July 6th is a holiday in Lithuania. Holidays and events in Lithuania. Farewell to the old year and new hopes: Lithuanian winter holidays

Lithuanians know how and love to have fun, they value traditions and are happy to share their culture with guests. In every season of the year there is a holiday that is celebrated by the whole country brightly, colorfully and unforgettable.


The main spring festival is the Kaziukas Fair.

Kaziukas Fair

This great fair is held on the first weekend of March in honor of St. Casimir, the patron saint of all Lithuania and the protector of craftsmen. This tradition is hundreds of years old. The first festive procession of craftsmen, workers from craft workshops, students and nobles was organized as early as 1604.

Today, the Kaziukas Fair is a kind of gathering of craftsmen from all over the country, as well as Latvia, Russia and Poland. More than 1000 masters take part in it. The holiday begins with a grand procession through the streets of Vilnius, and then artisans fill the streets of the Old Town with their goods. Potters, wood carvers, blacksmiths, jewelers, weavers, tanners and other craftsmen offer their products to the guests of Kaziukas. Required souvenirs:

  • "Kazimirki" - beautifully decorated willow branches.
  • Gingerbread with biblical text.
  • Knitting bagels.
  • Amber jewelry.
  • Ceramics.
  • Household utensils made of woven straw.

To maintain the strength of the participants and guests of the fair, there are stalls with snacks and sweets between the trading rows, they also sell traditional kvass and beer, and treat them to hot wine with spices. The fair is always accompanied by large-scale folk festivals with songs and dances, where performances by chapels and amateur musicians are held. The main festival takes place in the heart of the capital.

The Kaziukas Fair turns Vilnius into a pedestrian city for a few days, occupying Town Hall Square, Didzheji, Pilies, Vokechia, Rudninka and nearby squares with a motley crowd.


In the summer, Lithuania celebrates several holidays that are celebrated by the whole country.


This is one of the most beloved holidays of Lithuanians, which only Christmas can compete with. It is celebrated every year on the day of the summer solstice by the whole country, and the festivities last for 4 whole days - from June 21 to 24.

The second name of Jonines is Rosos, the festival of dew. This is a pagan holiday and with its traditions it is very similar to the Belarusian Kupalle, the Russian Ivan Kupala and the Latvian Ligo. On the shortest night of the year, bonfires are lit, wreaths are woven and floated on the water, fortune-telling and magical rites are held. The main one is the search for a flowering fern, which will point to the place where the treasure is buried.

Another indispensable ritual for couples in love is jumping hand in hand through the fire. Whoever decides to do this will live together in full harmony. The locals will certainly advise the guest of the country to collect herbs on a wonderful night and draw lake water, at this time they acquire healing power.

All mystical events of the holiday are accompanied by songs and dances in folk costumes, festivals and concerts.

Its traditional epicenter is Vilnius: the Verkiai Regional Park and the quarters between the two bridges over the Neris - Baltasis and Žaliasis.

During the holiday:

  • Tables are being set.
  • Hot and cold appetizers are served.
  • Beer flows like a river.

But no less fun is celebrated in other cities, especially in the famous resort of Palanga and ancient Kernava.

Statehood Day

Statehood Day in Lithuania falls on July 6th. This date is very important for the inhabitants of the country, since it was on this day in 1252 that Prince Mindaugas was crowned, who contributed to the unification of the Lithuanian lands. The holiday is celebrated very solemnly.

At the Presidential Palace in the capital's Daukanto Square, a ceremony of raising the flag of the state is held. For residents of the capital and its guests, an evening festive mass is held in the Cathedral.

After it, all officials are invited to an official government reception. The common people at this time walk less solemnly, but more joyfully. All cities organize:

  • Free concerts in open areas.
  • There are cafes and restaurants.
  • Souvenirs with national symbols are on sale.

What souvenirs can be bought in Vilnius, read.


The autumn months in Lithuania are also interesting for both locals and tourists.

Days of the capital

The inhabitants of Lithuania are very kind to all the symbols of their statehood. Perhaps that is why the holiday dedicated to the capital lasts for several days. It falls on the first weekend of September.

The main place of celebration, of course, is Vilnius itself. The center of fun is Gediminas Avenue, or, as they call it these days, Buzzing Avenue. For three days it turns into a huge, cheerful, noisy fair. How not to get confused when you see a huge number of products on offer? Buy whatever you like! The main thing is not to forget about. The real one can only be tasted at the fair, and store copies will never be compared with it.

Two more must-have items on the shopping list are rustic white cheese with different fillings and the famous Lithuanian black pottery.

Read more about Lithuanian cheeses at.

And Buzzing Avenue is an unparalleled large interactive cultural event. During the celebration of the Days of the Capital, many creative teams and artists from different countries come to Vilnius. Three stages installed on Gediminas Avenue host:

  • Concerts.
  • Theatrical performances.
  • Speeches of poets and writers.

Exhibitions of professional artists, sculptors, wood carvers, etc. are held on the streets of Vilnius. An amusement park is arranged for children and youth, sports competitions and demonstration basketball games are held.

Another well-established tradition at the holiday is the book fair, which hosts presentations of new books and meetings with their authors.

Days of the autumnal equinox

This once purely pagan holiday in our time is dedicated to honoring the memory of Prince Gediminas, the founder of Vilnius. It takes place on September 21st and 22nd. These days, bright carnival processions take place on Gediminas Avenue, in which everyone can become a participant, classical music concerts and theater performances are given at three temporary venues. Fairs are held on the streets of the city, where the fruits of the autumn harvest are sold.

With the onset of darkness, residents and guests of Vilnius come to the banks of the Neris River to witness a grandiose fire show called the International Fire Sculpture Festival. Large sculptures woven from straw and reminiscent of pagan idols are created by craftsmen from different countries. Everyone can admire them all day long. They are set on fire at night. The fire revives them, making the spectacle simply fantastic. Fireworks shoot up from the flames, illuminating the Neris embankment.


In winter, all Lithuanian cities are transformed, because at this time the most interesting holidays are celebrated.

Blucas Day

On December 22, all of Lithuania celebrates Blues Day. This is a special character. It looks like a big decrepit stump and symbolizes all the failures, troubles and hardships of the outgoing year. In order not to take them in the new year, the stump is dragged along all the streets, and then burned.

Every big city in the country on this holiday holds processions of mummers, organizes performances by folklore ensembles and theater groups, and folk festivals. But the most fervent of all, of course, have fun in the capital.

three kings day

This holiday has a religious background. It is held on January 6 and is dedicated to the three biblical Magi - Kasparas, Merkelis and Baltazaras. Their huge figures are carried through the streets of Vilnius, and the actors around them portray archangels and shepherds. The procession moves from the Ostrobramsky Gate to the Cathedral Square. Its participants congratulate the residents of the city on Christmas and New Year and wish them all the best.

Another tradition is the laying of gifts in a wooden manger erected in front of the main metropolitan cathedral. There, everyone can watch a short play "Bethlehem" about the birth of baby Jesus.

In all cathedrals of Vilnius on January 6, a rite of consecration of chalk is held. You should definitely take part in this event, so that later you can draw signs of lightning in the house with a white piece and write the initial letters of the names of the Magi so that they protect the family from troubles.


Residents of Lithuania celebrate this holiday from February 5 to March 6. These days it is customary to eat a lot of hearty and fatty foods, and all cafes, restaurants and pubs serve a traditional Shrovetide dish - pancakes.

On the last day of the holiday in Vilnius, a fun procession of mummers on stilts is organized. And with the onset of darkness, they burn the evil Moret - the soul of an evil winter. A scarecrow stuffed with straw is brought on a wagon or wheel. When it lights up, thousands of fireworks take off into the sky. This is how Lithuanians say goodbye to winter.

A great way to feel the spirit of Lithuania, this beautiful Baltic country, is to get acquainted with its cultural and national traditions, becoming a witness and a direct participant in the colorful and spectacular Lithuanian holidays.

You can plan your visit to Lithuania at any time of the year, because the locals love and know how to celebrate holidays, and in every season of the year, a bright celebration of significant events is held in the country.

How to meet spring in Lithuania: spring holidays

The arrival of spring is celebrated in Lithuania with a beautiful and bright holiday - the Kaziukas Fair. The event, which has historical roots in the beginning of the 17th century, is dedicated to the patron saint of Lithuania and Slavic artisans – Saint Casimir. His day is celebrated March 4.

On the first weekend in March, a festive procession of folk craftsmen takes place along the streets of Vilnius, and then the fair fills the main streets of the Old Town. Bidding is collected from over a thousand craftsmen from all over the country.

Their skill to numerous guests of the fair demonstrate:

  • potters;
  • jewelers;
  • blacksmiths;
  • tanners;
  • weavers;
  • wood carvers and other artisans.

The most in demand are:

  • amber jewelry;
  • ceramics;
  • wood and leather products;
  • as well as woven straw household utensils.

On every corner you can buy “casimirki” – original willow twigs and gingerbread with biblical texts. At the fair you can try national Lithuanian dishes and drinks, enjoy the talent of local musicians.

Folk festivals and performances of national groups create a real spring mood.

Location: main streets and squares of the Old Town in Vilnius.

Towards the Sun: Lithuanian Summer Holidays

Summer in Lithuania is filled with bright, warm, sunny events that are celebrated by the whole country. And it's great if your vacation in this country falls on the summer period, because you can become a participant in amazing and spectacular events!

June 23: Jonines

The traditions of the most beloved and widely celebrated holiday of Jonines go back to in the pre-Christian era of Lithuania, times of pagan worship of the forces of nature.

Initially, the day of the summer solstice was called the Rasos holiday, sometimes it was called Kupolines, since on the night of June 23-24, local healers collected medicinal herbs that had special power, called kupala.

After the introduction of Christianity, this day became identified with Saint Jonas.

Today Jonines is wide celebrated from 21 to 24 June in all corners of Lithuania, but on a special scale it is celebrated in the ancient capital of Lithuania - Kernavė (the national reserve is located 35 km from Vilnius).

During the whole day honor Jonasov and Yanin, there are numerous exhibitions and vernissages, performances of folklore groups, fairs.

The shortest night of the year, which, according to legend, you can not sleep, literally imbued with mysticism and magic. You can:

  • admire national costumes;
  • get acquainted with ancient customs;
  • participate in seeing off the Sun, love divination;
  • enjoy spectacular fire rituals;
  • weave wreaths and lower them into the water.

Feel your unity with nature and feel the spirit of the Lithuanian people on Jonines.

Location: all settlements of Lithuania, Kernavsky national park.

In Vilnius– the zone between the White (Baltasis) and Green (Zaliasis) bridges over the Neris River.

July 6: Statehood Day

On the day of the Coronation of Prince Mindovg, a holy mass is served in the main cathedral of the country, and state celebrations are held. In Vilnius are arranged:

  • jousting tournaments;
  • craft fairs;
  • numerous master classes introducing the secrets of ancient Lithuanian crafts.

In the Kernavsky Reserve there is a very interesting archaeological event Days of living archeology. In the evening, you can witness the collective performance of the anthem - in different places of the capital, Lithuanians gather to sing the main song of the country together.

Location: streets of the Old Town in Vilnius, Kernavsky National Reserve.

Autumn national holidays in Lithuania

Autumn in Lithuania is no less interesting. Fascinating and eventful Days of the Capital, as well as enchanting and unforgettable Days of the autumn equinox await you.

First weekend of September: Days of the Capital

The series of autumn holidays is opened by the Days of the Capital, the most diverse holiday in Lithuania. During these days Vibrant life in Vilnius. Replace each other:

  • numerous theatrical performances;
  • sports events;
  • international exhibitions;
  • charity events;
  • beer feast.

You should definitely visit the Town Hall Square - it is here that you can turn back the clock and plunge into amazing atmosphere of the Middle Ages: At the Pranciskus Fair, you can spend hours admiring the various goods of local craftsmen, enjoy the concerts of folk dance ensembles and song groups that take place right there on the square.

And in the evening it is worth seeing the stunningly beautiful fireworks crowning the holiday.

Location: streets and squares of the Old Town in Vilnius.

September 21-22: Autumn Equinox (Rudens lygiadienis)

Festive events are dedicated to the memory of the founder of Vilnius, Prince Gediminas. On this day you can:

  • join the ranks of a noisy and colorful carnival procession along Gediminas Avenue;
  • listen to classical music concerts;
  • see theatrical performances at specially organized temporary venues;
  • participate in traditional autumn fairs.

In the evening you can witness an enchanting show, a fusion of fire and music - International Festival of Fire Sculptures. Huge sculptures are installed on the banks of the Neris.

Created by professional artists, when ignited, the sculptures come to life, and colorful fireworks burst out of the fire.

Location: streets and squares of Vilnius, the embankment of the river Neris.

Farewell to the old year and new hopes: Lithuanian winter holidays

Winter cannot be boring and dull in the country where Bluecas Day, Three Kings Day and, of course, Shrove Tuesday are celebrated. All Lithuanian cities are being transformed and filled with fun, noisy games and amusements, spectacular performances.

It will help to get from the capital of Russia to the capital of Lithuania. You can find out everything important and useful about it from us.

But the fastest way to find yourself in Vilnius is with the help of the aviation services of the main Lithuanian airport - read the detailed information about this.

In addition, on our website you can find everything about holidays in Lithuania. For example, in the article we will tell you everything about spa treatment in this country.

December 23: Blucas Day

Do you want to start a new life, get rid of the burden of problems and worries? This is easy to do by taking part in the celebration of Blukas Day - a fun holiday, accompanied by folk festivals, goes back to an old Lithuanian custom.

On this day, after the end of the season of chores, Blucas was dragged through all the yards - an old stump, symbolizing unfinished worries. Stump in the evening burned under jokes.

Thus, the Lithuanians prepared for the New Year and celebrated the arrival of the new time - a gradual increase in daylight hours. Today, a variety of mummers, theater groups and folklore ensembles participate in the holiday.

Becoming a participant in the traditional burning of Blucas, you can leave all your problems in the past and celebrate the Christmas and New Year holidays in a good mood.


January 6: Epiphany, or Day of the Three Kings (Trys karaliali)

On the day of the Epiphany of the Lord, a bright theatrical performance takes place in the center of Vilnius: three "kings" - Kasparas, Miarkelis and Baltazaras - solemnly march with shepherds and the archangel from Ostrobrama Gate to Cathedral Square.

There they bring gifts to the manger and wish the city a successful and fruitful year. The culmination of the action is a performance based on the biblical story about the gifts of the Magi to the newborn Tsar.

On this day, Lithuanians attend a solemn mass, consecrating water, incense and chalk there. With chalk, which is kept at home all year round, residents write the initial letters of the names of the Magi on the doors of houses, believing that this will save the house from evil spirits.

Location: center of Vilnius, Cathedral Square.

Seven weeks before Easter: Maslenitsa (Užgavėnės)

On Forgiveness Tuesday, one of the most beloved holidays for children and adults, you can:

  • take part in numerous Maslenitsa fun and competitions;
  • ride in carts;
  • lead round dances;
  • laugh at the jokes of the main characters of the holiday, Kanapinis and Lashininis;
  • have fun from the heart at the performances of the participants of the traditional goat competition.

Get to know with local folk traditions– have fun and provocatively spend the winter with Lithuanians.

Be sure to visit Zagovene at the handicraft fair:

  • treat yourself to delicious pancakes baked according to unique recipes;
  • listen to the performances of children's folklore ensembles;
  • appreciate the masks of numerous mummers;
  • try on one of the masks yourself;
  • take part in the main action of the holiday - the burning of the straw effigy of Mora.

Location: Vilnius and other cities of Lithuania.

Popular national holidays with long traditions allow all guests of the country to get acquainted with the richest local culture, feel its spirit and fall in love with surprisingly hospitable Lithuania.

Today, July 6, the world is celebrating a wonderful holiday - World Kissing Day, also today in many countries of the world, workers in the sea and river fleet celebrate their Day, in Lithuania they celebrate Statehood Day (Lithuania), in Kazakhstan - the Day of the capital of Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan celebrates Day of the medical worker.

world kissing day

World Kiss Day is a celebration of all people on the planet, because we all have ever felt the gentle touch of someone's lips. The very first kiss, of course, was my mother's. On this holiday, everyone who wishes can “exchange their souls” with full rights, because today, July 6, many countries around the world celebrate World Kiss Day, which was approved by the United Nations two decades ago. On this day, various kissing contests are held in many cities of the world, participants in them can win prizes and gifts.
The authorship of the first kiss has not been established today. But, of course, it was not invented and named after the inventor, who left a wet imprint on the cheek of his girlfriend, connecting and immediately parting his lips with a characteristic sound.

Day of Marine and River Fleet Workers

Sea and river transport are one of the key sectors of the economy. Professional holiday - the Day of workers of the sea and river fleet is celebrated in many countries of the world, and primarily in Russia, every year on the first Sunday of July, according to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, approved on October 1, 1980. This year the celebration of the Day fell on July 6th.

Statehood Day

On July 6, Lithuania celebrates a national holiday - Statehood Day, which was timed to coincide with the event of 1252 - the day of the coronation of Prince Mindaugas. According to modern Lithuanian historians, Lithuania starts counting its statehood from this event.
Today, few celebrating Lithuanians remember that when a prince was crowned in the 13th century, a dark period of the Inquisition began in Europe and there was no democracy. Then, in torture dungeons and at the stake, according to historians, from 30 to 300 thousand people were killed.
John Paul II, the head of the Roman Catholic Church, recently publicly repented for the times of religious wars, violence and the fires of the Inquisition.

Day of the capital of Kazakhstan - Astana

On July 6, Kazakhstan celebrates the Day of the Capital - a public holiday established on June 25, 2008 by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This holiday for the people of Kazakhstan has an important historical and cultural significance, it is a symbol of the achievements of this Republic. The first name of the capital of Astana in 1830-1961 was Akmolinsk, then in 1961-1992 Tselinograd, in 1992-1998 Akmola, and on May 6, 1998, Nursultan Nazarbayev, the President of Kazakhstan, signed a decree renaming the capital Akmola to Astana. Today, Astana hosts the main events and festivities of the Day of the Capital of Kazakhstan. This day also marks the birthday of the head of state, Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Day of Medical Worker in Kyrgyzstan

Professional holiday The Day of the Medical Worker of Kyrgyzstan is celebrated in Kyrgyzstan annually on the first Sunday of July, this year the holiday fell on July 6th. That Day was established on June 8, 1993 by the Decree of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in connection with the adoption of the law of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan in July 1992.
On the eve of this professional holiday, solemn meetings of the medical community of the republic are usually held in the country. They are attended by representatives of the President, the Government of different countries, international organizations, veterans of the republican healthcare and medical workers from all over Kyrgyzstan.

Unusual holidays

Today, July 6, you can celebrate an unusually cool holiday called "The Unhappy Holiday"

The holiday that didn't happen

There are many different holidays in the world, but no one knows which holiday "has not happened". Probably, this is a holiday about which we still do not know anything, which has not yet happened today. And tomorrow? And tomorrow everything can be, maybe today's holiday will become the most famous tomorrow ...
The holiday that didn't happen
Sacrifice yourself
Like a bright fire
May it burn forever...

Religious holiday

Agrafena Swimsuit

On this day, Orthodox Christians commemorate the holy Roman martyr Agrippina, or in Russian Agrafena, who, in her youth, decided not to marry and devote her whole life to serving God.
She, during the persecution of Christians, had to appear before a pagan court, experience torture and stay in prison, but despite these torments, Agrippina did not renounce her faith.
God, as a reward for her stamina, sent her an angel who freed the girl from her bonds, but she still died from the torture she suffered.
The Christian women Vassa, Pavla and Agathonica took the body of the martyr to Sicily and buried her there. Subsequently, numerous miracles were performed at the tomb of St. Agrippina.
Agrafena was nicknamed the Bather because on this day in the evening bathing began and the famous night on Ivan Kupala came.
Agrafena Kupalnitsa, Ivan Kupala and Peter and Paul in the minds of the people merged into one big holiday, which absorbed Christian traditions and was filled with great meaning and pagan beliefs. In ancient times, these holidays necessarily included rituals, omens, divination, and legends.
All the inhabitants of the village on Agrafena bathed in the baths, swam in the rivers, while using various herbal preparations. They believed that the collected herbs and roots on the night of Ivan Kupala had healing powers. The legend of the fern flower, which only blooms for a few minutes only once a year on this magical night, was passed on by people from mouth to mouth.
During the day on Agrafena, all the girls put on their best outfits and begged for gifts from their relatives - various jewelry, ribbons and scarves. And in the evening, the girls gathered at one of their friends to grind barley in a mortar, in order to cook porridge from it the next day, which strengthens women's health.
It was customary for peasants to sow turnips on Agrafena. They sowed and said: “Mother turnip, the birth is strong, neither rare nor thick - until Lent.”
Name day July 6 at: Agrippina (Agrafena), Alexander, Alexei, Anton, Artemy, Herman, Joseph, Cornelius, Mitrofan, Peter, Svyatoslav, Fedor

July 6th in history

1945 - The demobilization of military personnel from the ranks of the USSR Armed Forces began after the Second World War.
1961 - A powerful fountain of oil hit at well No. 6 in Zhetybay. From this moment, the year of the discovery of Mangystau oil is considered.
1969 - On the site of the former village of Khatyn (Minsk region of Belarus), a memorial architectural and sculptural complex was opened in memory of the inhabitants of Belarusian villages and villages completely destroyed by the fascist invaders.
1971 - In the United States, voting rights are granted to persons from 18 years old (previously - from 21 years old).
1975 - Alibek Kantemirov (b. 1882), Ossetian equestrian rider, horse trainer, People's Artist of the RSFSR, Honored Art Worker of North Ossetia, died.
1977 - As a result of a military coup, General Zia ul-Haq came to power in Pakistan.
1978 - The KGB of the USSR was withdrawn from subordination to the Council of Ministers of the USSR.
1986 - The first Goodwill Games opened in Moscow.
1994 - Child labor banned in China.
1999 - Cuba sues the US for $181 billion for damages caused by a 40-year economic blockade.
2007 - At the IOC session in Guatemala, Sochi was chosen as the venue for the XXII Winter Olympic Games in 2014

VILNIUS, July 6 - Sputnik, Alexander Lipovets. After secession from the USSR and the restoration of independence by Lithuania on March 11, 1990, the leadership of the Republic of Lithuania first of all decided on the main holiday of statehood.

And although the first mention of Lithuania in the Quedlinburg annals dates back to 1009, the formation of the state of Lithuania as such, historians have been leading since 1252. In that year, the papal crown was placed on the head of Grand Duke Mindaugas, and he began to be called the "King of Lithuania" - the first and only one in history. As other lands were annexed to Lithuania, the title of King of Lithuania was supplemented by their names. For example, after joining the lands of the Kiev region to Lithuania, Mindaugas began to be called "the king of the Litvins and many Rusyns."

Before the coronation of Mindaugas, on the territory of modern Lithuania and the adjacent Baltic states (Latvia, Poland), as well as Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, there was an early feudal union of several principalities. It was formalized by an agreement with the Volyn-Galician principality, which was signed by the princes of Lithuania, Dyavoltva and Zhemaitov. Among the five princes who signed that treaty in 1219, Prince Mindaugas is also mentioned. It was he who subsequently concentrated power in his hands and became the Grand Duke.

At that time, the inhabitants and princes of the Lithuanian lands were pagans. Two Christian churches - Catholic and Orthodox - first collided precisely on the Baltic shores. From the east, the first preachers of Orthodoxy came to these lands, and from the west, the crusaders carried the Catholic faith on their shields. Just the same, during the reign of the pagan Grand Duke Mindaugas, the question arose sharply of who to join - Rome or Byzantine Kyiv.

Poster of Vilnius: where to go on Mindaugas Coronation Day >>

Mindaugas made a choice in favor of Rome. In order to keep for Lithuania at least part of Samogitia, which was claimed by the crusaders, in 1251 Mindaugas accepted Catholicism, and then on July 6, 1253 - the crown from the Pope and became the first official ruler of Lithuania. It was this day that was recognized by the deputies of the restored Seimas of Lithuania as the start date of the Lithuanian statehood.

Mindaugas himself, after the adoption of Christianity, made peace with the Crusaders. During this “peaceful” coexistence, in 1252 he managed to annex Black Rus', Polotsk and Pinsk principalities to the Lithuanian lands, and after a short fight with the Galicia-Volyn principality, in 1253 he intermarried and concluded an agreement with the Galician prince Daniel. Mindaugas married his daughter to Daniel's son.

The Lithuanian principality under the leadership of Mindaugas grew stronger and already in 1255 his army made a campaign against Lublin and burned this Polish city. For this, the Pope announced the first crusade against obstinate Lithuania. The second followed in 1257. And during the third campaign of the crusaders in 1260, the united Lithuanian army defeated the knights of the Livonian and Teutonic orders at Lake Durbe.

After that victory, Mindaugas renounced the crown and Catholicism and again became a pagan. In 1262, he even concluded an agreement against the Knights of the Teutonic Order with the Vladimir-Suzdal Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky, who had previously defeated the crusaders on Lake Peipsi in 1242.

Mindaugas was killed as a result of a conspiracy of the feudal nobility, not so much because of politics, but because of male intemperance.

Having become a widower in 1263, he married by force the younger sister of his late wife, who was already married to the county prince Dovmont. That insult Mindaugas did not forgive. Together with an accomplice - the Samogitian prince Troynat in the autumn of the same year, when the main forces of the grand ducal army set off on a campaign against Bryansk, Dovmont and Troynat killed Mindaugas.

So ingloriously ended the life of the first and only King of Lithuania Mindaugas. His merit as a statesman is that in such a difficult period of history, Mindaugas was able to preserve and increase the Lithuanian lands, which later became the center of the first European state with democratic inclinations, known as the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

As part of the holiday this year, Lithuanians are also invited to sing the national anthem at 100 Lithuanian settlements - the action "National Song" (the anthem of Lithuania) - around the world "will be held at 21:00.

Throughout the country, in addition to solemn ceremonies, there are many different cultural and educational events that remind of the origins of the Lithuanian state and its history.

The coronation day of Prince Mindaugas is given special significance as the first self-determination of Lithuania and integration into the Western world. Mindaugas is given an outstanding role in the unification of Lithuania.

The Grand Duke of Lithuania Mindaugas (Mindovg), who ruled from about the end of the 1230s until 1263, united the Lithuanian lands (Aukstaitia, Samogitia and others) under his rule and subjugated the cities of Novogrudok, Slonim, Volkovysk. In 1244 he undertook a campaign against the Livonian Order in the land of the Curonians and Semigallians. The Order teamed up with Lithuanian feudal lords hostile to Mindovg and defeated him.

In 1250, the Grand Duke of Lithuania Mindaugas (Mindovg) agreed to a compromise agreement with the order, in 1251 he converted to Catholicism, and was crowned on behalf of the Pope, however, he was preparing for a new fight with the order. Around 1253, he concluded an agreement with the Galician prince Daniel and married his daughter to his son Shvarn, renewed and strengthened ties with the Vladimir-Suzdal Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky.

The name Mindovg means "thinking a lot". The son of the Lithuanian prince Ringold, a capable commander. Even during his father's lifetime, he participated in important battles, including the Battle of Saule, where the Lithuanians defeated the combined forces of the Order of the Sword-bearers and the Russian Galician-Volyn princes. The ruler of Lithuania since 1238. He killed his relatives who claimed the great reign, united most of the Lithuanian tribes under his rule.

In the destruction of his rivals in the struggle for absolute power, Mindovg relied on allies - the German knights. In 1251 he converted to Christianity, and the pope gladly agreed to give Mindovg the royal title. The coronation took place on July 6, 1253 in Novograd. For assistance in obtaining the royal title, Mindovg signed off to the Livonian Order his part of Samogitia - western Lithuania. Moreover, he bequeathed the entire state to the Order, if after his death there were no heirs (by that time he had at least two sons). Under the rule of Mindovg, one after another, the Western Russian princes passed. The Lithuanian kingdom gradually grew stronger.

In the winter of 1258/1260, the army of the Tatar Baskak Burundai devastated the country. Mindovg led his army into the swamps and evaded the battle. The Tatars, having ruined Lithuania, were unable to impose tribute on it, and the kingdom retained its independence.

The following year, an uprising began in Prussia against the German Order, and Mindovg turned against his former allies. On July 13, 1260, near Lake Durbe, not far from Memel, the Lithuanian army utterly defeated the combined forces of the knights. The master of the Livonian Order, Borchardt von Hornhausen, Marshal von Botal and the Swedish Duke Karl, who brought the Danish-Swedish army to the aid of the Germans, died. Mindovg renounced the crown and Christianity2. 8 captured knights were burned alive to make an atoning sacrifice to the old Lithuanian gods.

After the Battle of Durba, Mindovg offered an alliance against the Germans to the Russian Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky. A peace treaty was concluded between Lithuania and the Vladimir-Suzdal principality in February or March 1262. Conditions: non-aggression, alliance against the Teutonic Order. In the summer of the same year, Mindovg set out on a campaign, but the Russian army arrived a month late, when the Lithuanians, having devastated the order's lands, returned home.

Further joint actions did not work out due to the departure of Prince Alexander to the Horde and the death of Mindovg. He was killed as a result of a conspiracy of the feudal nobility.