves. All the details must be cut out, not forgetting about the increase for the seams, and carefully sewn over the sweater.
  • Particular attention is paid to the hood, i.e. future bear head. To arrange it properly, 4 circles with a diameter of 15 cm are cut out of brown fleece. They need to be folded together in pairs with the front sides inward, sewn so that only 2-3 cm of the edge remains intact, and turn out through this hole. These will be the bear's ears: inside they are filled with either a dense synthetic winterizer or scraps of other fabrics. In the middle on each "ear" you need to place a circle of lighter fleece, with a diameter of 7-9 cm. After that, the "ears" can be sewn to the hood, with the hole through which they were stuffed down. Additionally, from 2 small circles (diameter 6-7 cm) of black color, sewn together and also stuffed with padding polyester, a nose is obtained. Eyes can be drawn or embroidered with dark threads.
  • The last detail of the bear costume is mittens that will imitate his paws. The sewing technology is very simple, and even a pattern is drawn in a matter of minutes. It is enough just to circle the child’s palm along with the fingers, making a small increase so that his hand feels free inside the thing. From the same brown fleece, parts are cut out, which are again connected in pairs with the front sides, sewn together and turned inside out. On the inner sides of each mitten, you need to place smaller copies of the same pattern, made in a lighter shade - these will be the “pads” on the paws. And in order to keep the mittens on children's hands, the edge is bent, turning into a drawstring, and a simple linen elastic is inserted into it.

Read also:

If you still decide to sew a children's bear costume from scratch, you will need to build a pattern. In fact, there is no single pattern for such a suit, because it can be one-piece and separate, certain details can vary in it, so choose from the existing assortment what you can do.

The general components of the image of a bear are a free top and bottom, soft slippers, paws, mittens, round ears that can “sit” on a cap or on a rim. Additional details like ears and mittens have been discussed above, and now you need to pay attention to the main things: the top and bottom of the suit. These are wide straight pants that can even be combined with slippers, and the same wide jacket, also often sewn with mittens. To complete the image, it is recommended to add a round belly pillow to the jacket to make the bear plump.

The pattern of the upper and lower parts of the suit are standard patterns of simple trousers, the legs of which can be gathered at the bottom with an elastic band, as well as a classic pattern of a long-sleeve sweater with a zipper. Allowances for fabric shrinkage and seams are determined based on a specific type of material: for a bear costume, it is recommended to choose soft, loose options - for example, fleece, or fabrics that imitate fur. But since the child can be hot in the latter, it is better to use them in separate areas: a hat, back, neck trim.

If you want the suit to be one-piece, be sure to insert a hidden zipper into the side seam. Putting it in the middle of the “torso” is unreasonable, since often in the abdomen there is an additional bear’s belly, which cannot be divided in half, and the expanding chest may not be enough for the baby to remove the costume painlessly.

It is possible to add volume to the bearish body not only due to the pillow: in a one-piece suit made of trousers and a sweater, a whalebone or other rigid corset-type frame connected in a circle is inserted into the junction (often close to the hip bones). But such technology is more suitable for a suit for a boy of 8-10 years old: it will be inconvenient for a preschooler to move around in such clothes.

An interesting express method for creating a polar bear costume is suitable for parents of kids of 2 years old. To bring it to life, you need a large toy polar bear, equal in height to your child. Carefully, several seams open at the toy: the one that connects the head and torso, and the middle or lateral one. As soon as the bear can be “opened”, all stuffing material is removed from it, and the toy is stretched by hand.

Since such products are not intended to be worn on the body, care must be taken to ensure that the baby is comfortable in such a suit. Therefore, you will need a soft, but not warm (the material of the toy itself is already dense) fabric in such an amount that is enough to create a full-fledged back layer. You don’t have to worry about special care regarding cut parts or seams: the main thing is that they do not cause discomfort to the child when they are adjacent to his body.

A zipper is sewn into the side seam so that the suit is easy to put on and take off. The seam connecting the torso and head of the bear is not connected back. The free edges of the fabric must be processed to prevent them from shedding, a thin elastic band is sewn into the edge related to the head of the toy, corresponding in length to the girth of the child's head. If necessary, you can make a tightly stuffed bear belly out of 2 fleece circles connected into a round pillow with a padding polyester inside. This pillow is sewn in the center of the body from the front side, the seam is applied hidden.

The latest quick version of the children's polar bear costume is no longer focused on reworking old things, but has a simple tailoring technology, so any mom can do it. The entire costume will consist of a vest, short pants, a hat and mittens. How to build the last 3 elements was described in detail above. If you do not have the opportunity to make a full-fledged hat, you can do with simple round ears stuffed with batting and attached to a plastic rim, which must be covered with the appropriate fabric.

The vest is a traditional sleeveless jacket: a solid back, separate front halves, fastened with a button or hooks. Here it is already recommended to work with fabrics imitating fur, since fleece will not be enough, and due to the openness of the suit in the fur “shell”, the baby will not overheat. The vest has only 4 seams: 2 side seams, connecting the front halves with the back, and 2 upper ones, located on the shoulders. Additionally, the edges of the parts are processed, especially the opening for the hands and the neck. The hooks are sewn opposite each other on the front halves, from the wrong side, so that the fixation is hidden.

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How to sew a dress and skirt for a doll with your own hands

Doll "Leshka ginger" with his own hands.

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Girls, good afternoon, I address as to professionals. It is necessary to sew children's costumes for Victory Day, the Soviet uniform of those times - tunics and skirts, caps. What fabric should you be looking for? What is its correct name? I reviewed several sites, but did not find it .... Maybe someone knows where it is sold? Or even in the joint venture here?


buy gabardine

I don’t know the answer to your question, but if the uniform is needed “once”, I wouldn’t bother looking for an authentic fabric, I would just choose the right color. I remember that our mothers once did just that, motivating them by the fact that no one would "feel" children anyway, but from a distance it looks quite similar)
Well, if you need "for centuries", then I would find a military trade atelier and ask there.

Carnival costume for a boy: a master class with a photo, a minimum of sewing and costs

Carnival costumes for girls 3-7 years old: tulle tutu and image ideas (photo)


It is rather difficult to make such a skirt neatly, there will be a lot of fabric on the belt. if it turns out heavy, then the baby will slide down from the belly. And it prickles. Looks impressive, of course. But better ready to buy.

I sewed a tutu skirt for the New Year's party according to this master class
It worked out great!

DIY carnival costumes for children

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Do-it-yourself squirrel costume.

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DIY toys: master class, patterns and patterns.

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I have one with a shirt, if you need, knock)

maybe my version will work? take a wide fabric (depending on the width of the child) sew the middle seam, it turns out a pipe ... buy a thin elastic band, it looks like a spool of thread only an elastic band ... wind this elastic band around the bobbin ... and the upper thread is ordinary .... and sew from above in a circle ... the length of this "gum" as you want according to the model. and just sew on the straps, and process the bottom. looks something like this...[link-1]

Has anyone been on the METRO recently? Suddenly noticed if there are dragon costumes? I need a party, adult))). Or where can I buy cheap? Now I'm looking at what I can build myself. But, here it is)))), as in the link, I definitely won’t do it. It must be such a needlewoman. [link-1]


IMHO, you can buy green or gold, silver leggings and a turtleneck to match them, plain foil, synthetic winterizer and polysilk to match leggings with a turtleneck. polysilk is a thin foil for gift wrapping. form a mask from ordinary foil and threads, from a synthetic winterizer and threads - a tail and paws, wrap (knead) the muzzle, tail, paws with polysilk and threads. you can stick sequins on top, you can not glue. the tail can be made on a ribbon on the belt.

Yes, a chic suit, thanks for the link. Particularly pleased:))))):
"Of course, my daughter is delighted, but she is tired of measuring it endlessly, because I don’t know how to cut it and cut everything out and adjusted it on it. Then I corrected it again and tried it on again. Within a month, somewhere."
That's where the patience is! For one time.

Soft toys made by mom are much better than those brought from the store.

Please take a look at the topic in Buying and Selling, it is very necessary!

we were puzzled by two performances, we are aibolites and cooks :) and we need costumes: (don’t offer to sew - this is anrial, I won’t even be able to make a pattern: (I can only draw a thread from paper, but this will obviously not be enough:) is there anywhere -thread such wealth in a rich, inexpensive form?


In a professional clothing store:) buy chef's hats. And for a doctor, everything is in Medtech. The size of the head of the children is almost adult - therefore, it will do, well, in extreme cases, sew an elastic band.

02.12.2009 10:42:47, ..Lukyana

we bought sets for role-playing games in the garden, about 300 rubles, we had a hat and a cape, very good. quality.
I immediately found it here, but the site where we took it there was a choice of 30 positions. I also saw them in a store on Kseninsky Lane, which is between the Kultury Park and Frunzenskaya on the ground floor, but I had seen them for a long time.

Help a newbie, please :) I decided to sew a hat-helmet for a child according to a pattern: Pattern from Ottobre magazine in PDF format 1) I carefully measured the head - 49 cm. But they seem to say that helmets should fit tightly ... And I haven’t sewn the edging on the face yet. Will it help? Can the edging in the forehead area be made wider? 2) I want to sew a winter version. Those. in fact, sew two such hats (outer and inner layer) + a thin layer ...


I sewed from fleece according to this pattern on an overlock (the seams should be elastic), like a balaclava under a knitted hat. Worn ok, not very stretchy, and I needed to keep it from peeking out. Better from a more elastic fabric, and children are different, I leave more allowances with fitting.

On the eve of the rainy season, I want to sew a raincoat for my daughter, but I don’t know how to approach it. Does anyone have any patterns or ideas. Do I need to reinforce the seams with any fabric? How can you decorate? What fasteners: zipper or Velcro? I want to use transparent greenhouse film. There are a lot of questions, I don’t have answers to them: (Help, please.


I sewed for myself and my children raincoats and bicycle capes made of waterproof fabric, impregnated nylon, I like silver (the reverse side is silver, the face is all kinds of bright colors). I sewed it like a simple wide jacket, with a small slit in front so that the head could crawl through. The pattern is similar to simple knitting patterns: rectangular front-back and trapezoid sleeves. Elasticated cuffs make it more comfortable.
Take a jacket that fits you, sketch the hood and neck, and the rest - as you wish.
For a 2-year-old son, she sewed a long raincoat so that her legs were hidden when she was sitting in a stroller, the bottom was with an elastic band and when she walked, the elastic band was raised higher, it was very convenient.

my child had a rain cover made of very polyethylene fabric. I'll tell you.
Open this - yourself - this is the sun. Fastened at the front, cutout for the neckline. Front fastening with buttons. A hood is attached to the neck. The sun descends on the handles, the handles walk with their palms on the street. And where the cuffs are, there are 2 more buttons to fix the raincoat in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe arms. Otherwise, it turns on the child.
The water runs great...
Sewing - there was a film type, but the fabric ... where there are buttons for fastening - there is an additional layer - a collar or something attached - for density.

On Yegoritch. lies a hare suit, but desired to be a bear. And what to do? Where to go? Height 114cm, strong build :) Or send links to patterns. I'll try to make it myself out of plush. although my hands are out of my ass... But only two weeks are left. need at least something!


I sewed it myself, maybe I needed to portray a dog ... put the fur on the floor (I went and bought the cheapest brown fur in the store beforehand), put my son’s sweater on the fur and circled the pants with chalk, sewed it, added it with a gusset so that the “household” would not pull, it didn’t squeeze, the hood was also made of scraps, the ears were a tiny tail ... it turned out cool ... a sort of overalls that half of my team had already dragged to all sorts of events and that only Cheburashka and a bear were not depicted from it, etc.

Help, we need a cockerel carnival costume for a children's party in a kindergarten. Maybe someone has a pattern or diagrams on how to make it yourself. Thank you in advance.

What else to study? If nothing happens, it’s not a pity: anyway, the thing has already served its purpose. If it doesn’t work out quite well, it’s not scary, it will take half a year, and then it won’t be enough. I do not offer you patterns and cutting patterns. I offer a few tips that will hopefully keep you from needing such circuits. What exactly to sew? I remember that at school, in labor lessons, we first sewed panties, then a nightgown, and only then a skirt. Now take a few ready-made things and compare their complexity. You will notice that there are as many seams in the panties as in trousers (without a fly), and the light shirt has fuss ...


reworking things is really great. before it helped me a lot and now I’m teaching my daughter. now I’m a grandmother, I have a grandson and granddaughter. in this way you can dress yourself and children without repeating. well done girls

03/23/2010 11:38:20 AM, svetlanamimino

I sew very well, I can do everything from a coat to a chiffon blouse, but...
I applied it so much in my childhood that I was sewn up and tried it out in the years of poverty that I would not do this to a child. Children grow up quickly, everyone readily passes very good things to each other, and this hobby takes a lot of time. So I spend so little on clothes.

I'm looking for a bear pattern by Anna Koetz. The bear is white, very fluffy. I saw it on a donkey. can't contact the author of the letter.

Girls!!! A cry for help. The child needs a Cheburashka costume. Somehow I'll find the pattern for the jumpsuit myself. But the hat is nowhere to be found. We need a pattern of a hat - a cap with ties at the bottom, so that it fits snugly around the head and the seam is not along, but across the head (so that ears can be sewn into the side seams). Maybe someone already sewed something similar? Not necessarily an exact pattern, you can just build a principle. Thank you in advance.


It's easy .. you can wrap your head with a cloth, so find the main size ...
Then estimate the depth of the cap on the head ... Next Divide the structure into 3 parts.
Sew, sticking ears there. Sew on ties. You can make folds at the neck, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe child's ears ..

. .
. .
...... ......
. .
. . - sew here, and there will be a cap!

If someone has ideas on how to build a Gray Goose costume for the New Year's holiday in the kindergarten with their own hands (this is from a song about two cheerful geese that lived with a grandmother). There will be a dance in which my son plays the role of this same Gray Goose. A necessary attribute is the tail, which is involved in the course of the dance. Well, it is desirable that after looking at the suit, they would not confuse him with the Gray Wolf. Thanks in advance to everyone for the ideas and suggestions available for implementation.


As far as I remember from the cartoon and from the book, the geese are there in pants tucked into boots, shirts, blouses, belted with a belt and a black cap on their heads. I think that black trousers tucked into boots, a gray shirt or sweater (if you are a gray goose), and a baseball cap on your head and a beak on it. And the tail is made of feathers (I usually cut them out of paper).

Girls, tell me how to sew a skullcap for a little girl? At least approximately!

I'm sitting here scratching my head. The only thing that came to mind was to make a vest and mittens out of the old fur lining. And what’s on your head? .. In general, you can look at the box office, but I want to try something myself, especially since there is still time - we need it by Christmas ...


When my son was 4 years old, I made a bear very simply. He had a jumpsuit with artificial brown fur, which was already small and frayed. So I just turned it inside out with fur, cut out the former outer fabric so that it was not very hot and comfortable, masked the inner hem of the fabric with tinsel and the bear is ready. He had a hood on his head and a mask on his face.

The jumpsuit is still more bearish than the vest. But more fur is needed.

Hat: measure the volume of the head + 3 cm, this is the long side of the rectangle. The short side is 23-25 ​​cm. Fold in half, cut off the corners from the top (round off) and sew the ears into the same upper seam. That's what I did - it turned out great!

it’s not Danka’s destiny to be a pirate :(. they have a bear in the kindergarten group - a “totem animal”. old and we ourselves have to dress up. how to get by with "little blood"? people in the group buy costumes in Auchan for 600 r, I don’t raise my hand for this. no one has seen the ears separately, or maybe knows how to do it? and below I want to go brown...

For a 1.2-year-old kid, I want to sew or knit a carnival costume for him (preferably knitted), does anyone know where you can find patterns, diagrams, descriptions? thanks in advance to all

Girls, tell me where you can find costume patterns for the New Year's party? Does anyone have any ideas about the teddy bear costume? I went to the library yesterday and they didn't find anything. Help ..... I really want to sew a costume with my child ...

Girls, what would you recommend to sew a polar bear costume from? If you sew from cotton or other thin fabric, then what to put inside so that your son looks like a bear even from a distance (he is thin with me)? And if anyone has seen patterns of such a suit, please let me know. Thank you. Olga.

I decided here to create a cycle of master classes on designing and sewing hats. Here is the promised pussy.

For such a hat, you can use fleece or polartek +++ any insulation you like. I have 2 different fleeces and thinsulate 100k (insulation.)

First, let's make a pattern. You will need three measurements: the circumference of the head, the circumference of the face, and the distance from the eyebrow line, through the crown to the base of the skull.
For example, you got OG-48, OL-52, and 34

Now we are building a grid of the drawing: a rectangle with a width equal to the half-girth of the head + 2 cm, a height equal to the half-girth of the face +2 cm, since a hat with insulation, if you sew without a heater, you can not make an increase!
And so our rectangle is 25 by 27 cm.
For convenience, I marked the main points in the drawing with letters, further from point A (in the upper left corner) - set aside 6 cm (in sizes up to 50th) and 8-9 cm (in sizes over 50th). and draw a horizontal line.
Next, we find point C from the point, set aside a distance equal to half the distance from the eyebrows to the base of the turtle. We have it 34/2 = 17 cm. We draw another horizontal line.
Then we divide the rectangle vertically exactly in half, at the intersection with the horizontal lines we get points A1, B1, C1, D1
The drawing grid is ready.

Then we divide the segment AA1 exactly in half and draw vertical lines, we also do it with the neighboring segment.

Now it remains to draw a hat. We decorate our cuts with planned rounded lines - these are tucks so that the cap lies round on the head. We lower the occipital part of the cap by 2 cm (Point Z) and draw out the front and occipital parts with smooth lines, at the same time outlining the ear - arbitrarily. The drawing is ready.

We cut out the pattern, take a piece of fabric - fold it in half - lay the pattern with the front part to the fold, circle and cut it out with an allowance of 0.7. The details of the lining and insulation are cut analogino, but 1.5-2 mm less than the top. ++ We cut out the ears of the shape and size that seems acceptable to you.

We sew the details. Starting from the front tuck. Do not forget to iron each seam so that the finished product looks perfect.

We arbitrarily outline and draw out the antennae.

We grind the occipital seam and ears. Then we put the ears into the side tucks, cut off the middle parts and grind with one line.

Then we take a piece of usually knitted elastic, literally 5 cm. And we pin it at a distance of 3-4 cm to the occipital seam, while stretching the elastic as much as possible.

Sew the elastic with a three-foot zigzag. On my car, this is line number 10. Who does not have such a line, you can simply use a zig-zag.

This rubber band is needed so that the cap fits snugly from the back of the head. The top part is ready.

We do the same with the lining, having previously connected it along the contour with a heater.

It remains to collect the hat.

To do this, we turn the lining on the front side, and the top on the wrong side and put the top on the lining. By no means the other way around! Otherwise, the lining will turn inside out on the face! We cut off and stitch along the contour.

We make a small hole along the occipital seam of the lining and turn the hat inside out.
It is almost ready, it remains to sew on the knitting.

I also decided to stick a bentik to the ear. I cut out 2 pieces of multi-colored fleece, decorated with Swarovski crystals and formed a bow.

That's what came out of it:)))

My smart husband also drew such a great design for embroidery, and the kitty became a set with a scarf for the lovely little Sonechka.

Like this. Good luck with all needlework :)

We sew a children's hat (pattern and master class)

I sewed such a children's hat for the baby for autumn-spring, if you take a woolen cloth, then in this style you can also sew a hat for the winter. The main thing you need to know is the circumference of the child's head. I sewed for a head circumference of 44-46 cm, age 6-12 months.
The pattern is given in the original (printed on an A4 sheet).

For older kids, you can not make ears, then the pattern is not needed, just cut out a rectangle to fit the head.

Can be sewn from fleece, thick knitwear, knitted fabric. I took the fabric - fleece. We cut out one main part and the inner part (half of the main part). We sew them together on the wrong side, turn them inside out and sew them with a decorative stitch or a zigzag stitch, you can take contrasting threads. If desired, the hat can be decorated with a patch, embroidery, applique, colored beautiful buttons. I sewed on patches.

We carry out the middle seam. I like to sew fleece butt-to-butt (or with a very slight overlap) not with a regular stitch, but with a finishing one. So the seams are not rough and beautifully finished.

Then, on the wrong side, we sew the top of the cap and folding the edges of the upper part of the cap to the center we lay the second line. Thus, we get the top of the hat, which will “sit” well on the child’s head.

We twist.

If you need ties on the "ears", then it is better to sew them between the outer and inner parts of the cap. For ties, you can use a decorative lace, finishing braid or sew from the main fabric.

And here are the hats I got! The sewing process itself will take you only 20-30 minutes and the baby will have a new outfit!

Sincerely, Admin Kotya.


  • July 1, 2013

In any family there will always be some kind of knitted T-shirt or T-shirt, which is already pretty tired or has lost its original appearance, but once loved and therefore not thrown away, gathering dust somewhere in the bins and waiting for its fate. Is it about you? Well, you can try to rehabilitate the old thing.

For example, decorating it with buttons, rhinestones, embroidery, painting with special paints, fabric flowers, etc., who has enough imagination for what. You can use old unwanted T-shirts to make absolutely wonderful rugs. Or create knitted bowls from t-shirts cut into strips. And you can spend a minimum of effort and sew from them such charming children's hats for little fashionistas ... Or maybe for fashionistas?

Look how bright, unusual and new the boring T-shirt looks!

You can make several hats at once.

Well, let's get started.
First, the fabric needs to be washed and ironed. Instead of a template, we will use a ready-made baby hat that fits well on the head. So, fold the fabric in half and trace the outline of our hat, not forgetting the allowances (about 6 mm), as shown in the photo:

Cut out the circled hat:

The next step is to cut out a rectangle from the same fabric as the hat (watch out for the share!) 13 cm high and 36 cm wide.

We sew two parts of the cap, after folding them with the right side to each other and basting. And you can just chop with needles. Sew the cuts on an overlock, and if there is no overlock, then you can use a typewriter by choosing a suitable seam. At worst, you can use a simple line. I have seen more than once how some craftswomen, having neither an overlock nor a sewing machine, using only a machine, created such beautiful and neat little things that they could give odds to some store goods.
Also, don't forget about the rectangle. We stitch it on one side.

Fold the rectangle in half, wrong side inward, as shown in the photo.

Now we do this: we insert the resulting ring into the hat, still turned inside out; align the edges, fasten with pins

Here's what should happen

We sew the edges with what we have.

Now we turn the cap on the front side and all the seams are inside.

We iron the seams on the cap, turn the lapel of the cap outward by 2.5-3 cm and iron it again.

To keep the lapel, we make these bartacks, picking up the threads in color.

And now, if you wish, you can decorate the hat with a pretty flower. We cut out from a suitable fabric 5 circles with a diameter of your choice and 4 circles with a smaller diameter.

Take large circles and fold them in half and in half again

So add three more large circles and put them on the 5th

Now we fix it in the very center like this:

Now we also fold the remaining four small circles and put them in the center of the flower, closing the folds.

Again we fix with stitches manually in the very center, stitching through all the layers.

And we sew the resulting flower on the side of our hat.

So the update for the little fashionista is ready!

Friday, December 23, 2011 08:22 am + to quote pad

Children's hat with ears (fleece).

Winter children's hat with ears, made of fleece. The hat is double. The hat is also lined with fleece.

Size: head circumference 48 cm.

How to sew a fleece hat (with ears):

1. cap wedges 8 parts (4 wedges - cap top, 4 wedges - cap lining)
2. lapel 1 piece
3. lower lugs 4 parts
4. top lugs 4 parts
5. strings 2 parts.

When cutting, it is necessary to take into account the share. On the pattern, the direction of the share is shown by an arrow. On the lapel, the share goes along the fold.
The share is located along the edge of the fabric. How to determine the fractional if there is no edge: because fleece - a knitted fabric with a napped surface, then in order to determine the share, you need to try to pull the fabric in different directions - in the direction of the share, the fleece stretches the least (almost does not stretch). Fleece can have a pile direction, which must also be taken into account when cutting.

Pattern of a double children's hat with ears.


1. Fold the lower ones with the front side inward and grind, not forgetting to put the ties. Turn out.

2. Fold the top lugs right side in and sew. Turn out.

3. Fold the wedges of the lining facing inward and sew. Iron the seam allowances in different directions. Stitch the seams if desired.

4. Fold the wedges of the top of the cap with the front inside and stitch, not forgetting to insert the upper ears (departing 3.5 - 4 cm from the top of the cap. Iron the seam allowances in different directions.

5. Fold the lapel in half right side inward and sew along the short side. Iron the seam allowances in different directions. Stitch the seam if desired.

6. Insert the lining into the hat with the inner seams facing each other, matching the cuts. Baste the bottom lugs to the lining of the hat, aligning the center of the lugs with the seam. Fold the lapel in half lengthwise and align the seams and cuts to tack to the lining of the hat. Stitch. To reduce the thickness of the seam - overcast the seam.

Photo: View of the hat from the inside.

Photo: Double children's hat with ears (fleece):

Fleece baby hat

Autumn children's hat with ears is sewn of fleece. A very simple hat model - even novice seamstresses can handle it.
Fleece is a light, soft, elastic material. Fleece is machine washable and dries quickly. Despite the fact that the fleece is based on a knitted fabric, the cuts can not be overcast, because. they do not crumble due to the napped surface. You can sew fleece with a regular machine stitch - convenient for those who do not have knitted stitches on the machine.

How to sew a hat for a child:

Size: head circumference 46 cm. For larger or smaller sizes, explanations are given for construction.

1. the main part of the hat 1 piece
2. lapel 1 piece
3. ears 4 parts
4. ties 2 parts.

When cutting, it is necessary to take into account the share. On the pattern, the direction of the share is shown by an arrow. The share is located along the edge of the fabric. How to determine the fractional if there is no edge: because fleece - a knitted fabric with a napped surface, then in order to determine the share, you need to try to pull the fabric in different directions - in the direction of the share, the fleece stretches the least (almost does not stretch). Fleece can have a pile direction, which must also be taken into account when cutting.

The pattern is given without seam allowances. Allowances for seams: for seams - 1 cm, for the arcuate part of the ears - 0.5-0.7 cm.

Fleece baby hat pattern.

If you need to sew a hat in a different size: The length of the main part of the hat is the circumference of the child's head + seam allowances. Lapel length - child's head girth + 2 cm + seam allowances. Ties and ears can be left the same. The height of the lapel is optional. The height of the main part, depending on the size, is slightly reduced or increased.


1. Fold the ears with the right side inward and grind, not forgetting to put the ties. Turn out.

2. Fold the lapel in half right side inward and sew along the short side. Iron the seam allowances in different directions. Stitch the seam if desired.

Stitching - Laying lines on parts to secure seam allowances. It is used to fix seams on fabrics that are difficult to wet-heat treatment. The seam allowances are laid out on two sides and secured with two parallel lines.

3. Fold the main part of the hat in half with the right side inward and sew along the short side. Iron the seam allowances in different directions. Stitch the seam if desired.

4. Baste the ears to the wrong side of the main part of the cap, stepping back 7.5 cm from the seam. Fold the lapel in half lengthwise and align the seams and cuts to the wrong side of the main part of the cap. Stitch. To reduce the thickness of the seam - overcast the seam.

5. Turn the hat inside out, fold in half (so that the seam is in the middle), stitch.