We will have fun celebrating the New Year script in the team. Blog entrycelebration of the new year in the team of employees


Get the manager's consent. As a rule, the first thoughts about the meeting of the New Year arise in the team by the end of autumn. Having caught the general mood, take a couple of colleagues in support and go to the boss. Only he can make the final decision on the form, place and time of the corporate party. In addition, without the signature of the head, the accounting department will not allocate money for preparation.

Create an initiative group. Include in it cheerful, energetic, smart, talented, artistic. In a word, find a task for each employee according to their strengths and abilities. Your colleagues should know in advance who hangs garlands and who serves the buffet table. Entrust the role of the leader to an employee who has a great vocabulary, well-delivered speech and able to quickly respond to non-standard situations.

Think about the format of the New Year's Eve event. Youth companies successfully pass theme parties: Gangster New Year, Disco New Year, Tropical New Year, etc. For a team of different ages, the best option would be a masquerade. It is not necessary for this to transform into representatives of the forest fauna. Will be enough effective masks and accessories in the form of hats and gloves.

Write a script for the holiday. Depending on the main theme, set the central intrigue of the evening. Let, for example, evil competitors steal the key to the hearts of customers. And the whole evening, the "Sherlock Holmes" of your company will solve puzzles and pass competitive tasks that bring them closer to the solution. Of course, the boss must find the treasured key. Connect the idea of ​​a holiday with the activities of the company in the outgoing year, enlivening it with popular corporate jokes, stories and signs.

Include congratulations and awards in the script. At the beginning of the evening, let the leader set the tone for the event by briefly summing up the results of the year and noting the best employees. In the future, give team members the opportunity to make their own celebratory speeches. Read aloud the congratulations received from customers and partners.

Pick up musical accompaniment parties. Record the songs on a separate disc in the order in which they will sound. Then you don't have to waste time searching for a melody.

Decorate the office. In the hall where the main part of the event will take place, set up tables and chairs, providing a convenient passage. Hang New Year's paraphernalia - garlands, Christmas balls, snowflakes. If you celebrate the New Year in certain style, the design must match it.

The scenario is designed for holding a corporate new year holiday. Below are the most interesting and funny contests that will not let any colleague present at the event get bored. The presenter will tell a poetic introduction and explain the essence of the competitions.

Office people today
Crowd celebrates the New Year!
Today we have contests
All prepared for you
So that you do not yawn at the table,
Not sad, not bored!
And for starters, we will play the game “Who are you?”

Competition "Guess who you are?"
Everyone sitting at the same table needs to write on small pieces of paper the names of heroes of famous films, cartoons, names Hollywood stars or stars of national cinema and pop music. Then the pieces of paper are glued to the neighbor's forehead, while the neighbor should not see whose name is written on his forehead. The task of the players is to guess who he is.

Now we know each other
Now in the whirl of winter
We will dance on the island
After all, we are all adults!
Let me hug
Even kiss!
But remember one thing -
Dance to be lucky!

Competition "Dancing on the island"
Men and women are invited to participate in the competition. Spread out on the floor paper sheets, for example, a newspaper. The couple gets on the "island", the music turns on and they dance. The task of the couple is not to go beyond the island. The music is turned off. The newspaper is folded in half. The couples start dancing again. And gradually the islands are getting smaller. The winner is the couple who continued to dance the longest on the island.

New Year is coming
What's new for us?
To start a new leaf
So that he was insanely clean,
You confess everything to us!
Happy New Year! Happy New Day!

Competition "I like and dislike"
The host invites everyone present to name what they like and what they don’t like in their neighbor on the right. For example, I like his forehead and absolutely dislike his hands. After everyone has spoken, the facilitator suggests kissing what the person loves about their neighbor and biting what they don't like. The competition will be especially funny if the holiday is in full swing and colleagues have time to drink.

Who wants to surprise us?
Who wants to score a goal?
Who is the bravest of all, my friend?
Let's all play Snowball!

Competition "Snowball"
The participants are divided into two teams. A net is stretched between the teams and each participant is invited to throw a snowball over the net. Snowballs can be tennis balls or plastic ones. christmas balls. Snowballs should not be thrown. It is important to throw the snowball as if it were a volleyball. The team that scores wins the largest number balls - snowballs according to all the rules of volleyball.

Here comes the New Year again
Lights candles!
People have fun here
Singing songs!
We dance and spin!
And laugh and laugh!
We all eat and drink
Let's play cooks now!

Competition "Cook"
At each table, guests prepare a list of dishes that begin with "H" (in honor of the new year) or "D" (in honor of the symbol - the Dragon). After that, a representative of each table is selected. Lists of dishes, representatives of each table begin to read out in turn. The table that comes up with the most dishes starting with the named letter wins.

Do you want your dreams to come true?
Do you want a heartbeat?
Do you want some excitement?
Play with me, no doubt!
Close your eyes and you
Fly away on the wings of love!
Guess who's standing in front of you
And you will receive a big gift!

Competition "Closed eyes"
Men and women are invited to the center of the hall. The leader puts on winter woolen mittens. In them, he must by touch determine who is standing in front of him and call his name.

Friends, our New Year
It's just gaining momentum!
Let's dance together
Let's dance! Away worries!
Let's drink together!
Let's have fun!
To get up for work tomorrow
Wake up, don't forget!
And so that the 15th would be the year
Bring us luck
So that all work without hassle
Would give up more!
So that we are always with you
All goals were achieved
And so that tomorrow, never
We wouldn't have any problems!
So Happy New Year, gentlemen!
Fun, happiness, laughter!
Love, health and kindness,
Luck and success!

Can be carried out as the day before calendar holiday, and after it (for example, on the old New Year).

The number of participants is 30-70 people. Duration - 5-7 hours.

material support

  • Dishes and meals.
  • Props for competitions.
  • Prizes and gifts.

Event plan

  • Official congratulations.
  • Banquet.
  • Memories game.
  • Contest wishes for next year.
  • Election of the honorary Santa Claus.
  • Elections of the Snow Maiden.
  • Contests and games.
  • Astrological forecast for office workers.
  • Dancing.

1. Official congratulations

The best way to start your holiday is official congratulations management of the company (director, heads of departments). Congratulations should not be prolonged, it is advisable to spend it with humor, jokes and New Year's poems. Shouldn't be used congratulatory speech for an official report on the work done, it is enough to briefly sum up the results of the year and be sure to thank all the employees.

2. Banquet

Depending on the number of participants and the premises in which the celebration takes place, the nature of the banquet may vary. Guests can be seated at one large table or small tables. Participants can take their seats immediately upon arrival at the celebration or after the official congratulations.

On such long holidays like the New Year, it is not recommended to arrange a buffet table. Even if a common feast is not expected, it is necessary to provide a sufficient number of seats for the participants.

3. Game "Memories"

This game can be offered during a feast. Any number of people participate in the game. Players take turns naming an event (preferably pleasant or funny) that happened in the firm (or directly related to it) during the past year. Anyone who cannot remember any event is out of the game. The last player remaining in the game receives a prize.

The game can be stopped earlier by rewarding several participants. The best prize in the game will be a notebook.

4. Contest of wishes for the next year

In addition, at the table you can hold a competition for best wish firm or department for the next year. It is most convenient if the wishes are in the form of toasts. The jury, made up of the company's management, selects the winners, who are awarded the prizes. As a prize for this competition, a bottle of champagne or other wine is most suitable.

5. Election of the honorary Santa Claus

After the bulk of the guests are satisfied, you can offer some more active entertainment. The host announces the competition of the honorary Santa Claus. Those wishing to take part in the competition are invited to the stage. The following competitions are held between them:


Each contestant receives a napkin and scissors. His task is to cut the snowflake as quickly and accurately as possible. Authors best snowflakes receive reward points.

frosty breath

For the next competition, the players put their snowflakes on the table, and they themselves stand on one side of the table (if there are many applicants for the title of Santa Claus, several tables can be moved). Their task is to blow off the snowflake from the opposite side of the table.

Participants try to do it as quickly as possible, but the player whose snowflake fell off the table last will receive a prize point in the competition. The host explains to the surprised players that this challenger has "the coldest breath".

Red nose

In this competition, participants are invited to drink a glass of vodka or other strong drink. The audience then chooses the contestant with the reddest nose. He gets the bonus point.

The applicant who has scored the most prize points is declared an honorary Santa Claus. He puts on a Santa Claus mask or a red Santa Claus hat. If several participants in the competition scored the same number of points, you can choose Santa Claus by lot or appoint several participants to this honorary position at the same time.

All participants of the competition receive incentive prizes.

Despite the simplicity of these competitions, they are very fun in a certain holiday atmosphere.

6. Elections of the Snow Maiden

After the election of Santa Claus, the presenter announces that it is necessary to select a granddaughter for Santa Claus, and invites everyone to take part in the Snow Maiden competition. The following competitions are held between the applicants:

new year song

The contestants take turns singing a verse of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." Santa Claus and the audience choose the winner of the competition, who receives a prize point.

Santa's request

Santa Claus names 5-7 items that he needs. The participant who finds and brings these items before others receives a prize point.

Items can be very diverse: fruits, jewelry, a glass of some kind of drink, pieces of clothing (the intimacy of which depends on the looseness of the company) and shoes. Participants must ask other guests for the necessary things, find them on holiday table or among your own things.

Affectionate granddaughter

The contestants take turns complimenting Santa Claus. The winner of the competition can be the applicant who came up with the most words, or the participant whose words Santa Claus liked more than others. The winner receives a reward point.

The participant who scores more than the other points is declared the winner and appointed by the Snow Maiden. In the event that several contenders for this role scored the same number of points, the final word remains with Santa Claus.

All participants of the competition receive incentive prizes.

After the election of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, they can give all guests small memorable gifts(for example, boxes of chocolates).

7. Contests and games

After the contests, several games can be held among those who wish. Simultaneously with the games, the feast continues, some of those present can move on to dancing.

north and south wind

The game requires two participants and one snowflake cut at the Santa Claus competition. The snowflake is placed on the table, the participants take their places different sides table. At the command of the leader, the players begin to blow on the snowflake, trying to throw it off the table from the opponent's side. Whoever succeeds will receive a prize.

After several pairs of participants try their hand at this competition, those who wish are invited to do the same, but blindfolded. The draw consists in the fact that after the participants are blindfolded, the snowflake is replaced by a saucer with flour, on which the participants begin to blow.

If there is no certainty that the participants will perceive such a prank with humor, it is better to limit usual rules games. In any case, it is not recommended to involve women in the draw.

ring toss

Empty bottles and bottles of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are lined up tightly to each other on the floor. Participants are invited to put a ring on the bottle from a distance of 3 m. The one who manages to put the ring on a full bottle takes it as a prize. The number of throws for one participant must be limited.

The ring is cut out of thin cardboard. Ring diameter - 10 cm.

Rehashes about winter

This game is best played during a feast. Participants can be divided into teams. Each participant (or team) takes turns singing a verse of a song about winter. The participant who finds it difficult to make his move is out. The last player (or team of players) remaining in the game receives a prize.

Also a party game. Participants take turns calling any date starting from January 1st. In this case, the next participant changes the day or month in the date named by the previous participant, and the named date must be later.

For example:

  • 1st player: "January 2".
  • 2nd player: "February 2".
  • 3rd player: "February 7th".
  • 4th player: "June 7th".
  • 5th player: "June 30", etc.

Thus, the named dates are getting closer and closer to December 31st. The participant who has to name this date loses and performs a penalty task assigned by other participants.

8. Astrological forecast for office workers

For the entertainment of guests, one of the participants can dress up as a fortune teller or an astrologer. The simplest version of the prediction is to find the zodiac horoscope for the next year (preferably comic) and read it.

Another option - the host can inform the guests about the new discovery of astrologers and modern magicians. Everyone knows the zodiac, Chinese, flower horoscopes and the horoscope of the Druids. But now there is new horoscope- office workers (if this name does not quite fit the company's activities, it is possible to modify the proposed forecasts, making them more relevant for this organization).

Examples of a comic office horoscope:

IN next year you will become the best support for your work colleagues and loved ones in serious matters. However, try at least sometimes to succumb to worldly temptations, and not to waste all your strength on work.

Next year you will be marked as the most conscientious and responsible employee. However, be vigilant if morally unstable personalities appear among your acquaintances.

Next year is waiting for you material well-being. And if you follow the advice and be more open and generous with others, your position in society will improve and you will make new friends.

Next year you should Special attention devote to your health. Beware of viruses! Otherwise, your business will go uphill, and your abilities will be noticed by others and appreciated by your superiors.

All next year you will be lucky. However, be careful to avoid gossip and slander.

There are some work-related chores waiting for you next year. At the same time, it will be a year of new acquaintances and amazing adventures.

Next year you will bring a lot of joy to others. Everyone will be glad to meet you and your friendship. However, try to avoid stressful situations and work overload.

Next year you will find many useful acquaintances. Try not to miss a good chance, which is sure to present itself to you.

Next year will be happy for you. personal life and friendly communication. However, try to at least occasionally remember about work. The suggested horoscope can also be written on posters that decorate the room. In this case, it is necessary to make appropriate explanations for it.

9. Dancing

As active rest you can organize dances or hold a few more games. The numbers of games suitable for this holiday are contained in the index of entertainment.

If the holiday is held in the company's own premises, it is necessary to come up with decorations for the premises. In order for those who came to the evening to immediately create festive mood, hang out christmas garlands, Balloons. On the tables you can arrange bouquets of spruce branches. In addition, it is possible to announce (for example, by departments) a wall newspaper competition on the New Year theme.

With a small number of employees who came to the holiday, all guests can participate in the proposed games and competitions. If the number of those present exceeds 30 people, several initiative participants are called (preferably from different departments).

If the participants are seated at small tables (6-10 people each), the proposed games can be played for employees sitting at the same table.