We reveal the truth: why appearance is not the main thing and is sometimes deceptive. Appearance can be deceiving or what facial features can tell about character Appearance can be deceiving

Outer beauty is even more precious when it covers the inner. A book whose golden clasps close the golden content gains special respect.
W. Shakespeare

External simplicity is the everyday clothes of ordinary people, tailored to their measurements and sewn for them; at the same time, it is a wonderful dress for people who have accomplished great deeds.
J. La Bruyère

Beauty does not lie in the appearance of an object, but in the feeling that it inspires us.
Jean Paul Richter

The sculptor must express mental activity in appearance.

Any woman can look ten years younger, only it takes more time.
Olga Chekhova

By the appearance of a man, one can judge how much he earns; by the appearance of a woman - how much she spends.

There are three billion women in the world who don't look like supermodels, and only eight women who do.
American saying

The main cause of death among models is falling through street bars.
Lave Barry

What matters in a woman is not her weight, but that. how she wears it.

She looked good in anything but the mirror.

You won't believe how expensive it is to look so cheap.
Dolly Norton

I have everything the same as it was about twenty years ago - only now it's all lower.
Gypsy Rose Lee

The more clothes I have on, the better I look.
Phyllis Diller

Unfortunately, girls who claim that all men are the same instantly notice the difference between you and Alain Delon.
Agfred E. Newman

I look better in the moonlight, as do all historical ruins.
Phyllis Diller

Will I ever look like my peers?!
Arkady Davidovich

Don't hide your age or they'll give you more.
Konstantin Melikhan

Appearance is a hint of personality, showing through her disguise.
Viktor Krotov

Appearance is both a mirror of the soul and its protective coloring.
Alexander Kruglov

Appearance - vague contours of personality.
Tamara Kleiman

Appearances are only deceiving.
Evgeny Kashcheev

Appearances are deceptive. This is its function.
A. Doba

Appearance is the first of nesting dolls.
Gennady Malkin

An image is a deliberately vulgar image that is easy to comprehend and remember. If the image is clear and recognizable, both your role and your place in the sun will be recognized.
Alexander Kruglov

Appearances are deceptive. Especially pretty.
Vladimir Kolechitsky

Only the most impenetrable people do not judge by appearance.
Oscar Wilde

He looked like a picture from a fashion magazine, where every fold of the suit was carefully drawn, and the face was only outlined with a dotted line.
Emil Krotky

When a woman is bright, she is most often also noisy.
Grigory Landau

The smaller a woman's breasts, the more intelligence. But why this is so is unknown.
Chris Kleinke

The woman makes up for the lack of depth of thought with other depths.
Józef Maciejewski

Appearance can be deceiving, which is written on the face of many.
Boris Zamyatin

No one believes that he looks at all his years.
Edgar Howe

Be careful with the mirror or you'll see your own face.
Mechislav Shargan

God is a comedian. If you don't believe me, look at yourself in the mirror.
Ken Olson

I went to the mirror and saw the reverse side of the coin.
Włodzimierz Schisłowski

The inscription on the mirror: "Others are no better."
Alexander Dashevsky

“Appearances can be deceiving,” says a famous quote. Indeed, it is not always possible to determine from the first time what this or that person is. For example, you were 100% sure of the decency of a person, but only after a few years it turns out that this is far from the case. Or, on the contrary, a gloomy, closed person is actually a model of kindness and philanthropy. Yes, and in yourself, each of you can discover the most unusual sides, you just have to understand everything in more detail. So let's get started...

Each person's face has its own expression. If the face is constantly in a state of tension, sometimes even twitches - this indicates an insecure person who is subject to internal doubt and fears. Conservative ideas are closer to such people, since new solutions are not easy for them. However, if they believe that they have made the right choice, they can engage in the chosen business with enthusiasm for many years. And easily establish contacts with new people.

Owners immovable face, as if “frozen”, are ordinary lazy people who are of little interest, they have nowhere to rush and strive. And even their own problems do not bother them at all, they just don't care. The state of the nervous system affects the mobility of the muscles. An easily excitable person has a special facial expression that is easily recognized.

face shape

A lot of information about a person can be learned from the shape of his face. The owner of a triangular face is a cunning person who thinks only about his own interests and benefits. A square face gives out a strong character, assertiveness and rudeness. Such people are difficult to contact, it is not easy to communicate with them. The round shape of the face is inherent in cheerful, kind people who love noisy companies and do not strive for fame. Although, if protruding cheekbones are noticeable on a round face, this indicates the makings of a leader.


Enthusiastic people own high, arched eyebrows. Such eyebrows can often be observed in female leaders. Owners of eyebrows of medium length and width are characterized by balance from all sides. This applies to intelligence and will, kindness and emotionality. Conservative nature is given out by low-set eyebrows. The thicker the eyebrows, the stronger the person's craving for leadership. Eyebrows with outer angles pointing down indicate shyness and kindness.


Sentimental infantile women have large eyes located at some distance from each other. Wide-open eyes are characteristic of sensitive, very smart and quick-witted people. Beautiful attractive eyes are a bright temperament and an extraordinary mind. But the owners of small eyes prefer to hide their thoughts and feelings from others.

The nature is wide, very independent, often has a long nose. Those who got a short nose are people with an active lifestyle, open, cheerful. Influential personalities often have a neat tip of the nose with pronounced wings. The forked tip of the nose belongs to shy natures, and the upturned one belongs to eccentric and dissolute girls. Cunning and shrewd people often have a Greek nose.

Scrupulous and petty people usually "wear" thin lips. The folds, lowered to the corners of the lips, give out an insidious person. Egoists have a pronounced lower lip, and people who are insecure, on the contrary, have an upper lip. Thin and sensual nature has lips resembling a flower bud.

Also pay attention to the fact that throughout life the outlines can change, as well as the person himself, his worldview and ideals. Therefore, you should not take the above definitions as rooted patterns. However, you will agree that there is certainly something in this. Be sure to take note of these definitions and share them with your friends!

I really don’t like the way the world is becoming now and how girls manipulate men:

  1. Interesting healthy status guys at the sight of a beauty begin to change, suck up to her,. They begin to curry favor with her, try to please her.
  2. Guys lose their heads because of the girl's appearance, suffer, worry because of them. I don't like what girls do to men.
  3. There may be nothing behind this appearance, and the guys buy them cars, take them to restaurants, even buy apartments.
  4. Guys don't know how to get to know her and discover her true self. The girl gets used to this attitude. She herself does not know how to actually meet a guy.

You don't have to and shouldn't have a lot of money just because she has a model look and is used to guys buying her souvenirs and entertaining her. Your money doesn't solve anything here. They only interfere with getting close to the girl.

Beauty is not the main weapon in this world. You should not neglect your personal boundaries because there is a beautiful person next to you.

At a young age, I naively thought that beautiful girls were all so pure and sweet.. When you have made several thousand acquaintances, you simply have to get out of this imposed perception and social programming! Read more about social programming and zombies.

Someone on purpose does not tell us the truth. On TV, the pretty girls are all so adorable, it's like they don't even go to the toilet for the most part.

Someone else's opinion was imposed on us from the Internet and mass media about what is more important: the character, soul or appearance of a person. Someone listens, and someone thinks with his head.

social video

This is already a fairly well-known social video of the Internet in two parts. Here the man may not be so handsome, but people mistakenly believe that he is the same inside. Watch this short film to make sure that people are not the main thing in appearance.

Don't look for looks, look for personality

Guys mistake when dating: do not propose to a girl

The most common mistake guys make when trying to meet a beautiful girl. They approach her and try to offer themselves outwardly, because he likes the girl outwardly.

This is a global problem! This is where all the denials and rejections come from.

To get rejected, you need to offer something.Without offering himself, a person cannot reject you.. If you're trying to sell yourself, it's very unattractive.

Approach just like that, without internal intentions. Just communicate. Meet a girl to find out who she is.

Realize how important appearance is. Just don't focus on it in the first place. To get to know a person, you must find out if he is interesting to you inside.

My video

Get out of the herd mindset and don't react to beauty

I came to this realization myself.

If you value appearance in people, then you will put beautiful people on a pedestal. And this is a mistake.

All people should be treated equally! You shouldn't judge people! Do not glue labels due to appearance. Don't compare yourself to others.

Let's say you're a tough case and you still value looks in people and think looks are important.

What will happen if you meet a person who is more beautiful and prettier than you several times?

So, continuing to rely on this logic, you should be lower in rank, and he should have an advantage over you.

Do you need it?

Conclusion: communicate with all people equally regardless of their appearance!

Always remember that the beauty and appearance of a person can be deceiving. Know this and get out of the herd mentality.

Impeccable principles on how to meet a very beautiful girl - 5 top straight rules.

: learn to kiss correctly, become a kissing master, an article with a video tutorial.

: how to forget an ex-girlfriend and live a happy life.

One Model Revelation

I remember in one video a famous model told the whole truth about , how people develop an illusory idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfemale beauty. She has been in the modeling business for several years.

You can remember many quotes from that girl that appearances are deceiving. She revealed all the secrets of why in appearance not everything is as beautiful as it seems to us.

Some of her phrases were about the following.

In her words, all these videos of her and professional photographs are not her. She said that she did not see herself in them.

People appreciate this girl not for her personality and who she is, but only for her appearance.

I immediately remembered a date with a girl of model appearance. She was taller than me in heels. Although I myself am tall and my height is 185.

At first, when I first saw her and decided to get acquainted, I thought that she was a model. She really stood out from the other girls.

But I was very surprised when, for all her 22 years, she said that only 3 guys had approached her on the street in her whole life.