How to figure out if he is your destiny or not. How to understand your partner is Fate or just an Episode of life

Every girl dreams of an ideal relationship, but in most cases, on the way to them, she has to deal with men who are not suitable for her. All women strive to meet the right partner and spend their whole life with him. Some girls say that they managed to feel their soulmate intuitively, others carefully evaluate the personal qualities of a potential chosen one, others choose a husband by date of birth or zodiac sign. You can understand that this is your person by fate by analyzing your relationship with him.

clues of fate

Numerous chance meetings, prophetic dreams, a sudden meeting after a long separation, interesting coincidences - all this makes the girl think that a particular young man is destined for her.

There are a number of events that can be considered as fateful:

  1. 1. A man whom a woman has never met in real life comes to her one or more times in a prophetic dream. In such dreams, all the images seen can be symbolic, hiding hints of fate in themselves. Often a guy from a dream meets a girl in real life and it is with him that they manage to fall in love with each other and stay together for life.
  2. 2. An unexpected meeting happens after a long separation, and during it a strong feeling flares up between people, forcing them to stay together once and for all. Such stories are put in the plot of romantic films, but in life they happen.
  3. 3. The meeting of a woman and a man, which took place due to interesting, unforeseen, and sometimes fatal coincidences of circumstances, can also turn out to be fateful. An unexpected delay in transport, an unexpected visit to friends or a move can end with a meeting with a loved one, destined by fate.

Many girls who were lucky enough to meet a soul mate and establish a strong relationship with her say that they managed to feel that very man at the level of intuition, and the heart itself pointed to this particular person.

However, in order to start a serious relationship, one must take into account not only the romantic circumstances of the acquaintance and the outbreak of passion, but also the personality traits of the partner himself and his attitude towards the chosen one. To understand whether a partner is suitable for living together or not, the secrets of psychology will help.

How to meet your destiny man

Psychology of fateful meetings

Each woman will be able to understand whether a man is suitable for her as a life partner, but for this it is necessary to analyze not only the personality of a person, but also the characteristics of relations with him.

There are signs by which you can find out the ideal guy or man for yourself:

  1. 1. The partner respects the chosen one herself, her life goals, hobbies and the people who surround her (friends, parents).
  2. 2. A man does not get tired of taking care and does it naturally, and not in order to win the sympathy of the object of passion for a while.
  3. 3. The words of a partner never diverge from real actions, especially if they concern a beloved.
  4. 4. People perceive each other's character traits and shortcomings, are able to easily find compromises and never express their doubts about the viability of the second half.
  5. 5. With a man destined by fate, the woman herself becomes better and wants to improve herself.
  6. 6. A man and a woman are suitable for each other in an intimate relationship.
  7. 7. The partner stopped looking for a life partner and intends to start a family with the current chosen one.

If a woman has found most of the listed signs in her relationship with her beloved, then there are many chances that she will be able to create a happy family with this person.

However, you have to work on any, even the most ideal relationship, so as not to lose feelings and carry your love through your whole life.

Is the man right?

Many women can fall in love with a man so much that they begin to idealize his image and see him as a future husband, even though the man is completely unsuitable for a happy life.

The signs of a partner with whom it is necessary to end the relationship, preventing them from developing into marriage, include:

  • lack of mutual feelings;
  • constant quarrels, because of which the couple breaks up, but still converges and continues a difficult relationship;
  • degradation against the background of a lover;
  • opposing views on family life, raising children, fidelity in marriage;
  • change of one of the partners.

If relationships do not bring moral comfort to a person, do not inspire and create only problems, then in this case you need to think about their expediency. While a girl spends months and years with a person who is not suitable for her, she loses the opportunity to meet her soul mate, destined by fate.

Any harmonious relationship can be built only at the mutual desire of both parties. If people sincerely want to be together, treat the person who is nearby with respect and love, then such a couple will have a happy future.

According to the ideas of modern man, numbers appeared in ancient times. The only purpose of their occurrence was the desire of our ancestors to streamline the surrounding reality, to strive to “count” everything.

Such a point of view, whether it was voiced in antiquity or in the Middle Ages, would be blasphemy even for scientists. After all, the sacred books of all the leading religions of the world and mystical movements are filled with the magic of numbers. All serious philosophical schools have studied numbers and their influence on the fate of people and the world. Single treatises of the Egyptian, Neoplatonic, Pythagorean schools of numerology have come down to us. Only Kabbalistic numerology managed to fully preserve its traditions. They continue to thrive to this day. But cabalistic numerology, like Kabbalah itself, is a very closed science, the “entrance” to which is open to rare representatives of the Jewish people.
What can be learned from the numbers
We have known Pythagoras since childhood as the creator of the theorem of the same name. But few people know that he was an outstanding philosopher, mystic, received initiation and became an ancient Greek priest. He founded a closed school for the study of numbers and became the founder of classical numerology.

Trying to learn about the future with the help of numbers, we most often resort to the help of the Pythagorean school of numerology. Although no less informative are the calculations that can be obtained using Chinese numerology and the knowledge that the Indian mahatmas gave us.

Where to begin?
To find out fate by date of birth, it is not enough to add up all the numbers of the day, month and year of a person's birth. As a result of such manipulation, we will get only his PERSONAL NUMBER. To find out fate and your own destiny, you will have to use more complex oriental techniques. And you need to start by defining the purpose of your incarnation.

Take for example the date of birth 1982.03.19, where 1982 is the year of birth, 03 is the month of birth, and 19 is the day of birth. For the fate of a person, small cycles are of the greatest importance, therefore the most important in the date of birth is the day of birth, and not the month or year. The last digit of the birthday is the purpose of the incarnation. (In our example, the birthday is 19, the last digit is 9. In the nine, the purpose of the incarnation is encoded). We write out in the line the numbers that are present in the date of birth 1-2-3-8-9. These figures indicate what experience has already been accumulated by the soul. Now we write out the numbers of the number series that are missing: 4-5-6-7. These are the tasks that will be most difficult for a person to solve in this life.

Those born under the sign of the nine (09th, 19th, 20th of each month)
The fate of this person will turn out favorably and he will be happy if he manages to fulfill the goal of his incarnation, which is indicated by the number 9. This number requires the manifestation of all aspects of the will from a person. His whole life should be accompanied by order, commitment and concreteness in everything. Lateness, failure to fulfill promises, fuzzy expression of thoughts and lies are unacceptable. Family, home, work, rest, everyday actions and words - everything must be streamlined through the manifestation of a strong will. Life is generous with the obstacles of various kinds that it constantly presents to these people. Their goal is to calmly overcome all obstacles, because from time to time they become stronger.

A correctly chosen profession greatly simplifies the fulfillment of the destination. For a nine, this is surgery or traumatology, dance, sports, geology - that is, any work that requires the practical use of hands and movement.

Those born under the sign of the eight (08th, 18th, 28th of each month)
The purpose of this incarnation is to multiply and unite in small things. Man must become the center of his little world. He must unite his entire family around him. At the heart of all his actions should be wisdom, tolerance, sacrifice for the benefit of the closest people. Breaks in relations with parents, grandparents, children, brothers and sisters, adultery are unacceptable. If this is the case, it is imperative to improve relations, because a person born under the figure eight is fed only by the forces of the family. Without them, he cannot be successful in life. Fate may give him the opportunity to reach some heights, after which he will cruelly take away everything that has been achieved. This will continue until a person becomes a reliable support for loved ones, for this is his destiny.

It is recommended to choose professions that are permeated with wisdom and sacrifice. Pedagogy, ecology, obstetrics, pediatrics, gynecology, the agricultural sector and other professions that require kindness, mercy and care. Particularly shown work in orphanages, nursing homes and care for the elderly.

Those born under the sign of the seven (07, 17, 27 of each month)
It is very important for people of this form of incarnation to control their emotions in order to distinguish a creative action from a destructive one. A banal sign of the extent to which the task of incarnation is carried out for these people is the amount of money they earn. If a person experiences a chronic lack of money, this indicates that he is not fulfilling his destiny. If there is enough money for a worthy existence, the tasks of birth are realized correctly and fate is favorable to the person. But this happens when the right profession is chosen.

It is best to choose a job that can be characterized by the word "creation". These are production processes in various sectors of the national economy - in factories, factories, enterprises of folk crafts and trade, crafts. We are talking not only about workers standing at machine tools or electronic control panels, but also about middle and senior managers of these enterprises. However, a career for the sake of a career is punishable.

Those born under the sign of the six (06th, 16th, 26th of each month)
The tasks of these people are similar to those of the G8, but they are more ambitious. People with a figure eight in their date of birth need to unite a large group of people around them. The purpose of this incarnation is to find a state of inner harmony and open the heart to the world. Fate requires from a person wisdom, mercy, care for others.

All professions related to the human soul are recommended - neurology, pedagogy of difficult teenagers, psychology, narcology, therapy, etc. If a person works in leadership positions, he should treat his subordinates with warmth and care. Only in this case, the tasks of the incarnation can be considered completed and hope for the favor of fate.

Those born under the sign of the five (05th, 15th, 25th of each month)
The principle of concrete knowledge and creativity patronizes this figure in fate. It expects from a person the exact observance of the rules and norms of morality and morality. The purpose of this incarnation is to comprehend the beauty and harmony of the world. But they need not only to comprehend, but also to convey to people.

Therefore, the best professions that will help a person realize his own destiny are professions related to art, words, and the study of the beauty of the world. These are writers, art historians, university professors, artists and musicians. This also includes work with foreign languages, organization of travel and excursions, any transfer of knowledge about beauty and harmony.

Those born under the sign of the four (04th, 14th, 24th of each month)
The basic principles for the people of this incarnation should be devotion and the principles of centering. In life, a person needs to work out many aspects in order to achieve the task assigned to him by fate. It comes down to a clear understanding of the causes and consequences of ongoing events, and the ability to convey this knowledge to people. A person of this incarnation should have unconditional stability in everything.

And the right choice of life path can help him. You can engage in any activity that does not require monotony. But a person will be able to realize himself faster in this incarnation if he is engaged in social activities, if he is able to create and develop labor or creative teams. Any work that is related to improving the improvement of society and public relations is shown. And therefore, work in the print media (except for the "yellow"), on television or radio helps to solve the problems.

Those born under the sign of the three (03, 13, 23 of each month)
Three requires a person to strictly follow the principles of law and order. The purpose of this incarnation is to bring them to the world. But requiring people to comply with moral standards, a person born under the three must himself be at his best.

The right choice of profession will positively affect fate. And this is astronomy, mathematics, physics, legislation, jurisprudence (except for the bar) and the prosecutor's office. And also, social activities and other professions that require accuracy, order and do not tolerate irresponsibility and hack work.

Born under the sign of two, one and zero (02, 12, 22, 01.11, 21, 31, 10, 20, 30 of each month)
The triple ends with the tasks of incarnation that a person can realize in the physical world. The numbers 2, 1 and 0 suggest that fate requires a great spiritual and spiritual return from a person.

You can engage in any activity that meets the highest principles of morality and morality. But this is not enough. For people with similar dates of birth, it is necessary, in addition to the main work, to show mercy in everyday life. Volunteering is the best way to realize the tasks assigned to a person. And it does not matter whether it will be help in a hospice or a shelter for homeless animals. Any gratuitous help, accompanied by sincere compassion, care and love, helps a person to solve the problem of incarnation.

Particularly noteworthy are such dates of birth, where the day and month of birth consist only of zero, one and two. For example, 10.12, 01.02, 21.11. Such combinations indicate that a person has energies that are quite rare. Therefore, the tasks before him are extremely difficult. In order for fate to be favorable to these people, they must be highly spiritual, merciful and tolerant. In the case of incorrectly chosen professions and violations of higher laws, fate severely punishes these people, most often after 33 years.

How to find out fate by date of birth
Let's go back to our example numbers. Date of birth 1982.03.19, 1-2-3-8-9 present, 4-5-6-7 absent. In parallel with the main task, a person will have to solve those indicated by the missing numbers. 7 - engage in creative activities and do something with your own hands. Minor housework, work in the country, on subbotniks - everything will be credited. 6 - a good attitude and help to those who need it. This applies to neighbors, colleagues, relatives, etc. 5 - this figure indicates that a person will not hurt to develop a sense of beauty in himself. Visiting exhibitions and theaters, reading good literature will be very useful for him. 4 - this figure indicates that a person should strive with all his might to maintain order and peace in society, showing loyalty and tolerance.

Fate is happy and not very
Having calculated the numbers of his date of birth in the indicated way, any person can understand how much he copes with the tasks of his incarnation. And if something is wrong in fate, the numbers will tell you what the reason is.

We have repeatedly heard from grandmothers, mothers, and girlfriends that when you follow your destiny, life will be harmonious, happy and peaceful. Even in many fairy tales, epics and songs mention this.

Based on this fact, we can say that people should also be destined for each other by fate. Again, it is not in vain that they say that the breaking of family ties occurs only because people have not found “their destiny”. Most often, women with a similar question turn to fortune tellers or clairvoyants.

Especially often this question is asked before marriage or at the beginning of a new romantic relationship. There are several ways to understand that a person is destined for you by fate.

The first of these is the dream. As a rule, it is dreamed several years before the appearance of the chosen one (s). Everything is depicted in it figuratively: the moment of the meeting, the attitude of the dreamer to the chosen one, and vice versa, the environment.

After waking up, one may not believe that this happened to a person not in reality. You can see a prophetic dream several times, but the image of the unknown chosen one does not change, and the essence of the dream remains the same. They are “stored” in a person’s memory for a very long time, and at the moment when two people meet, and at the same time, if a person is destined, then dreams make themselves felt.

Undoubtedly, such dreams are not for every person, but only for the more sensitive. Often there are cases when, having seen them, people do not give them due attention.

You can meet your "destiny" even before meeting him, and basically it all happens suddenly, in the most unpredictable places - at a friends wedding, in the park, and even just going to the store for bread.

If such meetings with the same mysterious person are repeated, then special attention should be paid to this.

Of course, we must not forget about love at first sight. Many people, having looked at a person once, can feel and decide whether he is destiny or not. Also, it is advisable to listen to your inner voice more often - it rarely deceives.

There are also cases when, from childhood, people are close friends, treat each other with warmth. But in an instant, everything changes. After they go to different places, communication between them stops.

Having already become adults, they meet again unexpectedly and feelings flare up between them, and attraction to each other. Everything is like in a movie about love, but in reality it happens. And this fact is also proof that people are destined for each other by fate.

It also happens that you feel the aroma of close perfumes, but at the same time you have never smelled them before, or you just see the silhouette of a person passing by, and you are already drawn to him - this can also be attributed to signs of fate.

You can ask a fortuneteller or clairvoyant for help with a similar question, who, using their supernatural gift and the necessary equipment (magic ball, fortune-telling cards), will help a person decide on this issue. In the most difficult situations, a whole ceremony is carried out, but mirrors, a bowl of clear water, candles, and, of course, personal belongings and photographs of loved ones are already used for this.

Recently it has become "fashionable" to consult an astropsychologist. What kind of people are these, and how do they see that a person is destined by fate? Astropsychologists are specialists who read the compatibility of people in the stars, and also predict the relationship of people throughout their life together. In addition to the location of the stars, they also take into account the horoscope of people.

Turning to an astropsychologist, the couple needs to indicate all the data on which the synastry of each of the beloved is compiled, then the specialist combines the two natal charts. When a person is destined, they practically coincide.

This method is very often used in those countries where young people are married to their parents, such as India. If everything matches, then the parents agree on the date of the wedding ceremony, if not, then they are looking for new chosen ones for their children.

The above describes how to recognize the person who is your destiny. Everything that happens to a person is the "tricks" of fate. You need to pay attention to every little thing, because, perhaps, it is she who will direct him on the path to happiness.

Each person has a life period that is designed to build harmonious relationships. How to behave at this time and not miss your happiness, our article will tell.

What you need to know to build love

Numerologists or astrologers will help you find out your successful period for building harmonious ones. But it is important not only to find out the dates, but also to understand what exactly needs to be done during this period in order to build a stable family. There are several life rules, using which, everyone can make the right choice of partner. Every person has a moment when he begins to seriously think about his personal life. It is then that a deep delusion occurs: in each partner you want to see your soul mate. During this period, the wrong choice of a life partner may occur. It must be remembered that there are karmic workings, which, as a rule, send temporary relationships with difficulties. Entering into such a relationship, a person should learn his lesson, and let them go, and not try to keep a partner. So, after helping determine the time cycle of your destiny, I recommend that you use these rules to determine your fateful love.

How to build love? 5 important rules

Rule #1. From the point of view of astrology, there are unfavorable days, acquaintance in which can turn into difficulties and disharmony in personal life - these are 9, 19 and 29 Lunar days. If you met your chosen one during this period, then it is advisable to avoid marriage. Rule #2. A person is endowed with freedom of choice, so you need to learn how to read the signs of Fate. True love usually comes by chance, and the first meeting is always filled with obstacles and ridiculous situations. You can miss your chosen one, confused, and not showing initiative. If you saw a person from whom you felt how your pulse and heart rate are changing, do not be afraid to approach and start an acquaintance. From the point of view of bioenergetics, when a person meets his soul mate, his sensory sensations become aggravated and unusual reactions of the body arise: this is how we perceive energy impulses that automatically tune in to the person destined by Fate. Rule #3. When your chosen partner has traits and qualities similar to you, this does not mean at all that you can build a strong family. Psychological research also confirms the opinions of psychics and bioenergetics: ideal partners are people who have opposite qualities and can complement each other. If you pay attention to people who are happy in marriage and follow their Destiny, you will notice that such partners are opposites of each other (for example, an ambitious and purposeful female leader finds her happiness with a passive and phlegmatic man; a sharp and conflicting man is happy with a humble and an obedient wife). This is a law, both energetic and natural: natural selection lies in the fact that partners with the most different qualities from each other make up a harmonious and stable union.

Rule #4. It is becoming commonplace for fateful love to make a person make tough choices. For example, a person who has a family, but is deeply unhappy in his personal life, is faced with a new partner who is a fateful companion. In such a situation, it is difficult to make a decision to break the old relationship. The only way not to make a mistake is to trust your heart and listen to the voice of the soul.

Are you tormented by guesses about what your partner feels for you - love, affection or friendly feelings? Turn to the wisdom of Tarot cards, they will dispel all your doubts!

500 rub.
Rule #5. To determine whether your partner is really the chosen one of Fate, I propose to conduct a practice that will allow you to get in touch with your subconscious and soul, and make the right choice. Light a candle, put a glass of water in front of you, start thinking about your chosen one, imagine his image, collect it as brightly as possible in front of you. Take a few sips of water from a glass. Close your eyes, inhale and exhale deeply 12 times, and listen carefully to the sensations of your body, pay attention to the color spots that appear when you close your eyes. So you use a subtle energy channel that will give a clue. If during contact with the subtle world you experience unpleasant sensations: heaviness in the arms, legs or back, sore throat, feeling of coldness in some parts of the body, strong heartbeat, and color spots are gray, brown or black, then this is not Your Destiny. If during the practice you feel warmth, lightness in the body, color spots of bright colors, the pulse becomes even - this is your fateful love. By applying these five simple rules, you can really make the right choice of partner and build a stable harmonious marriage. To find out the time when Fate intends to meet the chosen love, it is better to contact an astrologer, numerologist or a specialist in the field of extrasensory perception.

When meeting a soul mate, you really want to shout to the whole world: “we will always be together!”. But the first quarrel comes, and with it a terrifying thought: what if it’s not fate?

In search of our destiny, we meet new people, meet, look closely. And when you meet another little man who has become so close, you want to figure out how to understand that he is your destiny. I so want to make sure that meeting with him is not another attempt to start a relationship and not only work on the mistakes of a past life! I want to be sure that this is not a mistake, but really love forever! Now we will try to decide whether it is possible to determine at the initial stage of the relationship that your meeting was fateful?

How to know your fate in the face of a loved one?

Of course, there is no 100% guarantee that you will not make a mistake with the choice of your life partner (tsy). Most of the meetings in our life are not accidental anyway, so even if you are not destined to be together, most likely this person was given to you for a reason, but in order to learn some lessons from communicating with him. However, there are a few signs that love and destiny have finally met in your life. Let's try to consider them.

Sign #1: Cry of the heart: "It's Him!" (or "she"). Very often it happens that on a new acquaintance, something inexplicable is happening to you and every cell inside you rejoices because a fateful meeting took place. It happens not at the first glance, but some time after the start of communication. It seems that your dream or a happy dream has finally come true, and you experience incredible joy from the fact that this happened.

Life Story #1. They met on the Internet, and it so happened that they were very far from each other, and there was no opportunity to meet. The first date could take place only six months later. They did not think about how to understand that this was fate, but simply communicated with pleasure. And something invisible carefully guarded their connection. The girl's heart rejoiced for the first time after a couple of weeks of communication - she had no doubt that it was He. And without even thinking, she blocked other men from entering her heart. Two weeks after the first meeting, they were already living together.

But: a person who strives with all his might to find his destiny is very often in the mode of waiting for his happiness. Therefore, instead of an intuitive and truthful feeling, he may be visited by a deceitful feeling or an impulse of reason that overshadows the heart, that a new acquaintance is the love of his life. Therefore, you should get acquainted with the following signs of how to understand that he is your destiny.

Sign #2. An extraordinary meeting. It can be a fatal coincidence or what we call a colossal coincidence. However, it should be remembered that all coincidences in our lives are carefully planned actions of the Universe! Therefore, carefully consider such a "random" meeting. After all, a couple of such meetings and you can understand that it is she who is the connecting link for the concepts of “love, life, destiny” for you.

Life Story #2. Andrey and Polina met, immediately liked each other and started dating. They were connected by a strange intuitive feeling and the thought "we will always be together." But at the same time, both did not leave the feeling that they had met somewhere before, and more than once. In the course of their communication, it turned out that throughout their lives they met quite often in the same places, but for some reason they never made contact. For example, during the years of study, Andrei attended courses at the university of Polina, who studied there. A couple of years later, they often spent time in the same nightclub, and once Polina even paid fleeting attention to Andrei, but for some reason did not dare to approach him. As a result, they met on the Internet when they were thousands of kilometers apart! Their story continued with a wedding and the creation of a family.

Sign #3: You feel each other. This means that there is an intuitive connection between you: you start talking, and your loved one finishes your thought. Or he thought, and you already did. Or you made a wish on a shooting star to go on a romantic trip, and in the morning you have two vouchers on your nightstand. This is an incredible, inexplicable and amazing connection, but if you are destined to be together, lovers will definitely feel it!

Sign number 4. Kindred of souls. You not only complement each other, but also understand each other without words. And this happens despite the fact that you are so different! In your relationship, there is an amazing mutual understanding and the ability to get out of conflict situations. You clearly feel and try with all your might to satisfy them.

Sign number 5. Feeling of security. When you are near, you feel comfort, calmness, warmth of feelings. Your love is your fortress that keeps your souls. You are not looking for qualities in your chosen one (darling) that could push you away and allow you to escape from him one fine morning. When you are together, you feel confident in the future. In the moments when you are near, you have no doubt that your loved one is love and destiny, your soulmate.

Sign number 6. Outwardly, you impress each other. It is often said that if destined to be together lovers are somewhat similar to each other. Moreover, it becomes immediately obvious. They pay attention to your couple wherever you appear. Someone sees you off with an envious look, and someone is sincerely pleased to feel the vibrations of harmony and love from you.

Sign number 7. You are not allowed to leave. There are moments when loving people do not see the point in continuing the relationship and try to leave. Or they decide to do so due to the circumstances. But there are cases, even when they decide that it is not their destiny to be together, they cannot part for various reasons. Then you should stop and understand: you can always break up, but building relationships and being together - this may be the last chance. Check out our article: "". You may be able to realize what exactly you need to change in communication with your loved one.

These few signs will help you understand how to know your destiny in the face of a loved one. Most importantly, trust your heart and intuition! But at the same time, don’t talk like the majority does: if we are destined to be together, then we will be. Remember that our life is in our hands and in order to become happy, you need to make efforts and work on relationships with your loved one. And how to understand that he is your destiny, we have already told a little. Next time we will share an article about the signs of self-deception in a love relationship.