Nice birthday surprise. How to celebrate a birthday at home? Umbrella stand

I love good parties. When the basis interesting idea and a little bit of organization, simple get-togethers turn into an interesting event that is remembered. That is why, I was very happy to receive an invitation from my sister for her birthday. The holiday was in the format of a picnic in the park (summer after all!), and the sister chose maritime theme, inspired by Navy Day. We are so crazy in my family, we cannot do without a concept.

Organize interesting party with a twist is not so difficult, especially if you follow the standard algorithm. True, often in the hustle and bustle of everyday life it is difficult even to force yourself to make a holiday for yourself (hope that someone will organize a holiday for you, unfortunately). My sister's seaside picnic inspired me to structure my approach to party planning so that all that's left now is to check things off the list nicely and say "check" like Monica Geller.

1. Make a list of invitees (and even manage not to accidentally forget anyone)

For such cases, I have a list in notes in Outlook. After all, from year to year we invite almost the same people to events such as birthdays. With such a file, you don’t have to make a list again: add new acquaintances, remove those who have parted or dropped out of the circle of friends - and voila! Check!

2. Come up with a theme

The most difficult and most interesting task. To come up cool theme something to inspire. On a specific day (for example, Day Navy), or the venue (White Party of the White Nights with a walk through the night summer St. Petersburg), or even the number of participants (I came up with the theme of the birthday of all the colors of the rainbow when I realized that I would have seven guests). I wrote about the ideas that I used for my birthdays. I allow you to roam without hesitation.

3. Announce the dress code

As a rule, after the theme is thought up, it is already easy to understand what the dress code will be. Lately I love to help the invitees (at this moment, the slippers of my girlfriends fly at me, who this year, because of my crazy ideas, ran around the shops in search of white dresses), and as inspiration, I prepare an approximate selection of outfits.

4. Prepare a wish list

Perhaps, almost more than anything in the world, I love surprises ... from people who know me well and know what gifts I will like. My sister gave me a KINFOLK magazine this year with a house theme that wasn't even on the wish list (well, you know how excited I was anyway). But a pre-prepared wish list is essential if you don't want to end up inundated with my-size flipper-style gifts. I used to use the Mywishlist service, which I created, in my opinion, back in the time of active use of LiveJournal, since then it has not changed and is still stuck somewhere in the mid-2000s, although the wishes of lilacs, peonies and more cannot become outdated . Pinterest is everything. I have a wish board here, which I am slowly but surely filling out.

5. Decide on the place of action

To you or to me? Well, you get the idea. Picnic and boating, walk around the city at night with the launch of balls, cooking master class in culinary studio, pajama party at home or home gatherings. One of my girlfriends decided to celebrate her 30th birthday in Georgia (invitations were sent out almost a year before (!)). Much will depend on the overall theme (and sometimes the setting will dictate the theme). Do not delay with this matter, otherwise you will sit like me at a master class on making cookies in great hall restaurant, and nasty kids will scurry around and beg from you air balloons that were given to you.

6. Send an invitation

No matter how obvious this step was, I have had cases when I sent out an invitation at 11 pm on the eve of my birthday itself (does not apply only to aircraft). For people like me, salvation is a Facebook invitation service (hey, is there really someone else who doesn’t have a Facebook page? okay, I duplicated the information with text messages for such individuals of a rare endangered species). Why are Facebook invites better than email invites? Because you can add information there (the same wish list, dress code, action address) as it becomes available. This, by the way, also perfectly stirs up the interest of the public, which means it lengthens the holiday. I also have a dream to have a party with real invitations sent by mail, but apparently I can't wait until I have a ring on my finger.

7. Prepare decor

Here, of course, the master is my sister. Only she can eat 20 jars of applesauce on the eve of her birthday in order to arrange them as drinking glasses. I usually limit myself to something simple. The white party is a huge bunch of white and silver balloons. Rainbow party - colorful donuts and lollipops.

8. Think about who will be photographing

Did I already say that I love taking pictures? I like taking pictures of myself! Photos are important, important, important. Consider who will take on this role. If a man with hands out right place no, it can hire a photographer (after all, unfortunately, a birthday is only once a year), well, or Instax is in a hurry to help - it's always fun. Oh, and one more thing, don't forget to take a picture of the food before it disappears.

9. Prepare gifts for guests

This is soooo cute! Well, really, think about whether you can give something small but pleasant to your guests. I honestly admit that I only had one time for such a feat. For my rainbow-themed birthday, I gave each guest an envelope with Skittles (try the rainbow!) and a hairclip with a flower in the rainbow color the guest chose.


Most pleasant holiday- it's a birthday. sincere smiles, good wishes- all this surrounds the birthday boy on this important day. For friends and acquaintances, a friend's birthday is a rather difficult test in terms of choosing a gift. So how do you choose good gift for your friend's birthday?

You will need

  • The following tips will help in solving this difficult problem:


Of course, a gift is a symbolic thing, but sometimes you want to do something special and meaningful for a person. In this case, you can contact the close circle of the birthday man with an offer to add up for a larger gift. There is no doubt that they will be delighted with this offer. Two questions are removed at once: "What to give?", And "How much to expect?".

When the required amount has been collected, the time has come to think about it. American comedies often show how playful gifts make a splash on the birthday. This happens only in the movies, but in life even the most cheerful person I would like to get something nice and necessary for my birthday.

If a friend is fond of some business, for example, shooting from a crossbow, then his friends in the club will best tell you what a friend needs now. Everyone has a hobby, and even if your friend is a gamer, his friends online game they will tell you that sometimes his mouse sticks, and the webcam is not very good.

The best and the right gift bought, and it remains to solve the question of how to present it so that it is remembered forever. The answer is simple, the main thing is to do it all together and show a little imagination.

Helpful advice

Be sure to stock up on crackers and fireworks, because a birthday is only once a year, and in addition to a gift, there is unique opportunity let your friend feel that he is the center of attention. When organizing a birthday, do not be too lazy to agree with those invited in advance and find out which people the birthday person would not really like to see.

It is difficult to surprise your beloved guy if you have been together for more than a year. However, ideas unusual congratulations thousands, you just need to let your imagination run wild. By organizing unusual holiday, you will not only congratulate your man, but also strengthen your relationship. Here are some ways to surprise a guy on his birthday.


Try to do something. Even a trifle like a postcard made by himself will delight him. If you can draw, draw a portrait of yours. You can write a book about the happy moments spent together, if you add a book joint photos, will be even more interesting. You can also compose a song or a poem.

A win-win is to dance a dance. Get some beautiful suit and a couple of dance DVDs (in order to work out a little), you can choose either belly dancing or strip dancing. Build and decorate a large cardboard cake mockup for the most unexpected this moment emerge from it, performing a beautiful dance. You will definitely be pleasantly surprised by this gift.

If your loved one prefers extreme sports, give him a parachute jump. You can also organize a short trip around the city. For example, take a map and mark on it the places where the surprise will be hidden, and he will naturally have to look for them together. Let's say the first destination is a park where you can ride horses. Next, a store where the seller gives a gift to your loved one, of course, you will need to agree with the seller in advance. At the end, you get to a cafe, restaurant or sauna, where many friends happily congratulate you on yours, and you all celebrate the holiday together.

pleasant surprise will be a tattoo on your body. Not necessarily a permanent tattoo, you can also make a temporary one, which will disappear without a trace in two weeks. The tattoo, of course, should be related to your loved one, perhaps his name or someone dedicated to him.

To surprise, you need to give either something very or very original. If the amount does not matter, you can give a new one mobile phone, PDA, or other toys for large . More budget options- guitar, skates, fishing rod, etc. If a young man does not know how to skate, the gift will be more interesting, because as soon as the opportunity arises, he will definitely want to learn.


  • how to surprise your loved one on his birthday

It is not true that on a birthday, guests should surprise the hero of the occasion, but he does not. After all, a holiday should bring pleasure to guests, and the birthday person himself also has every right to show creativity on it.


Try hosting a mid-eighties-style non-alcoholic one. Hang a portrait of Gorbachev on the wall, bring a TV and other things of those times to the room where the event is held. The saying “if it came to a cake at a holiday, then it didn’t work out” is not applicable here: start right away with tea and cake! True, this way of unusual celebration may not appeal to all guests.

If the weather is warm on your day, arrange solemn event not at home, in a cafe or at work, but in nature. For this, choose the edge of the forest in a safe area, not far from the railway platform, completely refrain from making fires, especially fireworks. But the guitar at such an event is more than appropriate.

Remember the now half-forgotten tradition of masquerades. Moreover, achievements modern technology allow to implement fancy dress previously unseen ideas. Why are only masks or, say, sleeves decorated with LEDs.

If you wish, choose a very unusual place for the event. The main thing is to be in it, and the staff was not against it. Especially often in this way children. By clicking on the link at the end, you can see several examples of places suitable for such events.

Regardless of where and in what form you are going to celebrate the holiday, do not forget about fun games even if you are an adult serious man. It can be relay races, arm wrestling competitions, numerous games with phantoms.

“Invite” people to your birthday who cannot physically attend it, because they are in another city or even country. To do this, use video communication systems, for example, Skype. Arrange for such virtual "guests" a live broadcast from the event with the opportunity to talk with its participants, make toasts. Don't forget to videotape the event.


  • Unusual places for birthday parties in 2019

Birthday contrary to the famous song should not be a sad holiday. Regardless of the age of the birthday person, the number of guests and the venue, a birthday carries a charge of positive, cheerfulness and a little bit of magic. And most the best gift birthday are the smiles and admiration of the guests.

Holiday themed style

Surprise your guests theme party. For example, a birthday gangster style. Send out an invitation in the form of flyers with an inscription like: "Wanted ..." and your photo. Decorate the venue with Chicago mob-inspired trappings. Come up with appropriate contests and prepare props.

In addition to gangster, you can use tourist, cowboy themes, etc.

Hold an Olympics named after yourself by arranging a sprint around the yard for guests and other Olympic sports, adjusting them to the scale of your event. Don't forget the medals. Comic medals can be bought at any store of tricks and creative gifts.

Or maybe you didn't have time to celebrate Halloween. Arrange a Sabbath of evil spirits on your birthday. Invite guests to dress up as witches, vampires, or zombies. Sacrifice the failures of the past year in the form of a paper doll on which all your disappointments will be written.

Try also to fall into childhood and invite friends to the "baby boom". Let everyone dress up as babies, and have cocktails served in bottles with nipples.

You can surprise guests with black humor and play in a psychiatric hospital, where some will imagine themselves as certain historical figures, while others will feed them with sweet pills in the role of doctors and prescribe how many spoons of this or that salad each patient should eat.

Or set up a resort at home with an inflatable pool filled with special balls. You can fill it with water, provided that this is the first floor (so as not to accidentally flood the neighbors) and you lay an oilcloth on the floor in advance (so as not to spoil your floor).

Cut out palm trees from large format cardboard and attach them to the walls, and hang a cardboard sun on the chandelier. It remains only to purchase a chic bathing suit to defile in it among the guests, as on the podium.

High class dishes

learn original recipes and practice cooking gourmet dishes. For example, for dessert, you can make Chinese fortune cookies with inside. Let every prediction be cheerful so that no one is left without a ray of your joy.

Bake an unusual cake, try making homemade liquor or mix up interesting cocktails. Don't be afraid to experiment in all areas of cooking.

Gifts for all guests

By tradition, it is customary to give gifts to the birthday man. Renew the tradition and surprise every guest symbolic gift Push. Gifts can be different in color and shape, but always the same in price range so as not to offend anyone. And the guests will be satisfied, and you will look like a first-class host in their eyes.

There are many holidays in a year, but only one of them belongs entirely and completely to a person. I'm talking about the day, of course. birth. To demonstrate to your beloved all the depth of your feelings and all the facets of your care, you should take on the organization of an unforgettable holiday.

Carefully selected creative, unusual birthday gifts will not only create good mood, will remain in memory for a long time, but will also turn out to be necessary, useful. Having considered several original ideas offered below, you can easily pick up a present that is ideal for the birthday man.

Top 5 unusual and original birthday gifts

In order for the birthday person to like the present, it is important to take into account his gender, age, character traits, hobbies, interests, etc.

With all this information, you can easily come up with ideas. original gifts for a birthday. Please note that you do not have to buy them, you can do it yourself.

Gifts in the style of " hand made will cause the recipient a storm of emotions - delight, joy, surprise, happiness. If you do not know how to do something unusual with your own hands, choose one of the options below for unusual gifts.

smart gadgets

  1. Keychain tracker - a small device made of plastic with a hole and a button on the body. Manufactured in several bright beautiful flowers, so you can choose a device for every taste. The keychain can be presented as a birthday present for both a woman and a man. The accessory is needed to search for "lost" - keys, bags, phone, pets, etc. To do this, you need to put the device on the dog (cat) collar, key ring, put it in the pocket of the bag, small child, and if necessary, activate using a special application installed on another gadget. When you press the "Alert" button, the key fob starts ringing loudly and does not stop until you find it.
  2. Selfie remote - allows you to control the camera and arrange photo sessions while being at a distance from the phone. Very easy to use, original, unusual birthday present. Even cope with it Small child. Such a gift can be ordered in the online gift shop.
  3. Personalized external battery "Energy reserve" should be presented to those who are often on the road. The device will help charge your phone, tablet, camera, always stay in touch, go online. The battery is equipped with a metal case, on which an engraving is applied - the surname, name, patronymic of the birthday man.
  4. Smart scales should be presented to birthday people who monitor their weight. In addition to body weight, the gadget shows several more parameters - the volume of muscle, fat, bone tissue, etc.

Original gifts for home and life

  1. Wall florarium - a garden in glass container. The unusual present serves as an interior decoration. You can make it yourself, using vases, plants for every taste, creating unusual exotic compositions.
  2. Aero sofa - an inflatable lounger that can be used at home, in the country, on the street, on the road, in nature, etc. The product is “not afraid” of either low or high temperatures, inflates without a pump, using the technology of "scooping air". It is made of waterproof material, and when folded is placed in small backpack.
  3. An air dryer for shoes, clothes is an indispensable device for the home. Works on the principle of a hair dryer or fan, providing uniform ventilation of products.
  4. A smart floor cleaner that frees the owner from the daily cleaning of the house. As soon as debris gets on the floor, the device turns on and sucks it up without human intervention.


  1. An interactive T-shirt is a very unusual birthday present that will be delighted by both a birthday man and a woman who cannot imagine life without music. This plain t-shirt, powered by batteries, to which an interactive panel with a mini-processor is attached using Velcro. The T-shirt can be played like a real instrument, if necessary, all electronic parts are detached, and the thing is washed in the usual way.
  2. A 3D pen can be presented on the birthday of not only an adult, but also a child. An unusual device creates original three-dimensional drawings in the air. The pen, depending on the printing method, is of two types - cold and hot. For the first work, resins are used that harden under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The second is drawn with molten polymeric materials, solidifying natural way.
  3. Toys that make sounds, play music or sing songs. It is better to give such a present to a child, it contributes to the development of hearing, touch, and vision in a baby.
  4. A certificate for SPA procedures will please the birthday woman. A practical present that will give the recipient a lot positive emotions and pleasure.

Sets for hobbies and hobbies

  1. The aqua farm is an unusual gift, which is a closed ecosystem - an 11-liter aquarium with fish and plants that are grown in a special tray and can later be eaten. The set includes:
    • aquarium;
    • gravel;
    • air conditioner for water treatment;
    • pump;
    • fish food;
    • pallet, pots and planting material for plants.
  2. Minigolf - a small copy for everyone famous game for a fun time with friends. The rules of the game are the same as in the regular version, only the length of the playing fields is shorter.
  3. Sensors for plants - worth giving to women involved in the cultivation of indoor flowers. Devices determine the level of moisture, air temperature, ground, the amount useful substances in the soil. The collected information is sent to the smartphone through a special application.
  4. Kits for carving, soap making, embroidery with beads, etc. So original surprises women who are fond of needlework will be delighted.

Unusual souvenirs and trinkets

  1. A desktop biofireplace is an unusual portable heater that is easy to place in any corner of the room. The fire is formed with the help of organic biofuels, therefore it does not create burning, soot, smoke. Biofireplaces are produced in different models, thanks to which it is possible to choose a product for any design solution, interior. You can buy a souvenir on the manufacturer's website by ordering delivery by mail, and give it as a gift already assembled.
  2. Glass in the form of an old smoking pipe. Such original souvenir worth giving to connoisseurs of elite alcoholic beverages, gourmets who enjoy drinking them, enjoying the taste.
  3. Umbrella-reversible - folds into reverse side, so hands, shoes, clothes of the owner and the floor of the room will always be dry.
  4. Electronic piggy bank. By giving such a souvenir for a birthday, you will free the birthday boy from the accumulated coins, since the device will do it instead of him.

What a creative gift to choose for family and friends

It is very important to choose original and inexpensive gifts for a birthday, depending on gender, age, status of the birthday person, etc. What to give to loved ones and good friends:

To whom is the gift given?

List of possible gifts


  • a set of elite varieties of coffee or tea, complemented by sweets;
  • unusual dishes;
  • night lamp with original design;
  • unusual pillows in the form of cakes;
  • photo on canvas

Beloved girl or wife

  • luminous soft pillow;
  • holders - car for a phone, for a handbag, jewelry;
  • expensive beautiful set bed linen;
  • romantic pastime, such as a rooftop dinner or a weekend in an expensive hotel;
  • battery-operated electronic candle;
  • thematic photo session

Unusual gifts for children

  • headphones with original plugs;
  • lamp - a projector of the starry sky;
  • quadrocopter;
  • set for home experiments, creativity;
  • sneakers with LEDs;
  • quest participation certificate

Colleagues at work and boss

  • coffee machine for car
  • a set of whiskey glasses;
  • nominal purse;
  • ancient souvenirs, figurines;
  • smart pen
  • Magic ball with predictions;
  • coloring book with small details to relieve stress;
  • reflective umbrella;
  • alarm clock Target with laser sight;
  • camera with printer;
  • certificate for seasonal activities (paintball, water park, snowboard, etc.)

Beloved boyfriend or husband

Whatever they say about female friendship, A best friend always included in the circle of people closest to us. Who, if not she, keeps all our secrets, who else can tell about the most secret desires? It is a friend who will support and give advice in moments of despair or share joy with us. And, of course, on her birthday, we all want to make an unusual surprise for her, to show how much she means to us, to thank her for her friendship.

Making a birthday surprise for a friend is both difficult and easy at the same time. As a rule, we are aware of all her desires. But to give banal cosmetics, albeit expensive, or even more household appliances a little too prosaic. After all, you want to cheer up close person, give pleasure. And if so, then a birthday surprise for a friend should be original and, most importantly, unexpected.

The first thing that comes to mind is to arrange a holiday for a friend, but one that she does not even know about. It can be a bachelorette party or just a party with close friends. The main thing is to think over the script. For example, you can order a banquet hall and decorate it in an original way in advance, you can discuss the repertoire with the musicians, because you know exactly what kind of music the birthday girl prefers. Invite animators, discuss the program of the event with them, you can generally organize, for example, a costume party. If you really want to do unexpected surprise for a friend's birthday - invite a stripper. But just don’t overdo it, you shouldn’t make such surprises if the birthday girl is married or, for example, recently broke up with her loved one and is currently experiencing a personal drama. However, arrange real holiday possible not only in banquet hall, you can also decorate an apartment in an original way in the absence of a hero of the occasion.

If your best friend is an amateur thrill, coming up with extreme entertainment for her is not difficult. Give her a parachute jump, a flight in a military fighter jet or wind tunnel, scuba diving, horseback riding. It is better, of course, if you keep her company in this. And, believe me, such a birthday surprise for a friend will be remembered for a long time.

If she is more than indifferent to extreme entertainment, get her a certificate for a photo session. What woman doesn't like to be photographed? This is an almost win-win gift, especially if you arrange a professional shoot with costumes and invite a makeup artist. You can go further and arrange a nude photo shoot, for example.

What birthday surprise for a friend can be made less expensive? Order from the printing house an exclusive issue of a fashion publication with her portrait on the cover, believe me, she will like it. You can simply order her portrait, originally designed, a bag with individual motifs, a large cozy pillow or even a mug will also do. Now technology allows you to create in a single copy any product on an individual order. Naturally, about exclusive gift You need to take care in advance, usually two to three weeks.

If you and your girlfriend are young, you can surprise and even touch her if you gather friends and in the early morning, while she is sleeping, stick on her window Greeting Cards and notes. But this is if she does not live too high. If you want to surprise your friend for her birthday, lay out a congratulation from bright objects at night under her windows, hang posters along the route she usually takes, say, to a bus stop.

As you can see, there are many options for congratulations. Do not forget about gifts of interest. For the lover active rest a subscription to an elite sports club, to a pool or Gym. Perhaps, any woman will be happy to receive a certificate in the Spa or beauty elephant. But no matter what gift you choose, the main thing is to make it from the heart and take into account the character and interests of the birthday girl, then it will become a real surprise and will be remembered by both of you for a long time.

Not sure what fun and interesting things to do on your birthday? Or maybe your guests do not know each other well, and you are worried that everyone will be bored sitting at the table, looking at the food on the plate?

Say no to boring table gatherings! Arrange cool games that will unite all your friends and cheer everyone up. It will not be boring!

The game "Do or obey!"

This game will allow you to defuse the situation, liberate the guests and charge with positive those gathered at your fun

Purpose of the game: all guests, including the birthday boy, take turns pulling out a card and performing the action that is indicated on it. If, for some reason, the participant cannot complete desired action, the person sitting to the right of the participant comes up with any task that comes to his mind.

Card examples

Tell funny cool case that happened to you and the birthday girl.

Describe in as much detail as possible how you met the birthday girl: Where? When? How old were you? How? Other details to remember! (Snot, drool and pimples!))

Dream and predict in detail the best, in your opinion, future for all guests (career, family, money, place of residence, occupations).

Confess to your 3 worst sins!

Tell us the most ridiculous or funny situation that happened to you this year or in your life.

Congratulate the birthday girl on 6 different languages. If you only speak Russian, use your imagination to think of how a birthday greeting would sound in English, Chinese, German, French and Italian.

Tell the most memorable incident (touching, scary or funny) that you experienced with the birthday girl.

If you have ever gone on dates with the opposite sex for a couple with a birthday girl, tell us about them in a few words: Where? With whom? What they were doing? How was it? and others interesting details! If you didn’t go, just lie from three boxes, answering the questions believably.

Turn on your imagination and draw a gift with a surprise.

Read the birthday girl's thoughts at the moment, using humor and funny words.

What interesting, funny or funny things did you do with the birthday girl? (during childhood, youth or old age)

Tell us about the most reckless (in your opinion) joint act with the birthday girl.

Tell us the funniest love or sexual adventure of your life!

Try to guess who each guest was at the age of 15: a party-goer, a nerd, a sexy chick, an alkonaut, a smeshariki, a ringleader, a correct one, a prankster? Don't forget to label yourself truthfully.

Tell us about the wildest prank you've ever played as a point guard or the victim of a prank.

If the birthday boy comes across a card with a story about a joint incident with the birthday boy, you choose any friend and tell a story related to you and to him.


One of the guests makes a wish from one word in the ear of the second guest, and the second guest, with the help of facial expressions and gestures, must show this word to the third guest, and he says the word to the fourth guest in his ear, etc. The last guest says the resulting wish to the birthday man. If the word conceived and the word obtained at the end are different, then this means that two whole wishes will come true! The game can be repeated until you get bored.

friendship tree

This activity is perfect for those who have old friends, and those who want to immerse themselves in pleasant memories of the old days with friends for a while. Touching emotions are guaranteed!

With the help of friends, you can build a friendship tree. To do this, you will need an A4 sheet and a pen. Download a family tree template ahead of time, or draw a tree with as many branches as you have friends, and write a friend's name next to each branch. Together with each friend, remember and write on the tree: Month and year of your acquaintance? How old were you? What did they do together at that time? And other interesting details that come to mind.

Game "I am a pig"

For those who want to fool around with friends, the game "I am a pig" will be a real find!

Rules of the game: the first participant invents and speaks into the ear of the second participant any funny name for an object, part of the body, animal, or even an invented word (offensive or not, it’s up to him), the second one comes up with the third one and so on, until the “names” are invented for everyone.

Then everyone takes turns calling themselves, for example: “I am a baby doll”, “I am a junkie”, “I am a donkey” and so on. Whoever laughs is penalized with one more word, which is added to the already existing name. It can be a noun, adjective or verb. All participants continue to call their “names”, and those who have come up with additional words already say whole phrases.

It is very funny when people start saying sentences related to other participants: for example, “I am a baby doll in a diaper”, “I am a baby doll riding a donkey”, “I am a talking donkey changing a baby doll’s diaper”, “I am a baby doll in a diaper”, etc.

Members who constantly laugh gain huge numbers additional words. And if each participant enters the role and calls himself, changing intonation and voice, there will simply be no limit to the fun!

Original birthday wishes

You can complete your birthday original wishes from all guests. Guests are given a pen and a piece of paper on which the beginning of the story is written.
The guests take turns to continue the incredibly happy story for the birthday boy. for example: "Today, on the way home, the birthday boy ... will find a lucky lottery ticket and win ... a trip to the Canary Islands, and when he is lying on the beach, ... his superiors will call him and tell him about the promotion ..."

The birthday boy will be pleased to receive such good wishes, and most importantly, they will remain with him as a keepsake! A happy birthday is a successful birthday!